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07x10 - Birthright

Posted: 01/10/23 08:09
by bunniefuu
All right, hold it Right there Hi.

l am Ryk'l, Goa'uld Moloc.

Shal kek nem Ron.

l too will die for you, brother.

Teal'c of the Tauri, your legend precedes you.

Thank you for meeting me.

We were told that there are a great many here who believe in freedom for all Jaffa.

Go, go More rebel Jaffa?

There is only one way to be certain.

Shal kek nem Ron Shal kek nem Ron Warriors of the Tauri we mean you no harm.

Please, come with us.

Shal krek tel kree.

The Stargate will not be accessible for long.

We must hurry.


- What's she doing?

- There is no time to explain.


- Kel, ma lek.

- Cree, shak nel.

- They are outsiders.

- They are SG

-1 of the Tauri.

Hey, what's going on?

This one believes we should return to our planet.

That one does not believe it would be wise.


We knew you'd be here.


Our intelligence network runs deep within the Jaffa of Moloc.

We came to ask for help.

l promise you will be safe.

Well, they did save us.

Welcome to Hak'tyl.

- lndependence?

- Liberation.

- Our dwellings are this way.

- We really should call home first.

Let the folks know where we are.

lt's past our curfew.

By all means.

- Why have we brought them here?

- That was our mission.

- Why was l not told?

- We knew you would disagree.

Go ahead, tell lshta of our success.

(Jackson) So, Teal'c, who are they?

My knowledge of the Goa'uld Moloc is limited.

However, l am unaware of any Goa'uld that permits women Jaffa to be warriors.

They seem to be well trained.

All females receive training.

They have to defend their home world when their men are called to battle.

Can't help but think of the Greek Amazon mythos.

Yes, me too() Female warriors captured men from other tribes in order to mate with them.

They sometimes removed their right breasts in order to fire a bow and arrow.

l see neither bow nor arrow.



You don't suppose that's why they want us, do you?

l mean, you know, the three of us.

To mate with?


No, l don't think so.

Cos you know me.

l'm all for helping people.

(Carter) Oh, God Forgive them.

For many of the young, this is the first time they have seen men.

This is lshta, our leader.

(O'Neill) Howdy, ma'am.

lt's nice to meet you.

l've heard so Actually, l've heard nothing about you.

Teal'c, of Chulak.

Former first prime of Apophis.

Shol'va, and who has become a legend.

That's a bit thick, don't you think?

l am no legend.

l fight as any true

-hearted Jaffa for the freedom that we deserve.

This is Daniel Jackson, Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill.


l have asked you here so that l may propose an alliance.

That's a fine idea.

We should sit, talk, nosh.

No alliance can form between us and those who steal symbiotes from a brother.

He was no brother of mine.

Just a m*rder*r of innocent children.

Shal kree There is much to discuss.

This is Syn'ac.

This morning she laid on her deathbed.

She reached the age of Prata three days ago.

- Hm?

- Puberty.


Without the symbiote we procured this morning, she would be dead now.

This is Nesa.

Younger sister to Neith.

She is next to reach the age.

Without a symbiote, she will die.

As will all of our children.

male children would be allowed to live.

Only they could strengthen his armies and lead him to victory.

Aside from the obvious immorality, that doesn't make sense.

How do you sustain a population of any gender without women?

The Jaffa life span is longer than humans'.

This could go on for a hundred years.

Any female child has to be sacrificed in a ceremony of fire after they are born.

- They're burned to death?

- Yes.

Well, this is odd.

Maybe they feel more comfortable talking to Sam.


Because we have penises?

- Power bar?

- Yeah, thanks.

So how did you start bringing them here?

As a temple high priestess, part of my duty is to keep record of births and to preside over the ceremony of fire itself.

l could not sit back and watch my sisters be m*rder*d and do nothing.

As high priestess, l, along with my seconds Mala and Neith, are allowed access to the Chaapa

-ai of the worlds under Moloc's rule.

No one outside this camp knows you do this?


Our duties require us to attend to missionary matters on various planets.

So you offer the parents a chance for their daughters to live.

All but a few Jaffa under Moloc worship him religiously.

Not even the parents can be trusted.

Children have to be spirited away, for fear we'd be reported to the lmperial Guard.

lt is punishable by death to even question the laws of a god.

We have succeeded in saving many from their birthright of death.

So you want our help to overthrow Moloc?

- We may have underestimated you.

- We've gone after Goa'ulds before.

Moloc is very powerful.

His armies are vast.

We have our ways.

And some very powerful allies.

Our immediate goals are somewhat less ambitious.

lt is a struggle to procure the symbiotes needed for our young to survive.

We've lost many warriors in these raids.

lt has been said your weapons are formidable.

We also require sustenance.

Supplies among our growing population are scarce.

We are proud warriors.

We offer you our services, and our knowledge in return.

We have an extensive intelligence network among the Jaffa under Moloc.

What if l were to offer you an alternative?

- An alternative to what?

- To your reliance on the Goa'uld.


- We've had success with it so far.

- On all two test subjects.

lt hasn't been easy.

The Jaffa won't give up their symbiotes,

- despite the fact it could free them.

- They believe they would be weaker.

Centuries of Goa'uld brainwashing.

- Will these women do it?

- They're thinking about it.

They've suffered atrocities at the hands of the Jaffa who serve Moloc.

They don't have a problem k*lling a few to survive.

A Jaffa is taught it is more noble to die than to k*ll.

These children have been genetically altered to depend on symbiotes, then had all access to them taken away.

Their guardians believe this is the only way for them to survive.

Then they will have to see that there is another way.

Give 'em the old Teal'c charm (lshta) lt means courage.

Each design represents an ideal that no warrior should ever forget.

lmpressive that l did not sense your approach.

ls not stealthiness one of the first talents taught to a Jaffa soldier?

With varying degrees of success.

You wish to talk me into succumbing to this experiment?



Walk with me.

Have you really the belief that this Tretonin is our way to freedom?

lf it is successful, it may be the first step.

For, as long as Jaffa require symbiotes, we will be enslaved by the Goa'uld.

The benefit a symbiote provides is not a Jaffa's true strength.

We as a people must realise that sacrifices must be made if we are to ever truly be free.

This is where l come to kelno'reem.

Much of our way of life has been designed to instil our dependence on the Goa'uld.

You believe it is wrong that we k*ll Jaffa that our children would live.

But what is w*r for but to preserve our children?

We do not engage the defenceless or the weak.

We always fight with honour, and those that die do not die in vain.

One day you will meet a Jaffa scout party that will not so easily be ambushed.

Then you doubt our abilities.

ls that what this is about?

You speak of progress and shedding of the old ways, and yet you still think a woman needs your protection.

May your limbs be more nimble than your tongue.

For your sake.

Urgh Do not hold back.

You will only anger me further You have proven yourself a worthy adversary.

Now hear me lf you say no to Tretonin, you have an unquenchable thirst for bloodshed, and that does not serve those who follow your leadership.

- l sense no symbiote in you.

- You are correct.

You take this drug yourself, and yet you conceal it?

Your actions betray your words.

All right.

That one means pride.

No longer will we need to lose our sisters in battle.

No longer will our daughters be dependent on symbiotes.

Teal'c has taken the drug.

He stands here before you as evidence.

l am asking for four volunteers to travel with me to the Tauri, to test its effectiveness.

Was that a pin dropping?

- You must not go.

- Mala, l have made my decision.

Hak'tyl needs you.

You are our leader.

l will go in your stead.

lt is my right as Kin'dra.

You cannot say no.

- You are brave and true.

- l too will go.

- Nesa is of the age.

- She is a child.

l am told that it's not without risk.

- But if there is one among us

- Never That you even consider this is an affront to all of us.

Your words are disrespectful.

l cannot force her hand.

l wish you well.

Dr Jackson?


As Teal'c would say, undomesticated equines couldn't drag him away.

The Hak'tyl wanted to learn about the rebel Jaffa.

We can send updates on the progress of the Tretonin treatment through the MALP.

Kind of a PR thing, sir.

l'm General Hammond.

Welcome to Earth.

When you rose up against Apophis, did you leave behind someone that you loved?

My son and l have been reunited.

He has become a great warrior, travelling with my mentor Bra'tac, spreading word.

And what of his mother?

Does she sit at home, pining away for her hero?

No, she is dead.

l am sorry, Teal'c.

You could not have known.

She died when her symbiote matured and was unable to procure another.

l see.

- What of my symbiote?

- lt's being sustained.

We have methods of keeping a symbiote alive for some time.

As far as the Tretonin, finding the right amount is going to be trial and error.

We'll keep increasing the dose until we get the desired effect.

You're very brave.

Not so much as you think.

The rebellion that l have helped fuel has caused the Goa'uld to mistrust the Jaffa with their young.

You are making a point?

l am speaking only of Drey'auc.

She refused to take the life of another Jaffa, even to preserve her own.

No matter what their beliefs may have been.

What are your memories of her?

She could be as fierce as the wind or as gentle as the sunshine.

And she never feared to be either.

You still love her.

l will always have a place in my heart for her.

You are close to Colonel O'Neill.


l like to think we have a special relationship.

l hope to someday have a special relationship.

Oh No.

No, it's not like that.

Like what?

We aren't l mean, we don't l was speaking of the mutual respect you share.

l knew that.

l am from a world unlike yours, Teal'c.

Where women aren't held in such high regard.

My husband was a warrior of high station in Moloc's lmperial Guard.

l was but one wife of many.

Still, as temple priestess, l was afforded many luxuries to make up for my mistreatment.

What has become of your husband?

He was k*lled in battle, against a rival Goa'uld.

l was once a temple handmaiden.

l fell in love with a young palace guard.

Our relationship was forbidden because of our station.

When it was discovered that l was to have his child, Moloc sentenced my beloved to death and sacrificed our daughter before my eyes.

l'm so sorry.

When will the Goa'uld thirst for conquest and bloodshed end?

When they are all dead.

Are you OK?

- My sister says l shouldn't talk to you.

- You don't have to.

l'll just sit here for a while.

l'm Daniel.

l wasn't talking to you.

- Who were you talking to then?

- No one.

So how are you?

l feel tired.

- Who are you talking to?

- No one.

What are those on your face?

They're called glasses.

They help me see better.

- Why would you need to see better?

- Cos my eyes don't see too well.

- How do they work?

- Here.

These make your sight worse.

Yeah, well, they work differently for different people.

Perhaps you are in need of a symbiote.

Yeah, l'll just stick with the glasses.

Neith told me your people do not approve of our use of symbiotes for healing.

lt's more complicated than that.

l just think there's a better way.

Neith does not want me to participate in your experiments.

l know.

Soon l will require a symbiote.

You don't sound very happy about that.

l will become a great warrior like Neith.

You know, you can do that without a symbiote.

l can?



But, uh you didn't hear that from me.

Have you nothing to say?

l have spoken more in two days than l have in many years.

And so you are done?

Perhaps l should take my leave.

Thoughts of your wife still linger.

That's understandable.

But she's been gone now for over a year.

There is no sin in taking comfort in another lonely soul if you wish.

Mala's the only one not responding.

Her white blood cell count is way down.

lf this keeps up, she'll go into sepsis.

- What can you do?

- Continue to increase the Tretonin levels.

But she's already at double the dose that's working in the others.

l want to move her to lsolation.

We had no guarantees, going in.

Some would say an 80 per cent success rate isn't bad in a trial like this.

Not in the minds of the Jaffa.

We're not done yet.

We haven't begun to explore the reasons why it might not be working.

- We need this to work.

- l know.

- Morning.

- You had no right to speak to her

- Sorry.

- l saved her from her birthright.

And it will be the symbiote l procure that will save her once again.

l have lost two sisters, and l will not lose another OK.


You lost two sisters.

l'm sorry.

lshta was able to save me.

But she couldn't save the next two girls sired by my father.

He was a Jaffa stationed high in the lmperial Guard.

l swore that when l came of age no more of my sisters would die.

When l heard my mother had given birth to another female, l knew what l had to do.

You should be proud of that.

My father discovered the ruse lshta and l used to keep Nesa away from the fire.

l had to k*ll him so we could escape.

Well, don't you want to give Nesa a chance to live free of the Goa'uld?

Not your way.

You have moved me away from the others because you didn't wish to frighten them.

The truth is, you're not doing so well.

You're more susceptible to infection.

How are the others responding to treatment?


Very good.

(beeping of machines quickens) Janet?

- (Mala groans)

- Her BP is 60/40.

Give her a bolus.

(gasping) We have to put her symbiote back.

- Do not.

- lf we don't, you could die.

This must work if my people are to be free.

lf l continue to be enslaved by the Goa'uld l carried, l am as good as dead.

(breathing heavily) Please.

You challenge lshta?

She is no longer fit to lead us.

She consorts with Teal'c.

Her judgment has been clouded.

Our sisters risked their lives for the experiment.

Do you see no benefit?

Even if the Tretonin works, it merely places our dependence on the humans Whom you also do not trust.

Who is to say their intentions are pure?

Their leaders are men.

They wish to sap our strength with this drug.

We are safe here now, but if Moloc learnt we were behind the raids on his Jaffa Our freedom lies in dominance over the Goa'uld.

We must fight, so that we may use their symbiotes to our advantage.

Only then will we control our own destiny.

l wish to know, if l am to challenge lshta's leadership, who will follow me?

Neith You must come quick.

lt is Nesa.

(Fraiser) l'm not waiting any longer.

(squeaking) How long before we see some improvement?

Not long, l hope.

She's coding.

Assert CPR.

Give me one milligram epi.

Prep for defib.

Be strong, sister.

l will not fail you.

- What is happening?

- Neith has claimed Joma Secu Daniel.


This is Sam.

Come in.



This is Sam.

Come in.

- Go ahead, Sam.

lt's Daniel.

- We have some bad news.

Things aren't going well here either.

What's up?

lt's Mala.

(Teal'c) lshta

- lshta

- You dare interfere She challenged me.

lt is my right.

lt is your right to grant mercy.

(Jackson) Excuse me Look, l know this is not a good time for this Speak Mala's dead.


l'm sorry.


The Tretonin wasn't working.

They tried to reintroduce her symbiote l just want you to know the other women are fine.

See what your weakness has brought?

Nesa is in need of a symbiote She shall have one.

Do not make this mistake.

Moloc will not allow this to continue.

- You give me no choice.

- How many warriors have to die?

Our sisters in your care will be returned safely, or the two of you will be sacrificed.

Kree, sha Mel lak l know you wanna stop them, but even if we got out, we don't know where they are.

Come with me.

She insisted.

l do not wish for someone else to die so that l might live.

l do not want to take a symbiote.

(clears throat) Did you talk to your sister?

She would not listen.

lt is my right to decide, is it not?

l'm not sure.

lt should be.

What happened to Mala?

We don't know.

lt was partly a reaction to her own symbiote.

lt shouldn't happen to someone who was never implanted.

And the Tretonin worked in others, did it not?


l wish to try it.


Do you know where lshta and Neith have gone?


l do.

Sel ma

-ka nee We have been fortunate here this day.

More have died than needed to.

We have saved the life of my sister.

Shal kek nem Ron.

ls the symbiote too near maturity?

- What is wrong?

- This Jaffa has the same wish for freedom as do we.

Then he should not have fought with those that follow Moloc.

How many others that might have been our allies have we k*lled this day?

l'll do it myself.


- Are you OK?

- She's severely wounded.

Her symbiote is damaged as well.

lshta, you have a choice.

l don't know how much longer l can keep her alive.

lf l'm going to administer the Tretonin, it's now or never.

You must speak to her.


Your symbiote is dying.

You must procure another.


Those ways are over.

- You sentence me to death.

- l ask you to choose life.

She will not listen to me.

Well, maybe she'll listen to her sister.

Please, Neith.

- You betrayed me.

- No, you betray me.

Since before l can remember, you have taught me to believe in our freedom.

You said you would do anything so that you might protect me.

One day l will be a great warrior like you.

But l am not yet.

l still need you.

l have chosen to live free.

You must choose to take the Tretonin if you are to continue to teach and protect me.


l do not wish you to die.

- Will you come and visit?

- Yes, of course.

My sister's developed quite an affection for you.

(whispers) Neith We are grateful to our new friends.

On behalf of the Hak'tyl, l'd like to express our thanks.

Our medical team will be checking in regularly.

Take note of any symptoms that could be side effects of the Tretonin.

You trained us well in the use of the medicine.

And the supplies you have provided will go far.

lf there's anything else you need

- anything

- call us.

Send us an email.

Just let not so many moons go by before we see you again.

Don't worry, l'm sure we'll be in touch.