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09x18 - Arthur's Mantle

Posted: 01/11/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Stargate SG

-1 Merlin?

"King Arthur and the knights of the round table" Merlin?


- Was an Ancient?

- I think so.

What does this have to do with where this alleged treasure is buried?

Certain threads point to the knights of the round table gathering great treasures from the far corners of Arthur's domain, and hiding them in a magical stronghold at Avalon.

All free Jaffa have always had the greatest respect for the warriors of the Sodan.

Granting my freedom changes nothing, Mitchell.

We will meet again.

You are still working on that thing.

Oh, hi.

Did you sleep here last night?

Of course not.

I slept down the hall in my quarters.

Sam This device was recovered from the cave under Glastonbury.

Who knows what Ancient secrets it may hold?

Well, obviously not you.

Or Dr.

Lee, who's been working on that thing for, what, six months?

I think it's time we let the eggheads at Area 51 take a crack at it.

Not yet.

I'm actually making some progress here.

That's what you said last night.

And I'm hankering for hash browns so, let's go grab some breakfast.

This is interesting.

This is the first time one of my verification scans kicked back a positive result.

Does this mean I'm not getting my hash browns?

It means this device is interactive.

I'm reading an E.


output that keeps fluctuating between high and low frequencies.

I'm gonna try to stabilize it.


What have you got to lose?

Season 9

- Episode 18 "Arthur's Mantle" You okay?

Yeah, fine.

What just happened?

Nicely done.

Can you read that?

My Ancient's a little rusty.


We need Jackson.

Hey, Bill, good timing.

Take a look at this.

Yo, doc, amazing discovery over here.

Bill, you okay?

Oh! What the hell?

What was that?

I don't know.

Okay, you're solid.

It's the device.

By initiating it, we must've triggered some sort of localized effect "Local" meaning you and me?


Try picking up that coffee cup.

Oh, boy.

We need to find Daniel.

"Out of phase?

" What does that mean?

It means we may have shifted to an alternate dimension.

And there are an infinite number of alternate dimensions.

No, no, no, that's alternate realities.

- So when the other SG

-1s showed up

- Completely different problem.

See, according to M

-theory, that unites the five superstring theories, there are several spatial dimensions eleven, actually, that exist in parallel with our physical reality.

- Now, these higher dimensions

- No, I'll take your word for it.

That was alternate reality.

This is alternate dimension.

Hell, all I need is a good time

-travel adventure and I've scored the SG

-1 trifecta.

Now, how is Jackson supposed to help us with this?

Well, a similar thing happened to him a few years ago.


-377 the Crystal Skull! You really did read every report from every mission we ever went on, didn't you?

I was in that hospital a long time, and they were all riveting.

Anyway, when Daniel was out of phase, nobody could see him, except for his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard.

And because the same thing happened to Ballard in Belize, Jackson should be able to see us because we're all part of the same club.



Teal'c, have you seen colonel Mitchell?

I have not.

I'm gonna need to talk to your team.


-12 just got back from P8T

-474 and it looks like we may have a timeline for whatever it is the Priors are planning.

According to the natives, this "doomsday" the Priors keep talking about may be only days away.

I will inform the others.

Jackson just the guy to help us with a little problem.

Or not.

The dimension we're occupying must be different from the one he was shifted to.

Alternate alternate dimensions?

Something like that, yeah.


So, what do we do?

We have to find a way to communicate with them.

Any ideas?

Unscheduled offworld activation! What have we got?

No I.


C, Sir, but I am receiving a radio signal.

Let's hear it.

What's wrong with it?

Sounds like harmonic distortion in the data stream.

I'm not sure, Sir.

Can you clean it up?

I can try, Sir.

Okay, that sounded like something hitting the iris.

Any way to know for sure what it was?

We can run some tests.

Do it.

And get Colonel Carter down here to help unscramble that message.

Yes, Sir.

I can't make heads or tails of this.

That's because the filter coefficient has to be adaptive.

The filter coefficient has to be adaptive.

Hey, wait a minute There you go.

Notice the slight variance in the output.

Notice it Come on! Notice it! Never mind.

What do you mean, they're missing?

They are not in their quarters, nor are they responding to any attempt to contact them.

Is it possible they aren't even on the base?

We checked the front gate.

Neither of them signed out.

What about security footage?

We're reviewing tapes for both the labs and the cafeteria, but beyond that, well, there are hundreds of cameras and hours of tape, so Then we'll screen them all if we have to.

I want them found.

Why am I getting that Patrick Swayze in Ghost feeling?


We need a Whoopi.


- We managed to clean up the message, Sir.

- Finally.

We noticed a slight variance in the output, so we ran it through a sequence of digital filters and we came up with this.

Stargate Command the Sodan.

- Please respond

- Did he say Sodan?

under attack many have fallen.

We request immediate assistance.

That's when we heard the impact against the iris, Sir.

General Landry, we should investigate.


Assemble a team.

Sir, colonel Mitchell is the one who should go.

He's the one who knows the Sodan the best.

I agree, but colonel Mitchell isn't here right now.

Oh, hey, have you seen colonel Carter?

- Hey, I was just coming to ask you the same thing.

- Really?

'Cause she left her laptop in my lab.

- She did?

- Yeah, yeah.

It's hooked up to that device that you picked up in Glastonbury.

There she is.

Fast forward.

There's colonel Mitchell.

What just happened?

Looks like the camera went offline.

Probably a power surge.

They're gone.

Okay, bring up the security camera for the corridor outside Dr.

Lee's lab.

Sync them up to 8:16 and run them simultaneously.

Okay, if they didn't go through the doorway, how did they get out of the room?

More staff blasts, just like back at the Gate.


A battle took place here as well.

The Sodan have been hiding here for thousands of years.

The only reason we got the transporter codes is because colonel Mitchell won their trust.

I doubt they would've given them to anyone else.

And yet evidently they were att*cked.

By who?

My God.

Conway, Stevens, get back to the Gate on the double.

Tell SGC we need med teams.

Yes, Sir.

Check the area for survivors.

Whomever did this knew well the most efficient way to k*ll a Jaffa.

Their symbiotes have been targeted.

They were shown no mercy.


- Pulse is weak.

- He will not survive long.

His symbiote is dead.

Lieutenant, help me get him into one of these huts.

We need to get some tretonin in him, stat.

Roast beef.

The one time I can't eat, and they serve roast beef.

Do you know how many times I've requested roast beef?

This is t*rture.

It's only been a few hours.

You're not the least bit concerned about this?

No one can see us or hear us.

We can't touch anything, ergo no eating, no drinking, and I'm not gonna speculate on the other bodily functions.

If they don't figure out a way to get us back They'll figure it out.

What have you got, Doctor?

Well we know that Sam was working on the device.

We know the device does not give off any typical energy signature emitted by Ancient transporter technology.

This leads us to the conclusion that they disappeared without leaving the room.

How is that possible?


Don't panic.

I have calculated the distance they could possibly travel on tiny legs, designated by this roped

-off area.

All we have to do is find them.

Ronald, start with section 1


I was unable to locate any other survivors.

What is his condition?

We don't know if the tretonin is going to take.

Even then, his injuries are pretty severe.

Without a symbiote Volnek Haikon.

Haikon fear not, brother.

You are among friends.

Teal'c save yourself.

You shouldn't be here.

Tell me who has done this.

Tell me who has caused this devastation.


It was Volnek.

One man did this?

Why would he turn on his people?

Tell me.

Haikon Haikon?

Major, come in! This is Hadden.

Go ahead.

We're under attack, Sir! Requesting backup immediately McKenzie, you stay with him.

Oh, come on.

It was just a theory.

Anyway, if I'd been right, you'd all be calling me a genius right now.

Yes, but you weren't right.

So, anything?

Ah nothing significant.

Fairly constant power readings, and slight traces of lepton radiation What?


Lepton radiation?

Lepton lepton radiation?

Yeah, but like I said, only traces.

I mean, there's nothing significant there.

Got to go.

Stevens! This one is alive.

I never saw him.

The sh*ts came out of nowhere.

No doubt Volnek is using a Sodan cloak.

We got to get him back to the Gate, now.

What's wrong?

The code is not working.

Someone has removed one of the control crystals.

Then how are we supposed to get out of here?

We cannot.

Come on, Jackson, figure it out.

I've already missed breakfast and lunch.

- General.

- Dr.


I just came from Dr.

Lee's lab.

Please tell me you have better news.

I've been going over some of the texts we recovered from the cave in Glastonbury.


Well, a lot of them seem to make oblique references to Arthurian legend.

For instance, the word "anawyn", which shows up several times, is, I believe, a variation on annwyn, the Celtic underworld, where king Arthur journeyed in search of 13 sacred objects, one of which was a cloak

- What, the picture of the guy with the big billowing robe?

- Said to render the wearer invisible.

It was called "the mantle of Arthur," and was kept at Bardsey Island by none other than our friend Myrddin, whom we know better as

- Merlin.

- Exactly.

I have no idea where you're going with this.

Me either.

Well, it wasn't until Dr.

Lee told me that he detected trace amounts of lepton radiation from the device that I was able to put it together.

You see, the crystal skull that transported me to another dimension also released lepton radiation.

And you think the same thing happened to colonel Carter and colonel Mitchell?

You're damn right! According to legend, the mantle makes the user invisible.

Now, given what I've read and what's happened today, I'm guessing it wasn't literally a cloak at all.

It was the device we recovered.

It makes sense, Sir.

Medieval historians could well have attributed the powers of the device to a cloak, simply because they didn't understand it, and they could have credited its recovery to Arthur, out of deference to the king who was in power at the time.

Now given what we know now, it seems much more likely that it was Merlin who actually built the device.

So why would Merlin build a device that could transport him to another dimension?


Today's "daily double".

Yeah, that's the part I haven't quite figured out yet.

- So close

- But at least it points to the possibility that both colonel Mitchell and colonel Carter may still be somewhere here on this base.

We just can't see or hear them.

We could make our way back to the Gate on foot.

I do not believe that would be wise.

The journey would take months, and the terrain is most treacherous.

There's not much for us here.

We're going to run out of supplies before long.

General Landry will send an extraction team when we fail to report.

And they'll end up stranded here, just like us.

We have food for the moment and we can build shelter.

Perhaps when the extraction team arrives, we can repair the obelisk.

What about Volnek?

He's still out there.

Leave him to me.

Teal'c he took out an entire village.

It is my understanding that those who use a Sodan cloaking device are invisible to everyone but each other.

So if you use that thing, you'll be able to see him?


Didn't help that guy much, though, did it?

Now, when I was out of phase, I could see and hear everything going on around me, so it follows if they're in the same situation, they're hearing what we're saying right now.

Except they can't respond.

Maybe they can.

They just don't know it.

Now, what does that look like to you?

First reaction.

A keyboard, except there's no visual interface.

Not here.

You mean it's on the other side?

Well, it stands to reason that Merlin would want the device to be interactive on both sides this and the alternate dimension.

Now, the interactivity on this side is difficult to access.

Now, I'm guessing as a type of safeguard against just anyone using the device.

But there'd be no reason to hide it on the other side.

Did you see that?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah! Sam?


If if you can hear me okay, let's call this button "yes," and this button "no".

Okay, first question.

Are you guys okay?

- Yes

- Yep.


" Oh, thank god.

- I mean, now we're getting somewhere.

- Okay, besides the interactivity, is there anything else unusual on your end?


Something connected to the device?

- Would you call it connected?

- Yes, Yes.

- Yes.


Is it some sort of display?

- That's that's an emphatic "yes".

- Okay, thought so.

Can you read it?

It's in Ancient, isn't it?



Now you guys are going to have to help me translate what you see.

But, you see, we don't know what pressing buttons randomly will do, so we're going to have to stick with "yes" and "no", and just do it one letter at a time.

- This is going to take a while?

- Oh, yeah.

Just keep me posted.

Yes, Sir.

Okay first letter Status?

Still no word from Teal'c or SG


How long are they overdue?

Over an hour.

Tell colonel Reynolds to prep an extraction team.

- Have them ready to move out ASAP.

- Yes, Sir.


First letter, next word.

Stop me when you see the right symbol.

How's it going?


We've almost completed the first sentence.

Listen, you think you'll be okay on your own here for a while?



We've lost contact with Teal'c.

Landry's sending SG

-3 and 22 to check on him at the Sodan village.

I figured I'd tag along.


Yeah, well, Jackson was able to travel through the Gate when he was out of phase, so, yeah.

Well, that's my point.

- You're out of phase.

What do you hope to accomplish?

- Sam, Teal'c could be in trouble.

I want to check it out.

No one can see me, I can't get hurt I can gather intel that no one else can.

- Sam?


Did you see it?

- Listen, I promise I'll come back through the Gate when they dial to check in.

- I'll only be gone a couple of hours.

- Hello?

You guys still there?

- Cameron

- Sam.

Teal'c may need help, and I have friends among the Sodan.

I'll be back soon, promise.

Like slap a button or something.

Okay, thank you.

First letter, next word, and stop me when you see the right symbol.



Next word That's it.

My God, I finally figured out what colonel Carter did to trigger the device.

I had to run a reverse scan on all the energy fluctuations that we've been recording, put them through a program designed to anyway.

I isolated the algorithm she used to synchronize the energy emissions coming from the device.


Don't you see?

That means if I counteract Sam's algorithm from my computer, allow the emissions to return to their normal frequencies that could well reverse the process.

Oh, just give me a sec.

This is brilliant.

That should do it.



Bill, I will never doubt you again.

Oh, boy.


Jackson, can can you hear me?

If you can, press this button for yes.

Teal'c! You alright?

It is a light wound.


What happened?

I found Volnek.

Then you're lucky to be alive.

Haikon! Others were not so fortunate.

He woke up a few minutes ago.

What has happened to Volnek?

Ten days ago, he went to a neighboring world to acquire supplies for our village.

On the way back to the Chaapa'ai, he encountered a Prior.

He was told that the Sodan had committed unforgivable treason against the Ori.

The Prior vowed that great ill would befall us, then planted his staff into the ground.

Volnek returned to the village and told me of the encounter.

We took the threat seriously, keeping a watchful eye on the Chaapa'ai.

Several days passed without incident until Volnek fell ill.

He became irrational incoherent.

We isolated him, and treated him with our best medicines, but his condition worsened.

Yesterday, he broke the bonds that were meant to restrain him.

Our finest warriors attempted to subdue him, but he k*lled them all with very little effort.

He then turned on everyone in sight.

His own brother, Jolan, was k*lled in the carnage that followed.

Women and children fled to the woods and Volnek followed them, and slaughtered them all without mercy.

To the best of my knowledge, I am the only one to have survived.

Rest, brother.



-22, establish defensive perimeter! SG

-3, stick close to me.

Colonel Reynolds.

Teal'c, what the hell happened here?

Why haven't you checked in?

- The eye of the gods has been damaged.

- We're trapped here.

So are you.

The Ori had a hand in what has transpired here.

The Ori?

We have much to discuss.


Okay, if you're still there, I've given it some thought, and my guess is it should be a simple matter of reversing the process.

I'm on it.

Is that supposed to be reassuring?

Where's Mitchell?

He went offworld with the extraction team.


He was convinced he could help Teal'c.

I couldn't talk him out of it.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

There's no sense in worrying about that now.

On the bright side, the translation will go a lot quicker now that you're here.

Okay, this is interesting.

It appears to be a log of some kind.

Merlin was conducting research on some kind of new invention.

And it was something big.

He went to great lengths to try and hide it.

This device was invented for the sole purpose of keeping his research a secret.

He needed a way to conceal it from Daniel?

Merlin needed to conceal his research from His fellow ascended beings.

But, if he was ascended, he must have retaken human form to perform his research.

I don't get it.

What invention could have been so important that it would have led him to give up his ascension?

A w*apon.

A w*apon capable of destroying ascended beings.

You hit him with two P

-90s, and he didn't die.

How's that possible?

We have encountered something like this before.

An Ancient device capable of reanimating dead tissue.

Anubis used a similar technology to give life to his Kull warriors.

I'm assuming there's no cure.

The Volnek we knew is dead.

So how do we stop him it, whatever?

By destroying the body entirely.


Oh, that's what I'm talkin' about.

We just plant two of them opposite each other and run a tripwire right through the middle.

Then all we got to do is lure him in.

Piece of cake.

While we're at it, maybe we can teach him how to speak japanese.

I will do it.


Teal'c, the k*ll zone is going to be huge.

You'll have to be awful quick to get out of it.


No, no.

Now, that's just crazy.

Let's at least wait for reinforcements.

Waiting will only put the lives of others at risk.

Volnek was clever enough to disable the eye of the gods.

Undoubtedly, the missing crystal is in his possession.

The only way we can return to Earth is to retrieve it.

And the only way that we can do that is by k*lling Volnek.

There is no other way.

Merlin believed that the Ori represented a significant threat to the safety of this galaxy, including the Ancients themselves who refused to take any action to protect themselves against them.

So he went ahead and developed the w*apon anyway?

Well, he found a way of doing it without their knowing about it, by shifting his research to another dimension.

So, the w*apon, did did he ever complete it?

See, this is all technical way over my head.

I wish you understood Ancient.

These notes seem to indicate that he completed the w*apon here on Earth, and then had to relocate it to I don't need to know Ancient to understand what that is.

A Gate address to where he hid the w*apon.

Claymores are ready.

You and your men establish a perimeter.

I will lead Volnek into the trap.

You sure you want to do this?

I am.

Okay I'm going to try to make an adjustment to the algorithm.

It's a bit of a long shot, but if I can get this to sync up Oh no.


This is Dr.


I I'd like to speak with general Landry, please.

Yeah, it's a bit of an emergency.

You know, there's a fine line between crazy

-brave and crazy

-crazy, my friend, and you are walking it.

You realize he took out an entire Sodan village?

You know, the last thing I need is for you to get yourself k*lled.

Do you realize how long it'll take me to find a replacement?

You worry far too much, Colonel Mitchell.

You can hear me now?

And see you.

- You're not surprised?

- What is it?

What's going on?

I'm not sure, but I may have accidentally drained a significant portion of the machine's power supply.

How significant?

According to these readings, it could reach critical failure inside 15 minutes.

And what happens to Carter, Mitchell, and Daniel?

In all likelihood, we'll be permanently stranded.

So, we can see each other when you're cloaked.

That means, if Volnek is cloaked, he'll be able to see me.

All I've got to do is get his attention and lead him right back to Reynolds.

I do not feel comfortable allowing you to shoulder all the risk.

Ain't no risk.

I'm out of phase, remember?

And you are certain you will not be injured?


Hey, take your best shot, if you don't Good luck, Colonel Mitchell.

Hey, did you even think twice about that?

I did not.

Volnek! Hey, Volnek! Volnek! Where are you, homeboy?

Come on out and show me some of those monster moves! Oh, there you are.

I was getting worried.


You got to do better than that.

Come on, big fella! There you go.

Come on and get you some.

We're running out of time.

Okay, I think I've got it.

This looks like some sort of master control screen.


Here it is.

It's a it's a button combination.

If this works, what happens to Mitchell?

I don't know.

It's possible there's still a subspace connection linking him to the device.

And if there isn't?


Okay I'm gonna try and make an adjustment to the algorithm.

It's a bit of a long shot You better be sure about this, Doctor, because if you make me disappear there won't be a dimension safe enough for you.

Come on, don't give up! Come on! Come on! Oh, crap.

You did it.

No, actually, I didn't.

It was Daniel.

He figured it out.

Where's colonel Mitchell?

You know, the whole point of my coming here was for me to rescue you.

You are most welcome, Colonel Mitchell.

Now, let's see him get up from that one.

Unfortunately, we must now locate the crystal.

What, you talking about this crystal?

I took it off him during the fight.

You know, if we hurry we'll make it in time for dinner.