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02x13 - Dawn

Posted: 01/10/23 20:26
by bunniefuu
Chief Engineer's Log,

This turned out to be
the perfect spot

to test the autopilot upgrades.

The gas giant has
dozens of moons.

It's like a...
gravitational jigsaw puzzle.

Watch out, Travis.

These modifications
are working so well,

pretty soon
we won't need pilots anymore.

Archer to Shuttlepod 1.


Looks like you're about
to have some company, Trip.

Sensors are picking up
a small...

Say again, Captain.

I'm picking up
a lot of interference.

There's a small vessel
approaching your position...

This is Commander
Charles Tucker.

Tucker to Enterprise!


I'm losing power. Mayday!

If you can hear me,
I'm making an emergency landing,

thrusters only.

I take it back, Travis.

I could use a flesh-and-blood
pilot right about now.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Enterprise to Shuttlepod 1.

Commander Tucker,
do you read me?


I detected weapons fire

and then both ships...
just disappeared.

Last known position?

Approximately 50,000 kilometers,
bearing 003...

mark 27, I think.

I can't be more specific.

It's the damned interference.

Many of these moons
have atmospheres

that contain selenium isotopes.

That's most likely what's
affecting our sensors.

Trip's a good pilot.

If he was near
one of those moons,

he most likely set down on it.

How many are there?


Then we'd better start looking.


Aye, sir.

We'll scan every moon

even if we have to do it
with binoculars.

Keep hailing him.

Chief Engineer's Log,

For the record...

I was att*cked by a small craft.

I don't know what I did
to provoke them.

Then something
in this moon's atmosphere

neutralized my engines

and I was forced to make
an emergency landing.

Looks like I took some damage
on impact.

Main power's still off-line.

I don't think
I'll be flying out of here.

First things first.

I'll try and get
the transceiver working...

contact Enterprise.

Damn it.

Va'dz-ra tahn-szuk!

Son of a bitch
stole my transceiver.

Who are they?

An Arkonian m*llitary vessel.

You've dealt with them?

No, but I'm aware
of their reputation.

If we're in their territory,

we should proceed
with extreme caution.

They're hailing us.

You are on
an unauthorized course.

Leave immediately.

And you are?

Captain Khata'n Zshaar.

I have orders
to destroy any vessel

that violates our territory.

I'm Captain Jonathan Archer
of the Starship Enterprise.

We weren't aware that this
system was claimed by anyone.

Why is there a Vulcan
on your Bridge?

Subcommander T'Pol
is my Science Officer.

Turn your ship around.

A member of my crew is missing.

We believe
he exchanged weapons fire

with a small vessel.

Was it one of yours?

We sent a patrol ship
to intercept your shuttle.

We have also lost contact.

Then maybe we can look
for them together.

Once we've recovered
our crewman,

we'll be more than happy
to leave.

If your shuttle did encounter
my patrol ship,

your crewman is already dead.

Either way,

we're not going anywhere
until we know what happened.

Now, it seems to me
we have a similar problem.

Two missing people and 62 moons.

It'll go a lot faster
if we use both our ships

to coordinate the search.

The sooner we get started,

the sooner
we'll be out of your territory.

It's him.

I recognize his shuttlecraft.

And he seems about as bad off
as I am.

Whatever knocked out my engines
probably did the same to his.

If I'd brought
a universal translator along,

I'd be able to explain
to this guy

that I'm just trying
to get out of here like he is.

One piece of good news.

It's starting to warm up
a little.

Dawn is coming.


Adz'ahe kun'tnck, tnee'kha.

I'm coming out now.

I know you don't understand me.

Please don't fire.

I want to talk.

I'm not armed.

I won't hurt you.

We need to talk.

You have something
that belongs to me.

I want it back.

If you understand anything
that I'm saying to you,

I want you to listen
very, very closely.

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece as white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb was sure to go.

Now... maybe we can
introduce ourselves.

Askaas tooratt yzarra!

Nice to meet you, too.

Now, I don't want

to hurt you.

I just want my transceiver back.

Tsunsana ahn-szuk...

Gahn thak!

Gahn thak!

I'm no good until
I've had my coffee.


Tsunsana kha'n a'haba?

You wouldn't have
a universal translator on you?


I don't understand
a word you're saying!

Va'dz-RA m'Kush'ka!

I can't make it work!

It's broken.

You know, "broken."

I was trying to make
repairs when you stole it.


rooratta, tsunsana!


Kush'ka rooratta!

You want me to fix
your transceiver.

Is that a yes or a no?


Kush'ka to you, too!


You k*ll me and
I can't fix anything.

You're going to have
to untie me.

I need my hands.

Kutku ncatta ackzatche.

I try anything, I'm a dead man.

I get the message.

Any progress?

We've searched
five of the moons.

No sign of Commander Tucker
or the Arkonian ship.

And the Arkonians?

It appears they've made
no progress either.

They're continuing
to search the moons

they agreed to.

This is their territory.

They could have called

for more ships to help search.

I'm afraid they don't

trust us...

primarily because I'm a Vulcan.

What's the bad blood?

We made first contact
nearly a hundred years ago,

not long after the Arkonians
developed warp drive.

But from the beginning,
our relations were difficult.

Your people
accepted Vulcan guidance...

open to diplomatic
and cultural exchanges.

The Arkonians
were suspicious and deceitful.

Eventually, the High Command
withdrew its contingent.

Well... maybe we'll have
better luck with them.

It doesn't appear promising.

They agreed to work with us.

For now.

I'd advise you
to remain cautious.

Arkonians are unpredictable.

They're prone to hostility.

I'll keep that in mind.

Let me know when
we reach the next moon.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Well... looks like
we've made some headway

in our first contact
between humans and, um...

whatever you are.

Unfortunately, your first word

is something
you wouldn't want to use

in polite company.


kba tu'nu'n "Damn it."

No. I'm Trip.






Now that we've been
properly introduced...

how about some water, Zho'Kaan?

It's getting... kind of hot.


You know... drink... water.



What the hell is that?

Va'dz-RA maastass!


I have water in my shuttle.


Something I can drink.

Dza't ku'mnuchta... Trip.

Dza't... Dza't.

There's a medkit
in my shuttlepod.

What the hell are you doing?

Are you crazy?

That was quite a trick.


Dza't ku'mnuchta!

All right, all right.

I can't fix this thing.

It's a lost cause.

Maybe if you vomit on it,
it'll fix itself.

Come over here.

I want you to see this.


Come here.

It's like talking to Porthos.

See this?

I tried bypassing

the induction coil,
but it didn't work.


In here.

I can't fix this.

I need to get back to my ship.

My ship.

Now, pick 'em up.

Pick them up!

Kuuratt jhaza.

Ah, same to you.

Now, let's get going.

What have you got?

See for yourself.

I'll need a little help here.

It's a thermokinetic
analysis of the moons.

Each of them undergoes
extreme temperature variations

during their orbits.

Go on.

At night, it can drop to five
or even ten degrees below zero.

Doesn't sound so bad.

During the day,
the temperature can rise

to as high as 170 degrees.

We better hope that Trip
landed on the night side.

And that we find him
before the sun rises.

Don't give me that look.

You started this.

You want some food?



Nohkto... I couldn't agree more.

T'mna khenna v'dhoze.


You want food from your ship?

V'dhoze... that means food?






but breakfast is going
to have to wait.

I've figured out a way
to get us out of here.

I got a pretty good look at your
com configuration back there.

I think I can cannibalize
the power supply

from your transceiver...

and use it to get mine working.

Maybe get a message off.

Got it.

Almost there.

I think this is going to work.


No, not nohkto.



That's right.

We're getting out of here.

Once we get back to Enterprise,

and we can finally
understand each other,

the first words out of your
mouth better be "thank you."

You think that's funny?


You going to laugh now?

Tucker to Enterprise.

Enterprise, do you read me?

Come on, Hoshi.

Tucker to Enterprise.

This terrain, it's all volcanic.

Igneous rock is heavy
in diamagnetic minerals.

It's interfering
with the transmission.

I think I know
what we need to do.

The transceiver, um,
the, the tsunsana...

it's bad down here.


But if we take it

to higher ground,

we could avoid
some of the interference.

I'm going to need help.

You and me, together.


I'm not going to hurt you.

And you...
are not going to hurt me.

We'll work together.


Before we start,

we'll get some food
from your ship.

Your v'dhoze.


Is that the best you can do?


We can fight some more
if you want.

Or we can try
to get the hell out of here.

What's it going to be?

Come on.

Captain, I'm picking up
a transmission.


I can't tell yet.

I'm trying to get a lock.

Chief Engineer's Log,

It's been two hours

since we started
signaling Enterprise.

No response yet.

The sun's not even up yet

and it's already
hotter than hell.

My sparring partner
doesn't look too good.

I can't be sure, but I don't
think his species can sweat.

For the record, I have learned
one thing about him...

His name's Zho'Kaan.

Anything you want to say
to the folks back home?



That means "bad."

You would be proud of me, Hoshi.

I've picked up about a dozen
words in his language.

A couple of them
are real tongue-twisters.




I thought I lost you there.





no Enterprise.

Damn it.

Don't worry.

I'll get Phlox to cook up
a new batch for you

once we're aboard Enterprise.

He's great with
that kind of thing.

Stay with me, Zho'Kaan.

Gahn thak!

Don't die on me now!


All right.

Enterprise... Tucker...

See? I told you.

Hoshi, is that you?

Do you read me?

We read you, Trip.

You're just in time, Captain.

It's starting to get
a little hot down here.

We're getting a lock
on your position now.

Don't send a shuttlepod.

There's something in
this atmosphere

that'll affect the engines.

It's selenium isotopes.

But we don't think it will
interfere with the transporter.

I'm not alone, Captain.

We know.

The Arkonians helped us
find you.

How are you and their
pilot getting along?

Uh, just like old friends.

I'm a little worried, though.

He's gotten very dehydrated.

Stand by, Trip.

Prepare the transporter.

I wouldn't do that, Captain.

What's the problem?

I've been analyzing
the Arkonians' physiology.

Their endocrine system is
extremely sensitive

to temperature fluctuations.

If that pilot is suffering
from dehydration,

it's no doubt causing
an acute cellular breakdown.


Transporting him will
most likely be fatal.

Archer to Commander Tucker.

I'm still here, Captain.

Trip, we can bring you aboard,

but we can't transport
the Arkonian.

Dr. Phlox says it will k*ll him.

We'll try to find a way
to get him back to his ship.

But in the meantime,
I'm getting you out of there.

No way, Captain.

I'm not leaving him here.

The surface temperature
is rising quickly, Commander.

I estimate it will reach 130
degrees within the next hour.

Let's get you home,

then we'll worry
about your friend.

I'm sorry, sir,
but I can't do that.

Maybe there's another way.

We know our pods
can't make it...

but I got a good look
at the circuitry

inside the Arkonian shuttle.

One of theirs could be modified.


If they take a look
at their intake manifolds,

I think they could realign them
to filter out the isotopes.

We'll talk to them,

but I won't let you
stay down there much longer.


Archer out.

Tucker to Enterprise.

Enterprise, respond.

Some of these relays have fused.

Must be the heat.


Gahn thak.

I don't suppose the Captain'll

trust me to go out
on my own for a while.

I wouldn't be surprised if
he knocked me down to Steward.

"Your orange juice, sir.

Jam or marmalade, sir?"

But I tell you

I wouldn't trade my time
on Enterprise.

Not for anything.

I've seen things I could
never imagine back home.

I saw the Great Plume
of Agosoria

and I saw the ringed moons
of Matalas Prime.

And I stood on an asteroid
crater twice as high as Everest

and went diving
in the ice caves of Etheenia.

Rode in a Suliban Cell Ship.

Spent the night... I spent
the night with a princess.

Oh, and I...
I even got pregnant once.

Now there's a story.

I'm sure you have stories, too.

That's why we chose
this life, right?

See things we've
never seen before.

Hell of a ride, though.

Hell of a ride.



Come in.

I just got a report
from my doctor.

Your pilot's responding well.

He'll be ready to go
home in a few hours.

And your crewman?

He's tired and a bit sunburned,
but he's doing fine.

If I discover that my pilot

fired on your shuttle
without provocation,

he'll be disciplined.

It was a misunderstanding.

I hope we can avoid them
in the future.

I expect you to leave this
system immediately, as agreed.

I guess we won't
be adding the Arkonians

to our list of friends.

The encounter was less volatile
than I expected.

You managed to establish
better relations

in a single day than the Vulcans
have in a century.

Let's hope it stays that way.

How's he doing?

Why don't you ask him yourself?

The universal translator
is on line.

They, uh, told me another
ten minutes of sunshine

and we'd have been cooked.


I thought you said
the UT was working.

I believe you promised me

some tarratt-aash.

You mean the brown stuff
you were drinking.

Won't take a minute.

Anything else while I'm at it?

Our chef is making something
called chicken marsala tonight.



Got you.


When I fired at your vessel...

I'm grateful
I didn't destroy it.

That makes two of us.