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02x20 - Liars, g*ns and Money: Part 2: With Friends Like These...

Posted: 01/10/23 11:18
by bunniefuu
This is impossible.
We saw him die.

Ka D'Argo, your son is being
sold in a lot of 10,000 slaves.

This is a blueprint
for a depository.

Are we going to rob a bank?
- Yes.

In one container is enough wealth
to buy the entire shipment of slaves.

Now fetch me your master like
a good little minion.

This is my depository. Are
you here to make a transaction?

You seized my property.


Seize him!

What the hell were
you thinking?

My people and D'Argo's son
are the reason I'm here.

If it's Scorpius's wealth that frees
them, well, that's an added bonus.

Crichton! Seal all exits!

- The doors are sealed Aeryn. What's happening?

The blue bitch said this
would be easy.

If you fail them,
I'll k*ll you.

Scorpius must be on to us.

This facility is Bristul tight.
They won't get out.


When he put me in his chair, he did
something and it's getting worse.

Capture them. Take Crichton.

You have no idea how patient I
have been for this moment.

What the frell did you
put in my head?!

A tiny seed that's been
growing in your brain.

You die!

We have done it! We've done it!
We are rich!

As soon as we establish an
exchange rate for these ingots,

we'll know exactly how rich
we really are.

After all these desolate cycles
I'm about to see my son.

Aeryn, I meant what I said.

And now on Farscape.

This has got to be a first.

We're rich, you're miserable.

A fleeting taste of wealth
is worse than a lifetime of poverty.

Slaves from the Katin Mines are
sold in lots of 10,000.

To free D'Argo's son, we'll
have to pay for them all.

There'll be nothing left for us.

Oh, there'll be some.

Enough to indulge
ourselves a little.

I'm going to get some
Bendigan fire silk.

It's for my bed.

Every time I think that
there's more to you

than a pair of pushed up loomas
in a corset, you disappoint me.

From you, I'll take that
as a compliment.

The last time I saw my son was
the night my wife was m*rder*d.

I sent him away to
be safe, and...

he ends up a sl*ve.

And if you hadn't, he'd be
dead by now, D'Argo.

Peacekeepers despise

All those vital cycles growing
up without me there.

I almost hope he doesn't
even remember me.

All he'll care about is that
you came back for him.

D'Argo, we're now within range
of the Katin Mines.

If you wish to contact the
Slavers, now is the time.

I would like to bid on
Lot kesha four.

Apologies. Lot kesha four

What?! Why not?


No, it's not possible.
That can't be.

We've missed the sl*ve auction.

Your information was wrong.

I wasn't wrong. I wasn't.

My people are in that
lot as well.

Lot kesha four, special sale.
Private buyer. Triple price.

But other slaves available.

I do not want other slaves!

Who purchased that lot?
Tell me.


As recordings are so
sadly impersonal,

I'll have to imagine what your
face looks like now.

Etched with failure, I expect.

I have Ka D'Argo's son.

Surrender to me,
or the boy dies.

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut.

A radiation wave hit and I got
shot through a wormhole.

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe on a ship,

a living ship, full of strange
alien life-forms.

Help me.

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

I'm being hunted by an insane
military commander.

I'm doing everything I can.

I'm just looking for
a way home.

How... How did Scorpius
find out about Jothee?

Stark, you said you didn't tell
anyone about the auction.

No, no, I didn't.

The data was stored only
on my console.

I mean, Scorpius did try to trace
the datalink during the break-in,

but stopped... him.

I mean, uh, I... think
I stopped...

Oh, God.

We led him straight to Jothee.


Jothee wasn't the only sl*ve
in that auction lot!

Thousands of Baniks!
My... My own people!

They belong to Scorpius
now, too.

You know... you think
I wanted that?

Well, I didn't. I didn't.

I didn't... I didn't...

This is all your fault.

We got your money.

We saved your ass.

Only when you had no
other choice.

If you had helped me from
the beginning

we would've been out of here
before Scorpius had even arrived!

I can't lose Jothee.

Not again.

Not like this.


Not like this.


You're pathetic.

You keep talking about how
much I mean to you.

How you'd do anything
to get me back.

But when it comes down to it,
you fail me.

Again. Like you always do.

I did everything I could.
- Liar.

You know what you have to do.

I can't.

No, you won't.

Who means more to you?



I heard what happened.

You don't understand.

I, uh...

I was prepared to give Scorpius
what he wanted.


On The Command.

For a microt I was ready to take Crichton
by force and deliver him to Scorpius.

It was all I could do
to stop myself.

Crichton is your friend.

Jothee is my blood.

He's my child.

All I have left of my wife.

Now, why is that not enough?

- I do not care for the others.
- All I need is the Luxan's son.

The Banik Slavers can
keep the rest.

I explained that to them, sir,

but the Katins have refuse to search
through 10,000 slaves to locate one.

The freighter that we hired is
being loaded right now.

Natera did spend a great deal
to acquire them.

We could accept the surplus and resell
them individually to recoup our losses.

You mean...

your losses.

A poor choice of words.

I hardly consider it a loss.

Just a small price to keep you
happy and settle our account.

What, you consider things
settled now, do you?

Uh... Scorpius...

accept your victory.

I haven't got Crichton yet.

Tell me...

were there any Stykera amongst
the other Banik slaves?

Not according to the manifest.

Well, that's a pity.

I could have used a replacement for
the one who escaped my Gammak base.

Dispatch a Marauder to
the freighter,

and have the Luxan's son
returned here at maximum speed.


You can keep the other slaves.

Do with them as you will.

Metal fatigue?

How serious is it, Pilot?

The DRDs found only a few
occurrences on this tier.

It seems to have been caused
by some kind of corrosive

that I can neither identify
nor account for.

All right, I see it, Pilot.

If the DRDs can take a sample
then Zhaan can analyze it.

I would appreciate it.

How's D'Argo?

Not good. He blames me
for losing Jothee.

He could be right, so I've
come up with a plan.

Oh, there's a surprise.

The Slavers said that Jothee's
lot shipped out on a freighter.

Right. Even if we can find it,
we could never intercept...

Aeryn, no, the point is... is
that Jothee is still in transit.

He won't get to the depository
for a couple of solar days.

How can you be sure he's
going to the depository?

I know how Scorpy thinks.

He doesn't have Jothee, which means
we still have time. We can beat him.

Forever the optimist.

Yeah, well, it's a common
human trait.

In humans with a death wish.

All right, here's the deal.

We have minimal weapons,
no way to hide from Scorpius.

If we're going to surprise him
we've got to get some help.

Help from who?

Since entering the
Uncharted Territories,

Moya and I have been mapping
our movements as best we can.

We've identified several locations
where we might obtain assistance.

Item one, we need a

The Vocarians?

They're the ones who
tortured me.

Tell us.

Where are they?

Yeah, but they'll be able to find Jothee
no matter where Scorpius stashes him.

Item two, we're going to have to
pound our way into the depository.

For that we need a Sheyang.

On the ground now!

They're not fighters, they're
scavengers and cowards.

Yeah, who can breathe fire that
burns through metal like Kleenex.

Three, we need a Tavloid.

- Tavlek.

Remain where you are!

- What do you think you're doing?
- Help! Help!

They're nothing but barbarian

Their gauntlet weapons are
awesome in close combat.

And finally, we need the
Zenetan pirates.

There's something pulling us in!

That's impossible!

We're caught in the Flax.

The Flax net.

Flax what?

An electrostatic scan.
It instantly disables ships.

And what makes you think all
these Zeltiks are gonna help us?

Cash. These guys are mercenaries.
They want money, we got plenty.

We get them, we go in hot,

we k*ll Scorpius and we
bring your son back.

Stark. What's wrong?
What's wrong?


They're... gone.

Dead. All dead.

All dead. I failed them.

What are you talking about?

The Baniks. They're gone.

He's a Stykera. He's...
He's attuned to the dying.

He knows.

Scorpius k*lled the slaves?


Jothee is among them.

D'Argo, Jothee's not dead.

Scorpius did not allow that to
happen. You have to trust me on this.

We can get your son back,

and we can k*ll that cadaverous son
of a bitch but we have to do it now.


we've got one solar day.
Two, tops.

If I'm not back by then,
tell Scorpius where I went.

He'll trade that for Jothee.

Understood, John.

May the goddess be
with you all.

- You're almost there, John.
- You're almost there...

Okay, Leatherface. Your turn.

You never cease to
amaze me, John.

Man, that's "Texas Chainsaw
m*ssacre". That's a classic.

You weren't supposed to
be able to

initiate a conversation with
this neural clone.

Yeah, kind of sucks having someone
inside your head, doesn't it?

No matter. The task is
almost complete.

It wasn't easy.

There are vast regions of your brain that
are filled with nothing but gibberish.

That would be high school.

Like it or not, Scorpy,
I know how you think.

We're sharing now, and that's
how I'm going to beat you.

Perhaps you only believe that because
that's what we want you to think.

Sir, the Luxan's son is
returning on your Marauder,

but due to delays identifying
him on the freighter...

Don't give me excuses!

Do you think Crichton is simply
going to surrender himself to me?

I will not give him one microt
more than is necessary

to formulate his plan,
is that clear?

Sir, I'll inform you the moment
the boy arrives.

Calm down.

You'll have an accident.

My coolant system has advanced
considerably since the original surgery.

Not enough to prevent this
Crichton from almost k*lling you.

Why do you want him so badly?

He destroyed my Gammak Base.


He's not a Scarran.

You wouldn't waste your
hatred on anything else.

This is why I can't
have you around.

You know me too well.

Without me, you'd still
be the same

angry, hot-headed, young creature
I took in so many cycles ago.

Without me, your head,
among other things,

would be a trophy on the wall
of Peacekeeper Command.


We were made for each other.

Whoa! Checking on our treasure,
or are you helping yourself?

The way I see it,
beating you to it.

How dare you! I... mmm.


All right, but just enough
so no one notices.

- Yeah.

It's always good to have a
little something tucked away

when all hezmana breaks loose.


What the frell? It's gone.

Someone's beaten us to it.

But who?

Crichton's too... honorable.

Aeryn's too dull.

D'Argo's too, mmm...

Say it.


Yeah, but he's not a thief.

Somebody is! We've been robbed.

Did you hear that?

It sounded like tearing metal.


Get down here!

I trust you're well.

I asked you for help!

What the yotz were those
creatures? They looked like...

They looked like our money.

Our money's alive.

You realize what that means.

They're eating the ship.

Yes, but...

we're poor.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.

Howdy, Bekhesh.

Meet Winona.

Lights go out,
gauntlet comes off.


Unless it's already off.

I told you, I no longer
wear the gauntlet.

I'm not a creature of
v*olence anymore.

That's good.

I don't believe you.

I don't care.

A lifetime of k*lling and
extortion takes its toll.

Yeah, especially on those
you k*ll and extort.


but also on myself.

During a hostage raid, we captured a
priest, a disciple of the Writ of Tarou.

He refused to eat or sleep.

All he would do day and
night was preach,

whether anyone was
listening or not.

I ex*cuted him,

but I kept his Writ,
I don't know why.

One day I started reading it.

They were words of peace,
but they made me feel...


And one day I took off my
gauntlet and I threw it away.

I still don't believe you.

Well then k*ll me or let me go.

I need your gauntlet.

No. It's a tool of destruction.

That's why I want it.

Well? How bad is it?

Are we in danger of a
hull breach?

Of course we are.
These creatures eat metal.

Zhaan, they're devouring Moya's
sense filaments.

She's trying to endure the
pain, but it's growing.

Brave Moya.

Can't you flush them out or...
or suffocate them?

I trapped several creatures in the
bulkhead and opened it to space,

but they were too firmly
entrenched to expel.

and the vacuum didn't
affect them at all.

Hmm, well, do something!

I can't do any more until I
have a specimen to study.

Chiana is trying to capture one.

Now, if you can't make yourself
useful, Rygel, I suggest you leave.


This is your last warning shot.

This is your fault.

My fault? My fault?

This is your fault.

You were on the inside.
You stole the wrong container.

With the device you gave me.

I did precisely what I
was supposed to.

I was heroic!

Shut up, both of you.
The fault lies with all of us.

We brought those
creatures aboard.

Moya is suffering
because of us.

Now, little fella!


Zhaan, I think I got one.

Thank Kahalan.

Bring it here immediately.

Uh... soon as I can.

Attention Sheyang vessel.

This is not a hostile approach.

I come with an opportunity
for profit.

Please respond.

So, you've come to finish me.

Who att*cked you?

It was swift. Unprovoked.

And where is the rest
of your crew?

Abandoned ship in
evacuation pods.

As leader, I stayed behind
to guard their escape.

That's very noble of you.

You said you had an
opportunity for profit.

Spare my female.

Please. She bears my children.


Come with me.


you're going to attack a
Shadow Depository.

That's the plan.

Very well. I will help you.

You can barely help yourself.

Look at you. You're weak,
you're all used up.

And you're no use to me.

No use?!

I've seen bigger.

I can do better.

You'll have to.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.

You know, pretty soon you're going to
start jonesing for that gauntlet really bad.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.

I'm not leaving here without it.
- Tarou bakhaa Tarou.

Bekhesh. I've got all the time in the world.
- Tarou bakhaa Tarou.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.

A Luxan-Sebacean hybrid?

Despite Peacekeeper Command
efforts to keep the bloodlines pure,

there seems to be a few more
of them every cycle.

Have you got something
against hybrids, hmm?

No, of course not, not at all.

Ka Jothee, is it?

What the frell are you?

Some kind of mutant?

His mother was a Sebacean.

She was r*ped by a Scarran.

Did the Luxan r*pe your
mother, too?


Your father abandoned you
to a life of sl*very.

Is it his lineage you
hate the most?

My mother was m*rder*d
by her brother.

Does that answer your question?

So you hate Luxans and
Sebaceans equally.

How very interesting.

You bought 10,000 slaves
just to get me?

What do you want?

From you, nothing.

But your father would give me
something I want very much.

Pray to your Luxan mystics
that he loves you still.

Why are the Peacekeeper
Termination Squad after you?

We were hired to find some
of their deserters,

but once we discovered my
mate was with child,

we decided to discontinue
the hunt.

And you kept the payment.

Well, only half.

We did half the work.

You were a good torturer.

Are you as good at tracking?

Show him.

It would be easy to overlook the
scent of Hynerian and Delvian

beneath the musk of
Nebari on you.

Will you help me?

- No.

You saved our lives.
We are obligated.

I will not desert you.

The Peacekeeper hunters
are dead.

There are caves nearby.

I will be safe there
to give birth.

Our children will live.

Because of him.

If we can help restore
his child, we must.

And we could use the currency.

Oh, the heat's not affecting
it at all.

You said they ran from
your blowtorch.

I said maybe they did.

I'll increase the heat.


Oh, no.

What's wrong?

It's dead.

Took too much heat to
k*ll it, Chiana.

Moya could never raise her
internal temperature that high.


There are over 2,000 of those
creatures onboard.

We could never k*ll them
one by one like this.

I must find a way to deal with
the total infestation.

Zhaan, it's Scorpius.

He wants to talk to D'Argo.

He's found us.

We're dead.

I will speak to him, Pilot.

Where is Ka D'Argo?
Where is Crichton?

They have no reason
to trust you.

You tried to sabotage our ship.

Why would you honor
any exchange?


Don't play stupid you butcher.
Your metal-eating money...

I will speak to Crichton
and D'Argo, now.

Speak to me.


Yes, your favorite food for
the Aurora Chair.

You m*rder*d my people,

Thousands of Baniks,
as if they were nothing.

And all for one boy?

Well go ahead and k*ll
Jothee if you want,

because he means nothing to me.

You're not getting Crichton.

What the frell were
you thinking?!

You just condemned D'Argo's
son to death!

Look, Scorpius thinks I'm mad.

He... he won't blame you.

He... he needs Jothee.
He won't k*ll him.

I... I know Scorpius. I do.

We can't let him know that
Moya's in trouble.

He'll come after us, and if he
smells advantage to him,

it's the scent of victory.

If Jothee dies, I will not
wait for D'Argo.

I will k*ll you myself!

Pilot, what's happening?

Energy failure, Tiers
five through nine.

The creatures have infiltrated
the power conduits.

So, do something about it.

Use the DRDs.
That's what they're for.

I've tried.

They're eating the
DRDs as well.

How long before they break
through the hull, Pilot?

I don't know, but unless we
destroy them soon,

the internal damage may
be irreparable.

Moya may die.

Well, that brings back memories.

Does it hurt as much as
it used to?

The sensation is, uh, well...
more complicated than pain.

You're much more patient
than I remember.

Why aren't you hunting down the
thieves on the Leviathan?

That would be a waste of effort.
Crichton will come to me.

How's your nurse?


At any event, the currency that
was stolen belongs to you,

yet you seem strangely
unaffected for the loss. Tell me.

What did you really put in
my storage container?

Karack metallites.

- While dormant they look like Borinium ingots,

but they're actually
burrowing creatures.

They consume metal in their
natural environment.

You intended to destroy
my Marauder,

k*ll my crew, k*lling... me?


You wouldn't have respected
me otherwise.

How commendable.

Very fortunate I was robbed.


Now, tell me.

These, uh... Karack creatures.

Will they destroy the Leviathan?


For a vessel that size it should
take at least eight solar days.

Rest assured, the Leviathan
is dead.

Hey Bekhesh, buddy,
how are you feeling?

You're looking kind of
crappy, you know?

Maybe that gauntlet would fix
you right up. Where is it?

I can't tell you.

The Writ of Tarou says allowing
another to inflict harm

is an act of v*olence itself.

I'm trying to make up for
the things I've done.

You want to end v*olence?

You want to serve peace?
Then help me.

Help yourself.

Where's the gauntlet, Bekhesh?

Please, let me go!

I need to have it!

Hey! That's mine!

Put that on, it'll k*ll you.

You forget. I've worn a
gauntlet before, remember?

That was over a cycle ago.

I've tripled the dose
since then.

All right then, put it on and I'll
strip it from your corpse in three arns.

You want the gauntlet,
you take me with it.

Why should I trust you?

You said there was currency
in it for me. Lots of it.

What about your great

It's easier to reform when
you're rich.

You're feeling Moya's pain.

What I feel, Moya feels a
thousand times worse.

Pilot, I think I've found
a solution.

I want to flood Moya's affected
areas with Adraxan vapor.

After she has absorbed it
into her body, you...

you'll be able to ignite
it electrically.


Waves of heat will course
through her body, then flames.

The creatures will be destroyed.

You'd burn Moya?

To save her.

No! There must be another way!

I haven't given up hope trying
to find one, and I won't.

But if we run out of time...


you must believe me, this may
be Moya's last hope.

The Builders placed our fates
in your care, Zhaan.

Whatever you decide,
we will abide by it.

Now that we have reached
Zenetan territory, I have a task to perform.

And while it pains me to leave
you at such a critical juncture,

I will not shirk my duty.

The Zenetan pirates await.

Good luck and farewell.

You always know when to run.

That's cold.

Be careful, child.

Adraxan vapor is
highly volatile.


Are we really gonna burn Moya?

Do you think I want it
to come to this?

Zhaan, the canisters in
Maintenance Bay Four are ready.


Pilot, have you sealed all
the affected areas?

Yes. It's almost one-ninth
of Moya's total body.

Release the vapor.

It's done.

The vapor will be fully absorbed
in less than nine arns.

Good. That gives me enough time.

I am Dominar Rygel XVI,
requesting an audience.

Most beings do not seek out
the Zenetan pirates.

I have a business proposition
regarding your Flax net.

I will speak with
Commander Kcrackic.

Kcrackic no longer
commands here.

Nor is he, in fact, alive.


Hello, Rygel.

I now control the Flax.

Welcome back, Rygel.

So, you're, uh...

Flax net will simply be used
to insure our escape.

There's little risk and, uh, great
reward for your participation.

An interesting proposal.

When the ship you abandoned me in
was snared in the Zenetan's net,

they were little more than a
disorganized g*ng of petty cutthroats.

Under my direction,

I have turned them and the Flax
into a tool for power and profit.

Is that a yes or a no?

We had a truce.

When I am finished with
you, Dominar,

death himself will
pray for you.


I thought you might say
something like that.

I liked your proposal.

Zhaan, what are you waiting for?

The vapor was absorbed
an arn ago.

There must be another
way, Chiana.

Perhaps a crystal resonator.

We can shatter them with sound.

The creatures are nearing
Moya's propulsors.

Zhaan, if they consume those
systems we'll be dead in space.

There is no more time.

On our way, Pilot.

Pilot, I will take as much of
yours and Moya's pain as I can.

No, it will overwhelm you.

I will take that chance.

I will stay by your side.

Zhaan, you have to do it now.

Kahalan, help us.

Pilot, ignite the vapor.

Ah, Zhaan!

Ah, don't touch that.

You know, flossing could help
you with that gingivitis.


Pilot, what the hell's going
on over there?

Pilot, you guys okay?

Pilot, I'm seeing flames
on Moya.

It's all right, Crichton.

Stark, there are flames on
Moya. That is not all right.

John, we started the
fire on purpose.


We had to.

Just come on board.

I'll explain it to you.

Chiana, just tell me.
Is everybody okay over there?


I think so.

Everyone but... but Moya.

Moya's in so much pain she
can't even Starburst.

Will she heal?

Pilot's not sure.

Our money did this?

We did this.

And since we have nothing
to pay the mercenaries,

do you think they're going
to want to help us?

Scorpius is going to
k*ll Jothee.

No, he won't.

Marikar rakmana Tarou.
- Hey! Hey, frek face!

Hey, you stop that
ridiculous mumbling.

Ah, ah, you're not here
to fight each other.

The Tavleks raided our village!

That's why I asked your

Tavleks are treacherous scum!

So's everybody on board
this ship!

You are being paid to
work together.

That's right.

And that's what we do to
people who don't.

Good work, Ryg.

You're here to do a job.

Start acting like

Where would Crichton have gone
at a time like this?

I don't know, but he hasn't
exactly been himself lately.

Well, I want him confined
to his quarters.

I'll see to it, but you know
he's been trying to help you.

Always just too late.



Jothee! It's you!
It's really you!


You're choking me.

Everything you've been through.

So many cycles.

I'm sorry.

Not your fault.

I never stopped thinking
about you,

trying to find you.

I... I almost lost hope.

I didn't.

I knew you would come for me.

My son!

How did you escape Scorpius?

He let me go.

He what?


Oh, no.

Hello, John.

You want the wormhole

I want your implant
out of my head.

So finally, the rift between
us is not so great.

You do what you gotta do.

You win.

As if there was ever any doubt.