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08x07 - Covenant

Posted: 01/10/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
(brakes screech) (rap music on car radio)

- What the hell are you doing?

- I was trying to park.

- Did you ever hear of signalling?

- I did signal.

If you don't know how to drive, maybe you should stay off the road! Well, maybe if you hadn't been tailgating me, this wouldn't have happened.

Oh, no.

You didn't just say that.

Look, man, I don't want any trouble.

Too late.

- This is unlawful behaviour.

- Who the hell are you?

Procedure is to exchange insurance information and, if necessary, notify the police.


This gentleman did indeed signal, which indicates that it was you who was at fault.

Pal, you'd better learn to mind your own damn business.

(roars) Whoa.

I believe it will now be necessary to notify the police.



(knocks) Sir, uh Colonel Kendrick from the Office of Special Investigations is here to see you.

- Does he have an appointment?

- You wouldn't return my phone calls, sir.

I was busy.

Didn't think it was important.

Take your pick.

You know as well as I do there's been another incident.

Your request for Teal'c to live off base was approved under certain provisions.

- These provisions have been violated.

- Oh, come on, Colonel.

If you had saved Earth from annihilation a couple of times and your government told you you couldn't go out to play, wouldn't you consider it more a guideline than a rule?

We all appreciate what Teal'c has done for us on many occasions.

But he's a liability.

Every day he roams around in public jeopardises national security.

Don't be so dramatic, d*ck.

It'll give you gas.

Either you take action to ensure these provisions are met, or the OSI will.


Watch it.

I'll look into it.

Yes, sir.

(knock at door)

- Hey!

- Daniel Jackson.

Just came by to see how you're settling in.

Please enter.


I like what you're doing with the place.

Jaffa chic with an East African flair.

There are many programmes on television which offer advice on home decoration.

I'm a little more into the History Channel, myself.

- Can I offer you anything?

- No, I'm fine.

How's the fern doing?

I don't suppose you've tried talking to it.

I have not.

Perhaps you should tell me why you are here.

A guy can't just come by and visit his friend?


Heard what happened the other day.

Three KO's first round.

- O'Neill sent you to speak with me.

- No.

N yeah.

I broke no law.

I intervened to prevent a criminal activity

- and was forced to defend myself.

- You see, that's kinda the point.

Look, there's no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to live off base.

But you're supposed to keep a low profile.

- That is not always easy.

- I'm not talking about the tattoo.

Although I see how that could be a problem.

I often cover it to avoid stares in public.

I tell those who see it it is a tribal mark from my homeland.

This is less about appearance than behaviour.

Have I not conducted myself as a typical member of this community?


No, actually.

No, you haven't.

Um There was the incident with the old man and the teenagers in the park, the guy with the pit bull In each case, I was only attempting to render assistance where it was needed.

See, that's kinda the problem.

Normal humans are more careful about getting involved in others' business.

I know that sounds bad, but it's just the way it is.

And you can't afford to be drawing attention to yourself.

- I understand.

- (knock at door) Excuse me.

- Hi.

- Krista.

Made you cookies.

Please come in.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realise you had company.

- Krista James, this is Daniel Jackson.

- Hi.

- Krista lives in the apartment next door.

- Wait a minute.

Dr Jackson?

You're the archaeologist who hired Teal'c to come over from Mozambique.

- That's right.

- Well, then I should thank you.

It's nice to have a man around who cares about his neighbours.

Actually, we were just talking about that.

In fact, that's why I'm here.

The cookies were a bribe.

My pipes are doing that thing again.

Normally, I would be happy to provide assistance.

However No, no, no.

Don't let me interrupt.

I've gotta be going anyway.

- It was very nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

Uh, Teal'c.

That other thing we were talking about.

Um Every rule has its exceptions.


- So, how are things in the galaxy?

- You know I can't talk about work.


I'm still getting used to the fact that my girlfriend's a superhero.

- A bit of an exaggeration.

- The superhero part or the girlfriend part?

You travel to other planets to do battle with aliens bent on galactic domination.

Even if you don't wear a tight spandex outfit.

Although that's an idea you might wanna consider.


I know this is hard for you.

Any other guy would have just freaked out and run away.

You didn't run away when I stalked you.

I just want you to appreciate the position I'm in here.

I do, believe me.

And I'm really glad you stuck around.

I'm glad to hear you say that.

Cos I put in for a transfer to Colorado Springs PD.

Are you sure?

I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.

That's why I got you this.

Oh, my God.

Sorry to keep asking you to help with my plumbing, but the super's never around and my boyfriend's not very handy.

There is no need to apologise.

Anyhow, you'll forgive me once you've tasted my lasagne.

I'm looking forward to it.

- Yo, T.

- Greetings, Eric.

I saw you take out those three gorillas the other day.

Nice work.

In retrospect, it may have been unwise to intervene.

Are you kidding?

They deserved it.

Hey! Hey, stop that guy! He's got my purse.


- Do something.

- I must not intervene.


You're just gonna let him get away?

Oh, man!

- What a shot!

- How did you do that?

You the man, T! Thank you.

That was amazing.

That was amazing.

(Eric) T, buddy, you are the man.

Gotta give the man his props.

(knocking) (man) Krista.


Come on, Krista.




Just let me in.

Just let me in.

- (Krista) Doug, I have to work tomorrow.

- So?

- So, you're drunk.

Just go home, please.

- I ain't going nowhere.

- Doug

- Is there a problem?

Uh, this this is a private conversation.

If it were private, you would not conduct it in the hallway, nor speak so loudly.

It's all right, Mrs Connors.

Just go back inside.

Do you require assistance?


I'm OK.

Who the hell is this guy?

His name is Teal'c.

He's my neighbour.


What kind of a crazy name is that?

- He just moved here from Mozambique.

- No doubt.

Krista has requested that you leave.

I suggest you comply.

You'd better check yourself before you get hurt.

I have checked.

I suggest you leave, before it is you that gets hurt.


Go sober up.

You know what?

I'm gonna call you tomorrow.

I'm sorry about that.

I hate when he gets that way.

This is not the first time?

So you have stopped receiving him.

Not exactly.

He's not always like that.

Since he lost his job, he's just been you know.

I do not.

- It's been hard on him.

- And has it not been hard on you?

I'm fine.

- I do not understand Krista's behaviour.

- Yeah.

That's a common problem.

There's a significant gap between the experiences of men and women.

Among the Masai, a newlywed man has to wear his wife's clothing for a month

- as a way of gaining insight into her life.

- If only it were that simple.

While rituals and customs may vary, almost all cultures put pressure on adults to form bonding pairs.

In ancient Persia, if a girl died a virgin they would marry her corpse off before burial.

- That's horrible.

- The groom was usually quite well paid.

It's bad enough being on your own without every TV show and magazine ad

- telling you how abnormal it is.

- I think that's what I said.

They make you afraid to be alone, but tell you only to settle for the romantic ideal, like that actually exists anywhere in the real world.

Either way, you can't win.

How's things?


- We were talking about Teal'c's friend.

- I thought we were.

- How do Jaffa couples handle problems?

- A dispute between a man and a woman that cannot be resolved necessitates a pledge break.

It must be requested by one and granted by the other.

And if that doesn't work?

A w*apon is required.


I don't wanna interrupt you.

I just came out for a little air.

Are you all right?

I had a fight with Doug.

I told him it's over.

I don't wanna see him any more.

- Are you not happy with your decision?

- I guess it was the right thing to do.

But he's not a bad person.

He's just having a tough time.

You have no cause to feel guilty.

- What was that you were just doing?

- It is called Lok'nel.

An ancient form of martial

-arts training.

You think you could teach me?

- Oh, hi.

- You are late for your training session.


I meant to tell you.

I don't think I'm gonna be able to train with you any more.

You have been making tremendous progress.

Well, I just don't have time.

You know?

- Has something transpired?

- No.

Everything's fine.


I've gotta go.

You are injured.

- It's nothing.


- (Doug) Krista, who is it?

It's just my neighbour.

Oh, yeah?

- The plumber.


I'll handle this.

- Doug, it's I said I'll handle it.

Don't think I don't know what's been going on here.

- She told me everything.

- Did you injure her?

What goes on between me and Krista ain't none of your business.

If you ever injure her again, I will k*ll you where you stand.



I never thought I'd hear myself utter these words.

I need that report.


Um I

-I just need to finish typing up my notes.

Uh I'll have it for you first thing tomorrow.

It is tomorrow.


I'm joking.

I don't need the report.

- Then why

- Because something's going on with you.

You haven't tried to confuse me with any scientific babble recently, and that's a red flag to me.

Pete gave me this.

People normally wear these on their fingers.

I haven't said yes.

And yet you haven't said no.

I told him I needed to think about it.


- That was two weeks ago.

- Ah.

All these years I've concentrated on work, I assumed one day I'd Have a life?



And now it comes down to it, I don't know.

I mean, every time we go through the gate, we risk not coming back.

- Is it fair to put somebody through that?

- Pete is a cop.

I think he could handle it.

- What about kids?

- What about 'em?

Do I take maternity leave and then come back?

Do I drop the baby off at daycare on my way to some unexplored planet?

Carter, there are people on this base who have families.

What about you?

If things had been different I wouldn't be here.


- Hey.

I was waiting for you.

- Has something happened?


I'm fine.

It's just It's over with Doug.

For real this time.

I'm sorry about what happened before.

I need to get out of here.

I can't even think in this place.

Will you come with me?

- Perhaps tomorrow.

- No.



We'll just get in the car and drive.

We'll take the whole weekend.

It doesn't even matter where we end up as long as it's away from here.



What's going on?

General O'Neill just got off the phone with Colonel Kendrick.

Krista's boyfriend was found dead in her apartment.

- What?

What happened?

- We don't have all the details yet.

Kendrick said preliminary evidence indicates that Teal'c may be responsible.

- That's impossible.

- I said that.

Unfortunately, we can't ask him about it because he's missing.

So is Krista.

As of right now, Teal'c is wanted for kidnapping and m*rder.

Thanks for getting me outta there.

I couldn't be in that place tonight.

- Where do you wish to go?

- Just keep driving.


What is it?

I do not wish to alarm you, but I believe that we are being followed.

- Who would be following us?

- Perhaps Doug.


He doesn't know I'm gone yet.

- Then they are most likely following me.

- You?

Why would anyone be following you?

It is difficult to explain.

- Can you lose them?

- I believe so.

However, it will require me to violate speed limits and safe

-driving regulations.

I'm OK with that.

Hold on.

Don't tell me you learned how to do that back in your village.

There are aspects of my life which I am not at liberty to divulge.

What are you?

A spy or something?

One thing's for sure.

You're not Dr Jackson's research assistant.

That much I figured after about 30 seconds.

- Krista

- It's OK.

For now, I'm just glad you're here.


- Thanks for meeting me.

- No problem.

Pete, I'm sorry.

I need a little more time.

Look, you know how I feel about you.

It's just There are some things I need to work out.


- Anyway, that's not what this is about.

- It's not?


I wouldn't ask if it wasn't so important.

What's going on?

I need your help.



(knock at door) Freeze! Turn around, interlace your fingers behind your head.

- Well, where is he being held?

- He's in his old quarters.

- Is he at least under guard?

- He's not going anywhere.

He's a m*rder suspect.

- I talked to him.

He said he didn't do it.

- That's good enough for you, is it?

- Pretty much.

- You're not in charge of this investigation.

He also said he felt like he was being followed last night.

The OSI did not have Teal'c under surveillance.


How did you find him?

We received a tip.

That didn't strike you as odd?

I told you something like this might happen.

You ignored my warnings.

Not so much ignored as completely disregarded.

With all due respect, I insist that Teal'c be placed in confinement immediately, or I will recommend that he be held elsewhere.

What the hell?

(phone rings) Daniel Jackson.

(man's voice, distorted) Did you get my message?

- Who is this?

- The symbols.

Do you recognise them?

Uh I don't know who you think this is.

We need them translated into Goa'uld.

I have no idea what you mean.

We know it's the language of the Ancients, but the dialect is obscure.

You're the one man on Earth who can translate them.

- Teal'c is in trouble.

- How do you know about that?

We can help him.

We've been watching him.

- In fact, we saw the whole thing.

- You witnessed the m*rder?

We've got it all on tape.

Concrete evidence that proves Teal'c's innocence.

And it's yours in exchange for the translation.

Of course, if you tell anyone, we'll know, and the deal's off.

(hangs up) The investigator who checked the position of the body concluded that the victim was pinned and choked against this wall, and then fell to the floor.

- So

- So, I'm not so sure.

The proximity of the body to the wall supports that.

- But the position suggests otherwise.

- What do you mean?

If he fell into a slump, his legs and arms would be bent.

His legs are straight and his arms are placed by his sides, suggesting that the body was dragged here and placed in this position.

- Why move the body?

- Well, dying against the wall suggests the victim was att*cked by somebody bigger and stronger.

Like Teal'c.

So it was a setup.

It's possible.

- You said Teal'c thought he was followed.

- That's right.

The Air Force denies he was under surveillance?


If I was staking out Teal'c's place, that's where I would be.

(key turns in lock) Hello?

From this vantage point, you can see into both apartments.

Three indentations.

A tripod.

I think they cleaned the place up pretty good.

- I doubt we'll find anything.

- So it's a dead end?

Not necessarily.

Is there a pizza place nearby?

- Why?

- One thing about a stakeout.

You never eat healthy.

Dr Jackson.

Keep walking.

You came alone.

I'm impressed.

- I like a man who can follow instructions.

- Are you the one who called me?

It doesn't matter.

Have you completed the translation?

- That's why I'm here.

I need more time.

- You're playing with your friend's life.

I can't translate without knowing the context.

- Where they were found.

What they're for.

- Do you think I'm stupid?

I'm not lying.

I can see we're going to have to do this the hard way.

- What does that mean?

- Either you give us the translation now, or I'll be forced to take this to the next level.

So, beyond kidnapping and m*rder.

We didn't k*ll the boyfriend.

But we'll k*ll the girl if we have to.

How do I know you even have her?

- Come with me and I'll show you.

- Yeah.

You know what?

I got a thing, so I have three sn*pers targeting your position at this very moment, Doctor.

You're bluffing.

Position one, take the coffee cup.

So, are we gonna take your car, or mine, or should I just follow you?

We checked a couple of pizza joints near your apartment

- for sudden repeat customers.

- An interesting investigative method.


I thought it was crazy at first, too.

But we got a lead at one place.

A Caucasian male who'd been in half a dozen times during the last two weeks.

- Is that unusual?

- We thought it was worth checking out.

We got a licence plate from the security camera and we're running it down.


Kendrick is finally convinced something else is going on.

- What changed his mind?

- Daniel's missing.

So, you guys are ex


You're calling yourselves "the Trust" now, right?

We want the same thing you want, Dr Jackson: To protect the planet.

That's why you watched Teal'c.

You think he's a threat to planetary security.

Stargate Command may think it's OK to let an alien roam the streets unsupervised.

- We beg to differ.

- Never mind that he's saved the Earth.

He is an alien.

Their motives can never be trusted.

Anyway, he is partly responsible for the boyfriend's death.

If he hadn't shown the girl how to crush a windpipe, it wouldn't have happened.

- So she k*lled him.

- It was self


He was getting out of hand.

And you planted evidence to make it look like Teal'c did it.

We saw an opportunity and we took it.

- What the hell's going on here?

- The situation is under control.

You were supposed to get the information and leave.

- He wasn't going to cooperate.

- He's a member of SG


Have you any idea of the resources they'll mobilise to get him back?

Once we get the translation, it'll be too late.

Bring the girl.

(phone rings) Carter.

Sam, I traced the car from the pizza place.

It's a rental.

- The name on the agreement's fake.

- That's our man.

They knew what they were doing.

I've got a bank account and credit cards all from a guy who died six months ago.

Let's focus on the car.

Find out if the rental company has satellite tracking.

I'm on it.

I'll call you as soon as I have something.

Uplink is established.

We're ready to transmit.

We need those symbols.


What's happening?

Who are these people?

- It's gonna be OK.

- (man) The symbols.

Now, or we k*ll the girl.

She's got nothing to do with this.

Look, Dr Jackson.

If it had been up to me, things never would have gone this far.

It was supposed to be a simple surveillance operation.

Then this domestic dispute happened.

Teal'c got involved.

We knew you wouldn't help us voluntarily.

- So you decided to try blackmail instead.

- Let's just say one thing led to another.

But in any case, it's too late for all that now.

So either you give us what we want or I will k*ll her.

Oh, and by the way, we'll know immediately if the symbols are incorrect.

(woman) Scanning.

Transmitting symbols.

Translation confirmed.


Get up.

Over there.

Face the wall.

- I gave you what you wanted.

- Move.

I said face the wall.

(Daniel) Look, you don't have to do this.


It's gonna be OK.

(fast beeping) Team two ready.


He's unconscious.

There's no one here.

We got all the exits covered.

- There's no way they could have got out.

- How is that possible?

Thank you.

So, it's normal for the bad guys just to disappear into thin air, right?

Not really.

Now I think about it, it's not the first time it's happened.

- Just another day at the office.

- Yes.

- It figures you'd be used to it by now.

- No, I mean Yes.

"Yes" as in?


- Are you messing with me?

- No.

Which means Yes.

- You don't need more time?

- No.

Therefore Yes.

Be careful with that.

Its contents are (glass breaks) fragile.

- Sorry.

- There is no need for an apology.

I am grateful for your assistance.


So, you're really leaving.

Indeed I am.

You know, you don't have to do this.

The whole thing was my fault.

There is no need to blame yourself.

The men in the warehouse I didn't know who they were.

No one told me anything.

But I know they were using me to get to you.

If it had not been you, it would have been someone else.

They would not hesitate to exploit any relationship to their advantage.

- What did they want?

- That I cannot say.


So, where are you going to go?

Back to where I came from.

- What does that mean?

- It means I must say goodbye.

This is all that was left.

Thank you.

Check it out.

I am honoured.

Later, T.

(engine starts, R&B music plays)