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01x11 - The Menagerie: Part I

Posted: 01/10/23 19:22
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Starbase 11.

The commodore is curious as to why
you changed course and came here.

We received a message
asking us to divert here.

This base sent no message, Captain.

l just can't understand this.

Mr Spock received a transmission,

a message from Fleet Captain Pike,
requesting that we divert here.

- lmpossible!
- lf my first officer states...

l'm not doubting your word.
l'm just saying it's impossible.

- Why?
- You don't know?

You don't know about Captain Pike?

There's been chatter
about it for months.

l'm sorry to have to show you.
He's upstairs in the medical section.

- Have you met Chris Pike?
- When he was promoted.

- Your age. A big, handsome man.
- l took over the Enterprise from him.

- Spock served with him.
- Eleven years, four months, five days.

What's his problem?

lnspection tour of a cadet vessel,
an old class-J starship.

One of the baffle plates ruptured.

Delta rays?

He went in, bringing out the kids.
l just wanted you to be prepared.

Captain Pike?

Captain, you remember these
gentlemen. They wanted to visit you.

Two flashes mean no.

l thought you might make an exception.

- l'm sorry, gentleman.
- Chris. lf there's anything l can do...

Captain Pike,
may l remain for a moment?

You know why l've come, Captain.

lt's six days away at maximum warp,
and l have it well planned.

l have never disobeyed your orders
before, Captain. But this time, l must.

l know. l know it is treachery,
and it's mutiny.

But l must do this.

l have no choice.

Space - the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

lts five-year mission,
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go
where no man has gone before.

José, Spock stated he received
a message for us to come here.

He entered the same in his log.

And what do those record tapes show?

No message sent from here,
no message received by your vessel.

Then the record tapes
have been changed.

A computer expert can change
record tapes, duplicate voices.

Your first officer's former captain
is horribly injured at this base.

That same first officer is the only one...

lf he had wanted to see Captain Pike
l'd have granted leave.

That's true, of course.

Who would want to divert us here?

There's no trouble in the sector
we're patrolling now, no alien problems.

- Computer centre.
- Chief Humbolt here.

- You've rechecked the record tapes?
- Yes, sir.

Could a message have been sent
without us knowing it?

Negative. We've checked
everything possible.

All right. Start checking the impossible.
Mendez out.

Have l introduced Miss Piper, Jim?
This is Captain Kirk.

l recognised the captain immediately.

A mutual friend described you.
Lieutenant Helen Johannson.

- Helen described...
- She merely mentioned she knew you.

- You have something to report?
- Yes, sir.

Our investigation turned up very little.

There is Mr Spock's years of service
with Captain Pike,

indications of his extreme loyalty to him.

A Vulcan cannot be disloyal. That goes
for his present commander, too.

We're forced to consider
every possibility.

Captain Pike
could not have sent a message.

He's under observation
every minute of every day.

And totally unable to move. His
wheelchair responds to his brainwaves.

He can turn it. Move it forwards.
And backwards slightly.

With the light, he can say yes or no.

But that's it.
That's as much as the poor devil can do.

His mind is as active as yours and mine,
but it's trapped inside a useless body.

He's kept alive mechanically.

A battery-driven heart.

There's no way he could have asked
for that message to be sent?

Starbase operations.

Starbase operations.
Starbase operations.

Starbase operations.

Starbase operations. Stand by
to receive new orders, Enterprise.

Starbase operations, Mr Hanson.

Starbase operations to Enterprise.
Stand by to receive new orders.

They are to be fed
into the ship's computers.

This is top-secret and scrambled.

Enterprise standing by.

Request confirmation.

Enterprise to Starbase.
Request confirmation.

- Sir, this is a security area.
- l have security clearance.

l haven't been notified.
You're cross-circuiting the...

Whose tapes are these?

Starbase, we need confirmation
from the ship's captain.

Come in, Starbase.
Come in, Captain Kirk.

You have confirmation.

Our destination has been
scramble-fed into the ship's computers.

How can l handle the helm
if l don't know where we're going?

Mr Spock is with me here.
He'll answer all questions.

This is Mr Spock. Ship's computers
will handle the helm, Mr Hanson.

Course will be set automatically.

You will not discuss this with
ship's crew or Starbase personnel.

- Do you read?
- Acknowledged.

Stand by.
We'll warp out of orbit in one hour.

Keeps blinking, "No". No to what?

He's almost agitated himself
into a coma.

- How long will he live?
- As long as any of us.

Blast medicine, anyway!

We've learned to tie
into every human organ except one.

The brain.
The brain is what life is all about.

That man can think
any thought that we can,

and love, hope, dream
as much as we can.

But he can't reach out.
And no one can reach in.

He keeps blinking, "No".

No to what? They could question him
for weeks before they understood.

Bones...could this have
anything to do with Spock?

l don't read you at all, Jim.

l mean...either a message
was received...

lt was one of two things.

Either someone sent a message
diverting us here, or someone lied.

Could that someone be Mr Spock?

Forgetting how well
we both know Spock,

the fact that he's a Vulcan
means he's incapable of telling a lie.

- He's also half human.
- That half is completely submerged.

To be caught acting like us
would completely embarrass him.

Someone's interfering with
my command. l mean to find out who.

You don't have the technical know-how.
But Spock does.

- He wouldn't make a false entry.
- That doesn't jibe with the facts.

To question Spock, of all people!

Me, yes. l could run off half-cocked.
So could you.

But not Spock. lt's impossible.

Dr McCoy,
report to transporter control.

- McCoy here.
- You're needed on the Enterprise.

- Medical emergency.
- What is it? Sickness? lnjury?

That's all we have on it, Doctor.
Just "needed aboard".

Probably somebody
discovered a hangnail.

l'll beam up and let you know, Jim.

"For eyes of Starfleet Command only."

l'm certifying l ordered you to read it.

- Know anything about this planet?
- What every captain knows.

General Order 7. "No vessel, under
any condition, is to visit Talos lV."

To do so is the only death penalty left.

Only Fleet Command knows why.
Not even this file explains that.

But it does name
the only Earth ship that ever visited.

The Enterprise.

Commanded by Captain Pike.

With a half-Vulcan officer named Spock.

Commodore! Captain Pike - he's gone!

- Mendez here. What is it?
- Starship Enterprise.

lt's warping out of orbit.
Refuses to acknowledge our signal.

Out of orbit, Mr Spock.
Strange, with no navigator on duty.

The Enterprise knows
where she's going.

- Someone's hailing us.
- Maintain radio silence.

This is First Officer Spock.
Per Starfleet Orders, this date,

l have been placed
in temporary command.

While our destination is secret,
our mission is simple.

Starbase Command has assigned
Captain Kirk medical rest leave.

His instructions are that you obey
my orders as you would his.

First Officer out.

What's going on? Who said
Jim needed medical rest leave?

This call about me being needed.
l've checked...

- No one made a call.
- That's right.

They elected to keep things from you.
Come with me, please.

What is this, Spock?

Are you all right? You're still signalling...

Doctor, one moment, please.

Kirk to Dr McCoy. l'm recording this
so there will be no misunderstanding.

You are not to disturb Captain Pike
with any questions.

Simply take good care of him.
Follow Spock's instructions. Kirk out.

An object is following us. About the size
of a Starbase shuttlecraft.

- Shall we...
- Take no action, Mr Hanson.

At our speed, they'll never catch us.
ln case they want to...

You have your orders, Mr Hanson.

We'll make no contact.

Starbase shuttlecraft 1 to Enterprise.
Come in, please.

Commodore Mendez and Captain Kirk.

lf you read me,
you are ordered to reply.

Repeating it
on all emergency frequencies.

Spock is headed for Talos lV, all right.

Pulling ahead of us fast.

Fuel is down to 63.3.

lf we turn back now we've got
just enough to get us back to the base.

Shuttlecraft to Enterprise. Come in.

Shuttlecraft to Enterprise. Come in.

Enterprise, come in!

- Library computer.
- Lock on to sensors.

Measure object
now following the Enterprise.

Object is a class-F shuttlecraft.

Duranium metal shell,
ion engine power.

Stop. How long before its fuel supply
forces a return to Starbase?

Computed. Shuttlecraft
is already past point of safe return.

We coast.

Blast you, anyway!
You had no right to come along.

R.H.l.P. "Rank Hath lts Privileges."

Two hours of oxygen left.


Part of me hopes the Enterprise
won't come back for us.

We step on that deck,
Spock is finished. Court-martialled.

He's dead if he makes it to Talos lV.

Why would he want to get Pike there?

Talos contains absolutely
no benefits to mankind.

- Spock would have a logical reason.
- Maybe.

Maybe he's just gone mad.

l keep wondering
who might be after us in a shuttlecraft,

and l keep coming up
with the same answers.

But l can't be right, can l, Mr Spock?

Computer control,
lock onto shuttlecraft following us.

Locked on. Tractor beam ready.

Go to tape Able-7-Baker.

Execute instructions.

ls it the captain, Mr Spock?

Sir, the engines are reversing.

She's brought herself to a dead stop.

This is the first officer. Security,
send an armed team to the bridge.

Transporter room,
stand by to beam Kirk aboard.

Lieutenant Hanson
is now in operational command.

- Sir?
- First officer out.

Doctor, as senior officer present,
l present myself to you for arrest.

- You what?
- The charge is mutiny, Doctor.

l never received orders
to take command.

Security reporting, Mr Spock.


Mr Spock is...under arrest.

- ls confinement to quarters enough?
- Adequate.

l'll make no trouble.

- Well, confine him.
- Yes, sir.

Store our shuttlecraft
on the hangar deck.

- Beam us aboard.
- OK, Captain. Locked on to you.

- Command is yours.
- Where's Mr Spock?

- ln his quarters. Under arrest.
- His quarters? After what he's done?

Captain from bridge.
The engines are coming on.

Reverse power. Tell whoever gave...

No one's giving orders. Mr Spock
has the computers running the ship.

- Disengage computer control.
- We can't. The helm does not respond.

- Computer control. Come in.
- Computer.

- Disengage from helm.
- Unable to comply.

This is the captain. On voice command,
override all contrary instructions.

Voice command.
Disengage from helm.

Unable to comply. Any such attempt
will cross-circuit vessel's life support.

Computer control cannot be disengaged
until vessel reaches Talos lV.

Captain's log, stardate 3012.4.

Despite our best efforts, the Enterprise
is still locked on a heading

for the mysterious planet, Talos lV.

Meanwhile, as required by Starfleet,

a preliminary hearing on Spock
is being convened.

ln all the years of my service, this is
the most painful moment l've ever faced.

This hearing is convened.

Mr Spock.
You're aware of your right to counsel?

Sir, l waive counsel.
Further, l waive rights to this hearing

and request immediate court martial.

- Request denied.
- On what grounds, Captain?

Mutiny requires a trial board of no less
than three command officers.

Since there are only two...

There are three command officers
available -

yourself, Commodore Mendez
and Captain Christopher Pike.

Captain Pike is a complete invalid.

l believe you'll find
he's still on the active duty list.

We didn't have the heart to retire him.

Whatever he's up to,
he's planned it well.

Captain's log, stardate 3012.6.

General court martial convened.

Mr Spock has waived counsel,
and has entered a plea of guilty.

Mr Spock, are you aware,
in pleading guilty,

that a further charge involving the death
penalty must be held against you

should this vessel enter
the Talos star group?

- l am.
- Why?

What does it accomplish to go there?

Or to take Captain Pike there?
l want to know why.

Are your comments on the record, sir?

- Yes, it's on the record.
- Thank you.

- Request monitor screen be engaged.
- Why?

To explain the importance
of going to Talos lV.

You've opened the door to
any evidence he may wish to present.

- Apparently what he had in mind.
- Present your evidence.

Screen on.

This is 13 years ago.

The Enterprise.

And its commander,
Captain Christopher Pike.

Definitely something out there,
headed this way.

Screen off.

Chris, was that
really you on the screen?

That's impossible.

Mr Spock, no vessel makes record
tapes in that detail, that perfect.

- What were we watching?
- l cannot tell you at this time.

Captain Pike, were any record tapes
of this nature made during your voyage?

The court is not obliged
to view this evidence.

Unless the court asks a prisoner why.
You did ask that question.

You mean l was
manoeuvred into asking.

- Your evidence is out of order.
- l contest that.

You have that right. But just because
the prisoner is your officer and friend...

- That has nothing to do with it.
- Very well. Continue.

Screen on, Mr Scott.

As l stated, gentlemen,
this was 13 years ago.

We were on routine patrol when
the ship's sensors detected something.

At first, we were not certain what it was.

lt's coming at the speed of light.
Collision course.

The beam has not deflected it.

- Evasive manoeuvres?
- Steady as we go.

lt's a radio wave. We're passing
through an old-style distress signal.

They were keyed to cause
interference and attract attention.

A ship making a forced landing.

- No other message.
- l have a fix.

- lt comes from the Talos star group.
- We have no ships that far out.

lt checks with a survey expedition.
S.S. Columbia.

lt disappeared in that region
18 years ago.

lt would take that long
for a radio beam to travel that far.

The Talos group hasn't been explored.

Solar system similar to Earth,
eleven planets.

Number four seems to be Class-M.

Oxygen atmosphere.

They could still be alive,
even after 18 years.

- lf they survived the crash.
- We aren't going to go? To be certain?

Not without any indication of survivors.

Continue onto the Vega Colony.
Take care of our own injured first.

You have the helm.
Maintain present course.

- Boyce here.
- Drop by my cabin, Doctor.

What's that? l didn't say
there's anything wrong with me.

l understand we picked up
a distress signal.

That's right.

lt seems to me the condition
of our own crew takes precedent.

l'd like to log the doctor's opinion, too.

l concur with yours, definitely.

Good. l'm glad you do.

We'll stop at the Vega Colony

and replace anybody
who needs hospitalisation, and...

What are you putting in there? lce?

Who wants a warm martini?

What makes you think l need one?

Sometimes a man will tell his bartender
things he'll never tell his doctor.

What's been on your mind?
The fight on Rigel Vll?

Shouldn't it be? My yeoman
and two others dead, seven injured.

Could you have prevented it?

l should have smelled trouble.

lnstead l let myself
get trapped and att*cked.

You set standards no one could meet.

You treat everyone like a human being,
except yourself.

- And now you're tired and...
- You bet l'm tired.

You bet. l'm tired
of being responsible for 203 lives,

of deciding which mission is too risky
and who's going on the landing party.

And who lives.

And who dies.

- l've had it.
- To the point of taking rest leave?

To the point of considering resigning.

- And do what?
- For one thing, go home.

Nice little town with 50 miles
of parkland around it.

Remember l told you l had horses and
we used to take food and ride all day?

That sounds exciting.
Ride out with a picnic lunch every day.

l said that's one place l might go.

Or l'd go into business on Regulus
or on the Orion Colony.

You? An Orion trader?
Dealing in animal women, slaves?

This isn't the only life available. There's
a galaxy of things to choose from.

Not for you.

A man either lives life as it happens,
meets it head-on and licks it

or he turns his back on it
and starts to whither away.

Now you're beginning
to talk like a doctor, bartender.

Take your choice. We both get
the same two kinds of customers -

the living and the dying.

Mr Spock here.
We're intercepting a follow-up message.

There are crash survivors on Talos.

"Eleven survivors.
Gravity and oxygen within limits.

"Food and water obtainable.
But unless..."

The message faded at that point.

- Address intercraft.
- System open.

This is the captain. Our destination
is the Talos star group.

Our time warp, factor 7.

Course computed and on the screen.

- All decks have acknowledged, sir.
- Engage.

Screen off.

Mr Spock, l'm amazed at your technical
prowess in manufacturing all this.

l congratulate you on your imagination.

But this is a court of space law,
not a theatre.

Captain, tell the court
this is not imagination,

nor some clever photographic record.

Are we seeing actual events
of 13 years ago?

Yes, gentlemen.
On that screen, as it happened,

the experience
of Captain Pike on Talos lV.

lf, after this, the court
wishes to turn this vessel back,

l will release this ship to manual control.

You're in no position to bargain.
This is ridiculous.

This man mutinied, stole your ship,
abducted Captain Pike.

- This has gone far enough.
- l vote to continue.

- Deadlock.
- lt's not a deadlock.

There's still one member
of the trial board to be heard from.

Very well. Captain Pike,
do we continue under these conditions?


Captain's log, supplemental.

Mr Spock has forced the court
to accept unusual evidence.

On our monitor, the voyage
of Captain Pike and the Enterprise,

to the one forbidden world
in the galaxy.

Screen on.

We've settled into orbit, sir.

- Geological lab report complete.
- Lab survey ready.

Oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere.
lnert elements within safety limits.

- Gravity?
- 0.9 of Earth.

Reflections, sir,
from the planet's surface.

They polarise out
as rounded metal bits.

Could be a spaceship hull.

Equip a landing party of six.
Do you feel up to it?

Yes, sir.

Sorry. We'll have to leave the ship's
most experienced officer here.

Of course, sir.

Let's not take any chances.

There's a canyon to the left. We can
set you down completely unobserved.


They're men.

They're humans.

Captain Christopher Pike
of the Enterprise.

Dr Theodore Haskins,
American Continent lnstitute.

- ls Earth all right?
- The same old Earth, as you'll see.

And the time barrier's been broken!

Our new ships can...

This is Vina. Her parents are dead.

She was born almost as we crashed.

- Enterprise.
- Landing party, come in.

We'll begin transporting
the survivors up shortly.

Quarters are being prepared.
Permission to send scouting parties?

That's affirmative on the...

You appear to be healthy and
intelligent, Captain. Prime specimen.

l didn't get that last message, Captain.

Affirmative on request.
Landing party out.

You must forgive her choice of words.

She's lived her whole life
with a collection of ageing scientists.

lf they can spare you a moment,
l'd like to make my medical report.

l think it's time to show
the captain our secret.

Their health is excellent.
Almost too good.

There's a reason for our condition.

But we doubt
if Earth is ready to learn the secret.

Let the girl show you.
We'll accept your judgment.

You're tired. But don't worry.
You'll feel much better soon.

Don't you see it?

Here. And here.

- l don't understand.
- You will.

You're a perfect choice.


- Spock here.
- Landing party, come in.

There is no survivor's encampment,
Number One. This is some sort of trap.

We've lost the captain. Do you read?

- What is it?
- lt's for the Commodore.

Fleet signal for you, sir.

Commodore Mendez, urgent.

Subspace monitors show Enterprise
receiving transmissions from Talos lV,

in violation of Starfleet General Orders.

Receiving transmissions from Talos lV?
The images we've been seeing are...

- Are coming from Talos lV.
- Captain Kirk is hereby relieved.

You are ordered to assume
command of the Enterprise.

Disable vessel, if necessary,
to prevent further contact.

Message signed Starfleet Command.

You're aware of the orders
regarding contact with Talos lV.

You have invited the death penalty.

You've not only finished yourself,
but you've finished your captain.

Captain Kirk knew nothing of this.

A captain is responsible
for everything on his ship.

Return this vessel to manual control.

Sir, l respectfully decline.

You've earned the consequences.
This court is in recess.

Do you know what you're doing?
Have you lost your mind?

Jim, please. Don't stop me.
Don't let him stop me.

lt's your career. And Captain Pike's life.

You must see
the rest of the transmission.

Lock him up.