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02x07 - Cornered ~True Identity~

Posted: 01/10/23 16:03
by bunniefuu
Reigen: Dang... I finally climbed up the ladder enough to get a TV appearance.

Reigen: These greenrooms sure domake you restless, though.

AD: Reigen-san, you're up.

Reigen: All right. Let's do this.

Sign: Tea

Sign: Supernatural Detective!Do Spiritual Powers Actually Exist!?Special

Show_Title: Mob Psycho

Sign: A boy was possessed by a fox after playing Kokkuri-san after school!?

Shinra: Oh, this must be it. Jodo-sama's return to TV.

Shinra: R-Reigen?!

Shinra: What the heck is he doing?

Mori: And now... Will we be able to save the poor,

Sign: Host

Sign: Ebihara Morizo

Mori: unfortunate young man that's been possessed?

Mori: Let's introduce our two powerful helpers!

Mori: The first one needs no introduction.

Mori: The president of the Rising Sun Spiritual Union, Jodo Kirin-sensei!

Jodo_Kirin,Sign: Jodo Kirin

Mori: He's solved devastating problems for many.He's the best of the best!

Mori: The other is making his first appearance on TV.

Mori: Reigen Arataka-sensei!

Reigen: Why, hello there. I'm Reigen Arataka.

Reigen: You can find my business in Seasoning City.

Sign: Do Spiritual Powers Actually Exist!?

Sign: Special!

Mori: What are some of your accomplishments up till now, Reigen-sensei?

Reigen: It's hard to choose just one...

Reigen: Oh, but I did defeat the Dragger.

Sign: Mogi Tatsuya

Satake: Huh? That's awesome.

Mori: Looks like we can expect great things.

Mori: And now, let's bring out the boy.


Mori: To be extra careful, since he may freak out,

Mori: we have him securely bound.

Sign: Go to Reigen-sensei!

Sign: Go to Reigen-sensei!

Mori: What do you think?

Reigen: I see...

Reigen: The footage we just watched

Reigen: mentioned that he was possessed by a foxafter playing the Kokkuri-san game.

Reigen: But to be more precise,

Reigen: it's a ghost of a Rüppell's fox,which are usually found in North Africa.

Mori: What's this? He was able to precisely deduce the kind of ghost it is!

Mori: What do you think, Jodo-sensei?

Jodo: The poor child... being strapped down like that.

Jodo: I'm hoping we don't have to keep those things on him much longer.

Mori: I see. So we all feel the same.

Mori: And now, we're finally going to witness the public exorcism!

Mori: But before that, a word from our sponsors.

AD: When we're back on air, we're going to have Jodo-sensei do the exorcism.

Jodo: Actually, why don't we have Reigen-kun give it a shot?

Reigen: Wha—

Jodo: No one wants to see an old man.

Jodo: Let's show the country howa next-generation psychic does things.

Reigen: Wasn't I just supposed to sit there and comment today?

Jodo: I'm trying to give you the spotlight here.

Jodo: But if you're not up to the task, very well.

Jodo: I'll do it, just as it says in the script.

Reigen: The script?

Reigen: I see!

Reigen: One moment! I'll do it after all.

AD: Okay... sure.

AD: Reigen-sensei's going to perform the exorcism this time.

AD: We're coming back from commercial!

Sign: Supernatural DetectiveSpecial!!

Mori: And it looks like we're just about ready for this public exorcism.

Mori: The one performing this exorcism

Mori: is an exciting newcomerwho has had a meteoric rise!

Mori: Reigen Arataka-sensei! Are you ready?

Sign: Karaoke

Reigen: Leave it to me! I, Reigen Arataka, shall accept this job!

Reigen: I shall successfully get rid of this spirit!

Reigen: Live or not, this is still a TV show.

Reigen: It's all a setup written by some scriptwriter.

Reigen: If I do some random exorcism,

Reigen: that'll quietly be the cue for the boy to calm down

Reigen: and the studio audience to clap.

Reigen: Then the host will praise me, and the show will be over.

Sfx: Splashity Splash

Reigen: Salt Splash!

Mori: And he just started throwing a ton of salt outta nowhere!

Mori: The spirit possessing the boy seems to be struggling in agony.

Mori: It's working! It's really working!

Reigen: But it has never worked before!

Reigen: This kid is acting!

Reigen: Now that I know that, I'm not pulling any punches!

Reigen: Sorcery Crush Special!

Reigen: Air Banishing Salt...

Reigen: Punch!

Mori: A clean hit!

Mori: Well, it's been about minutes since the exorcism started,

Mori: but apparently, the spirit just refuses to leave.

Mori: Talk about resilient.

Reigen: Evil Spirit Detox Acupressure!

Reigen: Holy Water Chop!

Reigen: For real!

Reigen: I've already used up all my special moves

Sorcery Crush

Aroma Runway Express

Salt Splash

Graphic Exorcism

Hypnosis Punch

Reigen: and now I'm trying to keep things going with ad-libs!

Banishing Salt Punch

Cheeseburger Tornado

Anti-Possession Jumping Knee Strike

Mori: All right, let's have our other psychic step in.

Reigen: Huh?

Mori: Jodo Kirin-sensei, if you would.

Reigen: W-Wait... Was I just an opening act?

Reigen: Is he going to take all the glory?!

Reigen: Hang on a sec. I've almost got it.

Reigen: Switching right now would be—

Mori: Look, we're live.

Jodo: Reigen-kun, good work the last minutes.

Reigen: You wily, scheming old man!

Mori: All right, Jodo-sensei! Let's see you work!

Reigen: My spotlight!

Jodo: What am I supposed to exorcise here?This boy isn't even possessed.

Jodo: He's just acting.

Sfx: Huh?

Reigen: Saywha?

Reigen: Oh, come on, you geezer! Get a clue!

Reigen: Why'd you ruin all that setup the program built up for you?!

Mori: You are absolutely correct!

Mori: I'm impressed you were able to see the truth

Mori: when everyone in the studio has been tricked this whole time!

Mori: A true psychic has just been revealed!

Boy: My name is Fukuda Suzuo, and I'm a child actor from the Mongolian Spot Agency!

Mori: That was some brilliant acting!

Boy: Thank you very much!

Satake: I could barely tell he was acting!

Mori: Sci-fi researcher, Mogi-san, what did you think?

Mogi: I'd like to ask that gentleman over there

Mogi: what all that "exorcism" crap was about.

Mogi: What were you doing to a spirit that didn't even exist?

Mori: Reigen-sensei, I'm sure our viewers are wondering that as well.

Mori: Could it be... that you actually don't have spiritual powers?

Jodo: Come, now. Let's just say this is how he works.

Mori: Excellent work, Jodo-sensei!

Jodo: It should've been completely obvious if the boy was possessed or not...

Jodo: If you're a true psychic, that is.

Jodo: Oh, I beg your pardon.

Jodo: It's not like I'm referring to Reigen-san.

Jodo: I'm sure he was trying to liven things up for the sake of the program.

Mori: But I can guarantee that we didn't ask him to do that.

Satake: What? Really? Poor Fukuda-kun.

Mogi: It was basically t*rture.

Jodo: Then what in the world were you doing for minutes?

Jodo: Some new kind of dance?

Reigen: I mean... It appeared as though that boy was possessed by some spirit...

Reigen: So I exorcised it.

Reigen: Even if he was merely acting like he was possessed,

Reigen: spirits could come by at any moment.

Jodo: What? A spirit was here? I didn't even notice.

Jodo: When did it appear?

Reigen: About minutes ago...

Jodo: Right on the dot! I never knew evil spirits were so punctual!

Jodo: What kind of spirit was it? Huh? What kind of spirit was it?

Reigen: It was a man...

Reigen: I think he was German...

Reigen: Stop it, me! If you say another word...

Reigen: It was Beethoven.

Jodo: Du-du-du-dunnn!

m,Sfx: n

Guy: Did you watch yesterday's ep of Supernatural Detective?

Girl: I did! I laughed so hard!

Sign: Views

Sign: Comments

That one thing

Sign: Reigen Arataka

Sign: A psychic who's an expert on fraud

Sign: Salt

Sign: On-air incident

Sign: Psychic fraud

Guy: That was basically a public execution.

Sign: [Fraud] Reigen Arataka is crazy

Sign: Anonymous Table Salt

Sign: Anonymous Table SaltIf that were me, I'd end myself

Sign: Anonymous Table SaltSalt Splash

Sign: Anonymous Table Salt

Guy: That Reigen guy is hilarious!

Herf lol

What is this?

Crazy Salt Splash


Con Man


Exorcism dance

He's finished lololol

Desperate lololol

Who is this?

Oh shit lololololol

Shinra: Looks like Reigen's dug himself into a hole...

Naritasan,Sign: Naritasan

Teru: There's no way that guy's a fraud.

Ritsu: I wonder if Reigen-san has a plan to get out of this.

Taro: They're apparently making a group for his victims.

Taro: Wanna go?

Hanako: But we're not victims, though.

Hat: So he was a con artist after all.

Glasses: It's probably his faultwe aren't getting any job offers.

Guy: I knew there was something off about him.

Guy: I'm gonna feed the mediaeven more bullcrap about him!

Sign: The Next Day

Inu: Hey, I might just be remembering wrong,

Inu: but isn't the place you work called Spirits and Such Consultation Office?

Mob: It is.

Inu: Th-Then is your master's name...Reigen Arataka?

Mob: Huh? Yeah, it is.

Inu: Y-You haven't heard?

Inu: Your master's getting bashed like crazyon TV and the Internet!

Flashback,Reigen: We're getting a lot more actual jobs now.

Sign: Spirits and Such ConsultationOffice

Sign: The star psychic of the st centurywho defeated Ohiki-san

Sign: Welcome toReigen taka's homepage!

Reigen: If I become famous, I might be able to break through to other media platforms.

Mob: That's all part of his plan.

Sign: We're closed today

Unknown,Sign: Unknown

Guy: Did he really think people wouldn't find out?

Guy: And he calls himself a spirit medium?

Lady: I've actually been a victim of spiritual fraud myself.

Sign: The Psychic. Isn't He a Fraud?

Lady: They wanted to undress for an exorcism.

Reigen: God damn it! I was set up!

Reigen: Those conniving bastards!

Reigen: They used me as a scapegoat to boost their ratings for like seconds?!

Reigen: That conniving old man!

Reigen: For now, I need to contain this and ensureI don't become an even bigger meme.

Dat name tho lololololololololololol

Reigen's the real deal.He's actually performed an exorcism on me, and myshoulders and back feel so much lighter now.I felt better immediately.

Anonymous Table SaltI bet that's Reigen, isn't it?

Reigen: Gah! They figured me out!

Sign: Return to archive All posts


Sign: Wha? Of course I'm not. I'm trying to be objective here...


Sign: Return to archive All posts

Sign: CriminalAnonymous Table Salt

Sign: Okay, Rüppell's fox

Get lost, you fraudAnonymous Table Salt

Sign: Do you even realize you're a criminal?

Sign: Reigen's watching~

Sign: I found Reigen's high school graduation photo lolol

Reigen: Is that how it's gonna be, you little bastards?

Reigen: Like I'd let a bunch of little shits whodon't know a thing about hard work beat me!

Nar: But the title and reputation of"scam artist psychic"

Nar: spread like wildfire across media platformslike a game of telephone.

Nar: And in three days, being the ultimate evilhad basically become Reigen's public image.

Reigen: You can't be serious!

Reigen: This isn't true at all!

Reigen: How dare they spread these lies about me?

Sign: Self-Proclaimed New Star of the Psychic WorldReigen: The Scam Artist PsychicHis Unbelievably Bold Tricks!!!

Sign: Happy Trails

Reigen: So basically,

Reigen: I need you guys all to be my witnesses to stop these guys from calling me a fraud.

Reigen: All you have to do is talk to the media.

Reigen: Huh?

Reigen: Hey, why aren't you being as annoying as usual?

Barkeep: Leave, now.

Barkeep: You can't fool us anymore.

Reigen: Huh?

Reigen: Hey, you can't be serious!

Lady: You probably thought we were prime prey!

Man: We're not falling for that!

: And here I thought he was a little cute, too!

Reigen: Well, I guess the only thing I can do nowis wait until this all blows over.

Reigen: What the heck? Are they actually staking out my place?

Guy: There he is! That's Reigen Arataka!

Reigen: Shit!

Guy: Don't run away!

Guy: Wait!

Guy: What was that so-called exorcism you performed on that show?

Guy: Don't you think you need to explain yourself?

Guy: You could at least give us some answers!

Guy: Are you off today?

Guy: The people aren't going to be satisfied with this!

Guy: Everyone has their eye on you!

Guy: Yeah!

Guy: You can't run from this!

Guy: A press conference!

Guy: How about holding a press conference?

Reigen: Huh?

Reigen: A press conference?

Tv: Reigen Arataka, the man who's garnered attention

Tv: for allegedly conning people with psychic scams,

Tv: announced that he will be holding a press conference tomorrow.

Tv: We believe the subjects that will be discussed will include

Sign: Alleged Psychic Scammer

Sign: Plans to Hold a Press Conference

Reigen_Arataka,Sign: Reigen Arataka

Tv: if his previous activities were indeed illegal,

Tv: and if he actually even possesses spiritual powers.

Mob: That's...

Sign: To Arataka – From Mom

Sign: I'll show you a top secret way to...

Sign: You seem to be in a lot of trouble. I prepared an apology for you to say at the press conference, so if you get in trouble, just read that. Learn your lesson from this, quit this scamming business, and get a real job. I know your dad doesn't say it much, but he's worried about you. You should come home. You haven't been home lately at all. This is the perfect opportunity for us to all have a family meeting.I'm on your side.

Apology,Sign: Apology

Sign: Thank you all for gathering here today.I'm sorry that you all had to take the timeto show up today over my own personal actions.First of all, I'd like to apologize to all the people I've troubled,as well as to all of their friends and family members I may have burdened.I'd like to take this opportunity to formally apologize to everyone.I'm so terribly sorry for everything I've done.(Now, bow. Hold for minutes.)

Sign: ( day ago)

Reigen: Man... It'll be morning soon.

Sign: Mob Psycho

Sign: Mob Psycho

Guy: He's here!

Lady: Reigen has appeared!

Reigen: Damn, that's bright.

Reigen: Shit.

Reigen: I thought I'd have a chance if we were just going to argue,

Reigen: but now my head's completely blank.

Reigen: Calm down.

Reigen: First, you need to get the reporters to have a good impression of you.

Reigen: F-First, I'd like to thank you all for gathering...

Reigen: Why did you all gather here today, anyway?

Reigen: It's pretty common to suddenly get tired of all this shit at the last minute.

Guy: What's with that attitude?!

Lady: What?!

Guy: Are you mocking us?!

Guy: You're the one who said you'd hold a press conference!

Reigen: That's because you guys kept stalking me to my house.

Reigen: You basically made me hold this thing.

Lady: I have a few questions regardingthe fraudulent acts you've committed.

Reigen: Hang on a sec.

Reigen: By "fraudulent acts," are you referring to my business?

Reigen: Is there anyone here that can actually prove I don't have any spiritual powers?

Reigen: Or maybe any victims who can prove they've been scammed?

Guy: There are a lot of people who've reported that they've been scammed—

Reigen: Right. Self-proclaimed "victims."

Guy: Why are you saying it like that?!

Reigen: Because it hasn't been proven.

Reigen: Unless and until they are,I can still call myself a psychic.

Reigen: I'm not a criminal.

Reigen: I'd be careful with how you phrase things if I were you.

Guy: All right, I have a question.

Reigen: Go ahead.

Guy: Do you actually have spiritual powers?

Reigen: No comment.

Sign: Recording

Guy: Why won't you answer?

Reigen: Because you won't be satisfied unless I say "no."

Reigen: I can't prove that I have spiritual powers since you all lack them yourselves.

Guy: Are you really going to try to talk your way out of this?

Guy: Judging from the broadcast the other day,

Guy: you do seem like you're excellent at ad-libbing.

Reigen: Tch.

Guy: Oh? Did you just click your tongue?

Reigen: No, I was just testing the mics.

Potato_Chips,Sign: Potato Chips

Cola,Sign: Cola

Guy: Uh-oh, now he's copping an attitude.

Guy: This guy's finished.

Sign: TekeTekeFanClub@gakkokaidan – minutes ago

Sign: Mic test #PressConference

Sign: Press Conference

Sign: Popular All tweets Users Pictures Videos News

Lady: When did you start this psychic business of yours?

Sign: Level of sorry: What's the criminal getting all pissy for? Lololol#PressConference

Sign: Mic test lolololol #PressConference

– seconds ago

Reigen: About four years ago.

Guy: What were you doing prior to that?

Reigen: I worked at some company.

Guy: Did that company have anything to do with psychics?

Reigen: No, not at all.

Guy: He's actually answering the questions.

Guy: What kind of problems did people come to you with?

Reigen: Stiff shoulders, spirit photos, and stuff.

Guy: Did they see any results?

Reigen: Those cases have been solved.

Guy: Any particular case that stands out?

Reigen: Getting rid of some urban legends.

Lady: Have you ever had any conflicts with your clients?

Reigen: I have not.

Guy: Have you ever sold any expensive salt or prayer beads?

Reigen: I have not.

Guy: Apparently, information about when you were a student is spreading over the Internet.

Reigen: That doesn't matter.

Guy: According to your graduation essay, you wrote this...

Guy: "I want to be somebody."

Guy: What made you get into the psychic business?

Reigen: Why?

Teru: Reigen-san looks pretty pale...

Shinra: D-Don't keep making the media outlets your enemy.

Jodo: How wonderful. He's at a loss for words.

Ritsu: Something's wrong. He doesn't have his usual zing.

Hoshi: Great Master Reigen...

Asahi: What's wrong?

Reigen: Why did I decide to live as a psychic?

Reigen: It's not like it's lucrative, and it's usually troublesome.

Reigen: Thinking back,

Sign: Clincity

Sign: Super delicious!The next generation

Sign: water dispenser

Sign: The ultimatenatural springwater to keepyou healthy

Reigen: there was a time when I always did everything efficiently

Reigen: and was filled with curiosityabout everything.

Reigen: But then I got bored, quit my job, and rented that office on a whim.

Reigen: I ended up getting into this facade of a job because of an ad I saw in a magazine.

Power_Stone,Sign: Power Stone

Sign: You can become a millionaire, too!!

Reigen: That's right... I actually meant to quit a long time ago.

Sign: YearsAgo

Sign:Spirits and Such Consultation Office

Flashback,Reigen: Thank you very much!

Lady: My body felt so heavy,but now I'm fine!

Flashback_Reigen: Man, I'm bored.

Flashback_Reigen: As it stands, I'm no different from a masseur.

Flashback_Reigen: Guess it's about time to wrap things up.

Flashback_Reigen: I wonder what I should do next.

Flashback_Reigen: Being a PI sounds pretty fun,

Flashback_Reigen: but maybe not, since apparently they mostly do investigations on cheating spouses.

Flashback,Mob: Excuse me.

Flashback,Mob: I came here because I saw your sign.

Flashback,Reigen: Sure thing.

Flashback,Reigen: How may I help you?

Flashback,Reigen: Er... Oh, it's just a kid.

Flashback,Reigen: What do you want, boy?

Flashback,Mob: Um, I'm an esper.

Flashback,Rei: Wha?

Flashback,Mob: There are times when I can't control my powers very well,

Flashback,Mob: and it's scary.

Flashback_Reigen: You shitty little brat. This must be a prank.

Flashback,Reigen: Did someone tell you to come here and tell me that?

Flashback,Mob: No. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about this.

Flashback,Mob: I thought you might be the same as me...

Flashback,Mob: If I tried, I could see spirits, too.

Flashback_Reigen: A pathological liar? No, maybe it's an overactive imagination.

Flashback_Reigen: Either way, he seems rather troubled by this.

Flashback,Reigen: Well, come on in.

Flashback,Mob: Okay.

Flashback,Reigen: I was troubled a lot when I was a kid, too.

Flashback_Reigen: What's with this kid?

Flashback_Reigen: He's staring at me with eyes brimming with hope.

Flashback_Reigen: This is serious.

Flashback_Reigen: This kid's in his own fantasy world.

Flashback_Reigen: I'll just come up with something to get him to go home.

Flashback,Reigen: Listen. Just because you have psychic powers

Flashback,Reigen: doesn't make you any less human.

Flashback,Reigen: It's the same as people who are fast, people who are book smart,

Flashback,Reigen: and people with strong body odor.

Flashback,Reigen: Psychic powers are just another characteristic.

Flashback,Reigen: You must embrace that as a part of yourself and continue to live positively.

Flashback,Reigen: The truth behind one's charm is kindness.

Flashback,Reigen: Become a good person. That is all.

Flashback,Mob: May I come to talk to you again?

Flashback,Reigen: Yeah, I don't know about that. I'm pretty busy, you know?

Flashback,Reigen: Anyway, you should go home for tod— Hot!

Flashback,Reigen: Hey, don't get bur—

Flashback,Reigen: Hey... You said you could see ghosts, too, right?

Flashback,Reigen: Do you know how to exorcise them, too?

Flashback,Reigen: All right. Come again tomorrow around the same time.

Flashback,Mob: What? Really?

Flashback,Reigen: I'll show you how to use your powers.

Reigen: Back then, I couldn't help but admire this kid that walked into my life.

Reigen: I wanted to grasp something for myself, too.

Reigen: I wanted to become someone special.

Reigen: Yet this is the result.

Reigen: I haven't changed at all since then.

Reigen: I just kept using him.

Reigen: In the end, I couldn't become anything.

Reigen: Maybe I was the one who was holding him back from his youth the most.

Reigen: Man, I said something really awful back then.

Reigen: He wanted to change, and yet I tried to cage him in.

Reigen: Hey, Mob... Are you watching?

Karaoke,Sign: Karaoke

Sign: # Reigen Arataka, tweets

Reigen: You've grown up so much. You know that?

Guy: That doesn't answer anything!

Guy: What kind of answer is that?!

Guy: What was that silence?

Lady: Who was that message to?

Guy: We don't understand!

Guy: Answer us!

Lady: It's an earthquake!

Guy: We are experiencing an extremely powerful earthquake!

Sign: Psychics exist.Says the psychic#Press

Sign: FlyingNightingale @uguisu – seconds ago

Sign: So cool #PressConference

Sign: Tsuchi @tsutiku – seconds ago

Sign: Anacatesthesia FTW #PressConference

Sign: ThrowAway @nagee – seconds ago

Sign: I feel the power #PressConference

Sign:Che @putfesee – seconds ago

Sign: CG technology is getting incredible lately #Press

Shinra: Where's this press conference being held?

Guy: O-Our cameras!

Spirit,Sign: Spirit

Jodo: I-Is Reigen doing this?!

Hoshi: Telekinesis?!

Asahi: Such incredible power!

Naritasan,Sign: Naritasan

Teru: That doesn't seem like Reigen-san.

Ritsu: This is getting serious...

Ritsu: Nii-san! Nii-san!

Guy: How can you remain so calm?!

Guy: Are you the one doing this?!

Lady: P-Please do something!

Guy: Is this due to your spiritual powers?

Reigen: Gee, I wonder what's going on.

Lady: Please, stop this!

Guy: What the hell's going on?!

Reigen: Are you done asking me if I'm a fraud or not?

Reigen: In that case, I'll be ending this press conference.

Lady: H-Hey!

Guy: What's going to happen to us?!

Reigen: Beats me.

Reigen: You should probably concentrate on finding your next big story.

Guy: One of the lights fell!

One_moment_pleas,Sign: One moment please

Cola,Sign: {\pos(.,)}Cola

Guy: What the hell was that? Such bullshit.

Reigen: Why... are you here?

Mob: Just because.

Dimple: Let's get the hell out of here. They're gonna be running around for a while.

Reigen: Hey... Do you know?

Mob: Know what?

Reigen: What I really am...

Reigen: Haven't you seen any of the stuff on the web or magazines?

Mob: I've always known... from the beginning.

Mob: What my master really is...

Mob: is a genuinely good guy.

Reigen: Man, I'm starving.

Reigen: Let's have some ramen and head home.

Mob: Okay.

Mob: Oh, by the way, Master, happy birthday.

Reigen: Mob's finally telling Tsubomi-chan how he really feels about her?

Reigen: And he's going to try to place within the top in a marathon?

Reigen: Welp, looks like he's going to need my help.

Reigen: Next time on Mob Psycho II Episode :

Reigen: "Even Then ~Continue Forward~."

Reigen: First-press limited edition? That is the absolute best decision.