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02x19 - Liars, g*ns and Money: Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan

Posted: 01/10/23 11:17
by bunniefuu
Just keep going.

Follow the Nexus Coordinates.

Pilot: But we've been following
them for three solar days.

Just follow them, Pilot.

Or do I have to take over
manual command?
- Zhaan, maybe...

Go away, Crichton.

All right, look, we've all been talking.
We think maybe we should turn back.


When Stark communicated with me,

he insisted that we follow
the Nexus Coordinates.

If we do what he
says, he will be there.

There's nothing out there, okay?

Aeryn has gone and
done the long range recon...

We should return to the
sl*ve auction immediately.

And do what?

We have no currency, D'Argo.
We cannot save your son.

But we can save Stark.

Zhaan, maybe, uh...


Well, maybe I'm...

I'm just saying maybe you
didn't communicate with Stark.

You know, Zhaan, sometimes
when we want something really badly,

we think things
happen when they don't.

I do not need a
lesson from you, child.

This mask talked to me.

Unless you all
think I'm imagining it.

I do.

Stark is gone, but
my son is still alive.

So I want you to
turn this ship around.

Crichton, do you also believe I am
imagining my communication with Stark?

Bluey, since we've been together

you've shown me some
pretty wacky things.

But it's been three
days, and D'Argo's son...

Stark: Don't give up.

Don't stop, Zhaan.


I'm dying.

Pilot: Moya's found something.

There's a ship
directly in front of us.


Moya's sensors are
picking up one being.

Maneuver close and
deploy the docking web.

The life is faint, Crichton.
We have to reach him quickly.

He's barely breathing.

This is impossible.
We saw him die.

Well, let's get him to
Zhaan before he dies again.

D'Argo! D'Argo, I've
done it. I've found it.

I know how to save your son.

My name is John
Crichton, an astronaut.

A radiation wave hit and I
got shot through a wormhole.

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe on a ship,

a living ship, full of
strange alien life-forms.

Help me.

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out
there who can hear me?

I'm being hunted by an
insane military commander.

I'm doing everything I can.

I'm just looking for a way home.

It's all here, D'Argo.

Everything, everything.
- Be calm, Stark. Be calm.

What is this dren? How
will it help me save my son?

I've got a plan, a plan to...

Shh! Stark, your life
signs are still weak.

Just let him talk.

Crichton: Hang on. Before
we hear about any plan,

inquiring minds want to know
how the hell did you get here?

I stole a ship.

No, on the hubcap.

You were ex*cuted.
You were dispersed.

Crichton, this body is only
a... a molecular creation.

Which enables me
to live in your realm.

It's merely a... a vessel
for my true incorporeal self.

You want to run that
by me one more time?

When I dispersed, I instantly traveled
to locate these plans and blueprints.

And then I... I reconstituted
the shell of this body, and...

and stole a ship
to come find you.

Chiana: I told you
he was still alive.

I don't believe it.

Zhaan was
telling the truth, I...

Go on, Stark.

Ka D'Argo, your son is being
sold in a lot of 10,000 slaves.

Now, this is a blueprint
for a depository.

What, you mean like a bank?

- Are we gonna rob a bank?


Steal other people's
currency to help ourselves?

We can't do that, I can't.

Well, sure you can.

Stark: Zhaan, it is not
a normal depository.

It is one that
services only criminals

who wish to hide what
they have stolen from others.

Rygel: Wait a microt. Are you
talking about a shadow depository?

Yes, and it's within the range
of a Transport Pod from here.

Hmm. So you are insane.

Well, I saw a shadow depository once that
had more firepower than a Gammak Base.

Yes, but with these I can control the
internal depository door motion detectors.

And these...

these are a complete
set of blueprints.

Vault layout, everything.

In one container is enough wealth
to buy the entire shipment of slaves

and still have enough left over
to make all of us filthy rich forever.

Where did you get these?

I helped the deposit
designer cross over to death.

His last thoughts
led me to these.

They're genuine.

Did you k*ll him?

Not exactly.

Aeryn: Did the designer have
enough time to explain to you

how much firepower is
actually inside this depository?

Not... not precisely.

Oh, that's comforting.

We're going to have to go down
and have a look for ourselves.

Aeryn: Their arsenal would be
massive. This is su1c1de, D'Argo.

Well, it's the only way we can
save my son. We must consider it.

D'Argo, wait. No, no, no.

I know this is important.

I know you want to do
this but it is not possible.

You won't even consider this?

I just don't see how we...

Well, fine! We'll
go without you.

We'll go without
all four of you.

Chiana, it's just
you, me and Stark.

Well sure Bubba, but
you know, maybe...

maybe we should just...
- What? You're against me, too?

No, no, I'm with you. It's...

When you ask me to do something,
did I ever question if it was possible?

D'Argo, I...
- No, I didn't.

You cowards. All of you.

Pilot: He does not
need my permission.

Crichton: Get him on the phone.

He is not responding
to any of my signals.

- How much of a head start
does he have?

He cleared Moya not
more than 50 microts ago.

Crichton: D'Argo, pick up the damn
phone. I know you can hear me.

- We're taking the Prowler.

That's big.

It's very big.

Natira: I suggest you take it, or your
business will be no longer appreciated.

Don't thr*aten me, Natira.
- Don't lose D'Argo.

And don't forget who I am.

I haven't.

You're nobody here.

But do as I say, and we'll
let the relationship unfold.

Just, um...




Over there. Talking to
that weird, blue alien.

That's not Scorpius.
You're having visions again.

Have a look.

Natira: But that should
be the least of your worries.


Sorry about that.

And we're worried about D'Argo.

Hand over your
weapons... slowly.

What is your business
here, Peacekeepers?


Very, very good.
- Clear, Akkor.

You in charge here?

What is your business?

This is a depository, right?

We have something to deposit.

What makes you think
we'd be interested?

You ever hear of KFC?


It is, to my knowledge,
unique in the universe.

And unique is always valuable.

Now we have managed to
procure all 11 secret ingredients.

What we need to do now is
discuss the terms of...
- Security breach, portal five!

Guards! The Luxan!

Seize him!

Gan: Get him on the ground.

On the ground.
- On the ground.

Hold him!


D'Argo: I was told the
security here was weak.

-What for?

I was right. The
security here is frelled.


As a race, Luxans
can be inartful at love,

inadequate at w*r
and intrinsically inept.

But this one, is intelligent.

Shall I execute him?

Natira: No.

He also expects
to be interrogated.

Don't you...

Ka D'Argo.


It's a dance, gentlemen.

Let's not disappoint him.

You went to so much trouble
to open that door, Ka D'Argo...

be my guest.

It's time to go.


You! You set him up.

D'Argo is down
there because of you!

Look, you left him no
choice! He had to, had to.

It's the only way to
save Jothee. It's the plan!

What plan?! What
are you talking about?!

The plan, the plan to get D'Argo
back and to rob the depository.

But you put the whole
place on security alert!

It's his... it's all part
of the plan, you see?

Because D'Argo's breached the
system, they'll scramble their codes.

And while they're resetting
their security codes,

I can link in and they'll
never even know.

But I have to work quickly.

So you'll leave me alone!

I've only got six arns
before they reset their codes.

I'm going to reset his codes.

How the hell are we
supposed to get D'Argo back?!

Don't worry about a thing.

I've got it all figured out.

It's all part of the plan.

You better have it all figured
out. D'Argo bet his life on that.

No, he bet his
son's life on that.

You manipulated us.

This plan will work.

He hasn't said a word.

He's Luxan. He'll die first.

Which means all this
pain has been for nothing.

As it will continue to be.

But perhaps you like pain.

Is that it?

I hope so.

I've changed my mind.

Seven percent isn't
nearly enough. I want ten.

Listen slug, you'll get
what we agreed upon

and you'll be happy
about it, okay?


It's easy, Rygel. Okay.

Now, Stark's gadget will switch
our container for the valuable one.



And no Comms.
- What?

All transmissions
will be detected.

But what if something
goes wrong?

We have complete
confidence in you, Rygel,

especially where
money is concerned.

Chiana, swallow this.

It will protect you from
the effects of the melar gas.

You ready, Rygel?

Do I look ready?

You have nothing to fear.

The gas will suspend
your biological functions

just long enough to avoid
being detected by a bioscan.

Goddess be with
you, brave Rygel.

Ten percent! Do
you hear me?! Ten!

I consider this
an oral contract...

Strange. It should have
been instantaneous.

I'll have to adjust
the mix next time.

No, no, no! Wrong
chip! Bad chip!


Crichton: Have you accessed
their security systems yet?


You said we had
less than six arns.

I know what I said.

That means you have
less than an arn left.

All bad.

It's a matter of
precision and timing.

I must create my link at the
precise moment they reset their...

I'm in.

I'm in.

Are you sure this
is going to work?

Yes, it'll work. I spent too
much time thinking it through.

I spent too much time thinking
through the Farscape project.

Your side, my side!

My side, your side!

Now go away.

You know, go back to your quarters.
Get something to eat, take a nap.

Do nothing. That's what
D'Argo said you do best.

Ground rules.

You don't lie to me.

Did D'Argo say that?

No. I'm sorry. He didn't.

Do you have any other
lies you wanna confess?


You wanna guilt trip
me, that's fine. Just...

don't lie to me.

Good. Good.

This is it?

Huh, lame.

We can do better.

Better is whatever I say it is.

I knew that.

May I help you?

No. Bring me
whoever's in charge here.

I assure you madam, I
am more than capable...

Don't elevate yourself.

I know a functionary when
one crawls in front of my face.

Now fetch me your master
like a good little minion.

I'm Natira.

Are you here to
make a transaction?

I am Orala.

You act as if that name
should mean something to me.

I understand you've been
having security problems.

You've been misinformed.

Oh, really?

I had one of my operatives
test your systems himself.

He got halfway into your vault
before you even noticed him.

The Luxan? He barely
made it through the first door.

He belongs to you?

He's still alive?

Last I checked.

Chiana: They couldn't
even k*ll a Luxan.


I will take him back now.

You'll take whatever I give you.

Oh... How did he get our code?

It is not my job to
plug your security leak.

Then why have you come here?

Time sensitive goods.

Short term deposit.
- Short term.

I need storage
for one solar day.

-One solar day.

expl*sives, negative.

Biologicals, negative.

Power-field emitters, negative.


Yes. Naltoth era.

Hmm, it's extremely ugly.

But priceless.

And now my Luxan.

Natira: This way, please.

- Yes?

Take him back to the ship.
- At once.

Freakin' Attila the Hun.

Natira: Your guards can watch
you from the observation room.

He looks bad.

Those are my rules, and if you
don't like them, then leave. Now.

The vault is made
from Maddium steel,

strong enough to withstand
a Meta-vek expl*si*n.

Does that alleviate
your security concerns?

I'll let you know
in one solar day.


The code to your container is
now linked to your genetic profile.

Computer: Retrieving container.
- Only you will be able to gain access.

Here comes your container now.

The first time can
be a little intimidating.

Bonnie and Clyde.

Oh no, forget about that
one. It's a bad ending.

Scorpius is here.
Natira should know.

You know, it's really
not very nice to whisper.

All right, Zhaan, come
on. Come on. Wrap it up.

Scorpius: You can't
escape me. You know that.

Not now, you freak.
Get out of my head.

You can't escape me.


Yes, Scorpius.

No... Scorpius.

You see him?

This is bad.

This is very bad.

Akkor: Scorpius? Scorpius?

Scorpius: Don't talk.
I've come for my property.

Akkor: If you could
just be a little patient.

No... No, no, no, no.

I must see Natira now.

Yes, but...
- You're stalling me, Akkor.


He's about to walk in on
Zhaan. We'd better warn her.

We can't use the Comms
because they'll hear us.

She'll be right with you.

Please, understand.

Natira's policy on client
confidentiality is very strict.

I could lose my position.

Of course.

Oh, I understand.

Now it won't be your fault.


All right.

Hold still.

What is that?

My boy Scorpius.

He's half Scarran. Got
a hell of a heat problem.

That must be how he stays cool.

Zhaan: I trust your machinery
will not damage my possessions.

Come on, Zhaan. Quit your
yakking and get out of there.

Come on, Zhaan.

Far more fragile and
valuable than yours.

Scorpius is here.

Natira: If you'd allow my
assistant to escort you.


Natira: Scorpius!

How good to see you.

Follow me.

I'm here to claim my property.

Is that it? Straight
to business?


For a half Scarran, you
can sometimes be so... cold.

We have so much to catch up on.

I heard about the destruction
of your Gammak Base.

And you thought I was dead.

Well, I'm glad I was wrong.

You've seized my property.

Well... of course.

But I'll provide you with
merchandise of equal value.

No. For my inconvenience,
you'll provide me...

with triple the value.



I'll make the arrangements.

Hey, Stark, riddle me this.

What's black and white and black
and white and black and white?


And in the bank.


You knew!

You knew that he had a
safe deposit box in that bank.

Oh, well...
- Uh-uh!

We've talked about lying.

Yes, I knew,
but if I told you...

Hell, we would have stayed
the hell away from the bank!

What the hell were you thinking?

I didn't know he'd be here.

No, no, no, no, you just want to...
you want to boost, boost, boost his stuff!

You just wanted revenge!

That is not true!

My people and D'Argo's
son are the reason I'm here.

Now, if it's Scorpius's wealth that
frees them, well that's an added bonus.

You want revenge.

No, I don't.

I want to k*ll him.

That's justice.

How's D'Argo?


Pilot, is there any sign of
Scorpius's Command Carrier?

Pilot: None.

But Moya did sense one small
vessel approaching the planet earlier.

Oh, that's fine. That's probably just
a Marauder on a stealth trajectory.

There's no need to panic.

We can still pull
this off undetected.

Look, I've modified these Comms so
that they'll encrypt all transmissions.

We can communicate
safely at all times.

And this pass key has been
calibrated to control all their doors.

You see, this plan will work.

In any event, we're committed.

I need one more thing.


Zhaan: Yes, John?

Can you concoct something
for me that reacts with heat,

and by react I mean explode?

I can prepare
some jelifan paste.

Do that, please.

Don't turn this into
a vendetta, John.

I didn't.

I'm procuring a quarter sakmar
of Borinium ingots for you.

At least three times the value
of the property you had stored.

And where are you
stealing them from?

Do you care?
- No.

How soon will we have them?

The arrangements
are rather complex.

And what am I supposed
to do while I wait?

Accept my apologies.

Return to the Marauder. I
will summon you if I need you.

Leave that. Natira will tend
to me, should I require it.


I know many ways to
bleed off your excess heat.

Crichton: How you doing?

How do I look?

You look like crap.

Well, there's your answer.

Blood's clear.

Not much damage.

He's still in a lot
of pain, though.

Yeah, we're, uh...

we're going ahead with the plan.

Because now it's begun,
you have no other choice.

Now, who exactly got us
into this great plan, anyway?

Well someone had to act.

You mean someone had to
take matters into their own hands?

What, and you never do?

Crichton, just... just
leave him alone, okay.

No, it's fine. If he wants to
get into it, we can get into it.

Well yeah, sure.
Now's just a great time.

Hey, how about I just go grab some
rags in case he starts bleeding again.

I didn't come here to fight.

I came to see how you are.

Well, we've already
covered that.

Is there anything else?

Rygel: One, get out of statue.

Two, use gadget
to retrieve prize.

Three, jump into
containers full of riches.

The problem is... step one!

Frell! The blue bitch
said this would be easy.

Withdraw your
possessions already?


That's unusual.

My life is unusual.

Chiana: Very unusual.

I said this was a
short term deposit.

Short term.


No Dominar should
have to work this hard.

All right, let's see if
this thing actually works.

So far, we're right on schedule.

Let's hope Rygel is.

All he's got to do
is switch containers.

He gets it right, I got
one big kiss for him.

What are you doing?

Doing what guys do best.

I'm looking for Baywatch.

Better yet, the
Discovery Channel.

Are you still angry with me?

Mmm, furious.


It adds enthusiasm
to our encounters.

Leave the cooling rods. Leave
the cooling rods. Leave 'em.

Perfect! Come on.

- Let's go.

Computer: Retrieving container.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Scorpius: Hello, John.

Go. Go away.

You, move that over there.



Crichton: Go away. Go.

I cannot let you do this!
- Go away. Go away.


It's just Scorpius.
He's in my ear.

How about some jelifan paste...

Put it down.
- In his ear?

Stop it. Stop that. Put it down.

Get out.

Shut up.

Put it down, John.
- I can do this.

Put it down. I can't let you do this.
- I can do... I can do this.

No, John, I won't let
you. I won't let you.

No, you can't. Give it to me.

Come on, Aeryn. Come
on, come on, come on.

All right, all right, all right.

Aeryn, Aeryn, quick.


Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up.
Come on, come on, come on.

Get down.

The Borinium ingots have been
transferred into your container.

You'll be pleased
with their value.

I'd better be similarly
pleased with their quantity.

I will not be late
for my Taladine tea.

You want to push?

We'll be aboard the
transport shortly, Orala.

Borinium ingots?

The Delvian woman.
These are her possessions.

A Delvian?
- Security lockdown.

Who was with her?

A Nebari, a Luxan
and two Sebaceans.

Crichton! Seal all exits!



Time to try Stark's lockpick.

Nuh, time to try something else.




Get away from the portal.

The doors are sealed,
Aeryn. What's happening?

Scorpius must be on to us.

Stupid plan.

Very stupid plan.

Don't panic. Hold your position.

Do we have a choice?

Stark? Stark! Pick up!

I want him captured,
not deafened.

This facility is bristule
tight. They won't get out.

I have less than a skerrick
of faith in your words, Natila.

Locate them now.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Wasn't supposed to happen.

Yes, well it did.

Now, can you pinpoint our location
and turn off the damn camera?

I'm here.

What the frell?! They're
jamming the cameras.

Give me your level, corridor,
segment, in that order.

Stark, this gizmo you gave me.

It's supposed to give me
control over all the doors.

Yes. Yes, but they'll know right
where you are. It's best to let me...

Just give me control!

Stark. You and D'Argo get Zhaan, Chiana
and Rygel out and we'll act as a diversion.

That is su1c1de, Aeryn.

Almost as suicidal as strolling in
and walking through a security door.

Camera function restored.

A portal's been
breached, level nineteen.

Is it Crichton?

We can't be sure until we...
- Make sure.

Scorpius: Stop running.

You cannot resist.

What is the matter with you?

What is wrong?

Aeryn, Scorpy.

When he put me in his chair, he
did something and it's getting worse.


Oh, hell.

Got an idea.

Take your first on the right.

Rygel: Ten percent
of this plan is lunacy.

Fifty percent of these
riches is not enough!

One hundred percent
of dead is dead!

Stark, which way now?


D'Argo, are you there?

Stark, they need you.

If you fail them, I'll k*ll you.

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, this will work.

Trust me. We just have to
find a place to...
- This will never work.

Get our clothes off.
- You two. Hold it.

They went that way.

Level twenty two, corridor
riga, segment trada five.

They must be overriding
portal controls.
- Not possible.

Notify me constantly
of their progress.

This is my facility, Scorpius.

You go nowhere without me.



How much do you owe me?

In every way?

Too much, that I cannot repay.

If I leave with this man in
custody, then all is forgiven.

Blue, how you doing?

We're almost to the central
processing area, John.

Stark, open the last door.

Stark: Not the plan, not
the plan, not the plan.

My fault, my fault, my fault.

They're almost out of there.
Come on, you can do it.

Stark. Stark, open the door.

I can hear them coming.


Scorpius: John, I need you.

- What?

If Scorpius gets me...
I know, sh**t you.

No. No, no, no. sh**t him.

Look, we have to talk.

Not here. You'll
get us both k*lled.

Aeryn, I have to
tell you how I feel.

I have to tell you.

No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.

I do.

No, you don't.

Natira, report.

Crichton's heading
towards the main chamber.

Your current vector
will intercept him.

The Delvian still has the special
reserve you intended for Scorpius.

Good luck to her. The
least of our worries.

They're coming, D'Argo. Hurry!

I am working on it.

Just frelling hurry.

Chiana, have you got your pill
for the melar gas? Take it now.

Where's my pill?
This time I get a pill.

We have to reach them quickly.

I'm following the
frelling sequence!

That's it, D'Argo. You're
back in their system.

A pill for Rygel? Of course not.
When did anyone think of me?

Stand your ground! Don't move!

We'll sh**t if you resist.

Don't think about it.

Oh, frell!

Much better.

I knew I had to adjust the mix.

Natira: Crichton's out racing
you to the main chamber.

Move it, Scorpius.

Capture them.

Take Crichton, alive.

We must change your cooling rods.
You're burning through them too fast.

Oh, thank the
goddess you made it.

Is Rygel dead?


Aeryn, you help them load.
I'm gonna go seal all the doors.

No, reverse that, John.
You do this, I'll do that.

There's no escape.
- This is mine.



Braca: Come on.

Hold it!
- Come on, Braca.

Hold it!

Help me!

Thank you.

Hey, Braca.

Tell me, is the rematch ever
better than the original fight?

Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?

You have no idea how patient
I have been for this moment.

Well, since I got
you here, tell me.

What the frell did
you put in my head?!

Some awareness.

A neuro-biotracer.

Call it what you like.

A tiny chip,

a tiny seed that's been
growing in your brain.

Touching every aspect
of your personality...

your memory.

Didn't happen to see
LuAnne Johnson, did ya?

And whispering advice.

I trust it's helped save you once or
twice since escaping my Gammak Base.

Oh, what's the matter Scorpy?

You don't look too good.

Neither do you, Crichton.

I got a piece of you in me. Now
you got a piece of me in you.

Change it.

Change it now!


You could not let me die any
more than I can sacrifice you.

That's what you're telling me in
my head, but I think I'll give it a shot.

No, you will save me.


Now, take one. Take it.


Take it.

Take it!

Take it!

Now insert the rod
in the gannet.
- No.

Insert the rod!

Insert the rod!

Insert it!

Insert it! Insert it! Insert it!

Insert the rod, John!

You're really not my type.

Die, you grotesque bastard!

Even if it means I die, too.

Neither one of us can die.

Oh, say can you see...

I command you to help me.
- By the dawn's early light...

John Crichton, I command
you to help me!
- What so proudly we hail...

At the twilight's
last gleaming...

Whose broad stripes
and bright stars...

Rygel: We've
done it! We are rich!

As soon as we establish an
exchange rate for these ingots,

we'll know exactly
how rich we really are.

We agreed, Rygel, nothing gets touched
until after D'Argo's son and the others

get freed from the
sl*ve auction, right?

Yes, yes, let's all pretend we're not
thinking how ill-advised that covenant was.

He provides a perspective
otherwise lacking.

I must apologize for my panic.

My shame is great.

You did brilliantly. We wouldn't
have had a chance without you.

For which I am
eternally grateful.

Ka D'Argo.

You've proven yourself
to be a worthy friend.

And one not to be
distrusted again.

Nice sentiment.

After all these desolate
cycles, I'm about to see my son.

And that tortured being there is
the one who's made it possible.

What about your
other tortured friend?

Friends support one
another unconditionally.

They also forgive one another.

It was real.

I didn't imagine it.

What was real, John?

I had Scorpius in my head.

And it was hard letting him die.

There's still a part of me
that wishes I'd saved him.

Well, you mustn't forget
what he wanted from you.

He wanted to dissect your brain.


Aeryn, I, um...

I meant what I said...

didn't say.

I know.