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09x10 - The Fourth Horseman: Part 1

Posted: 01/11/23 06:31
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Stargate SG

-1 What say you to the promise of the Ori?

We will hear no more of false Gods.

First we had to make a choice.

Follow the Ori or be destroyed.

In moments, our city was leveled.

If a Prior visits your world, leave.

It's great knowledge, power, understanding, not enough for you to revere the Ori?

It doesn't mean I would m*rder innocent people in their name.

If we don't continue to work together, the victory that we worked so long and hard for, could result in chaos.

My name is Orlin.

I'm from the planet you just visited.

Actually the truth is, I love you.

Oh my God.

I'm just saying it's pure ego.

Pure ego?

I don't know.

At that level of enlightenment?

I mean, arrogance is about pleasure, right?

Wallowing in the pride of one's achievement.

Well, you don't think that getting a whole galaxy to bow down to worship you, is something to write home about?

No, I'm just saying the ascended beings that I've met have pretty much all the satisfaction anyone can need.

They don't need to lord it over us.

They kind of look at us the way we look at bugs.




No, look, I get what you're saying, but Damn!

- That smell, is that you?

- No.

Don't think so.

Oh, Barnes! Right, of course.

I should have known that stench was you.

Very funny, Mitchell.

Been under cover on P2X


Not to mention 130 degrees in the shade.

Well you might want to think about taking a shower, before you debrief Landry.

Right after Lam clears us.


Lucky her! Maybe if we're lucky she'll give us all a sponge bath.

I wouldn't repeat that around the General, Lieutenant.

I wouldn't repeat that around me.

Sorry Sir.

Let's go.

OK seriously.

What's his problem?

Aside from the fact that's a completely inappropriate comment?

Lam is Landry's daughter.

- Sir, I'm sorry.

- Know when to shut up, Lieutenant.

Hey, Colonel! How'd it go, by the way?

Not good.

Third planet this month.

I asked not to be disturbed.

Forgive me, but he is here.


Have you contemplated your destiny?

I have read from the book and I find it to be most illuminating.

Antares and the river.

How the people of the low valley were freed from the yoke of an iron serpent who ruled over them without mercy.

Do you see this as more than mere coincidence?

You suggested this prophecy.

Such is the wisdom granted by true enlightenment and the road we all must take.

Many Jaffa are without faith and direction.

Hurt by the lies and betrayal of those who have enslaved us.

You've been burned by evil.

But do not let that keep you from the warmth and light of the eternal flame.

Let Origin show you the way.

I'm merely saying that it may still take some time for other Jaffa to see Origin as I have come to see it.

But, I vow to spread the word of the Ori to all Jaffa.

Hallowed are the Ori.

Hallowed are the Ori.

Season 9

- Episode 10 The Fourth Horseman Part 1 Colonel Carter! I've read your proposal.


And, I'm not exactly sure what an aneurism feels like, but I suspect I'm pretty close.

Boy, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Can you put this in layman's terms?

Well, simply speaking, Sir, based on the research that was done on Anubis' genetic experiment, Khalek, we believe we may be close to developing a technology that could inhibit a Priors special abilities.

Are we talking about a anti

-Prior g*n here?

Because I don't remember seeing the word g*n anywhere in here.

Well it wouldn't be a g*n exactly, but that is kind of what made us think it was possible.

Because I was able to sh**t Khalek while he was focused on defending himself from you.

Which meant he wasn't omnipotent.

You think the Priors are the same.

We've identified specific portions of the brain that were active when Khalek was using his unique abilities.

Now he had those abilities because he was at a much more evolved state very close to ascension.

Now, we're hoping the Ori are affecting the Priors in much the same way.

Dr Lee and I are working on a way of targeting and neutralizing those higher brain functions, using a field generator emitting fluctuating ultrasonic frequencies.

And my headache was just going away.

I don't wanna sound overly optimistic Sir, but I think we may be close to testing within a couple of days.

I would like to report that something positive came out of that whole Khalek situation.

- Yes Sir.

- Keep me posted.

He didn't look too impressed.

Oh, trust me.


-Prior g*n would have gone down better.

If the Jaffa at Kallana had heeded the wisdom of the Priors, then they'd still be alive today.

The Jaffa at Kallana were defending themselves against a military incursion.

The Ori were attempting to construct a means by which to invade our galaxy and attack us.

They offer us the wisdom of the ages and everlasting life and we met that with force! Were their actions not justified?

Thousands of lives were lost.

All the more reason why we should respect their power.

If you are suggesting we have no other choice but to acquiesce, that would be cowardice.

Gerak! I believe their intentions are pure.

They offer us enlightenment, knowledge, salvation.

All of these things can be ours, if we have the courage to embrace our destiny.

I believe a recess is in order.

The council will deliberate on Gerak's proposal.

I came as soon as I heard.

Gerak has proposed that the religion of the Ori should be adopted by all Jaffa.

As law?

To be taught to our children.

It's benedictions and traditions followed to the letter.

Should it be ratified by the council, all Jaffa would have no choice but to accept the Ori as Gods.

True belief cannot be legislated.

Surely the council must know this is beyond their purview.

But Gerak seems to have swayed many.

He is convinced that the Ori represent the true Gods we have all sought for generations and that only by worshipping them can we finally find peace and enlightenment.

Then he is a fool and must be revealed as such.

Gerak is many things, but he's no fool, Teal'c.

Because of us, too many Jaffa now know that the Ancients of this galaxy will never offer us a quick path to ascension.

Still, the Ori are not the answer.


But Gerak is old, as are many of the Council.

For them, the Ori represent hope for life beyond that which we now know.

For that reason alone, this proposal will carry weight.

A couple of days?

Well, we'll just have to roll up our sleeves and burn some midnight oil if we have to.

Midnight oil Why didn't you just tell them we'd come up with a viable means of creating cold fusion while you were at it?

Sure, if you've got something! No, look, I mean, all we have is a bunch of uncorrelated data and a theory.

I mean, I admit it's a pretty sound theory, if you pardon the pun.

Ultrasonic waves! That's good.

Anyway, I mean, it's gonna be a matter of months before we get it Oh! I see.

I understand.

This is your first project, back from Area 51 and you just you just wanna impress everybody, ri.


Can you hear me?


Ah, no, I Right.

Sleeves up and working! It's Colonel Barnes.

About three hours ago he came in complaining of fatigue.

About an hour after that, he could barely stand.

High fever, chest pain, respiratory distress.

Sound familiar?

You're certain it's the same?

He's displaying identical symptoms as the people who were infected on 412.

It's a Prior plague.

We have to find Lieutenant Fisher, and fast.

In my many years of service, I have met with our men and women in uniform around the world.

Active, guard and reserve along the front lines and those here at home.

And then as now, I am continually amazed by your courage, dedication and patriotism.

Our airmen, soldiers, sailors and marines, are symbols of the pride and strength of this nation.

Be proud of what you do.

You make our nation stronger and our world safer.

Thank you.

What's going on?

This way Sir.

Back off.

Back off.

Lieutenant Fisher?

Yes Sir?

You're gonna have to come with me immediately.

Come on, that way.

In here please.

You cleared SG

-6 when they returned from 885.

I approved their clearance, yes.

We've been taking extra precautions since the outbreak on 412, but you can't test for a virus that you don't know exists.

This strain has a completely different genetic make

-up and what's worse, it seems to be mutating right before our eyes.

Sir! They've found Fisher.

They're bringing him in.

And everyone at the speech has been quarantined.

Barnes says he thinks Fisher was the one who made direct contact with the Prior.

Airman Ryan is showing early symptoms.

Lieutenant Brooks has been quarantined as well.

Sir, we have no way of knowing who Fisher may have come into contact with prior to leaving this base.

Or how far this thing has spread.

It was a couple of days before we left the planet.

Airman Ryan and I went to morning prostration.

The Prior was there preaching.

You had no idea your cover had been blown?

No Sir.

There is no way anybody from that planet could have known we were from Earth.

The Prior walked among us, touching people on the head.

Some sort of benediction.

Wait, wait, wait he touched Sorry, he touched you on your head?

I'm sorry Sir.

If I had realised it was so important, I would have put it in my report.

That's alright Lt.

Thank you.

So how come he isn't sick?

I'm guessing it's because he's just a carrier.

If he got sick and died from the virus, it wouldn't spread very far would it?


Dr Lam?

A word.

What have we got?

He's definitely patient zero.

The team on site at Peterson just reported that two of the people in the crowd at General Hammond's speech are displaying symptoms and have tested positive.

The General himself is fine.

That's good Sir.

What about the restaurant and the gas station Fisher stopped at on his way into town?

The CDC has mobilised units to try and contain the situation.

They've sent out bulletins to every hospital and medical facility in the state.

Anyone showing plague symptoms will be referred to us.

Do we have a cover story?

A new influenza that first appeared at St Francis Medical Center, two day's ago.

We're issuing a press release in an hour.

Colonel, I'd like you in the field, following up on Lieutenant Fisher's activities, just to be sure.

Yes Sir.

You'll have to get scrubbed and stay in hazmat on the outside.

Yes ma'am! Twelve infected base personnel have been quarantined too.

Four of them are showing early symptoms.

Now half of those people came in direct physical contact with SG

-6 after they came back.

However, the rest of them didn't.

Which means we should assume the worst case scenario.

Which is?

The virus may be airborne and persistant.

So we have no idea how many people this will ultimately affect.


Unauthorised offworld activation.

What now?

You wanted to be a General.

General Landry to the control room.


It's Teal'c Sir.

I've established a videolink with him on Dakara.

General Landry.

Chief Harriman has informed me of the situation.

May I be of any assistance?

Not at the moment.

We've restricted gate travel in and out of the base for the time being.


How'd it go with the council?

Have they made a decision?

They have not.

But I have been told that they are leaning towards accepting Gerak's proposal, despite our warnings.

Doesn't sound good.

Bra'tac and I no longer believe this battle can be won through diplomacy alone.

The Council must know of our resolve by other means.

Such as?

We will travel to Chulak to meet with other Jaffa leaders who feel as we do.

No matter what the council decides, we will resist any alliance with the Ori.

So your fight for freedom may end up in an all out civil w*r.


Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

It's a self service station, Sir.

According to receipts, 22 people have used the pump that Fisher used.

We're tracking down the folks that used credit cards.

Six used cash.

We've called in the National Guard.

I'm staying in touch with the Governor, but it looks like we may need to close down the state Colonel.

Yes Sir, it's pretty bad.

The attendant's been put into quarantine and it looks like he's got it.

That's not the news I wanted to hear.

What are you doing?

- What are you doing?

- I'm testing frequencies.

- With Dark Pariah?

- I can't hear a thing.

Noise cancelling technology.

- How's it coming?

- Not well.

I mean, we all know our auditory senses are a direct line to certain brain functions and we know that they respond differently to different sonic frequencies, but you know, trying to achieve something as specific as isolating one small part of the brain that's like I mean it's like it's like trying to do something that's impossible.

- Good analogy.

- Oh come on, I haven't slept! What?


No, I said it first.

What are, what are you looking at?


I think I'm just tired too.

The waitress who served him, the cook, the manager, they're all testing positive.

We have fourteen customers unaccounted for.

Bulletins are being issued on local and national radio and television.

- The media's having a field day.

- Have you closed the state border, Sir?

Too late for that Colonel.

We already have reported cases in Utah, Kansas and New Mexico.

- Faster than we can move.

Airports, bus stations, train stations.

They're all secure at this point but more than one person seems to have gotten out.

- Will do, Sir.

Panicked citizens are demanding answers from authorities who have been clearly overwhelmed by the speed and scope of the virus.

Despite their best efforts, the contagion continues to spread at an alarming rate.

Of course, keep it right here.

We'll have the latest in breaking news on the hour, every hour.

We'll see you then.

This is going nowhere and my sleeves are up as high as they can go.

Perhaps if we tried a different kind of spread spectrum.

A combination of waves.

Yeah but, look I, I'm sorry.

The only thing I can confirm with any kind of certainty, is that sleep deprivation definitely has an adverse affect on all brain function.

I'm gonna go get some coffee.

Do you want anything?

No, I'm good.

- You're so close.

I know.

Hello Sam.

It's good to see you again.

I've missed you.

Who are you?

I had no choice but to take this form.

It's me, Orlin.

As far as I can tell, he's a normal Human adolescent.

Who claims he's an Ancient who has descended and taken Human form.

There really is no other explanation Sir, for how he could have gotten into the base.

Or know the things he knows.

I'm pretty sure he's given us the key to finishing the anti Prior technology that Dr Lee and I were working on.

According to the mission report on your first encounter with Orlin, you two had an intimate relationship?

Well, we did.

But, he didn't look like that.

- He was

- Taller?

He was a grown man.


So why come back as a boy this time?

He said he had no choice, Sir.

He had to take a younger form in order to preserv as many of the Ancient memories as possible.

The knowledge he possesses as an ascended being was too massive for a normal Human brain to handle.

We're guessing that having a younger brain gave him a slightly better chance of retaining the knowledge a little longer.

That makes sense, actually.

The known make

-up of a still developing mind has a potential for better memory retention than that of an adult.

Ultimately Sir, he says he will lose most of the knowledge.

Sir, I think he's taking a huge risk just to be here.

We should at least hear him out.

I'm sorry.

Aren't you breaking some major cosmic rules here?

I mean, why did the others let you go without wiping your memory clean?

Honestly, I don't really know.

I guess enough of them felt it was necessary for someone to step out of line and warn you.

I'm assuming you're talking about the Ori.

We're already aware of the threat they pose.

Believe me.

You don't know everything.

A long time ago, the Ori and the Alterans were one society.

Human, on an evolutionary path to ascension.

But a philosophical division grew.

The Ori grew more and more fervent in their religious belief.

The Alterans, for a lack of a better way of putting it, believed in science.

The Ori tried to wipe them out.

So instead of going to w*r, the Alterans built a ship, left the galaxy and came here.

We know that both the Alterans and the Ori eventually ascended and that the Ori passed on their religion called Origin to the next evolution of Humans they created.

Yes, but the central promise of the religion, everything the Origin's followers devote themselves to, is a lie.

Are you saying that the Ori don't offer their followers, ascension?

No, most certainly not.

Then they'd have to share.

Share what?

The power they sought from those who worship them.

Well, how is that possible?

I mean, are you saying that there is a real physical transfer of energy to the Ori that occurs simply through a Human being's belief in them?

Simply is not how I would put it.

It's quite complicated, but possible.

And if they're to have a measurable effect it requires massive numbers of Humans really pushing their will.

Nevertheless it is one of the main reasons the Ancients have so strongly believed in strict non interference in the lower planes.

Because the temptation to manipulate and malign lower life forms into some order for your own purposes can result in exactly this type of abuse and corruption.

The Ori empower themselves by sapping the life force of those willing to surrender themselves to them.


And this promise of salvation in return Leads to nothing but death of the most meaningless kind.

Because there's no conscious effort to achieve enlightenment without being spoon fed by the Ori.

Do the Priors know this?

I mean, are they complicit?


They are merely pawns.

The more worlds the Priors convert, the more powerful the Ori become.

They must be stopped.

Why don't the Ancients, Alterans, whatever you call yourselves now, why don't you stop them?

I'm one of them no longer.

And even if I was, it is unclear whether such action would result in victory.

Nor is such an endeavour at that level necessarily the next best step to further enlightenment.

All I can say for sure is that if this galaxy were to succumb and bow to the Ori, it would be very bad for everyone.

You have spread the word of the Ori well, Gerak.

I believe that their wisdom was worthy of my efforts.

And yet, such wisdom still falls upon deaf ears.

A group of unbelievers, Jaffa, would stand against your leadership and the Ori, are meeting, as we speak, on Chulak.

But your belief cannot be forced upon others.

The offering of Origin, speaks for itself.

I believe that in time, they will come to believe that this is true.

As you have said.

The Jaffa are strong willed.

You are a people that understands the nobility of bloodshed.

The neccessity of sacrifice.

What would you have me do?

Go to Chulak.

Mark it as the last place a Jaffa will ever defy the power of the Ori and destroy all those who will not walk the path to enlightenment.

We're hoping that as long as you're here, you may be able to help us.

I no longer possess the power to simply cure this plague as I could have as an ascended being.

However, with the knowledge I still retain, I believe I can synthesise a cure easily, using your medical technology.

You built a stargate in my basement with spare parts from a toaster.

Actually, this will be a little harder than that.


The battle at Kallana.

I lost a cousin there.

And it does still haunt me today.

But it does not cause me to doubt my decision.

I have read from the book of Origin.

Searched for the wisdom you speak so highly of.

And I do see fables, meant to fill us all a raft of hope with purpose.

Stories of morality and righteousness.

And this is not worthy of your respect?

So are the traditions of the Jaffa.

Are we just supposed to abandon all that we are?

No! But if you want to look really carefully you will find everything that we want is in here.

Everything that we ever desired is in here.

How's it going?

Basically, I know what I need to make.

I just don't have any of the right materials or tools.

This is the best we have.

I can get you a toaster if you need it.

Not unless you're hungry for toast.

Waffle iron?

Look, I hate to be pushy, but do you have any kind of timeframe on this?


Time from your perspective is not something I'm all that used to dealing with.

So is there anything I can do?

You can keep me company.


Hospitals are struggling to cope with an influx of people.

- who suspect they may have contracted the virus.

As a result, crowded waiting rooms are now serving only to exacerbate an already difficult Put him on speaker.

What have you got, Colonel?

Sir, we have a problem.

Looks like one of the people that used the gas pump Fisher touched got onto a plane before the quarantine went into effect.

To where?

It's bad.

He caught a flight to Denver.

With connections to Chicago and New York.

Sir, I'm afraid we've lost control of the situation.

I have to admit, it's nice being out of that uncomfortable suit for a while.

I know I'm vulnerable now as a Human, but I still can't quite get my head around my own frailty.


You've been at it nearly nine hours, straight.

You need something to eat.

I am hungry.

Maybe it's just me.

It has been a while since I experienced Human senses, but this food doesn't smell very good.

That's because it's not very good.

I remember eating pretty well the last time I did this.

This is a one way trip for you this time, isn't it?

The others.

They're not gonna help you ascend again, are they?

I don't think so.

I know it must be kind of weird, my appearing this young.

A little.

But I understand.

My only regret in all this is that Human social conventions preclude us from showing affection the way I wish I could.

Excuse me?

My feelings haven't changed for you, since we last saw each other, Sam.

Maybe in a few years.

It's OK.

We don't need to talk about it any further.

I just wanted you to know that taking Human form at this age, well necessary, didn't come easy, because of how I knew I would feel being here with you again.

Is it me, or is this food not very good?

Are you making a joke?


It has been a while since I tasted food, but this seems terrible.

We just talked about that.

Oh right.

I'm sorry.

I'm used to hearing my own thoughts in my mind and sometimes it's hard to distinguish which ones I say out loud.

Did I tell you I still have feelings for you?

Yes, thank you.


We don't need to go into that again.

Five thousand confirmed cases of infection.

Now, the bulk of those are from the Colorado Springs and Denver areas.

What about New York and Chicago?

The country's in a panic.

The President's preparing an address.

What the hell happened to JFK and Salt Lake?

The CDC had the manifest and the names of the flight crew.

And because we moved fast, most of the passengers were quarantined, but a few still remain unaccounted for.

They're doing the best they can to track them down now.

We're now hearing about cases in new locations.

Every hour now as opposed to three or four a day.

What about casualties?

There are only eight people dead so far.

Five of them are SGC personnel.

So far?

I say so far, because of the reasonably long incubation period.

Again, this virus was designed to avoid detection and for maximum spreading capability.

And we know it's deadly.

So with over 5,000 people infected and no effective treatment as of yet, that number of casualties will climb very quickly, very soon.

Colonels! Please tell me something good is happening somewhere.

Dr Lee has finished the anti Prior prototype.

Of course, without a Prior on hand.

It does need to be field tested, but we think we have a good reason to try it.

How's that?

Orlin seems to have hit a dead end with his work on a cure.

He says there's a vital component missing.

I told you.

Anything he needs.

What he needs is a blood sample from the Prior who infected Lieutenant Fisher.

Orlin thinks the Prior essentially manipulated his own DNA to create the virus.

It has mutated several times since then, but he still thinks having the root DNA that it was based on, may help.

You're talking about using an untested technology to try and capture a Prior.

No, not just any Prior.

The Prior who infected Fisher.

Using our intel from our friends on the Sodan planet, who led us to 885 in the first place, apparently they're expecting the same Prior back there tomorrow.

And you're sure they can be trusted?

As far as we know, the Sodan are the ones who blew SG

-6's cover.

I don't believe that, Sir.

Seems awful risky.

Given that Orlin doesn't even sound positive this will help him.

Orlin's attempt to find a cure might not be the only reason to do this.

He thinks the Priors don't know the truth about the Ori.

Maybe if we enlighten them for a change.

You want to try and turn this Prior.

Well maybe not a complete 180, but he might give us something, especially once he finds out his Gods aren't going to ascend him.

If he believes you.

Won't know until we try, Sir.

In the meantime, we can at least get a blood sample.

So how does it work?

Assuming it actually does work.


You know, I keep telling myself that one of these days I'm gonna do something that actually gets me a little respect around here.

We're all waiting for that day, Bill.

Theoretically, once activated, the device will emit an omnidirectional ultrasonic field.

And that will prevent a Prior from accessing a highly evolved area of his brain that gives him a super Human ability.

Of course, we're presuming that the staff weapons the Priors carry, are also mentally activated and will also be neutralised.

While we're at it, why don't we just assume that I can fly! Oh actually, I've been working on a theory where You said yourself it would be risky.

Yeah, I know, I know I said that, but the more I'm hearing, the more it's crossing over into crazy.

Don't get me wrong, I like crazy, that's why I asked for this job.

One more thing.

There's a range of frequencies programmed into the emitter.

If one doesn't work at first?

Try the others.

Even if the Kal'chak region commits to our cause, we will still be outnumbered in ships and armies.

Nearly six to one.

Hopefully, no sh*ts will ever be fired.

You believe our mere willingness to battle our brothers, will force the council to hear us?

The council is lost.

It is the hearts and minds of our brothers and sisters, that will take notice.

They must be made aware of the threat the Ori pose.

If he is unarmed, let him enter.

You are not welcome here! The powers of the Ori, cannot be denied.

I have come to beg you to cease this madness or be destroyed.

By whose hand?

My Ha'tak is in orbit above this planet.

You would m*rder your brothers and sisters.

Innocent children, for choosing the life of a free Jaffa?

You leave me no alternative.

You have been warned.

What are you doing?

I thought you were going to get some rest?

As soon as I finish the DNA sequencing program.

That way, when we get the sample from the Prior, we can plug in the decoded strand and we'll know if it's going to help.

Orlin, you've already done it.


The sequencing program.

You finished it a couple of hours ago.

You were gonna get some rest.

I was on my way and I felt like I had forgotten something.


It's OK.

I'm just tired.

No, you're not.

I want you to go see Dr Lam.

I think she has enough to deal with right now.

Orlin, you're our best hope for finding a cure.

We need you to be OK.

I have them targeted.

Shall I open fire?

The only true darkness, lives in the hearts of those who will not follow the path.

Otherwise, there's always some measure of light.

And where there is light, the Ori see all.

I spared their lives because I believe they will soon see.

You defied me! We do not serve the Ori at our whim! You cannot win the hearts of the Jaffa, by needlessly spilling the blood of the innocent.

We are mere mortals.

We cannot begin to question those with the knowledge and understanding of the infinite universe.

If a few Jaffa must give their lives, so that all Jaffa from now until the end of time, can find true enlightenment, then who are YOU to stand in the way! Would you forgive me?

Ask me not for forgiveness.

I sense your doubt, Gerak.

But fear not.

The Ori do not require blind obedience.

They will show you their power.

Where are we?

Your physical form remains on Dakara.

The power of the Ori has brought your mind here, to Celestus, City of the Gods.


Hallowed are the Ori.

Relax Jackson.

I spent two weeks with these guys.

We've got nothing to worry about.

Well, considering what happened the last time we were here, you'll forgive me if I'm a little cautious.

We'll be fine.

Are we still fine?

Yeah, we're fine.

Good, just checkin' It's the most active scan we've seen since Khalek.

That device you brought back from Anubis' genetic lab, shows us his actual synaptic interaction.

And Looks like pockets of cells are just shutting down.

I can't say for certain, but I can hazard a guess they're wearing out from extremely unnatural overuse.

Well he said he would lose the memories, eventually.

Human brain isn't meant to hold that much information.

This looks worse than that.

It's like the cells are literally dying, because they can't handle all the synaptic activity.


Hey! This is way beyond my experience.


As you said, the Human brain wasn't supposed to be used this way.

I don't know if it's conscious or not, but it's possible he's trying to hold onto the knowledge.

And holding onto that much knowledge is causing brain damage.

That's right.

Have him contact me as soon as he lands.

We're tracking a new outbreak in Florida.



Just received a communique from the Whitehouse.

Can I have your attention please?

At last count, we have reports of over 8,000 people infected in 13 states.

As a result of these numbers, as of 0800 this morning, the President has ordered that all borders in the United States be closed until further notice.

All inbound planes and ships and other traffic, will be ordered to divert to alternate destinations.

Our country is now entirely under quarantine.

You cannot ratify this proposal until all members of this council have been heard from!

- So far six regional members

- You merely seek to delay the inevitable.

If and when all Jaffa wish to embrace the Ori, then we shall act accordingly.

If our brothers refuse to accept Origin into their hearts, then they seal their own fate.

We cannot turn our backs on our own salvation because of indecisiveness.

And they will see their way to the path.

It is the destiny of all Jaffa to follow Origin.