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03x06 - Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple Is~

Posted: 01/10/23 17:31
by bunniefuu
Nice, that suits you.

I'm sure everyone will be surprised

once they see just how
fashionable you are.

Brother, are you gonna
go out wearing that?

You'll lend it to me next time?

No, you don't have to.
It's okay.

Wait, what's with that shirt?
Why are you taking your jacket off?

Just put it back on,
your jacket provides defenses...

I might be getting popular.

You're finally getting popular, Brother.

That's not a misunderstanding.

That's totally a misunderstanding.

You need to realize that
before you get hurt.

You... what the heck is that?!

What's up with that design?!

Why would you wear that
under your uniform?!

It's so lame, I'm actually starting
to get worried about you!

Just looking at it makes me uneasy!

Is there something troubling your mind?

Or is there actually nothing
in your mind?

Wait, did you get that dirt cheap
at a bargain sale?

Or are you wearing that because
you honestly think that looks cool?!

Are you okay?!

Your fashion sense is terrible!

His energy is swelling up.

Is he going to attack?!





♫I realized that our youth is gray♫

♫The origin of this uneasiness
Is yet unknown♫

♫Trains of emotions keep running
Through my brain♫

♫Struggling through this adolescence♫

♫Don't disturb my deep psyche♫

♫Who is that behind you?♫

♫Opposing ideas create distortion♫

♫Exorcise all the sorrow♫

♫So, do what you can now♫

♫My life♫

♫Finally, break it down♫

♫(Want) Both greed
(Young) And honesty♫

♫(Burn) Are growing
() On this chest of mine♫

♫(Trance) I'm not waking up
(Chance) I want to wake up♫

♫(Stance) These two different faces of mine
() Are standing back-to-back♫

♫Taking things as it is♫

♫In this free relation where
We resent each other♫

♫Once these two become one♫

♫That smile becomes one♫

♫And only ""



♫One and only ""



♫One and only ""♫

(Divine Tree
~Dimple is~)

What is that light?

Is that Lord Psycho Helmet's power?

What is happening inside
the Divine Tree?

So beautiful...

Phew, that scared me.

I thought he was going to explode.

What's wrong?
Was it that shocking?

Did you like that
lame shirt that much?

Is he finally going
to attack this time?!

God Barrier!


That was surprisingly easy...

Hey, what's wrong?

I can't feel any power from Shigeo.

The heck, he's completely
empty and defenseless.

Did the Divine Tree
completely drain his energy?

No, that's not it.

Just now, he released all of his energy,
like a balloon with holes.

You... Did you just let go of all of
your remaining powers just like that?

And on purpose? For what?

Did you get fed up with me?

Are you saying you're no longer
going to try to persuade me?

I don't want this to end
on an anti-climax!

I even transformed into
God Dimple for this, dammit!

Hey, are you listening?!

Are you asleep, Shigeo?!
What are you playing?!

Didn't you say that
you don't acknowledge me?!

I have the power of a God.

How are you going to face me
without any powers?

You're facing a tough enemy
of unprecedented strength.

I can finish you with just a poke
of my finger, you hear me?!

You're right.

But you won't do it, would you?

I know.

When talking with you,
having powers would only get in the way.

Now we can actually talk.


I knew I could trust you, Dimple.




But why?

You told me honestly how
you felt about this shirt.

You're you, Dimple.

Look, you're not making
any sense here.

You didn't like the way
I do things, right?!

Are you sure you're
going to let me be?!

I'm... a dangerous evil spirit!

You're not dangerous.

I know it now.


You just got carried away.

It happens to everyone.

Master Reigen said so.

That's not it.

I have confidence backed
by proper hard work.

Don't lump me in with people
that are just getting carried away.

I also got carried away.

So I understand.

What? No, you're just too
reserved all the time.


I got so conceited.

I'm sorry.

What do you mean, sorry...?

You're not trying to win me over
with some random persuasion, are you?

Back then, I got so carried away
and didn't listen to you.

Why don't you give
your schemes a rest already?

I should've listened properly back then.

I was so focused on becoming popular
that I overlook the more important things.

I'm sorry, Dimple.

You're at a point where something
you've always wanted was within reach,

and you invited me
to be a part of it.

You could've achieved it by yourself,

but you asked me to join you.

That was the most important thing.

It wasn't just some schemes.

You just wanted to do
the thing you always wanted,

together with me.

You trusted me before I trusted you.

Thank you.

Hey, stop that.

Don't just put words in my mouth.

That's too creepy.
You're giving me chills here.

Something didn't feel right.

I had a vague feeling that
this isn't right.

I had so many followers
and nothing could oppose me.

I became the center of the world.
I achieved that.

Almost everything went as planned,
and I became a God...

But it wasn't fun at all.

I couldn't empathize with him
on so many things.

Like how he wouldn't use
his psychic powers for daily life.

Or like how he wouldn't
listen to my tricks.

Or how indecisive he is.

Yes, there are times
when it pisses me off.

But when I know the only thing he wants
is for the girl he likes to notice him,

I felt that he was concealing
the same emotion as I do.

We want our existence
to be acknowledged.

After the (LOL) case,
he recognizes me as a spirit.

He's not afraid of me.
He doesn't hate me.

Eventually, he accepted me.

Back then, I thought
I could manipulate him.

Besides that, I felt a certain tension
in my heart beginning to relax.

Did spending time with the selfless Shigeo
cause me to lose sight of my goals?

Wait, isn't that bad?

That means I would lose
my reason to exist!

No, this is just the beginning!

I still have so many things I want to do!
So many ambitions!



I will listen properly,
about what you want to do.

As your friend.

Eh, I guess I don't really need
this God and followers thingy.

I never noticed it all this time.

But I...

I wanted a friend.

Shigeo, you really are amazing.

Fine, I'm done with this.

I'll stop interfering with people's minds.

I'll erase their memory relating to
the fake Psycho Helmet I created as well.

Then everyone will be
back to their usual.

When the source of
the worship energy is gone,

I'll lose my God powers as well.

Then I'll be back to how
I used to be as well.

- Is that really okay with you?
- What?

Wasn't it your dream to be a God?

I'm saying your stupid, incoherent argument
managed to convince me, dammit!

Oh, I see.

- Let's go home, shall we?
- Yeah.

Hey, what's wrong, Shigeo?

I think I released
too much of my power.

Well, I mean, that's your own fault.

Geez, why are you
so clumsy about things?

Fine, here.

You always collapsed like this back

when you first joined
Body Improvement Club.

Are you always going
to look like that?

It'll probably take a week before
my God powers naturally disappear.

Can I ask you to not come
to my home before that?

Man, you're really brutal
sometimes, you know?

Oh, that's right.

I have to do something
about the broccoli.

Oh, right.
What was your plan anyway?

Lift it up with telekinesis
and sink it into the ocean.

What makes you think you can...

No, wait, you probably can.
That's what's so scary about you.

It's a nice, huge broccoli.

It's even starting to turn
into a tourist attraction.

I kinda feel bad about it,
but we have no choice.

People are fascinated with mystical
or overwhelming stuff, after all.

I'm sure this broccoli will stay deep
within everyone's memory.

- I'm...
- Huh?

I'm getting really sleepy.

Can you wake me up
once we're at home?

I'm not your servant, dammit.

Who do you think I...

You better not drool on me.

He said go home, but I don't exactly
have a place I could call home.

Especially not after losing my goals.

What do I do now?



Psycho Helmet...

But I'm not controlling
the Divine Tree anymore...

Who the heck are you...?

Hang on, I got a bad feeling about this...

After absorbing my and
the followers' thoughts,

the Divine Tree developed sentience.

If it has developed a sense of self
as the Psycho Helmet

and waiting vigilantly for when
I let go of all this massive energy...

That thing.

Put it down.

That nourishment.

Shigeo, wake up!
This is really bad!

Dammit, really?!

Wake up, Shigeo!
This isn't the time to be asleep!

No good, he's not waking up.

God Beam!

g*dd*mn you!

Give Shigeo back!

Wait here.

Hand it over... Hand it over...
Hand it over...

Hand it over... Hand it over...
Hand it over...

Hand it over.

What was that...?

Hand it over... Hand it over...
Hand it over...

My power...

It's being drained away!

God Beam!

Hand it over!

Oh, you're awake.

Can you move now?

Not yet, I still can't move at all...

My eyes can't see very well, either.

Is that so?

I think I heard a loud sound.

Did something happen?

Not really, no.
Maybe you were dreaming?

Are we at home yet?

We're taking a little break.

Even I'm a bit tired.

I see...


This is the first time
I ever used a power this big.

You've been living all this time
with this level of psychic powers.

Now I finally can understand
just how amazing you are.

Getting carried away because you think
you're getting popular with women?

That's cute compared to this.

Anyone obviously would get carried away
if they have this much power.

It's only natural to end up
abusing such power.

But you...

You're a real man.

You're going to be something big.

With how you are right now,
I can actually hypnotize you.

Listen carefully. This is my first
and last order for you.

First, wake up.
Stand up, Shigeo.

I can't put any strength in my legs.
I can't move my arms either.

I don't care if your body is trembling
or something. Stand up.

Even if you can't stand,
you have to stand up.

And then walk with your own two legs.


What about you?

I gotta go somewhere else for a bit.

- You go on first.
- Okay.

Take care.

Let's go home.


Let's go home!

Brother, there's something big
happening in the news.

That wasn't your doing, right?

Take a look!

This is footage from a moment ago!

The giant plant known as the Divine Tree
that suddenly appeared

is floating in the air!

What on earth is going on?

I don't know who is the culprit,
but what are they trying to accomplish?

How mysterious...

Oh, speaking of mysterious,

my memories from around
this evening are pretty fuzzy.

Is it the same for you?

I can't remember as well.

How did I get home
in the first place?

You too?

Is this some sort of mass hypnosis?

I think Dimple would know more about
this kind of mysterious thing.

I'll ask him the next time I see him.

Brother, are you okay?


But I want to lie down for a bit.

I can't remember.

I can't remember.


Dimple, thank you...

You're my friend, Dimple.

Uh, sorry, what was that again?

You're going to call UFO using telepathy on
Mt. Mud Boat's summit on New Year's Eve?

And I have to drive you there?
Are you kidding me?

Next on episode of
Mob Psycho III,

~Winter Break~"

Buying sets?
Indeed, that's a wise decision.