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06x13 - Sight Unseen

Posted: 01/10/23 08:07
by bunniefuu
Receiving SG

-1's IDC, sir.

Request permission to open the iris.

Do it.

Welcome home, SG


How did it go?

General, you know how I love those sandy planets.

The wind was most pleasant.

Jaffa sarcasm at its finest, General.

There wasn't much left to study.

Most of it has been eaten away by sandstorms.

But we did find evidence suggesting it was some sort of science outpost or observatory built by the Ancients.

That's the artefact you mentioned?

What is it?

- We're not sure.

- I'd say it's some kind of bug zapper.

All I know is it's emitting energy.

It was hidden underground, just below the main section of the ruins.

I tried picking it up and it started glowing.

Touching it must've activated it.

- You're certain it isn't dangerous?

- As certain as I can be.

My initial scans indicate that the energy it's emitting is harmless.

That makes it worthy of study as a potential power source.


- What?

- There.

- You don't see that?

- No.


It just disappeared into the wall.

- What did?

- I don't know.


It was an alien creature of some kind.

You didn't see it?

It was right there.

It was right there, General.

This is Hammond.

I want a class

-one security lockdown of the base now.

This is not a drill.

Repeat, this is not a drill.

As you were.

In the past six hours, security teams have swept the base three times.

They found no trace whatsoever of the creature you described.

You're certain it disappeared into the wall?


Isn't it possible something followed us back through the gate?

Something that can penetrate solid matter?

- Is that unheard of?

- Nothing showed up on the video.

Mr Quinn, you understand I'm not questioning your judgment, but without further evidence I must return the base to normal operating status.

Yes, sir, I understand.


-1's had a particularly busy mission schedule lately.

You're all due for some downtime.

I suggest you take it starting right now.


You only saw a flash of this creature.

Are you sure it wasn't a hallucination?

- You're suggesting I'm delusional?

- No, no.

It's just possible you were seeing something that wasn't entirely Yes, that's what we're suggesting.

You think I'm having symptoms related to my prior exposure to naquadria.

- Dr Fraiser gave me a clean bill of health.

- Over three months ago.

- Jonas, we're just concerned about you.

- There was something alive down there.

It was real.

I could stay.

We've all been cleared.

The base is clean.

Jonas is probably suffering from stress.

This is all still new to him.

- You could come with.

- Sir?


I'm going fishing.

- I'm planning on studying the artefact.

- Yes.

- It's always something, isn't it?

- Come on, sir.

The only reason you asked is because you knew I had something else to do.

No, really, I think you should come.

Fish, fish some more This is what you do with your downtime?

Colonel O'Neill asked me to go fishing with him, but I find this more relaxing.

How are you doing?

The possibility of being insane has been interfering with my ability to relax.

I figured I'd take a crack at these glyphs.

Fine with me.

But I still have no idea what we're dealing with.

I've scanned it with x

-rays, ultraviolet, mild EM pulses.

Nothing has had any effect on the particles it's emitting.

- Particles?

- For lack of a better word.

They're energy patterns.

So far I haven't been able to identify them or determine their purpose.

I was hoping that the writings on the device itself would tell us more.

Let's see what it says.

The symbols are definitely a form of language used by the Ancients.

Although the Ancients have been around so long, the language has evolved.

But we do have a base reference Hah What?

You're telling me that you don't see that?


It's right there in front of you.

OK, there's definitely something wrong with me.

No evidence of brain damage from exposure to naquadria radiation.

No indication of any viruses or toxins in your system.

CAT scan, MRls, blood work all came back clean.

He's in perfect health.


That's all I can say definitively.

You show no signs of stress that usually accompany hallucinations.

Then why am I the only one seeing these things?

I wish I had an answer.

Until we find out exactly what's going on, I must remove you from active duty.

General Hammond, sir, these visions only started when we returned with the device.

- What are you suggesting?

- I know I can't go on any missions, but at least let me continue researching the device with Major Carter.

There has to be a connection.

Major Carter has already submitted her report.

Nothing suggests the device is connected to your condition.

Until someone presents hard evidence, we have to assume it's a coincidence.

I haven't translated the writing.

You'll have to do it from video reference.

The device is being shipped to Area 51.

I can't believe they're shipping it out.

We barely got a crack at figuring out what it is.

Perhaps the scientists in Nevada will determine the device's true purpose.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck here cooling my heels.

You are welcome to join me as I kelno'reem.

No offence, Teal'c, but it doesn't quite have the same effect on me.

No other plans?

Colonel O'Neill requested that I accompany him fishing.

- I'm the only one he didn't invite.

- You are not permitted to leave the base.

Still Be extremely happy that he did not ask.

Why, you don't like fishing?


Seeing as how I've read every book in the base library twice, I guess I'll get back to work on my

- You saw that?

- Indeed.

Hey, there.

You just caught me fixing a carburettor.

- I didn't hear you pull in.

- No problem.

You sure?

It's a full

-service station.

The price includes yours truly.

- I got it, thanks.

- All right.

At least I can wash your windows for you.

What do you get, five miles to the gallon in this thing?

Yeah, it's a pig.

I'm more of an El Camino fan, myself.

The things are like catnip to the ladies.

Don't I know it?

- What?

- Get down.

The money's inside in a lockbox

- I'm not gonna rob you.

Just get down.

- Getting down.

- Don't k*ll me, please.

I'm a vet.

- I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Get up.

Colonel Jack O'Neill, US Air Force.

Did you see anything?

Just my life flashing before my eyes.

What the hell were you sh**ting at?

- It's classified.

- You can tell me.

I work here.

If there's something going on, I should know about it.

- O'Neill for Hammond.

- I served in the Gulf.

- What division?

- Motor pool.

Oh, man, my sign.

Patching through a call from Colonel O'Neill, sir.

Colonel, where are you?

About 30 clicks north, sir.

I just saw something fairly interesting.

- They've breached base containment.

- Sir?

We're seeing them here, too.

They're everywhere.


It says something about an experiment, but I'm hung up on a few of these glyphs.

They were studying beings of the something something.

According to this, it should be "inner layer", the beings of the inner layer.

- But that doesn't make much sense.

- Not really.

Maybe "other level"?

- What about "another dimension"?

- That could work.

It'd make sense if they're inhabiting a dimension close to ours.

Yeah, absolutely.



Is that it?

Sorry, I'm working as fast as I can.

I know.

General Hammond wants a full report as soon as possible.

Look, I'm the one who's sorry.

We should never have doubted you about what you saw.

It's understandable, with the whole naquadria

-poisoning thing.

Besides, I am still the new guy.

You're part of the team now and you deserve our respect.

You've earned it.

Jonas, you're doing a great job.


- Now, figure out what else this thing says.

- Right.

Colonel O'Neill will stay in Colorado Springs and coordinate the quarantine.

The National Guard is standing by.

The president is prepared to declare a state of emergency.

Hopefully, these things, whatever they are, haven't gotten too far.

We're not sure we can contain them.

- You halted the transfer of the device?

- Yes, and we've learned more.

I think I've translated enough of the writings to figure out its purpose.

It's broadcasting energy particles.

We're not sure, but we think they're triggering an ability to see the creatures.

Hopefully, only those exposed to the particles will develop this second sight.

None of the ciphers we have fit perfectly, but, as I understand it, the device is meant to allow us to observe beings that exist in a parallel dimension.

We think the energy particles create a bleed

-through effect, causing anyone exposed to them to see into this parallel dimension.

We can't contain them because they aren't here?

They do exist, just not in any way that allows us to interact with them.

They didn't follow us through the gate.

- Where did they come from?

- The ones we're seeing are from Earth.

These creatures could exist anywhere.

We've just been unaware of them.

- What is your threat assessment?

- I can't say for sure, but with regards to the creatures, none.

If they only exist in their dimension, they can't harm us.

There's no physiological interaction beyond our ability to see them.

While we might be able to deal with seeing interdimensional beings If the effect spreads to the general public, we could have a disaster.

They're not used to seeing unusual things like we are.

And we can't control when or where a sighting occurs.

Imagine a surgeon doing delicate surgery and he's distracted.

- Or an air

-traffic controller.

- Even something like driving a car.

People might be able to deal with it, but not before it turns the world upside down.

Not to mention the exposure of the Stargate programme in trying to explain it.

Shut off that device.

- We've tried, sir.

- Find a way.

Colonel O'Neill says there haven't been any further sightings.

We've triangulated the sightings to a 500

-metre radius around the device.

It attracts the creatures to it, most likely part of its design.

The closer we get to the machine, the more frequently we'll see our friends.

We've been unable to find any types of controls or switches.

The last resort is separating the main crystal core from the unit.

Hopefully, that will stop it from functioning.

- What are you waiting for?

- This is an advanced piece of technology.

- I have no idea what effect it will have.

- If this effect continues to spread Attempting to remove crystal core.

My scans are no longer detecting any particle emissions from the device.

Anyone see anything?

Major Carter.

- Any sightings?

- Not me.

- My kelno'reem was undisturbed.

- We may have solved the problem.

Teal'c thinks we should take it back.

Take it back?

We've barely scratched the surface of what it can do.

Now it's shut off, it's safe to study.

To what end?

The effect that device had was groundbreaking.

- Once we figure out how to use it

- Eventually.

- These creatures are worth studying.

- The Ancients certainly thought so.

They're aware of matter in our dimension or they wouldn't rest on objects we see as solid.

Plus they can pass through solid matter.

Also, the ones we've encountered seem to demonstrate a higher intelligence, but that doesn't mean we can't Sergeant?

Mission time is 24 minutes, three seconds.

MALP AV link to P9X

-391 is up and running.


-1, this is Hammond.

What's your status?

We're in the ruins, about to enter the antechamber where we found the device.

- Anything coming through the wormhole?

- Negative.

No unidentified energy patterns are being detected.

Does that mean we're free and clear?

Even if we can shut the device down, it's possible there was residual particle radiation my instruments couldn't detect.

- This should take care of that.

- It's back where we found it.

There's nothing else here that would explain what happened with the device.

Once the gate is shut down, it should cut off any energy patterns being broadcast.


We'll re

-establish contact in one hour.

Hammond out.

- Shut it down.

- Yes, sir.

- Deactivating wormhole.

- I'll be in my office.

Uh, sir Are you certain bringing the device back here was the right decision?

It's the only way we can solve this, sir.

Returning the device to P9X

-391 should have worked.

It couldn't project an effect from off

-world without the Stargate being active.

Why do we still possess the ability to see these creatures?

The effect the particles have on us must be persistent.

Hopefully, it's not permanent.

New sightings have been reported on base by personnel not previously affected.

The situation is getting worse.

It doesn't make sense.

Without exposure

- What if it's not the particles?

- How can that be?

One function of the device was to attract the creatures.

When we shut that down, or thought we shut it down, they seemed to go away.

I get it.

What if the particles were only what was attracting them?

Sure, like food.

Now, shutting down that part of the device just made the creatures leave the area.

Whatever's giving us the ability to see them is something completely different.

Something unrelated to the device?

No, sir, that seems unlikely, but it could be something we've missed.

OK, I was the first one to see the creatures, right?

I was also the first one to touch the device.

Teal'c was next.

Touching the device could have altered our bodies' electrical field enough to cause the bleed

-through effect.

But that doesn't explain the people who had no direct contact with the device.

Unless the charge can be passed on from person to person.

Like a contagion.

I'll order the containment of Colorado Springs and surrounding area.

We'll also need to isolate anyone who had physical contact with SGC personnel.

Son of a Thank you.


Keep me apprised.

We're getting reports of sightings.

No one's been hurt, but a local news station has picked up the story.

Colonel O'Neill is rounding up anyone he may have come in contact with.

- The quarantine is otherwise in place.

- What's our cover story?

A spill of an experimental chemical that can have an hallucinogenic effect.

So far, people are buying it.

But that won't work for long.

This may be our only chance to contain this problem.

If we can't Mass hysteria.

This is our mistake, Major.

We need to fix it.

Yes, sir.


- Interesting.

- What?

Do you think the configuration affects the nature of the charge the device emits?

We reorder the crystals, we change what the device does.

Why else would they be arranged this way?

There are a number of configurations to choose from.

How do we know which one will elicit the right effect?

This could take a while.

There's no one here, sir.

Leave someone here in case he comes back.


There was a huge bug on my car.

No, I swear.

Did anyone see that?

Huge bug Vernon?

You're certain you've reprogrammed the device properly?

To be honest, sir, we're not sure, but this is one of the last few configurations to try.

We're hoping it's now programmed to emit a charge that reverses the effect.

OK, here goes.

Feel anything?

Not really.

Do you see anything?


Do you?


When you want to see one There.


Right there on the device.

If there's a creature right there, then I'm not seeing it.


I think it worked, sir.

I'm not seeing it any more.

Well done, Major.

The antidote seems to be working.

No new sightings and everyone affected is no longer seeing creatures.

We need to spread the cure to Colonel O'Neill and the containment team so they can spread it through the exposed area.

I recommend a placebo pill to sell it to the public, and, provided the containment holds, we should be able to undo the damage.


Sir, an individual I came in contact with has breached the quarantine.

- Anything we can do?

- Get Carter and Jonas on this.

The man is Vernon Sharpe, a non

-com, served in the motor pool in the Gulf.

- See what they come up with.

- Right away.

We have an exposed man on the run.

- How far you headed?

- As far as you can take me.

I'm picking up a cousin in Hawthorne County.

- That's fine.

- Hop in.

The latest update on the situation in Colorado.

The National Guard continues to maintain its quarantine of Colorado Springs after a chemical spill may have had an adverse effect on some residents.

You hear about that?

People say they're seeing monsters.

Yeah, I know.


Vernon Sharpe drained all the money from his accounts several hours ago.

You can get this information this easily?

We only use the privilege in certain circumstances.

He could be anywhere by now.

We've frozen his credit cards, but since he's using cash, he'll be harder to trace.

So he's just gonna vanish?

That makes no sense.

- What do you mean?

- He's ex


It can't simply be fear of these creatures.

What's he running for?

He doesn't buy the cover story.

The only way we'll find him is by learning more about him.

Can we find out if he has any friends or family in the area?

What's he gone and done now?

He hasn't done anything, Mrs Sharpe.

We're just very worried about Vernon.


Thank you.

I know how you feel.

I've been worrying about Vernon since he was a boy.

I was the one who raised him after his mother ran off, you know.

- I'm sure you did a fine job.

- She was a real floozy, that one.

My Roger never had much taste in women.

Mrs Sharpe, we're afraid that your grandson may suspect that the government is after him for the wrong reasons.

Why are you after him?

Vernon may have been exposed to a chemical that could be causing him to see things that aren't really there.

Like when he was in the w*r.

What do you mean?

The military did all kinds of things to those boys while they were over there.

Experiments with chemical weapons and such.

Messed with their heads good.

My Vernon's never been the same.

We don't really know anything about that.

I'm sure you don't, honey.

It's very, very important that we find your grandson.

He could be putting other people's lives in danger, ma'am.

- Vernon wouldn't hurt a fly.

- Unintentionally, of course.

The truth is, Vernon's exposure to this chemical wasn't an accident.

It wasn't even a chemical.

It was a contagious experimental germ developed by the military.


It was created to try and undo what happened to your grandson in the Gulf.

Oh, I find that hard to believe.

I swear.

I wouldn't lie to you.

Unfortunately, there were some unexpected side effects to this antidote.

Those doctors will be the death of us all.

See all those pills I'm supposed to take?

I never take any of 'em.

We want to make this right, and it's not just your grandson's life that's at stake.

There could be other people in danger.

I promise nothing bad will happen to Vernon.

Well, you seem like a nice enough couple.

- Oh, we're not

- Please, we really wanna help.

Well, Lord knows Vernon needs help.

He's not right in the head, that boy.

- We'll do our best.

- Do you know where he might be?

If he's off anywhere, it's to see that Chuck fellow.


He's trouble.

Always has been, always will.

I told Vernon straight away, "That Chuck will lead you to no good.

" Does Chuck have a last name?

I'm sure he does.

I just don't know it.

Do you know where he lives?

- Thanks for the lift.

- Good luck, Vernon.


I need a one

-way ticket to Las Vegas.

Just what we need, a conspiracy theorist.

One who happens to be right about there being a conspiracy.

There has been another sighting in Hawthorne County.

Any word on Vernon?

The affected person says he picked up a hitchhiker matching his description.


- O'Neill.

- It's me, sir.

We believe Vernon may be at Piedmont Hawthorne airfield on his way to Vegas.

Have Hammond ground all flights.

Containment team is en route.

- ETA's about 40 minutes.

- Have you been cleared?

Somebody from the SGC shook our hands.

Sir, Vernon could be extremely paranoid.

Given his military background, use caution in apprehending him.

I'll keep that in mind.

- Good job, Carter.

- Thank you, sir.

They cancelled my flight.

What did they think of the script?


The second

-act twist is totally clear.

Oh I'm sorry, but we've just been told the flight has been cancelled.

Please return to the terminal where more information will be provided.


There he is.

Let's move.

You guys cover the exits.

I'll take it from here.


You can't get away.

Hey, Vernon.

It's Jack O'Neill.

Colonel O'Neill?

The Air Force?

Look, I know this is a massive cliché, but the place is surrounded.

Yeah, you're telling me.

Those monsters are everywhere.

All right, I know you're seeing things.

It's gotta be a little confusing.

- You're gonna k*ll me for what I know.

- Nobody's gonna k*ll you.

It's the Gulf all over again, only this time it's innocent civilians too.

You're doing scientific research on us.

You won't get away with it.

The truth will get out.

You know, you're right.

Our cover story is bogus.

It is?


But the truth isn't what you think.

Those creatures you're seeing, they're aliens.

Come on.

Hey, you wanted the truth, that's it.

I work for a top

-secret branch of the military that deals with extraterrestrials.

- That's what you were seeing.

- You're serious?

Yes, very serious.

But the thing is those things, they're no threat to us.

If you couldn't see them, you wouldn't know they were there.

No, but I am seeing them.

In fact, I'm seeing one right now.

Well, we can make it so you don't.

Then what?

Look, Vernon, this can't get out, not yet.

The world is not ready to know.

So you just want me to keep it quiet?

Well, think about it.

Who's gonna believe you?

Government experiments are one thing, but we're talking aliens here.

- Yeah, but other people have seen them.

- Not for long.

Besides, they're all buying our cover story.

Vernon, your country needs you.

I'm asking you, one soldier to another, play ball on this.


I'm not taking any pills or needles or anything.

You won't have to.

We're all clear.

- We good?

- Yes, sir.

- What planet are they from?

- Who?

The aliens.


A place called Melmac.

Isn't that where Alf is from?

- Who?

- Alf, you know, on TV, the puppet.

Never saw it.

No kidding?