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02x15 - Ecce Mono

Posted: 12/18/13 13:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

She's known since 1998 that the girls were switched?

I found out when Daphne was three.

You kept my daughter from me for 13 years!

I will never forgive you for that.

And the more that I know you, the more I realize I was right to keep it a secret.

You would have taken both girls away from me.

You are damn right I would have.



John? Can you hear me?

Operator: 9-1-1. What's your emergency?

It's my neighbor. I can't get a pulse.

Operator: Start compressions.


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...




Come here, you.

Oh, sweaty!

Yeah, and I beat my best time.

How about that?

Those rookies better watch their backs.

Yeah, they'd better.

There you go.

Toby, Bay! Time for breakfast.


Kathryn: Oh now, don't run. Don't run.

Hey, curly. How are you this morning?


Ready for breakfast?

All right. I hope everybody's hungry.

Here you go, my little skunkerroo.

Your purple one. And here you go, my little squirrel. All righty.

(Phone ringing)

Just muffins?

I want the purple one.

Kathryn: The purple one is hers, honey.

I want it.

But, honey.

I don't understand.

I want it.

You can have the purple one tomorrow.

I want it!


What is it?

Is something wrong?

The other mother discovered the little girl wasn't hers about six weeks ago.

She alerted the hospital, they investigated to find out who the other baby might be, and...

It's our Bay.

How'd she find out?

The little girl got sick with meningitis.

She okay?

She's healthy, but as a result of the infection, she went deaf.


Oh, God.

What do we do?

We fix it.


I don't know. But we will.

John: So what happens now?

Kathryn: Do we meet the other parents?

I believe it's just the mother, Regina Vasquez.

We're still trying to find out about the father.

What exactly do we know about this woman?

She has two drunk driving arrests.


Including one when Daphne was in the car with her.

Are you kidding me?!

Oh my... this is unbelievable.

How do we get our daughter back?

We can't lose our Bay.

We can't lose her.

Of course not.

Okay, you know what?

We want custody of both girls.

Amanda: And on July 28, you were arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Daphne needed stitches.

She fell on the front steps, and I had to get her to the free clinic.

They closed at 7:00.

I had to get her there in time.

Maybe if you'd been supervising your daughter

instead of drinking, she wouldn't have been injured.



I was a tenth of a point over the limit.

Don't you think that with a child in the car, any amount of alcohol is over the limit?

Of course. But...

How many times have you driven your daughter when you thought you were sober?

It was an emergency.

Your Honor, my client is...

Objection sustained.

Do you know the current whereabouts of Bay's biological father?

I believe he's somewhere in Italy.

Angelo left when the DNA test proved that Daphne wasn't his.

He thought I had cheated on him.

So you're raising Daphne by yourself?


But my mother is in Puerto Rico, and I'm sure she's willing to move here.

Aren't the two of you estranged?

Well... we haven't spoken in awhile, but...

And isn't that because you resisted her attempts to help you get sober?


No, that's... that's all right.

No further questions.

(Gavel bangs)

It is the opinion of this court that it would cause undue harm to Bay Kennish if she were removed from the only home she has known and then placed in an environment that is unstable at best.

Therefore, custody will remain with the Kennishes.

As to the matter of Daphne Vasquez,
the court recognizes that Regina Vasquez has raised her for the past three years.

But it cannot ignore her substance abuse problem and disregard for the child's safety.

I'm granting custody of Daphne to the Kennishes.

Now I am willing to revisit the issues of custody and visitation of Bay and Daphne if and when Miss Vasquez can demonstrate that she is clean and sober.

Please, she's already lost her hearing and her father.

You can't take me away too.

I am all she has.

Please, don't do this to her.

Kathryn, you're a mother.

You understand, please.

You wouldn't even know about her if I hadn't said anything.


(Sobs) Please, don't!

The best thing you can do right now is get treatment and get sober.

It's the only way you're gonna be part of her life.

The other little girl too.

She doesn't even understand what's happening.

She's confused.

I mean, can't you see that?

I'm sorry.

I really do have to take her now.


Can you look at me?

I love you.

I really do.

I will always love you.

And I promise...

I will come for you real soon, okay?

Okay. Take your doggy.

Go on.

Daphne: Where's mama?

Where did mommy go?


Kathryn: Hi, sweetheart.

Come on in, sweetie.

There you go.


Hello, honey.


I want mommy.

I want mama.

Honey, come on over here.

Come on over here, guys.

I want you to meet your new sister.

This is Toby.

Daphne, this is Bay.

Bay, Daphne.

(Theme music playing)



Put your cochlear in, honey.

So, do you want some bacon?


Do you want some bacon?

Does Christian Louboutin make great shoes?


Ooh. "The Falconer's Mistress.

A tale of lovers and other birds of prey."

If you don't like it, you better tell me because 100,000 of them are about to go into print.

Are you kidding me?

Look at my hot mom.

You think so?


So, um...

Alisha Jelline's sweet sixteen

is Friday night. Everybody's gonna be there.

And I was hoping maybe I could get an extra hour on my curfew?

It's parent chaperoned. And I did pass my chemistry test.

Whoa, if her "C-minus" gets her an extra hour, my 98 should cover me until Sunday.

Honey, are you going to the party?

What party?

Mom, we have different friends.

It could be really fun.

Then you should go.

And if you look like that, you'll probably be asked out to the prom.

Dad, come on.

I gave you money last week.

What happened to that?

I have expenses.

I want to take Jenna out. I need like 100 bucks.

Your back seat costs 100 bucks?

Make do with that, my friend.

Oh, I got to go.

Oh, me too.

Bye mom. Bye daddy.



Have a good day.


Love you.

So this is the new book jacket, huh?

Yeah, I was hoping the Senate majority leader could weigh in on it.

Oh, it's... oh.

(Cellphone ringing)

Oh, God. I gotta take this.

All right. Bye.


Simone: So we all set for Friday?

Daphne: Oh yeah. What'd you tell your parents?

That we're going to a college party.

The truth?

So much for getting our stories straight.

As long as I don't drive drunk, always carry pepper spray on me, and don't take drinks I didn't mix myself, they trust me.

Should we invite Wilke, or is that like bringing sand to the beach?

(Clears throat)


Okay, it's better I tell you.

Kaylee saw Wilke hooking up with Clover Ramberg.

They're like a thing now. I'm sorry.



You know what? Let's ditch.

Get something hot to wear to the party.

I was thinking if I take three extra credits, and do summer school, I could graduate a semester early.


Just get a jumpstart on college.

Start all that learning a little bit faster.

Challenge the old noggin.

Bay, college will come soon enough.

And I bet your parents aren't gonna want you to fly the coop six months early.

You sure about that?

What do you mean?

Look, everyone wants to pretend that we're this happy little family.

Two bio kids, one adopted.

Perfectly blended.

But I'm not one of them.

They know it.

And I know it.

Honey, I've spoken to your parents numerous times.

And I've never gotten the impression that they think of you any differently than Daphne or Toby.

You can't erase history.

I'm the charity case.

The kid that they got stuck with because my bio mom is a train wreck.

You and your family are in... a very unusual situation.

It may feel like they're trying to vilify your birth mother.

Oh, they're doing it. Trust me.

And it's not just them.

I hear my grandmother say to my mother all the time "Remember, Kathryn, she's Puerto Rican.

They're not great at school."

Well, I think you've proven your grandmother wrong about a hundred times over.

I understand this is important to you, but I don't think it's realistic to graduate early.

I think you're gonna have to sit tight for a while longer.


Uh, okay.

Thank you.


John? Your daughter's here.

I'd like to see what you spent $479 on.

The credit card company called, warning us of possible fraudulent charges.


At 11:00 A.M., which I'm pretty sure is during school hours.

You guys, I'm so sorry.

I was having a terrible day, and so Simone and I decided to go off campus for just 10 minutes to get smoothies, and I saw they were having this sale, so I went in to see if they had one of those purses that you wanted...

No no no no no no no.

You need to know that there are consequences.

You can forget about going to that party.


Guys... guys, come on.

I said I was sorry.

20 bucks says she gets out of it.

Oh... no way.

Skipping school and charging up their credit card?

Dad's the weak link. He can't say "no."

He says it to me all the time.

And if he missed out on the first three years of your life, maybe he wouldn't.

It wasn't my fault.

This is serious, Daphne.

We need to be able to trust you.

I know. I really screwed up.

I am so so so sorry.

We appreciate you coming clean.

She didn't come clean. She got caught.

I just wanted to look cute for the party.

'Cause there's gonna be so many people there, and it's hard for me.

I mean, you guys know how self-conscious I get in crowds.

And trying to keep up with everybody talking.

She did not just play the cochlear card.

Hey, if you've got an ace, use it.

John: Sweetie, there is no reason for you to be self-conscious.

You are an amazing young woman.

Okay, this is your one "get out of jail free" card.




She skipped school
to buy a $500 jacket.

Yeah, and she can return the jacket.

So I can go to the party?



You have to take Bay with you.


No way, mom. Come on.

That's the deal.

Plus it'd be nice to see you include your sister.

She will have a terrible time.

Then it's up to you to make sure that she doesn't.



Have fun.

* Lover, you're my saving grace *
* I feel my spirits lift *
* when I see your face *
* you're so fine *
* and I love your face *
* I get lost every single time *
* that we embrace *
* I'm so sick *
* I'm so head over heels *
* 'cause, honey, that's the way... *

A fraternity party?

You're welcome.

* Just tell me what to do *
* anything you ask, babe *
* I'll do for you... *

Um, I seem to remember that returning that was a condition of your release.

I will return it. Tomorrow.

Simone has a tag g*n she got off eBay.

You have a closet full of jackets.

What makes this one so special?

I don't know. It cures cancer.

Let's hit the keg.

There you are.

Both: Hi!


Hey, Simone.

Um... hi.

* I can't get enough, you're the blood... *

I'm her hostage.

Okay, you're not gonna believe who's here.

You've had a crush on him forever.

He graduated two years ago.

Plays a little sport with an orange ball.

Graham Vendoris?! Oh, where where where?


Ditched in under two minutes.

New personal best.

(Indistinct chatter, cheers)

(Dance music playing)

* I'm a hot mess, ready ready to get into *
* something bad, yeah, tired of following all the rules *
* where my girls at, yeah *

Hey, you want to do a beer bong?

Uh, no, thank you.

I have no need to get alcohol into my system that quickly.

Come on.

Not to be technical, but isn't that more of a beer funnel?

With a tube.

Beer bong?

* Yeah, that's right *
* we'll set this place on fire *
* oh oh oh *
* think it's time that we get in some trouble now *
* setting it on fire... *


Oh, my God.

Daphne Kennish. You probably don't remember me.

No no no. I do remember you.

You do?


I just didn't see your, uh...

Your ear thing.

Uh... when you were at Buckner, I went to every one of your games.

Must be a pretty big basketball fan.

Yeah, pretty much.

What's it like playing college ball?

I actually blew my knee out the second game of the season.

Oh, no, that's terrible.

Yeah, I was pretty pissed.

Had to sit out the rest of the season, but I took some pre-med classes and it turns out I'm pretty good at the stuff.


It's funny.

One little thing happens, and... knocks your life off into a completely different direction.

I mean, how cool is the butterfly effect?

Butterflies are cool.

No no, the butterfly effect.

Oh, that Ashton Kutcher movie. Right.

He was so funny in "dude, where's my car?"

That's, like, the story of my life.

Except for with my phone.

I think I've lost like four of them.

It's not like you can call it and be like, "hey, where are you?"

Uh, Bay, you remember Graham.

Yeah. Hi. I want to go home.

No, we just got here.

So far I have spoken to one guy who wants me to do a beer bong, and I've spoken to another guy who wants me to play beer pong.

But my point being... these guys are just like the ones at Buckner.

Only drunker. Please, I want to get out of here.

Okay, I am in the middle of...

Damn it.

Thank you so much.

I'm sorry... how is it my fault that he ditched you?

Why do you always have to be the weird, downer girl?

It's like you don't want people to like you.

Daphne, you are the most miserable person that I know.

You just hide it behind $400 sunglasses.

Yeah, well, at least I don't see a shrink two times a week.

Maybe you should.

You could figure out why you're so empty.

(Motorcycle putters)

(Engine quiets)

I have pepper spray, and I'm not afraid to use it.

I shouldn't be walking here.

Are you, um, uh... deaf?


Well, that's a relief.

This place... bad.

Ride home?

No. Thank you.

No, actually. I'm not.

I've had a really crappy night.

I don't fit in anywhere.

Not at home, not at school, and now I'm rambling to some hot, deaf guy who's probably going to dismember me and throw me into a shallow grave.

Not dismember me.

And now we know you can read lips.

What the hell?

I live in Mission Hills.

Uh, better safe than sorry, I guess.
(Hip-hop music playing)

* try to come up with your own thing, yeah *
* come alive... *


We keep running into each other.


It's a great party.

Yeah, it's okay.

Do you want to go up to your room?

(Man rapping)

Man: Don't go.

Don't you have important state business to attend to, Senator?



But I'd much rather stay here and ravish you like "The Falconer's Mmistress."


Very funny.



Speaking of... so... the character of Manuel, is he based on me?


Oh... aren't you afraid John might suspect something?


He never gets around to reading 'em.

Well, he doesn't know what he's missing.

(Engine quiets)

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I... I paint.


Pictures? Oh... photography.

Well, uh... tomorrow you can come back here, and I could show you some of my paintings.

And you could show me some of your photography.

I'm assuming that's a yes?


(Starts engine)



(Car door opens)

(Door closes)

(Footsteps approach)


I covered for you... with mom and dad.

You know, 'cause I was on the hook too.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

(Quietly sobs)



Bay, some guy's here to see you.

Oh, um, I'm... I'm not deaf.

Hi! Come on in.

(Door closes)

Oh, uh...

My sister.

Yeah, I... I stayed up late learning a few signs.

We don't look alike.

Yeah, she's not really my sister.

It's a long story.

I keep drawing pictures of what I imagine my real mom to look like.

Like, does she have my hair?

Or my eyes?

I pass people on the street, and I keep thinking, "that could be her."

Oh! I remember this one.

Ah... oh, find!

Find. I've tried.

(Sighs) But my parents won't talk about her.


Papers! Yeah.

I figured there had to be something from the trial, but it's not in any of my dad's files.

Box... turning, turning a door.

Like a tiny house.

Like a lock... a safe, a safe!

Ah! I'm getting good.

We don't have a safe.

Ah... but there's one in the car wash.

Uh, the combination?

It's probably one of my dad's old baseball stats.

So... no.

What the hell are you doing here?

What the hell are you doing here?

Just a little poker game.

With the Sons of Anarchy?

Who's he?

A friend.

He was asking who you are.

Why doesn't he talk?

He's deaf.

So you and your deaf buddy just decided to break into dad's office?

I'm trying to find out more information about my birth mom.

Well, that's not where he keeps that stuff.

You know where he keeps that stuff?

Toby, unless you want dad to find out about whatever's going on in there, you better tell me everything you know.

Okay, a long time ago, I was looking for dad's "Playboys" in the guest house.


And I ran across... a bunch of legal stuff about your birth mom.

Why didn't you tell me?

You know how it is.

Everybody tries to forget any of that every happened.

This is going to take forever.



Those are my parents.

You... you... oh... your parents.

Separate... separated... oh, they divorced.

Your parents divorced.

Chicken dance?

Oh, accordion. Accordion.

Okay, so, your parents divorced and the court papers were in an accordion.

Okay, it's like sections... oh, like... oh, an accordion folder.

So that's what we're looking for.

We're looking for an accordion folder.

Uh... let's see.

I don't know why we have so many boas.

Oh! There it is.


Uh... custody agreement.

Restraining order?

These are letters she sent to Daphne.

And to me.

She wanted me.

What are you doing?

Just giving some stuff away.

What are those?

Letters from Regina.


You know... my other mom.

Your other mom.

You want to see them?

She was my mom for, like, two seconds.

And it was all a big mistake anyway.

There are dozens of letters.

Birthday cards, references to Christmas gifts that she sent you.

She thought of herself as your mom.

Where did you get those?

In the guest house. Hidden.

I'm sure there's a reason that they didn't show us.

Whatever. All I know is they put a restraining order on her.

Threatening that if she ever contacted us directly, they'd have her arrested.

Okay, what's the point of all this?

What do you want me to say?

All my life I've thought that she didn't care about me.

That she wanted nothing to do with me.

And that was all a lie.

Well... that sucks for you.

But she wasn't anything to me.

Just some woman who took care of somebody else's kid for a few years.

Don't you even want to meet her?



So what do you want for dinner?

Pork or sole?

(Purse clatters)

Did you make the hotel reservations?

What are you talking about?

You know... the ones Chip asked you to make?

You really should be more careful about logging out of your email account.

(Quietly sighs)

You went through my account?

I saw an email from Chip Coto, so I just assumed it was my account.

That is, until I realized

that it wasn't me that he wanted to see in the blue dress.

How long?

Seven months.

Seven months.

You look shocked.

I'm not supposed to be shocked?

You can't have thought that I was happy.

That we were connecting.

Oh, please.

Are you going to tell me now that he listens to you?

He does.

He doesn't steamroll me every time we disagree.

He values my opinion.

Stop that right now!

You cut that crap, Kathryn.

I ask you your opinion all the time.

Like with Daphne?

When I wanted us to learn sign language?

You shut that down right away.

Are you going to go back to that? Seriously?

Putting her in a deaf bubble?

What the hell good would that have done?

I read a lot about it.

I thought it was important.

And you undercut me at every turn.

And now... look what's happened.

Look what happened.

I'll tell you exactly what happened.

We got great girls.

In case you haven't noticed, our daughters are a mess.

And banging Chip Coto is going to fix that?

Is this it?

I think so.

Do you remember it?

Bet no one does from when they were three.

I do.

I remember when you came to live with us.

You do?

Yeah, you were crying.

All the time.

Why didn't you ever tell me that?

I don't know.

I mean... we never really talk.

Look, you were ripped away from everything that you ever had known.

And then stuck with these people you had never met before.

I'd probably be crying too.

Let's go see.

(Doorbell rings)


We're looking for Regina Vasquez.

My name's Bay Kennish.

This is Daphne. We're...

I know who you are.

You're gorgeous.

Thank you.

This is my sister, Daphne.

You don't remember.

I haven't seen you since you were a baby.

What a beautiful young lady you grew up to be.


So you know Regina Vasquez?

I am her mother.

So you're...

Your grandma.

You look so much like your mother.


I've never looked like anyone in my family before.

Is she here?

Do you know where she is?


She died on my birthday.

Our birthday.

Little late, don't you think?

Where you been?

We went to look for Regina Vasquez.

Who told you about her?

Did something happen?

Did she try to contact you?

What is going on?

We found Regina Vasquez.

Okay, tell me exactly what happened.

What did she do?

She didn't do anything.

John, calm down.

I am perfectly calm.

Why did you hide her from us?

Did she come to your school?

Did she come to this house?

It's natural for them to want to meet her.

Then why didn't you let us?

You were children.

It was too much to handle.

It was not a safe home. That woman was an alcoholic.

Maybe if you would have let us get to know her, she would have gotten herself better.

She had two D.U.I.s.

I wasn't going to let her take my kids on visits.

You didn't give her a chance.


Okay, I made a mistake.

I'm sorry.

We can have her over for dinner.

Invite her.

It's too late.

What do you mean?

She's dead.

Oh, my God. What happened?

We don't know.

I... I had no idea.

I'm... that's terrible.

I'm sorry.



I hope they both realize that I was just trying to do the right thing.

The right thing for them?

Or the right thing for you?

I love both of those girls more than anything in the world, and you know that.

Now I can make this better.

I can fix this.

There's no fixing it this time.

(Piano music playing)

* Take my hand *
* and I will pull you through *

* the light is gone *

Can I come with you?

I don't care.

* Thinking you should know *
* my arms are ready for you *
* to come back home *


* And can you feel me? *
* feel my real *
* oh, honey, take it easy *
* honey, just be *
* and can you feel me? *
* feel my real *
* oh, honey, don't you see *


I want to know more.

♪ Honey, just be ♪

About what?


Come inside.

* No, I could never kid myself *
* thinking I held you back. *






(Beeping continues)

(Medical device beeping)



(Quietly) Hey.


You're in the hospital.

(Sniffs) You're okay.

I love you.

I love you.


How are you feeling?

Thank God you're here.


* Someone *
* reaching for me now *
* through *
* the dark *
* reaching for me now *

(Indistinct, quiet chatter)