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08x12 - Prometheus Unbound

Posted: 01/10/23 08:16
by bunniefuu
- Come on.

It isn't on a permanent basis.

- Still no, Daniel.

I didn't let you go in the first place.

Why would I change my mind?

- Because

- Can you try to do better than that?

They need someone to translate Ancient.

I'm the most qualified.

Which is exactly why you're gonna stay right here.

Because I'll quit.

Why don't you just hold your breath?

You haven't done that in a while.

- General.

- I let myself in.

Hope you don't mind.

- Absolutely not.


- Thank you.

- Miss the chair?

- Actually, I do.

- Want it back?

- As a matter of fact, I do.

My new one just isn't the same.

That's not exactly what I meant.

Dr Jackson, nice to see you again.


We miss you around here, sir.

So, to what do we owe this pleasure?

I came to ask if you'd be interested in joining the mission to Atlantis.

(both) You did?

He's the most qualified person on this planet.

And the mission commander needs someone who can translate Ancient.

- Really?

- With respect, sir, I think you should tell the mission commander that I need Daniel right here.

- You just did.

- I did.

I did?

- You, sir?

- Yes.

Request denied.

Dr Jackson, you're with me.

I'll have the chair shipped to Washington.

You can requisition a new one.

I'll do that, sir.

We leave tomorrow.

Oh, and I'll be taking Walter, too.

(Daniel clears throat) General.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you, sir.


My motives were selfish.

We haven't heard a word from the Atlantis expedition.

We have no idea what we're going to find.

Your knowledge and expertise will prove invaluable.

- General, if you don't mind my asking

- Why am I going?

You could've chosen anyone.

I sat back and watched you people go on a lot of adventures over the years.

I thought when you were replaced at the SGC you were bucking for retirement.

- Then I led Prometheus against Anubis.

- Got your dander up.

That's why I took the job as head of home world security.

Then this came along.

The president put me in charge,

- so I could choose anyone I wanted.

- So why not choose yourself?

I've sent a lot of people into action over the years and more than a few didn't come back.

I'd like to see this one through personally.

- We've never left anyone behind, sir.

- And we're not going to this time.

Last reported telemetry from Atlantis indicated a space with life


(hiccups) Stop it! We're going on the assumption the team found the lost city and set up a base.


- Sorry.

- Dr Novak?

The Asgard hyperdrive is functioning at 100 per cent.

Thank you.

- Dr Jackson.

- I'm sorry.

What was I saying?

You were assuming Atlantis is at the end of this trip.

(hiccups) Please ignore me.

- It's hard to.

- You disagree, Doctor?

As far as we know they found an outpost like the one in Antarctica.

Could be on a moon, or at the bottom of some deep dark ocean.

- If they're trapped and need help

- If they're even alive at all.

As for contact, hopefully it's just a matter of being unable to locate a power source.

Using information from the Ancient outpost on Earth, Jackson and his team have pinpointed our destination in the Pegasus galaxy.

Which is here.

(hiccups) Damn it to hell.


- Dr Novak.

- Dr Jackson.


You can call me Lindsey.

I'm sorry for contradicting you.

Oh, no.

Don't be.

I mean, you were right.

The fact that we haven't heard from the expedition since they left is a bad sign.


- Have you tried holding your breath?

- I've tried everything.

- Yeah, it doesn't work for me either.

- It's been like this since I was a kid.

It comes out when I get scared, but this is the worst since my PhD presentation.

I mean, I don't do well in stressful situations.

That's why I turned down Atlantis the first time.

I'm sure you're gonna be fine.

Hammond says you're very good at what you do.

- Thank you.

- (alarm)

- What's that?

What's wrong?

- I don't know.


We're picking up what sounds like a distress call.

- Where are we?

- We're still well inside the Milky Way.

- Play it back.

- Yes, sir.

(woman) Help Require assistance Have failed Lost power to Repeat, stranded and

- She sounds human.

- What do you think?

Much as I hate to delay this trip, we have to check it out.

- How far away is it?

- It's just over 50 light years off our route.

We could be there in 20 minutes.

- Set a course.

- Yes, sir.

- Set shields at maximum.

Arm weapons.

- It looks like an Alkesh and a cargo ship.

They've suffered significant damage.

The distress signal is from within the Alkesh.

I don't understand.

A human call from a Goa'uld ship

- that makes no sense.

- I agree.

It could be a trap.

- I know this looks suspicious, but what if there was an uprising on board one of those ships?

There could be human prisoners in need of our help.

- Open our channel.

- Yes, sir.

This is General Hammond, of the Earth vessel Prometheus.

We're answering your distress call and standing ready to assist you.

We can transport a sensor unit on board to determine life

-support viability.

General, an Alkesh is a potentially valuable ship.

Even if there are no survivors, if it's spaceworthy, we should salvage her.

- Take a team.

- Yes, sir.

Prometheus, this is SG


We are on board.

General, we're seeing some energy

-w*apon damage.

We have one Jaffa KIA.

Sir, over here.

Make that four Jaffa.

Looks like these folks had an on

-board firefight.

Still no sign of life.

We're heading to the bridge.

(whirring) "Prometheus", someone just activated the

- Colonel Reynolds, say again.

- Sir, our rings just activated.

Security team to level four ring room.

Visuals on screen.

- Seal it off.

- Controls are not responding, sir.


It's no good, sir.

The rings will not activate.

- Security team, report.

- All shipboard communications are down.

- Initiate lockdown.

- I can't, sir.

- It may be possible from the engine room.

- Go.

(receding heavy footsteps) That wasn't me, sir.

Let's get 'em outta there.

(rings activate) Can we pursue?

Engines are offline.

Controls are unresponsive.

The weapons too.

It looks like we're dead in the water.

General, I just did a head count.

Daniel Jackson is still aboard Prometheus.

Oh, crap.

- Are you OK?

- I feel like my head's going to explode.

But on the bright side, I think my hiccups are gone.


- What do you need, sir?

- I need this ship operational now.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

We're lucky the life

-support systems are still working.

- How much time do we have?

- It's hard to say.

I've got some systems online, including some short

-range sensors.

Scans of the cargo ship indicate that it's in worse shape than this Alkesh.

- It's strange, isn't it, sir?

- That a Goa'uld soldier keeps us alive?

Hey, how's it going?

(clears throat) Guess it's just you and me, huh?

It's a little strange, isn't it?

See, that w*apon I shot you with should've k*lled you.

What's stranger is you guys usually don't take prisoners.

It's kinda k*ll first and No, that's generally just about it.

Just the k*lling.

I'm just gonna talk to myself cos you're not gonna talk to me.

Not that you guys are very talkative, but You may prove useful.

OK, now we're getting somewhere.

- Where's everybody else?

- I transported them onto the Alkesh.

Well, you kept the wrong guy, cos I don't know anything about the ship.

But you are very attractive.

(coughs) What?

Hey Big guy, I'm flattered, really I am, it's just that, uh you're not my type.

I'm more than a little disturbed that I might be yours.

Whoa! Whoa! No, no.

You don't have to do that.

Don't! Don't! Don't! No! Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you

- Thank God.


I hope.

I wish to send a long

-range transmission using the communication systems.

- Sorry, don't have a clue.

- You lie.

In general?

Uh, no.


Well, I try to be honest, but, uh you know, occasionally a little white one slips out every now and again.


Shall I kiss it better?

Um No.

Just don't do it again.

Look, even if I knew what you wanted me to do, what makes you think I'd tell you?

How can you steal a ship if you don't know how it works?

- I got the sublight engines going.

- (engines hum)

- Yeah.

So you did.

- You really expect me to believe you?


Um Look, my name is Daniel Jackson.

I'm an archaeologist.

A historian.

I study ancient cultures.


Ancient civilisations.

- Have you heard of Earth?


- No.

- We were on our way to rescue friends

- I really don't care.

- Look, this isn't necessary

- "Can I have this ship?

" "No.


- "OK.

Discussion over.


- (computer beeps) Oh.

Here we go.

Tenat of Oran.

Tenat, this is Vala.

If you can hear me, please respond.

I've managed to procure a vessel better than what I hoped for.

Tenat, if you get this, I apologise for the delay, and we'll meet at the designated coordinates in one day.

Vala out.

Now, about the hyperdrive Colonel, Doctor.

I've rerouted the power to shields and life

-support, but as far as the engines go The control crystals for both are fried.

- It looks like they were sabotaged.

- Can they be repaired?

In a word, no.

We need new ones.

- I was thinking about that cargo ship.

- Harriman says life

-support's minimal, barely enough to sustain one person for a few moments.

And if we don't get new crystals (hiccups) Sorry, k*ll me now.

- I'll go, sir.

- No.

I'll go.

- With all due

- Someone took my ship.

I want it back.

- Access is restricted by a code.

- Yeah.

Too bad.


- That hurts?

- Ow! Yeah! I can fix it.

I don't know the code.


Feel better?

- You're a Goa'uld.

- No.

But I was once a host to one.

Which explains the naqahdah that lets you use their technology.

And how I can quickly learn to fly this primitive ship.

So primitive one would wonder if it was worth it.

Well, in this case it's the size that matters.

Actually, pretty much in every case.

Tell me the code.


I don't I don't know it.


How much time will he have?

I'm guessing a few minutes.

Maybe less.

- Sir

- Not another word, Colonel.

- Do it now.

- General Godspeed.

(coughs) General?

General, can you hear me?

I'm here in the engine room.

Open the third panel down on the centre column.

- Done.

- You want the blue one.

It should be located at the centre of the panel.

Got it.

One panel up, you should find a clear one.

It's hard to tell.

The light in here is (coughs) Something's

- General, can you hear me?

- It's only been two minutes.

There was a firefight on board.

If the life

-support is not cycling the air

- What?

- Staff blasts give off carbon dioxide.

In a small enclosed space General.



Is he breathing?

He may need mouth



Excellent! Excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too.

Get the ship moving.

- What did he say?

- He said, "Get the ship moving.

" (hiccups) Come on up, General.

Let's get you up.

Much better.

Lose the w*apon and move away from the console.

I liked you better tied up.

Against the wall.

And lose the w*apon.

- This suit still absorbs zat blasts.

- It doesn't cover your head.

- Still, you should make me take it off.

- I'll turn the ship around first.

If I had me at gunpoint that wouldn't be my first choice.

Yeah, well.

(computer beeps)

- What's going on?

- I rewrote the access code.

- Undo it.

- Listen.

Hundreds of lives are at stake.

I'm trying to save my people.

This ship is their only hope.

- If you'd mentioned that

- Would you really have helped?

Look, as I was saying before, we were also on a rescue mission.

(computer beeps)

- What is it?

- A ship just appeared.

It's an Alkesh.

This quadrant is crawling with vessels.

It won't be your friends.

That ship was fully disabled when you showed up.

We'll see.

We have to raise shields and arm weapons.

I'm gonna try and hail them first.


You hit me.

- You hit me.

- You know you know, we could just have sex instead.


- Feeling better, sir?

- Yes.

Thank you.

- We've just caught up to the Prometheus.

- Nice work.

It was all Novak, sir.

- (hiccups)

- They're not responding to our hail, sir.

- Are we done?

- I am.


You're a fruitcake.

- Weapons?

- Online.

We are in range.

Target the rear thrusters.

Take out her sublight capability.

She just jumped into hyperspace.

(sighs) (grunts) Ow.



That's just great.

I see you.

- Did you have fun taking off my clothes?

- It was your idea.

I meant when I was conscious.

So I could distract you and kick you in the head.

I kept my eyes closed the whole time.

I'm sure you did.


- So, where are we going?

- I told you.

To save my people.

Can you please let me out?

Oh no.

You know, I haven't eaten in days.

Could you please tell me how to access the navigation controls?

It isn't very nice, you know, starving a prisoner to death.

Come on, Daniel.

You've seen me naked.

The least you could do is cook me dinner.

Aren't you hungry?


Thank you.

You know who the Tok'ra are?


Ten years ago a Tok'ra incited a rebellion on my planet.

When people rose up against the Goa'uld, and once the Jaffa had been overcome, the Goa'uld was captured alive, tortured, and beaten for days on end.

I was host to that Goa'uld at the time.

The people didn't understand that it was a symbiote that had ruled them so harshly.

I guess the Tok'ra felt responsible.

He rescued me.

Removed the Goa'uld symbiote.

Nursed me back to health.

You said your people are in trouble now.

Well, it was only a matter of time before another Goa'uld showed up.

A System Lord named Camulus.

That's when the Tok'ra disappeared.

People still refused to surrender.

Camulus ordered that they be wiped out.

We controlled several ships, troop transports, cargo ships, Alkesh.

Many people were saved, flown to an inhabitable nearby moon in the system.

The ships made several trips before most of them were intercepted and shot down.

Camulus never knew there were any survivors, so we were safe.

- Problem was, we didn't have a Stargate.

- So you were trapped.

We only had a few ships left, not enough to relocate everyone again.

Wasn't a problem.

He seemed to have little interest in other planets.

He left behind a small force to guard the Stargate.

We used the ships to keep appraised of what was happening and to steal supplies.

You know that Camulus is gone now.

He was beaten by Baal.

And Baal's forces are searching every inhabitable world in Camulus's territory.

His ships are everywhere.

It's only a matter of time.

- So you tried to steal that Alkesh.

- It was damaged in the firefight.

I was hoping one of my ships would answer my distress call.

You can imagine how lucky I felt when this ship showed up.

It's big enough to rescue all my people and take them to a world far away.

Free from the Goa'uld.

- You don't have to lock me up.

- I think I do.

What difference will it make?

This ship is flying to my home world.

You can't stop it.

When I get to your planet I'll explain.

Maybe we can work something out.

My people are not gonna trust you.

You have to let me talk to them.



This is bad.

(radio) Vala, this is Tenat.

We have you on our scanners.

- Uh, yeah.


- Where is Vala?

She's here.

She's just indisposed at the moment.

She did not mention she was working with someone.

No, I guess not.

Look, I realise I owe you an explanation.

It's a bit of a long story, really.

We will hear it in person and inspect your vessel.

Good, because apparently we're coming in for landing.

We will meet you at the designated coordinates.



See you there.

Ow! OK.

You want the truth?

I'll tell you the truth.

Daniel, are you there?

I hope you can hear me.

The planet we just landed on is not my home world.

Whatever you do, you must not go out there.

- Hi, guys.

- Who are you?

Uh, name's Olo.

Hans Olo.

- Where is Vala?

- She's inside.

- We will only do business with Vala.

- Business.


That figures.

Not that I'm surprised or anything.

I don't look surprised to you, do I?

- What?

- It's just that I was expecting refugees.

Human sort of refugees.

Not that there's anything wrong with you, that I know of.

We have the naqahdah.

- Refined weapons grade.

- Oh, that's nice.

This was the price we agreed upon.

This ship is impressive in size, but we cannot OK, you know what?

Seriously, there's been a big misunderstanding.

I don't care what you've got, I'm not gonna sell.

- You know what?

That is not necessary.

- We had a deal.

We must have this ship.

(laser weapons firing) Goa'uld gliders.

Fool! You were followed.

Of course we were.

OK, you know what?

I'd love to stay and chat, but Daniel?

What's going on?

We're being att*cked.

Tell me how to access the systems.

- Let me out and I'll help you.

- You gotta be kidding me! Let's go.

- No funny stuff.

- What did you do with my buyers?

- We'll talk about that later.

- And the naqahdah?

- Move!

- Do you have any idea what that is worth?

Ohh! All right, raise our shields.

- Let's go to hyperspace.

- It's not working.

We've already taken too much hull damage.

And we have incoming Alkesh.

Arm weapons.

Shields are failing.

And shields are down.

We are almost out of weapons.

- What just happened?

- An Alkesh just took out one of its own.

Nice work, Sergeant.

Target the second Alkesh.

Fire at will.

Roger that, sir.

(radio) Dr Jackson?

This is General Hammond.

Do you copy?

General, it's me.

Good to hear your voice, sir.


Are you all right, son?

- We're fine, sir.

- Are we clear to ring aboard?

Stand by.

Unlock the system.

Those gliders retreated nearby.

We have to get out of here now.

Unlock the system.

You're all clear, sir.

What are you gonna do with me?

I'm not sure.

Look, Daniel, whatever happens, I just want you to know We got the shields and hyperdrive back online.

However, there's hull damage.

- I wouldn't recommend a long journey.

- We have no choice but to return to Earth.

- How long before the ship's ready again?

- Hard to say.

That was good work.

Both here and on the Alkesh.

Thank you, sir.


Hiccups are gone, huh?

I didn't notice.

I guess I was having too much fun.

(PA) Security team to level four.

The prisoner has escaped.

- Ring room.

- (alarm sounds) Wow.

- Status?

- Security team one unresponsive.

Rings on level four just activated.

General Hammond?


-3 was just transported here.

She's on the Alkesh.

- Lock weapons on its engines.

- Aft thrusters targeted.

Target is It's gone, sir.

Can we track it?

No, sir.

Our long

-range scanners are being scrambled.

She's good.