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08x10 - Endgame

Posted: 01/10/23 08:15
by bunniefuu
These liquids mixed together form a virulent poison.

- Am I supposed to hold my breath?

- It is only deadly to symbiotes.

There's enough in that vial to k*ll every Tok'ra on this base twice over.

Anubis once probed Thor's mind, gaining access to Asgard beaming technology.

Did you think they would let you tell a secret like this?

- What?

- They call themselves "The Trust".

They've funded secret endeavours, aimed at controlling alien technology for their own purposes.

The symbols, Dr Jackson.

We know it's the language of the Ancients.

We need them translated into Goa'uld.

So either you give us what we want or I will k*ll her.

What's going on?

Not much.

I hate the graveyard shift.

Nothing exciting ever happens on it.


Just cos it's 3am here doesn't mean it's not daylight on other planets.

There could be a team coming in hot any second now.

Yeah, that's true.

- So, coffee?

- Yeah.

Let me ask you something.

It's late and there's not many people around.

Do you ever get the urge just to dial up the gate and check out another planet?

- That'd be a "no".

- Me me neither.

What the hell?

The gate's gone.

I can see that.

Are we gonna get in trouble for this?

What about your instruments?

Did you detect any gate activity?

- No, sir.

- Did anyone approach the gate?

- No.

- No.

No unusual activity of any kind?


Sir, are we going to be facing disciplinary action for this?

No, Sergeant.

I think it's safe to say there was nothing you could have done.

Thank God.

I mean, there wasn't.

- One minute we're getting coffee

- Wait a minute! You were getting coffee?

I'm joking.

It's just a joke.

I'm sorry.

OK, that's all.

Thank you, guys.

Appreciate that.


(door closes) I'd hate to be the guy that has to explain this to the president.

Sir, I've got the video surveillance footage.

The gate disappeared at 0307.

There were two airmen in the gate room and two technicians in the control room.

But none of them saw or heard anything out of the ordinary prior to the flash.

Is it me, or does that look like an Asgard beam?

It does.

Which makes no sense.

Why would they take our gate?


Usually they ask nicely before they ignore us and do what they damn well please.

What about the Prometheus?

Didn't the Asgard install beam technology?

It's in the hangar.

We're still adjusting the new engines.

There is another possibility.

We know that Anubis possessed Asgard technology.

We also know Baal took over much of his fleet.

- You think Baal stole our gate?

- To be honest, I don't know what to think.

- I need some answers.

- That's not going to be easy, sir.

Without a gate, we have no access to offworld intel.

We have no way of knowing what's going on out there.

You'll think of something.

In the meantime, I have a phone call to make.

Is Teal'c still on P4S


His meeting with the rebel Jaffa leaders should be over now.

When he can't contact us, he'll follow protocol and head to the Alpha site.

Colonel Pierce.

What is the situation?

We've been out of contact for seven hours now.

We can establish a wormhole, but all we get is a "Do not proceed" response to our IDC.

As was the case when I attempted to return from my mission.

The fact that they're not responding to any of our radio calls has me concerned.

Right now we have no idea what's happening at Stargate Command.

I will return to P4S


The rebel Jaffa will provide me with a cargo ship which I will then take to Earth.


We're not jumping to conclusions.

This may be just a malfunction.

But it's also possible Earth has been compromised.


- Find anything?

- Yeah, as a matter of fact, I have.

I've been going over security tapes and sensor logs.

For two days before the gate disappeared, we were getting this anomalous reading.

We assumed it was feedback from a recent overhaul of the superconductors.

I don't think so.

Look at this.

- What was that?

- I don't know.

But this is the exact moment that the sensors began recording the anomaly.

I think we need to talk to this guy.

Dr Kevin Hartkans.

He's been with the programme seven months.

Clean record.

Nothing out of the ordinary, except he's missing.

Failed to report for duty this morning.

We checked his apartment

- cleaned out.

This is starting to sound familiar.

- You think it's the Trust?

- They've been busy lately.

They had Teal'c under surveillance, blackmailed you, tried to k*ll Alec Colson.

Obviously, the operation is bigger than we thought.

As far as we know, the NID has been clean for over a year, but there are still dozens of ex

-agents unaccounted for.

They continue to receive financing from unknown sources.

If they could take the gate from us, they could empty the vault at Fort Knox.

Not necessarily.

If they could take the gate any time, they would have.

But that doesn't explain what Hartkans was doing, or the anomalous signal.

- Got a theory?

- The Prometheus has beam technology, but not Asgard sensors, which means we can't pinpoint specific targets unless they're tagged in advance.

What if whoever did this has the same problem?

You think the anomaly was a locator beacon?


Which Hartkans placed directly on the gate.

There's no other way to pull this off.

So my stamp collection is safe.

How does that help us find the gate?

If they want to use the beam, they'll have to keep using the beacons.

We could request NSA satellite time to see if we could detect the signal.

Do it.



What has happened here?

When I arrived, they were all dead.


I will show you.

We took out the guards, secured the area.

Intel puts the signal inside this complex.

All right.

You three are with us.

Keep your men on the perimeter.

No one in or out.

Teams two and three, retain on perimeter.


- Daniel, these are VX rockets.

- Yeah?

What's this?

- Methylphosphonothioic acid.

- Which is?

- Nerve gas.

- OK, putting that back.

- There's enough here to k*ll thousands.

- Why would the ex

-NID be stockpiling it?

I've no idea.

(soldier) g*n! Ah! We got a problem here.

What do we do?

It's too late.

- Nothing's happening.

- This doesn't make sense.

The effects are almost instantaneous.

We should all be dead.

You see?

We managed to identify the liquid we found in the warehouse.

It's symbiote poison.

Specifically, the new formula we were working on with the Tok'ra.

More stable than the original, easier to produce, but just as deadly to the Goa'uld.

- And the Jaffa.

- Exactly.

Which is why we agreed not to use it, except in defensive situations.

Sir, the people behind this have the gate.

And rockets capable of delivering the poison in aerosol form over large areas.

I think the Trust intends to launch a full chemical attack against the Goa'uld, without any regard for the millions of Jaffa lives that could be lost in the process.

So they didn't get the memo.

The guy from the warehouse isn't talking, but he was carrying this.

It's an Area 51 identification badge.

Colonel Carter, Dr Jackson.

Sorry to keep you.

Dr Bricksdale.

I believe you've been briefed.

- Yes, I have.

- As a result of our investigation, we believe your security has been compromised.

With all respect, we're not the ones who lost the Stargate.

But alien technology has gone missing from Area 51 before.


However, our security measures have been increased since then.

No one's allowed to bring anything in.

No computers, cellphones or street clothes.

All personnel are searched and scanned every time they leave.

Look, whoever took the Stargate has access to Asgard beam technology.

When Osiris came to Earth, she used that technology, activated with a wrist device.

After she was captured, that wrist device was brought here.

You worked on it.

And it's been here ever since.

If you don't mind, we'd like to see it.

Dr Harris checked out some of the dead Jaffa on P4S


You were right.

It was Tok'ra symbiote poison.

I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes.

I knew the Tok'ra lost patience with the alliance, but I never thought they'd do this.


I have received word from our Jaffa brothers.

Three more Goa'uld planets have been att*cked.

Millions are dead.

You see?

Right where we left it.

Sorry if I'm a little sceptical, but we've been down this road before.


- It's real.

- Like I said.

We figured if Osiris's ship was still there, we could use the device to get on board.

But it's not only keyed to the presence of naqahdah in the blood, but also specific Goa'uld DNA.

We tried to create an adaptor using samples of both, but didn't get anywhere.

So the ship is probably still in orbit, but cloaked.

In which case, we have no way to find it.

The Tok'ra will be made to pay for this treachery.

Let's just calm down a second.

We need to figure out what's going on.

What more do you need to know?

Jaffa are being m*rder*d, poisoned like vermin.

The Tok'ra have had this for a long time.

Why would they decide to use it now?

Perhaps the failure of the alliance convinced them there is no other way.

There's something else going on.

It's not a coincidence that this happened just after we lost contact with Earth.

That does seem unlikely.

We must speak to the Tok'ra directly.

That's not so easy.

Ever since they left the Alpha site, we haven't had much intelligence on them.

We've no idea where their base is.

We know the location of some operatives.

Our best chance for contact is P3S


An operative, Zarin, is undercover, commanding one of Baal's garrisons.

- I will come with you.

- Whoa, hold on a minute here.

You're talking about Goa'uld occupied territory.

There's no Jaffa fifth column to help you.

Without sympathetic warriors in Zarin's ranks, how do you plan to avoid capture?

- We do not.

- What?

Only by being captured will we be brought before the commander.

- That's how you're gonna make contact?

- We must speak to the Tok'ra.

- There is no other way.

- It's too risky.

Walk in unannounced and Zarin could sacrifice you to maintain her cover.

That is a great possibility.

You realise the second you walk through that gate, you're on your own.


- What's the emergency?

- I can't do it any more.

You've taken the money.

A little late for cold feet.

You don't understand.

They came to see me and asked about the device.

- Who?

- Two people from Stargate Command.

- And you arranged a meeting with me?

- What?

You were followed.

Hold your fire.

We need him alive.

- Brooks.

- Go ahead.

We've got a problem here.

Take a locator beacon and get to Hoskins' last position.

- What happened?

- We've got an uninvited guest.


My lord Zarin, two enemy Jaffa have been captured near the gate.

One of them is the shol'va, Teal'c.

Are you certain?

I am.

Lord Baal will be most pleased, will he not?


Of course.

You have done well.

Now bring them to me.

Yes, my lord.

I'm going to ask you again.

Where is Colonel Carter?

I don't know.

- You're gonna need to start cooperating.

- I can't.

An officer of the US Air Force and member of a top

-secret organisation is missing, and you're implicated.

I don't think you're gonna just walk away from this.

- They'll k*ll me.

- We can protect you.

And we can also choose to ignore your $2 million Cayman Island account.

You didn't think we'd find out about that, huh?

So if I help you, I can keep the money?

We could come to an arrangement.

The prisoners, my lord.

Leave us.

My lord?

I intend to question them myself.

Leave us now! Are you mad?

What are you doing here?

- We must speak with you.

- Speak with me?

Do you not realise, by coming here you have placed all our lives in danger?

- Are you not in control of this garrison?

- I am.

And as such, it is my responsibility to see to it that you are tortured for information, until such time that Baal arrives to witness your execution.

So what's it gonna be?

You said Colonel Carter was missing?

Well, she's probably on the ship.

Osiris's ship?

So you did manage to get on board.

About a year ago, some men came to see me.

They knew everything about my work.

The Stargate, Osiris.

They knew there was a possibility a cloaked ship had been left in orbit and they wanted it badly.

I told them that the key was the wrist device, but I couldn't get it out

- at least, not through the front door.

What do you mean?

One day I was in the lab working on the adaptor.

Next thing I know, I found myself on the ship.

I had remotely activated the transport beam.

Which you failed to report.

It was k*lling me that I wasn't able to tell anybody I'd figured it out.

I had to keep telling them it wasn't working.

Anyway, after that, I went back and forth half a dozen times.

But at the end of the day the device was always back where it belonged.

And you beamed the others up using locator beacons?

The beam was the only thing that worked without the command codes.

And that's where you came in.

The translation.

Osiris worked for Anubis.

And Anubis had all his command codes translated into Ancient.

Once they had control of the ship, thanks to you, they had no need for me.

They kept a permanent presence up there 24

-7, worked in shifts.

I went back to Area 51 and sabotaged the adaptor.

Project was shelved and no one was the wiser.

Can you get the wrist device to work again?


Launch window in three minutes.

Ready for upgrade.

Get down to the engine room.

Check the power relays.


Colonel Carter, welcome aboard.

Where are we?

We're in a polar orbit around the moon.

- Cloaked, of course.

- This is the ship Osiris left behind.

We have to thank you.

If you hadn't caught her, we'd never have had this opportunity.

- You know they're gonna come after you.

- Prometheus is undergoing a refit.

They have sub

-light engines.

Once they realise you're in a ship, they'll launch.

Even with a cloak, you give off an energy signature.

We're operating at minimal power.

Maybe after a year of intensive scans, they might be able to find us.

- But this won't take that long.

- You're gonna attack the Goa'uld.

We already have.

We're starting with Baal's territory, since he's the most immediate threat right now.

- You realise you're k*lling innocent Jaffa?

- Spare me, Colonel.

The Jaffa are a race of warriors, bred specifically to serve the Goa'uld and enslave humans throughout the galaxy.

They're brought up to believe the Goa'uld are their gods.

They don't have a choice.

So they're just following orders, right?

Where have I heard that argument before?

What about the rebel Jaffa?

They're growing in numbers every day.

We consider them acceptable losses.

It's very simple, Colonel.

Earth faces an imminent threat, and we have a w*apon that can eliminate that threat.

We intend to use it.

We're ready.

What's the next target?



Dial it.

Yes, sir.

(gate activates) You force me to choose between abandoning my mission and allowing you to die.

I would worry more about my own life if I were you, Tok'ra.


I feel as you do, brother but this is not the way.

- Why are you here?

- We know about the att*cks.

- What att*cks?

- The Tok'ra are using symbiote poison.

The Jaffa of three worlds have been annihilated thus far.

- Impossible.

- We have seen it with our own eyes.

An entire Jaffa army lying dead with no wounds, no signs of battle.

- How do you explain this?

- I cannot.

But I can assure you that the Tok'ra are not responsible.

If these att*cks had been planned, I would have been informed.

Initiating launch sequence.

- You can't do this.

It's m*rder.

- That's where you're wrong.

It's w*r.

Launching in three, two, one (roaring noise) What was that?

(soldiers approach) My lord, we are under attack.

- How?

- A w*apon was fired through the gate.

It exploded over the city Lord Zarin.

Lord Zarin.

Brothers, you must leave immediately.

Kree ta'lak!

- You are not going anywhere, shol'va.

- You do not understand.


There may still be time.

I die free.


Sensor grid R

-14 shows no anomalies, sir.

- Very well.

Proceed to the next grid.

- Yes, sir.

She's out there somewhere.

Make it work.

Our next target is P5R


- Let's do it.

- I wouldn't bother.

Baal abandoned that planet six months ago when the naqahdah mines went dry.

She's lying.

Go ahead.

Waste another rocket.

That's one less planet you'll be able to destroy.

She does have more up


-date intelligence.

She's bluffing.

You could make this a lot less painful if you help us select optimum targets.


You know as much about the current positions of the System Lords as anyone.

- I don't know as much as you think.

- You know enough to get maximum effect with minimum collateral damage.

You're the one who wants to save innocent lives.

Nice try.

So, are we going for P5R

-357 or not?

Go to the next one on the list.

All right.

Tell me again why I should agree to this.

It's the only way onto the ship and I have the best chance of deciphering the code.

And if there are ten armed g*ons when you get there, you're the one that's gonna get Better ideas?

Look, Daniel, just because I don't have a better idea is no reason to do anything.

Look, once I shut down the cloak, Prometheus can pinpoint the location.

Then all I do is disable the hyperdrive and wait.

They'll never see it coming.

Which is one of the advantages of a totally insane idea.

Yeah, where did I learn that from?


See you soon.

Come on.


Sir, we have something.

Definitely a ship.

Bearings, 157 by 229.


- Battle stations.

Plot an intercept course.

- Yes, sir.

- General O'Neill, this is Prometheus.

- Go ahead.

Looks like Dr Jackson pulled it off.

We have them on screen and are moving in.


We've got a problem.

I just monitored The cloak.

Stay with her.

Get up to the bridge.

Get that cloak back online.

- We're in weapons range, sir.

- Have they noticed us yet?

I don't think so.

They're at minimal power.

No evasive manoeuvres.

- What about the hyperdrive?

- Still no signal from Dr Jackson.

General, we have a problem.

Ship's cloak is down, but Dr Jackson has yet to confirm if he's disabled the hyperdrive or not.

Give him a little more time.

Right now they're sitting ducks.

If they spot us and run, we won't catch them.

We can't let them get away.

I recommend we open fire immediately.

General, please advise.

- Where the hell did he come from?

- He had the wrist device.

- Any chance there's more of them?

- It only lets one person up at a time.

- (radio) Hoskins, this is Brooks.

- Go ahead.

The cloak's been disabled.

I don't know if I can get it back online.

This position is compromised.

We need to get out of here now.

- What about them?

- We can't take them with us.

- I don't mind going for a little ride.

- Me neither.

Sorry about this, Dr Jackson.

(gate activates) Incoming.

(radio) This is Teal'c of SG


Please respond.

This is Teal'c of SG



This is Teal'c.

Does anyone read?


This is Teal'c.

Teal'c, this is Daniel.

We need your help.

Come on through.

Somebody want to untie me?

(Brooks) Cargo hold, what's happening down there?

Cargo hold, respond.

Jennings, Hoskins, where the hell are you?

(whirring) What's happening?

She's bringing the hyperdrive online.

Get to the gate.

- They're trying to run, sir.

- Damn it.

General, they are powering up their hyperdrive.

We are out of options.

- Can you disable it without destroying it?

- I cannot give you any guarantees.

Sir, we're picking up a signal from the ship.

- What is it?

- Locator beacon, sir.

Same frequency.

Lock on the signal.

Activate transport beam.

Beam activated.

- The ship's gone, sir.

- Cargo bay, report.

This is cargo bay.

We have the gate, Teal'c, Colonel Carter and Dr Jackson.



General O'Neill, it looks like you were right.

We have the gate and SG

-1 aboard.

They are alive.

That's good news.

- Bring 'em home.

- Yes, sir.

Good news is the gate is fully operational again.

We can resume offworld missions.

And the bad news is the Trust now has a fully functional Goa'uld Alkesh.

We've installed devices to prevent locator beams from operating in the future.

- What of the Tok'ra poison?

- They left most of it behind, but they still have enough to wipe out at least half a dozen Goa'uld worlds.

In retrospect, maybe you should've destroyed the ship.


Tough choice.