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02x18 - The Crossing

Posted: 01/10/23 20:32
by bunniefuu
Sensors can't identify
its hull composition.

There doesn't even seem
to be a warp signature.

It's approaching at warp 6.

How big is it?

It's big.

More than 500 meters across.

We're in visual range.

Put it up.

Look familiar?

It's not in the Vulcan database.

Try hailing them.

No response, sir.

I'm not even detecting
a transceiver on board.

They're gaining on us, sir.

What the hell is that?

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Tactical Alert.

Weapons aren't charging, sir.

They're off-line.

Phase cannons... torpedoes...

Tucker to the Bridge!

Go ahead.

What's going on, Captain?

The engines just went down.

Warp or impulse?


Hold on, Trip.

Have they dropped out of warp?

There's no way to tell.

Our sensors can't
penetrate their hull.

What about our life support?

Fully operational.

That's one piece of good news.

Any bio-signs out there?

None that I can detect.

Rotate the dorsal camera.

Hold it there.

Tilt up about 30 degrees.

Get closer.

The vapor doesn't contain

any elements our
sensors can identify.

Any atmosphere?

Mostly helium,
trace amounts of xenon.

Prep a shuttlepod.

Trip, meet me and Malcolm
in Launch Bay 1.

Aye, sir.

You're in charge.
Keep a channel open.


look at this.

The atmosphere's changing.

76 percent nitrogen,
21 percent oxygen.

Somebody seems to know
what we like to breathe.

What's the temperature?

18 degrees.

Florida in November.

Let's see what we can find.

Look at that.

I'm not reading anything.

It's like they're not there.

They sure look there to me.

If there aren't any
life-forms here,

then who modified
the atmosphere?

I doubt it's a coincidence.


We may not be detecting
any bio-signs,

but those things
sure look alive to me.

Are you okay?



What the hell happened?

That's what I was
about to ask you.

I think I was up on the ceiling
with those things.

I was... looking down
at the three of us, but...

not with my eyes.

I can't explain it.

We should get him
back to the ship.

I was in Tarpon Springs, too,

swimming with Lisa.

She was afraid it
was getting too dark.

Sounds like you were
dreaming, Commander.

I know the difference
between a dream

and something really happening.

We're 150 light-years
from Earth, Trip.

I'm telling you, I was there.

I'm not detecting any parasites

or life-forms
or, uh, wisps of smoke.

He seems
in perfect working order.

He said he had some kind
of out-of-body experience.

Don't forget Florida, Captain.

I don't care how far away it is.

I was there.

It's a very common

Returning to a familiar place.

What happened to the com?

You three talking about me?

You're clear, Commander.

Free to go.

Thanks, Doc.

You sure you're all right?

I'm fine.

You can't believe
how amazing it was.

I'd prefer to keep you in
Sick Bay for a few days,

but I can't afford to.

I need you to get those
engines back on line.

I'll see what I can do.

Let me know if you...

take another trip
to Tarpon Beach.

Tarpon Springs.

I'll keep you posted.

I want those weapons
back on line, too.

I'll see what I can do.

Come in.

It's like we're in the
belly of the beast.

We have no reason to believe

their motives are hostile.

They're holding my ship hostage.

We don't know that.

We don't?
Look out there.

Do you see any stars?

Our engines are
off-line, our weapons.

Seems kind of hostile to me.

I suppose it depends
on how you look at it.

Is there something you
wanted to see me about?

Ensign Sato is trying

to communicate with
the life-forms.


Nothing yet.

I've spoken
to a number of officers.

They say the crew
is concerned...

but remaining calm.

I've got to get them
out of here.

I tried reinitializing
the plasma flow,

but the power grid
isn't charging.


Are you all right, sir?

Can I get you something?

I'm fine.

Good-bye, sir.

Rostov to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

I'm sorry to bother you, sir,

but I think there might be

something wrong
with Commander Tucker.

What do you mean, "wrong"?

He was confused, and, uh...

seemed to think
I was his superior officer.

I'll be right down.

He's not here, sir.
He left Engineering.

Did he say where he was going?

No, sir.

I'm afraid not, Captain.

Archer to Commander Tucker.

Find him.


Commander Charles Tucker III.


Yes. It's all very good.

Have you ever tried this?

It's called bread.

You've never eaten it before?

I've never eaten anything

Where's Commander Tucker?

I'm here. Charles Tucker III.

Where's the man who used
to be Charles Tucker?

He's exploring another realm...
my realm.

But he'll be back.

I want him back now.

Please trust me.

He's experiencing things
he never thought he could.

Where is he?

It's not a question of "where."

He's no longer corporeal.

But he will be again,
I assure you.

When we were outside,

we saw a wisp of vapor
penetrate him.

Did you have anything
to do with that?

An interesting word.



Yes, I suppose you could
call us that. Wisp.

Where do you come from?

We live in subspace.

We travel through it.

We're explorers, like you.

Why did you take
Commander Tucker?

It's been a long time

since we've encountered
corporeal beings.

After we performed the first
crossing with your Commander,

we realized we were compatible.

You're very interesting...
Trapped in bodies

that need maintenance.

You have gender.

You require mates to reproduce.

You eat... food.

We were like you once,
but we evolved.

Now we can learn
how our ancestors lived.

I want my crewman, and
I want my ship released.


Your crewman will be returned.

You claim to be an explorer,

Open your mind
to new possibilities.

What about Tucker?

I've enjoyed my time with you.



Wow what?

I was riding right alongside
Hopalong Cassidy...

chasing some bad guys.

Then I was with Lisa again,
except this time,

we were snow sailing
in New Zealand.

Then I was eight years old,
maybe nine...

picking up leaves with my dad.

But it wasn't a dream, Captain.

It was as real
as I'm sitting here.

They told me you can try it.

Anyone on the crew.

Who told you?

They did...

the ones I was with.

I thought you were with
Hopalong Cassidy

and your girlfriend.

I was, but...

oh... it's hard to explain.

You should try it.

You'll understand
what I'm talking about.

You all should try it.

Take him to Sick Bay.

Captain, I'm fine.

We'll let the Doctor decide
how fine you are.


Something smells funny.

They've released the ship

and Commander Tucker.

They've done everything
you've asked.

Have you considered

they may have been
telling the truth

when they said they were
just curious about us?

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

Now that the Doctor has given
Trip a clean bill of health,

my primary concern is getting
Enterprise out of here.

But Trip tells me
it'll be awhile

before he can get
the engines on line.

From what we can tell,
these life-forms have no mass.

Noncorporeal beings...

That's got to be a first
for Starfleet.

T'Pol thinks they just want
to get to know us.

Maybe she's right.

Maybe I don't trust them
because they're so different.

I'd hate to think
that was the case.

Computer pause.

Come in.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Everything all right?

I'm not certain.

One of those beings
appeared in Sick Bay

a few minutes ago.

It entered me... right here.

But my physiology must not
have been compatible.

It left almost immediately.

Are you sure you're all right?

I'm fine.

But it was disturbing.

The life-form was trying
very hard to reach me.

I'm going to B-Deck.

B-Deck is fine.

Are you a female?


Your gender...

you are a female, correct?

Last time I checked.

I am a male.

I'm aware of that, Lieutenant.

There seem to be a number
of... anatomical differences.


Come in.


Is there something
I can do for you?

You are very beautiful.

Are you aware that you are

the most attractive woman
on board this ship?

Do you think it's appropriate
for you to be here at this hour?

Would you mind
taking off your clothing?

I'd like to learn more

about your anatomy.

Have you been drinking?

If we are to engage in mating,

it would be easier
if you disrobed.

T'Pol to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

Would you please come to my
quarters with a security team.

We're on our way.

Are you afraid of me?

You shouldn't be.

I'm capable of defending myself.

What is it like being a female?

Is it much different?

I wouldn't know.

If you'd allow the crossing,
you'd find out.

I don't understand.

If you came to us,

you could experience
what it's like to be male.

Wouldn't that be helpful to you?

I've never thought about it.

You should.

We're capable of letting
you experience

anything you wish for.

It would be a shame

not to take advantage of that.

This isn't Lieutenant Reed.


Humans don't like doing things
without their consent.

When are you planning
to return Malcolm Reed?

That depends.

Oh, does it?

Let's see how much
you enjoy experiencing

the human condition
locked in Reed's quarters.


They've got Malcolm.

I need the ship ready to go

on my command.

They're going to give
him back, aren't they?

We'll see.

What did you do with the, uh...?

A security detail locked him
in Malcolm's quarters.

Get it done, Trip.

Right away, sir.

You heard him.

Let's try to prime
the deuterium pumps

and fire up the injectors.

Tucker to Ensign Cook.

Yes, sir.

I need you
and two other engineers

down here right away.

I'll see who I can find.


Quickly please. Tucker out.

Something wrong?

Run into a problem?


No, everything's fine.

Did you have any luck
priming the pumps?

I have no idea how to do that.

This engine is very complex.

Stay here.

Be right back.

Tucker to the Captain.

Go ahead, Trip.

It's Rostov, sir.

I think you need
to get Malcolm...

I mean, whoever's running
security down here right away.

Hoshi, get a security team
to Engineering.

Have them put Crewman Rostov
in his quarters.

Aye, sir.

Captain, we've been
getting reports

from all over the ship.

Some of the crew
are acting very strange.

Then we're going to need
more than one security team.

Find out who's acting strange

and have them confined
to their quarters.

How do we know

the security officers are okay?

For the moment, we're going
to have to hope they are.

Start working on a way
to figure out

who's themselves and who's not.

Maybe Phlox can help you.


Run into a problem?

No, sir.

Just ready to calibrate
the dilithium matrix.


Wait till I give you the signal.

We polarized the hull plating

as soon as we detected
that ship.

Obviously it didn't do any good.

What's keeping them
from taking all of us?


You've got impulse engines back,

Thanks, Trip.

Hold our position.

I thought you said
we needed to get out of here.

They've got Malcolm,

and God knows how many others.

Until we find a way
to get them back,

we're not going anywhere.

What's the big secret?

We thought it best

not to discuss this
over the com.

We don't know who's been taken.

What have you got?

It was simpler than I thought.

Elevated acetylcholine levels

in the autonomic nervous...

Doctor, whatever you've got,

we need to put it to work.

The Subcommander programmed
the medical computer.

It's modifying
this hand-scanner as we speak.

Get to work as soon
as you're ready.

Tucker to Ensign Mayweather.

Go ahead, sir.

I'm a little
short-handed, Travis.

Think I could get you to go back
to the starboard nacelle

and repolarize the warp coils?

No problem, sir.

Call me when you get
to the Catwalk.

I'm on my way.

There are two here.

Ensign Cole...
and Crewman Rossi.

Mayweather to the Bridge.

Go ahead.

One of those things
just followed me

up the starboard strut,

but when I got into the Catwalk,
it didn't come through.

There must be something keeping
it from getting in here.

Then you better stay
where you are.

Aye, aye, sir.

Archer to Commander Tucker.

Yes, Captain?

Is there some kind of shielding

in the nacelles that might keep
these aliens from getting in?

The Catwalk's reinforced
with osmium alloy, but...

it's hard to say
if that would do it.

Travis thinks it will.

I need you to stop
whatever you're doing

and transfer
all command functions

to the Starboard Catwalk.

We're going to have to get
everybody in there.

I'm on it.

I want you and T'Pol
to get the crew up there

as quickly as you can.


It would be best if they
stayed where they were.


We're offering them
a great opportunity.

They may never
get another chance

to experience
existence as we do.

Security to the Bridge.

You're taking over my crew.


I understand how you may
be frightened by all this.

Losing your substance...

existing as perceptive energy...

but you'll be grateful

once you've made the
crossing, I promise you.

We're kind of fond
of our "substance."

We're not very
anxious to give it up.

Those who've preceded
you are safe and happy.

You'll understand.

Are you doing this
for our benefit or for yours?

Escort Ensign Sato
to her quarters.

You'll understand.

How many?

58, including us.

And outside?

24 locked in their quarters,

and Dr. Phlox.

You okay, Travis?

I'm fine, sir.
Thank you.


I saw him down near
the Command Compartment.


We need to learn more
about these life-forms.

What we need

is to get our people back.

It's illogical
to believe we can do that

without learning more
about the aliens' intentions.

Do you have something in mind?

I'd like your permission
to leave the Catwalk.

You wouldn't have a chance.

One of those things
would take you

before you got back
to the saucer section.

Not necessarily.

If a life-form attempts

to exchange its
consciousness with mine,

I believe I can prevent it.

What makes you think that?

No offense, Captain,
but the Vulcan mind

is far more
disciplined than yours.

It can resist temptations,

emotions, and, I believe,
invasions by these life-forms.

Even if you're right,
what would you accomplish?

If an alien attempts
this transfer,

there may be a brief period

when our minds are conjoined.

It's possible I could
ascertain their motives.

It's too dangerous.

I won't let you do it.

There's no other choice.

And if you're wrong?

It's a risk I'm willing to take.

Well, I'm not.

They've already taken 24 people.

I'm not going to give
them another one.

You've told me
you trust my judgment.

Trust it now, unless you
have another suggestion.

Sick Bay.

There's been an accident.


Hoshi Sato's been injured.

I don't know how to repair
the damage to her body.

What happened?

Her leg is fractured.

She's in considerable pain.

She needs assistance.

I'm armed.

If you're near the door,
step away.

She's on the floor.

She can't move.

There's nothing
the matter with you.

I need to find
the rest of your crew.

Where are they?!

I'm glad I brought you along.

Dr. Phlox.

Is everything going
all right, Doc?

More or less.

Good. T'Pol and I
are going to need your help.



Have you succeeded?

Phlox to Captain Archer.

Did you find her?

I'm with her now.

She's not acting

like the others,

but she's certainly not herself.

Doesn't sound like that's
the outcome she expected.

Her neural pathways
are hyperstimulated.

Damn it.

You better take her
to her quarters.

Yes, Captain.

Come with me.

Everything will be all right.

I'm afraid I have to insist.

I promise you...


What is my name?


They're lying to us.

My name.

We don't have time
for this, Phlox!

I have to get to the Captain.

Their ship is deteriorating,

and they have no way
to repair it.

They can't survive in space.

So they are doing this
to save themselves.

82 of them are.

One for every crewman
on Enterprise.

How many of them are there?


The rest will try to
find another vessel

of corporeal beings.

Where's Commander Tucker?

I'm not sure.

Please find him.

If the Commander can find a way
to shield Enterprise,

we can leave the Catwalk
and go to warp.

And lose a third of the crew.

Two-thirds will survive.


We're going to find a way
to get them back.

That may be difficult.

Can they survive in a host
that's dead?

It would be no different
than being exposed to space.

They'd die.

Archer to Phlox.

Yes, Captain.

Are you doing all right?

We're okay.

How long do you think
we'll be in here, Ensign?

I'm sure the Captain will
get us out as soon as he can.

Has anyone seen
Commander Tucker?

No, sir.

Not for a while.

I think he was down there.


We'll have to purge
the carbon dioxide

within 20 seconds
of respiratory failure.

That'll give you enough time
to resuscitate them?

Oh, yes, it's enough time.

Don't forget to close off

the ventilation
to the starboard nacelle.

We wouldn't want the gas
to affect you and the others.


Sorry, Captain, I can't
find Commander Tucker.

Has anyone opened either
of the ventral hatches?

Not since we sealed them.

You must've missed him.

I'll look again.





- All right.
- Does it have an ID tag?

"Junction 4-1-Alpha, Atmospheric

Recycling Manifold."


Do you see the releases
on either side?

Yes. There are...
four of them... two blue...

two... silver.

Open them, the
silver ones first.


Now pull the panel off.

What should I do with it?

Whatever you want.

Lay it down on the floor.

Very well.

Ah! Right where you said
it was, Captain.

Find the control panel.

It's right here.

It has six green lights.

Each of them should have
a switch next to it.

About five centimeters
to the left.

Now, before we can release the
gas into central ventilation,

you're going to have
to reroute the transfer lines

to the carbon dioxide tanks.

And how do I go about
doing that?

Those six switches
control the feed.

You're going to have
to recalibrate them

in sequence for CO-2.

I'll guide you through it.

Commander, I've been
looking all over for you!

Are you all right, sir?

I'm fine.

The Captain asked
me to find you.

He needs you in the
Command Compartment.


You can't go out there, sir.

It's not safe!

What are you doing?!

I've reached
the access tube, Captain.

Good. Now pull off the panel.

It's not coming off.

It'll come off.

You just need
to use a little muscle.

I've used every muscle
I've got; it won't budge.

Try using your foot
for leverage.

Good suggestion.


Now, the next part's
a piece of cake.

We've got a problem, Captain.

Stand by, Doc.

What happened?

Commander Tucker...

he just went out
the forward hatch.


I tried to stop him, sir.

He didn't look like himself.

I think one of those things
got inside him.

If he knows what we're doing...

We're going to have
to speed things up, Doc.

Trip's been taken.

He left the Catwalk
a few minutes ago.

If he tries to let his buddies
out of their quarters,

we don't have any guards
down there to stop him.

Tell me what to do.

You'll have to purge
the osmotic filters.

The valves are right behind
the control circuit.

You're going to have
to get two fingers

through the upper holes
in the support plate.

Normally, that wouldn't
be a problem,

but wearing those gloves

could make it difficult.

Back home, I'm known
for my fine motor skills.

I doubt a pair of EV gloves
will deter me.

There are two solenoids
behind the openings.

When you tap them

the plate should retract.

Did you say there were two?

About three centimeters apart.

Got it.

You should be looking at
two rotary valves and a lever.

I see them.

Open both valves all the way,

then turn the lever
to the three o'clock position.

That should do it.

The nine o'clock position
will vent the gas

when we're finished.

Phlox to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

Mission accomplished.

I'm monitoring Commander Tucker.

Good job.

It's left Commander Tucker.

Vent the gas.

In a moment, Captain.

I need to be certain

the CO-2 level is consistent
throughout the ship,

that all the life-forms
are gone.

Ready, Travis?

Yes, sir.

It's done.

Full impulse!

They're in pursuit.

Stand by.


What's going on, Doc?

Just breathe deeply.

You'll be fine.

I was just at a barbecue.

In through the nose,

out through the mouth.

I've never seen so many ribs!

Follow me, Commander.

We have a lot of
doors to unlock.