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02x06 - Picture If You Will

Posted: 01/10/23 11:03
by bunniefuu
There's no rush.

Browse all you like.

Do you like that?

I don't care much for
room decorations.

I, uh... I prefer to
decorate myself.

Mmm, like this, for instance.

Synthetic kamin stone.


- Mm-hmm.

If you like it, what difference
does it make?

If it's not worth anything,
I don't like it.

Oh, so young and yet
so mercenary.

That portrait is one of
me own works.

Resembles you, don't you think?

Not really.


Look at this.

Hynerian royal tiara from
the Neltoth era.

Authentic Neltoth? Nonsense.

It's a cheap copy.
And I should know.

I gave them to all my wives.

If you don't want it, Rygel, put it
back and we can all get out of here.

What's your rush?

Is there anything remotely
exciting happening back on Moya?

Minding you two on a
shopping expedition is even less exciting.

Nobody asked you to come.

You should have that tiara, as a
keepsake of your home world.

A fake keepsake?

I'll give you a single food cube
for it, and that's generous.


We're low on food cubes and you
gave one away for that?

It's a good enough copy to fool
the next trader we run across.

Fine. Can we go?

Yes, now that I'm finished.

Wonderful. Chiana?

Are you done?

Guess so.

Don't go empty-handed.

I want to give you this.

Now, that's a better image,
don't you think?

You just work on that?

I didn't see you do it.


That's my favorite necklace.

I lost that half a cycle ago.

Now you can enjoy that
once more.

What, you're... you're just
giving it to me?

Well, you haven't been given
much in your life, have you, hmm?

Take it.

Perhaps it'll help you get a better
understanding of the true value of art.

Which is what?

Well, in this case,
it's a window on time.

This defense screen is
pretty much fried.

I'm not even sure if
it's worth fixing.

There's no harm in trying.

You were saying?

Just watch what you're doing.

Pilot, I thought the juice was
supposed to be turned off down here.

It is, but Moya's been experiencing
a number of minor power anomalies.

I'm trying to isolate them.

Then keep trying, and get us
some more DRDs.

I have no more to spare.

What about the ones working
on Aeryn's Prowler?

Aren't they just doing
routine maintenance?

Scheduled maintenance,
which is overdue.

She would not be pleased to
postpone it further.

Give us four of them.

Aeryn doesn't have to know.

She's just returned.


Is that mine?

I've been looking for
that forever.

Where'd you find it?

And how did she know you'd...
you'd find it?

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut.

A radiation wave hit and I got
shot through a wormhole.

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe on a ship,

a living ship, full of strange
alien life-forms.

Help me.

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

I'm being hunted by an insane
military commander.

I'm doing everything I can.

I'm just looking for
a way home.

Well, first, it didn't even
look like me at all.

Then it showed me with
a necklace

and then it showed me with
a broken leg. Okay?

You know what I think?

I... I think it can predict
the future.

My Aunt Ruth can do that,
except she uses tea leaves.

Oh, okay. Then how do you
explain this? And this?

Have you eaten, drunk, smoked,
sniffed anything weird lately?

No. Have you?

Not lately.

Look, ask Aeryn and Rygel.

They saw it when it
showed me the necklace.

They saw it change, too?

No, but that doesn't mean...

Could Aeryn and Rygel have
switched it for another,

or tampered with it somehow?
- No, no, no.

So, you think one of them's
messing with Chi?

I'm only exploring

Aeryn's not exactly the
joking type, and Rygel,

I can see him pulling her leg
but not exactly breaking it.

You said you tripped over a DRD
that found your necklace.


Pilot, is anything weird going
on with the DRDs?

No. All DRDs are functioning
normally and performing as I ordered.

Pilot, did you assign a DRD to
look for Chiana's lost necklace?


Some time ago, at her request.

Well, there we have it.

Coincidence, bad luck, maybe a bit
of power of suggestion thrown in.

Yeah, yeah, except it
did change.

Well, I don't know what
to tell you.

I'd like to run some tests
on that portrait, if you don't mind.

Yeah, I do mind. What if you
screw it up somehow?

I'm not going to harm it.

No, sorry. It's staying here.

I mean, I want to see...

I want to see what it's
going to show me next.

Zhaan, how about if you take,
like a tiny little chip off

someplace where it doesn't show?

That work for you?

Better than nothing.

But it's mine. I don't see
why I should let her...

Pip! She just fixed
your damn leg.

A very little piece.

Ohh! Definitely it.

I never forget an aroma.


Genuine? Not possible.

No... Oh!

I'm surprised your using my
possessions without my consent, Rygel,

especially after what I did
to you the last time.

Let go! I'll replace
what I've used.

I'll buy you an entire
vat of Pelvoth oil!

This tiara is authentic!

I thought you said it
was a copy.

Well, it's not.

And that fool Kyvan sold it
for a single food cube.

Ha! Silly old woman had
no idea what she had.

Pilot, reverse course.

- Find that trader woman's ship.

Ignore him, Pilot.

Moya has better things to do
than search for Kyvan's vessel.


What the yotz are you
talking about?!

We have a chance to turn
a tidy profit here.

Have you any idea what
this is worth?

We are not returning to
that ship, Rygel.

Now get out!

I'll take this up with
the others.

Please do.

Isn’t this something?

Wonder what it'll show me next?

Suppose it's not just predicting
events but actually causing them?

It brought me back my necklace, and
then it turned around and broke my leg.

Why would it do that?

I don't know.

Well, then why not just believe
it's what the old woman says it is?

A window into time?

Assuming all that is true,

do you really want to know
what the future holds?

Of course I do.

Come on, D'Argo, don't you want to know
if you're ever going to find your son?


If it's bad news, then, uh,
I don't want to lose all hope.

Well, it might keep you from
spending your whole life

searching for something that's
never going to happen.

If I don't try, it will
definitely never happen.

Now, I want you to get
rid of that.

I think you're just being
a superstitious Luxan.

I am being a concerned Luxan.

Oh. Aren't you sweet.

What, you really care about
what happens to me?

Shouldn't I?

Of course you should.

I'm glad you do.

Wonder if the portrait will
show both of us next?

Give us a glimpse of our future.

I'm not sure I want to know
about that, either.

Why, 'cause of what it
might not show?

Or what it might?

Listen to me...

I do care about you.

That's why I want you to start
being sensible and get rid of that.

Oh, okay, so I'm not being
sensible now?

Well, I'm so sorry to disappoint
you, but I'm keeping it.

I need to rest now.


Even if the object did change,
it's still just a trick.

I've seen con artists on many planets
pull off bigger frauds than that.

Yeah, well, she got it for free,

so it's not much of a score
if it's a con.

Chiana insulted Kyvan's artwork.

Maybe Kyvan wanted revenge
or something.

So what, you think that
she rigged the paintings

so that Chiana would be spooked
into breaking her leg?

That's a bit of a stretch.

What's your theory?
That it can predict the future?

No. I don't have a theory,
just a hypothesis.

We should've steered clear
of Kyvan's ship.

And as usual, we have Rygel and
Chiana to thank for that.

There isn't a single flying junk dealer in
the Uncharted Territories that they'd pass up.

Well, you know what I say.

I say, we lock all of
Moya's doors,

we don't let anybody in,
we don't let anybody out.

That way we get no alien
critters, no shape-shifting bugs,

mind-altering viruses,

no freaky-deaky artifacts.

If I had my way, I'd throw
Rygel off the ship.

Chiana, too, maybe.


Rygel I can sort of understand,
but Chiana?

She's gets us into nearly as
much trouble as Rygel does.

Yeah, but she means well.

That's not the point.

Then what is the point?

You know, even Rygel has his
moments once in a while.

Once in a great while.

On balance, we'd probably be
better off without them.

Oh, yeah?

Well, what about Zhaan?
Want to throw her off the ship?




Pilot. Let's get rid of Pilot.

That'd be good, then you can
have the whole ship to yourself.

Hmm, is that an offer?

Well let's start with this room
and see how it goes.


Whoa, hang on.

Sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you.

Is everything okay?

No, it isn't.


Well, you want to tell me?

How can I tell you what
I don't know?

Every test I try finds nothing unusual
in the material of Chiana's portrait.

So, if that junk dealer's faking
us out with a magic trick,

you can't figure out how.

Look, don't worry
about it, okay?

The painting probably
never changed.

Chiana was hallucinating.
It's all in her mind.

No, John.

Believe me, this is not
in Chiana's mind.

She's in danger.

From what?

Zhaan, tell me.

I can't tell you yet.

All I have are suspicions.

But if I'm right...


soon there may come a time when
I need you, and everyone,

to do exactly as I say,

quickly and without question.

Do you have enough faith
in me to obey?

Okay, Zhaan.

Whatever you're doing,

taking a flyer, playing a
hunch, I'm in.

I can't speak for the others, but when
the time comes for you to make your move,

I'll back you up.

Thank you, John.

I want you to bring me
Chiana's portrait.

Yeah, it'll look nice in here.

I don't want to look at it.

I want to destroy it.

One portrait coming up.

Crichton, I've decided we must take that
painting away from Chiana. It's no good for her.

Zhaan's way ahead of you there.
Whatever it is, it's got her good...




What happened?!

It changed!

When did it change?

Just now.

I looked away for no more
than a microt.

Where are you going?!

I'm getting out of here!
Let go!

Help me! Please take me
somewhere safe!

I will. I will.

You deal with that.

Yeah, no problem.

But Zhaan wants to do
the honors.

What is going on?
I heard screaming.

I'm going to die, Aeryn. The portrait told me.
- Told you what?

It changed again.
This time it shows her on fire.

This is a load of dren.

It's real! I'm burning up!

Chiana, you're fine.
You don't even feel hot.

I'm burning up!

Zhaan, it happened again.

Chiana said it happened in
the blink of an eye.

Where is she?

She's in the Cargo Bay with
D'Argo and Aeryn.

Go. I'll see what I can do here.


Put me in there!

I'm going.

In the freezer, Chiana?

Chiana, listen to me.

It's all in your head.

Leave her alone.

Are you completely out
of your mind?

If she doesn't freeze to death
in there, she will suffocate.

Pilot, how long can Chiana
last in there?

Indefinitely, if I raise the
temperature and maintain airflow.

Do it.

Don't tell me you're going along
with this nonsense too.

I don't see any danger in
playing it safe.

If you cater to her fears,
you'll make them worse.


What the hell?

Pilot, what's going on in there?

I don't know.

Nothing should be combustible.

Pilot, this door is jammed.
Open it!

The door controls
aren't responding.

Stand back.

Stand back!


The door lock's responding now.
I think I can open it.

Crichton? Is Chiana...

She's gone, Pilot.

It's true then?

Chiana's death?

It's true, Rygel.

She died that way?


Then why couldn't you save her?

You had warning.
You could have done something.

At least we tried, which is more
than I can say for you.

Where were you when she died?

Sleeping? Eating?

Had anyone seen fit to
inform me I...

Get out.

I should have gone down
to the ship with them.

I should have stopped her
from bringing it back.

No, I should have taken it
away from her earlier.

There are a number of things
we all should have done.

And we can do one of
them right now.

Zhaan, how do we dispose of
this piece of junk?

Fire would be a fitting end.

There was no reason for it.

There has to be.

What about a defective power
doubler in the freezer?

All its components
check out fine.

All right. Well, you said that
Moya had some energy surges

and other anomalies it
couldn't isolate.

Maybe this is related to it.

There was nothing wrong
with the freezer.

Why couldn't you get the door
open in time then?

Chiana must have jammed it
when she closed it.

All right. Could she have damaged
the conduit when she pulled it shut?

I've told you.

No malfunction of Moya's
caused that fire,

nor was it an error of
control on my part.

All right. I'm not blaming you,
Pilot, but something had to cause it...

Aeryn, knock it off.

It's not your fault.

Who said it was?

Well, you're grilling Pilot,
looking for a reason.

You're not the reason.

No, I'm not. Why would I be?

You wanted her off the ship.

I never said I wanted
her dead, Crichton.

Fine. Now, are you always
going to do this?

Do what?

Keep the entire world
at a distance!

Keep everybody away?

Is that ever going to change?


Yes, D'Argo.

Come to the Center Chamber.
We have a problem.


No idea.

What's the problem?

This is.

Another one.

It can't be the same one.
We burned it up.

Khalaan help us.

Looks like you, D'Argo.

Yes, it does.

It appears unfinished.

Still in flux.

I vote we don't wait around
for it to develop.

I agree.

It repaired itself once,
it may do so again.

Then it shall do so in space. Pilot,
where's the nearest access shaft?

I want this thing as far away
from Moya as I can.

Tier Three, Hamman side.

Zhaan, you cool with that?

Yes. Get rid of it.

I'll go and find that trader
and get some answers.

Pilot, is my Prowler ready?

No, it's still undergoing

Take my module.

Bucket of dren.

Go for it, Pilot.

Expelling now.

I am tracking the fragments.

We are moving away from them
at Hetch Six velocity.

Works for me.

I don't know art but I know
what I don't like.

You're certain it's gone?

Far behind us and off the radar.

Once Aeryn returns, we should do
a Starburst or two to make sure.

Yeah, the more distance between
us and that thing the better.

What's the matter?

I thought I heard something.

Pa'u Zhaan.

Pa'u Zhaan... Pa'u Zhaan...


Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan...

Don't sh**t! It's me!

Reason enough to pull
the trigger.

What are you doing here?

Don't you think I have a score
to settle with this Kyvan,

just as you do?

Score to settle or
a profit to make?

Can't I accomplish both at once?

Chiana was given a
dangerous product.

Kyvan, therefore, owes
us restitution.

Chiana's dead, and all you're
concerned about is getting compensation.

Punitive damages. That's what
Chiana would have wanted.

She was quite a lot like me,
you know?

She had spirit, ambition.

Ha, large appetites.

She would have made an
excellent Hynerian.

I'm actually going to miss her.

One way or another, Kyvan
will make restitution.


By the goddess, no!

What do we have to do
to ditch this thing?

Drop it in a black hole?

John, we've lost.

If this is my fate,
I'll accept it.

No, we're not accepting
anything. We fight this.

We can't keep fighting.

- It's stronger than all of us.


All right, kids, time to think.

First off, what the hell is
that supposed to be?

It signifies a Qualta Blade.

Zhaan, take this, lock it away
in the farthest tier you can find.


we get you into a big,
open space,

as far away from any pointy
objects as possible.


you've been a good friend.

Whatever happens it's been a
pleasure to know you.


shut up!

Have you never heard of a
self-fulfilling prophecy?







You're alive.

I am?

Where are we?


I, uh...

I think...

I think we're in the portrait.

It punched right through him,
and then he disappeared.

No blood, no guts, no nothing.

Where'd he go?

We got to get him back.
He could not just vanish, Zhaan.


He may not even be dead.
Either way, we got to know.



I'm next.

Batter up.

This is great, Zhaan.

This thing is picking us off like
flies and nobody even knows what it is.

Zhaan, I'm ready.

Just give me your plan, please?

Come on, Zhaan.

This magical mystery crap is
your speciality, not mine.

You just tell me what to do
and I'll do it!

There is nothing I can tell you.

Ah, welcome back!

Now, what can I interest
you in this time?

Only interested in one thing and
that's the thing you gave Chiana.

Oh well, I hope she's enjoying
that portrait.

Don't frell around with me. You
know exactly what happens, don't you?

It's a very bad idea to annoy her
when she's in this sort of mood.

See what I mean?

If I were you, I'd tell
her everything.

But I don't know anything.

That's unfortunate for you,
isn't it?

Because if you had something to tell
me I'd have a reason not to sh**t you

but since you're not telling
me anything...

Ahh! I had no choice!

I was forced to create
that portrait!

By whom?

Wh... he made me do it.

Who? Who?

- I didn't want to!

He threatened me!
- Who?



That's what she said.

It can't be Maldis.
We destroyed him.

We only dispersed him.

I knew he'd coalesce
again someday.

I never dreamt it would
be this soon.

Okay, Zhaan, so what do we do?

Zhaan, what do we...?

Are you hearing me, Zhaan?

Crichton, what's the matter?

Zhaan just bugged out on us.

Praying or catatonic,
I don't know.

I'll leave straightaway.

No, no, don't do that.

Stay there, we need all the
information we can get.



start talking.

Nothing that I can tell you
will do any good.

Maldis is too powerful.

Start talking.



Stop bugging out!

We beat Maldis before.
We can do it again.

Don't go chicken on me here.

John, I speak to you via the
bond of Unity we shared.

Now is the time to trust me.

I have a plan.

You must focus Maldis's attention
on you for as long as possible.

Ignore what I say next.

Maldis cannot be defeated.

He's already taken
Chiana and D'Argo.

He's going to take you next,
then the rest of us, one by one.

Zhaan, we can beat him.

No, we can't.

All we can do is surrender,
shorten our pain.

Well, I'm not giving up.

I am.

Pa'u Zhaan...

Pa'u Zhaan.

Pa'u Zhaan. Pa'u Zhaan.

Oh, that first step.



No, wait, don't come through!

Wh... what the hell?


Where the hell did you go?

I haven't moved. It's these
archways. They lead... elsewhere.

You seen Chiana?

Yes, but I couldn't get to her.

I tried other archways,
but I lost her entirely.


It's not just a painting,
it's a maze.


And I know who built it.


Come on down!


None other than.
Doesn't that just make your day?



Come on, you old bastard.
Show me your ugly face!

Haven't you read the
supervillain's handbook?

This is where you're supposed to
twirl your mustache and gloat.

I don't have a mustache, John.

How you doing, old man?

You're looking kind of pale.
You getting enough sun?

Irreverent as ever.

I missed that.

Yeah, it's been a while, huh?

Tell me, what you been doing all this
time? Putting yourself back together?

And what's it like
being dispersed?

Less than pleasant.

I sustained myself by
concentrating on revenge.

Well, here I am, dude.

Revenge away.


You're not even a player.

I'm saving my revenge for one
who deserves it. Pa'u Zhaan.

Oh, I'm crushed.

And here I was thinking we both
kicked your ass last time.

No, she kicked my ass,
and saved yours.

As you say, this magical mystery
crap's not your thing.

Why do you think that I took you
and your two friends first?

Because you were lonely.

Because I wanted Zhaan to see
her shipmates die.

Pa'u Zhaan!

Pa'u Zhaan!


Pa'u Zhaan!


Pa'u Zhaan!


Pa'u Zhaan!




Have you forgotten?

Fear makes me stronger.

Fear and the terror of

These are a few of my
favorite things.


Could you do that "farewell,
good-bye" song the kids sing?

It's one of my favorites.

I don't do requests!

You're convinced that Zhaan will pull
some Delvian fast one and save the day.


Your mind, to me, is
an open book,

full of big print and
lots of pictures.

Then read this.


I'm betting on her, not you.

Bad bet.

Do you understand, Pilot?

Frankly, no.

But I will do exactly as
you've asked.

I wish you luck, for
all our sakes.

Pa'u Zhaan...


What is it?

It's Maldis. Can't you hear him?

I don't hear anything.


Last bout she had help.

Cost the poor fellow his life,
didn't it?

This time, she's alone.

You might not be afraid,
but she is.

And that's why I'll destroy her.

Excuse me, while I remind her
how much I care.

Pa'u Zhaan!


So much for that plan!

Any more bets?

I failed.

Too weak.

Zhaan, don't give up.

You never give up.

What a wreck!

She begged me to put her
out of her misery.

Unfortunately, I want to enjoy
her misery a little longer.

But there's no reason why she
should suffer on her own.


Where are you?


You're here?

Oh, frell.

Who's the ugly old man?

Name is Maldis.

He's your basic evil vampire.

He sucks the life force
out of people.

He just plain sucks.
Listen up, everybody.

This joker feeds on fear so
we're going to stay calm.

Zhaan's not listening
to you, John.

Zhaan, we keep our cool,
we starve him out.

Bravado to the end. I have to admire
that. even though, deep down, of course

you are quaking in your boots.

Dream on.

Stop. You want fear?

I'll give you some.

Picture if you will, me standing
on your home planet.

Six billion creatures like you?
Heavy breeders.

Your species would've kept me
well fed for a long time.

You stay the hell away
from Earth.

You see?

Everyone has a panic button
just waiting to be pushed.

Even the Luxan.

Your son, Jothee.

How old is he?

I can't wait to run across him.

Didn't you tell him, John, that
that sort of thing doesn't work?

And the runaway Nebari.

How would you like a free trip
home to your planet?

You wouldn't?

Ah, scared that you'd be mentally
cleansed by your countrymen?

Well, don't worry...

because none of you will
leave this place!

You don't scare me.

You're all mouth.

Bigger the talk,
smaller the action.

Little girl, I'll show you
action and this is it.

I leave, you don't.

This realm dissolves
and you with it,

except of course for your essence,
your life force, your spirit,

whatever you like to call it.

I call it lunch.

Time for choir practice, priest?

Maldis, please!

I beg you!

Oh, you beg me.

I like that.


D'Argo, don't.

You'll just make it worse.

When all the atoms in your body
are ripped apart,

and I consume what's left,

then you'll know what pain is.

And all this will happen in
100 microts from now.

If you like countdowns.

Officer Sun, priority message
from Zhaan.

What is it, Pilot?

k*ll Kyvan and get out
of there fast.


Out. Now.

How did you know all
that would happen?

I didn't.

And you shot Kyvan anyway?

Crichton said I should follow
Zhaan's instructions without question.

Did he? Well, he didn't
bother to tell me.

Of course not. When have you
ever followed instructions?

Was that your doing?

Well, it won't help you, because
I'm much stronger than you think.

So am I.


Hurry! Hurry!


Get up!

Leave me.
- Come on.

Leave me here.

Get up.

No, leave me here.


Home sweet home.

Fire one!


Fire two!

That was your plan?

Yes. Like it?

Well, what's not to like?

Explain this to me, Froggy.

Crichton comes back, he's not
really electrocuted.

Okay, D'Argo comes back,
not a scratch on him.

I come back, nothing burnt,
but I still got a busted leg.

Why is that?
- Why ask me?

I'm still trying to figure out
the whole Maldis and Kyvan thing.

Oh, no, no, look.
Zhaan laid that bit out for me.

Okay, when Maldis


Well, put himself back together,

he couldn't yet break through
to our physical plane,

so he had to manipulate matter
to form Kyvan and her ship,

and create the painting, which
would not only bridge both realms,

but also play on our fears which
would allow him to capture us

and grow even stronger. Clear?

Then, when Aeryn blasted Kyvan,

which was actually just a
temporary extension of Maldis,

it weakened Maldis enough for
Zhaan to make her move. Simple.

But, why?

I mean, how did Zhaan...

Best not ponder questions
like these.

They'll only make your
head hurt.

Forget about it.

Sit back and enjoy the
happy ending.

What happy ending?

My priceless Hynerian
tiara is gone.

Vanished just like Kyvan
and her ship.

Oh. Well, we can't have
everything, Ryg.

I can't have anything.


So, what do you think, Zhaan?

Is that son of a bitch gone
for good this time?

With a being like Maldis, we can
never be entirely certain.


this would have been a really
good opportunity to lie to me.

You know? Sure, John.

He's toast. Strike him off
your Christmas list.

Stick a fork in him. He's done.
He's over. The fat lady is singing.

It does not have to
be true, Zhaan.

But I certainly would
have slept better.

I'm sorry, John, I'm not
a very good liar.

Yeah, right.

Now, I know you couldn't tell me
the truth about your ah, plan.

Maldis would have picked it
out of my brain.

But you had us all fooled with
that scared Nellie routine.

My fear wasn't an act, John.

You were really that scared?

I've never been more scared
in my life.