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08x03 - Lockdown

Posted: 01/10/23 08:11
by bunniefuu
(men speaking Russian through radio) (continue speaking Russian through radio) What's going on?

It's our Russian team on the space station.

They're adjusting the orbit to avoid debris left over from our incident in Antarctica.

(Russian) (Russian) It worked.

(Russian) He said if the Americans keep blasting alien ships out of orbit, they've got to do a better job of tracking their own mess.


- What's going on?

- I don't know.

We lost contact.

(knock) Come in.

General O'Neill.

It is an honour to meet you, and an even greater honour to finally serve under your command.


That was a load.

Who are you?

I am Colonel Alexi Vaselov, sir.

I assumed you were expecting my arrival.



Uh Yeah.

Here's the memo.

Right there.

I want you to know, sir, that I personally requested this transfer.

After my many years of service with Russian Air Force, I feel confident that I can make a positive contribution to Stargate Command.


If I may be so bold, sir, I understand that with your appointment as base commander, a position has become available on SG


I would relish the opportunity to serve on the SGC's elite team.


You and everyone else on this base.

Colonel, not gonna happen.

I understand your reluctance, sir, but if you look at my record, I think it will satisfy any of your concerns.

I have over 3,000 flight hours on more than 35 types of aircraft and prototypes.

I have been awarded the High Order of Russia

- the Gold Star Yes, yes, yes.

That's very impressive.


But it's not gonna get you on SG



I am, of course, willing to accept a position on a different team.

Colonel, until you go through the proper training, you're not going anywhere near that gate.

Perhaps I could assume a role as an observer on one of the exploration units.

It was nice meeting you.

Very nice.

You're dismissed.

If all goes according to plan, I will acquire possession of my apartment on Tuesday.

- Hey, congratulations.

- When's the apartment

-warming party?

When someone gets a new place, it's customary for them to throw a party.

- Would I be required to prepare a meal?

- No.

We'll all bring something.

Very well.

Next Saturday.

I'm only gonna say this once, Carter.

At ease.

- How's the new job?

- Oy.

One crisis after another.

This morning the mess got a shipment of Yukon Gold potatoes instead of Russets.

- No.

- Oh, yes.

The Golds don't make for good mash.

Consistency's all wrong.

I hear the new Russian colonel came to see you.

Made a pitch to join SG


- Yeah.

- What did you say?

- Told 'em to make French fries.

- About the Russian.


I made it clear he shouldn't expect preferential treatment.

That he'd have to prove himself before I'd consider him.

He is one of the most highly decorated officers in Russian military history.

- He has over 20 years' flight experience.

- And exactly no years in offworld travel.

I'm not gonna risk the lives of anyone under my command on a slick résumé.

- Uncharacteristically cautious of you, sir.

- Yes, there's that.

The Russians must be pressuring you to put him on the team.

Yes, there's that too.

We can't blame them.

We haven't been keeping our promises.

- We gave them their own team.

- Two years ago.

- What have we done for them lately?

- Forget it.

I'm not putting him on SG


Do you have someone else in mind for the position, O'Neill?

- No.

- So we're sticking with three?

Why not?

It's one less decision I have to deal with.

There's nothing in the regulations that says an SG team has to be four people.

There you go.

Problem solved.

Thank you.

(knock on door) Colonel Vaselov.

Dr Jackson, of course.

Come in.

Your reputation precedes you.

I'm well acquainted with your work.

I wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood.

That's very kind of you.

I only wish others were as open to my presence here.


Don't take General O'Neill's decision personally.

It's difficult not to.

His attitude is offensive.

I wonder if he knows the Cold w*r is over.

It's nothing to do with your being Russian.

He's an equal

-opportunity offender.

- I am supposed to find this comforting?

- He doesn't respond to outside pressure.

Our nations are partners in the Stargate programme.

- I'm aware of the deal.

I helped broker it.

- Then you can understand our frustration.

What you have to realise is Colonel O'Neill

- General O'Neill

- just assumed command of this facility.

He's got a lot on his plate.

Making demands on him right now is just bad timing on the part of your government.


Colonel! What happened?

I don't know.

We were talking and he collapsed.

All right.

I know you're scheduled to go offworld.

We'll take care of him.

- How's he doing?

- Confused.

The last thing he remembers is being in Russia.

He doesn't know where he is or how he got here.

He's also exhibiting physical symptoms which have me concerned.

He has lesions over 40% of his body and a high white blood count, which indicates some sort of infection.

- Is he contagious?

- It's a distinct possibility.

Sir, we need to examine everyone who's been in contact with this man.

(Jack) Daniel.

Report back to the infirmary.

Open the gate! Do it.

Now! Daniel! He's lost a lot of blood, but his life is no longer in any immediate danger.

The members of SG

-11 insisted he seemed perfectly normal.

Did you notice anything peculiar about him, sir?

I thought it odd he was sh**ting up the gateroom.

He reacted after the gate was shut down.

Why was he so desperate to go through?

Does he have any of Colonel Vaselov's symptoms?

No lesions, but it may be a matter of time.

He has an elevated white blood count.

Colonel Vaselov displayed no unusual behaviour.

That doesn't mean it's not the same condition.

If an infection reaches the brain, it can manifest itself in any way from memory loss to full

-blown psychosis.

- You don't think it's a coincidence?

- Seems unlikely, sir.

I think there's a high probability that we have a contagion on the base.

Contact all teams that are offworld.

Tell them that the SGC is off limits.

Have them proceed to the Alpha site until further notice.

Effective immediately, the SGC is under lockdown.


- Hi.

How's Daniel?

- Still unconscious, but he's improving.

He's responding to treatment.

His white cell count is coming down.

- What about Colonel Vaselov?

- He's not so good.

We're treating him with antibiotics, but he is deteriorating.

Until we know more about the source of the infection, there's not much we can do.

It started with Vaselov, so it didn't come through the gate.

I'm waiting to hear from the Russians about possible sources of the infection.

- Anyone else showing symptoms?

- Not yet.

(Vaselov) How is he?

Dr Jackson?

Dr Brightman told me what happened.

His condition is improving.

- Good.

- And your condition?

Not so good.

But not so bad as the time I went drinking with General Dashkewytch in Novgorod.

That was worse headache.

Dr Jackson is good friend of yours, yes?

Indeed he is.

Despite what you are thinking, you bear no responsibility for what has transpired.

My presence here has resulted in the quarantine of this entire complex.

In your homeland, you would have faced a similar situation in a different setting.

Again, through no fault of your own.


But at the moment I can't be sure of anything.

- Has your memory not yet returned?

- In my dreams I I have begun to see flashes

- glimpses of these past few days.

Walking these halls, talking to people, and yet it's as if I am not even here.

I am just a helpless observer inside my own body.

One month ago, Anatole Konstantinov fell ill after completing a tour on the international space station.

I remember.

We monitored it.

We lost contact and we never figured out why.

I don't know if they're connected, but he died less than a week later in Moscow.

Officially, the cause of death was renal failure, but, unofficially, the Russian authorities haven't a clue what k*lled him.

- Our mystery disease?

- Among the symptoms he exhibited were memory loss, skin lesions and a high white blood count.

Is there any connection to Vaselov?

Vaselov visited Konstantinov in hospital before he died.

They were friends.

They served together in the air force.

- Why didn't they tell us?

- The Russians determined that Konstantinov wasn't contagious.

He came into contact with many people between returning to Earth and checking into hospital, but no one else ever showed any signs of being infected.

Makes it an oddly selective disease.

Perhaps we are not dealing with a disease.

Colonel Vaselov possessed only vague, random memories of his time at SGC.

He described himself as a mere observer to the actions of his body.

- Like being host to a symbiote.

- Tests ruled out possibility of a Goa'uld.

Could it be some other form of alien possession?

Yeah, it's possible.

An entity capable of moving from individual to individual.

- It might explain the inconsistencies.

- If that's true, it could be in anyone now.

(phone rings) Hello.

I'll be right there.

Daniel's awake.

What's going on?

- You're recovering from a b*llet wound.

- What?

- You have no recollection of the incident?

- No.

Who shot me?

Don't change the subject.

What do you remember?

I went to see Colonel Vaselov.

In the middle of our conversation he collapsed, I went to help him and that's it.

- Remember taking him to the infirmary?

- No.

Who shot me?

- You were sh**ting up the gateroom.

- (Carter) You wounded two guards.

We may be dealing with a foothold situation.

An alien entity capable of taking over human hosts, not unlike the Goa'uld.

It seems to be able to travel from person to person.

Although, at present we have no knowledge of how this is possible.



- Daniel Jackson.

- I was Anubis.

Or rather, Anubis was controlling me.

- Anubis is dead.

- No, he's not.

And he's here in the base.

You'd think getting blasted out of orbit would have slowed the guy down.

According to Daniel, Anubis surrendered his mortal form when he was ascended, only to be cast down by the Ancients.

As a result, he exists purely as an immaterial being.

In the past, the physical form we were seeing was a force shield designed to contain his essence.

When it was destroyed, that essence was released.

Anubis was trapped in Earth's orbit, inhabiting debris from his ship,

- many light years away from his base.

- So he hitched a ride on a cosmonaut?

Yes, sir.

And then abandoned him for Colonel Vaselov.

Attempting to escape through our gate.

Why doesn't he just use his freaky super

-cosmic powers and just go?

Doing so would alert the Ancients and bring down their wrath upon him.

To interact with the physical world, he has to get a new shield.

He can't do that here on Earth.

He'll need a body to dial the gate and get through.

Eventually, Anubis will attempt escape again.

Well, he's on the base, obviously not going anywhere.

Tell me there's something we can do.

Well, as a matter of fact, sir, I think there is.

- Hey.

- What's going on?

General O'Neill has ordered compulsory physicals for all the SGC personnel.

We're assuming that retaining Anubis' essence exacts a toll on the carrier.

You were exposed for two hours, but you reacted as if fighting an infection.

So whoever has his essence should start showing symptoms?


That's the theory.

What about Vaselov?

Well His is a more extreme case.

He was exposed for over a week, that's why his symptoms are more advanced.

You mean, with the lesions and the It's actually more than that.

His entire immune system was affected.

But Anubis is out of him.

He should start getting better, right?


Dr Brightman says he's not responding.

The exposure may have gone on too long.

- The damage is done.

- There has to be something we can do.

We can help him manage the pain.

That's about it.

I said the situation was contained, I did not say it was resolved.

No, I can't do that.

Command will stay under lockdown until I decide otherwise.

Yes, sir.

It is my call.

Yes, sir.

The Pentagon.

Getting a little antsy.

They're not the only ones.

You got a bunch of anxious people out there.

Yeah, I'll bet.

What can I do for you, Doctor?

It's Vaselov.

His condition hasn't improved and he's not responding to treatment.

Unless circumstances change, I'd give him a week, two weeks tops.

- I'll inform the Russians.

- Thank you, sir.

Dr Jackson?


I didn't mean to disturb you.

No, no.

I am glad to see you are up and about.

Have you been discharged?


Dr Brightman caught me stealing Jell

-O from the other patients' trays.

Doctor, I wonder if you could do me a favour.

I have a sister in Bryansk.

When the lockdown has ended, could you see that she gets this?

Alexi The nurses have been careful not to say anything.

That is always a bad sign.


You know, in Russia we have a saying.

(speaks Russian) "The cord may curl long, but an end will appear.

" That holds true for everything in this world.

Myself included.

I accept this.

(Russian) "In the kingdom of hope, there is no winter.


- I prefer that one.

- Da.

It's a nice saying.

I'll come see you.

- His pulse is weak.

- He's lost a lot of blood.

Dr Jackson?

Dr Jackson?

Lieutenant Evans.

He's in Lieutenant Evans.

I was examined by Dr Brightman a couple of hours ago.

She said I was fine.

It's possible you haven't started manifesting signs yet.

I would know.

If something like that happened to me, I would know.

L"m not lying.

Lieutenant, tell me what you did Tuesday afternoon.

- I don't understand.

- Just tell me.

- Lieutenant?

- I don't know.

You don't know?

I can't remember.


Airman Malcolm McCaffrey has missed his appointment at the infirmary.

He remains unaccounted for.


(man) Head down there.

What have you got?


- (man) General O'Neill.

- Yeah, O'Neill here.


This is Major Kearney.

I've got a wounded man here, jumped by Airman McCaffrey.

We think he's headed for the control room.

Advise caution, the target is armed.

On our way.

(alarm) (McCaffrey) Dial the gate.

Mind if I come in?

You're not supposed to be walking around.

It's my arm.

- You were shot.

- I know.

You shot me.

Not the point.

I heard what happened.

Anubis is still here.

Daniel, he can pass through walls.

He's welcome to leave the base at any time.

He has to go through the Stargate, or else he's trapped on Earth.


Well, there's not much we can do.

- Can't k*ll him.

- No.

- Can't catch him.

- No.

- So

- We let the Ancients deal with him.


Because they've always been so helpful.

If he uses his powers as ascended being, he's breaking the rules.

They will take action.


We have to take away his other options.



I assume you have a plan.

Anubis has tried twice to get through the gate.

In both instances we stopped him, but there's no guarantee we will next time.

We have to make it as difficult as possible to access the gate.

To that end, we're proposing a division of the facility into three separate sections, designated zones 1, 2 and 3.

The gate has been shut off, and will not be accessible from the control room.

It can now only be re

-established from a relay centre, located here in zone 1.

The control room, gateroom and surrounding areas are zone 2.

Corridors linking the two zones will be sealed.

Corridors linking to the gateroom will be sealed.

The only means of unsealing the corridors will be from a security control centre, located here in the section designated zone 3.

Personnel will be restricted to one zone.

Food supplies will be divided amongst the sections.

Dr Brightman's team will be split and will monitor personnel through daily exams.

No one, not even General O'Neill, will be permitted access to a neighbouring zone until lockdown ends.

Any questions so far?

Given everything we know about Anubis, do you really think this is going to stop him?

The point is to make it impossible for him to get through the gate.

When he realises he can't get out that way, he'll have no choice but to risk revealing himself to the Ancients.

Zone 1 secure.

Zone 3 secure.

Zone 2 secure.

Good luck.

(phone rings) O'Neill.

Yes, Mr President.

Yes, sir.

Six days without incident.

Yes, all SG personnel present and accounted for.

No, no one has shown any physical symptoms, sir, but that doesn't mean Anubis has gone.

(whispers) It's the president.

Of course I understand the importance of the programme, but I would be I understand, sir.


I've got 24 hours to re

-establish "normal" gate operations.

It was unreasonable to assume lockdown could be maintained indefinitely.


I suppose.

(O'Neill) Attention, all personnel.

This is General O'Neill.

I know the current situation has been tough on all of you.

You"ve been cut off from your families, your homes.

You're wondering how much longer this can go on.

But the fact is, there's a threat on this base that cannot be allowed to escape.

Knowing that, the president's authorised me to maintain this lockdown indefinitely.

We've only got food enough for another month.

So we'll find a secure way to bring supplies down from the surface.

In the meantime, I suggest you all get comfortable.

We're not going anywhere.

I need to run a diagnostic.

Hey, Sam.


- Teal'c, this is Daniel.

- Proceed, Daniel Jackson.

Anubis has got Sam.

She's headed your way.


(alarm) Argh!

- Jack.

- Go ahead.

Anubis got into the security system.

He set up a sequence of timed commands.

- We're trying to override, with no luck.

- Keep me posted.

Keep an eye on them.

Kearney, you're with me.




Ready your key.

Base security is being compromised.

Ready your key.

That's an order.

Yes, sir.

Counting down.

From three, two, one.


(PA) Five minutes till self


Five minutes till self


You did good, son.

Four minutes till self


Four minutes till self destruct.

(guard) Sir.

- Come no further.

- Give me access to the base computer.

Someone activated the self


I'll shut it down.

- You are infected.

- I was infected.

Anubis left me.

- Of this I cannot be certain.

- Teal'c, I'm not Anubis.

It's me, Carter.

Three minutes till self


Teal'c, please.

Very well.

(PA) Self

-destruct aborted.


-destruct aborted.

Well done.

Someone's activated the gate.

Teal'c, this is Daniel.

I think Anubis is headed for the gateroom.


I'll see if I can override the dialling sequence.



- Stand aside.

- Nyet.

You need a body to go through the gate.

Take mine.

Take mine or I'll k*ll us both.

- Oh!

- General.

I'm OK ish.


- He got through, didn't he?

- Sort of.

I was able to override the dialling sequence and input an alternate address.

I sent him to KS7

-535 instead.
