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03x01 - Future ~Career Paths~

Posted: 01/10/23 17:26
by bunniefuu

Believe it or not, the world is
filled with strange phenomena

that science is yet to explain.

And when people come face
to face with them,

they are helplessly thrown
into the dark depths of fear.

But there are those who fight every day

to shine a ray of hope
into that chaotic darkness.

People call them...


Mob Psycho

st Career Path Survey

Class - No. Student Name: Kageyama Shigeo
Guardian's Name:

() What do you plan to do after you graduate?

Career path survey?

What? You still haven't filled yours out?

No, I couldn't think of anything.

Well, I plan on going to a
school that studies UFOs.

Finals Score
Ranking by Grade
Rank /

I'm gonna go work at a game company



I just wrote down a plain ol' office worker.

I'm a first-year, so I'm
still contemplating my options.




But I guess you're all actually
thinking about this.

By the way, I heard that Takane-san is going
to apply to Yuzu Pepper High School.

Huh? The Yuzu High?

Yeah, you need at least
a standard score of .

It's one of the top three schools
in our prefecture.

Yuzu Pepper High School

Well, she's just...

clearly in a different league than us.

Wow... Tsubomi-chan's amazing.

What? Seriously?

Yuzu High is affiliated
with a British high school,


so we can even study abroad.

Man, studying abroad sounds super fun.

Progress Toward

Mob's expl*si*n

Progress Toward Mob's expl*si*n: %

Hideaway Caffe

Spirits and Such Consultation Office

Yeah, they totally made me fill one of
these out when I was a student, too.

Well, at least you're lucky.

You know where you're going in the future.


Why, here, of course.

This is your calling! Am I right?

Limited-Time Offering

Er, but this is just a part-time job.

No, you never know.

There is a possibility that this
will turn into a reputable agency

with a handful of full-time
employees in the future.

In the future?

The New Star of the st Century
Spirits and Such Consultation Office

Did you plan on opening
this consultation office

ever since you were in middle
school, Master Reigen?

Wha? Of course not.
What kind of middle schooler would?

Then why did you decide on doing this?

Huh?! Why...?
Well, you know... Yeah.

One day, I realized I had
very unique powers...

I'd basically achieved everything I
could at my old job at the time,

so I was looking for a new challenge.

So you did everything you could at your
old job, then opened up this office...

You truly are amazing, Master.

Yeah, pretty much.

I'm done cleaning the bathrooms.


By the way, you don't need to report
every little thing back to me.

Y-Yes, sir.

It's good to see you, Shigeo-kun.

Oh, hello.

Our client should be here any minute.

Listen up, Serizawa!

Even though I've officially hired you,

you're still a newbie that's
brand spankin' new!

Make sure you watch
how I deal with this client

to learn how this job is done.

Yes, sir! I'll do my best!

But Master Reigen's younger...

I found this at an antiques shop
during one of my travels.

Thinking back on it now,

it feels like it has brought me
nothing but bad luck,

and I haven't been able to sleep.

People have been telling me
I don't look so well lately either.

Would you mind using your
clairvoyance on it?

Executing the Exorcism ! !
We will do our best to reduce the spirit possessing you
Option A ” Trial Course
A Mere , yen (Tax Excluded) Outside Offer Period: , yen.
Option B ” Serious Course
A Mere , yen (Tax Excluded) Outside of Offer Period:

As you wish.

May I ask how much you bought this for?

Eighty thousand yen.



From my observations, I don't sense
any spiritual presence from—


What is it, Mob?

You probably shouldn't
touch that thing anymore.

I wonder if it's called
a deep-seated grudge...

There's a lot of really bad
things swirling in it.

It'll probably get pretty dangerous
if we leave it alone.

Let us exorcise it after all.

Could you wait in the
caffe upstairs for now?

Hideaway Caffe

Spirits and Such Consultation Office


I understand your opinion
on this matter, Mob.


Well, Serizawa? How do you feel about this?


I mean...


The New Star of
the st Century
Reigen Arataka
Spirits and Such
Consultation Office

I can't imagine it

being anything but a cursed doll.

Serizawa... Why did you just
stand there gawking, then?


If I actually didn't notice the curse,
there would've been a huge problem.

I was just testing you to see

if you'd notice my mistake.

Th-Then I...

Well, you're a rookie,
so I'll let this slide.

Do you want a second chance?

Try exorcising it yourself.

Y-Yes, sir.

I did it.

What do you think, Mob?

Serizawa-san is very powerful.

All right! Great job, Serizawa.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, that must've been from the blast.

I-I broke an , yen doll...

I-I'm gonna go get some credit somehow!

Hold it!

Don't worry.

Tuna &

I'll take care of it.

Wha... What are you going to do?

Rice Grain Big Bang!

Rice Grain
Big Bang

This is one of Reigen's
special att*cks, where he unlocks

the true potential of a
rice grain to the fullest extent.

H-He fixed it!

At this moment, Serizawa was rocked to
the core by Reigen's limitless abilities,

and he found out just how
big the world truly was.

What's the matter, Shige?

You've barely eaten at all.

I have to turn in my career path
survey, but I'm not sure what to do.

You have almost ten years
before you graduate college,

so why don't you just put down
"office worker" for now?

Oh, dear. You're always too simplistic.

I don't even know what to
do for high school yet.

If you can't think of what you want to do,

Finals Score
Ranking by Grade
Rank /

why not try to find a job where you
can use what you already excel at?

In your case... maybe a magician.

So simplistic...

st Career Path Survey

Class - No. Student Name: Kageyama Shigeo
Guardian's Name:

() What do you plan to do after you graduate?

You know, you can write whatever
you want at this point.


Your career path can change
all it wants to later.

Nah, I can't do that.
This is for my future, after all.

You just can't lie, can you?

What are you going to do
in the future, Dimple?

You're asking an evil
spirit about his future?

You're naturally ruthless. You know that?

I guess... Sorry.

Hey, hang on a sec.

Didn't I also...

Oh, right. I'd forgotten.

Body Improvement Club

Career path, eh?

Well, my family runs a farm,
so once I graduate high school,

Finals Score
Ranking by Grade

Rank /

I might be taking over that.



I'm gonna be going to high school.

Through a track and field
sports recommendation.

I'm going to get a job where
I can work out my muscles.

My parents want me
to become a civil servant,



but with my grades...

I love animals, so I've already
decided I'm going to be a vet.


Onigawara, you said you were
gonna be a manga artist, right?

Goda, what the hell, man?!

You said you were gonna go to a co-ed
high school that had a manga club.

Hey! You can shut up now!

The hell're you explainin' all that for?!

I guess everyone's got a pretty good
idea about their futures already.

Read the room, you jerk!

Yeah, I figured as much...

But seeing your expression
tells me I'm right.


What are you talking about?

The t*rror1st attack the other day.

Society thinks it was an attack on this town
that was accompanied by a natural disaster.

But I figured that behind the scenes,

there was a fight for the fate
of the world going on.

You fought an evil organization
and defeated them...

But you also suffered a great loss, too.

That about covers it, huh?

Actually, I was trying to
figure out my career path...

Seriously?! Just look at that thing!

I already know you had
something to do with it!

Some people are starting
to call it a Divine Tree.

Meaning people are worshiping that thing.

You should tell everyone who you are!

That you were the one that
created that Divine Tree!

Soy Sauce
W. Sauce
Green Onion Ponzu
Mentaiko Mayo

Is this related to the thing
you mentioned before?

The Psycho Helmet Religion!

Roll Cake

The Divine Tree's Bounty






We've begun selling
the Divine Tree's Bounty

Divine Tree Spice

Thickly Cut
Cow Tongue

Our Specialty Skewers

You want to connect that
thing with them somehow?

You actually get it for once. Exactly!

Official Homepage Please donate!!

the Miracles

The Psycho Helmet Religion
New Followers Welcome

Mob-kun... You're truly amazing!

I never imagined that one of my classmates
would end up being so divine.

When I look back on my life...

This might be the biggest thing
that's ever happened to it!

Do you know what you're going to
do in the future, Mezato-san?

Huh? Where'd that come from?

I think... I'm gonna be a photographer.


A journalist. Something like that.

I'm sure there'll be even bigger
things in your life, Mezato-san.

Plenty of them.

Er... I don't think that's
gonna happen again.

It's not all about using fancy words
or how big something may look.

What else is there?

For me... Like when I joined
the Body Improvement Club.

How is that a huge deal?

It's not that different from what
you're saying, Mezato-san.

I mean... That thing's a broccoli.

Oh, I see. It's just a broccoli...

Uh... How the hell am I
supposed to accept that?!

Then what are you going to
do in the future, Mob-kun?

Well... I can't think of anything.

In the end, I'm glad you're
not the least bit convincing.

I was afraid you'd gained enlightenment
because you're so unpopular.

Mob Psycho

Without a doubt...

I am being possessed by an evil spirit.

I've talked to many
psychics up until now,

but no one has been able to
exorcise this evil spirit.

Uh-huh... I see.

In my opinion...
There's definitely something here.

I knew it! I'm glad I hired you!

R-Roaches are terrifying!

Could you, uh... perhaps tell
me what made you think that?

Well, my shoulders are really heavy,

and I experience sleep paralysis.

I brush my teeth all the time and
still managed to get cavities.

The reason I got fired from my part-time job
must also be due to that evil spirit, too.

I never touched a female coworker's
ass. I was falsely accused.

My hand just happened to brush against
the back of their hand sometimes.

That evil spirit even
chased my girlfriend away!

Oho... You had a girlfriend?

Yes. She was young and a great gal,

but when I told her I was broke,
she suddenly did a on me...

She was like an evil spirit herself.

She even said I was her type.

Oh, and I've been losing
way more hair lately.

It's like someone's ripping
them outta my head.

Right... So about this mountain of garbage...

It's not garbage! It's my legacy!

It's like a barrier, see?

I can sleep soundly as
long as it's around me.

Barrier, you say...

This photo


That's an old picture.
I was a bit of a rebel back then.

He never had any...

You two... keep hearing
what our client has to say.

I'm going to go grab some
powerful exorcism tools...


If no one can get rid of this evil spirit
for me, will my life just be over?

Am I doomed to just repeat these
meaningless days until my death?

My parents died when I was in my twenties,

and my relatives have cut ties with me.

Shoulders heavy
Sleep paralysis
Cavities even when he brushes his teeth
Fired from job
Girlfriend left

If no one can get rid of this evil spirit,
may have to keep repeating
meaningless days until death...
Lost parents in his s
Relatives cut ties with him

I have no acquaintances and no job.

Wait, is my life already over?

I understand exactly how you feel.

When I was confined to my room,

I wondered if that's where I would
spend the rest of my life...

I'm also wondering what's going to happen to me
if I can't decide a career path for myself...

I've been alive fifty years...

I had fifty years...

But all I've got left is this
house that my parents left me.

I have nothing I can truly call my own.

I basically went with the flow and
kept choosing the easy way out.

If only I had chosen the
right path back then...

I guess your life really
does end after one mistake.

Whatever. This is a pain.

You don't need to try so hard.

One item at yen.

Two items at yen.




Hydrogen Water

One item at yen.

Let's just do this tomorrow.
I'm sluggish and tired.

Let's just go to bed for the day.

Fried Chicken Fair


Evil spirits absolutely hate
clean rooms. Now, we'll...

Wh-What the...

Hey, hey, hey!

Is it coming from the garbage house?!

You don't need to work so hard, either.

Are they the evil spirit's minions?!

Don't try so hard. You'll get sick if
you work too hard. Just go to bed.

Seriously, don't work so hard.
Let's just go to bed.

Double Hydrogen Water Mist!

Hydrogen Water Mist

This is one of Reigen's special att*cks,
where he repels an evil spirit's attack

with the hydrogen gas that's
infused in water.

Evil spirits for evil
spirits by evil spirits...

Hey, what are you guys doing?!

Oh, Master. You're back.

Don't give me that!

Look! There's clearly an evil spirit here!

Oh, you're right.

I didn't realize he was being
possessed by one so large.

No, I'm pretty sure...

That's his own living wraith...


My powers are far too strong,
and I may hurt some passersby.

I'm counting on you two.

Evil spirits for evil
spirits by evil spirits...

Let's go to bed.


I had no idea this place was so huge.

Thank you very much.

Now I think I'll be able to live the
rest of my life in a positive way.

Well, that's great to hear.

But, er... Your roof's in bad shape...

Oh, well, my parents had the
place insured, so it'll be fine.


I guess the only thing you can
rely on truly is insurance.

This isn't insurance...

Spirits and Such Consultation Office The New Star of the Spiritual World

But please take this.

Weekly Shonen
Ura Sunday

What's wrong, Serizawa? You feeling sick?

That just hit too close to home.

I'm in the same boat.

I've lived thirty years...
and I've got nothing.

You're not gonna last in this business
if you're affected by every client.

You haven't even reached
the halfway point of your life yet.

If you're regretting everything up until now,

consider yourself lucky for being
able to realize it so early.

Right, Mob?

It hit too close to home for me, too...


I just haven't made a huge mistake yet,
but that moment may arrive someday.

Thinking about that makes me
scared about which path to choose.

You're seriously thinking all that?

Prospective Career Path

Right... I guess it's about that time of
year they ask you to pick a career path.

I think you'll be all right, Serizawa-san.

You get to hear stories from all
kinds of people working there,

and you learn a lot.

But I...

Progress Toward

Mob's expl*si*n

Progress Toward Mob's expl*si*n: %

So you're choosing to continue
on to high school for now.

In the end, I just couldn't
think of anything.

If you're sh**ting for a public school,

we'll have to do something about
your math and geography scores.

Do your best on your next test, Kageyama.

Huh? Uh, yes, sir.

That's it?

Though... if you have some
kind of goal for your future,

it makes it easier to plan out your life.

There's no need to hurry, but if you
don't find something in your teens,

you may struggle later.

Recently, I started wanting to go
on some relaxing trips on my own.




I wish I'd realized that
when I was much younger.

Then again, after seeing
you in that marathon,

I think you'll be okay.


I think traveler might
be a great option, too.

st Career Path Survey

Class - No. Student Name: Kageyama Shigeo
Guardian's Name: Kageyama Nobuhiko

() What do you plan to do after you graduate?

I'm... honestly a bit concerned
at how easily you're influenced.

Hideaway Caffe

Spirits and Such Consultation Office

I gave it a lot of thought...

But I don't think my career path's going to
be at Spirits and Such Consultation Office.

I see.

It's really comfortable here,
and I can talk to you about anything.

But if I get too comfortable here,

I think that my age will be
the only thing that changes.

I'm sorry, Master Reigen.

I can't promise you that I'll
be working here in the future.

Mob. Of course, I was only kidding.

The New Star of the st Century
Spirits and Such Consultation Office

You'll eventually find plenty
of things you'll want to do.

Remember when you asked me

why I opened up this office?


I know what I said the other day,
but the truth is, I got bored at my old job

and just started this office on a whim.

At first, I figured I'd get bored
after about a year and quit.

But that was right around the time...

Anyway, after some twists and turns,
here we are today.

At first, it was just on a whim,

but I wouldn't be lying when I say
that this is what I want to do now.

What I'm saying is

whatever you want to do
doesn't have to be work.

You should just live however you want to.

Master Reigen...


Thank you very much!

Huh? But we're still open for the day...

~Career Paths~

Is he coming back...?


Guess my time's arrived.

Those who writhe in the shadows have finally made their move.

Will we be able to stop this cycle of sadness?

Next time on Mob Psycho III Episode :

"Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~"

Watching III in real time is still a wise decision.

Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears!
~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~