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02x16 - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of So

Posted: 12/18/13 13:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Just give me a month. And I will prove to you how valuable I am.

Two weeks.

Is this what we want for Toby?

Manage a car wash?



It's summer! And I'm not having any fun.

And I sound crazy...


You don't.

I wanna be close to you.

I gotta be honest with you.

I've had a couple dreams about you.

He made a pass at me.

Made a pass?

You stay the hell away from my wife.

(Grunts, moans)

John! Can you hear me?

Three, four, five, six, seven...



(Cellphone vibrates)

(Cellphone rings)

You sure about this?

Yeah. I'm sure.

D... do you have a...



They give these out to everybody.

(Drawer closes)

(Cellphone ringing)

(Exhales deeply)

Do you wanna get that?


It's like the third time they've called you.


Hey, mom. What's up?

I'm on my way. Uh...

What? What's wrong?

(Exhales) I... I have to go. I'll call you later.

(Door opens)

Daphne: Is this enough?

He had a heart attack, not a tapeworm.


Toby: Guy has to eat hospital food for a whole week, and he has to come home to radishes?

(Door opens)

Regina: Sorry.

There was a huge line.

Did you get the whole wheat?

And the low-fat cream cheese.

Whoa! Way to take the fun out of bagels.

John needs to start eating healthy.

There's gonna be a lot of changes around here.

(Door opens)

Kathryn: Hey!

Who's been driving my Porsche?

Maybe not so many changes.

(Kathryn laughs)

Hey hey! Ohh! Ah-ha-ha-ha.

Ow. Oh, my...

I'm sorry.

My rib is just a little bit bruised still.

It's from the C.P.R.

This woman doesn't know her own strength.

I feel terrible.

Oh, Regina, stop it.

It's great to see you.

Welcome home.

You look good.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

But I have to rush off to work.

Oh, no problem. Thank you so much for coming.







Look at you! Hi!


Come here, you guys. So, how's the car wash?

(Door closes)

No problems at all.


Just like you left it.

Don't even think about it.


Which is a good thing, since the doctor recommends that he does almost nothing for two weeks.

So I made you your very own instant queue.

All movies guaranteed not to raise your blood pressure.

And in a few days we can start your workout routine.

It's really slow at first.

I really appreciate everything you've done, but, really, it was a minor cardiac incident.


What is this?

Soy cheese.

Oh, wow.

Also, I wanna let everybody know that we're gonna keep this under the radar.

Okay? The official story is that I had a severe case of stomach flu.

Honey, I don't think it's a good idea to lie.

Hold on a second. I'm still the new guy in the Senate, and I can't have everyone treating me like an invalid.

Right? Makes sense.

So this is fantastic. Thank you so much.

I just need to catch up on that farm bill before lunch.


That's not taking it easy.

The only way this bill is gonna k*ll me is if I die from boredom.

Okay? Mwah! I'll be right back.


It's okay, it's okay.

I was hoping to have a second to check in with you.


I know my trial period is almost over, and I was wondering if everything was going... how you had hoped.

Things are going very well.

You're great with customers, you're a team player.

But if I bring you on, the bulk of your income is going to be commissions.

Of course.

So, you might wanna think about bringing in some business of your own.


I can do that.

(Footsteps approaching)

Good morning. Beautiful day.

I just texted Mark. He said that we could reschedule the open house if you're feeling tired.

Oh, no no no no no. I've had plenty of rest.

Besides, I love talking to the constituents.



All I do is read their emails and it stresses me out.

It's just a couple of hours. I'll be fine.

All right, we have here one tofu scramble, especially made for...

Senator Kennish.

Thank you, but I...

(Chuckles) No, I... I don't do tofu.

Anyway, I should be going. Um, have you seen my keys?

You're not supposed to drive.

Honey, downtown's like 15 minutes away.

I'll be fine.

Those were the doctor's orders.

I can drive you there.

And will you at least eat a banana?


Aww, geez, where are you?

sh**t sh**t.

Not this one.

What's the emergency?

(Deeply sighs)

I am about to put out an A.P.B. on my left shoe.

It's a... a pump. Burgundy.

If only there was a way to put your shoe in one place at night and have them be there the next morning.

(Sighs) Not helping.


Ah, found it.

Thank you.

How about I make dinner for us tonight?

Actually, uh, I was wondering if you'd be willing to have dinner at the country club.

Whitney wants me to start bringing in new clients, and you seem to be doing so well there.

So why not ask me?

I mean, hello! I'm opening a restaurant.


Barbara and I haven't talked about design yet.

But we're gonna need someone.

Do you think that she would be willing?

I can talk to her.

(Exhales) Thank you!

Okay, I gotta go.

Toby: Hey, guys. Could you come in so I can talk to you for a second?

So I wanna thank you guys for getting here early today on our first day of the home run promotion.

It's our busiest time of the summer, so we gotta keep the line moving, while keeping our normal high standard.

Not shortcuts and no cutting corners.

You know the drill.

Great. Um... let's get to it.

Hey, man.

Don't be on your phone.

It's the great circle of life here at Maui, Kansas.

Who will save these surfers from their inevitable doom?


Anybody at all.

You look like you could use a pineapple freezee.

Thank you.

So your dad's home from the hospital, right?

He must be psyched.

It's like the royals' opening day, but on steroids.

(Chuckles softly) Is he on bed rest?

(Scoffs) No, he's already at a "I need to make sure the voters really really like me event."

It's almost like nothing ever happened.

And what about you? You okay?

I'm just happy to be somewhere other than a hospital waiting room.

Well, you still feel like coming to that cookout on the base?

Ohh, right, that.

I mean, if you're not up for it, I totally understand.

No no, it sounds great.

I could really use some fun.

Well, if your curfew isn't too early... then maybe after the cookout we can hang out in my room for a little while.

Yeah. I don't think I have to be home too early.

All right.

It's a date.

It's a date.

Senator, I'd like to talk to you about your stance on medical marijuana.

I have severe glaucoma, and I resent that you...

Excuse me, excuse me. I'm with the federal government on this one, but thank you for stopping by.

Oh-ho, good answer.

Senator Coto.


Nice turnout, John. Guess when you take

a week off, you gotta make up for lost time.

Yeah, it was hardly a week off.

I got something else for you.

We got a charity softball tournament in a few weeks.

I want you on the team.

You'll be our ringer.

Is that gonna be a problem?

No problem.


Do you mind if I grab him?

There's a bunch of folks who wanna meet him.

I do work for the people.

Yeah, sure. Just take care of yourself, John.

All right? This job can really wear you out if you're not careful.

A lot of the new guys underestimate the stress.

Chip, I'm good.

All right.

Nice seeing you, Daphne.


Do you have any herbal tea?

(Exhales) I'm insulted.

Not just as a barista, but as a Brit.

I'll take that as a "no" then.

Just a Grande decaf coffee please.

You know, the best way for an intern to celebrate a successful voter meet-and-greet is going on her first official date with the finest latte maker in Kansas City.

Oh! See, 'cause I thought it was by sending follow-up e-mails.

I made reservations at the new sushi restaurant on Seventh.

Oh. Uh...

I should probably stay home with my dad.

Didn't he come into the office this morning?

How bad was his stomach flu?

He's just really bad about

resting and...

Look, if you don't wanna hang out, that's fine.

No no no, I do. I just...

Don't worry about it.

I'll see you later.



Do you know anything about this next appointment?

Uh, Barbara Salz, Brazilian fusion.

Actually, that is my first client.

She is opening a new restaurant in the power and light district.


(Door opens)

Can I help you?

Uh, this is Angelo Sorrento.

He is Barbara's partner in the restaurant.

Nice to meet you.

Pleasure to meet you.

I'm Whitney. I own this studio.

Regina has some really great ideas.

I'm excited to get to work.

Well, let's go to my desk.


This wasn't the plan.


Is now a good time?


Sit down.

Uh, so...

I kinda have a weird question.

What's going on?

(Sighs deeply)

Okay, I'm going to this cookout with Ty later today, and we're probably gonna... hang out in his room.

Wait, do you mean like hang out hang out?

For the first time ever.

Oh, my God. Really?

Yeah. I know.

A week after my dad had a heart attack.

Am I a terrible person?

You're not planning on telling John, are you?

God, no.

Well, then I'd say you're okay.

So, uh... does it hurt?

Well... my first time was in the boathouse and we were lying on a tarp.

So it hurt my back more than anything else.

A boathouse?

(Chuckles) Yeah, it was at camp.

He was the archery C.I.T.

It was actually his first time too, so it was kinda fun figuring everything out together.

Okay, but how do I know what to do? Like what to take off when?

Oh, I think he'll take care of that for you.

I don't know, like what if my... body isn't what he's expecting?

Guys don't really care about that.

Not like we do.

They're just happy to be there.


So does all this great advice come from some recent experience with, I don't know, maybe someone British?


I think I kinda ruined it with him.

What happened?

Well, we keep making plans, but I keep having to cancel because of everything that's going on here.

Look, you like this coffee guy, right?


Then make time for him.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.


(Rock music playing)


Bay Kennish reporting for duty.

At ease.

Guys, this is Bay.

This is Peanut...

What's up?

... Briggs...



I brought my world famous Alabama Al's takeout.

Couldn't decide between the fried mac and cheese or the bacon and cheddar tater tots, so I got both.



Cool, where should I put these?

Oh, right here. Let's eat!

Need a hand with that?

(Briggs chuckles) No.

Bay, no no.


Yeah, I've met your dad.

What's the verdict?

Oh, yeah.

You are welcome here anytime.

All right.

Wait, are you the one who did that girl holding that ax?

I am.

All right, boys. Who wants a snake bite?

Aww, yeah!

Ooo ooo!

Come here, Briggs. Bump it. Give me some love.

Jennings, is that a new leg? That is badass.

I want one of those.

Bay, this is Aida.

Aida, Bay.



She was a medic that was stationed with us in Kabul.

Yeah, I took care of their paper cuts and broken fingernails.

Ah ah, ladies first.

What are you doing? Your mama didn't raise you right?

Uh, thank you. But I have a, uh... mango tango lemonade.




Yeah, right up the chain of command.

As it should be.

Army Brat... that's your new nickname.

Forget Peanut.

Kathryn: Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry.

I'll be right there. (Sighs)

It's the barbecue place.

I forgot that I set up an appointment for a tasting for the rehearsal dinner.

Off you go.

Are you sure? I can reschedule it.

No, it's fine. I can sit here and eat crackers all by myself.

Kathryn, you go. I can stay with John.

Are you sure?

Of course.

Oh. Well, then you gotta make sure that he takes it easy.




Kathryn: Bye!

(Doorbell rings)

Who's here? Mary Poppins?

Jace, can I get you a cup or is that like bringing your work home with you?


I'm actually not much of a coffee fan.


Yes, it's decaf.

So, what's the plan tonight?

Uh, just staying in and making some Risotto.

That's it?

I think there's a shuffleboard game at six if you can stay awake.


Shuffle... it's a... it's a game for the old or the British. Kinda the same thing.

A bi-cultural joke. Quite funny for a Republican.

Don't tell me my coffee's being served to me from across the aisle.

I prefer to think my position is outside the narrow grid of U.S. politics.

Are you telling me that you're a socialist?

'Cause we got one of those in the White House.

Do you even know what a socialist is?

Why, yes, I do.

It's a guy who wants to tell people what kind of health insurance they need and get me to pay for it.

I wish your president was socialist.

Maybe then you wouldn't have some of the highest rates of poverty and hunger in one of the world's most developed nations.

Are you one of those 99% guys?

'Cause let me tell you something, I gotta...

Okay, guys. We're not gonna do this.

And I need you to cut these for me, please.

And why don't you go watch some "Game of Thrones"?

And we'll let you know when it's ready.

"Game of Thrones"... there is something we can agree on.

Yes! And you know why? Because it makes sense when regimes rise...


... To power based on their actual ability...

Your dad is cool.

He's actually supposed to be resting, so could you back off just a little bit?

He doesn't seem that ill.

He didn't have the flu.

He had a heart attack.


I'm sorry I lied to you.

We just wanted to keep it in the family.


I'm glad you told me.

What's a guy gotta do to get a buff and puff?

(Chuckles) Cheves, what's up?

What's going on, man?

Not much.

I think I can pull some strings for you.

Uh, hey, Ricardo! Got another car for you.

Dude, is that Holly Keener?

(Car door closes)


Man, I don't know what it is about this summer, but I've hooked up with more girls than I probably did the entire four years I was at Buckner.

(Chuckles) You feel me.

Yeah, totally.

Uh, so when do you head out to school?

Orientation is in three weeks, but I would go up there now if they let me.

Trading in K.C. for the windy city... no parents, no curfew.

It's total freedom.

Man, it's like our lives are finally starting.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, totally.

So is it hard being a woman in the army?

I don't know. I'd say it's... generally just hard being in the army.

Don't listen to her. She's tougher than most of the guys.

Well, tougher than you.

Although that's not really saying much.

So there's this story about a convoy she was on.

Geez! This again?

Calm down. They're having to take these civil engineers into the city, and a roadside b*mb hits one of the humvees and catches on fire.

Engineers start scrambling out, but this one guy's injured.

Guy weighs like 250 pounds.

And he gets heavier every time I hear this story.

All right, so Aida... she goes crawling in there, grabs the guy, drags him out.

The whole time she's just got insurgents popping off sh*ts at her.


It's just the job.

It's not just the job.

You were covered in bruises.

I thought that was from hooking up with you.

Briggs, I think we're running low on beer.

Why don't you go get us some more?

I just keep thinking "what if my mom hadn't been there?"

And even if I did find him, I couldn't save him.

I don't know C.P.R.

Well, I'm C.P.R. certified.

When I was eight, I was at this floating market in Bangkok.

A floating market where?

My parents are aid workers, so I kinda grew up all over.

Anyway, I was goofing off at the side and I fell in.

And they had a bit of a hard time fishing me out.

You don't know how to swim?

But the point is I do know C.P.R.

So I can save someone else.

Can you teach me sometime?

I can teach you now.


So first thing before you do anything is check for responsiveness.

Then you call 911.

And then puts your hands like this in the center of the chest, right between the, uh...

(Both laugh) and you push down about five centimeters for 30 compressions.

And then it's the... mouth-to-mouth.

I think we've done something like that before.

What's going on here?

He's teaching me C.P.R.

Hello, Senator.

Why is he teaching you C.P.R.?

I told him.

I'm sorry. It just slipped out.

But he won't put it on his blog.

A blog... you have a blog?!

Oh, Daphne.

Next time just put it in the "Herald."

I'm not gonna post it.


Well, then.

I should go up. It's time for his medicine.

I can man the Risotto.

Maybe we should just do this another time.

He's really upset and I have a lot of stuff...

I'm sorry your dad had a heart attack, believe me, I get it.

My parents are working in Malawi.

It's a battle not to spend every second of the day worrying about them.

But I have to.

Because I have a life. Things I wanna do... a girl I wanna get to know.

But, hey, you're obviously living your life differently.

And I know better than to try and change that.

You were late coming back from your break.

Just be on time, okay?

Don't make me be that guy.

I'm trying to make this an okay place to work, all right?

I need you to be on my team.


You want this job? Take it.

You're telling me you wanna make work schedules and calculate expenses and all that?

I'm sorry, man.

I didn't realize you wanted the job.

If I would have known, I wouldn't have...

I have about 3,000 messages for you.


So after my lunch...

I took an impromptu meeting with Angelo and his partner to see the space they're working with.

I thought they were tearing down and rebuilding.

Oh, it's still helpful to get a sense of size, the neighborhood.

You know.

Now don't worry. You brought this project in.

The commission's yours.

But I do think it will be helpful if I supervise, since this is your first go.

Plus, I get a sense there's kind of a vibe between us.

Do you think you can find out if he's seeing anyone?

And what his type is.

I know I'm a little older than he is, but, um...

Yeah. Sure. I'll ask.


What are you doing?

It's okay. The doctor said a little exercise is good.

A little exercise, not training for the Olympics.

(Panting) Okay.

What were you thinking telling that guy about what happened?

I told you that was private.

I know. I'm sorry.

It's just that you two were going at it and I was just...

And why is he giving you C.P.R. lessons on the kitchen floor?

So I could actually be of use if it happened again.

It is not gonna happen again.

How do you know that?!

All right, look...

I really appreciate everything that you're doing for me.

But you gotta stop treating me like I got a foot in the grave.

Okay? It is making me crazy.

I just don't understand why it's such a big deal to listen to the doctors and start taking care of yourself.

Because I like eating steak and I like working out.

And I gotta do my job or they're gonna fire me.

Okay? And I'm not gonna go into hibernation.

And I am not gonna start eating tofu at every meal.

Why not? Aren't we worth it?

Isn't being here worth every sacrifice you have to make?

Oh, come on. (Exhales)

Okay, you know what? You're right.

It's your life.

Your pills are there if you want them.

(Sighs deeply)

Ty: Hey, where you going?


How you getting home?

I don't know, maybe you and Aida can take me back in a t*nk.


I cannot believe that you dragged me to a picnic with your ex-girlfriend, G.I. Jane.

Okay, I didn't know Aida was gonna be here and she's not my ex-girlfriend.

So you two never hooked up?

No, we did.

But she wasn't my girlfriend.


Well, that makes it much better.

Look, why should I feel bad about being with somebody else?

We weren't dating, Bay.

In fact, I called you and you told me you were with Emmett, and you don't see me freaking out about that.

But I didn't have sex with Emmett.

I haven't had sex with anyone.

Wait, what?

Forget it.

No. Why didn't you tell me that?

Look, I just wanna go home.

Okay, if you'll hang on a second. Let me just grab my keys.

I already called Regina. She's on her way.

That ended early.


(Sighs deeply)

Am I crazy for trying to make this work?

Did something happen?

No, it's just...

I have no idea what Ty's doing with me.

He's been to w*r. He's seen so much life-changing stuff.

He's friends with guys who have had their arms blown off, and I've... been to high school.


A deaf high school.

And you are an amazing artist.

And there was this woman there, this medic, and she's like... dragged people from burning tanks or whatever.


Ty's been with her.


Been with her.


And have you and Ty... ?

Can this please not be that talk?

I've been sufficiently humiliated enough for one day.

Got it.

I definitely know what it's like to be with someone from a different world.

You feel like everybody's looking at you, wondering "how did that happen?"

You start comparing yourself with whoever you think he's supposed to be with.

But that is a trap.

The only thing that matters is how you two feel when the rest of the world goes away.

If you can be yourself and still feel beautiful and loved and appreciated, then the rest is just noise.


I hear you.

It's still annoying.

Yeah. I know.

(Engine turns over)

Hi. Uh, yes.

I actually was accepted to WashU a couple months ago.

Yes. Yeah, I know that.

And, uh, I was wondering if I could still get my slot.

No. Yeah, I mean that makes total sense.

Is there a waiting list or...

That long, really? Okay.

Could you put me on there anyway?

You want help?


I hope you got good feedback after the meeting.

I did.

Apparently Whitney thinks you two have a "vibe."

A "vibe"?

Why didn't you just send Barbara like we had planned?

Why did you have to come yourself?

I was trying to help.

I know Whitney's amazing, she runs her own business, she has her own house, she's gorgeous.

Wait, what?

She's not camped out at her ex-boyfriend's house realizing that she is starting all over... again.

She just made different choices than you.

What's this about?

You really think I would try to seduce your boss?

You know what? Um... this was a mistake.

Okay, I'll get out of it.


I meant moving in here.

I have never been able to be around you without feeling...

(Sighs) invisible.

You've never been invisible to me.

(Sighs) I... I can't.

I just got out of treatment.

I can't.

I have to wait.

Then I'll wait.

(Deeply exhales) I am so ready for bed.


Are you reading the education bill?

Are you voting on that or am I?

I'm just trying to help you, honey.

We're all just trying to help you.

Okay. All right.

Daphne already yelled at me tonight.

Yeah. (Clears throat)

She told me.

I don't think you have any idea what it's like for her.


She had one dad that left her, and now she's terrified that she's gonna lose you.

I know.

And you know, she is not the only one who is terrified.

I thought you were gonna die.

You know, that could have happened.

You need to know that.

You're one of the most driven men I know, but...

Kathryn, it is not realistic for me to take a couple of months off!

I've got a family that needs me, I've got a business that I can barely keep going when I'm at 100%. And right now, I've got members of my own party circling me like sharks.

Who cares?!

So someone finds out you had a heart attack, so you don't get re-elected, so you lose a business!

What, you're gonna k*ll yourself just because you're embarrassed?!

Or you don't wanna look weak?

What am I supposed to do, huh?

Just let my whole life go?

John, I...

I've seen you go from baseball star to businessman to State Senator.

I have been right there with you... when overnight we became parents to a deaf teenager who we'd never met.

None of these transitions have been easy.

But you made the changes that you had to and you became a better man because of it.


This is the new reality.

Don't leave me alone in it.

Good morning.

Oh, sweetie!


I'm putting a full day in on the couch today.

Would you mind taking a look at that for me?

Sure. What is it?

A press release.

I'm going with "cardiac incident."

Does that sound like too much of a dodge?


It's fine.

So, it's still your ribs?


I won't be playing in any softball tournaments

anytime soon.

Guess you won't get to see me back in my uniform.

I'll see that soon enough.

I'm gonna get started on this.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you. Hey, kiddo.

I was just gonna make some breakfast.

How you feeling?

Uh, pretty crappy. Thank you for asking.

Do you have... any of those fixings for a tofu scramble?

Oh, we don't have to have that.

Just tell me what you want. I'll make it.

No, tofu scramble sounds perfect.


I'm sorry.

It's okay.


Hi. How'd the Lerner installation go?


Oh, good.

So I did some asking for you...

Thanks, Jack.

And it turns out Angelo is married.

He just doesn't wear a wedding ring.



Well, that's a shame.

Thank you for asking, though.

Of course.

Tofu scramble with fake cheese.

It's delicious.

I'm sure.

(Both chuckle)

So, um, I wanted to talk to you... about the car wash.

Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, because I'm sorry that I have not been as appreciative of your work over there.

Oh, no, it's not that. Um...

I heard that Travis wanted the job...

That was a tough decision. Don't feel bad about that.

Travis is a good kid. His time will come.

But you were the guy for that job.

Pure and simple.

Well, I was... kinda wondering about that.


'cause, you know, there's some things... you know, like talking to the guys and...

I'm not sure I'm...


There's a learning curve with that job. I know. I did it.

You're doing great.

And I gotta tell you, I don't know what I would do without you over there.

Well, I need your approval on a new coupon.

You're the new manager.

Whatever you think is best. I trust you.


I thought you might want to taste the fruits of your labor.

The most delicious peace offering I've ever received.

I'm sorry about the worst first date in history.

I just got too scared that I went a little overboard on everything.

It's okay.

Now I know I'll have an attentive nurse should I ever injure myself.

(Both laugh)

What are these?

Guest passes for the country club.

I'm gonna teach you how to swim.

You won't be the first who's tried.

I'm pretty hopeless.

Jace, you can ride a unicycle.

I promise you can learn to swim in a country club pool.

Oh, that smells amazing.

Pasta puttanesca.

It's ready in 10 minutes.

I'm gonna go change and put my shoes away.

(Cellphone vibrates)


They found my baby!


Wow, even a psycho meltdown can't scare you away.

Is that what you were hoping?


Look, I feel terrible about what happened.

Could we just not talk about that?

Like ever?

I was hoping we could have a do-over.

I would love that.

(Acoustic guitar music playing)

Come on.

* read my mind *

♪ so I don't need to speak... ♪

You did all of this?

Briggs helped me with the candles, but yeah.

(Door closes)

It doesn't mean... we have to do anything though.

I hate this music.

Hang on.

(Music stops)

Is that a T-shirt?

It's clean. I'm pretty sure.


Dude, I'm on a budget here.

I can see that from the lack of rose petals on the bed.

Well, at least I didn't light incense.

Gotta give me that one.

Ah, hang on.

(Sighs) Good-bye, world.

Ah, could we maybe...


Yeah, no problem.


(Both laugh)

This is definitely not going according to my plans.

Wait. The candles.

Oh, no.

It's all right.

I got it.

'Cause that's all we need, right?

Is for the fire alarm to go off and then the sprinklers turn on and everybody's rushing in, and they're like, "what were you guys doing in there?"


Stop talking.
