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02x15 - Cease Fire

Posted: 01/10/23 20:28
by bunniefuu




The Imperial Guard will die
at their posts...

I know my men are willing to die.

I wanna hear their chances
of surviving.

We're holding our positions...
For now.

But the enemy's deployed new units
here and here.

They're looking for a weakness.

They may have found it.
We've taken more casualties.

I've received a communiqué.

The Vulcans want to discuss
terms for a cease-fire.

Have you ever known a Vulcan who
wouldn't lie to get what he wanted?

There is another option.

Someone I've dealt with.

A pink skin.

He's proven to be quite even-handed
in dealing with Vulcans.

His name is Archer.

You're sure he wants me?

Ambassador Soval said
your presence is crucial

to resolving the crisis.

What's this planet called again?

The Vulcan name is Paan Mokar.
Andorians call it Weytahn.

It's on the frontier
between their systems.

Both sides claim it belongs to them.

They've nearly gone to w*r over it
twice in the past century.

How do they expect me to help

settle a conflict they haven't been able
to resolve in a hundred years?

Soval says you'll be fully briefed
when you arrive.

Jonathan, this is the first time
the Vulcans have asked for our help.

You're the closest thing we have
to an ambassador out there.

You know how important
this could be.

We'll get there as fast as we can.

I don't like pushing the engines
this hard.

The injectors are running
at 110 percent.

They're rated for 120.

Yeah, and my underwear's
flame retardant.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna
light myself on fire to prove it.

I think we'll make it in one piece,

I've been reading about Paan Mokar
in the Vulcan database.

It doesn't say a lot.

not much bigger than Earth's moon.

Claimed by the Vulcans in 2097.


That's uninhabitable.

Why are you fighting over it?

When the Andorians first arrived
a century ago,

they began to terraform the planet.

Once an atmosphere was developed,
they established a settlement.

If it was unclaimed at the time,
why would there be a problem?

Its sole value is its strategic location
near Vulcan space.

They were setting up
a m*llitary base?

It was the only logical conclusion.

Was there any evidence?

How much evidence would you need

if the Klingons decided
to set up a colony on Pluto?

That's not the same thing.

The Andorians refused to let
the High Command inspect the colony.

So they annexed Paan Mokar
to protect their territory.

What happened
to the Andorian colonists?

They were removed.

By force?

They left the High Command
little choice.

A surveillance satellite was put
into orbit to monitor the agreement.

The planet's been deserted
for nearly a century.

Until now.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

In the three days it's taken us
to reach Paan Mokar,

the situation has grown
considerably more tense.


I damn near burn up the warp reactor
getting here,

and they make us wait.

Welcome aboard, ambassador.

Thank you, captain.

This is Sub-commander Muroc.

T'Pol's been filling me in
on the situation here,

but I still have a lot of questions.

SOVAL: If you don't mind, captain,
I have a question of my own.

Why would an officer
of the Andorian Imperial Guard

personally request
your involvement?

I don't understand.

I was told you asked for me.

I'm involved in extremely difficult
and dangerous negotiations.

I don't consider your presence here
an asset.

If that's how you feel,

we'll gladly continue
with our mission.

Six days ago,

an Andorian regimental commander
named Shran

landed a force on Paan Mokar
and occupied the settlement.


Naturally, we attempted
to enforce the Treaty of 2097.


We've regained control
of half the colony,

but two dozen Vulcans
have been wounded,

and three have been taken hostage.

Shran has agreed to discuss terms
for their safe return,

but only if you act as mediator.

For some reason,
he finds you trustworthy.

You're asking for my help?

Yes, captain,
I'm asking for your help.

I'll see what I can do.

Forgive my candor,
but that's hardly reassuring.

The last time you dealt
with the Andorians,

a Vulcan intelligence site
was compromised

and a priceless monastery

Sub-commander Muroc
will accompany you

to represent our interests.

Obviously, I'm here
at the request of the Andorians.

Shran believes he can trust me.

I don't intend to prove him wrong
by going down there

with a Vulcan officer in tow.

If you insist I bring a Vulcan along,

I'll take the one I know I can trust.

You wanted to see me, doc?


This planet is home to a rather
pernicious mutagenic pathogen.

I'll need to bombard
your immune system

with analeptic radiation to protect you
while you're on the surface.

- Bombard?
- It's quite painless, I assure you.

What about T'Pol?

Vulcan physiology isn't affected
by the pathogen.

Shall we?

This should only take a moment.


If I may ask, how did
your first meeting with the Vulcans go?

Warm and friendly as ever.


They weren't overly enthusiastic

about you taking command
of Enterprise in the first place,

and now your presence is crucial
to their interests.

It's crucial to ours too.

Maybe we're not out here
to just scan comets

and meet new species.

Maybe we're out here to prove

that humanity's ready to join
a much larger community.

I intend to do that

whether the Vulcans like it or not.


All finished.


I served as a medic
in the Denobulan infantry.

If I learned anything
from that experience,

it's that battlefields
are unpredictable places

even under a flag of truce.

Be careful.


We've lost the navigational sensors.


And the com.

It's the Andorian jamming signal.

I'm entering the landing coordinates
they gave us.

Let's hope they're accurate.

Did you have a chance to read
the Territorial Compromise?

I glanced at it.

The compromise is at the heart
of this dispute.

It's worth your attention.

It's 1,200 pages long.

Did you glance at any of the other
materials I sent to your quarters?

V'Lar's treatise
on negotiating tactics

is the definitive text on the subject.

I got all of it. V'Lar's treatise,
the Revised Intersystem Agreement,

the High Command briefing
on the border incursions of 2112.

I was up till 2 a.m.



Are you trying to tell me something?

That maybe I'm not prepared
for this?

Ambassador Soval clearly believes
you'll fail.

I was hoping
some advance preparation

would help you prove him wrong.


But I doubt I'm going to impress Shran
by quoting Vulcan treaties.

I assume you have a strategy.

The first thing is to convince Shran
that he can trust me.

And then?

We're just gonna have to play it
by ear.


Are you sure
these are the coordinates?


FEMALE VOICE: Don't move, Vulcan.
- Captain.

We're not armed.

I'm Captain Jonathan Archer.

I'm here to see Commander Shran.

He's expecting you.

Without a Vulcan escort.

I wasn't told to come alone.

This is my science officer.

She helped expose
the Vulcan listening post at P'Jem.

I thought Shran might enjoy
seeing her again.

I imagined my first diplomatic mission
would involve sitting around a big table,

toasting with champagne,
signing things with lots of pens.

The pink skin sense of humor.

My apologies
for the security precautions.

We can never be too vigilant
when it comes to Vulcans.

- They say the same thing about you.
- I'm sure they do.

We're aggressive, illogical.

Prove them wrong.

That's why you're here, captain,

to help us do just that.

I've dealt with the Vulcans twice before
where you were involved.

Both times,

you handled the situation
without prejudice.

I hope I can help again.

But the first thing I need
is to see the hostages.


Criminals take hostages.

Kidnappers looking for ransom
take hostages.

I assume you're referring to
the enemy soldiers we captured.

The Vulcans wanna know
they're all right.

They haven't been harmed.

Are you all right?

When they att*cked us,
two of my men were badly wounded.

They're lucky we didn't k*ll them.

You provoked this situation

when you violated
the Territorial Compromise.

Only a Vulcan could call
a hundred years of oppression

a compromise.

You annexed a planet
that belongs to us,

herded our people
into refugee camps.

After you set up
a m*llitary outpost here.

As you can see, captain,
even after a hundred years,

this situation still evokes anger
on both sides.

We will release our prisoners
on the following conditions:

Immediate withdrawal
of all Vulcan m*llitary forces,

the so-called compromise
is to be rescinded,

and the Vulcans must concede
irrevocable sovereignty

of Weytahn to Andoria.

You don't expect them
to agree to all that.

I told you.
He's a puppet of the Vulcans.

For the record,

the Vulcan High Command
doesn't like me very much.

And frankly, the feeling is mutual.

If all you need is someone
to deliver your list of demands,

find somebody else.

I've got other things to do.

The Vulcans always say
they're ready to talk,

but it amounts to nothing.

Treaty negotiations that drag on
for years.

I wanna speak to Soval.

Somebody who can
deal with the situation

without having to check
with his superiors.

- I'll see what I can do.
- Here.

On my terms.

That might be a little difficult.

This is pointless.

But not impossible.

The thing is,

he's going to want something
in return.

Haven't they already taken enough?

I'm talking about a gesture.

Something to show you're serious.

I came down here
to see about the hostages.

Why don't you let them go?

And give away our only advantage?

- No.
- Release two of them then.

Keep the other one
until after you've met with Soval.


As a show of our good faith.


You got one of your men back.

And in exchange,
you'll deliver me into their hands?

I'm sure the Andorians
were impressed

with your negotiating skills.

They wanna talk to you,
not kidnap you.

If I agree to a meeting,
it simply legitimizes their position.

And if you don't, these negotiations
end before they begin.

That may happen sooner
than you realize.

While you were on the surface,

we detected three Andorian vessels

They'll be here
in less than five hours.

They probably intend to resupply
their troops on the surface.

We won't allow that.

Engaging an Andorian vessel
could be construed as an act of w*r.

That will be their decision.

Both sides are responsible
for what happens here.

You don't understand the complexities
of the situation.

With all due respect, ambassador,

why did you agree
to let me go down there

if you won't listen to my advice?

I didn't request your help, captain.

And I don't feel obliged to accept it.

You claim the Andorians
are inflexible.

At least they're willing
to sit down and talk.

The ball's in your court now.

It's a human expression.

It means the next move is yours.

This isn't wise.
The colony hasn't been secured.

Didn't you hear the captain?

The ball is in our court.

I don't like this.

With the interference,
you won't be able to contact the ship

- if something goes wrong.
- They're expecting us. We'll be fine.

Those Andorian ships will be here
in four hours.

I plan on being back long before then.

T'Pol said that Territorial Compromise
they were talking about

took eight years to work out.

I'll try to speed things up this time.

Bring them here as soon as they land

and treat the Vulcan with respect.

Yes, sir.

If I may speak.

You don't have to.
I know what you're going to say.

We discovered this planet.
We made it livable.

It belongs to us.

Don't worry. It'll be ours again.

How? By talking?

We've been trying that
for a hundred years

and it's gotten us nowhere.

They stall and lie,

and make promises
they never intend to keep.

We came here to fight.

Why back down now?

I'm willing to give Archer
another chance.

You put too much faith
in pink skins.

We don't know anything about them
except that they're friends

- of the Vulcans.
- Not always.

I've seen that for myself.

If we att*ck now, we can have
the Vulcans on the defensive

before our ships arrive.

Your recommendation is noted.

Our troops are ready.

- There's no reason to wait.
- Enough.

I value your opinion, Tarah,

but that does not allow you
to question my commands.



They'll send some soldiers
to meet us.

I'm afraid
they'll wanna blindfold you.

It's just a security precaution.

Thank you for the reassurance.
Now, if you don't mind,

I'll need a few moments of silence
to prepare myself.

Of course.


- T'Pol?
- Weapons fire.

I can't pinpoint the source.

- Archer to Enterprise.
- We're still within their jamming range.

I suggest we cancel the negotiations
and return to your ship.

For once, we're in full agreement.

Direct hit to our starboard engine.

Main power is off-line.

Now you see who you're dealing with,

If you don't mind, ambassador...

We're losing altitude.
Two hundred meters.

I'm gonna bring us in on thrusters.

One hundred meters.

Fifty. We need to reduce our speed.

The ground is gonna do that for us.

Brace yourselves.

Any idea where we are?

The southeast quadrant,
near the old spaceport.

I told you,
I negotiated the last accord.

I also served here.

You were with the occupation force?

As an intelligence officer,
a long time ago.

Our current deployment
has a base of operations that way,

about two and a half kilometers.

I appreciate your help, ambassador,
but we're looking for the Andorians.

Circumstances have altered our plans.

I gave my word to Shran.

I intend to keep it.

[g*nf*re IN DISTANCE]

Shran just tried to k*ll us.

We don't know that.

I suppose you think our troops
are responsible for this.

Sensors and communications
are off-line.

There's weapons fire
all over the place.

We don't know what happened.

Are you that naive?

Shran is using you.

This is a man who couldn't sleep

because he thought
he owed me something.

I don't believe he asked me

to come a dozen light years
just so I could lead you into a trap.


And right now,
it seems like the best thing to do

is to get a cease-fire in place.

The Andorians won't agree to that
until they talk to you in person.

I managed to keep us on course
most of the way in.

We can't be more than a kilometer
from Shran's landing coordinates.

How would you know?

We can't pick up anything
through the interference.

Our scanners are more sophisticated
than yours.

We detected weapons fire
coming from the surface,

then your shuttle appeared
to make an emergency landing

- somewhere in the colony.
- Where?

We haven't been able to pinpoint
their landing site,

but our units on the ground
are already searching.

The High Command instructed me
to take steps

to recover Ambassador Soval.

- And our officers?
- Of course.

We wanna be involved
in any rescue operation.

We have more experience
in these matters.

I know.

I once saw
one of your commando units

blast the hell out of a rebel compound
during a rescue mission.

We won't allow this provocation
to continue.

You don't even know where they are.

Do you think it's a good idea
to go there, g*ns blazing?

Our response will be appropriate.

I'll keep you informed, commander.

- Any luck?
- I'm trying, sir.

But if the Vulcans can't find them...

- See what you can do.
- Yes, sir.

How far away
are those Andorian ships?

Three hours at their present speed.

That shuttle was to be left alone.
I gave specific orders.

And they were followed.

Then who fired those sh*ts?

The Vulcans, I suppose,
trying to k*ll their own ambassador.

Is that so unlikely?

Some of my men saw weapons fire
coming from their positions.

It's Vulcan subterfuge, I'm sure of it.

What better way for them
to justify an invasion

than to blame us
for k*lling their envoy?

They are devious,
but I doubt even they would go that far.

You act as if they have some
moral code.

They have no conscience,
only their precious logic.

They'll do anything
to drive us off this planet.

We should never have agreed
to negotiate.

You're not happy with the way
I've handled this situation?

- Of course I am, sir.
SOLDIER: The Sector Two report, sir.

Put our positions on alert.

I want Soval and the pink skin
brought to me... Alive.

If they're looking for an excuse
to att*ck, we won't give it to them.

I'll see to it myself.

Perhaps you were farther off course
than you thought.

You've been here before.
I don't suppose you'd care to help.

It's been almost a hundred years.

I thought Vulcans
had exceptional memories.

This is the old residential quarter.

According to our latest intelligence,

the Andorians control
the settlement west of here.

If we keep moving this way,
we should be... Down.


Not quite the warm welcome
you expected, captain?

They're not sh**ting at us.

The Vulcan units must be advancing
their positions.

We should try to make contact
with them.

I don't recommend
sticking your neck out.

What do you recommend?

Wandering through these ruins
until we find an Andorian soldier,

and trust he's been informed
not to sh**t us on sight?

I'll take a look.

- Stay here.
- Captain.

That's an order.

No offense, but my ears are less likely
to draw fire than yours.

What is their fixation with our ears?

I believe they're envious.

Do you realize you've picked up
a slight human accent?

You were one of the most promising
members of my staff, T'Pol.

If you'd stayed in San Francisco,

you'd be the assistant counsel
by now.

You might even have
a diplomatic posting of your own.

I'm aware of that.

Then why have you remained
on Enterprise?

They needed our help
when they first developed warp drive.

That hasn't changed.

Captain Archer's record
is evidence of that.

But there are others
who can assist them.

I find the work gratifying.

is an emotional indulgence.

You disagreed
with our recommendation

that Archer's mission be canceled

after the tragedy at Paraaga II.

I was onboard Enterprise
at the time.

I felt my opinion would be welcomed.

You believed you knew better
than High Command?

That sounds a great deal
like another emotion,


Perhaps it's time for you
to consider another assignment.

Just because Captain Archer
has earned my respect

doesn't mean I've been contaminated
by his emotions.

Did you make contact?

No, they're pulling back.

Let's keep moving.


They're probably trying
to reach the Vulcans.

No. The pink skin will want to keep
his part of the bargain.

They'll be looking for Shran.


- Commander.
TRIP: You have something?

I can't be sure.
You see this EM differential here?

- That's the captain?
- It's definitely a bio-sign.

I'm 90 percent sure it's human.

At least we know he's alive.
Where is he?

I need another hour.

What's the status
on those Andorian ships?

They just dropped out of warp.

They'll be here in 13 minutes.

I think the Vulcans see them too.

They're breaking orbit.

Probably giving themselves room
to maneuver.

Put the ship on Tactical Alert.


Get down.



Over there.

Those are Andorian weapons.

Hold your fire!

How is he?

It isn't life-threatening,
but he needs medical attention.

We've brought the Vulcan ambassador
to meet with Commander Shran!

It looks like two of them.

One on top of that structure,

the other on the ground.

If I can work my way around,

I might be able to come up
from behind them.

What do you expect me to do with this?

Make sure they don't see me.

- I haven't fired a w*apon in 50 years.
- You don't have to hit anything,

just keep them occupied.

Really occupied.

Or I'm not gonna get very far.



Fifty thousand kilometers.

They're still heading
right for the Vulcan ships.

The Vulcans are charging weapons,
the Andorians as well.

Travis, lay in a new course.

I want you to put us
right between them.

Aye, sir.

If you don't mind me asking,
what do you have in mind?


Drop your w*apon.

I've never fired one of these before.

I'm not sure if it's set on stun.

T'Pol, cease fire!

It doesn't have a stun setting.

You fired on my shuttle.

You're trying to k*ll Soval.

Undermine everything
that Shran is trying to do here. Why?

Do you want a w*r
with the Vulcans?

All we want is a chance
to fight for what's ours

before cowards like Shran
negotiate it away.

You can take that up with him.
Let's go.




We're being hailed by the Vulcans.


And the Andorians.

Put them both on.

This is Commander Tucker.

Captain Telev of the Imperial Guard.

Commander, I strongly recommend
you withdraw to a safe distance.

I agree.

We wouldn't want your vessel
to be damaged

by debris from the Vulcan ships.

We will not allow the Andorians

to land additional troops
on Paan Mokar.

It's called Weytahn.

And our personnel there
have been att*cked.

We'll provide
whatever support they need.

MUROC: Any vessel attempting
to enter orbit will be fired upon.

That includes yours,

We appreciate your support,
Commander Tucker.


I'll open fire on any ship that makes
an aggressive move. Phase cannons?


Locked and ready.

This is not a Starfleet matter.

As long as my captain is stuck
in the middle of your w*r zone, it is.

The Andorians have made it
impossible for us

to recover Captain Archer.

By now, he's most likely a casualty.

Don't count him out so fast.

We've managed to isolate
his bio-signature.


why don't you both give him
and Ambassador Soval

a chance to do their jobs
before we start a w*r up here?

He was ready to k*ll me.

You saw for yourself.

Apparently, these pink skins
aren't as honorable as you thought.

Are you all right?

I suppose I sh*t the ambassador
to make my story more convincing.

Why would my lieutenant,
a loyal member of the Imperial Guard,

lie to me?

Commander, it seems you're willing
to resolve this situation

through peaceful means.

Do all your officers feel the same?

Have you considered
there might be Andorians

who would want a w*r with Vulcan?

How long have I served with you?

Followed your orders
when it could have meant my life?

She's not the only one
who risked their life.

I said I'd bring Soval to meet you,

and we damn near got k*lled
getting him here.

I came because you asked me.

Because you thought
I could be trusted.

Check Soval's wound.

Check our shuttle.

You'll find
Andorian w*apon signatures.

Is this true?

Answer me.

What did you expect me to do?

Follow my orders.

Orders to do nothing
while you betray us?

It's not too late to redeem yourself.

To make a stand.

I intend to.

Take her.

There are others who feel this way.

You'll see.

See to the ambassador's wounds.

We have a lot to discuss.

The Vulcan ships
are breaking formation.

They're heading for the planet.

The Andorians are following, sir.

Arm the forward phase cannons.
See if you can target their weapons.

We're being hailed from the surface.

It's the captain.

Hold off, Malcolm. Put him through.

- Captain.
ARCHER: Nice to hear your voice, Trip.

What's going on down there?
Are you okay?

T'Pol and I are fine.

We're at the Andorian command post.

Ambassador Soval's been injured,
but Shran's medics are treating him.

Did you say Shran's medics?

He's just being a good host.

The Andorians are allowing
the Vulcan ships

to move in and pick up their people.

Glad you let us know.

Did you run into any problems
up there?

Nothing we couldn't handle.

I'll fill you in later.

We had a pretty rough landing.

We'll need a ride back to the ship.

I'll send Travis down
in Shuttlepod Two.

Acknowledged. Archer out.

Put us back in orbit, Travis,

and cancel the Tactical Alert.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

Ambassador Soval has begun talks
with the Andorians.

They've been difficult,
but productive.

The Imperial Council
will not be satisfied

until Vulcan recognizes our claim
to Weytahn.

I believe someone once defined
a compromise

as a solution
that neither side is happy with.

In that case, these talks
have been extremely successful.

I consider any negotiation
that averts w*r to be a success.

Join me in a drink

to celebrate

our mutual dissatisfaction.

Vulcans don't drink.

But this occasion merits an exception.

To the cease-fire.

It wouldn't have been possible
without the help of our human friends.

And to the successful continuation
of these talks on Andoria.

I trust there'll be more accomplished
than just talk.

With your permission, I'll escort
Ambassador Soval to the airlock.

Of course.


your presence here
has not been overly meddlesome.

I think he likes you, pink skin.

I wouldn't go that far.