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02x26 - The Expanse

Posted: 01/10/23 20:39
by bunniefuu
♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪


Twice he's been captured,
and twice he's escaped.

Our Magistrate should never
have shown him mercy.

He should have been
ex*cuted for his crimes.

You had a simple mission, Duras:

locate the rebels
that Archer was harboring

and return them to the Empire.

But you failed.

Archer made a fool of you.

We are offering you a chance
to regain your command

and your honor.

I will not fail.

It has to be something
pretty serious.

What's going on?

Captain wants to talk to us.

About what?

He's speaking to
Admiral Forrest.

It's the third time
in the last hour.

Well, something's obviously up.

I can't remember
the last time he asked me

to join the senior staff
for a briefing.

Maybe it has something
to do with the...

There's been an attack on Earth.

What do you mean "attack"?

A probe.

They don't know
where it came from.

It fired a w*apon
that cut a swath

4,000 kilometers long...

from Florida to Venezuela.

There may have been
a million casualties.

A million?

We've been recalled.

Did they say why?

I didn't ask.

It'll take a while
to get back, sir.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

It's Admiral Forrest, sir.


Set a course, Travis.

Warp 5.

Come in.

Excuse me, Captain.


When you spoke
to Admiral Forrest,

did he say
what part of Florida was hit?

No, I'm sorry.

Ah, she may have been away.

Architects take a lot of trips.

Older or younger?

My baby sister.

When we were in school...

I made sure all the boys
in her class

got a good look at me.

None of them
ever messed with her.

Maybe she was away.

Anything you can tell me
about what the Admiral said?

The number of casualties
has been revised.

It's up to three million.

Why would someone do this?

Come in.

I spoke with Ambassador Soval.

A Vulcan transport

located the pod in Central Asia.

They retrieved it

and brought it
to Starfleet Headquarters.

What do they know?

Very little.

There was a pilot
k*lled on impact.

Who the hell was he?

What species?

They don't know.

Did they say anything about
what part of Florida was hit?


Trip's sister lives in Florida.


Captain, we've got
Suliban ships,

eight of them,
approaching at high warp.

Just what we need.

Tactical Alert.

Hail them.

They're not responding.

Try again.

The Captain!

There's someone who needs
to speak with you.


I knew you'd have
something to with this.

Do with what?

Millions of people...

You k*lled millions of people!

I'm afraid I don't know
what you're talking about.

That wouldn't be wise, Captain.

What the hell am I doing here?

There's someone who
needs to speak with you.

He has information you
should find helpful.

Don't worry, you
won't be harmed.

Information about what?

Something to do with
your species...

it's in great danger.

He can see you more clearly
if you move closer.

Who is he?

He wants to talk to you.

It would be foolish
to ignore him.

What do you want?

Your planet was att*cked.

I'm aware of that.

What you're not aware of is why.

The probe was sent by the Xindi.

They learned that their world
would be destroyed by humans

in 400 years.

How would they know what's going
to happen in 400 years?

They were told by people
from the future.

People who can communicate
through time.

Are they the ones

the Suliban are working for?

The Suliban

work for me.

So you're the one
who tried to start

a civil w*r
in the Klingon Empire.

The one who's manipulated
my mission from day one.

The people who
have contacted the Xindi

belong to another faction.

The probe was only a test.

The Xindi are building
a far more powerful w*apon.

When it is completed,

they will use it
to destroy Earth.

Annihilate us before
we can annihilate them.

Why are you telling me this?

The Xindi were not supposed
to learn about their future.

If they deploy this w*apon,

it will contaminate
the timeline.

You must not let that happen.

Why should I believe you?

You have no choice
but to believe me.

If this "time traveler" is
trying to protect humanity,

why didn't he tell
you all of this

before millions of
people were k*lled?

He didn't think
we'd believe him.

He's probably right.

I'm sure Starfleet
and the High Command

will find a far more
logical explanation

of who att*cked Earth.

He may be telling the truth.

If he is, I need your support,

not your damn skepticism.

Captain's Starlog,
April 24, 2153.

The journey home
has been very difficult.

We've now learned that over
seven million people were lost.


That's our sun.

A vessel's dropping out of warp.


200 kilometers off port.

Who are they?

They've fired some kind of...

That one took out both
forward phase cannons.

You still have torpedoes.

It's a Klingon bird-of-prey.

They want you, sir.

They're saying they
won't destroy Enterprise

if you surrender to them.

"Archer's an enemy

"of the Empire.

"He must be brought to justice

if honor's to be regained."


Both their nacelles
are crippled.


Their cannons are down.

Cease firing.

Prepare a boarding party.

Three ships approaching.

Earth vessels.

Return fire!

Shields are failing!

Are they off-line?

No, sir!

Then keep firing!

We've lost disruptor banks
three and four.


Go to warp speed.

It's Captain Ramirez, sir,

on the Intrepid.

What the hell
was that all about?

A Klingon named Duras.

He's not very fond of me.

Welcome home, Captain.

I wish it was under
better circumstances.

I told Command
every word you said.

They're having
a hard time buying it.

Do they have a better
idea of who did this?

And how about the Vulcans?

I suppose you think
I'm hallucinating.

Our Science Directorate
has determined

that time travel is impossible.

Are you willing to
risk a second attack?

All I'm asking

is to take Enterprise
and find these Xindi.

What do we have to lose,
a single starship?

Seems like a small price to pay

if there's one chance in
a million that he's right.

Do you know where these
coordinates he gave you are?

At warp 5, about
a three-month trip.

They're inside
the Delphic Expanse.

What's that?

A region of space nearly
2,000 light-years across.

Vulcan ships have entered it,
but only a few have returned.

Sounds like you're talking

about the Bermuda Triangle.

There have been reports of
fierce and dangerous species,

unexplained anomalies.

In some regions, even the laws
of physics don't apply.

20 years ago,

a Klingon vessel emerged

from the Expanse.

Every crewman on board
had been anatomically inverted,

their bodies splayed open,

and they were still alive.

You'd be more than foolish

to pursue this course of action.

It's a risk I'm willing to take,

and I imagine most of my crew

would be with me.

This is typical
of your impulsiveness.

You'd be putting
your crew's lives at stake

when you have no evidence

that anything
you were told is true.

We've lost a lot of
people already, Jon.

Starfleet Command would
need some kind of proof

before they'd let you go.

I'm not sure the person
I spoke to...

was from the future or not,

but he knew

this would be the
reaction that I'd get.


he did give me proof.


This is quantum-
dating the debris.

Take a look.

The principal alloy
in this piece

was synthesized within
the last four years.

This one, about a year earlier.

What exactly are you trying
to show us, Captain?

12 years for this piece.

Your point, Jonathan?

I'm getting to it.

You might find this interesting.

Your scanner's not
working properly.

Why is that, sir?

The quantum date reads -420.

What's wrong with that?

Quantum dating always registers

in positive numbers.

Then I guess this one's
not working, either.

You said he told you
this faction from the future

could only communicate
through time,

so how do you suggest they got
this component to the Xindi?

I haven't the slightest idea.

But that doesn't change
what's on these scanners.

This fragment's from the future.

Unless you have
another explanation.

A lack of another explanation

doesn't make
your assumption correct.

I'll speak with Command.

I'd like to take
a look in there.

Are you suggesting
this is a Xindi?

I sure as hell
would like to find out.

This is Dr. Fer'at.

I don't have a lot of time.
What's up?

The Vulcan research
team detected traces

of pyritic radiation
in the alien debris.

Why didn't Starfleet catch it?

Some of our technology

is still more advanced
than yours.

We're going to need
to treat anyone

who got close to the wreckage.

Dr. Fer'at is here
to determine

the extent of your exposure.

It shouldn't take long.

Please have a seat.

Have you experienced
any nausea or dizziness?


Numbness in your extremities?

I feel fine.

I was told that you think
a piece of the wreckage

came from the future.

I know... Vulcans don't believe
in time travel.

Some of us do.

Tell me,

this time traveler you met,

was he humanoid?

How do you know about that?

I was briefed
before coming here.

He seemed humanoid,

but I couldn't
see him that well.

Have you encountered people
from the future before?

A number of times.

Does this have anything
to do with the radiation?

I was just curious.

It must be very difficult

to have so many people
question your story.

Does it upset you?

Doesn't help.

But how does it make you feel?

I told you, it doesn't help.

I can sense some anger
when you talk about this.

It's kind of strange

that a Vulcan would be
so interested in my feelings.

Just curious.

Your exposure seems minimal.

You'll require very
little treatment.

I imagine you must
have felt very anxious

after meeting someone
from the future.

Why would you imagine that?

I'm afraid this
examination is over.

I'm nearly finished.

You are finished.

I just checked
the Vulcan database.

There's only one
Dr. Fer'at listed,

and he's not a pathologist,

he's a psychiatric analyst.

Soval sure is persistent.

What did he want you to do,

come back with proof
that I'm out of my mind?

You come to my Sick Bay
under false pretenses?

Where are your medical ethics?!

I'm just doing
what I was told to.

Well, I'm telling you

to get the hell off my ship.

If you wouldn't mind, Phlox,

I'd like you to escort
our "guest" to the airlock.


I'm so sorry.

The house was over there.

Less than a kilometer.

See over there?

That was the old movie theater.

When we were kids,

if I didn't take my sister
with me,

she'd scream like a banshee.

Are you certain she was
here when this happened?

Someone would have heard
from her if she wasn't.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

After days of debate,
Starfleet's finally informed me

that we're to proceed
with our new mission.

The NX-02.

She'll be ready to launch
in 14 months.

A long time.

Hopefully you'll be back
well before then.


What kind of armaments
will she have?

The same complement of weapons
that you'll have

once the retrofit is done.

Have you told your crew?

This morning.

How many are staying aboard?

Some haven't decided yet, but...

I don't think more
than eight or nine

will be leaving.

I talked to General Casey
a few hours ago.

His team should be arriving
at 1800 hours.

I was surprised
you asked for them.

You think you'll be comfortable
with the military on board?

I don't have a problem
with non-Starfleet personnel.

The General tells me

these are the best he has.

I'm going to need
all the muscle I can get

when we cross into the Expanse.

You weren't told where
in this Expanse

you were supposed to look?

Not even a hint.

This w*apon they're building...

did he say how long it was
going to take them?

I don't think
he would have warned us

if we didn't have a chance
of stopping them.


Is there something
I can do for you?

Are you confident
with your decision, Doctor?

What decision would that be?

To remain on Enterprise.

Crewman Fuller just told me
a shuttle's on its way

with 200 snow beetles.

They could be for
my replacement.

There isn't
a doctor in Starfleet

that would have
the slightest idea

of what to do with them.

And, uh...
what about you?

The High Command
has made it clear

that they don't want me
to enter the Delphic Expanse.

I'm more interested in
hearing what you want.

It's not my place
to disobey the High Command.


You've done it before.

It's interesting.

You and I...

the only aliens
on board this vessel.

To go or to stay.

For me, it was a simple question

of loyalty toward the Captain

and the sad realization
that he'll need me

more than ever on
such a crucial mission,

but for you, it's a more
difficult decision.

Does your allegiance lie
with the High Command

or with Captain Archer?

This just arrived, Doctor.


Thank you, Doctor.

Photonic torpedoes.

Their range is
over 50 times greater

than our conventional torpedoes,

and they have a variable yield.

They can knock the com array
off a shuttlepod

without scratching the hull,
or they can put

a three-kilometer crater
into an asteroid.

How long is it going to take
to reconfigure the tubes?

Well, we've got three teams
working on it.

They promise me it'll be done
before we leave Spacedock,

but I've got to start
integrating them

into the power grid.

Let's go.

Is there going to be
some kind of service?

For Lizzie?

If you're talking
about a funeral,

it's kind of pointless
when there's nothing left.

I guess I was talking
about a memorial.

My sister wasn't big
on memorials.

I read there was a
day of remembrance

for all the victims a
couple of months ago.

I'm sorry you missed it.

Why are you so obsessed
with memorials?

I'm not obsessed.

She's dead.

So are seven million others.

She was no more important
than any of them.

She was more important to you.

There's nothing wrong
with admitting that.

I'm getting real tired
of you telling me

what I can and can't do.

And while we're at it,

I don't need you to remind me

that Elizabeth was k*lled.

So just let it alone.

Maybe you should
pay more attention

to upgrading your weapons,

so you can blow the hell
out of these bastards

when we find them.

With all due respect, Admiral,

what is the point
of me watching this?

Is it supposed to frighten me,

make me change my mind about
commanding this mission?

It's important for you to see
what you'll be facing.

The Vaankara was in the Delphic
Expanse for less than two days

when we received
a distress call.

This transmission

arrived six hours later.

Less than an hour later,

the Vaankara was destroyed.

There was no indication of
a malfunction or an attack.

Are you suggesting
the crew was responsible?

I'm suggesting
you reconsider this mission.

Is there anything else, sir?

I need to speak with you, T'Pol.

If all goes well,
you should be able

to return to your duties
on Earth within a year.

That is, if you're
still interested.

You haven't been back
to Vulcan for some time.

You may find your assignment

at the Ministry
of Information refreshing.

I don't understand

why I can't stay
in San Francisco.

You've spent far too much
time with humans.

It would be best if you
return home for a while.

You thought it was crucial

to place a Vulcan on Enterprise

during its first mission.

Why not now?

You were there to provide logic

to a crew of humans
who insisted on leaving

before they were ready,

but logic can't help them
inside the Delphic Expanse.

Can you be certain of that?

The High Command
was quite specific.

You're to return to Vulcan.

I believe that should
be my decision.

This is not a matter of choice.

Defying the High Command
would mean immediate dismissal.

You know that.

Soval agreed to let us
take her back to Vulcan

if it's all right with you.

It's not that far
out of your way.

How's that last
refit team doing?

Scheduled to be done by 0600.

I could tell you...

there are a lot
of people counting on you.

But I don't need
to do that, do I?

No, sir.

Good luck, Jon.

Have they gone to warp?

Not yet.

Charge weapons...

and prepare
to bring them on line.

It's bad enough one of us

is up in the middle
of the night.

How's Porthos holding up?

If no people have returned

from the Delphic Expanse,
I doubt any dogs have.

He must be doing
better than we are.

He's fast asleep.

Have you picked a
new Science Officer?


You're gonna miss
her, aren't you?

When they first assigned her,

I felt like strangling Soval.

Ah, she does kind
of grow on you.

I would think you'd be the first
one to show her to the airlock.


To Henry Archer.

I wonder what he
would have thought

if he knew his engine

was going to help save
the human race.

When I got this job,

commanding the first warp 5 ship

was about as big
a responsibility

as I could have imagined.

Then we began running
into so many...

bad guys, and I had
to start thinking more

about the safety of 83 people.

And now the stakes
have gotten a lot bigger.

Weight of the world, Trip.


I can't wait
to get in there, Captain.

Find the people who did this...

And tell me we won't
be tiptoeing around.

None of that
"noninterference" crap

T'Pol's always
shoving down our throats.

Maybe it's a good
thing she's leaving.

We'll do what we have to, Trip.

Whatever it takes.

It's Duras.

You've been wanting to test
those new torpedoes.

What yield?

Start low. We just want
to get them off our backs.

What was that?!

Antimatter warheads!

Increase shielding

and target their w*apon ports.

They're still on our backs, sir.

Bring the yield up... 50 percent.

I told you to target
the w*apon ports!

Their hull plating's
been enhanced!

Our warp drive is failing.

They're dropping to impulse.

Stand down weapons, sir?

How long will it take them
to repair their engines?

Impossible to determine.

Give me an educated guess.

Three hours, possibly more.

What's our speed?

Warp 3, sir.

Go to 4.5.

If we can make it
to Vulcan space

before they get
their engines back,

they'll think twice about
giving us any more trouble.

Come in.

Ensign Mayweather says
we're two days from Vulcan.

Why don't you sit down.

Just think, in two days,

you'll be eating
real Vulcan food.

Chef's done an adequate job

of approximating Vulcan cuisine.

Well, you... never did care
for the way we smell.

At least you won't have
to put up with that anymore.

I've gotten used to it.

How about all those emotions
we bombard you with every day?

I've grown accustomed to
that as well... somewhat.

You're not making this easy.

There's got to be something

you're looking
forward to back home.

I don't wish to
return to Vulcan.


I want to remain
aboard Enterprise

if you'll allow me to.

It's not a question
of my allowing you.

The High Command
would never agree to it.

I've decided
to resign my commission.


You've worked so hard, T'Pol.

You're taking Enterprise
into a very dangerous place.

This is no time for me to leave.

We'll be all right.

You need a Science Officer...

whether she's a member of
the High Command or not.

I've been thinking
about who to promote.

You need me, Captain.

Keeping away from those Klingons

isn't going to be as
easy as we thought.


We're not going to Vulcan.

Mr. Mayweather...

set a course for
the Delphic Expanse.

Aye, sir.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

We've been traveling
at warp 5 for seven weeks.

The crew is anxious
to begin our mission.


Nearly a million kilometers.

Looks a hell of a lot
closer than that.

A common mistake when viewing
something of this size.


Not very helpful.

It's not that dense all
the way through, is it?

The Vulcans said
the Expanse is surrounded

by thick layers
of thermobaric clouds.

When their last ship went in,

it took them almost six hours
to get through it.

Anything on long-range sensors?

Nothing beyond the perimeter.

.2 impulse, Travis.

Let's head in.


Nothing yet.

We've been in here

for more than six hours.

Let's be patient.

We launched
the communications buoy, sir.

We got a test signal
through to Starfleet.

Keep them apprised
of our position.

Aye, sir.

Got something?


Probably the buoy.

Not unless you launched
three of them.

The targeting scanners
won't lock on!

Then get closer.

I thought you said the Klingons
wouldn't go into the Expanse!

We're not in the Expanse yet.

Hold your course.

Go to full impulse.

I wouldn't recommend

that, Captain.

The intake manifolds are having
a tough enough time as it is.

You heard me, Travis.

They're keeping up with us, sir.

We're being hailed!

Put it up.

Surrender or be destroyed.

Go to hell!

You're outgunned, Archer.

Come about
and prepare to be boarded.

If you don't obey my orders,

The perimeter cloud
is dissipating.

I'm detecting clear space ahead.

That's why Duras wants us
to come about.

He's afraid of the Expanse.

Increase speed, Travis.

The other ships are
going to turn back.


We'll do it ourselves.

We're too close to the Expanse!

Only one left, sir.

Keep firing.

The Expanse is less
than five minutes away.

Maybe he'll turn around
like his friends.

I wouldn't bet on it.

Your new torpedoes aren't having

the same effect as last time.

Duras has transferred
his aft shields forward.

Our weapons can't
penetrate them.

We just lost three antimatter
injectors, Captain.

Any more and we're
in big trouble.

If he's transferred
his shielding forward,

what's protecting his stern?

Does it matter?
He's chasing us.

What's protecting his stern?

Minimal shielding.

You think you can pull off
an L-4 at this speed?

I can try, sir.

Then look for the densest
cloud formation you can find.

Captain Archer to
all hands, hold on!


Looks good to me.

Where are they?


Nice going, Travis.

I hope you don't ask me
to do that too often, sir.

The Expanse is ahead, Captain.

Did you lose any more
of those injectors?

No, sir.
We're good to go.

Sure you still want
to tag along?

It's only logical.

Straight and steady,
Mr. Mayweather.

Let's see what's in there.