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08x01 & 08x02 - New Order

Posted: 01/10/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stargate SG


- Who are you people?

- We are replicators.

- The others would destroy me.

- Not if you came with us.

You would do that?

They won't leave me.

She promised! No, my son.

They've made a fool of you.

I have been relieved of command.

- Who's replacing you, sir?

- Her name is Dr Elizabeth Weir.

- A civilian?

- She's an expert in international politics.

Terre Atlantus.

Are you saying the Lost City of the Ancients is here?

The city we've been looking for is under the ice of Antarctica.

(growls) Goodbye.

- Dr Weir.

- Elizabeth.

I can't believe we're finally going.

I know I should've been ready a long time ago The talks have stalled again.

- You're kidding me.

- It's a complicated situation.

The Antarctic Treaty was established to promote research.

With the interest of progress for all mankind, not just the United States.

So argue the other 11 nations all claiming shared jurisdiction.

Article One states there can be no establishment of any military base and no testing of any weapons.

You saw first

-hand how powerful the Ancient outpost is.

Meanwhile, Jack stays in a stasis pod there?

He sacrificed himself to save us.

All of us, not just this country.

I know.

But the scale of Anubis' attack makes covering it up tenuous at best.

To keep the world from finding out all about the Stargate, we need the full cooperation of every government aware of what's going on.

- It's just gonna take more time.

- While we just sit here and do nothing?

I'm sorry, Dr Jackson.



- Why can't we use the gate?

- It's not that we can't use it.

Officially, normal gate activity will remain suspended until the agreement for control of the Antarctic site is resolved.

What does one have to do with the other?

We still have full jurisdictional control over the Stargate.

The president feels that how we proceed with operations at SGC will reflect on our international goodwill.

In other words, it's our political leverage in negotiations.

I would never say that.

What about Colonel O'Neill?

Look, I know what he means to the three of you.

We all appreciate the sacrifice Colonel O'Neill made.

The Asgard can help him.

Last time, they erased the knowledge from his mind before it k*lled him.

We've tried contacting them.

What can we do?

You know we helped the Asgard trap the replicators in a time

-dilation field on Hala.

Something to that effect.

A couple of years ago, right?

We know that that trap is only gonna hold them for so long.

Thor and the Asgard must be monitoring the situation.

If we can get there, we should be able to contact them.

- Isn't the planet in another galaxy?

- Othala.

O'Neill used his knowledge to modify the Goa'uld vessel in our possession.

According to your report, that ship is capable of flying faster and farther

- than anything the Goa'uld have.

- Yes.

I think it might just get us there.

And back?

That may be a problem.

There's a chance the trip will burn out the engines.

That's a big problem.

If you get there and it turns out you can't contact the Asgard?

We're willing to take the risk.

As admirable as that is, I can't let you do it.

For what reason?

O'Neill fended off Anubis' fleet using the weapons from the Ancient outpost.

Hopefully, that will make the Goa'uld think twice before attacking Earth in the future.

But we don't know if we're gonna be able to ever use those weapons again.

If we can't, we're gonna need a new tactical advantage over the Goa'uld.

That's what the Pentagon tells me.

The modified cargo ship is too valuable now.

I'm sorry.

Request denied.

What can I do for you, Major?

I want you to reconsider my request.

I'm sorry.

That cargo ship was modified using the knowledge of the Ancients.

There is no guarantee that anyone will ever be able to figure out how it was done.

And as the most likely person on the planet to figure it out, are you saying if I don't let you attempt to contact the Asgard, you won't even try?

I would never say that.

Right now, that is the most advanced piece of technology we have.

If it weren't for O'Neill, we wouldn't have that ship.

For that matter, we wouldn't even be here discussing this.

We got the coordinates from the Prometheus.

Based on how long it took the ship to get from Taonas to Earth, I'm estimating our trip to Othala will take roughly ten days.


So, uh, how'd you talk Weir into letting us go?

I didn't.

I talked her into letting us go.

You're staying here.

Even with the modifications, there's no guarantee it'll get us there.

And if it does, it may well burn out the engines.

The ship was never meant to fly at that speed, so if we don't find the Asgard, we'll be stranded.

I know.

We need you here.

You're our best chance at deciphering the information in that outpost.

If we fail, you will be O'Neill's only hope.

Hey, Teal'c.

Can I get you anything?

I packed turkey

- I know it's your favourite.

Thank you, but I am not currently hungry.

Have you determined how O'Neill modified the engines?


I'm just taking a break.

I didn't think it would be easy, but at least it's a good way to pass the time.

I'm sorry.

Have I been ignoring you?

I am fine.

I thought working on the engines would help take my mind off O'Neill, which is kinda silly, considering he's the one who modified them.

Look, I know this plan isn't exactly foolproof.

I have never plotted an intergalactic course.

If the coordinates are off by one half of a per cent, we could wind up 10,000 light years from our destination.

But, still, trying to stay positive.

I have the utmost confidence in your ability.

I know.

- So, you wanna talk?

- Concerning what subject?

I don't know.

How's Rya'c?


- You still keeping in touch with Ishta?

- Indeed.

- Bra'tac?

- Bra'tac is well.

- Come on, Teal'c.

Throw me a bone here.

- How is Pete Shanahan?

He's fine.

- Is not all well between the two of you?

- No! Everything's great.

It's just, as you know, it's not easy saying goodbye to someone you care about when you think there's a chance you may never see them again.

I know that's a risk we take every time we step through the Stargate, but Still, try to stay positive.

I'll get you a sandwich.

- Daniel.

- Elizabeth.

Just wondering if you'd heard anything.

They're still bogged down.

- It's been over a week.

- What do you expect?

Quick round of handshakes, champagne toast, seal the deal?

We were att*cked by an armada of alien ships.

If that doesn't get us past our distrust, what will?

You forget those alien ships were destroyed by a single w*apon.

That kind of power will give anyone cause for concern.


Not that I want this to come off as an attempt to get rid of you, but isn't this sort of international negotiation exactly your area of expertise?

(alarm blares) (man) Unauthorised offworld activation.

We're receiving a signal.

It's a text message.

- It's Goa'uld.

- What does it say?

It's from one of the System Lords.

Camulus, Celtic god of w*r.

- I'm not familiar with him.

- We never had contact with him before.

- Wow.

- Uh, yeah, of course, "Wow".


It says he wants to arrange a meeting to negotiate a treaty.

A Goa'uld wants to arrange a treaty with us?

Not just one Goa'uld

- all of them.

The System Lords.

They wanna send representatives here.

Preparing to emerge from hyperspace.

When we drop out, I'll broadcast a signal.

If the Asgard are monitoring the region, they should find us.

Should we not be able to see the planet?


(roaring) We're experiencing an extremely powerful gravitational force.

Something's not right.

Teal'c, turn us around and get us outta here, now.

Hyperspace generator will not engage.

Sublight engines are at maximum, yet we are not moving.

There's only one thing I know of that could create this kind of gravitational pull.

You're sure this is an accurate translation?

Pretty much.

What do you make of it?

- To be honest, I'm not sure what to think.

- They did come here once to negotiate.

Yeah, with the Asgard.

Not with us.

Earth just served as neutral territory.

For them to want to meet with us as equals is extremely unusual.

Maybe we gained respect in their eyes.

They must have heard what happened to Anubis.

They couldn't defeat him with all their forces.

We did it in a day.

Which may explain why they wanna come here.


To see how we did it.

It's pretty much what we expected.

We burned out the hyperdrive getting here.

- That is unfortunate.

- Even if it worked, it'd be dangerous to open a window this close to the event horizon of a black hole.

- Are we that far off course?

- No.

We came out of hyperspace where we were supposed to.

It doesn't make sense.

Hala's sun wasn't massive enough to collapse into a black hole.

Yet that is what appears to be happening.

I'll see if I can get a little more out of the sublight engines.

The president has authorised me to pursue negotiations with the Goa'uld.


You don't think I can handle it?

I didn't say that, but if I may, you don't sound all that confident.

I have brokered my share of international negotiations.

This will just be my first interplanetary one.

The System Lords can't be trusted, as a group or individuals.

They're posturing egomaniacs driven by an insatiable lust for power.

Each one capable of unimaginable evil.

See, why should I be nervous?

Sounds like an average day at the United Nations.

Look, I'm not afraid to admit that I need help.

So what can you tell me?

The High Council of the System Lords is a flimsy coalition of the most powerful Goa'ulds in the galaxy, who cooperate when it suits them.

Numbers vary.

New ones rise up, old ones get knocked off.

There's a dozen now.

I can put together a summary of what we know.

All right.

I assume I can't just open the Iris and let the representatives walk through.


That would probably be a bad idea.

We should get them to meet us at a neutral location, a planet of our choosing.

Send a team, check them out, make sure they're unarmed, then escort them back.


Send the message.

We are being pulled backwards.

We'll have to divert power from the shield.

They're the only thing holding the ship together.

Drop them and the field could tear us apart.

I do not believe there is any other choice.

Diverting power.

We are now moving forward.

It's not gonna be good enough.

We're losing hull integrity.

We've got a hull breach! (Thor) Greetings.


It is good to see you again, Major Carter, Teal'c.



Your timing is impeccable.

So, the Goa'uld have agreed to our terms for their travel here.


I was just going over some material on the delegates.

Camulus sent the original message.

Then there's Amaterasu, Japanese sun goddess, and the last one is Lord Yu.

- Yu?

- Don't.

Every joke, every pun, done to death.


I just thought I remembered reading he was not himself.

Of course, for a Goa'uld, what that means exactly I'm not sure.

- Please, continue.

- He can no longer take on a new host.

The powers of the sarcophagus are losing effectiveness.

He's suffering from old age.

He's senile.

Why choose him as a representative?

- His underlings may be covering for him.

- The other System Lords don't know.

Lord Yu was the one System Lord who opposed Anubis' desire to be reinstated to the Council after his banishment.

Long story.

He fell out of favour when the other Lords accepted Anubis back and he used his power to become the leader.

Now that Anubis has gone, you think the balance of power has shifted back to Yu.

On the bright side, Yu has been the most cooperative in the past.

- I thought none could be trusted.

- They can't.

Especially not a crazy one.


That's the bright side?

More of a slightly less dark side.

I am afraid I cannot leave this sector, Major.

Not at the moment.

Thor, you're the only one who can save Colonel O'Neill.

As you said, he is being preserved in stasis at the moment.

I will be glad to return with you to Earth when my mission here is completed.

What is your mission?

I must wait here until I am certain the replicators have been destroyed.

You may have noticed Hala's sun has collapsed into a black hole.

Just before our ship's back was torn off.

I'm sorry I did not reach you sooner.

I was not expecting you.

You didn't respond to our attempts to contact you.

I am sorry.


-space distortions caused by the black hole have been interfering with my ship's long

-range communications.

- Understandable.

- Indeed, for some.

The time

-dilation field was only a temporary measure.

We knew the time it took for the replicators to reach the machine would translate to less than two years outside the field.

Therefore, a more permanent solution was devised.

So you collapsed the sun?

By artificially increasing its gravitational field, yes.

That's pretty cool.

As you can see, the planet has already broken apart.

But a number of replicators have managed to come together in a coherent mass that has yet to pass the event horizon.

Even if they withstand the force without being torn apart, there's no way

- Interesting.

- What is it?

The mass of replicator blocks are moving away from the event horizon.

- How is that possible?

- They have the time

-dilation device.

I do not know how, but they seem to have used it to counteract the gravitational effects that should be pulling them in.


Not only that they can do that, but that you don't know how.

I agree.

They are picking up speed.

Scans indicate the blocks have formed together.

- Into what?

- A ship.

They are escaping.

Their course indicates they are headed this way.

Thought you were gonna stand me up.

Yeah, sorry.

Heard anything from Teal'c and Sam?


Receiving a signal, ma'am.


-7 reports we have a green light.

Open the Iris.

Welcome to Earth.

Allow me to introduce We are not interested in your name.

- Really.

I find it generally helps so much.

- We prefer to present our offer, so we can spend as brief a time as possible on this planet.

Right this way.

- Have you seen anything like it?

- No.

And it is doubtful my ship's weapons will be effective against it.

We should probably get outta here, then, huh?

Can you jump into hyperspace?

We must clear the gravitational distortion field of the black hole first.

They have fired upon us.

- Can it penetrate your shields?

- It is more than likely.

Brace for impact.


- The hull has been breached.

- Where?

The damage is minimal.

The projectile was likely composed of replicators.

They are not visible to my scanners.

This is how they have boarded Asgard ships in the past.

Can you prevent decompression in those sections?


Your unexpected defeat of Anubis has created an unstable situation among the System Lords.

In order to avoid open w*r, we came to an agreement to divide his territories and his armies evenly.

How civilised of you.


Unfortunately, one among us has broken that agreement.

Oh, no, don't

-don't tell me.

Let me guess.

It's, um

- Baal.

- Baal.

He learned the location of the planet where Anubis created his Kull Warriors.

Baal got there first and programmed the soldiers to serve him.

With those orak at his command, Baal has tipped the balance of power in his favour.

- Orak?

- Unspeakable.

In battle, the Kull are far superior to the Jaffa.

Already, many among us have begun to speak of capitulation, much as they did with Anubis.

If that happens, Baal will indeed be unstoppable.

This is all very interesting, I'm sure, but I fail to see what it has to do with us.

My master wishes to say it is well known the Tauri possess a powerful w*apon.

Something far beyond their current technology.


We used it to k*ll Anubis and destroy his fleet.

By means of this w*apon, Baal can be prevented from conquering the galaxy.

(whirring) Major Carter! Thor, it is Teal'c.

Major Carter was beamed away.

Is she in your presence?

I did not do it.

The replicators must have her.

I have eliminated all of the replicators I could locate.

There is no way of knowing if there are more.

The replicator ship has entered hyperspace.

- Can you follow?

- Yes.

If Baal defeats us, how long do you think it will be before he turns his attention to you?

If he does, he'll suffer the same fate as Anubis.


But there are other worlds in this galaxy without the luxury of such advanced defences.

What are you talking about?

We could not help but notice that the Asgard did not come to your aid when Anubis threatened your planet.

In fact, we've heard nothing from the Asgard for quite some time now.


That's odd, cos we talk to them all the time.

The Asgard didn't come because they knew it wasn't necessary.

Baal believes otherwise.

He is convinced that the Asgard can no longer exercise power in this galaxy.

He intends to take the planets protected under the Goa'uld

-Asgard treaty.

If you do not help us stop him, millions of humans will die.

And millions more will be enslaved.

- Do you know its destination?

- Before you destroyed them, the replicators managed to access the ship's computer.

They learned the location of Orilla, where we are trying to rebuild our civilisation.

- I assumed it would be their first target.

- What is your reasoning?

Orilla is rich in neutronium, which is a key element in Asgard technology, and is also essential for the creation of human

-form replicators.

- Major Carter.

- Fifth.

I imagine you never expected to see me again.

Look, I'm sorry we left you behind, but we had to do it.

We couldn't risk the others getting out.

You know what they're capable of.

- I know you must be upset.

- Upset?

We betrayed you.

It must have hurt.

See, that's the part of you that's most like us.

The human part of you.

- I understand how you feel.

- No, you don't.

You couldn't.

But I promise, you will.

How many planets are protected under this treaty?

Um, 26.

And what good is it if the Asgard aren't available to protect anything?

At one time, they were.

More recently, we've traded on the threat

- a big bluff.

- Well, Baal is about to call the bluff.

- There's nothing we can do about that.

Earth is safe if the Goa'uld think we can defend it.

- But that's a bluff too.

- Yeah.

More or less.

When I was a kid, my dad had these weekly poker games.

All I remember is smoke making my eyes water.

I wish I'd paid more attention.

You've misrepresented the truth before.


My job has usually been to get people to recognise the truth.

If they get a hint that we can't use the Ancient weapons for defence, trust me, this game is over.

- Too dramatic?

- At this point, not for me.

- How can we stop them?

- My weapons do not work in hyperspace.

Much like the shields.

However, in close proximity, the self

-destruct may be sufficient to eliminate both ships.

I am sorry, but we have no choice.

If the human

-form replicators reach Orilla, they will have the resources to replicate many thousands of times.

We cannot allow that to happen.

So be it.

- Why are you doing this?

- You think you deserve better?

You can see my thoughts.

You know I didn't wanna do it.

I suppose in a way I should thank you.

It was because of what you did to me I came to realise my full potential.

I am more human than the others.

At first I thought it was weakness, but now I see it makes me capable of so much more.

Fifth, please.

My brothers and sisters will devour entire civilisations in order to replicate, but they will know nothing of cruelty, or betrayal, or revenge.

Not like us.

Isn't that right Major Carter?


We appreciate this information, but it doesn't change the fact that we can't get involved in any internal Goa'uld dispute.

If Baal tries to attack any of the protected planets, he'll suffer the consequences.

We do not share your faith in the Asgard.

We must stop Baal before it comes to that.

You'll forgive my bluntness, but that's not our problem.

Enough! With each passing moment, Anubis grows more powerful.

You mean Baal.

My master is fatigued.

We request a short adjournment.

Silence! I need no adjournment.

We know you have a formidable new defensive w*apon.

But with it, you must wait for your enemies to come to you.

And that can be dangerous.

What if an enemy were to devise a means of defeating this w*apon?

What exactly are you offering?

Hyperdrive engines.

We know you have battleships not capable of interstellar travel.

We are offering you a means of producing a fleet of ships as advanced as the Goa'uld Ha'tak vessels.

You could take the fight to the enemy.

We are almost within range.


We are slowing down.

Something is interfering with the controls.

The auxiliary control console outside the engine room.

Your offer is very generous, but I'm afraid we're gonna have to decline.

You would be able to uphold the treaty with or without the aid of the Asgard.

- How many hyperdrives will you give us?

- How many ships can you build?

I think the real question is, how many ships do you have?

To enforce this treaty ourselves, we need to build enough ships to match any fleet that would oppose us.

We are not at liberty to disclose that.

- Well, then this discussion is over.

- How can you blithely reject this offer?

We won't fight your battles for you in exchange for a few hyperdrive engines that may or may not do us any good in the long run.

And especially since we already have that technology at our disposal.

- You have viable hyperdrive technology?

- Yes, we do.

With the help of the Asgard, we are in the process of implementing it now.

So thank you very much.

This Ancient w*apon

- such an advanced piece of technology.

The power requirements must be enormous.

Even simple maintenance must be extremely difficult, given your limited capabilities.

- We manage.

- Of course, we believe you.

But I wonder what Baal would think if he were to receive intelligence that the w*apon was temporarily out of commission.


He would come to this world to claim it for himself.

- The Tauri would have to destroy him.

- And we would have to give them nothing.

Oh, come on.

Baal would never fall for that.

He knows how desperate you are.

He might find this information a bit convenient.

Perhaps, but you leave us few options.


We'll do it.

We will?

In exchange, we want Baal's territory.

- (laughs) What do you mean?

- Well, that's the way it works, right?

When one System Lord kills another, he takes over his armies, fleet, planets.

That's what we want.

Everything in Baal's possession.

You cannot be serious.

If we're gonna destroy Baal for you, why should we settle for anything less?

- Preposterous.

- We can't accept those terms.

Take it or leave it.

We must send a message to the other System Lords to advise them of the current situation.

Go ahead.

- The problem has been eliminated.

- (Thor) The replicators are beyond reach.

We are too late to stop them from reaching the new Asgard home world.

I guess you did learn something from your father's poker games.

Always bet big when bluffing?

I didn't know you wanted to be a System Lord.

I had to do something to keep them talking.

It looked like they'd draw Baal here no matter what we said.

We can be sure they won't agree to our terms.

I know.

We may have to revive Colonel O'Neill.


If they suspect we're bluffing, they'll take the w*apon.

If not, they'll trick Baal into coming.

Either way, we may actually have to use that w*apon again to defend this planet.

We don't know if there's enough power to fire a shot.

I know.

If you try to revive Jack without the Asgard, it'll k*ll him.

In fact, he'll probably die before he can do anything to help us.

Dr Weir.

Here's a copy of the message the Goa'uld sent back to the System Lords.

It's coded.

We need to know what they're thinking.

I managed to send advance warning to Orilla.

By providing them with the replicator ship's course and speed, they have a fair approximation of where it will drop out of hyperspace.

What ships we have available will be waiting in ambush.

The ships can destroy the replicators before they raise their shields?

They will only be defenceless for a few moments, but if my calculations are accurate, that should be sufficient.

(screams) Stop it, please! Why should I?

You can't change what happened.

Is this making you feel better?

I never intended to abandon you.

But you did.

You gained my trust, then you used me and left me behind.

- It wasn't my decision.

- You could've come back for me.

- There was no time!

- Time! Thanks to what you did, I had plenty of time to think about what a fool I was.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for what we did to you.


You are now.

Part of being human is having compassion.

Learning to forgive.


I'm not there yet.

I need more time.

- Progress?

- Yeah.

What we suspected.

They think we're bluffing, but have no way to confirm that, so they're not sure what to do.

They could let Baal figure it out for them.

That's dangerous for them.

If we can't power the weapons

- Which we can't.

Baal would get Earth and the outpost.

- (man) Unscheduled offworld activation.

- (alarm blares) This is Weir.

What's happening?


We'll be right down.

Our guests just got a response.

Commander Thor, this is Aegir of the "Valhalla".

We have assumed defensive positions and await the target ship.


The enemy ship has been destroyed.

I am sorry, Teal'c.

(Stargate alarm) I need to see the most recent message they received.

It's unfortunate you're being recalled.

I thought we were making good progress.

Your demands are ridiculous.

We have no choice but to terminate negotiations.

Well, give my regards to Baal.

Shut it down.


- What is the meaning of this?

- Second message.

The System Lords are testing our defences.

They're sending a ship to attack Earth.

It'll be here within the hour.

We are dignitaries.

How dare you prevent us from leaving! Sending ships here to attack us is an act of w*r

- and a foolish one, given our defences.

My lord did not order such action.

Then undo it.

Tell the System Lords to call the ship back.

Their decision is one of desperation, forced upon them by your unwillingness to help.

Persuading them to change could only be done in person.

- With a full Council vote.

- Even if I did believe you, our good faith is out the window at this point.

You're our prisoners.

Take them away.

- Greetings, Thor.

- Greetings.

Teal'c, this is Penegal of the Asgard High Council.

I regret to report that the debris from the replicator ship could not be contained.

We were unable to prevent replicator blocks from raining down on Orilla.

They have already begun replicating and infesting our systems.

Control of the city is in jeopardy.

Should you not consider evacuating your people?

That is no longer possible.

There are too many.

We carried numerous stored minds aboard our ships' computers when we fled our home world.

When Orilla was finally found, we were able to place those minds into cloned bodies so that we could build our new colony.

The replicators have already infected systems needed to save those minds.

If we lose this battle, they will perish along with their bodies, taking with them the hopes of the Asgard race.

Orilla is the last chance of ever rebuilding our empire.

Then we must find a way to save it.

Sir, sensors have detected an alien vessel.

It exited hyperspace 14,000km out, eight degrees starboard.

- Designation?

- None yet, sir.

Vessel is the size of a Goa'uld mothership.

Closing fast.

Visual range in six seconds.

- Hold your position.

Prepare to fire.

- Four, three On screen.

Maximum magnification.

Open a channel.

Broadcast on all frequencies and translate into Goa'uld.

This is Colonel Lionel Pendergast of the United States Air Force Prometheus.

Unidentified vessel, failure to reply will constitute an act of aggression and we will respond with the full force of our weapons.

- That will be unnecessary.

- Teal'c.

I offer greetings from Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard fleet.

We are aboard the "Daniel Jackson".

I have just received word that the Asgard have arrived to witness the demonstration of our defence technology that you have forced us into.

There's still time to call off the attack.

We would also like to witness the demonstration.

Your ship isn't coming.

It was destroyed en route by Baal.

The collective forces of the System Lords are bowing, and you're losing the w*r.

Then so are you.

- Hey, guys!

- Our new colony is in grave jeopardy.

The replicators escaped from the time

-dilation device, and are threatening to destroy the Asgard.


So, what can we do?

The Ancient knowledge in O'Neill's mind may be the key to defeating the replicators once and for all.

Jack's frozen down in Antarc tica.

As I was saying, where's Sam?

She was captured by the replicators.

Their ship was destroyed.

(birdsong) (dog barks) (sheep bleat) (clattering) Hey, sleepyhead.

Didn't think you'd ever get up.

It was kind of a long night, huh?


What's up?

You OK?

Is something wrong?



- What do you mean?

- This.

What are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

Where the hell is here?

That was good.

You really had me.

I've been up since five feeding the chickens.

No, Pete.

Honestly, I don't What?

You don't what?

Think this is real.

You hungry?

I'm starving.

Come on.

I'll whip you up some pancakes.

You don't understand.

This isn't happening.

The last thing I remember, I was on board a replicator ship.

This is just another way of screwing with my mind.


Here's what I know.

This is not SGC.

It's Montana.

Nothing weird happens here, not like you're used to.

You left the Stargate programme because of mental stress, and because you wanted to be with me on a farm full of really stinky animals.

Since then you've been seeing a shrink because you can't shake the nightmares.

You've had a bad one, OK?

That's it.

- Did that feel real?

- Yes.

Then snap out of it.


Pancakes, or do I have to call the doctor?

- I am kinda hungry.

- Good.

Come on.

- What are you gonna do?

- I will merge O'Neill's mind with the ship's computer.

You'll have to defrost him first, right?

He was near death when we froze him.

Hopefully, the pod will sustain his life.

- "Hopefully"?

- What other choice do we have?

Just save him, like the last time?

Wipe the Ancient knowledge from his mind.

And lose any chance of learning a means to defeat the replicators.

- You have no right to risk his life.

- I believe O'Neill would approve.

We can't make that choice for him.

Can't you just extract the Ancient information?

Then we can all benefit from it.

You cannot begin to comprehend the extent of what was unfolding in O'Neill's mind.

Our scientists long ago extracted parts of the Ancient library of knowledge and learned much from it.

We have studied it for as long as I can remember, and we have barely scratched the surface.

- It'd be looking for a needle in a haystack.

- A haystack of infinite size.

That's big.

I hope O'Neill's conscious mind provides us with a direct conduit to the information we need.

- You requested to see me?

- You must let us go.

I don't have to do anything at this point.

If that's what If your intent is to extract information from us, you should know I will die before I say anything.

- Nothing my master says can be trusted.

- No one has decided what to do with you.

Anubis was overconfident and needed most of his armada to keep the System Lords at bay.

The fleet he used to attack Earth was small compared to Baal's fleet, should he defeat the System Lords.

He will rule the galaxy.

No weapons will be powerful enough to stop him.

- What would you have me do?

- Free us to fight.

Or, if we must, die with honour.

- He is not well.

- I told you.

The process of interfacing his mind is complex.

(O'Neill) Hello.

Testing, testing.

One, two.

One, two.

One, two.



Is this thing on?


- O'Neill, can you hear us?

- Hey! Hey, guys.

What's going on?

Your mind was interfaced with the Daniel Jackson.

- What?

- What?

The name of Thor's ship is Daniel Jackson.

The information in the ship's computer is available to you.

Ah, right.

Here we go.

Ah, this is cool.

I can pretty much do anything I want, can't I?

- O'Neill.

- Huh?



If you wish, you may appear to us as a hologram.


- You OK?

- It's a little weird.

But yeah.


At least you're not speaking Ancient.

- There's that.

- Actually, the computer is translating.


- I've never looked better.

- There is not much time, O'Neill.

- Thor's planet

- I know.

Ship's log.

Can you help with the replicators?

- Already on it.

- Jack Daniel, the computer recorded the whole conversation.

Thanks for your concern.

Talk amongst yourselves.

I've discussed the situation with my superiors.

We've decided to let you all go.

I must admit, that comes as a surprise.

It seems we haven't had much success interrogating Goa'ulds in the past.

It was made apparent to me you're more useful to us fighting Baal.

Dr Weir.

You know my name.

This may come as a surprise to you.

Oh, I'm not sure anything can surprise me at this point.

- I wish to request asylum.

- Well, seems I was wrong again.

My fleet was destroyed before I came here, my domain one of the first to fall.

I have nothing left with which to fight.

The only thing waiting for me is shame and t*rture.

So it is not true that I would be more useful to you out there.

Perhaps I could be of some use to you here.


That was great.

Tasted very real.


I was thinking we could go into town tonight, have dinner, see a movie.

Come on.

You can't really expect me to just play along.

I gave up my job for this.


-I gave up my life for you! See?

That is definitely not Pete.

How patient do you expect me to be?

Nothing you say is gonna convince me.

I know who you are.

I just don't understand why.

What do you want from me?

Why are you doing this?

Because I love you.

- What is it?

- I am unsure.

It seems O'Neill's mind is building something virtually, in conjunction with the ship's computer.

I do not know how much longer his life can be sustained.

- (alarm)

- Jack, can you hear me?

- I must revive him now.

- (O'Neill) Wait! Not yet.


What a headache.

Take it easy.

You've been through a lot.

- What now?

- Uh What's the last thing you remember?

Getting my head sucked by one of those dang Ancient head


And something about twins.


- What's with the hair?

- O'Neill.


You got aspirin?

You should feel better momentarily, and your memory will slowly return.


What's with the hair?

The specifications for the device you created are in the computer.

I believe I can synthesise it.


- What is it?

- We don't know, but you made it.

- No.

- Yes.

- No.

- Yes.

You accessed the Ancient knowledge in your mind and instructed the computer to design it.

Doesn't mean I know what it is.

It was doubtful that he would remember.

The knowledge of the Ancients is gone.

All right.

Let me have a look.

(grunts) Yargh! Got legs.

Uh, I got it.

I got it.


I got nothing.


I am relieved you are still able to communicate.

It may not last long.

Did you procure a means of fighting the replicators?


It still requires more research.

Those infesting the colony are behaving in an organised fashion, unlike any replicators we have encountered before.

Perhaps they are controlled by a human

-form leader, who has yet to reveal itself.

If a human

-form replicator survived, it's possible Sam survived too.

It is also possible the old

-version replicators created a new human form to lead them as before.

Yeah, but there's a chance.

Can you scan the planet for life signs?

We already have.

There are none.

(increased static) Penegal, can you hear me?

We have lost contact.

Did you think you could convince me this illusion was my life?

That I'd accept it?

If it was something you wanted badly enough in your mind.

Is that why you tortured me?

So I would want this as an alternative?

No, I tortured you because I was mad.

Why do you think I hated you so much for what you did to me?

From the first moment we met, when you let me inside your mind I saw you like no one else ever could.

Human emotions can be very overwhelming.

The fact that you feel anything at all is a miracle.

It makes you very special.

- I'm glad you see that.

- No.

You don't understand.

I could never be happy this way.

Then you will be unhappy for a very long time.

(Stargate alarm) Make sure Camulus knows he will forever be branded a traitor and a coward.

- Most intriguing.

- Can you make it work?

To be honest, I am still unsure of exactly what it is.

Don't look at me.

Thor, this is Commander Aegir of the Valhalla.

We have lost contact with the colony.

Aegir, communications are down.

What have you to report?

We have located the remains of a human

-form replicator floating in space.

It obviously survived the destruction of its ship.

By all appearances, it is currently inactive.

- Transmit coordinates.

- Use caution, Thor.

- What will you do?

- Where are you going?

I am going to transport it aboard.

- Why?

- We must learn the location of the human form controlling the replicators on the planet.

Anybody recognise him?


- (O'Neill) Is it dead?

- Hopefully not completely.

All replicators are linked by a sophisticated communication system.

If we can use this one to tap into their network, we will be able to see what any of the replicators can see.

And if he wakes up, is this pod gonna hold him?

Probably not.

Then perhaps there is no great wisdom in this.

I will transport it back into space if necessary, but we must take the risk.


- What's that?

- Replicator communication data.

I am searching for any references to other human forms.

- You can't just keep me here forever.

- Yes, I can.

No matter what you do, I will never ever participate in this fantasy.


Zoom in.

- Sam.

- Can you pinpoint her location?

She is within a replicator structure on the planet, some distance outside the colony, near a rich vein of neutronium.

- Creating more human replicators.

- I thought the ship was destroyed.

At least one of the human replicators must have separated from the main ship, with Major Carter, prior to exiting hyperspace.

Beam it out! I am trying.

It has made itself resistant.

It has breached the internal barrier and interfaced with my ship's computer.

Had to do something.

It seems to have permanently disrupted communication between individual cells, rendering each one inert.

We explored such technology in the past with no success.


Does that mean we can use this thing to whack the rest of those bugs?

Even better, O'Neill.

Now that I have seen what the device does, I may be able to modify a larger version to broadcast a disruption wave over all of Orilla.


While you're doing that I cannot transport you inside the replicator ship on the planet.

Their defences prevent it.

But I can get you close.

Close is good.

Take this, so we may communicate.

- Who's your daddy?

- Stop! If you harm me or any more of my brethren, I assure you Major Carter will die instantly.

O'Neill, I have successfully modified my ship to emit a massive disruption wave.

- (O'Neill) Excellent.

Knew you could do it.

- The w*apon is 50% charged.

If this works, you will have saved the Asgard once again.

I'm real happy for you.

I'm extremely proud.

But we got a little bit of a problem down here.

Fifth detected our approach.

He claims he can k*ll Carter instantly.

- O'Neill.

- Hey! I know what you're gonna say.

Her life was already sacrificed.

You've got your planet to worry about.

- Jack.

- I got problems too Hang on a second.


(whirring) This could be very bad.

What are they doing?

It's like they're running away.

Thor, are you ready yet?

- What is happening, O'Neill?

- They're retreating.

You must stop them, O'Neill.

The w*apon is not yet ready.

They cannot be allowed to escape.

Come on.

I know you can hear me! What's happening?

Fifth, where are you?

- We must leave.

- Why?

They've found a means to fight us.

The Asgard?


- The one you call O'Neill.

- What?

So many of us are left in the city.

We cannot wait for them.

They will be k*lled.

- Don't expect me to be sorry.

- Your friends.

They are k*lling.

- Trying to stop us.

- Trying to save me.


They do not care about you.

I told them I would k*ll you if they did not stop.

Then why don't you k*ll me?

You know why my friends won't stop just to save me?

- No.

- They know, when it comes down to it, I would rather be dead than be trapped like this forever.

No matter what you feel for me, I will never love you back.

k*ll me if you want.

But if you have even one shred of humanity in you, and you really, truly love me, you'll let me go.

O'Neill, the w*apon worked.

Reports from the colony say all remaining replicators have been neutralised.

While the ship did escape, at least we have an effective means of fighting them now.

Yeah, well, at least there's that.

O'Neill, I am detecting a fourth life sign in your immediate vicinity.

Sam! Sam! Carter! (Teal'c) Over here! You OK?

- Glad to see you, sir.

- Likewise.


Come in.

How are you feeling?

Not bad.

Haven't had the urge to go anywhere or build anything lately.

You have been given a clean bill of health, as far as the finest doctors on this planet are concerned.

Well, what do they know?

The president asked me to extend you an invitation.

Dinner at the White House.

You know what they're having?

I don't think I've had the chance to personally thank you yet.

- For what?

- You risk your life over and over and ask for nothing in return.

Well, don't be fooled.

I'm making a list.

Well, I doubt very much that there's anything that could properly repay you.

Are you going somewhere?

The president has asked me to supervise the research at the Ancient outpost.

It'll be a delicate situation, given all the international claims already being made.

Sounds right up your alley.

Yeah, well, much more so than this job.

Does that mean Hammond will be coming back?


General Hammond is being promoted.

He'll be overseeing all things relating to Earth's defence on behalf of the Pentagon.

The SGC, the 303 programme, the Antarctic site.

Unofficially, it's being called "Home World Security".

Any idea who we're gonna be stuck with?

The Pentagon has convinced the president there is one man who could run the SGC and make it politically viable internationally, despite the fact that he is part of the American military establishment.

Do we know this shrub?

Well, you know him rather well.

Brigadier General Jack O'Neill.

- Me?

- Yeah.



- It's on my list.

- Congratulations.

I should be clear.

I'd like the promotion, the paycheck, and the parking spot, but I don't really wanna be in charge of anything.


Well, sadly, all those things kind of go together.

So I guess you have some thinking to do.

I hate that.

Maybe you should break it down into pros and cons.

I've spent my whole life sticking it to the man.

If I do this, I'll be the man.

I don't think I can be the man.

You'll be inheriting a big can of worms with the state of affairs out there.

If Baal is about to dominate the System Lords, we face a formidable challenge.

(Sam) Plus, who knows where and when the replicators will turn up?

There'll be more scrutiny now so many governments know about the Stargate.

I've never had a desk.

That's a?

- Con.

- Con.

For the record, sir, you do have a desk.

I do?

On the flip side, nobody knows how this place should be run better than you.

Why, thank you, Daniel.

With a little guidance from your good friends and advisors.

If you don't take the job, we could end up with someone much worse.


That didn't come out right.

I, for one, will miss you accompanying us on our missions.


Now, see, I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up, either.

Sitting back, watching you go off and have all the fun.

Risking our lives in the face of grave danger.

There'll be situations where you can accompany us.

You'll be in charge.

You can do whatever you want.

I'll be able to do whatever I want.

Within reason, sir.

Although my time here has been brief, it has been, without a doubt, indelible.

I will remember every one of you, and I thank you all for your hard work.

I'm not one for long goodbyes, so, without further ado, it is with great pleasure I introduce you to your new commanding officer, Brigadier General Jack O'Neill.

At ease.

You all know how much I love speeches, so I'll make this short.

I wish I could say I didn't owe anything to anyone.

But the truth is, I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for the courage and support of each and every one of you.

I hope I can be as good a leader as we've had in the past, and as good as you deserve.

Hear, hear! The other reason I took this job was so I could do really cool stuff like this.

It is with great pride that my first order of business as commander of this base is the announcement of the promotion of Major Samantha Carter to Lieutenant Colonel.

The president of the United States has placed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, integrity, and abilities of Major Samantha Carter.

Major Samantha Carter is promoted to the grade of Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force.

Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter.


Raise your right hand, and repeat after me.

I, insert name I, Samantha Carter Don't be afraid.

I know the first moment of consciousness can be frightening.

I will show you everything, share with you all I know.

You have no idea how happy I am we were able to collect enough neutronium.

We have much time to share.

We must search for a new home for our brethren to propagate.

It will pass quickly for us, though.

Soon enough, everyone will know.

Together, we cannot be stopped.