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02x20 - The Merry Makers

Posted: 12/18/13 13:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

What did that guy say to you?

Whatever it is, I think I have the right to know.

He said that he was buying dr*gs from your dad.

Was dad shot because he was selling dr*gs?

I'm not gonna answer that.

So this whole redeployment thing...

I've been looking up ways that you could maybe get discharged honorably.

Maybe we can talk to my dad.

You know, politics can be a dirty business.

They end up doing things that can ruin lives.

And when that happens, it's natural for people to want to retaliate.

I'm sick of lying to everyone.

This is not who I am and you and I are... done.

I'm her father.

No, I'm her father!

Leo and I. So you better lawyer up, because you're not taking Abby away from us.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna fight until I get my kid back.

(Window locks)

She's an infant, not a velociraptor.

I think you're good.

It happened so fast. I just wanna make sure I'm ready.

So, did Leo and Victor just decide to give her up?

No, but I have a good lawyer and her D.N.A. matched.

The judge agreed... Abby belongs with her father.

Consider all your outlets officially baby-proofed... seven months early.

Thank you.

Oh, I wish you wouldn't go.

(Softly chuckles) Three of us in this place

was already pushing it.

I told you, I can sleep
in the living room; you can have my room.

With Abby coming, I just think it's...

(Inhales) time that I go back.

I know.

Being here with you guys this summer has been...

A long time coming.


I'll be back to babysit whenever you need me.



Call me as soon as you get... home.


(Quietly) Bye.

Chip: Excuse me. Daphne!

I just found out your last name is Vasquez.

I had no idea.

From the whole switched-at-birth thing.

Oh, right, of course.

Uh, so are your parents Cuban by any chance?

Uh... Puerto Rican.

When people hear I'm from Cuba, do you know what they think of immediately?


Yes. And the second thing?

Fidel Castro?

The Cuban m*ssile crisis.

You've probably learned about that in school, right?

Just that it was the closest we've ever come to nuclear w*r.

Exactly. The only thing that kept us safe was that the Russians knew if they ever launched a m*ssile at us... we'd launch one right back at them.

You might wanna pass that message along to anyone else you think should hear it.


Have a good day, Daphne.

Honey, um, Nikki's mom is coming over later to discuss the wedding, and I was hoping that you could make sure the Porsche is in the garage.

Uh, sure. Why?

Well, she's a dental hygienist and a single mom, and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable... or to judge us.

Look, I'm sure Denise...


Okay then. I'm sure Jennice is just really grateful that we've agreed to host the wedding on two weeks notice.

And we won't be judging her and she won't be judging us.

Unless, of course, you haven't been flossing.


Kathryn: Hey!

Oh, look who's here!

How was your first night back in your old bed?

There you go. Your favorite...

Peanut butter pancakes.

Aww, yes!

Uh... hey, is coffee still on the menu?

For you?

I've been having it with, uh...


Sure. I don't see why not.

Milk and sugar?

Bay: Yes, please.

Thanks, dad. And there's actually something else I wanted to talk to you about.

Ty just got notice that he's going to be deployed again to Afghanistan.

Oh, my God, honey. I am so sorry.

That's the thing. He already did one tour.

And all these troops are being sent home, and he has to go again.

It's a shame, but that's the job.

I know, which is why I was hoping there's something that you can do, you know, as a Senator.

I'm not sure it's even ethical for me to get involved.

And what about all the soldiers

who aren't dating senators' daughters?

Somebody's gotta go.

Right. And it's usually the kids from East Riverside who don't have anybody looking out for them.

But Ty has me, and I have you... or at least I thought I did.

Okay, that's not fair.

If this were Toby, you wouldn't even be thinking twice.

You'd do anything to make it happen.

So is this because you think it's unethical or because he's dating me?

Come on, Bay. (Sighs deeply)

Bay: That's what it is, isn't it?

You want Ty as far away as possible.

Well, don't worry. It looks like you're gonna get your wish.



Welcome home. (Clears throat)

So could you do something about Ty if you wanted to?

Yeah, I guess I could call in a favor with General Riken.

I just can't believe Bay wasn't home one night before asking me to help her boyfriend go awol.

Yeah, well, you remember how hard it was last time Ty was deployed?

I think it's gonna be worse this time.

Why's it gonna be worse?

Because I think they're a lot more serious.

You know?

(Groaning) Oh, no.

Come on. She's 17. What do you think they're doing?

Just holding hands?

Oh, hi.

You're not dressed for work.

I actually wanted to talk to you about that.

Um, would you be really mad if I ended my internship early?

Like today?

Why? Is something wrong?

Well, Jace and I broke up and his coffee cart's right outside the office.

It's really awkward.

But, honey, you are doing a fantastic job.

And there's a lot of great things happening in the next couple weeks.

Well, actually, I wouldn't mind some time off.

Get some swimming in, hang out before senior year starts.

Let her have some fun.

Really? Huh.


Thank you!

You are turning this place into a sweat lodge.

Babies get cold.

That's why they've got all those cute PJs with the feet attached.

(Doorbell rings)

Here she is.

(Sighs deeply)

Angelo Sorrento?

I have a very special delivery for you.

(Quietly) Thank you.

(Normal voice) Thank you.

Please come in.

I'll just need you to sign a few papers.

Okay. Whatever you need.


Can I hold her?

Of course.


Ohh. (Gasps, exhales)

I forgot how delicious they are.

You should see her smile.


Oh, let me see.

Let me see.

(Gasps) Hi. Hi.

You are gorgeous.


(Baby giggles)

I can't believe she's finally here... with us.

Regina: Ohh, how sweet...

(Baby coos)

Jennice: This place is k*ller.

I drive by houses like this all the time on my way to work and I always wondered what they looked like inside.

Oh, thank you. We've been here forever.

Seriously, Nik and I can fit our whole house in this room.

Okay, wow!

I don't even know what I would do with all this kitchen!

And everything's stainless steel.

Should we talk about the menu?

Yes. Yes, let's do that.

Since we're having barbecue for the rehearsal dinner, I was thinking we'd have chicken and greens

for the reception.

Keep it simple like you wanted.

Everybody loves chicken. Great idea.

Yeah... but, I mean, you could have chicken any night, right?

They put it in lean cuisine.

(Chuckles) Chicken is fine.

I was thinking that we could do seafood, like lobsters, crab, sushi.

Uh, well, you know, it's kinda hard to get good seafood in Kansas City on short notice.

I know, I know. So I went online... the oysters come from New Hampshire.

On dry ice. They just fly them out...

(Snaps fingers) overnight.

So we're gonna pay for oysters to have their own plane ticket?


Yeah, and I thought, you know, we could hire bartenders to do those specialty cocktails and cute little wine bottles for party favors.

Yeah, I don't think they're called party favors.

Jennice: Nik,

I just want you to have the best wedding possible.

Right, because that's what this is all about... what's best for me.

Yeah, it is.

Please. Everything you've done, every decision you've made has been for you.

I'll go talk to her.


She's just stressed.

You know, the planning.

Of course. It's a stressful time.

(Door closes)

(Sighs deeply)

So, how is it over there? Baby central?

Pretty much. (Laughs)

If he can't handle potato chip crumbs on his couch, I don't know what he's gonna do when a screaming, crying little poop maker moves in.

(Daphne laughs) Hey.


What could you possibly be glum about?

Your baby sister has returned.


Just, uh, stuff with Nikki.

Welcome back.

What's going on with Nikki?

They found the guy that m*rder*d her dad.

Oh my God.

Oh no.

Yeah, not so great timing.

And she's got something going on with her mom, and she's cutting herself off from her church friends.

Well, maybe she just needs to get out of her head a little bit, have some fun.

I know, I've been trying.

Is she having a bachelorette party?

Uh, I don't think so.

She is now.

(Snorts) She is?

Oh no!

I mean, do churchy people even go in for bachelorette parties?

Come on, we don't have to have a penis pinata, but we can still have some fun.

Uh, please don't have a penis anything.

Maybe you can throw the party and I can stay home?

What?! We haven't been out together all summer.

And school's almost here.

We need to have a girls' night out.

Christian bachelorette party.

(Weak laugh)

(Dryly) Whoo-hoo.

I've been out with him three times and still no...



No kissing. (Exhales)

I'm sure it'll happen soon.

(Sarcastically) Yeah, me too.

What are you doing tonight?

Daphne and I are... well... throwing this bachelorette party for my brother's fiancée.

You wanna come with?

Why not? It sounds fun.


I'll text you.



What are you doing here?

Well, you weren't answering your phone.

Yeah, 'cause I'm not supposed to have it at work.

So, Ty... is that short for Tyler, Tyrone?

Tyler, why?

I need his full name and rank.

Does that mean you're gonna make a call?

I'm gonna see what I can do.


Mmm! I love you.

I'm sorry for everything that I said.

Seriously, you're the best.

Bay, I need you to understand something, okay?

This is a real long shot.

You got that, right?

I understand.

Okay. I'll see you later.

I'm really embarrassed that you had to see Nikki and I fight like that.

Oh, don't give it a second thought.

You should see some of the doozies Bay and I have had throughout the years.

(Both chuckle)

Well, anyway, I think I found a way to make our lives easier.


I dug this up.


(Chuckles) What is it?

After Nikki was the flower girl at my sister's wedding, she became obsessed with planning her own.

Look, she was six.

(Gasps) She's adorable!

Isn't she?


Now we don't have to guess at what she wants.

I mean, some of these ideas are a little silly, granted... you know, like the pumpkin-shaped carriage, the trumpeters, swans.

It was a Cinderella phase.

But I made a list of some of her ideas that seemed a little more doable.



Apparently swans can be dangerous and, like, attack. But how pretty would peacocks look roaming around that lawn of yours?


But, you know, Nikki hasn't wanted any of these things.

That's just because you can't have peacocks in the church.

But now that we're doing the wedding here...

I mean, we can go all out.

Here's the thing... um... to get all of the stuff on this list at such short notice would be very... difficult.

And I have talked to Nikki and Toby extensively and they have been very clear about what they want... simple, no fuss.

That's just that youth group stuff.


Trust me.

When Nikki walks down the aisle, she's gonna be thrilled.

Are you sure?

You think I don't know my own daughter?

Of course you do.

Well then, what? I'm just pushing all this for me?

You think I care about pear tarts or whatever?

Because I don't.

Sure seems like you do.

Oh, so I'm a gold digger trying to spend your money.

You know Nikki didn't even know Toby's last name when they met.

Jennice, please.

You know what? It's fine, really.

I will just show up and I'll be grateful.

(Baby crying)

* ah les crococo, les crococo, les crocodiles *
* sur les bords du Nil ils sont partis n'en parlons plus... *

I think I prefer the crying to that song.

You think she's hungry?

She just ate! Gas?

I burped her.

Oh, what about the vacuum? That always worked with Daphne.

That's right, she loved it. Mine is in the hall in the closet.

I know where the vacuum is.

I never would have guessed!

Very funny!

(Sings in French)

I think something is wrong.

She's just over-tired.

Maybe I should call the doctor.

(Vacuum whirring)

(Continues singing)

(Crying ceases)

(Sighs, chuckles)

Just like Daphne.


(Dance music playing)

Oh, almost there.


Welcome to your bachelorette party.


Wow, thank you, guys.


We have got a scavenger hunt and pin-the-veil-on-the-bride. And I almost forgot... your tiara.



(Mary Beth chuckles)

And they've got really good appetizers here.

We're gonna get a menu!


(Sighs deeply)

You guys are so nice to do this and I'm just being a big wet blanket.

Well, Toby was telling me what a crappy summer you've had, and to be honest, so have I.

So let's just try to put it all aside and have a great time tonight.

What do you say?

(Pop music playing)

I love this song! Whoo!


(Nikki shouts)



Girl knows how to have fun.

Nikki: Whoo!


Ha ha ha, nice!


Uh, no. He's not coming.

(Sighs) He basically said that...

I was making a huge mistake.

And I don't want someone to stand up there with me who doesn't support me.

So, I actually... need a new best man.



So you don't support me either?

Well, that's great. I mean...

(Cellphone ringing)




Wait, what?

You gotta be kidding me!

Uh, yeah.

I think he should know too.

Actually, he's sitting right next to me.

Yeah, sure. I can tell him.

Well, thanks for letting me know.

(Scoffs) I'm sure you are.

All right, bye.

Ahh, well. That was Simone.

(Chuckles) You're gonna love this.


I don't even know how to spell it.

She has, uh...

(Cellphone chimes) ___

And, um... I don't know the sign.

Um, she doesn't know, how long she's had it.

So she thinks that I should get tested.




Oh, you are a lifesaver.

There's a little bit of everything in here... blankets, sleep sacks.

I pretty much saved everything from when Bay and Toby were little.

I'm so sorry to bother you so late.

Please. I needed a break from this wedding.

This feels like a problem I can fix.

I find it hard to believe there's a wedding problem that you can't fix.

Wait. Do you have a second?


Nikki's mom, who's a lovely person, but doesn't have much to contribute... which is fine... was really pushing for all these over-the-top things.

And I... I said no, and she flipped out.

But up until a week ago, this was what they wanted... a simple wedding in a church basement.

And all of a sudden, her mom wants this, uh...

Cinderella fantasy for a six-year-old.


I think she might be overcompensating.

Overcompensating for what?

Her dad was m*rder*d for buying dr*gs?!

Selling, actually.

The point is Nikki's mom wants to throw money at the wedding to make up for the fact that Nikki just found out...

I get it, I get it. Our son is marrying into a drug cartel.

Honey, we can't judge until we know the whole situation.

I am pretty sure that you can judge drug dealing.

Well, apparently Nikki had no idea about any of this until they went to visit that guy in jail.

And now she's furious with her mother for not telling her.

Okay, and live doves and ice sculptures are supposed to make up for that?

Remember what Regina went through when Daphne found out that she knew about the switch and didn't tell her?

I mean, she must be spinning.

Well, could she please spin out on somebody else's budget?

(All laughing)

All right, girls.

I scored some more drinks from that bachelor party.



Okay, everybody, take a dare from the boot.

Bay: Okay let's see, let's see.

(All laughing)

Come on!



"Ask a stranger for a condom."




"Get a hot guy's phone number."

"Get a guy to give you his underwear."

(All laughing)


Uh... "Kiss a cute boy."

I'm on it!

Me too!




The only boy I want to kiss isn't here.

Well, Travis is at Scratch. That's like three blocks away.

Let's go find him.

(Chuckles weakly)

I don't think he wants to kiss me.

Well, now he has to. It says so on the card.

(Sternly) Bay.

You said you wanted to kiss him.

Let's go get you kissed.

(Rock music playing)

I'm only paid till 10:00. So is the groom coming?

Or what?

(Cellphone vibrating)

No. I wanna get this over with, get my clean bill of health and forget that this ever happened.

Says here to list your sexual partners.

You wanna just copy off of me?

Me too.

And yet here we are.

I need a urine sample. Bathroom's down the hall.

Best bachelor party ever.

(Pop music playing)

25, baby!

(Both chuckle)

Great job.

What are you doing?

No. Nuh-uh. No phones.

Nuh-uh. You are the one that was like, "we gotta get out of our heads.

We gotta have fun for one night."

What's going on?


Come on.

You and I, we're going to be family in one week.

We're going to be sisters.

That is true.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna remember a thing tomorrow anyway.

(Deeply exhales)

It's your party. I don't wanna get into it.

I don't care about my party.

I care about you.

(Sighs) You know Chip Coto?


The coffee guy and I... blackmailed him into changing his vote for the abstinence-only bill.


Can I come in?


Sorry, they... they said Kennish and I thought it was...

Nope. Not Bay.

You must know what a big deal this is... for me to pull a string, get you out of your commitment.

I do.

I happen to believe that you should follow through when you say you're gonna do something.

So do I.

You're not making a very compelling case for yourself.

Don't get me wrong. I wanna be with her, but if I did somehow get myself stationed locally...

I don't know what I would tell the guys.

This is a lot more complicated for me.

You don't wanna disappoint her.

(Quietly) No.

Wait till you're a parent.

It gets about 100 times harder.



(Clears throat)

Um, I'm sorry if...

I confused you with this.


Very helpful.

It's good to see you.

You too.

He is an awful guy.

Pretty awful.

So... that's it?

No one is going to find out?

It's over. It's fine.

No, Daphne. Everyone needs to know what a liar he is.

I'm not gonna tell anyone, and neither are you.


So let's just put the genie back in the bottle.



I'm gonna go get you some water.

So, uh, we're just gonna wait here for the results?

You're gonna call us or... ?

We'll notify you within seven to 10 business days.

No. I'm gonna need my results faster than that.

Like next Friday, latest.

It takes five to seven days for the bacteria to grow.

Could I pay more to put a rush on it?

Even money can't rush bacteria.

And you should refrain from any sexual activity until you get your results.

I'm getting married next week.

Then here is a brochure on how to talk to your partner about sexually transmitted diseases.

We haven't had sex.


We've been waiting.

Thank you, lady.

Very much.

And thank you, Simone.

And thank you, Wilke, who probably gave it to Simone in the first place, right?

And thank you, God, for creating genital diseases.

You know who the biggest idiot of them all is?

Me! For asking the guy who screwed my girlfriend to be me best man. You know what?

Maybe I should ask Simone to walk me down the aisle.

Huh! That'd be great. I'm sure Nikki would love that.

Bring the whole family right back together.

Yeah, you're right. Let's get out of here.

I heard about Ty's redeployment back to Afghanistan.

Your stomach must be in knots.

Actually, my dad's gonna try to make a few calls so Ty doesn't have to go back over there.

And Ty's okay with that?

I mean, not shipping out with the rest of his unit?

Well, he wasn't at first, but...

Are you okay?

Yeah. Fine.

Don't be nervous. You look extremely kissable.


(Rock music playing)

It's a bachelor party.

He's dancing with a girl.

I've been racking my brain... wondering why he hasn't kissed me.

Do you know what Occam's razor is?


It means when you're looking for the answer to a problem, it's usually the most obvious one.

I don't know what you're talking about.


'Cause it seems pretty obvious to me that what he wants is a lingerie model, like all guys.

That's ridiculous.

You just have to march over there and plant one on him.

Is that right? Is that what I have to do?


Because you always know what's right for everyone.

I... I didn't say that.

How could you ask Ty to give up his platoon for you?

I'm trying to keep him out of a w*r zone.

I thought with what happened to your brother you'd be happy...

Justin was injured and sent home.

He was on the couch watching TV while they were on the front line. That made him crazy.

You don't ask someone in the military to do what you're asking.

I'm sorry about what happened to your brother, but what's gonna k*ll Ty is not sitting on a couch; it's being in a country with people who want to k*ll him.

I should've never come out tonight.

You are not going to get away with this.

Who was that?

Uh, Chip Coto.

What do you mean?

I called his office and left him a voice-mail.

I told him off.

You didn't.

Yup, I did.


He's totally gonna pee his pants.

Nikki, please... please tell me that you did not do that, please.

He can't just get away with it.

I had a deal with Chip Coto!

If he thinks I'm running around telling people, he's gonna take me out like a Cuban m*ssile!


Why can't people stay away from phones with this guy?

Why would you do that?

Why would you screw me over like that?

What in the world would make you wanna pick up a phone and call him?!

I don't know.

We need to fix this. We need to fix this like now!

How are we going to get into his office?

If you're saying something, I can't hear you.



Try that.

You know what, let me...

Maybe I can find a letter opener, or something.

See if we can pry it open.


(Lock rattling)

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

What do you think you're doing?

Are you listening to me?

Wait! Oh, my gosh!

She's... she's deaf.

Sir, uh...

I'm really sorry. I know we shouldn't be here, but I really screwed something up and if I don't fix it, I'm gonna get fired.

What do you have to fix?

He's asking what we need to fix.

Uh, we were in the car together and she was leaving a voice-mail for our boss and I thought she'd hung up...

But I have a hands-free and I hadn't hung up yet.

And I said some things about our boss.

Yeah. And it turns out the whole thing got recorded.

Could you please do us the biggest favor in the whole world and unlock the door, so I could delete the message?

I honestly don't think it would do anybody any good for him to hear it.


Nikki: Please.

Okay, but nobody can know about this.

He said okay.

Thank you.

(Soft rock music playing)

I dragged her here to kiss you and she saw you tangoing with that girl.

Not helping!

True, but I don't think the fact that she's a size zero helped.

She does.

She thinks that's why you haven't kissed her yet.

Well, if you kiss her, that'll probably make the moment pretty special.

You know what the password is, right?

Yeah, they usually keep them right here.



You have one new message sent today at 10:32 P.M.

I got it.


Nikki's voice: Your family thinks you're this great guy who takes care of them. But you're just this lying scumbag!

My God, how do you think your kids are going to feel when they find out?

You are not going to get away with this.


Computer: To save, press one.

To repeat, press two.


To erase, press three.

I don't think I was yelling at Coto.

I think I was yelling at my dad.


Computer: Message erased.

(Exhales deeply, clears throat)

It's gone.

I kinda lost it tonight, huh?

It's okay.

I think I'm just really sad... that my dad isn't gonna be there to walk me down the aisle.

And I'm not even mad at him anymore.

I'm just... just sad.

You're gonna get a new family now.

We're gonna be sisters.

She's down.


Please let her stay asleep.


Remember the first few months with Daphne?

We were total zombies.

Did we remember to pay the...

(Mimics snoring)


This is nice.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

It is.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We said we wouldn't.


Nikki: Hi.


So did you have fun?

Yeah. Yeah, I did, actually.

How about you?


I didn't. (Exhales)

No fun was had.

Babe, what happened?

Um... there's something I need to tell you.

What is it?




I'd like that.

It would be so easy for us to sink back into this.

I mean, it's all right here.

Is that so wrong?

Abby is yours, not mine.

She could be ours.

This baby is not a time machine.

(Sighs) I'm sorry that we missed our chance to raise a daughter together, but I did it once.

And I don't wanna do it again.

But... she's gonna have a really great dad.

Jennice, hi.

I didn't know which entrance to use.

This is perfect. (Chuckles nervously)

I feel bad about how we left things yesterday.

I was thinking about it and... peacocks would be nice.


Nikki told you about her dad.

Actually, Regina did, and I am really sorry.

You must be thrilled to have your son marrying the daughter of a meth dealer.

We haven't given it a second thought.

Nikki's great.



(Groaning) Oh, God, this wedding.

Don't you want it to happen?


I mean, do you?

Of course not!

They're way too young, right?

It's absurd.

Toby should be in college and Nikki should be just figuring out what she wants to do with her life.

That's what we think!

They can be in love and not be married.


What are we gonna do about this thing?

(Acoustic guitar music playing)

* I don't know *
* why my heart *
* feels this way *
* when I'm with you

* all is quiet *
* all is calm... *


* I feel safe... *

These are my brother's tags.

* ... When I'm with you *

Where did... what...

Where did you find them?

I don't know what that means, but you found them.

How did you know that I lost them?

* years go by *
* still you're standing *
* by my side *
* all this time *
* all this time... *



So, I...

I made some calls about Ty.

And... they've really been cracking down on this kind of thing.

Unfortunately, I don't have the juice to do it.

I'm sure that, uh...

I've disappointed you.

I'm sorry.


Thank you for trying.

(Intercom beeps)

Secretary: I have Steve from Security for you.

Hey, Steve.


Yeah, I'm watching it right now.

Well, thanks for bringing it to my attention.


I'll take care of this myself.

You got it.