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02x14 - Stigma

Posted: 01/10/23 20:27
by bunniefuu
Your neurolytic enzymes
are considerably higher

than last month.

The treatment's
no longer effective?

PHLOX: I told you,
it was just a matter of time

before we'd need
supplemental medications.

This conference
is a perfect opportunity.

Some of your finest physicians
will be there.

- It's essential that I speak with them.
- It's too great a risk.

I'd be taken off Enterprise.

PHLOX: I think I can question them
without revealing that you're infected.

It's too great a risk.

I'm afraid we have no choice.

Without further treatment,
you could very possibly die.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

We've entered the orbit
of Dekendi III,

where the Interspecies Medical
Exchange is hosting a conference.

We'll be picking up
a neutron microscope,

but more importantly,

we'll get a chance
to meet one of Phlox's wives.

How long's it been, doc?

Oh, I haven't seen Feezal
for nearly, uh, four years.

What's the point of having three wives
if you never get to see them?

Denobulans are renowned
for their patience.

- Welcome, my beloved. Heh.
- My beloved.


Captain Archer, I'd like you to meet
my second wife, Feezal.

- It's a pleasure to have you aboard.
- Thank you.

And this is our chief engineer,
Commander Tucker.


I look forward to helping you
install the microscope.

We can hold that off till later.

I'm sure the two of you are eager
to spend some time together.

Nonsense, captain.

We've been apart for four years.

Another hour, another day, heh.

As I said, we are very patient.

Well, in that case,
why don't we have some lunch

while the microscope's
being unloaded?

I'd be honored.

Won't you be joining us,

Oh, I'd love to but I think I should
make sure your equipment

gets up to Sickbay in one piece.

- Then I'll see you after lunch?
- You bet.



It seems odd, doesn't it,

that a Denobulan physician would
be interested in a Vulcan disease?

One of my colleagues on Denobula

has been studying
Pa'nar Syndrome for some time.

Its pathology is quite similar
to thymic sclerosis.

Thymic sclerosis?

It's a non-fatal illness which
we've had very little success treating.

I promised him,
my colleague back home,

that I'd inquire about any recent
advances in its treatment.

We're hesitant to discuss
Pa'nar Syndrome, doctor.

This illness is unique to a sub-culture,
a small percentage of our population.

Their behavior is neither tolerated
nor sanctioned.

My friend is well aware of that.
Unfortunately, thymic sclerosis

is found in all strata
of Denobulan society.

Developing a cure
is of paramount importance.

Do you have any literature
on this disease?

As I told you, I'm currently serving
on a Starfleet vessel.

Humans are not susceptible to it.

I could, uh, contact my colleague,

but it would take at least five days
before we'd receive a response.

I'm afraid we'll have returned
to Vulcan by then.

anything you could provide me with

would be instrumental in helping
the Denobulan people.

ORATT: We'll have to discuss
your request, doctor.

When we've reached a decision,
we'll contact you aboard your ship.

Thank you for your time.

TRIP: If the reflectometer is supposed
to amplify the neutron stream,

shouldn't it be installed
before the emitters?

It's collimating the neutrons,
not amplifying them.

If you read the instructions,
you'll find it's all very clear.

Oh, I've tried to read the instructions,
and they are anything but clear.

Now, I don't wanna brag but I can
take apart and put back together

just about any piece of equipment
I've ever met.

That's one of the reasons

Captain Archer picked me
for this mission.

Because I am really good
at following instructions.

- But these are in...
- Denobulan. I understand.

That's why I'm here.

So let's go through it slowly.

Do you see the threads
on the aperture ring?

- Here.
- Exactly.

Take the smaller condenser lens
and screw it on.

Now re-modulate
the emitter frequency.

That'll initiate the neutron stream.

Uh, which one?

You're gonna have to help me
with this one.

It's very simple.

Insert the thick end into this opening.

It'll automatically program
the frequency.


You can pull it out now.

The stream should be initiated.

Um, I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Uh, maybe if you explain
the next few steps, I could

try and get through some of this
on my own.

By all means.

You're a very confident young man,
aren't you?

I try to be.

You're going to need to come
a little closer to see this.

Have you spoken to Phlox
since he got back?

I wasn't aware he was gone.

You must have not seen him
yesterday morning.

He was champing at the bit
to get down to that conference.

Brought back a wish list
of medical instruments.

It is the first IME conference
he's attended in over a year.

He said there
was a Vulcan contingent.

You might wanna go down for a visit.
You may know one of them.

There are over
one million physicians on Vulcan.

I would think you'd enjoy spending time
with members of your own species.



A Vulcan transport has requested

permission to dock.
They've already left the surface.

Speak of the devil.
You won't have to go anywhere.

I'll meet them at Docking Port 2.

HOSHI: They've asked that the doctor
join you and Sub-commander T'Pol.

- Let him know, okay?
HOSHI: Right away, sir.

You have any idea
what this is about?

I haven't spoken to anyone
on the surface.

You can bet they're not coming up
for coffee and donuts.

Can I get you something?

Thanks to Sub-commander T'Pol,
our chef has learned to make

some pretty decent plomeek soup.

We appreciate your hospitality,

but we've come to speak
to your doctor.

- With your permission.
- Absolutely.

If you need anything,
just let me know.

We would appreciate it
if T'Pol would remain.


We've discussed your request.

Unfortunately, we are still hesitant

to share data
regarding Pa'nar Syndrome.

Sub-commander T'Pol
is not aware of my request.

I'm, uh, curious
why you asked her to stay.

You're requesting information
about a Vulcan disease

and you didn't discuss it with your
Vulcan Science Officer?

That's correct.

As far as I know, her expertise
does not include medicine.

Are you familiar with Pa'nar Syndrome,

Of course.

Would you mind describing it?

You are physicians.

Why would you need me
to define an illness?

Please indulge us.

It's an incurable degradation
of the synaptic pathways.

It also affects the endocrine
and immune systems.

An impressive definition.

Could you tell us
how the disease is transmitted?

Through a telepathic practice.

And what practice would that be?


They cause a disruption
of neuro-electric impulses

in the mid-brain, which can lead
to the early stages of the syndrome.

Do you condone these acts,

These mind-melds?

I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me
why you asked me here.

As would I. Your questions to T'Pol
seem inappropriate.

Dr. Phlox has asked for data regarding
the treatment of Pa'nar Syndrome.

Did you have anything to do
with that request?

- I believe I was very clear about that.

Your colleague on Denobula.

Forgive us, doctor, but since
there's a Vulcan serving on your ship,

a fact that you neglected
to mention to us,

we had to consider
other possible motives for your inquiry.

What motive are you suggesting?

Are you familiar
with any of these names?

They're Vulcan.
I'm not familiar with any of them.

They're melders.

Vulcans with the ability to transfer
thoughts and memories to each other.

Do you know any melders,

Not well.
But I've met a number of them.

Then I'll ask you again.
Do you condone their behavior?

I don't understand what your questions
have to do with the doctor's request.

We find their behavior unacceptable,

and since Pa'nar Syndrome
is transmitted by these people,

its cure is not a priority.

Are you saying
there is no additional research?

None that we'd care to disseminate.

I'm sorry.

You traveled up from the surface
to tell Dr. Phlox you wouldn't help him?

If you'll please show us
to the airlock.

YURIS: Is it definitive?
STROM: Unmistakably.

She's suffering from the syndrome.

FEEZAL: Now watch.
A simple strand of protein molecules

can be enlarged and enhanced,

to where we can clearly see
a single nucleotide.


- Look at that. Are those?
- Carbon atoms.

Now you try it.

First I re-initialize
the neutron stream.


Very good.
Now align the quantum filters.

This is a bitch.

Excuse me?

Oh, not you. Uh...


The microscope.

Has Vesena forgiven Groznik yet?

Absolutely not.

Groznik has only apologized twice.

I doubt he'll be forgiven
for another two years.

Well, at least he has his other wives.

Not wives, wife.

Kessil moved to Teerza Prime
to be with her third husband.

Did I do this right?
Why is there no image?

You forgot to enter
the frequency parameters.

Which one was her third husband?
Oh, was that Klaban?

Bogga. Klaban was Forlisa's husband.
Her first, I think.

There you go.

- Why isn't it sharp?
- You forgot to stabilize the aperture.

That's just a reflection
from the imaging filament.


It's all right.

We'll re-initialize the neutron stream
and start again.



Forlisa. Oh, my, my, heh.

I, uh, thought about asking Forlisa
to be my second wife.

Turned out
she already had three husbands.


Archer to Dr. Phlox.

Ah. Yes, captain?

ARCHER: Could you report
to my Ready Room?


I'll be back as soon as I can,
my beloved.




Come in.


Yes, captain.

I wanted to see both of you.

It's been a while since I was
embarrassed by a Vulcan dignitary.


I just spoke to Dr. Oratt.

It seems you requested some
medical data regarding a Vulcan illness

for a colleague on Denobula.

Yes, sir.

And both of you said that T'Pol
had nothing to do with that request.

Are you both going to lie to me
like you lied to them?

I have no intention of lying to you,

And when were you going to tell me

that you've contracted
a serious illness?


They handed you something.
A PADD, I think.

Does that ring a bell?
You left a fingerprint.

It was enough for them to run tests.

Why did you lie to them?

- It's none of their concern.
- It sure as hell is if they can help you.

How long have you known
about this?

- Nearly a year.
- And you never thought

that maybe you should come to me

and let me know
that one of my officers

has a potentially fatal disease?

I believe your culture embraces
the concept

of doctor-patient confidentiality.

The disease is not contagious.

If we had told you,
there's nothing you could have done.

You still haven't explained to me
why you lied to the Vulcans.

And why would you think
they would be more apt to help you

if you said it was
for a Denobulan colleague?

Pa'nar Syndrome is an illness
that carries a stigma on Vulcan.

If the High Command was to learn
that I was infected,

I would most likely
lose my commission.

For having a disease?

It's not about the disease.

It's about the people
who are capable of transmitting it.

Go on.

There are certain Vulcans,
a small minority,

who are born with the ability to perform
a very intimate form of telepathy.


A melding of minds.

That ship of Vulcans

who were experimenting
with emotions.

They are part
of the telepathic minority.

One of the reasons why they left
Vulcan was to escape prejudice.

Their behavior is considered unnatural.
They're seen as a threat.

- You belong to that minority?
- No.

- Then...?
- Only members of the minority

can initiate a mind-meld,

but any Vulcan can be the recipient.

Why would you take that risk?

It wasn't by choice.

One of the men on that ship...

You were att*cked. I remember.

I'm sure the High Command
will understand.

I have no intention of telling them.

- Why not?
- I have my reasons.

How serious is it?

I've kept it in check,
but the symptoms have progressed.

That's why I requested
the most current research.

Well, your request
was accompanied by a lie.

And whatever your reasons
might have been,

you're no longer
welcome at the conference.

- The Vulcans have seen to that.
- I understand.

My number one priority here
is the health of my first officer.

If these doctors have data
that can help her, I plan to get it.


I'm sorry, did we keep you waiting?

Actually, you did.

What can we do for you, captain?

Sub-commander T'Pol and my doctor
have explained the situation to me.

Ah, it's unfortunate that T'Pol is ill.

Dr. Phlox assures me that he was
only trying to protect her privacy.

- He doesn't make a habit of lying.
- I certainly hope not.

I'm having a little difficulty

understanding why you won't share
your research,

especially now that you know
it could help T'Pol's condition.

I can't believe you're withholding it
to punish Dr. Phlox.

Our decision has nothing to do
with that.

Then what does it have to do with?

Pa'nar Syndrome is a disease

that's unique to an undesirable
segment of our population.

there are very few of them.

And because you find them

they're not entitled to medical care?

We don't condone the intimate acts
that these people engage in.

They defy everything our society
stands for.

Intimate acts?
You're talking about mind-melds.

We take great pride in our ability
to contain emotions.

Sharing them is offensive.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
we have a great deal of work to do

before the conference ends.

If you're not gonna help her,

the least you could do
is show a little discretion.

The High Command
doesn't need to know about this.

It's not for us to decide what
the High Command needs to know.

You have her genetic profile.

You must realize
she's not a member of this minority.

Nonetheless, there's only one way
to contract Pa'nar Syndrome.

Good day.





HOSHI [OVER COM]: There's a
message for you from the surface.

Transfer it here.

Right away.


Come in.


I was just about to call you.

Sit down.

I'm sorry.

I didn't have much luck down there.

They seem pretty

pig-headed when it comes
to Pa'nar Syndrome.

And I got the distinct feeling

they're not gonna keep this
to themselves.

I just received a message
from Dr. Yuris.

- Which one was he?
- The youngest.

He asked me to meet him
in a northern section of the city.

I believe he wants to help.


That seems to like the last thing
these doctors wanna do.

He asked me to come alone.


This may be of use to you.

What is it?

The research your doctor asked for.

You've taken a great risk
by bringing this to me.

One that
I'm more than willing to take.


There's more intolerance today
than there was a thousand years ago.

It has to stop.

Why jeopardize your career
to help someone you despise?

If I despised you,
I'd be despising myself.

I'm part of the minority.

You know,
I'm not a member of the minority.

As far as my colleagues
are concerned,

you might as well be.

Anyone who chooses to perform
a mind-meld is worthy of contempt.

What if I didn't choose?

You were coerced.

You should tell them.
They'll be far more sympathetic.

Are you infected?

No. Only a small percentage are.

If they ask my opinion, I won't be able
to condone what you did.

I hope you understand.

You can't jeopardize your position.

I have to return.

Tell them what happened.

Tell them before
they contact the High Command.

Thank you for this.

- It doesn't make any sense.
- Why not?

We're orbiting an alien world,

and most of the crew
are free to go down and visit.

Why would anyone wanna
stay on board and watch a movie?

Are you kidding?

They're showing The Black Cat,
Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi.

It sounds like you're the one
picking the movies.


Who else would choose
an obscure horror film?

Why not something a little more,
I don't know, romantic?

I'm going down to the surface.

What's the rush?
You haven't even finished your dinner.

There's a shuttle leaving
at 1800 hours.

Uh, you've got plenty of time.

Try the cobbler.
The chef outdid himself.

Okay, but I have to leave
in a few minutes.

- May I join you?
HOSHI: Please.

I'm Hoshi Sato. I've been meaning
to introduce myself.

Feezal Phlox.
You're the language wizard.

My husband speaks
very fondly of you.


I'm getting a little paranoid here.
You're not talking about me, are you?

- Matter of fact, we were.
- Mm-hm.

Ensign Sato barely has an accent.

She was telling me
how attractive she thinks you are.

She's pulling your leg, sir.
I was only talking about grammar.

It's okay, Hoshi.

I've got to go.
It was very nice to meet you.

I wasn't exactly pulling your leg,
was I?

No. Not exactly.

Look, uh...


Uh, I'm very flattered
but aren't you a married woman?

I'm a woman
and that's all that matters, isn't it?


Uh, I'm afraid I've got to go too.

Captain asked me to write
a synopsis of tonight's movie.

Save me a seat.

Uh, you probably wouldn't like it.
It's very scary and, uh, you've got to...

You got to be human to appreciate
horror films.

I'll see you in the morning.

She's at it again.

Heh, I don't know about you,
but I find her quite attractive.

- Come on, Malcolm.
- Ha, ha.

This is serious.
What if Phlox finds out?

You haven't done anything
to make her think...

Of course not.

- Maybe I should tell the doc.
- Tell him what?

That his wife is trying to seduce you?
Not a good idea.

I've got to spend the next two days
with her working on the microscope.


I really think I should speak to Phlox.

It might be a lot easier to avoid her
advances than to get Phlox angry.

I once saw him lose his temper
when one of his creatures bit him.


It wasn't a pretty sight.

This is far from a cure

but it should slow down
the progression of the disease.

It's surprising.
I assumed your Science Directorate

would have made
more progress than this.

As we've seen, they're not
very motivated to develop a cure.

Hmm, with this research, I should be
able to get closer than they have.


- How useful is it?
- Very.

It will allow me to improve
my course of treatment

long before her symptoms
get worse.

Have you figured out
why Dr. Yuris gave it to you?

No, I haven't.

- You spoke with them.
ARCHER: A few minutes ago.

They've decided to recall you.

Do they have the authority
to do that?

Dr. Oratt does.

He's a ranking member
of the Council of Physicians.

They plan on taking you back
to Vulcan

when the conference is over.

Have they notified
the High Command?

Not till you reach Vulcan.

You've got to tell them, T'Pol.

Tell them what happened.

They won't do a thing to you
once they know it wasn't voluntary,

- that he did it against your will.
- I won't do that.

- Why the hell not?
- I have Pa'nar Syndrome.

It doesn't make a difference
how I contracted it.

It makes a lot of difference.

You're not a member of this minority.

He forced himself on you.
You said it yourself.

He's right, T'Pol.
You should tell them.

He is not right.

If I use that as a defense, as a way to
keep from being taken off Enterprise,

I'd be condoning their prejudice

and in the process,
indicting every member of the minority.

I won't do that.

ARCHER: Where's Oratt?
- Dr. Oratt isn't available.

- Perhaps I can help you.
- Perhaps you can't.

If you know anything more...

- You're going to have to leave.
ARCHER: I need to talk to you!

- I told him you were busy.
- What can I do for you, captain?

You have no right
to take my science officer.

You're mistaken. I have every right.

You can't dismiss someone

because you don't agree with the way
they conduct their lives.

I am not dismissing T'Pol.
I'm simply returning her to Vulcan.

The High Command will decide
whether she is fit for duty.



You're saying a single mind-meld
is enough to destroy her career?

Or is it that
she contracted the disease?

That's why you're so hesitant
to find a cure, isn't it?

Why bother to help people
you don't approve of?

I'm sorry you don't understand the
complexities of our culture, captain.

Please have the sub-commander
ready to depart in 36 hours.

Not so fast.


You know what this is, doctor?

My communications officer
got it from the Vulcan database.

It's the protocols
of the Council of Physicians.

It says that, "Anyone accused
of ethical misconduct

is entitled to a hearing
before the ranking medical officer

in the province or territory
where the accusation was first made."

If I'm not mistaken,
that would be you.

The accusation against T'Pol stands.
It's not open for debate.

Where I come from,
everything's open for debate.

And if I read these protocols

so is the accusation
you made against my science officer.

- You're wasting your time.
- It's mine to waste.

Very well.

But I will not delay our departure.

The hearing will take place
tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow afternoon. Fine.

It's the Dekendi's favorite sport.

Just because they asked you to
participate, doesn't mean you had to.

They said it was an honor.
It looked easy enough.

You're lucky this creature
didn't strike a bit lower.

If I may ask,
what is the purpose of this, uh, sport?

They've got these fargans.

They're kind of like cows with humps
and they love melons.

I think they're melons.

So four guys get into this big circle
filled with fargans

and throw these melons
back and forth.

They use sticks
with metal baskets at the end.

Do you play monkey-in-the-middle
on Denobula?

I don't believe so.

Anyway, after a while, the fargans
start figuring out what's going on...

You got a minute, doc?

Are you not feeling well,

No. Uh, I'm fine. I just, uh...

I need to talk to you for a minute.

By all means.
What's on your mind?

Actually, I was kind of hoping
to talk to you alone.


I think we're about done here.

It would be best
if you avoided fargans for a few days.

Thanks, doc, heh.

- Commander.
- See you, Travis.


Uh, Malcolm said
this was a bad idea,

- but I think it's the right thing to do.
- What's that?

Feezal. I mean, Mrs. Phlox,

is a lovely woman
and she's very smart.

She knows more about quantum
optics than anyone I've ever met.

She is remarkable.

Remarkable? Yeah, she sure is.

Was there something else?

Yeah, there is.

You gotta understand.
I've been a perfect gentleman.

Absolutely nothing's happened.

She's trying to...

She's, um...

She's making advances,
if you know what I mean.

Sexual advances?

I'm afraid so.

Has she offered to give you
a rose petal bath?

No, no. No, nothing like that.

Oh, any man would be a fool
to ignore the romantic overtures

of a healthy Denobulan woman, heh.

Don't you find her attractive?

Oh, sure.

I mean, no, she's your wife.

What does that have to do with it?

- She's your wife.
- Oh, nonsense. Nonsense.

You're too concerned
with human morality.

I thought you wanted to learn
about, uh, new cultures.

- Isn't that why you joined Starfleet?
- Why, of course it is.

But I was brought up believing

you don't play around
with another man's wife.

I don't think I'm ever gonna
change my mind about that.

As you wish. Your loss.


Come in.

Lieutenant Reed told me
you went to the surface.

I spoke to Dr. Oratt.

I didn't tell you because I didn't
want you to try and talk me out of it.

- I assume you were unsuccessful.
- Not exactly.

Before I left, I got the medical
protocols from Hoshi.

It seems they owe you a hearing.

- They'll never agree.
- They already did.

I have no interest
in challenging their decision.

If you're not going
to defend yourself,

the least you can do is speak for this
minority you're so eager to protect.

You said you didn't want to condone
the attitude of these doctors.

Your silence would do just that.

You need to understand.

I won't tell them
how I got the disease.

I'll go along with that. I promise.

But you've got to understand

I'm not gonna give you up
without a fight.

Fact that she has Pa'nar Syndrome
is not the reason she's being recalled.

ARCHER: No. It has to do
with how she got infected.

A mind-meld over a year ago.

When it took place is not pertinent.

So, what you're saying is that
if a Vulcan,

even an officer
in the Science Directorate,

engages in this
exchange of thoughts and memories,

they're condemned for it?

As you've been told, captain,

mind-melds are practiced
by a sub-culture.

Vulcans who have elected
to conduct themselves

- in an unacceptable manner.
- They haven't elected to do anything.

- They're born with this ability.
STROM: Exactly.

They're genetic aberrations
who prey on people like you,

people foolish enough to experiment
with abhorrent behavior.

"You humans are too volatile,
too irrational, too narrow-minded."

That's what I heard for years
from every Vulcan I met.

But we don't hold a candle to you
when it comes to narrow-minded.

We got rid of bigotry
nearly a century ago.

We're not afraid of diversity.
We don't persecute it, we embrace it.

If you call yourselves enlightened,

you have to accept people
who are different than you are.

This is pointless.
Our culture is governed by rules.

We're not about to ignore them.

There are no rules telling you
to oppress minorities.

You'd rather let them
spread their infections.

That's exactly
why you're being recalled.

No. I'm being recalled
because you're afraid of anything

that doesn't conform to your idea
of acceptable behavior.

Unfortunately, you don't know
what you're talking about.

The decision's been made.
We should end this inquiry.

She knows exactly
what she's talking about.

Are you questioning our judgment?

There is nothing abhorrent
about the way we lead our lives.


There is no simple definition
of intimacy.

Those of us capable of mind-melds
are no different than you are.

You realize that you're jeopardizing
your reputation, your career?

We share our thoughts differently.
We shouldn't be punished for that.

The High Command will determine
whether you should be punished.

Both of you.

She's not guilty of anything.
She was violated.

You gave me your word.

The mind-meld was performed
against her will.

Can you verify this?

Why? So you can perpetuate
your double standard?

Condemn the infected
when they meld by choice

and sympathize with them
when they don't?

What do you know of this, captain?

Seems my science officer
doesn't want to discuss it.

That's good enough for me.

She told me herself.
She made me promise to stay silent.

I'm sorry.
I had to tell them the truth.

You should do the same.

I have nothing to say to them.

Feezal tells me
it can be quite temperamental.

I think I've got it figured out.

Just let me know
when it starts acting up.

Have you got the activation
sequence down?

My beloved.



I certainly hope it's not another
four years until I see you again.

So do I.

But remember, your other wives
are anxious to see you too.

Commander Tucker assures me

he'll keep your beautiful microscope
in perfect running order.

As his doctor, I hope
you'll keep Commander Tucker

in perfect running order.

Perhaps that'll motivate me
to visit more often.


It's a shame you two didn't get
to know each other better.

- Hmm.
- Well, I've got to get back

to my warp engine.

The plasma's running a little hot.

- I know how it feels.
PHLOX: Mm-hm.

Pleasure meeting you.




Come in.

Dr. Yuris has been suspended.

That was to be expected.

They offered him a hearing,
but he refused.

Oratt said he'll lose his standing
with the Medical Exchange

when they get back to Vulcan.

Also to be expected.

One good thing did come out of this.

They believed him
when he said you were forced.

You're not gonna be recalled.

With your permission,
I'll be contacting the High Command.

I don't intend to let Yuris
be dismissed without a fight.

Permission granted.

I know you must be very disappointed
that he broke his promise to you,

but on a selfish note,
I'm glad he did.

I didn't wanna lose you.

Maybe this incident
will encourage others to speak out.

Let's hope so.