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02x16 - Future Tense

Posted: 01/10/23 20:30
by bunniefuu

None that I can detect.

But its hull seems to be
scattering our sensors.

Any idea what happened?

I'm not reading
any weapons signatures.

Possibly some sort of accident.

Bring it into Launch Bay 2.

There's no windows.

I'm not sure whether
this end's the bow...

or the stern.


This might be a hatch.

If it is, it's been fused shut.

With your permission, sir.

He's human.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

This was a human male.

A microcellular scan should tell
us his age at the time of death.

Apparently, you're not
the first humans out this far.

Whoever this is, he's rewritten
our history books.

Can you get a DNA sample?

The tissue damage is extensive,

but I should be able to
isolate a few fragments.

If he's a member of Starfleet,

his genetic profile
is probably in our database.

Run a comparison
as soon as you can.


There aren't any ships
or inhabited systems

for several light-years.

I wonder...

if this could be
Zefram Cochrane.

They say he was piloting
a one-man vessel

when he disappeared.

How could he have
traveled this far?

There were a lot of rumors
after he was lost.

One of them said he was testing

some kind
of experimental warp ship.

Any markings on the hull
or control panels?

We haven't found any.

The hull seems
to absorb EM radiation.

Without all this damage,

it never would have shown up
on our sensors.

Some kind of stealth ship.

So what do you think, Travis?

Could this pilot have
been a cargo hauler?

We're more than 30 light-years

from the nearest trade route.

I don't see how he could
have made it out this far.

Maybe he got a ride
from someone.

That's got to be a world record
for hitchhiking.

I still can't find any
plasma exhaust ports.

Not even a thruster quad.

There's nothing here

that looks like a power source.

How did this thing make it into
deep space without an engine?

Could be an escape pod.

Even an escape pod would need
some kind of propulsion system.

Any new mission
you haven't told us about?

I wish there was.

It's possible the ship you found

was launched from Vega Colony,

but they're a long way
behind you.

The Earth Cargo Authority
may have more information.

Phlox has sent a request
to Doctor Cochrane's family.

They're transmitting
his genetic profile.

A hundred light-years
from Earth,

and you might have solved

the greatest missing person case
of the century.

If we haven't, we've discovered
an even bigger mystery.


Registers as some kind of...


Organic circuitry?

Maybe we should get Phlox
to come down and take a look.

Not a bad idea.

What's this?


I see it.


Means I'm not hallucinating.

How can a ship
be bigger on the inside

than the outside?

It could be a hologram.

Hand me that hyperspanner.

You're not going down there.

Got to get my spanner back.

We should call the Bridge first.
Let them know...

Say again, Malcolm?

This gives "space exploration"
a whole new meaning.

I've read a few papers
on spatial geometry...

but I never heard a theory
that would explain this.

The Captain will never
believe us.

He's going to have
to see this for himself.

What do you think?

A warp reactor?

You're the engineer.

Looks like a breach...

or an overload of some kind.

I'm picking up
an energy signature.

It's very faint.


a vessel's dropped out of warp.

They're on an intercept course.

It's Suliban.

Let's see it.

Minimal weapons.

I don't believe
it's a combat ship.

We're being hailed.

You have something
that belongs to us.

I don't believe I've had
the pleasure...

We have a salvage claim on the
vessel in your Launch Bay.

One of our Cell ships
discovered it three days ago.

We were sent to retrieve it.

That ship's an Earth vessel.

The pilot's human.

I'm not interested
in the corpse.

Decompress your Launch Bay
and release the vessel.

I'm curious.

What's your interest
in that ship?

There's not much left.

The vessel.


They're charging weapons.

You might want
to contact your superiors.

Ask for a man named Silik.

He'll tell you I don't respond
well to threats.

This could be a release pin.

Let's get it to Engineering.

Forward plating is holding.

Bring us about, Travis.

Power the phase cannons.

See what you can do
about their weapons.

Tucker to the Bridge.

The com's down.


Someone's trying
to open Launch Bay 2.

Lock them out!

I can't.

Archer to Trip.

Send a security team down there.

Return fire.

Their weapons
have been disabled.

Target their engines,
and bring the grappler on line.


They wanted that ship
pretty badly.

I'd like to know why.

They're moving off.

Stay with them.

I've lost them, sir.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

We've contacted
the Vulcan ship Tal'Kir.

They've agreed to meet us
in three days

to take the craft back to Earth.

Hopefully, we won't have
another visit from the Suliban

before we reach
the rendezvous point.

It was heavily shielded.

Whatever this thing is,
it must be pretty important.

What's your guess?

It might be
the "black box."

It could tell us what happened.

Maybe even who built the vessel.

That's assuming we
can get it working.

It seems to use the same
organic circuitry

as the rest of the ship.

Captain, I got to take you
down into that chamber.

You're not going
to believe your eyes.

Bigger on the inside?


Sick Bay to Captain Archer.


I need to see you immediately.

I managed to find only
a few undamaged cells,

but they were enough

to complete a genetic analysis.

Any match
in the Starfleet database?

No, but I did discover

that our guest is
no ordinary human.

I found an unusual deviation

in this nucleotide sequence.

At first I thought I was looking
at some kind of mutation,

but there was something familiar

about the chromosome structure,

so I widened my search

to include the
interspecies database.

This nucleotide sequence...

is Vulcan.

How did a human end up
with Vulcan DNA?

The likeliest explanation

is that he had at least
one Vulcan ancestor...

Further back than
a great-grandparent.

That's not possible.

We haven't known the Vulcans
long enough.

I also found genetic material

to several other species.

This sequence is Terrellian.

There's another
I can't identify.

I believe this individual
is the result

of several generations
of interspecies breeding.

Thank you, Doctor.


A database from the future?

Our time-traveling friend
Daniels left it in his quarters.

I'm not certain Daniels
would approve of this.

We'll keep it to ourselves.

A Vulcan cruiser.

I don't recognize
the configuration.

That's because
it hasn't been built yet.

Few Vulcans have ever chosen
to mate with another species.

Worried about contaminating your
genome with a little human DNA?

There are significant biological
differences between the species.

It's unlikely
we could reproduce.

Humans and Vulcans.

That could be it.

The dorsal section
is the wrong shape.

If a human and a Vulcan

did have a child,

I wonder if he'd have
pointed ears.


I think that's it.

Look at the commission date.

That's almost
900 years from now.

Daniels talked about

historians from the future.

People who traveled back
to study the past.

That could be what
this pilot was doing.

This says it's powered by
a "temporal displacement drive."

If the Suliban
get their hands on this,

they'll take it apart.

Maybe learn
how the engine works.

That could change the course
of the Temporal Cold w*r.

Assuming the vessel
is from the future,

why haven't they retrieved it?


Sir, another alien vessel's
approaching at high warp.


No, sir.
We can't identify them.

20,000 kilometers and closing.


The vessel's Tholian.

They're extremely xenophobic.

The High Command's had
limited contact with them.

Captain, it's unusual
for Tholians to travel

this far from their system.

I'm getting unusual
thermal readings.

It's awfully warm
inside that ship...

More than 200 degrees.

They're believe to be
a nonhumanoid species.

Open a channel.

This is Captain Archer

of the Starship...

Jonathan Archer...

Please establish communication.

Is there something
we can do for you?

We were sent
to retrieve the vessel.

I'd like to know how you heard
about that ship.

It is dangerous to you...

temporal radiation.

Thanks for the warning.

But we can't give it to you.

They've locked on to us
with a tractor beam.

We're losing speed.

Hull plating.

Arm the aft torpedoes.

That beam's interfering

with our targeting scanners.

Release us,

or I'll destroy the ship
in our Launch Bay.

Do you hear me?

What did he say?

I don't know.

But I don't think he
was paying you a compliment.

I wonder if there's anyone else

who thinks they have
a claim on that ship.

May I join you?


I found another
nucleotide sequence

in the pilot's genome.

It appears to be Rigelian.

That corpse is
full of surprises.


I didn't realize how late it was

until my stomach reminded me

it was time to eat.

Ah, you seem to be engrossed
in your work as well.

The Captain asked me to perform

a metallurgical analysis
of the vessel's hull.

Anything noteworthy?

I have discovered
several unusual alloys...

One of them is
in a semi-fluidic state.

More mysteries.

To say the least.

I understand
Captain Archer believes

that the vessel traveled here
from the future.

That's his theory.

Genetic anomalies,
unexplainable alloys,

the evidence seems
to be mounting.


Ah, the Vulcan
Science Directorate.

They've always been
rather reluctant

to embrace unorthodox ideas.

After they review our findings,

I have a feeling
they might reconsider

their opinion of time travel.

It's not an opinion.

It's simple logic.

There was a time when
Denobulans believed

they were the only intelligent
species in the galaxy.

Needless to say,
it was quite a surprise

when the B'Saari made
first contact.

Many refused to accept the truth

even with the evidence
standing right in front of them.

It took some time,
and it wasn't easy,

but eventually we were forced
to reevaluate our beliefs.

Are you saying you believe
time travel is possible?

Surprises, Subcommander.

I believe in embracing

I prefer to embrace logic.

If you'll excuse me, Doctor.

Good night.

All right, let's start

reinitializing the power grid.

Assuming that is the power grid.

It boggles the mind
if you think about it.

What does?

That ship could be
from the 31st century.

When I was young,

I always wanted to build
a time machine...

see the future.

You're probably
the kind of person

that jumps to the end of a book

before you read it.

Don't tell me you've
never wondered

what it would be like...

How our mission will turn out.

Wondering about the future

and knowing it are
two different things.

If Daniels came here
and offered you a chance

to go to the 31st century...

you wouldn't take it?

Some things are better
left a mystery.

And you call yourself
an explorer.

Where's the fun in exploring

if you know how
it all turns out?

Hand me that micro-caliper.

Suppose you could look
into some future book

and find out the name

of the woman
you're going to marry.

Would you want to know it?


Think of all the awkward
first dates I could avoid.


So one day

you meet Jane Doe.

You go out a few times,
and you pop the question.

She says "I do," and the two
of you live happily ever after.

Sounds perfect.

Now, did you marry her for love,

or because some book
told you to?

If we're "happily ever after,"
what difference does it make?

We've got power.

Now I've got to figure out

how to tap into
these organic circuits.

They're similar to the ones
in the cockpit.

Hmm. We might be able
to salvage some of them.

Build an interface.

Now, if I had a chance
to see the past,

I'd jump at it.

I always wanted to meet
a stegosaurus.

He'd probably make
a quick meal of you.

The stegosaurus
was an herbivore.

If I could travel back in time,

I know exactly
what year I'd pick...


What happened in 1588?

England defeated
the Spanish Armada.

I'm sure someone named Reed
had a lot to do with that.

Now, if I had a chance
to see the past,

I'd jump at it.

I always wanted
to meet a stegosaurus.

He'd probably make
a quick meal of you.

The stegosaurus
was an herbivore.

It seems like
we were just in here.

If I could travel back,

I know exactly
what year I'd pick...


How'd I know you were
going to say that?

I think we're spending
far too much time together.

Now, if I had a chance
to see the past,

I'd jump at it.

I always wanted
to meet a stegosaurus.

He'd probably make
a quick meal of you.

The stegosaurus was a herbivore.

It was the weirdest thing.

When we were standing
next to the ship,

it felt like we were having

the same conversation
over and over again.

Hmm, I can't find anything
wrong with either of you.

We didn't imagine what happened.

Captain, the craft
is emitting some type

of high-energy particles.

This may be the
temporal radiation

the Tholians warned us about.

We spent a fair amount

of time around that ship.

The particle density
is quite low.

It's unlikely to have
any lasting effects.

How do you explain
what happened?

The radiation
could have affected

your perception of time.

Or... maybe they really were
reliving the same moment.

Seal off

Launch Bay 2 and evacuate
the surrounding sections.

I don't want
to take any chances.

How are you coming
with the black box?

The power's on line,

but we still can't
access the data.

Let me know as soon
as you find anything.


Can I speak with you?

The radiation could
spread to other sections...

affect more systems.

We'll keep an eye on it.

The Vulcans are only
a few hours away.

I'm not certain
we'll survive that long.

We've attracted the attention

of two hostile species.

It's logical to assume
they're searching for us.

I'm pretty sure we can
steer clear of them.

Perhaps you should
destroy the vessel.

I'm not going to do that.

I'm tired of these factions
interfering with our century.

It's time we took a more
active interest in this w*r.

Gathered some
intelligence ourselves.

Assuming for the moment
the Temporal Cold w*r exists...

I believe we shouldn't
get involved.

Like it or not,

we've been involved
since we left Spacedock.

Daniels hinted that there were

other factions in this conflict.

Maybe the Tholians are
working for one of them.

Your curiosity is
placing Enterprise

in unnecessary danger.

This is the first
chance we've had

to get some answers.

I'm not going to pass it up.

The Vulcans can get that ship

back to Earth in a few weeks.

Starfleet'll take it from there.


I told you...

I've made my decision.

If the Suliban return,
they may be cloaked.

I recommend we go
to Tactical Alert.

What do you have?

It's what we don't have.

This isn't a black box.

We thought it was
a data storage matrix,

but after we got
the power running,

it started generating
a subspace signature.

I think it's
a micro-transmitter.

Some kind of emergency beacon.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Several Suliban vessels
are approaching.

On my way.


The ships will be
within weapons range

in 20 seconds.

Go to maximum warp.

They're matching our speed.

How long to
the rendezvous point?

Less than three minutes.

Contact the Tal'Kir.

Let them know
we're bringing company.

No response.

We're being hailed
by the Suliban.

I see you brought
some friends with you.

Drop out of warp

and prepare to be boarded.

Or what?

You're not going to risk

any more damage to that ship.

They're charging weapons.

Take a look
at your long-range sensors.

There's a Vulcan combat cruiser

a few million kilometers
from here.

Unless you want to upset them,

I suggest you turn around.

The Vulcans won't risk
their ship for an Earth vessel.

Aft cannon.

Return fire.

We're losing ventral plating.

The Vulcans?

600,000 kilometers.

Direct hit
to the Launch Bay doors.

They're trying
to blast them open.

Hold your course and speed.

200,000 kilometers.

Take us out of warp.


The crew's alive.

The vessel is disabled.

Their com system's down.


Take us back to warp.

Engines are down.


They're off-line, too.

The hull plating's depolarizing.

The Cell ships
have dropped out of warp.

Never thought I'd be glad
to see the Suliban.

Trip, we could use warp engines

right about now.

The antimatter injectors
are fused.

I'll need a few hours
to replace them.

How about weapons?

Every power relay
on the ship's been scrambled.

Then forget everything else.

Get that beacon working.


Whoever built that ship
might be able to send help.

Aye, Captain.

Even if you're correct,

it's unlikely help
will arrive in time.

How long would it take to remove

one of the torpedo warheads,

arm it manually?

Four minutes.
Less if I had some help.

I recommend moving the warhead
as little as possible

once we remove it.

Then we'll bring the torpedo
to the Launch Bay,

work on it there.

You have the Bridge.

I'm going to hold you
to that four minutes.

It was only an estimate, sir.

They don't make
this easy, do they?

I'm going to release
the couplings.

You'll need to disconnect
the power conduits.

The blue and red ones first.

Turn the release

until you feel it detach.


I need that power module.

Yes, sir.

All right, hand me
a micro-caliper.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

The Suliban have lost
more than half of their ships.

You don't have much time.

We're working as fast as we can.

Stand by.

Sir, if you'll hold it
by the locking brace.

I'm going to hold you
to that four minutes.

It was only an estimate, sir.

It's happening again.

We've had
this conversation before.

You're right.

How far do you think
we got last time?

I'm not certain.

I think we may have
removed the warhead.

If time's not repeating
outside the Launch Bay,

the Tholians could be close.

We'd better hurry.

The red and blue conduits,

The Cell ships...

they've been destroyed.

How many?

All of them.

The Tholians are on
an intercept course.

They're hailing us.

Give us the vessel.

We're prepared
to surrender it to you.

But our Launch Bay doors
took heavy damage.

We're going to need more time.

I have a repair team
working on it,

but they estimate
it will take...

Two of their ships are
approaching the saucer section.

80 meters.


They've locked on
to both docking ports.

Seal the hatches
and send security teams.

Get to the control room.

I'll take it from here.
Aye, Captain.

I'm going to hold you
to that four minutes.

It was only an estimate, sir.

How many times do you think
we've done this?

At least twice, maybe more.

Let's hope we've
got it down by now.

They're cutting
through the doors.

Control room.

Let's get those doors open.


I'd recommend putting
more distance

between us
and that ship.

T'Pol to Captain Archer.

They've neutralized the warhead.

On our way.

Sir, it's gone.


It dematerialized.

And it's not aboard
the Tholian ships.

They're disengaging.

Why didn't they fire on us?

Good question.

They may have only wanted
the vessel.

The Vulcans?

Their warp drive is damaged,

but life support is stable.

Let's see if we can
give them a hand.

Prep a shuttlepod.

Have Doctor Phlox meet us
in Launch Bay 1.

Aye, sir.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

A Vulcan transport is en route
to tow the Tal'Kir.

there were no casualties.

Our long-range scanners
show no sign

of Tholians or Suliban
in our vicinity.

I wish we'd had more time
to explore that ship.

Who knows how many other rooms
were down there?

Looks like they sent

the whole kit and caboodle
back to the 31st century.

There's no evidence
to support that.

Well, there's no evidence
to contradict it, either.

What I don't understand is...

how quickly
everything disappeared.

That beacon was on line
for less than a minute.

You're forgetting that time
is irrelevant to these people.


If that vessel
was from the future,

whoever sent it had plenty
of time to locate the signal

and then travel back to any
point in time to retrieve it.


Well, unfortunately, time isn't
irrelevant in my Engine Room.

I've got repairs to finish.

See you later.



I'm going to contact
the High Command,


for the trouble we caused them.

As the Captain
of the Tal'Kir pointed out,

a ship can be replaced.

I also need to thank them
for helping us out.

I'm sure the gesture
would be appreciated.

The High Command has asked me

to prepare a report
on this incident...

with your permission.

By all means.

I wonder if they'll believe that
humans and Vulcans will be...

swapping chromosomes one day?

They're more likely
to believe in time travel.