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03x07 - Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~

Posted: 01/10/23 17:32
by bunniefuu
Once the new year begins,

entrance exams for some
private schools will start.

Make sure you study as hard
as you can till the end.

Winter break is next week.


It's almost graduation?!

Th-There's no time!

Body Improvement Club

So what's this important thing
you wanted to talk about?

You can do it if you don't give up

Listen well. Kijibayashi and I will
be graduating in three months.

That'll leave just you two,
Inukawa and Saruta.

The Telepathy Club will probably
dissolve on its own.

Don't you find that sad?

What's there to be sad about?


I mean, at this rate, you're not
going to make any memories!

Just think back on our time together!

Potato Chips

But we have plenty of memories!

We ate snacks, lazed around as we chatted...

We played cards, games...

No, wait. That's not what
I'm talking about.



Wait, why are you crying?

Does your stomach hurt?

Entrance exams already looking bleak?
I guess that goes for me, too...

We've made no real strides
in our telepathy research!

This is the only chance we have!

Is this really something to cry about?

J-Just stick with it in high school?

Prez, you were serious about wanting
to communicate with aliens?

Of course I was serious.

And I'll continue it as a hobby, but...

This is the only time
I'm going to be with all of you.

Lower half made of steel!!

Push-ups x

You're the only dummies who'd aim for
such a strange goal together with me.

This place was really special to me!

Well? How do you all feel?

How do I... Well, Inukawa?

Huh?! Well, you know...

We should hear from the youngest guy first.

Er, um... So, telepathy...

I'm sorry, what's the goal again?

Dang, talk about lung capacity.

Thanks for everything, boys.

I'm officially disbanding
the Telepathy Club.

I guess it was pretty fun.

Wait. Is she really disbanding it?

Kurata might've been way more serious
about this than we thought.

Should we try reading
all the books in here?

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

The Mystery of Aliens

Signals from the Sky

Explaining UFOs

The Principles of UFOs

Pursuing the Mysterious Aliens

Telepathic Communication

Mob Psycho

~Winter Break~


You've got some guests.
They said they'd wait outside.

Huh? I wonder who it is.

It seems pretty cold outside.

You okay?

Hm? What do you mean?

It's been over a month since
Dimple stopped showing up around here.

Are you still thinking about that?

Nah. I was just spacing out.

I see.


What are you all doing here?

Mob! Why weren't you
answering your phone?

I called you so many times!

Sorry, I didn't even notice.
Did you need something?

Please! Can you use your
powers to use telepathy?


We thought we understood, but we didn't!

We weren't taking our youth seriously!

Inukawa-kun, calm down.

What do you mean?

I see. So Tome-san quit.

It's actually probably a good idea to
prioritize entrance exams anyway...

But I can't use telepathy.

Come on, please!

Um, I know some people
who can use telepathy.


If you want to communicate something
towards Space, we can't help you out.

Shiratori Daichi

Shiratori Kaito

Our telepathy only works between us.

I see.

Of course it wouldn't work out so easily.


If you can get someone
more powerful to help,

we might be able to find
other telepathists.

Yeah. If there's someone who can
receive our telepathy, at least.


Even if we can't send specific messages,

we can spread some noise around.


It's an unsettling noise that
only telepathists can pick up.

Huh... So like ringing in your ears?

So you're gonna summon them to you?

Yes. It depends on who happens
to hear that noise...

But if we keep persistently
sending out this noise,

someone might try to get
closer to its source.

You mean a complete stranger?

Isn't that pretty scary?

B-But we don't really
have any other choice.

What do you want to do, Nii-san?

This is for Tome-san, right? Let's do it.

What should I do to help?

He's so dependable.

It's cold out here, so why don't we
hold a meeting in the club room?

Right now, thanks to the
training with Teru-san...

If we concentrate real hard, we can
communicate up to three kilometers apart.

The other day,

he sent me a message asking me to buy some
natto on my way home from cram school.

Or you could just use a cellphone
instead of trying so hard?

But if we're trying to emit
noise in all directions,

the radius is probably around meters.

It goes down that much?

If Kageyama-kun uses his powers
to amplify our output,

the range for the noise will probably
increase two or three times.

Whoa, that's awesome!

Wait, the younger Kageyama
is also a psychic?

It's probably better if
Nii-san does it than me.

I'll give it a try. I'll try to make
the area as wide as possible.

I'm glad you invited us to
this really fun experiment.

We can finally pay you back, Kageyama-kun.

Okay, let's give it a try, Kaito.

Yeah. Let's give it all we've got, Nii-san.

We are currently emitting the noise.

We can't hear anything, but...
We're counting on you, Mob!

I'm going to send my powers to you both.


Th-This is amazing!

Even I can slightly hear it now.

My head feels like it's going to burst...

I can do a little more, but it
looks like I probably shouldn't.

It's fine. This is manageable, just barely.

You don't need to push
yourselves that much!

But this is the only way!

Go for it!

Whoa... I'm starting to get goosebumps.

S-So am I.

This isn't going to affect our bodies, is—

Who's there?!

Wow, what a surprise.
What are you guys doing here?

Oh, it's just Takenaka.

Who's that?

A former member of the Telepathy Club.

Telepathy Club

The Telepathy Club shut down
because Takenaka left.

Why'd you come back here now?
Aren't you in the Tennis Club?

Yeah... We've got club even
during winter break.

We've been forced to run laps outside
in this miserably cold weather.

Why are you complaining about
the most basic thing?

That's why I snuck away
when I found a chance.

I thought I'd k*ll some time in here.

I guess you really are one of us.

So what are you guys up to?

We're looking for telepathists.
These guys are psychics.



You guys are still going
on about that stuff?

Yikes, man. This is exactly why
people say the Telepathy Club

is full of weirdos and creepy people.

Would you guys wake up already?

Lay off, man.
We just got serious about this.

If you're gonna get in our way, leave.

Yeah, sure, whatever.

I'll leave as soon as I warm up a bit.

Okay, let's try one more time.

I think that last round went pretty well.

Yeah. If we keep trying this
throughout winter break,

a real telepathist might come by!

Ready, and...

Hey, you self-proclaimed psychics.

What are you doing, and why so serious?

Aren't you embarrassed?

A bit stronger...

One more push...

Now my head's starting to hurt, too.

Will you guys knock it off?

What's the matter, Takenaka?
You look a bit pale.

Do you have a fever?

Damn it, knock that shit off!

Would you stop it...

with that noise already?

Mob Psycho

Mob Psycho

I first found out I was different
when I was five.

No one else noticed that what
my kindergarten teacher

Cherry Blossom Group

was saying out loud and in
her mind were different.

And when I guessed what my
dad was really thinking,

my mom burst into tears, and I figured out
it was something I wasn't supposed to do.

I can hear other people's thoughts,
even if I don't want to.

The older I got, the louder it grew
and the larger an area I was attuned to.

Body Improvement!!

It truly became unbearable.

Monthly Muscle

I think it was when I was
in about third grade...

that I was able to willingly
project my thoughts.

No fair...

You always have snacks with you.

I have plenty more at home,
so I'll bring you guys some.

Really? Then I want some crackly gum.

I need to go shoplift again.

I want some Super-Sour Potato Chips.

Are you stupid? You're gonna get arrested.

Huh? Wha?

What's wrong?

Go return those to the shop!

Y-Yes, sir!

Ever since then...

In order to relieve some stress,

I'd attack someone every day
by yelling at them.

Th-That's how you lived your life?

I don't do it anymore, Inukawa.

What's wrong?

You said that directly in my head?

Kijibayashi-senpai, Saruta.


This dude's scary...
Telepathists are not normal.


It's true. I'm abnormal.

But you don't need to worry.

I figured out a way to shut
out everyone's thoughts.

I'm done hearing other people's voices.
I'm honestly sick of it.

That's why I always wear earplugs.

I've sealed away these powers.

And yet, I end up hearing
that super-loud noise...

Ah... Whoops, our bad.

We're looking for a telepathist.
Would you help us out?

Why now? You guys were never
interested in telepathy.

No, we're really serious about this!

You can tell if you hear
our thoughts, right?

I don't want any more bad
experiences with telepathy.

I don't plan on removing my earplugs.

Ask someone else.

You're looking for a kindred spirit, right?


The reason you joined the club was
because you thought you might find

someone else like you, right?

Yeah, that's right.

But it wasn't what I was looking for.

It was just a club for people
obsessed with the occult.

Telepathy Club

Body Improvement Club

And because of that, my hopes
of finding someone else like me

basically faded away.

I have no intention of letting you guys
use me for the sake of making memories.

Use you? If you really think
that's how it's going to end up,

you don't have to cooperate.

If you have no interest at all, that is.

What are you getting at?

I get sick of my own power, too,

but it's a part of me
that I can't get rid of, even if I try.

I think if there's someone
looking for that power,

it might be fun to accept
them every once in a while.

Who the hell do you think you are?
Like you know how I feel.

This is how I feel, though.

W-Well, I can't stand the thought of
you guys emitting that noise again,

so I guess I'll help you out just this once.

Yeah! You're a lifesaver, Takenaka.

Thank goodness.


Did you read my brother's mind?

You're his little brother, huh?

Who knows?

You have some complex about not being
on the same wavelength as your brother?

Is that what I'm saying in my mind?!

I just randomly said it.

Even with these earplugs in,

I get the gist just by
looking at someone's eyes.

I want to keep things like that special.

So, what do you want me to do?

Telepathy Club

Improvement Club

Hideaway Café

Spirits and Such Consultation Office

Here you go.

This is some purified kelp tea we just
started doing online orders for.

It gets pretty dry in the winter because
of that spiritual... you know.

Please make sure to stay hydrated.

If you don't have enough water in your
body, your circulation gets bad,

and an evil spirit that causes
fatigue and grogginess,

like you're feeling right now, shows up.


Thank you very much!

I'll be looking forward to our
next appointment, Reigen-sensei!

Whew... My body's feeling
pretty heavy, too.

I seriously don't feel like doing
anything when it gets this cold.


What are you doing?

My homework. I need to finish
during winter break.

Winter break, eh?

Man, must be nice to have things
to look forward to as a student.

Hey, wanna go for some drinks?

I'm sorry. My friends from school and I
are having a year-end party today.

I see...

Hey, Mob. What's up?

New Year's Eve plans?
I've got nothing booked yet.

You going on a first shrine
visit or something?


Mt. Mud Boat? UFOs?

Okay, fine. Jeez.

I guess I'm gonna see the year out looking for UFOs.

Those little brats really just called me
to get a rental car for them.

Damn it. Why am I gonna be
babysitting on New Year's Eve?

Huge Year-End Exorcism
Blowout Sale
For a limited time
Ring in the New Year with
a smile with our bargain courses
Leave it to Reigen Arataka!!
Our bargain year-end plans come
with a coupon for the New Year

I'm happy for you, Reigen-san.

Huh? Mt. Mud Boat?

No, I'm not going.

I've got a cram school camp
during winter break.

The Telepathy Club is done now,
so if you want to go, do it on your own.

She said she won't go.

Seriously, President Kurata?

I guess we're just gonna have to keep
bugging her until New Year's Eve.

I'm sure she'll say yes.

However, President Kurata stopped
answering her phone after that.


And then, New Year's Eve arrived.

Man, I slept great.

I woke up naturally.


It's out of batteries!
You've gotta be sh1tting me!

I always tell Mob how important
it is to be punctual!

Huh? Tome-san can't come?

We haven't been able to get a hold of her.

But she'll be really happy if we
can show her a picture of a UFO.


Then we should actually find one.

She's right there...

Earlier than any of us...

What are you doing here, President Kurata?

What about your camp?

I totally bailed on it.

What? I'm not allowed to go now?

No... Just, why didn't
you answer your phone?

Oh? My phone was broken
and I didn't notice.

What the hell?

So? Where's this telepathist that
you boys supposedly found?

Oh, does she not know yet?

Yeah, I figured she wouldn't
come if we told her.

We were supposed to meet at AM, right?

Let's wait a little longer.

Er, they're not coming, are they?

Why the hell isn't he answering?

Is it really okay to make
your mentor wait this long?

Hm... I'm not sure.

I sent him a message about our
situation, but he hasn't replied.

We might have to cancel this whole thing.

You're late, Takenaka!

Sorry, my bad. I overslept.

Takenaka? What are you doing here?

Sorry I'm late...

President Kurata, I'm a telepathist.


What? Are you messing with me?

Well, anyway. We're all here now,
so let's head to the parking lot.


Hurry, hurry! He might've gotten
mad and gone home already.

He's there!

I'm sorry that we're late, Master!

Oh, hey. Don't even worry about it.

It's New Year's Eve today,
so let's take our time.

He arrived just two minutes before.

O-O-Okay, let's get going.

Please make sure to drive safely.

Don't... talk to me for a while.

Why did you oversleep on
such an important day?

I had a hard time falling asleep.

Were you hearing too many voices again?

No, I was just nervous.

It's been a while since I've
done anything like this.

I see.

Want some gum, Prez?

Hmph. No.

How dare you trick me? Trying to tell
me that Takenaka's a telepathist.

No, really. He's the real deal.

It's fine.

In the end, I'm not even sure if
I can call over a UFO, so...

You are approaching your destination.

Hey, is this it?

Mt. Mud Boat...
It's gonna be pretty rocky ahead.

You guys better not get carsick
before we look for UFOs.

Carsickness, forgotten things,
and going into hysterics.

A lot happened, but we finally
made it to the summit.

Now, show them what the
Telepathy Club is made of!

Next time on Mob Psycho III Episode :

Transmission Encountering
the Unknown

Watching this overseas?
Of course, a wise decision.