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01x61 - The Door of Memory

Posted: 01/09/23 11:14
by bunniefuu
You've found a job as a waitress and a place to live, but this bed is pretty horrible.

Look how much it tilts when I sit on it.

If you'd try to sleep on it, it'd easily fall over.

I'll sleep on the bed.

You should sleep on that sofa.

You shouldn't sleep there either.

Go back to Dr.

Reichwine's place in Munich.


Because you have to go to school.

I don't need to go to school.

So you're not going to study at all?

You can teach me.

Studying isn't enough.

At this rate you won't have any friends.

I have friends.

You and Tenma.

If I wasn't around, you'd be the one who's lonely.

Either way, you're going back to Munich.

No! I'm not going to Munich.

H-Hey, Nina! Are you going today, too?

Hey, wait for me! Stop! Give it up already.

You go to the same place every day.

No matter how many times you do it, it's always the same.

You're not going to remember anything.

Nina! The Door to Memories We lived here.

Mom and myself and Johan.

That day, Johan was dragged down these stairs.

No! Stop! Let me go! Mom! Nina! That's not right.

Nina is my name now.

What was I called back then?



My name What is it?

The car that Johan was in drove along this road.

You mustn't hide anything from him.

The children gathered here.

They listened to what was called a reading seminar.

At this Red Rose Mansion.

The lock is broken.

They tried to make them here.

The superior students.

Who are the superior students?

And Who did it?

He ran on foot and escaped.

He ran through the rose bushes.

Ouch! Are you okay?

This pain This pain I waited in this room.

I waited for Mom to come home for Johan to come home while reading this picture book.

Humans can become anything.

Franz Bonaparta.

While they were holding reading seminars at the Red Rose Mansion, I was in this room reading this book, and waiting for Johan to come home.

I was smiling.

I faced the opening door and said "Welcome home.

" Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Welcome home.

Follow me.

But the door wouldn't open.

No matter how many times I said, "Welcome home," the door wouldn't open.

It wouldn't open! It wouldn't open! That's because I I remember! Stop, Nina! Please don't remember anymore.

Don't try to remember anything.

I'm the same.

I have a lot of painful memories.

You don't need to remember it.

I know.

I'll go to Dr.

Reichwine's place.

You, too.

You're coming home with me.

Let's do what Tenma told us to.

From now on happy memories let's make them.

Prague Police Station (Czech Republic) Please wait a minute, Officer! What do you mean, all I can do is sit next to the officer and listen?

We plan to fulfill your request to the fullest.

The fullest?

Even in the best case scenario, I can only spend 30 minutes with each of them.

Just listening to them should be good enough for you.

It's an exception of exceptions to cooperate with you this much already.

It'll be a miracle if we can prepare the 5 witnesses for testimony.

That's why we have to use this chance to collect as many testimonies as possible.

You're so naive.

They probably wouldn't want to talk about their own past The children from the reading seminars All the skeletons that they just found must have something to do with the former Czechoslovakian secret police.

However the truth, in this case, might just stay in the bushes.

This is the head detective in this case.

This is Mr.

Verdeman, a lawyer from Germany.

I leave the rest to you.

I'm Detective Suk.

I've already arranged a list of questions.

Please do everything exactly as I tell you.

You're only here as an observer.




the Red Rose Mansion.

It burned down and this is its current condition.

There's no mistake that in '68, you participated in a reading seminar there, Mr.


Do you know of the man called Franz Bonaparta?

Would you please be quiet?

You don't have time.

I'm just trying to be careful.

Are you going to be so careful that you let this end without getting any information?

You don't understand how much we had to do just to set this up.

I'm not sad.

I thought that the mansion was a positive force in my life.

But now, looking at the burned remains of the mansion, how do I put it?

I thought that sadness would bubble to the surface.

So you don't feel homesick or anything like that?


That was like school to you, right?


Verdeman! Please be quiet.

I can't ask the questions that I've prepared.

I don't know about that Sadness Homesickness Emotional scars?

What do you mean?

Do you think participating in the reading seminars has had an effect on your life?

No, not really.

Do you have a family?

You don't have to answer.

You have that right.

I'm divorced.

It wasn't really a problem with us.

Our kids, my eldest son and his little brother, committed su1c1de.

They didn't really have problems.

Why did those two Why did they commit su1c1de?

Is there something you want to say?

I'm saying that your questions stick too much to the manual.

So, what have we learned so far?

You're just like a kid these days.

You probably hit on women using a manual.

You look just like a father.

I don't have a father, but I'd never want a parent like you.

The next person may come in.

My memories of the reading seminars?

Anything you can tell us.

No matter how small.

"The God of Peace is very busy.

" Wh-What are you doing?

"He doesn't have time to look in the mirror.

He blows his trumpet every day.

" The God of Peace by Klaus Poppe.

You know of this, don't you?

Yeah, I kind of remember it I also like the one about the monster from the west and the monster from the east.

What do you like about these books?

How do I put it?

They take me away to a different world.

A different world?


Crying, being happy, being scared All those feelings just seem to go away.

Why does this book make you feel that way?

But it's true that I don't feel anything.

Even your own name disappears.

That is true freedom.

That's how I feel.

Why do you feel that way?

Did Franz Bonaparta teach you to be that way?

Who was that person?

The person who read to us?

Is that what you remember clearly from the seminars?

What I remember clearly?

One day, a man came to visit the mansion.

They said he was from a radio program.

He liked the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

" He told us about The Wizard of Oz.

Who was he?

Tell me about him! What are you doing?

Please tell me! Get a hold of yourself! Please, anything! What are you after?

It seems like you're asking questions for your own personal information.

You're here for personal reasons, too.

You're the young detective who was framed for a series of incidents because of the secret police.

That's you, right, Detective Suk?

You've become desperate to clear your own name.

Am I wrong?

I'm the same.

My father was arrested for being a spy for former East Germany.

I always believed that my father was innocent.

But my father really was a spy.

I can't believe in anything anymore.

But now, I'm trying to prove that a certain man is innocent, and I'm trying to find something to believe in again.

The person whom the witness is talking about The man from the radio program is my father.

My father might have been part of the brainwashing experiments at the Red Rose Mansion.

I mustn't look away.

I have to know the truth.

May I go home now?

No, just a little longer.

The man I was talking about told me this "Run away from here.

" "There is a good place somewhere over the rainbow.

" "That is where your family is.

" "Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz was able to go home in the end.

" "You should ran away from here, too.

" After that, I cut all my ties to the mansion.

Is that enough?

My wife and kids are waiting for me.


We mustn't avert our eyes.

You're right.

There are two more people to be interviewed.

Yeah, let's continue.

Hey, Dieter.

Stop daydreaming and hold this.

It's going to be your desk for studying.

Nina doesn't want to talk about what happened in Prague.

From what you told me, she probably remembered a lot of her memories.

It seems that the brakes were applied before the last bit of memory was recovered.

Thanks to you.

I wonder if I did something wrong.


You did a good job.

Let's put this desk together already so that we can have white sausage and beer! You ate all the white sausage last night.


What have I done?

! Doctor! We brought your favorite, white sausage! You're so considerate.



How are you?

I'm sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you for so long.

Nina! Lotte! I'm sorry to have made you worry.

I m fine.

You know of Eva Heinemann, don't you?

She is currently being pursued by that organization.

I've sent her to you.

Please take care of her.

Please take care of Nina and Dieter, too.

It's going to be over soon.

In my mind, this is the only way to end this series of events.

From Kenzo Tenma.

That's a letter I received three days ago.

There's been no sign that Eva is trying to get here.

I wonder where this was mailed from.

The stamp is hard to read.

Can you look it up, Karl?

Yeah, probably.

And then you could find out where Tenma is?

However, what concerns me is this last sentence.

"In my mind, this is the only way to end this series of events.

" Well, let's finish putting that desk together.

I hope I still have my coordination after that beer.



I want to remember everything.

Are you prepared for when that happens?

I'm willing to use any method to get my memory back.

Even if you're serious about it, I don't want to do anything.

But, if that's what you really want Are you okay, Nina?

Yes, I am, Dr.


Except the things I talk about under hypnosis might be extremely scary.

Do you think you can handle it?

I'll be fine.

Let's face this together.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax your whole body.

Describe your mother for me.

Mom Mom Kind Sing Singing voice A beautiful singing voice The smell of bean soup.

How about your father?

Dad Dad was a government soldier.

A government soldier?

Did you meet him?


Mom said Dad was k*lled.

Mom was an anti-government activist.

Your father was k*lled and your mother, who was involved in anti-government activities, fled the country.

Who was she running from?

The three frogs hidden.

But, my brother was caught by the man with the glasses.

Your brother was caught The Red Rose Mansion! A lot of people died! Is that what your brother saw?

It hurts! It hurts! The rose's thorns hurt.

Welcome home.

Nina I know where Tenma's letter was mailed from.



You've remembered everything, haven't you, Nina?

I'm not Nina.

Then who are you?

I don't want to tell you.

Don't worry.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Tell me.

Who are you?

Don't worry.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I'm home.

I'm home.

I'm going to clap my hands.

When I do that you'll wake up from your hypnosis.

Nina! She's all right.

Did I say something terrible?


You wouldn't tell me that.

But you remembered it all.


Reichwine, Dieter.

Forgive me for leaving so suddenly.

I'm going to Frankfurt, where Tenma is.

I understand it all.

I know who I am.

I know where Johan came from and where he will go.

If I go, I could end it all.

If I go, I could save Tenma.

Yes Gazing at what is known now in this world Yes Your eyes believe in kindness Make it home to your land of harmony Make it home to your land of purity A Pleasant Dinner Table