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02x11 - Precious Cargo

Posted: 01/10/23 20:22
by bunniefuu
Archer to Commander Tucker.

Go ahead.

I know you're off-duty
but we've got visitors.

I can see that.

- Are you up for a little repair work?
- Sir?

- Meet me at Docking Port 2.
- On my way.

Anything serious?

They said they were having trouble
with one of their life-support systems.

- Who's they?
- Retellian cargo pilots.

The seal is secure.

Welcome aboard.

Gracious of you to help us, captain.

We were beginning to think
our distress call

would never be answered.

This is Sub-commander T'Pol and
my chief engineer, Commander Tucker.

Our salvation.

The captain said something
about life support.

We were hired to return
a young woman to her home world.

A few days ago, her stasis pod
began to malfunction.

Stasis? Is she injured?

No, no. She's a passenger.

But our ship is designed to haul cargo,
not people,

and it's a very long journey.

Putting her in suspended animation
was our only choice.

We have another five months
ahead of us.

If she wakes up, there won't be
enough food, air to breathe.

If we're forced to abort the mission,
we won't get paid.

Commander Tucker is resourceful.

I'm sure he'll be able to assist you.

- Mind if I have a look?
- Please.

You've been very accommodating.

If it's not too much trouble,
I'd like to make another request.

It's been a long time
since we've enjoyed the luxury

of a bath.

I understand.

T'Pol will show you
to guest quarters.

When you're done,
I'll have my chef prepare you a meal.

This regulates power flow
to the bio-pod.

Looks very creative.

These relays are from
an old Ardanan shuttle.

They weren't designed to carry
this much current.

I've got some EPS conduits
that might do the trick.

This would be a lot easier
if I could read your language.

If you don't mind, like to ask
our communications officer

to give me a hand.

By all means.

Is there a problem?


No, no problem.

I'm gonna need some tools
from Enterprise.

With a little luck, Sleeping Beauty here
will never know there was a problem.


Come in.

I hope I didn't deplete
your water supply.

I'm sure we'll manage. Please.

T'Pol tells me your vessel can't do
much better than warp 2.

Warp 2.2.

I've been making some calculations.

If I'm not mistaken,

at warp 4.5, Enterprise can have you at
your destination in less than four days.

That's a generous offer.

But I have already inconvenienced you
far too much.

It's no inconvenience.
We're out here to meet new people.

You're heading toward
an inhabited world we've never seen.

First contacts tend to go
more smoothly

when a familiar face
is making the introductions.

I'm sure you'll do fine on your own.

You could dock in our launch bay.

You wouldn't have to worry about
that stasis pod.

We have plenty of room
for you and your passenger.

It's not that simple, captain.

This has all been carefully

Her family's not expecting her
for another five months.

They're not even on her home world
at the moment.

But I will accept your offer of a meal,

if it's not too late.



Is that the translation?

Give or take an adverb.


At least you don't have to work

Hell of a way to travel, isn't it?

Who is she? Any idea?

I asked Plinn but he doesn't seem
to know too much about her.

Said something about studying
medicine in a research colony.

- A doctor?
- I suppose so.

She must have a real passion for it
if she's willing to go through all this.

Shame we'll never get to meet her.

It's not polite to stare, commander.

What's that supposed to mean?

Let me know if you have any problems
with that translation.


I wasn't staring.





Are you all right?


- Problem?
- The stasis pod.

- What about it?
- It's malfunctioning.

If you'll excuse me, captain.

- I'll show you to the docking port.
- I know the way.

- What are you doing?
- Help me open this thing.

- We can't bring her out of stasis.
- She's suffocating.

The release is jammed. Don't bother.


I'm sorry about this.
The O2 recycler went off-line.

You're gonna be all right.



- Yes?
GOFF: There's a minor problem.

- I'm going to need your assistance.
- What kind of problem?

GOFF: The malfunction is
more complicated than I expected.

I'll be there in a moment.

- I don't mean to be rude.
ARCHER: Not at all.

Archer to Commander Tucker.

Trip, can you hear me?

Archer to Lieutenant Reed.

- Mr. Plinn?
- That's right.

Lieutenant Reed. The captain asked me
to escort you back to your ship.

- That won't be necessary.
- I'm afraid I'm under orders.

- Have I done something wrong?
- It's just a precaution.

I never realized leaving the captain's
table would cause so much concern.

- He's trying to break loose.
- Secure the docking clamps.

- Report.
- He hasn't gotten far at warp 2, sir.

Hail him.

No response.

Phase cannons. Target his engines.

Direct hit to the port nacelle.
He's dropping out of warp.

Bring us into grappling range.

Hail him again.



Dilithium hydroxyls,
ionized pyrosulfates.

He's moving off.

Stay with him.

I thought you took out
one of his nacelles.

- So did I.
- Our warp drive won't engage.

That cloud he released,
it got into the plasma vents.

They'll have to be purged.

He's moving out of sensor range.

I've lost him.



What the hell did you do that for?


Hold on. Hold on.
I'm not working with them.


Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm from a starship called Enterprise.


Now put that thing down
and I'll untie you.

Your hands. I'll free your hands.

Let me help you.


What the hell's going on?

Is it repaired?

- What?
- The stasis pod.

Where's Captain Archer?

Your ship is a long way from here.


Repair the pod
so we can put her back in stasis.

It's gonna take a few hours.

Work quickly.


Uh... You're welcome?


Have you seen a little device?

It's about this big, has a keypad on it.

Um, it's my universal translator.

It'll help us understand each other.


That's it.

It's just so we can talk.

I need you to say something.
You gotta keep talking.


A little more.


Can you understand me?


- Where's Hoshi when you need her?
- Who is Hoshi?

That's better.

Would you mind telling me
what's going on here?

How long have I been in stasis?

Well, you'd have to ask them.

Commander Tucker to Enterprise.

Enterprise, do you hear me?

- You are an officer?
- Chief engineer.

Feels like we've gone to warp.

Explain yourself. What do you know
about my abductors?

We thought they were cargo pilots.

They claimed
you were their passenger.

I am their prisoner.

I was returning
from a diplomatic mission

when they att*cked my transport,
m*rder*d my guards.

- You don't know who I am, do you?
- Should I?

My family is known
on hundreds of worlds.

Well, I'm afraid Earth
isn't one of them.

So I take it you're not a doctor.

I am first monarch of
the sovereign dynasty of Krios Prime.


Charles Tucker III.

Pleased to meet you.

- So what do these guys want?
- Ransom.

No doubt they'll demand a high price
for my safe return.

Listen, my captain
will be looking for me.

All we have to do is get off this ship
and let them know where we are.

And how do you propose we do that?

I saw a shuttlebay earlier.
There were a couple of escape pods.

- You're not going anywhere.
- I beg your pardon?

We'll remain here until
they contact the Sovereign Guard.

Once the ransom has been paid,
we'll be released.

Well, if it's all the same to you,
I'd rather take my chances in space.

It's too dangerous.
If you leave, it would provoke them.

If I remember right, this access tube
leads to a junction near the shuttlebay.

You are not to leave this chamber.

With all due respect,
I'm not one of your subjects.

He's your partner.

You must have some idea
where he's going.

Obviously, I'm his victim as well.

Why else would he leave me here?

Where were you taking
your passenger?

Goff had the coordinates.

You don't even know what system
you were heading for?

It wasn't my responsibility.
He was piloting the ship, not me.

I spent most of my time
looking after the cargo.

Believe me, captain, I'm as eager
to find my partner as you are.

If that's true,

then we could work together
to track him down.

I don't see how.

We've got pretty good
long-range sensors

but your ship could be anywhere
within a half dozen light years.

It'd be a lot easier
if we knew your warp frequency.

Well, I'm afraid
I can't help you with that.

I know very little about warp engines.

Take him back to Docking Port 2.

Put him in the airlock
and post a security detail.

- I'm telling you the truth.
- We'll keep the outer hatch unlocked.

If you decide to leave,
you know the way out.

Could you hand me that circuit probe?
The one with the green handle.

You must be one hell of a diplomat.

Is your entire species
so ill-mannered?

No. Just me.

You know,
if you were thinking rationally,

you'd be repairing that stasis pod.

He did thr*aten to k*ll you.

That's precisely
why I'm getting out of here.

I really doubt they're gonna keep me
around once I've fixed their problem.

You know,
I realize someone in your position

isn't used to taking advice
from a guy like me,

but I strongly suggest
you come along.

He'd never harm me.
I'm too valuable to them.

I've been involved
in a few hostage situations.

They rarely turn out
the way you expect.

You're correct, Mr. Tucker.

I don't take advice
from people like you.

You know, that stasis pod
won't fix itself.

Chances are you're gonna spend
the next five months

tied up in this grimy, little cargo hold.

Not exactly my idea
of a royal voyage.

I'll be fine.

When I get back to Enterprise,

I'll make sure we get a message
to your home world, Prios?

- Krios Prime.
- Take care.

Once you've launched
an escape pod,

what makes you think
they won't destroy it?

I'm gonna re-route
their internal sensors.

I'll be a million kilometers away
before they know I'm gone.

I'm much better company.

- How much further?
- Just a few more meters.

Are you sure
this is the right direction?

Keep your voice down.

What am I supposed to call you,

First monarch?

- Your Highness?
- Kaitaama.

- What is that, some kind of title?
- It's my name.

What are you doing?

These lead to internal sensors.


We don't have all day.

This is meant for one person.

We'll have to make do.

Unless you know how to fly
one of these things.


What was that?

We're crossing
the subspace threshold.

Huh. That wasn't so bad.

What do you propose we do next?

To be honest,
I hadn't really thought about it.

I assumed you had a plan.

I was only joking.

They do have humor
where you come from?

Among the commoners.

Only joking.


It's only a matter of time
before they realize we're gone.

No doubt they'll come about
and look for us.

- We need a place to hide.
- Where?

If I'm translating this right,

there's a system about
90 million kilometers from here.

We should be able to reach it
in a day or so.

What makes you think
any of those planets are habitable?

Only one way to find out.

Permission to set a course,
Your Sovereignty?


This would be a whole lot easier
if you'd stop moving around.

- You're touching me.
- I'm afraid I don't have much choice.

It's inappropriate to touch
the first monarch.

You're welcome to step outside
until I'm done.

Excuse me.

Here we go. Landing thrusters.

No, wait, they're stabilizers.

You have no idea
how to control this vehicle.

I'm working on it.

Even if we do find
a breathable atmosphere

and you manage to land
without k*lling us,

what will we do about food, water?

There could be hostile life forms
on the surface.

How will we protect ourselves?

Look, I've got less than 24 hours
to figure out how to scan a star system

and program a descent sequence
in a language I don't understand,

and I'm not gonna get it done with
you interrupting me every five seconds.

So I'd appreciate it
if you'd keep quiet until I'm finished.

Now lift your butt.

- My what?
- Your behind, your rear end.

I haven't checked that panel yet.


You know,
you were a lot more pleasant in stasis.


I think I found the landing thrusters.

I understand how difficult this must be
for someone of your upbringing

but we could be stuck out here
for a while.

We should find a way to get along.


I'm willing to give it a try if you are.

My hand.

You're sitting on my hand.

I'll try.

The prisoner, sir, as ordered.

Thank you.

Will there be anything else, captain?

Not right now, lieutenant.

Have a seat.

Why have I been brought here?

Sit down.

I already told you everything I know.

We're not here to talk
about your partner.

We're here to talk about you.

What about me?

You're facing some
very serious charges, Mr. Plinn.

Where we come from,

criminals are held accountable
for their actions.

If they're found guilty,
they're punished.

This is where your tribunal
is going to take place.

I am not subject to your laws.

That's not for me to decide.

Starfleet asked
the Vulcan High Command

to assign a judicial administrator
to Enterprise,

someone who wouldn't be swayed
by human emotion,

someone objective, logical.

From what I understand,
Sub-commander T'Pol

has already reviewed the evidence.

This tribunal is nothing
more than a formality.

I thought you should be prepared.

Her punishments can be


How severe?

If you're late for your shift,
you might receive a beating.

But for more grievous offenses,

dereliction of duty,
conduct unbecoming an officer...


We started out
with 83 crewmen onboard.

We're down to 76.

But I haven't done anything wrong.

Accessory to kidnapping,
resisting arrest,

obstruction of an investigation,
causing damage to a Starfleet vessel.

What damage?

When your partner fled, he released
a cloud of dilithium hydroxyls

- that clogged our plasma vents.
- I had nothing to do with that.

As I said, I'm not the one
you have to convince.



Has the accused been informed
of the charges?

Yes, ma'am.

How much do you weigh?


Your weight.

72 kilograms.

- Height?
- 1.8 meters.

Why are you asking
these questions?

Does your culture observe
any postmortem rituals?

This is not fair.

I demand to speak with someone
from my government.

He's got a point.

We've never tried an alien before.

Maybe we should
contact the High Command.

They've granted me
complete autonomy in these matters.

If I had to consult my superiors
every time I made a ruling,

it would defeat my purpose here.

We'll convene at 1800 hours.

As you wish.

You can't allow this.

- There's nothing I can do.
- But you're the captain.


She owes me a few favors.

I can't promise anything

but I'd be willing to ask for leniency.

Of course,
I'd want something in return.

We still haven't found a way
to locate your vessel.

If you could remember
that warp frequency?

Are there any provisions?
I'm hungry.

You might check that storage
compartment above your head.

You do it.

I'm busy.

If you find any water up there,
I could use some.


Allow me.

I'm not contagious.

Is it edible?

Well, depends how hungry you are.

It reminds me of my first car.


A four-wheeled vehicle.

It wasn't much bigger than this.

All we're missing is the ocean breeze
coming off the gulf.

I used to drive out to a place
called Chatkin Point,

park along the shoreline,

and stare at the moon
with my girlfriend.

Don't worry.
I won't make a pass at you.

The Sovereign Guard would cut off
one of your hands.

You must be a fun date.

The first monarch doesn't socialize
with the opposite sex.

You've never been on a date?

Four years ago, before I was selected
to ascend first monarch,

I was courted by young men
from many noble families.

Now I spend my personal time in
the company of my father's advisors.

Sounds kind of lonely.

You haven't finished your work.

It's all water.

There's a chain of islands
near the equator.

Will we be able to breathe?

Oxygen, nitrogen,
a trace of methane.

- Nothing we can't handle.
- Do you detect any life forms?

If I could figure out
how to use the bio-sensors.

Are you certain
we have the correct planet?

It's the only one with an atmosphere.

You may begin our descent.

Well, let's hope I get this right.


We're entering the thermosphere.

- The port stabilizer's down.
- Can you repair it?

No. But the starboard one
should keep us on course.

- Mr. Tucker.
- So far, so good.

Eight thousand meters.

I think they're meters.

Seven thousand.

I'm pretty sure
the braking thrusters are firing.

Five thousand meters.

You might wanna grab hold
of something.

Two thousand meters.

One thousand.

Hold on.


You all right?

- What is that?
- Damned if I know.

This heat is unbearable.

It's nothing compared to a summer
in the Everglades.

At least there aren't any mosquitoes.


- Where are we going?
- Over there.

Looks like a good place
to set up camp.

Your vessel will never find us here.

Don't underestimate Captain Archer.

You're bleeding.

- It's just a scratch.
- Remove your uniform.

I'll take care of it later.

We have no idea what microbes
live in this environment.

- It could become infected.
- I said later.

You're my only hope
of surviving here, Mr. Tucker.

I don't intend to let you die.


This one.

- Aah!
- Hold still.

The provisions won't last
for more than a day.

Sounds like there's plenty of wildlife.

I grew up in a place kind of like this.

I don't think we're gonna starve.

And I can use a thruster or something
from the pod to start a fire,

boil some water.


You're welcome.

- That's the best you could do?
- There's very little dry wood.

Keep looking.

- What are you waiting for?
- I'm not your servant.

You are the one who was raised
in a primitive environment.

You find the wood.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're obviously better suited
to physical labor.

In case you haven't noticed,
we're not in a palace.

You said it yourself.
You won't survive without my help,

so it seems to me
that I'm the one in charge.

The king of the swamp.
Now get your ass out there

and don't come back
without an armful of dry wood.

I should have you imprisoned
for speaking to me that way.

You should give me a medal.
You'd be dead if it weren't for me.

I'm beginning to think
that would be preferable.

I doubt the commoners back home
would complain.


How dare you?

You're the one
who took a swing at me.

You insulted the first monarch.

I'm just a petty commoner, remember?
Raised on a primitive...


- What's wrong?
- A homing beacon.

Unless I'm way off,
someone just locked on to it.

- Your vessel?
- No way to tell.






Leave him.


Let's find his w*apon.

There's someone else here.


This a bad time?

Captain's starlog,
September 12th, 2152.

We've rendezvoused
with a Krios battle cruiser,

which has taken the kidnappers
into custody.

So when do you ascend?

Two hundred and 46 days.

It's a longshot but maybe Enterprise
will get the chance

to visit Krios Prime before then.

Of course, from what you've told me,

I doubt your family
would let me see you.

I doubt they would.

But once I've been made
first monarch,

I'll have the authority
to change the rules.

What kind of changes?

Come visit me.

Perhaps you'll find out.