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03x03 - Fair Game

Posted: 01/10/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
You have fought with valour and courage, ..

sacrificed for each other, ..

for this country, ..

for this planet.

To honour the men and women of the SGC, ..

I present Arthur Simms, ..

the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America.

Since the re

-inception of this programme, I have eagerly awaited ..

every word of every mission report stemming from this base ..

like a wide

-eyed child waiting for his next bedtime story.

Not actually being here, seeing your faces or this Stargate here behind me, ..

it is sometimes easy to forget that it's all really happening.

The President regrets not being able to be here.

But I'm glad because it gives me the opportunity ..

to congratulate you on your effort in defeating a formidable enemy ..

and rescuing SG

-1 captured in the line of duty.

You risk your lives every day in a way more dangerous and fantastic ..

than any of us could have ever dreamed.

Understand that I represent every person of this great nation ..

when I salute your ongoing heroic spirit.

You should be proud.

Before we finish today, ..

l have one other small bit of business.

Please come to attention.

From the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, ..

in recognition of Captain Samantha Carter's outstanding work, ..

I hereby authorise her immediate promotion to the rank of major.

Captain, step forward.

The United States Air Force recognises that you have fulfilled tasks and duties ..

well beyond the responsibility of captain.

It is with great pleasure that I bestow upon you ..

the responsibilities, the respect and the rank of major.

Thank you, sir.

Well done Major.

(applause) In closing, Major Carter's supervisor, Colonel Jack O'Neill, ..

would like to say a few words.

Normally, I am a man of very few words.

Code Nine!

- (alarm)

- Let's go! (O'Neill) And in conclusion I'd like to say Greetings, Jack O'Neill.


- Have we met?

- I am Thor.

I apologise for taking you by surprise, ..

but this is a matter of great importance.

We're in orbit around Earth, right?


We have satellites and telescopes that can see spaceships.

We have never been detected in orbit around Earth before.


All right.

I'm sorry.

You were saying something.

A matter of great importance?

We heard what transpired with your people and the Goa'uld named Hathor.

- She had it coming.

- As a result, ..

the Goa'uld System Lords have turned towards you.

What, for k*lling Hathor?

They should be thanking us.

She was planning to overthrow them.

Her intentions are irrelevant.

Earth has again proven to be a formidable threat

- the Goa'uld.

- Oh, now, we're a threat to them?

They have decided it is a concern to be dealt with.

The System Lords can launch an as*ault one hundred times more powerful ..

than that which you previously withstood at the hands of Apophis.



- That could be a problem.

- The Asgard agree.

I have come to offer our assistance.

That would be appreciated.

I've seen your work.

It's great.

The majority of the Asgard fleet is currently unavailable.


- So what d'you have in mind?

- With your permission, ..

the Asgard will try to negotiate with the Goa'uld System Lords ..

to include Earth in the Protected Planets Treaty.

- That's a good thing, right?

- It would prevent this attack.


Uh To be honest with you, I'd rather have a fleet of your ships.

A few of these babies and we could just We could try the negotiating thing.

I will contact the System Lords.

You may return to your planet now.

Excuse me?

I assume someone's gonna show me the way back.

Thank you! Why would the Goa'uld agree to this negotiation?

The Goa'uld fear the Asgard.

The Asgard must be offering something in return.

That's how negotiations work.

Well, what if the summit fails?

Thor said that was the only option he could offer.

If it fails, ..

total annihilation.

The President is wondering whether we can trust the Asgard.

- The Tok'ra trust them.

- They helped Jack ..

when the ancients' language entered his brain.

You gotta love 'em for that.

But what about their politics?

How do we know they have our interests at heart?

I suppose we don't.

But if they have any other agenda in mind Colonel, do we need Security?

No, I'll vouch for him, sir.

Major Samantha Carter.

Dr Daniel Jackson.

You remember Thor.

Thor, this is Teal'c.

And Major General George Hammond.

He's the leader of our facility here.

The System Lords have agreed to negotiate.

- That's good news.

- They will arrive in four days.

- Here?

- It is customary ..

for such negotiations to be held on the planet in question.

Three representatives will arrive by Stargate.

You must speak on behalf of all the inhabitants of Earth.

Uh, well maybe not me, personally.

We have chosen you, O'Neill, to represent Earth at the proceedings.

Now, see, that could be a mistake.

You see, Dr Jackson here is an extremely educated and articulate man.

- Fluent in every language.

- You led your people ..

through the Stargate.

You are our choice, O'Neill.

Further instructions to aid you in preparation will follow.

Well, ..

there you go.

Cronus, an early Greek god, was one of 1 2 Titans ..

who eventually ascended to supreme domination.

He was god of Fate and became father to Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and Hades.

This may indicate a connection to the Goa'uld Sokar.

Cronus is the most influential of the System Lords.

It was he who originally banished Sokar.

He was also a mortal enemy of Apophis.

Maybe that's why the System Lords didn't join in Apophis' attack on Earth.

The System Lords reluctantly banded together ..

against outside threats like the Asgard and the Reetou.

However, they still battle amongst themselves for their own domains.

The second Goa'uld representative we're expecting is ..


- Me?

- Yu is the name of the Goa'uld.



Also known as Yu the Great.

He was not a god per se, ..

but may have been one of China's earliest emperors.

Legend says he had great mythic powers and sprang from a dragon's body.

He founded the first recorded dynasty, ..

whose advances came about under harsh rule.

But Yu did account for a number of positive influences.

Thank you.


According to Thor, Yu is the most likely to favour this treaty ..

as his interests no longer reside here.

And the third Goa'uld, Dr Jackson?

Another one we haven't met but have a familiarity with.

Nirrti is the Goa'uld who wiped out all but one survivor of P8X

-987 ..

along with four members of the SGC in an attempt to destroy Earth's Stargate.

Cassandra's planet.

Little is known about Nirrti on Earth.

In early Hindu reference she was a destructive goddess of Darkness.

So we're gonna let these Goa'uld just walk in here?

There are a number of aspects of this situation I'm not comfortable with.

Thank you, Dr Jackson.

Teal'c, I would like you to act as liaison to the Goa'uld.

Dr Jackson

- General Hammond

- Is there a problem?

I mean no disrespect, ..

but I have given my allegiance to you, to the SGC, and to the people here, freely.

I will, however, not see to the petty needs of these Goa'uld.

I'll see to the petty needs of the Goa'uld, sir.

OK, Dr Jackson.

Teal'c, you will assist Major Castleman with base security.

Treaty laws will not permit weapons ..

of any kind in this facility during negotiations.

Whoa! Sir, that doesn't sound wise.

We're trusting the Asgard based on your word.

This is their rule.

As a result, the base is completely sealed off from the surface.

The Secretary of Defense will represent the President.

Storage room 1 2A on level 17 will be used as a meeting room for security reasons.

You've all received folders that include your assignments ..

and preparation instructions as laid out by the Asgard.

There's a lot of work to do, people, and not much time.

What about that one, Major?

This is a Goa'uld healing device.

Those two are the weapons.

- General!

- Colonel, how are your briefings going?

I had no idea how exciting diplomacy could be, sir.

- What's this about?

- I'm not sure.

It's Teal'c.

- Sergeant, what's the problem?

- He won't relinquish his w*apon, sir.


Like you, I do not believe we should remove all weapons.

The Asgard were explicit.

If they detect weapons, there will be no summit.

No summit, no treaty.

These Goa'uld are among the most treacherous that I have ever known.

Thor assures us the Goa'ulds are also forbidden from bringing weapons.

No treaty, and they're gonna send a hundred mother ships here.

You know as well as I do what that means.

Teal'c, I order you to turn your w*apon over.

Checkpoints are being sealed.

Levels 3 through 28 are now offlimits.

Go, go, go, go! Move! Move! Chevron 7 is locked.


-world activation.

Here we are.

The VIP room.

That's an acronym that means "very important".

I hope this is OK.

(distorted) Your idea of accommodation is pitiful.

- It's the best

- (distorted) We will not stand for this! What is this about?

- Shol'va!

- Onak holka shaka! Treena arik croonaka shol'va.

What's going on?

(distorted) Your surveillance devices were poorly hidden in our quarters.

They weren't hidden.

They're security cameras for your own safety.

As I was trying to explain.

- I will not be spied upon!

- Nor will l.

No offence was meant.

It's merely a security precaution.

I'll ask if we can remove the cameras from the rooms, but not from the halls.

Do not show your face to me again, shol'va.

Kelmar tokeem.

As First Prime of Apophis, I often did battle with the Jaffa of Cronus.

You must have battled lots of rival Goa'ulds.

That looked a little more personal to me.

My father was once First Prime of Cronus.

When I was but a child, ..

Cronus commanded my father to attack a Goa'uld who was more powerful.

It was an impossible battle to win.

When all was inevitably lost, Cronus k*lled my father as punishment ..

and exiled my mother and l.

We fled to Chulak.

I vowed I would become the strongest Jaffa I could, ..

so one day I would be named First Prime of Apophis, ..

sworn enemy of Cronus.

I trust our guests are settled.

They demanded the security cameras be removed from their quarters.

I assume you told them no.

Actually, sir, I kind of told them it would be OK.

I told them we'd have to leave them in the halls.

Sort of a compromise.

- If you think it's absolutely necessary.

- Yes.

- Are you gonna be OK?

- I will.

I just wanted to wish you luck, sir.

Thank you, Captain.


- Nervous?

- I wouldn't call it nervous.


I have no idea why I'm here.

The Asgard have confidence in you, as do the rest of us.

- I know I couldn't do it.

- Why?

I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure until I saw his face, ..

but I think Cronus is the one who sent the Ashrak to k*ll Jolinar.

I just hate having them here.

Major, I hate having 'em anywhere.


Good luck.


Come on in.

Have a seat.

Thank you, Dr Jackson.

Hello, Yu.

Well, I guess we're just, uh And here he is.

The g*ng's all here.

You all know each other.

I guess we can get started.

The Asgard High Council wishes you all greetings and thanks ..

for this opportunity to negotiate for peace.

The Goa'uld System Lords are prepared to hear the Asgard proposal.

- Onak arik kree.

- Koracca aseemu! Kornak kree! Keena arik Asgard.

I thought we were gonna speak the same language.

Gonach! What?

- What'd I say?

- You insulted them.

- I insulted them?

- By speaking out of turn.

This was to be expected.

They were yelling at each other before I said a word! They have a fragile relationship with one another, as do we with them.

You mean they're always like that?

Excuse me.

Sorry for interrupting.

What just happened?

Apparently, we said hello, insulted each other, and broke for recess.

Can I ask you something?

Why did you let the Goa'uld get that much power in the first place?

If you've got the technology We are not proud that we have been forced to ignore the situation for so long.

But you must understand, there are other concerns for the Asgard.

We have an enemy in our home galaxy that is far worse than the Goa'uld.

- Worse?

- I cannot explain further.

For now, we use what resources we can to enforce these treaties with the Goa'uld.

What if a rogue Goa'uld like Sokar, who's been banished by the System Lords, ..

decides to come after us?

In order to maintain the treaty, the System Lords would try to prevent it.

Our greatest advantage has been their feudal nature.

Our greatest concern has been a single Goa'uld rising to power.

If Sokar were to overtake the System Lords, ..

the Asgard may not have the power to stop him.

So, ..

basically, you guys are bluffing the Goa'uld, big time.

They've been so busy badgering each other, they bought it?

I must return to my ship now.

It will take time before the System Lords will be willing to reconvene.

You may contact me with this.

It will work as long as my ship is in orbit.

- How?

- Hold it in your hand and speak.

- Thanks.

- We appreciate what you're doing.

These negotiations will not be easy.

We will be required to make great sacrifices.

As will you.

The fate of the world in my hands, and I screw it up! I take it you apologised?

Oh, I tried.

They wouldn't see me.

- (Hammond) What now?

- Daniel typed a formal letter in Goa'uld ..

and I signed it.

That boy can really grovel when he has to.

Must be part of their negotiating strategy.

I hope so.

Cos Thor made it pretty clear that we might have to give up something big.

What if it's hosts?

Well, that would be unacceptable, wouldn't it?

As you have said, O'Neill, the alternative could be far worse.

They're ready.

We accept the apology of the human representative ..

and agree to hear the Asgard proposal.

In return for Earth's part in the Protected Planets Treaty, addendum 1081 5, ..

the Asgard will allow Goa'uld access to the Passage of Nilor.

According to treaty law, section 326, ..

no human planet will be allowed to advance technologically to a point ..

where they may be a threat to the Goa'uld.

- Correct.

- Definition of such threat ..

shall rest solely in the hands of the Goa'uld System Lords.

What?! Sorry.

- May I ask a question?

- The human representative is recognised.

Thank you.

Are you saying you're limiting our development?

The treaty recognises that the human species ..

exists for the purpose of serving the Goa'uld as hosts and slaves.

Excuse me?! (Thor) Do the System Lords accept the Asgard proposal?

The Goa'uld System Lords ..

accept the Asgard proposal.

We demand one additional concession.

We order the immediate and unconditional forfeiture ..

of the Tauri Stargate.

Both of them.

Are we seriously going to give up gate travel?

Considering the alternative That ring out there is the most important thing on this planet.

And I understand what losing the gate would mean.

But it is on your word that we trust these Asgard.

Peaceful solutions to this crisis must be considered.

- True, but

- The point is, sir, with all due respect, ..

it's not as simple as you put it.

There are threats this treaty will not protect you from.

From what Thor says, an enemy worse than the Goa'uld.

If any of you can tell me absolutely ..

why we should not accept this proposal, I'll forward your opinion to the President.

And I assure you it will be given serious weight.

Have your people reached a decision?

Um Not yet.

That's kinda why I'm here.

I was wondering what you think we should do.

It is your decision.

I see.

Or do l?

You guys, ..

do you ever say one thing and mean another?

Kinda speak between the lines?

- I do not.

- Do not what?

Speak between the lines or understand?

What do you, O'Neill, think your people should do?

Well, I don't know.

It's a bit much for one guy to make that call for an entire planet.

On the other hand, it's pretty obvious.

Give up the Stargate or be destroyed.

- So it would seem.

- But the Goa'uld could call your bluff, ..

attack us anyway and we'd have given up our only means of defence.

- That is true.

- Oh, come on! Gimme something.

Anything! I won't hold you to it.

A head nod if there's another way around this.

It is your planet at stake.

I believe you have it within you to make the right decision.

All right.

Send me back.

Wait! Right there! Is that a head nod?

A nod is usually down, then back up.

You kinda just went down.

Wait! Yes, sir.

I understand.

We accept the terms.

Daniel, you wanna tell them we're ready?

Security to level 25.

Medical team to level 25.



- In here, sir!

- (Nirrti) What are these sounds?

Please just stay in your rooms! He's stable, but he took quite a blow to the head.

- There's intracranial swelling.

- Junior taking care of it?


His larval Goa'uld is assisting in the healing.

There shouldn't be any brain damage, but we won't know until he wakes up.

- How long?

- That's up to him.

- What about Cronus?

- Oh, he should only be so lucky.

Severe internal injuries, and his host is dying.

Shouldn't his snake take care of him?

In Goa'uld physiology, the symbiote can't heal injuries this severe on its own.

We're doing all we can, but I don't think he's gonna make it.

It could be hours, could be minutes.

I have the security video tape.

You'll want to see this.

The guards in the hall sounded the alarm.

Teal'c passed them ..

and told them he was going to see Cronus.

Well, Nirrti and Yu are demanding an explanation.

Do we tell 'em?

From the video tape, it looks like Teal'c is involved.

Not that he's responsible.

I don't believe Teal'c would sacrifice our interests for a personal vendetta.

What personal vendetta?

Teal'c and Cronus have some pretty heavy history.

Such as?

- Cronus k*lled Teal'c's father.

- Oh, for cryin' out loud! Why doesn't he tell us these things?

Why didn't you tell us?

He confided in me.

- I don't think Teal'c would do this.

- No, but the case against him ..

just got a little more interesting.

- We have to tell the Goa'ulds something.

- If we lie, we could make things worse.


So maybe the Goa'ulds can do something for Cronus that I can't.

(Hammond) Let's tell the Goa'uld what we know.

- Major, find out what really happened.

- Yes, sir.

You will pay for this.

We know it looks bad.

But we're not sure what actually transpired.

Whoever is responsible for this atrocity must be brought before us.

- We're trying to find out what happened.

- Your people will suffer greatly for this! Just hang on before you go dooming everybody! We want to know if there's anything you can do for him.

- He's dying.

- We can do nothing here ..

in your primitive facilities.


Can you use one of these?

His injuries are too severe.

The only way to save him is with a sarcophagus.


We don't have one of those.

Then we'll prepare to leave immediately.

(Thor) Let them take Cronus.

They'll attack us.

If you hold them, the rest of the System Lords will attack regardless.

Look, ..

Teal'c didn't do this.

I have been instructed by the Asgard High Council to leave Earth's orbit.

And that's in line with your policy of limited benevolence?

I have explained our position.

To borrow from a human euphemism, it is not a perfect galaxy.

I get a little testy when faced with the annihilation of our corner of it.

We sympathise with you.


And yet you'll still just sit by and watch 'em destroy us.

We cannot interfere without beginning a larger w*r that cannot be won at this time.

(Yu) I command you to release us! We must leave now and take Cronus before his death is on your heads.

I'm sorry.

I can't let you go.

If we do not report back, Earth will suffer the full force of the System Lords' wrath.

That's going to happen whether we let you go or not.

You have violated every code mandated! The Asgard will not protect you! Actually, you're wrong about something.

There's one rule we haven't broken yet.

Any idea of what sort of time frame surrounds this impending attack?

The President is readying his statement to the UN.

From what you're saying, Earth should begin preparing for this onslaught now.

Boy, did this get outta hand.

(phone) Hammond.

Thank you.

Teal'c is conscious.

Cronus requested my presence.

So you went alone?

It is what he requested.

When I arrived, he denied making the request.

- Before I could leave, we were att*cked.

- By whom?

An invisible force.

Invisible force?

A Reetou?

Could one have come through the gate with the Goa'ulds?

We could break out the eradication rods and sweep the base.

I did not sense the presence of a Reetou.

I almost wish you had.

Are you aware of any of the Goa'uld having stealth technology?

I am not.

Hathor had the ability to appear and disappear.

OK, she's dead.

- Right?

Please, tell me she's dead.

- Yeah.

I did not attack Cronus.

We believe you, but nobody else will.

Certainly not those lying, scheming, no



-nothing, slimy, ..

overdressed stylemongers.

I'd like to try something.

I wasn't finished yet.

(Dr Fraiser) Are you sure you know what you're doing?

I've made it work before, just not on a living thing.

Uh, I hate to go all Freudian on you here.

The part of you that knows how to run those things You think I don't want to cure Cronus because he ordered Jolinar's death.

I just have the memories of Jolinar.

She doesn't control me.

I'm well aware of the stakes here.

I'm just sayin'.

It worked.

You have healed me, human.

I am sure you spared my life only to prevent your own destruction.

Hey! We didn't do this to you.

We saved your snaky butt because we want the treaty to happen.

That is not possible now.

Nirrti and Yu have undoubtedly blamed the Tauri for this attack on me?

Good catch.

Look, ..

it's obvious to everybody that one of them did this to you.

What if I can prove which one?

What's that worth to you?

What do you ask in return?

We can't prove anything, sir.

All we know for sure is that Nirrti lied.

But Cronus doesn't know that.

And Nirrti doesn't know what else we know.

- Which is nothing.

- But she doesn't know we know nothing.

- What are you suggesting?

- Maybe it's time ..

we take a page out of the Asgard book on dealing with these Goa'ulds.

- You're gonna bluff?

- Sounds risky, Colonel.

Yes, sir.

You lied about healing Cronus with that hand device.

I tried honestly and failed.

I was willing to save him by taking him to a sarcophagus.

Maybe you were, maybe you weren't.

But the fact is, you are the only Goa'uld here ..

who has the technology to be invisible.

That is a lie! Who's lying?

We called the Tok'ra.

They say you've been phase shifting in order to battle the Reetou.

You did not share this technology?

- They are lying.

- You dare attack Cronus ..

and defile our meeting with the Asgard!

- It's not true!

- You are the one who opposed this treaty! You have long coveted Cronus' territory.

Gonach! (O'Neill) Look out! Drop the w*apon.

Ever seen one of these things work?

Cos right now I'd love to demonstrate.

Cronus said he'd support the treaty and we wouldn't have to give up our Stargate.

I was kinda hoping we could count on your vote.

We will not attack your world.

But, if you continue to use your Stargate, ..

be warned.

Anyone who is caught by one of the System Lords ..

will be shown no mercy.

They will suffer greatly.

Well, that certainly makes life more interesting.

Boy, is she gonna get it.

My heart bleeds.