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02x09 - Out of Their Minds

Posted: 01/10/23 11:06
by bunniefuu
I’m up, I’m up, I’m up.


Aeryn, what the hell’s goin’ on?

We’ve been locked and targeted.




Who are they?

I don’t know, Crichton

The ship is badly damaged

and their comms channel’s not functioning.

Have we sent the “Don’t sh**t us, we’re pathetic? ” transmission yet?

It’s the first thing we tried, but they still targeted us

What did we do to piss these guys off?

Nothing we’re aware of.

Rygel, I just boosted another cable,

is the defense shield working?


it still registers only half power.

Move it, D’argo!

I don’t want to die because you’re too slow!

If you can do any better, get down here yourself your lowness,

and give it a try! Now get me another cable!

We just have to hope that Zhaan can stall them.


Zhaan’s on their ship?


I’ve auto docked and I’m coming toward what I think is their command.

There’s no one here, though.

We’re still targeted, Zhaan.

Perhaps they’ve automated their weapons.

You must find a way to stop them from firing.

I will try, Pilot.

I will…

never yield.

You must…

destroy me.

I...I am not here to hurt you.

I am a Delvian Pa U, a priestess.

I can take your pain, if you allow me.

Why do you help?

Your ship...

attack us?

We didn’t attack you.

Your smaller ship did.

Captain called it….


Talyn did this.

Is that why you targeted us?


You must believe me,

we did not send Talyn to attack you

Why I trust?

Oh, you can scan us. We're peaceful

We do not have any weapons





No weapons!

Destroy their ship!

Moya is...


our core is below pulse.

Can only fire once, if we...

We have no choice


I’m unfamiliar with their ship,

but I believe they are marshalling energy to fire.

I need another cable, now!

Coming through!



Screw me, this is impossible

What the frell’s going on?

That’s my body!

I’m Aeryn.

Who are you?

I’m Crichton.

By the Hynerian Gods,

I’m not me!

My name is John Crichton...

an astronaut...

radiation wave hit me...

I got shot through a wormhole...

lost in some distant part of the universe...

on a ship

a living ship full of strange alien life- forms...

Listen please...

Is anybody out there who can hear me?

I'm Being hunted by an insane military commander...

Doing everything I can...

I'm just looking for a way home.

What are you doing in my body?

I don’t know.

But that’s my, my, my body!

I know, and this is my body.


Look at it!

Look at what I am!


I look like - like Rygel!

Who are you?


I’m Crichton


we just have to just...think for a second,
try and figure out what happened to us.

This is not some sick sort of hallucination

I want my body back!



Rygel, just calm down, alright?

Calm down, calm down.

I am not calming down! Pilot, why aren’t you answering?


Aeryn, right?

What do you think?

Of course it’s me, John.

Okay, I know this is crazy, but we need to focus.

Look at me!

I have no arms.

Look at this!



I need your help.

Now, I don’t know what happened to us

I don’t even know if this is real.

Well, it feels frelling real!

Shut up, Fluffy!

That’s it, I’m insane...power,

so we have to get it full power...

I’m dreaming! Yes, that’s it. I’m asleep, and I’m dreaming.

I’ll wake up in my royal bed chamber, surrounded by my concubines, and everything will be fine.

Rygel, listen to me

I’m not listening to you, you’re a figment!

You’re part of my imagination.

Oh, that's great.

Well that was real.

It’s the Three frickin Stooges,
I’m hitting myself!

Whoever you are,

I want my body back.

We all do buddy, we all do.

Look, that ship must have shot us with some kind of brain switching w*apon.

I don’t know, somehow I got in you, Rygel.

But why?

Why would they want us to switch bodies?


I don’t know.

But if this is some kind of sick experiment,

I’m billing them for the therapy



Pilot, wake up! Help me!


Moya, where...

where are you?

She’s right here.

Pilot, look at me!


what’s happened?

We were hit by some kind of w*apon.

But they haven’t shot again. I do not know why.

Who are you?

It’s me,

I’m D’argo.


Something happened to us.

We’ve all been switched.

It affected you the worst.

You passed out, I thought you were dead.



Then who are you?


Everything’s coming apart.

I don’t know what I’m doing here, Pilot!

We're gonna die now, aren't we?

Shut up, Chiana!

It’s like I have a million sounds in my head



You’re multi tasking.

I can’t hear anything specific, Pilot

All I hear is noise and I can’t control it!

What the frell?

What was that?

Moya can’t hear me and I...

I think she’s starting to panic

Listen, D’argo.

You’re gonna have to control some of the multitasking

I can’t!

Yes you can.

I’ll...I’ll talk you through...

I can’t move my legs.

Chiana, take me to D’argo.

Moya needs my help.

You lied!

Your ship...

has defense screen.

Why have,

if not...

warrior vessel?

We scavenged it from an abandoned carrier called the Zelbinion.

I am telling you the truth, fired on an unarmed living creature

Then what this?

It’s not us

It’s Talyn.

Thirty of my crew...


And we, the only living.

Talyn is a genetic mutation.

Designed to be a g*n ship.

We have been searching for him

Moya is not like that ship!

Time count...til our w*apon...can fire.

Three arns.

By the Goddess!

we mean you no harm!

Let me take you aboard Moya,

I’ll prove to you that we have no weapons

You return to your ship, when it is corpse!

Thank you,



close your eyes



Listen through...

all the sounds in your head

Beyond them,,


a high pitched sound

Very faint

I sometimes see it as a...

a sort of color

A dark red.


I think I see it.



push all the other noises to the side


on the red one

That's Moya's life support functions

Keep that in your brain at all times.

Moya's other tasks will hang off that sound...

like it's a rope.

I'll try.

Are these really necessary?

Can't you remember who we are?

No I can't, Einstein

If these guys attack again,
I've gotta know who I'm talking to.


I think I've isolated our internal comms

They should be working, now.


Hang the sound on the rope in your mind,

like we talked about



to isolate...

broadcast frequencies.

You okay?

We must contact Zhaan.

Do you think she'll be alright?

I know she docked on the Halosian ship before it fired



I know...

what happened after that

Any idea why we switched bodies, Pilot?


As soon as minimum functions return,

I'll help D'argo...

into the memory banks, to run a scan.

But before I switched,

I sensed damage to the defense screen circuitry
in the neural cluster.

Nothing serious,

but we need to repair transfer conduits.


shouldn't we just worry about getting our bodies back?

Who cares about fixing the defense screen?

It didn't stop their first blast from doing this

When we first got hit,

the defense screen was only at 62%

If we get it properly aligned,

it will...

protect us

I'm on it.

You coming, Aeryn?

You really know your way around this maze?

There's hundreds of quadrants and I had to learn them all.

This says the defense screen power cells should be...

right up there.

You're gonna have to do all the work, Crichton.

I can't do anything with these.

Alright. Well,

follow the circuitry on the schematics and I'll see if I can isolate the burned out conduits.

I accept...

your offer.

I will survey Moya.

If peaceful,

I will let you free.

thank you

Moya is unarmed. I will prove it to you.

No. You stay.

If they betray, you die

They won't.

Allow me...

to be suspicious.

I can't believe you do this everyday

My whole body aches from concentrating so hard.

I'm only doing a tiny bit of what you do,
and I can hardly breathe.


you'll adapt quickly,


What's the matter?

I...I don't feel so well


I need you here!

Don't pass out on me!

I can't do this without you!

You might...

have to.



There's something...

it's Zhaan

I'm getting a transmission from Zhaan

Put her on external...



Pilot, can you hear me?

Why aren't you answering?

Answer her.

Go on.

yes, it's me


Sort of.


are you alright?


I'm unharmed.

But, listen.

The attack on Moya was not unprovoked.

We did nothing!

I know,

But Crais did.

He att*cked the Halosians,

with Talyn!


Was Talyn here?

Twenty arns ago.

Then he disappeared.

That's why they targeted us, Pilot.

They think that we came here to destroy them


if we can prove that Moya has no weapons,

they will not fire again.

The Halosian commander is willing to come aboard, unarmed

if we let him search Moya, prove that we are peaceful.

What do you think?

We don't have...

much choice

Tell her it's...

it's agreeable.


tell the numbnock he's clear to come over.

But remind him we're in no mood for yotz!

One trick, one transgression and I k*ll him!

Pilot, what has happened to you?

I'm fine.

Just send them over.


what's wrong with you?

Pilot? I'm scared!

Crichton! Aeryn!

Pilot's having some sort of attack

get up here! Get up here, now!


Somebody! Help!

What's happening, Crichton?

I don't know.

Is Pilot rejecting my body?

What happens to my body if Pilot rejects it?



much better, Chiana.

We must keep linking,

Working to link to Moya...

Moya's memory banks.

ASo we can analyze,

analyze the w*apon that switched us.

Frell them.

I can't do it, Pilot.


I tried, but I can't do it.

Well, you have to! I don't want to stay like this, you pathetic Luxan!



who- whoever you are,

I'll rip your head off, if you don't shut up!


I'm getting a signal

The Halosian shuttle is approaching

We'd better get down there.

They're expecting me...

I mean you...

to show'em around.

Come on!


D'argo, can you tell me if this guy is alone?

I have no frelling idea. , John

All I know is, he's docking.

Oh, my

What's the matter?

I feel um...

nothing...I just feel um...

What? my body okay, Rygel?

Yeah, it's fine. Just, I think I have to um...

I have to pee.


Yes, now, right now, yes.

You can't go now, you have to hold it.

I don't know how to hold it, Chiana! I don't know this body!

Then go!

Ju...just go!



Over there, now.



There, now.

D'argo, is this guy here yet?

He should be there, any microt.

Uh, Crichton.


Uh, can you show me how to do this?

Oh my God.



Pull it out.

Point it like a g*n...

And sh**t.

Aimed the right way?

Yes, that's fine

He's here.




We figured

D'argo, search him


Oh! Sorry.


I am unarmed

Face the wall and spread your feathers, big guy.

Where is Crichton?

Told he show me Moya




that is good!

Yes, then, I'll just, uh, put this thing away, and...


Put it away and be careful, Sparky.

I can't believe it.

It's getting easier, Pilot.

How are you feeling?

If I stay calm,

I'm fine.

But I still sense Chiana's body wants me gone.

I never thought I'd be separated from Moya again.

It's as though...

all my senses have....

...have vanished

I can't see,

or hear,

or feel...

like I did.

I'm beginning to understand

The glimpses I get of what you experience Pilot.

They make my own life feel insignificant

That's not true, D'argo

It is.

I have memories of my son, of a wife.

But you have seen the galaxies

and the birth of stars.

But...I have no

no memories of love

Of friendship


You have the remarkable memories,


I believe....

I believe that your Moya peaceful.

So will Tak, when he searches it.



Show you something.

I am Captain Crais

We travel in peace.

And we wish safe passage.

Halos One.

My ships defense mechanisms have been activated.

We sense your weapons have charged.

Stand down!

I repeat, we travel in peace!


Prime g*ns for retaliation!

Fire, now!

You fired first?

Talyn just...

defend itself.

So Crais was honorable,
he's not using Talyn for battle.

He could...

destroy us.

But, chose not.

Why did you fire on Talyn?

Our code.

Tak desires...

to evolve

He must register...

hostile kills...

As many as possible.

As you can see, no weapons anywhere.

If you ask me, it's frelling ludicrous.

My royal fleet,

every ship had a hundred cannon!


stop talking.

Just making conversation, Ry- gel.

So our guest can see that we are friendly creatures.

Creatures with no weapons

That way, when he's finished searching...

you can change me back, right?


will be...

dealt with.

Good- good. One microt.

Aeryn, I think I'm making some progress
with this idiot, so...

why don't you leave us alone
and I'll show him the ship me self?

What are you up to, Rygel?


And my own body shouldn't be suspicious of me,
so...rack off!



I've done all I can do here.
I've changed all the burnt out conduits.

Can you run an integrity check
and see if this damned defense screen will run to 100% now?

I'll try, John.

Okay, Oh, momma!


What are you doing?

Oh, come on, man! I'm...

there here.

They've been here...

for a couple of arns,
and I just had to...

You are...

mentally damaged

No, I'm a guy

A guy!

Guys dream about this sort of thing!

I'll tell you one thing, Crichton

If I find you've been dreaming anything else to my body,

tI'll break your legs.

Even if they are mine

What are you guys doin' here, anyway?

I've just re- patched the defense screen in command

I need you to have a look at it.

Unless you need some more...

private time?

Oh, shut up, Chiana.

God knows what you've been doing to that body.

Look, you two can fight it out later.

Rygel's about to bring the Halosian
through the quadrant below this one.

I came to tell you to clear out.

So, clear!


Haven't you searched enough of these cells?

Think about it, if we had a w*apon,
we'd have already fired it.


I have no...weapons

Well, there you are, that's good,
we can be friends! Come on.

Yes, let's go! Don't stand there like a wounded Trelkez.
We'll have our feast.

worthy of a royal Dominar!


I......I - I - I feel, unwell.

No, no, no, no, no

We're well stocked for the first time in a million cycles

We have Fellip Shanks,

Hynerian marjoules...





Great. Go on, go on. Let it all out.


No, no, that's alright.

We do that sort of thing all the time, here on Moya.

I just peed in the maintenance bay

And umm......

now that we're friends, and you know that we have no weapons,

you think you can switch me back to my own body right away?

When I get to my ship,

I'll see what I can do.

Well hurry it up

I don't think I can stand
this gangly hunk of flesh for much longer.

Don't worry.

Won't be much longer.

What's goin' on, D'argo?

Moya's scared!

Something foreign to her is attacking
her internal circuitry

Any idea what?

No! I can't see anything yet

It must have been Tak

He must have brought something on board.

No way. Chiana searched him,
she didn't find anything

Well she must have missed it.

D'argo, you're gonna have to give us
a better idea of where to look.

Rygel took Tak everywhere.

I don't know where.

I've got nothing here, John.

Alright, we better find Spanky,
I'm sure he knows something.

Your switching back


I have no idea

You lie!

But, no care.

I destroy Moya.

Are weapons ready?

Yes, Lord


You know this is wrong

Can do nothing.

Our code forbids me from

Frell your code!

Stop him!

Am fascinated...

by your code

Those on Moya...

not your race,

yet you worry.

Of course.

We worry about nothing...

except ourselves

If that is true Yoz,

if you're just concerned with your own evolve,
I can help you.

Tak failed when he...when he fired at Moya,
and he failed to destroy her, right?


If a Lord fails, can you replace him?
Does your code allow this?


Then you should replace him.


Why not?

Wouldn't you evolve quicker if you did?


yes...If I...

prove he's fail.

I will be your proof.

I will tell anyone you want that he failed
and you had to take over from him.


just let Moya go


Tak not fail

If he not destroy Moya now,

we talk again.

then, it will be too late.

You know what we have to do, Rygel?

Get the frell out of here.

Is that your answer for everything, Chiana, just run?

That's what you do, Rygel.

Yes, normally.

And I'd do it in a microt,

except I want my body back.

Now why would you want to do that?

This body is much better.

Do you think?

I know

On Moya you don't have much competition, but uh...

this is as good as it gets, Sluggy

But this body is so....


And it only lasts another forty pathetic cycles.

Mine four huh- huh...

What are you doing, Chiana?

I want someone...

to go with me

It gets lonely out there

Normally you'd have to rub my eyebrows
to make me feel like this.

I'll rub you anywhere you like,
in the transport pod.

Don't you want your body back?

Well, I'd rather be alive in this body,
than dead in my own.

Let's get out of here.

Oh no! No! No

No, I can't go with you, girl.

What are you doing, Rygel?
Why do you want to stay?!


only a royal Hynerian can reclaim my throne.

And the hope of executing the cousin who betrayed me,

is the only reason I live

Little guy!

Been looking for you.


D'argo says whatever's attacking Moya
is in the neural cluster.

That means Tak must have done something
when you were showing him through.

He didn't do anything.

I showed him'round the ship,
then he got sick and left.

He got sick?

What do you mean?

He threw up!

Disgusting creature.

Show us


Show me the pavement peter.

You want to see vomit, Crichton?
Nobody wants to see vomit!

Over there, he vomited over there.


Creeping vomit

How the...

how the bizdak did it do that?

I don't know.

But I'm pretty sure the defense screen power cell...

is up here.

Be careful, Crichton.

He must have barfed up some kind of acid
that burned out these conduits.

Oh crap. The acid's still moving.

What's going on?

Maybe we could leap- frog the power to this cell.

Chiana, go back to the den.

Re- link the cables we patched in before,
into that cell there.

Where exactly does that lead to?

I don't know. Ask Pilot.

Do you know what you're doing, Crichton?

No, I have no idea.
I'm making it up as I go.


Crichton, even if we can frag- leap...

the defense screen to that cell over there

how the frell are we gonna stop the vomit?

We have to try and contain it.

Alkaline solution neutralizes acid, right?

So do we have anything like that on board Moya?


I'll wager she has some in her apothecary.

Alright, find it. But move, we don't have much time.

The frelling Halosian ship has targeted us again!

We need to re- link the defense screen!


was hoping you were able to tell me that, Pilot.

I had to go up two tiers in the waste lift
to find another way in here.

Two tiers!

Have you figured out what to do?

I think so.

Rygel's gonna dump that stuff in there,
while I re- patch the defense screen power supply.

Is this going to work?

I have no idea.
I'm gonna have to shut down the defense screen when I switch over.

But the Halosians will be able to attack us!

Only for a couple of seconds.

We don't have any choice, Rygel.

If we don't do this,
they're gonna attack us as soon as the defense screen burns out.

Are you ready to start dumping that crap in there?

On your call.

Okay. I hope this works.

D'argo, shut down the defense screen.

Shutting down now.


Defense screen, down.

Destroy them!


They're unarmed!

Okay D'argo, I'm on.

Turn on the defense screen!

Powering now.

I've done it!

I think I've re- patched the defense screen!

Oh no

I'm Aeryn.

Who's Crichton?

I am



Except for me being stuck in this disgusting,
smelly body, ugly thing...

My body is royal, not smelly!


Except for me being in here,

things are looking up.

How do you figure that, Crichton?

We've switched!

So, if we can switch to here, Aeryn,
then we can switch back to our original bodies. Right?




It's Chiana

I mean...Pilot

Pilot's in D'argo's body,

but he's not moving.

We can't get him to wake up!

Get down here, John!

I think Pilot is dying!

Defense screen still work.

But I not fail.

I ram Moya!


Don't! They're peaceful...


They have not hurt you


You cannot interfere with
your Lord's plan unless he fails, right?

Well he has failed.

Stop him!

Stop him.


Tak was fool!

I will evolve!

I can't get through to the Halosians.

Can't do anything!

Do not panic!

Think of the rope!

- Try to...
- Frell the rope!

I can't do this, D'argo!

Do it, you pathetic tralk!


Calm down everybody, just calm down!

D'argo, before the last blast hit us,
is there anything you remember?

I felt the power of the blast before I shifted out of Pilot.

I think...

the beam was trying to destroy Moya,
not make us switch bodies.

Then why didn't it destroy us?

I do not know.

The defense screen deflected most of the energy,
but some got through.

Oh- oh- oh, Chiana,

was the screen at full power, when their beam hit?


The sensors say the screen power is at uh...62%

Okay. Okay

Maybe it's the interaction of their w*apon on our screen
that makes us switch bodies.

Part of the beam gets through,

that's the part that effects us

Then how do we get back, Crichton?

Pilot is barely breathing!


let's try this,

We power the screen to 62%,

get in the same position we were in the first time the beam hit.

Then we moon the Halosians
and hope they'll sh**t us again.

Are you sure about this, John?


Another blast could k*ll us.


The Halosian ship is heading towards us

Are it's weapons targeted?


but it's moving fast.

I - I think it wants to ram us.

Moya - Moya's attempting to initiate Starburst

Don't let her, Chiana! If she does,
we'll never get our bodies back

Keep Moya calm and initiate evasive maneuvers Aeryn!

I don't know how to do anything!

I will help you. Go, John. Get back to command.

I will wake Pilot and put him in the same position
he was in during the first attack.


You don't have to do this!

You don't have to die!

Will not.

As soon as on target, I escape in your...

transport pod.

Such a warriors code, k*lling defenseless beings!

Now time for...

Chiana, is the Halosian ship still heading towards us?


I'm attempting evasive maneuvers,
buuut, Moya still wants to Starburst.

Look out Chiana, we're gonna hit!

I can't stop it!

Hold on!

That was freakin' close!

Lo hiciste, Chiana

I didn't do anything.

Moya turned us


I'm...I'm picking up a transmission from Zhaan.

Can you put it on the clamshell?

I'll try.

I finally have control of the ship.
Is everyone on Moya alright?

Well, that depends on your definition of alright.
I personally would say no!

Rygel, shut up!

What's the matter?

It would take too long to explain.

Look, Zhaan.

We need you to do us a favor.

We need you to sh**t us again.
Can you do that?

What is this madness?

It's not madness.

Rygel, why do you have a picture of John on your chest?

Let me speak to him.

But I'm.....


She wants me?


Zhaan wants to hear it from you.

She won't listen to Rygel.

I told you!

You all say I'm paranoid, but it's true!
No one ever frelling listens to me!

Can it, furball!


Now I'm getting yotz from my own body!

By the Goddess, what is this madness
that has taken over all of you?

We'll explain later, just sh**t us, Zhaan

Full power, and don't worry,
we'll have the screen up.

Are you sure about this, Crichton?

sh**t the damn g*n you blue assed bitch!
I'm sick of all this!


I'm sure Zhaan, just sh**t us,

full power.

Trust me

Everything will be alright.

If you say so, John.


"If you say so, John."

"Trust me, it'll be alright"

And she believes it! Well, yotz,
if I said that, you'd all vomit!

Chiana, is the defense screen at 62%?

Setting it now.

Are the three of you in your exact positions you were in,
when the first beam hit?

We're working on it.

Wake up, Pilot!


You've got to be just where I was.

I cannot move you by myself!

I'm calibrating their weapons, John.
Firing in ten microts.

Right there, Rygel.


Okay, are you both in the same position?

Yes, John.

You sure?

Maybe you were here,

maybe you were there...



D'argo, how you doin'?

Tell Zhaan to hang on a microt!



what happened?

I can't contact Zhaan.

She's not responding.

You have to get up, Pilot!



Stand you son of a Hezmat!

Hang on Zhaan!

Do not fire yet!

Firing now!


I'll just crawl back to my royal bed chamber and uh..

Joke, Aeryn.

I'm back

You bastard!

Hey! You guys okay up there?

Yes, Crichton

We're all back.

It's me.

It's me.


We did it.

Oh yes.

I'm back too.

Thanks for asking.

Back to being me.

Back to being ignored.

How large has Talyn grown?

He's not as big as Moya yet but...

he's fierce.

When he decided to attack, he easily destroyed the Halosian ship.

Can we take heart that Crais didn't initiate the attack?

Perhaps he won't use Talyn as a w*apon.


Perhaps he'll surprise us all.

I'm glad your back, Zhaan

But I must go.

I must share with Moya all the experiences I've had when separated from her.

She wants to know everything.


Will your hand...ever get better?

I've re- initiated the internal flow of nutrients, Rygel.

But there's a danger that not all will return.

So, I must heal it slowly.

What? Why are you looking at me like that?

It's - it's nothing, it's just that um...

my tenkas are sore and they've never felt like that before, so I was wondering...

what - what you were doing with them?


Hey, have you been speaking to Crichton?


But um.....

I uh...

did want to say to you that I...

I really...

really enjoyed being inside your body.

No! Oh, uh!

No, wait....what I that I...

I know what you mean.

I....really like your body.

You like my body?


They certainly seem to be re- adjusting well.

Well, they say you have to walk a mile
in someone's shoes to understand'em.

And I certainly know what you were doing
when you were in my shoes, Crichton.

Gimme a break.

It's okay.

It's okay, you know.

You were in my shoes..

....I was in your pants...

'Scuse me?