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05x05 - Measure Twice

Posted: 01/10/23 10:14
by bunniefuu



Good morning, ma'am.

Beautiful day, isn't it?

Tell me, do you think
the world could ever

look like the earthly
paradise you see in this...

Not interested.

OK, well perhaps
we could talk...

Hi, I'm Ethan Young.

And I'm here to talk...

Hi, I'm Ethan Young.

And I'm here to
talk to you about...

I've told you a lot 1,000 times,

we are not bloody interested.

- Look, I'm just...
- No!

I've had it with you and
all the rest of you nutters.

Get off my property now.

Have a nice day.

New car, Mr. Armstrong?

What time is it?

It's just past 10:30 now, sir.

I told you to come by at 11:00.

You said 10:30 Mr. Armstrong.

I'm not ready yet.

Come back later.

Sure you'll be ready then?




I'll put this in the kitchen.


FLORENCE: Uncle Vern, it's us.



Vern you old bugger,
where are you?



What have we got, Charlie?

Victim's name is Vern Armstrong.

We got a call from his niece,
a Mrs. Florence Bowman.

That's her out the front?

Yeah, with her husband Trent.

CHARLIE: They were coming
over for a Sunday lunch.


Vern's a carpenter.

Well, he was.

He retired a while back.

The boy in the car,
Jehovah's Witness?

Ethan Young.

He was found with the body.

Well, no guesses as
to the cause of death?

Catastrophic blood loss.

Stabbed repeatedly,
evidence of arterial spray.

You conducted an
initial search, yes?

In here and through the
rest of the house, yeah.

Tell Ned to start bagging
all the tools for testing.

And these footprints?

Ethan's shoes had blood on
the soles, same size, same tread.

Looks like we've got a match.

ETHAN: He was still breathing.

I was looking for something
to stop the bleeding.

But when I got back,
he was already gone.

And prior to this, you were
outdoor knocking all morning?


Ah, yes.

Here, my maps, so you
can see where I've been.

It was my turn to do
this area, this week.

Your turn?

Yes, well, the elders
at Kingdom Hall

allocate us an
area to witness in.

CHARLIE: It's like you've got
quite the juvenile record here,

as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

A knife, wasn't it?

It was a long time ago.

Did you know the victim?

I'd visited Mr. Armstrong
a few times.

Yes, I had left him
copies of The Watchtower.

We'd normally sit
in his workshop.

He'd fixed a radio for my
mother a few months ago.

He's... he was a very nice man.

And did you manage
to... convert him?

No, not yet, but I was trying.

Seems pretty simple
to me, yes or no.

Well, if somebody tells
me that they are religious,

that they're a devout Catholic
or Protestant, then I'll leave.

But if ask about the truth, then
I'll answer as many questions

as I can for as long
as they need me to.


We save as many people as we can

before the new system begins.

But you couldn't
save Mr. Armstrong?

That's why I was saying
a prayer for him, Doctor.

He'll never be
resurrected by Jehovah.

ETHAN: Not now.

Ethan, this is
Vern's street here.

When you found the
body, what time was that?

Around quarter past 12, I think.

And that was the first time
you'd been to the house today?

Yes, why?

Well, because a neighbor
says she saw you out the front

almost two hours earlier with
Vern while he was washing his car.

Well, yes, I had
been there earlier.

I thought you asked me if it
was the first time I'd been inside,

which... which...

Which is true.

That was... but yes,
that was the second time

I'd been there today.

I apologize. You're correct.

You feel like trying that again?

Sorry, I'm late Alice.

I came as quickly as I...


Well, Vern, looks like
it's just you and me.

Oh, you've been in
the wars, haven't you?

Damage to the jugular
and carotid artery,

lacerations to the palm and
flexor aspects of the fingers.

You were trying to protect
yourself, weren't you?


You started without me.


Sorry, I, um, I thought...

When I arrived, you were...


I was only gone a moment.


Well, you're here
now thankfully.

Should we...

BLAKE: That is strange.

Alice, look here.

This, um, I'm not
sure how to describe it,

but that kind of fishtailing at
the edge of the wound there.

Hmm, quite a thick
blade, very sharp.

What's that in there?

Those black spots?

I'm not sure.

Bear with me a second.

I can send a sample to
Melbourne for analysis.

We could have the
results in two or three days.

Two or three days?

Tuesday's a bank holiday.

There's something
else there, too.

Let me see if I can...

Ah, here we are. Look.

Well, look at that.

A bone perhaps
or part of the larynx.

I might test this one myself.

If that's all right with you.

Of course.


Ballarat Hospital Morgue,
Dr. Harvey speaking.

I'm sorry, who is this?

How are we supposed to know
who to call and who not to call?

It's not like you blokes explained
everything that happens now.

It's all right, Trent.

Senior Sergeant Davis
has to ask these questions.

Now, you were close?

I'm Vern's only relative.

He was mother's younger brother.

Yeah, but I've worked
with him for ages.

He passed his share of the
business over to me when he retired.

He was a tough bloke.

CHARLIE: And you took over...

A couple of years back.


Did he have any
enemies that you know of?

Any grudges?

Dissatisfied customers?

No, don't I think so.

Right, love?

(YELLING) Oi, keep it
down in there the both of you!

Sorry about that.


Florence, your uncle?

He was extremely private.

Vern didn't care
much for visitors.

But he invited you
around to Sunday lunch?

Well, he just telephoned
out of the blue.

I made him some Irish stew.

That was his favorite.

I should go see to the children.

Good afternoon.

So are you going to
charge him or what?


Who do you think?

The Bible basher.

Mr. Bowman, we're
still gathering evidence.


You caught the bloke red-handed.

What more do you need?

NED: I'm sorry.

If you could just
wait outside...

For how long?

Is this how you treat
innocent people?

NED: That's not up to me.

She's very upset, but
I can't say I blame her.

Audrey Young.

My son is Ethan Young.

Percy Walker.

Chief Superintendent Lawson.

Do you know the Youngs?

The boy's me apprentice.

Audrey asked if I
would drive her in.

AUDREY: But he hasn't
done anything wrong.

Vern was a mate.

AUDREY: Are you
even listening to me?

Are you...

AUDREY: If I could
talk to your superior...

- A Witness? AUDREY: I want
to talk to your superior now.

No, why? What's that
got to do with anything?

You're in charge?


My son has done
absolutely nothing wrong.


And frankly, I don't
understand why

you insist on keeping him here.

Well, legally, we can detain
him for up to 24 hours...

Without charge.

Yes, so the Constable told me.

AUDREY: It's utterly ridiculous.

Well, I'm afraid it's the law.

Can you take me to him?

LAWSON: I'm sorry. I can't.

Can you give me
one good reason why?

Your son was found
kneeling over a dead body

with blood on his hands.

That makes him a suspect.

It's all the reason I need.

Well, how do I even
know he's all right?

He's being looked after.

Well, then, I'd best
make myself comfortable.


I've been asked to
come and check on you

and make sure you're all right.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

I liked him.

Mr. Armstrong, I mean.

I know the police
don't think I did.

They're judging me.

They're doing their job.

I know, but I don't think
it's fair to judge somebody

purely based on
who they used to be.

Ethan, tell me,

when you arrived at Vern's place
you came through the front garden, yes?


Do you recall seeing
anyone on the street?

BLAKE: Anyone around the house?


Doc, you'd better come quick.

CHARLIE: You're needed at home.

Silly, I was just draining
the potatoes at the sink.

And then, I thought I saw
someone out the window.

So I looked up, and
before I knew it I'd...

It serves me right for not
watching what I was doing.

You saw someone outside?

Well, now I'm not sure,
to be honest, Lucien.

Oh, I'm sorry, Jean.

The divorce, this
business with the Church,

all of it weighing so
heavily on your mind.

Well, now I'm fine.

Besides Charlie told me
about Vernon Armstrong.

Shouldn't you be somewhere else?

Oh, Charlie will have
everything under control.

I can stay here.

No, no, I'll see you at dinner.

Are you quite sure?

I'm fine.

JEAN: Off you pop.

Right, so how long have I got?

To get in, simulate the m*rder,

get out without being
seen, let's say three minutes.

That's not a lot of time.

I know.

Ethan Young arriving just
as the k*ller was leaving?


Let's see if it's impossible.

All right, Charlie,
clock's ticking.


Ah, Charlie, comfy up there?

Very comfy. Thanks, Doc.

So it could be done.

Yeah, but you'd
be taking a big risk

the people in this
house wouldn't see you.

What about going
over this fence?

Apparently, this place
is currently unoccupied.

So someone could have k*lled
Vern and fled over this fence

before Ethan arrived
and found him.

But like you said,
it's improbable.

All these will need
testing, too, Charlie.


Poor bloke really was all alone.

Mind you, sounds like
he preferred it that way.

Something I still
don't understand.

Ethan said he found
Vern here, yes?


BLAKE: And then he
made his way across to here

looking for a rag or some
cloth to staunch the bleeding.

And then he just heads
straight back to the body.

No... no deviation.

Wouldn't you keep looking?

Well, unless that's not
what you were looking for.



Thank you, Charlie.


JEAN: 1,500 pounds?


Much of the furniture
was handmade

with secret
compartments built in.

Bet the Bowmans will be
interested to hear the news.


What about Ethan Young?

Spending the night at
Her Majesty's pleasure.

I just tried to
convince his mother

not to spend the
night in the corridor.


Well, let's just say
that she refused

not before reciting
a sermon at me.

Yes, that sounds like Audrey.

The Courier did an article on
Jehovah's witnesses last year

about that hall they
built in Sebastopol.

Never get rid of them now.

BLAKE: Oh, come on, Matthew.

Do you really think deep down

they're all that
different from your lot?

My lot don't show up on your doorstep
of a morning and try and convert you.

BLAKE: Really?

Funny, I seem to remember a
little thing called the Crusades.

LAWSON: Oh, rubbish.

Very easy to lecture on religion if you
don't have a horse in the race, isn't it?

Charlie, you
finished for the night?


Oh, I'll get it. I'll get it.

What's the final count?

A bit over 2,000 pounds,
in nine different spots.

And we found these.

CHARLIE: They're for the new
Chrysler we found in the driveway.


The car isn't registered
to Vern Armstrong.


We're looking for Harry Lynch.

I will let him know
that you're here.

CHARLIE: Thank you.

Morning, Doc.

Percy Walker, as
I live and breathe.

How are those knees of yours?

They hurt like a bugger
on cool mornings.

You're living in the
wrong town then.

At least I got the young
fellow to do the grunt work now.

Young fellow?

Ethan. Works with
me and Trent Bowman.

Nice of your lot to finally get
around to letting him go this morning.

Percy, you and Vern, you
knew each other well, didn't you?

Well, we were
partners for 20 years

before Trent took over
his share of the business.

I looked after the
plumbing side of things

and Vern did just
about everything else.

And tell me, what was he like?

He was a grumpy old bugger.

He was a good mate, though.


Mr. Lynch.

Mr. Lynch, how do you do?

LYNCH: You wanted
to speak to me?

We have a few questions
about Vern Armstrong?

Did you know him?

Not especially.


Well, because we found a car
that you own parked in his driveway.

Oh, I let him borrow
it few days ago.

You let a man you barely
know borrow your car?

Is that illegal now?

Do you mind if we
continue this out the back?

It's not going to get much
more private than this, Sergeant.


Nothing to see through here.

Storeroom in there.

And toilets.

That's it.

Leaky pipe.

Where's a plumber
when you need one?

BLAKE: Where indeed?

You just happened to have one
in your cafe only moments ago.

Best to give him some room.

Hang on.

Well, I don't suppose
there's any point in me saying

this isn't what it looks like.


LAWSON: So what then?

LYNCH: Well, he keeps
trying to buy the pot.

And I know Jimmy's
bluffing because...

He wouldn't stop
twitching? (LAUGHING)

40 pounds he gave
me, all for a pair of ladies.

You know what they say
about a fool and his money.

I do.

40 quid?

So you wouldn't usually
play stakes that high?

Of course not.

Just a few blokes
letting off some steam.

Nothing grand.

Still, your wife wouldn't
have been too happy

when you told her the news?

About losing the car, I mean.

That's the real reason
Vern Armstrong had it?

You've been charged with
illegal gaming before, Harry,

in Mildura and Bacchus Marsh.

And that's how you knew
about the back room, is it?

Clever bloke, this one.

We found a lot of money that no one
can account for in Vern's workshop.


Who's to say Vern was
even part of the game?

Maybe he bought a custard
tart or something. I don't know.

Vern was carrying something
else in his bag, Harry.

CHARLIE: There's
no trace of any food.

Yes, he was a regular player.

Well, he must have been
pretty decent at cards.

At poker he was average.

At blackjack,
better than average.

CHARLIE: So that's how he
was making all his money then?

Well, he'd been on a winning
streak the past month or so, sure.

I'd call 2,000 pounds
more than a winning streak.

Vern was making some pretty
decent coin, off me especially.

Bully for him.

LAWSON: You must be the
biggest mug punter in Ballarat, Harry.

No one else would
be stupid enough

to drop a small fortune and a
brand new car all to the one bloke.

But you know what they say
about a fool and his money.

Well, I don't know why you're
so upset, Chief Superintendent.

The last bloke in charge here
knew what was going on in my cafe.

He never kicked up a fuss.

A man is dead, Harry.

And the doctor is testing every
potential w*apon in your cafe.

LAWSON: You better pray he
doesn't find anything out of the ordinary.

If you reckon he was
cheating other people, too,

then you might want
to give us some names.

Good morning, Jean.

Oh, Rose.

ROSE: Is Lucien
in by any chance?

Oh, I'm sorry. He's just
ducked off with Charlie.

Oh, well I...

It was just that...
that article...

The Jehovah's Witness article
that I mentioned the other night.

It's nothing important.

Do you know last night, Rose,

you barely tried to get
any of the really juicy details

out of Matthew or Charlie.

JEAN: Maybe I should
ask Lucien to come home?

Oh no, please don't Jean.

You don't have to do that.

I'm not sick, not really.

Charlie would stand by you.

You know that, don't you?

What if I don't want him to?

I've already had the next 10
years of my life planned out.

A baby wasn't...

I've never been the sort
that can't wait to have them.

I just...

Don't feel ready.

You must think that
I'm a complete idiot.

Oh, Rose.

It's OK. I mean,

even I think that
I'm a complete idiot.

I was 19 when I was married,
much younger than you are now.

And I was already pregnant.

With your eldest son?


It was a girl.

Well, that's what
the doctor said.

We lost her mid-term.

I never really talked about it
with Christopher or my mother or...

I just kept it to myself.

ROSE: You never
told anyone else?

What was I going to say?

She was my punishment for
our transgression against God.

That's how it felt to me.

What if I don't believe in God?

Oh, I can't tell you
what to believe in, Rose.

But whatever else happens,
you are never alone.

JEAN: Never.

Yup, played some bets
against Vern. So what?

A man's got to make
a living, doesn't he?

If you really needed the money,
why not just ask Vern for a loan?

Unless of course you weren't as close
as you and your wife led us believe.

No, that's rubbish.

CHARLIE: Oh, yeah?

It is.

Go on. Tell him.

TRENT: Well?

Trent and Vern didn't
exactly see eye to eye.

ETHAN: Mr. Armstrong
didn't like him.

Right, and you're just as
innocent as they come, aren't you?

Hiding behind your
bloody good book?

According to Harry Lynch,
you couldn't stand Vern either.

CHARLIE: You knew he'd
won a large sum of money,

a large sum you'd contributed
more than your fair share to...

Oh, I see. It's a stitch up is.

And now, he's dead.

All your money problems
are solved, aren't they?

Hey, look, I can
explain everything

in my toolbox here.

Bloody hell!

You all right, Charlie?


You might want to get
that looked at, Sergeant.

CHARLIE: Ah, I'll be all right.

LAWSON: This is the form
for assaulting a police officer.

All it needs is my signature.

Do yourself a favor, son,

exactly how much money
did you lose to Vern?

Just under 60 quid.

Never should have come to that.

Is that why you decided
to pay him a visit?

To get your money back?

Hang on.

Your wife said Vern didn't
care much for visitors.

CHARLIE: So what was the plan?

You'd pop by then put
the hard word on him?

That's not what happened.

So you expect us to believe that
you were only there for Sunday lunch?

Look, I was there because
Harry Lynch sent me, all right?

And now he's thrown me
in to cover his own backside.

He's a lot more dangerous
than you lot think. I swear to God.

He is so dangerous, in fact,

you let your wife
work in his cafe.

LAWSON: Come on, Trent.

He told me to break
Vern's hands, both of them.

CHARLIE: You owed Harry
money as well, didn't you?

Yeah, maybe I ran
up a little bit of a tab.

I couldn't help it.

Business had a bad year.

I had this contract
that fell over.

Harry was obsessed
with getting his own back.

He thought Vern was cheating,
so he wanted to send a message.

I see.

So you agreed to
seriously injure Vern

in exchange for having
your debts wiped clean?

No, I said I'd go
over Sunday lunch

to find out what type of system
Vern was using to win so many pots.

That's it.

CHARLIE: And what did you find?

TRENT: Nothing.

When I got there,
he was already dead.

None of these card you
confiscated from the cafe

have any marks on them.

So the most obvious way to
cheat at blackjack is card counting.

Hard, but not impossible.

People with a good memory,

they'll use names or acronyms.

Mnemonic devices.


Another way is palming
cards or bottom dealing

or simply waiting
to join a game.

When did you become
such an expert?

Well, my old man
liked to gamble.

The victim was probably
using one of these systems.

Harry Lynch wants
to know which one.

Uses Trent to find out.

Not a bad motive, but really

it applies to anyone
who lost money to Vern.

Yeah, Harry Lynch lost the most.

And Vern was
destroying his game.

So he's staying put.

What about the tools from
the workshop in the cafe?

No, nothing.

Alice is testing
that chisel we found.

ALICE: I thought we
finally had a positive test.

Yes, positive, but
not for blood, ay?

No, it's linseed oil.

Which gives a false positive.

Blood, linseed oil, both
react in much the same way.

In any case, Alice, I
think this blade is too thick

to have caused
the kind of fishtailing

that we see at the
edges of those wounds.

Which leaves us right back
at square one, I'm afraid.


Unlawful gaming,

occupier of a premises used
for the purpose of betting.

You're charging me?

It seems that way.

I take it there will be no more
card games at Baker's cafe?

No one's banging down the
door for our scones, Matthew.

Well, you better start making
some better scones then Harry.

We need that extra
money just to get by.

No one's being hurt.

Unless you're Vern Armstrong,
or you need to send a message

and break someone else's hands?

Am I still free to go?



LAWSON: Ah, if you're looking
for Charlie, he's already gone home.

I thought he would have.

I suppose Edward Tyneman's
spies have heard about Baker's cafe?

An underground gambling
ring in Ballarat, exciting stuff.


Gin rummy?

Why not?

Did your mother
teach you how to play?

A friend. Mum
does not like cards.

Your pop taught me.

The man was obsessed.

She doesn't talk about him much.

No, he was a complicated
bloke, bit of a cold fish.

Oh, it runs in the family then.

Oh, thank you.

Well, when he was winning,
he was funny and generous.

I must have been about
nine and Vera was seven.

And he bought us both bikes.

Said he was going to
teach us how to ride.

The only problem was he
didn't know how to ride himself.

We must have looked
like complete fools.

And when he wasn't winning?

Well, we learned
to keep our distance.

Your Nan did, too.

Still, at least you got
a new bike out of it.

We did.

Then one day, we came home
from school and they're both gone.

He said that someone
had nicked them.

But we knew.

Like I said, complicated bloke.

I win this hand, you tell me
the prime suspect for the case.

Oh, you're that confident, eh?

I knock. (KNOCKS)

- What?
- Show me your cards.


JEAN: I don't know
what I'm looking at.

BLAKE: Neither do I, yet.

I had to leave it in
some solvent overnight

and let it oxidize in sunlight
on the windowsill all day.

Now what?

Now comes the hard
part, identifications.

So all the police really know

is that everyone owes
money to Vernon Armstrong

in one way or another?


Except for our young
Jehovah's witness,

who, at this point at least,

is only guilty of not being
Catholic or Protestant.

Do you think that what they
believe in is a little bit strange?

Well, no stranger than any
other branch of Christianity really,

in my opinion.

You know the Youngs?

I knew them. They
were parishioners.

They were never very well
connected, to be honest.

The husband, Douglas,
was k*lled in a car crash.

Audrey converted
not long after that.

As did young Ethan, obviously.

JEAN: Yes.

He comes past the
street every few months.

He never pushes.

I'd just be wasted breath.

He pretty much
said that in passing.

Audrey, on the other hand...

Is a little more
zealous, I'm guessing?

Yes, you might say that.

I suppose she was looking
for answers once Douglas died.

BLAKE: And she wasn't
getting them at Sacred Heart.

Well, we have
different needs, Lucien.

You're quite right, Jean.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes you need
to bend to the church.

JEAN: And sometimes
you want it to bend to you.

But it doesn't necessarily
work out that way.

Now, can I help you
with the identification?


Mrs. Blake went back to Hong
Kong to be with her daughter?


And both Lucien and Mei Lin
want to move on with their lives.

Start afresh.

I knew that she'd left,

but I had no idea what the
both of you had been through.

But that doesn't
matter, does it?


Lucien will still be divorced.

FATHER: You cannot
be married here, Jean.

And... go on, Father.

I need to hear you say it.

If you marry Lucien, you
will be spiritually ostracized,

unable to partake with the
sacraments of communion or confession.

You will be outside
the church, Jean.

And you truly believe
that that's all God's will?

Church doctrine is extremely
clear on these sorts of issues.

I'm afraid you have a very
difficult choice to make.

What if I can't
make that choice?

Ask for guidance.

I'm sure the right
answer will come.

I am sorry, Jean.

CHARLIE: Vern Armstrong's
having a Catholic funeral.


Ethan said, when
he was interviewed,

that he didn't approach
anyone known to already have

firmly held religious
beliefs, yes?

Then why was Ethan really
going around there so often?



Hmm, clever.

- Yes?

I think I've got something.

It's a will with everything
going to the Bowmans,

by the looks of things.

CHARLIE: See here?

Trent will be happy.


Yes, I'm sure.


A savings account.

F. E Lloyd, the niece, Florence?

Her maiden name
would be my guess.


And Charlie, this room,
you notice anything unusual?

No books.

Look, beside the bed, no books,
no copies of The Watchtower.

No letters or notes
anywhere on the desk.

Nothing whatsoever
written down in here.

Or the rest of the
house, I'm guessing.

So you're thinking that...

I'm thinking that Vern
was probably illiterate.

Now, those tins with the
colors painted on them,

shorthand to remind him
what was inside each one

without him having to
see or smell the contents.

He would have had to have
had an incredibly sharp memory.

Which might explain why
he was so successful at cards.

If he was illiterate,
then who wrote this?

The bank book
was so well hidden.

Think about it, Charlie.

This place was searched
thoroughly top to bottom.

Someone planted it.

You don't get it.

We had to forge the will.

He practically made us.

He made you?

He was taking food right
out of my kids' mouths.

If he'd have done the
right thing, I would never...

Never what?

LAWSON: It's always somebody
else's fault with you, isn't it, Trent?

Like you'd know
anything about it.

Failing business, a
bad bet at the tables,

an empty pantry at home...

I've met 100 blokes
like you before.

I'm not saying another word.

Good because you've been
lying to us from the start.

You know what this tells me?

That both of you were
prepared to break the law

to get what you wanted.

BLAKE: Now we know either
Trent or his wife broke into that house

and planted the will after the
police found the body, yes?


Well, if the idea was in fact to
m*rder Vern and plant the will,

wouldn't you do it
at the same time?

Why on earth would you
come back and do it later?

Well, maybe he was
interrupted by the young witness

before he had the chance?

I'll pull Florence Bowman in.


We'll see if she's singing the
same tune as her husband.


That's the sliver we
extracted from Vern's neck.

It's a fragment of copper. And
those other black spots we found,

tiny particles of copper
and stone, which if anything

point us back to Ethan Young.

Oh, you think the boy
may have done it now?

Ah, fine.

But I need more to go
on than just your intuition.

Well, first it was that girl
from the newspaper yesterday,

and now this.

I suppose we should just get
used to this sort of treatment.

Mrs. Young, is there
somewhere we can talk in private?

Whatever you have to say,

you can say in front of these
brothers and sisters, Sergeant.

Audrey, please, this
should only take a moment.

Thank you for that.

Yes, thank you ever so much.

I know the police released
Ethan without charge,

but there are still
some discrepancies,

some half-truths we need
to get to the bottom of.

My son, Doctor, has
Jehovah in his heart.

AUDREY: He's kind.

He's hard-working.

Even today, when everyone
else takes a holiday,

he's out digging trenches.

And I know for a fact that
he wouldn't lie, not to you,

not to anyone else.

Then why was he visiting
a man with your literature

if that man was a devout
Catholic who couldn't read?

Well, he was probably
reading it aloud.

Helping others where they
couldn't help themselves.

Audrey, we only want to speak
with him. I give you my word.

Now, please, can
you tell us where he is?

Better let me.

Yes, Charlie.


He's fallen or he was pushed.

He's alive.

Damn thing's pieced
him right the way through.

We need an ambulance,
Charlie. We need it now.


Concussion from the fall.

On my three, lads.
One, two, three.

I suspect multiple broken
ribs, single puncture wound,

damage to an intercostal artery.

Nurse, we're going to need
several pints of O negative.

Doctor Blake, I'll
need you to attend.

Of course.



You can't transfuse.

His religious beliefs forbid it.

Doctor, he is bleeding out.

You, what did you do?

No, what did you do to my boy?

What's happened? Is he alive?

Yes, he is.

The operation went very well.

He'd lost a lot of blood.

We had to perform an
infusion using saline.

- What? Why would you do that?
- I promise you...

What about his hopes
of being resurrected?

What about his eternal life on
Paradise Earth? How could you?

Audrey... Aud...

Mr. Walker, Percy,

please explain to her
it's not what she thinks.


Mommy's nearly finished.

I promise.




FLORENCE: Yes, we did it.

The debts, the
forgery, it's all true.

But we didn't k*ll anyone.

Please, I'm telling
you the truth.

Florence, my Sergeant caught
you doing a runner from Ballarat.

I wasn't running from Ballarat.

I was running from Trent.

I always loved my uncle,
but he and Trent, they just...

Vern didn't approve.

Marry in haste.

Repent at leisure.

I should have listened.

The amount of times
that we went hungry

because Trent spent
everything we had on a bad hand,

or we nearly froze because he
just forgot to pay the electricity bill.

And that's why you
took the job at the cafe?

Vern didn't call you
to invite you to lunch.

You called him, didn't you?

(SIGHS) Trent did.

I only found out later.

I thought...

I thought maybe Uncle
Vern had come around a bit.

FLORENCE: I was excited.

Did Trent tell you why?

He just said he needed to
discuss something with Vern.

That it was private.

I should have asked.

We found this in his study.

Vern wasn't trying to steal
from you or your family.

He just didn't want
Trent to have that money.

He was trying to find a way of
getting it back to you, only you.

I'll be keeping your husband
here for the full 24 hours

until tomorrow morning while
we continue our investigation.

Do you understand
what it is I'm telling you?

Thank you.

Hey, guess what?
It's time to go.

CHILD: We just started.

We can finish it on
the ride. Come on.

Bad day?

I believe young Ethan was
att*cked on a work site. You?

Oh, nothing as awful as that.

Oh, Lucien, do you mind?

Of course.

And it's still touch
and go for the boy.

Oh, poor Audrey.
She must be frantic.


Well, she arrived with Percy
Walker just as I was leaving surgery.

Well, at least she isn't alone.

He does an awful lot for her.


Tell me, Jean, do you think
perhaps they might be...

- Well...
- More than friends?

- Mm.
- It's possible. What would that matter?

Well, oh, I have no idea.

Why would anyone
want to k*ll that boy?

Well, because he's been
implicated in Vern's m*rder

or maybe an accomplice
wanted to silence him.

Perhaps... perhaps he
worked out who did it and...

Oh, I don't know.

Matthew still thinks it's all
to do with Vern's gambling.

But you don't?

JEAN: Either way, it sounds
like Ethan knew something.

Yes, something.

Something he's
kept from the police.

But what?

Only one way to find out.

Come here.

Doctor, I owe you an apology.

I spoke to Ethan's surgeon. And
he explained to me about the saline.

All I heard was transfusion.

And I was just so scared.

Of course.

How can any of this
be part of his plan?

He seems like a fine young man,

who deeply cares
about helping people.

He does.

He told me about Mr. Armstrong,

about how he
couldn't read and write.

He was helping him
with some paperwork.

AUDREY: That was his big secret.

I see.

Did he say what
kind of paperwork?


But after that poor man died,

Ethan told me it could
make us quite a lot of money.

I know he struggled
with his decision

about keeping his
secret, but in the end...

No, no, no, he
did the right thing.

As I said, Jehovah
is in his heart.


Audrey, what did he
do with this paperwork?

I don't know.

Bloody tins.

Only one green one.

And what do we have?

Green paint.






He really was quite
ingenious, wasn't he?

So very clever with his
hands, which is of course,

what this is all about.

Right, Percy?

Watching your old friend with
nothing but time on his hands

while you were still wading in
other people's muck day in, day out.

Like you've ever done a real
day's work in your whole bloody life.

A patent application

for what appears to be

a portable electric drill.

Every handyman in the
country, if not the world,

would want one.

We used to talk about
ideas like that all the time.

PERCY: That should
have been half mine.

Of course, Vern couldn't fill
out the paperwork on his own,

so he enlisted the help
of someone he could trust,

Ethan Young, who only told two
people about what he was doing,

two people in the entire
world, his mother and his boss.

I'd say you stabbed Vern

with that brick chisel you're so
fond of carrying on your tool belt.

You m*rder*d him.

And stole his prototype just
moments before Ethan arrived.

You escaped over the fence.

But you didn't have the
paperwork or the battery charger.

So you focused on the
boy, pretending to care,

consoling him, getting
him to tell you everything,

at which point, of course,
he had to be dealt with.

That paperwork is
worth an absolute fortune.

And he decided he was just
going to tell the police about it.

He was going to give it away.

And Audrey?

She's a good woman.

Together we would
have probably scraped by,

at least until my
knees gave out.

But giving her a choice between
scraping by and being filthy, bloody rich,

I choose rich.

I've earned it.

Percy, there's
nowhere left to run.

Is that so?


Did you think I was going to put
my hands up and come quietly?

Honestly, I was hoping
that would be the case.

No, no, Percy...








JEAN: Lucien?

Ah, I've missed
dinner, haven't I?


It'll keep.

How are you feeling?

Oh, fit as a fiddle I'd say.

But for the hole in my chest.

What were you thinking, Lucien?

I was thinking I could
talk my way out of it.

Clearly, I was wrong.

ALICE: Lucien, I have to ask.

You knew you suffered
a tension pneumothorax,

but you released the
pressure on your heart

using your own pen
as a chest drain tube.

I had to improvise, Alice.


Well, I have a lot of questions,

which can wait.

Feel better.

Thank you, Alice.

Thank you, Alice.

How did they know where I was.

The neighbors heard the
noise and called the police.


Well, thank heavens.

Bloody thing.

Just lie back.

I'm going to get you some water.

Thank God Lucien was still
alive when the police arrived.

And you, Rose?

It turns out that my
situation was a false alarm,

an extremely convincing one.

So you're not...

It's all a bit mixed up at the
moment. I'm not really sure how to feel.

Well, if you do decide
you need to talk...

Thank you, Jean.

Still on duty?

Clocking off soon.

- That's a long day.
- Mm.

Rose, is everything all right?

I mean, you've
barely picked a fight

or tried cornering me for
a quote for the front page.

Is there something I've done.

No, nothing.

beginning to get worried.

Well, let's see
if we can fix that.

Statement for the
Courier, senior Sergeant?

Well, Miss Anderson, we've
arrested Percival Archie Walker

for the m*rder of
Vernon Armstrong.

He's been charged with two
counts of attempted m*rder.

So Percy Walker's confessed?

CHARLIE: He has.

Ethan Young?

He's corroborated
everything you've told me.

And his surgeon thinks he
should make a full recovery.

Speaking of which, I'm
going to let you get some rest.

BLAKE: Charlie?

Just as I was blacking out,

I thought I saw someone in
the doorway of the workshop.

Well, it definitely
wasn't Walker.

He was still out like a light
when we got there. So were you.


- Night, Charlie.
- Night, boss.

You need to be more careful.

I nearly lost you tonight.

Yes, I know.

I know. You're quite right.

Jean, there's something
I need to tell you.

I am a thoroughly dreadful
patient. I am just awful.

Well, lucky I'm here
to look after you then.

Don't ever do that again or
I'll have to finish you off myself,



