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02x14 - He Did What He Wanted

Posted: 12/18/13 13:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Oh my God, you're back!

So you'd actually rather have "carnival" on your resume than an internship in a state senator's office?

Regina: It's the type of job most high school kids get.

Plus she got this one herself.

What if Bay decides she wants to move in with Regina for good?

She won't.

You can stay as long as you want.

How do you know Ty?

He and my brother were stationed in the same unit in kabul.

Somehow it's okay to live with Bay, but the idea of living with me is gonna drive her to drink again or something.

And it's summer and I'm not having any fun!

And I sound crazy.


* What a wonderful thing *
* to put your heart in a feeling *
* feeling *
* I'm too afraid, I can't even start... *

I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.

I've been locked up doing summaries of committee minutes all day.


I suppose I should... ask you how things are going at home, but I admit I'm slightly hoping they're still rubbish.

(Laughs) Excuse me?

Well, because if things are better, I'd be happy for you.

But does that mean no more kissing?

Oh, I promise I will enjoy kissing just as much when things are going well.

Maybe even more. (Laughs)


So we should hang out.

Maybe get coffee from a place where you don't have to make it.

I actually don't drink coffee.

Oh right, you're British. You drink tea?

No, it's not because I'm British.

It's because I make 90 cups a day of it.

Got it. What are you doing for the 4th of July?

Actually, uh...

I have a previous engagement that day.

But the night after...

I'm all yours.

Well, I'll see you on the 5th then.

I can't believe you went to a deaf school.

That is so you.

(Chuckles) Uh, yeah. I guess.

(Sighs) Well, it's late.

I should get back to the base.

Yeah, me too. (Laughs)

Jump in, I'll give you a ride back.

That's okay. I'm... I'm just gonna walk.

It's like 10 miles.


Well, it's three miles and they train us to take 30 mile hikes with 100 lbs on our backs, so if this is a problem, I'm in trouble.

And it, you know, lets me clear my head.

All right.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I just wanna zen out a little bit.

Well, drive safe, all right?

I'll see you.

See ya!


Oh! Honey, I am so sorry I'm late.

I was obsessing about my earrings.

At first I tried the diamonds, which I thought were too much.

So what do you think? Do these say devoted, helpful, loving politician's wife?

You look beautiful.

Of course, if they could say, "Chip, give my husband the seat on the ways and means committee," they'd be even better.

Uh, I don't think so, honey.

You're gonna do great.

(Sighs) I don't know.

I can't wait to do something more important than swing royal seats for the big dogs and vote the way I'm told.


Of course, she left the place a total disaster.

I miss her too.

You know what I was thinking?


I was thinking maybe I'd drop by that ridiculous sideshow she's working at after lunch.

You know, grab some face time with her.

That's nice, but you might not want to call it a "ridiculous sideshow" to her face.

(Laughs) You don't have any earrings that say, "Bay, get your butt back home now," do you?



(Kids playing, laughing)

Hey, you on break?

No, I just needed a minute.

How well do you know Ty?

'Cause we hung out last night, and one minute he was... he was there, he was totally there... and then the next he's just somewhere else.

And I don't know if it's like a dude thing or like a military thing or if it's... me.

It might be because he helped me and my mom clean out my brother's room yesterday.

Oh my God. Mary Beth, I am so sorry.

(Sighs) Yeah.

I wanted to keep it the way it was.

But my mom... she was like, "no.

We gotta do this. It's not helping."

So... (Sighs) we went through every single thing he owned, just tearing his room apart.

And my mom was bawling her eyes out the whole time, but she just kept plowing on.

(Exhales sharply) I don't know why she thinks that not having Justin's stuff around is gonna help.


Ty and I, we just did it.

We did it.

And now all I have left are...

(Breathes deeply) a couple books... his old Doc Martens and... and his dog tags.


Ty didn't tell me any of that, or I wouldn't have just gone on and on about me.

I feel like a complete idiot.

Don't worry about it.

Some days are just worse than others.

Well, I should probably get back before Mac sees the coconuts unmanned and flips out.

(Chuckles) Hey, Mary Beth.

Is there anything I can do? Like anything?

No. Thanks though.

Yeah, so it's Chip and Diana.

Oh, okay.

Do you think if we moved to an igloo in Antarctica he would eventually just show up there too?

Probably. Hi!

Hey. Hey.

So you two are talking to the membership director.

Does that mean you're... ?

We've just signed the papers.

Wow. Congratulations.

Oh! (Laughs)

He joined. I'm just along for the ride.

It's a beautiful club, very relaxing.

Yeah, it used to be more relaxing.

Ah, there they are. We're having lunch with the senator and his wife, so if you'll excuse us.

Um, it was nice of you to include me in the membership, but this is really not my scene.

You want to get hired back at that design studio full time, don't you?


Can you see them?

Potential clients everywhere.

Plus it's another place to spend time with the girls.

Not the worst argument.

Besides, I'm gonna go insane sitting around, waiting for news about the baby.

So please humor me and let me buy you a $9 ice tea.

(Laughs) Okay.

All right.

(Phone ringing)


Excuse me. Hello. (Chuckles)

Oh hi, sorry. Can I help you?

Yes, this got delivered to us by accident.

I'm in Coto's office.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah. Oh wow!

Are those baseballs?

Yes, they're all balls that he's collected from games he's played in... even some from little league.

270 balls total and it weighs about 100 lbs... in case you were wondering.


Yeah, he came to teach a softball camp I was at when I was 12.

You're his daughter, right? Daphne?

I'm Parker.

Nice to meet you.

Do you play softball?

I did, until college.

Now this, preparing for the real world.


(Daphne chuckles)

Is that blue?

Oh yes, my tiny act of rebellion.


So are you coming to that thing tomorrow?

What thing?

That 4th of July party the coffee guy is throwing.

You mean Jace?

I think. The British guy?

He... he's having a party?

Yeah, didn't you get the email?

The one with Uncle Sam doing the rap? (Chuckles)

Hey, Parker.

What's up, Mark?

(Whispers) You should come.

It's spring training in Florida, the humidity is awful...

(Chip chuckling) and I'm eight months pregnant, so I'm already a little bit cranky.


This guy sitting right behind home plate and he starts heckling John like there's no tomorrow.

Well, I struck out that day.


Diana: Oh!

Well now, that's not the point of the story.

Anyway, after two hours of hearing this jerk insult my husband, I had had enough.

Oh, I know I'm gonna love this.

I slipped a hundred bucks to slugger the mascot.

You didn't.

Yes, I did.

All of a sudden, there's this big, sweaty, stinky lion, sits on this jerk's lap and nuzzles him and dances and...

(Growls) fools around, all 200 lbs of him, until the game ended.

It was beautiful, just beautiful.

He deserved it.


On that, I think I'm gonna go have a look at the dessert cart.

Oh, well, may I join you?

'Cause if it's Wednesday, it is coconut cream pie day, my friend.


Chip: Dangerous.

(Diana laughs)

Well, I gotta say John is one lucky guy.

Am I doing all right?

Are you kidding? More than okay.

I knew from the moment I met you back at that first campaign party you had it.

I was so nervous. I practically spilled an entire glass of Cabernet on Congressman Doherty.


You know, in fact, I, uh...

I gotta be honest with you.

I've, uh... (Laughs)

I've had a couple of dreams about you.

Good dreams.


You've got a dynamite figure.

You know that.

I've been staring at that dress for an hour, trying to see through it.

John: Ladies and gentlemen, behold.


I'll gain five pounds just looking at it, but hell, you only live once.

That's what I'm talking about.

John, I was just telling Kathryn that, uh, we should all see more of each other, huh?

I couldn't agree more.

Sweetie, like some?

No, no thank you. I'm not hungry.


Oh, hey. Thank you for coming.

Yeah, of course. Where is she?

Mac sent her home.

I don't think she was feeling that well.

Um, all right. I'm gonna go by her house, but thanks for the heads up.

Hey, hold on.

Um, I have an idea.

I really think that she needs some fun, you know, with it being the 4th of July and it not being all patriotic and making her think about her brother.

So I think we should all do something together.

The three of us?

I know that she likes Mac, so I was thinking like a group hang, you know?

The two of us, the two of them.

We can go miniature golfing and let nature take its course.

And by nature you mean us pushing the two of them together.

I prefer to think of it as a gentle but helpful nudge.

It's worth a shot.

Thanks for looking out for her, okay?

Baby baby Bay! There she is!

Look at you. Hey.




Oh, Ty.


Hi. Of course.

Wow. Welcome back.

Thank you, sir.

And thank you for your service.

Well, congratulations to you on the election.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

Uh, Ty, would you mind giving me a moment with my daughter?

Oh, yeah, no problem.

Uh, well, I'll catch you later.

And we'll do that thing... the golfing thing. Yeah.

I didn't know Ty was back.

I just found out a few weeks ago.

So why didn't you tell us that you were seeing him?

I didn't realize it was something that I had to report.

Okay, first of all, I don't appreciate the tone.

Second of all, we are your parents.

If you're seeing someone, it is our business.

I told Regina.

Well, you still have to tell us.

Look, I know you weren't his biggest fan, and I honestly just didn't want to get into it.

He's a little older than I remember.

How old is Ty?


Where do you two see each other?

At the base in the barracks or what?

Dad, we're just... we're hanging out.

What does that mean, "just hanging out"?

I have to get back to work.

No no, I want to know exactly...

Excuse me, Senator Kennish.

John: Bay!

Uh, yes yes.

Hey, did you go to the pharmacy today?


I thought you were gonna get me some razors.

(Sighs) I forgot.


Um, oh, also, Nikki wanted to know if you had the contract for the tent for the rehearsal dinner. We need to turn that in.

Why would I have that?

Because you're throwing it.

Oh. (Chuckles)

I'm sorry. I'm just a little... today.

What's wrong?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to tell dad something.

Well, what would you tell me if I was wondering whether to tell Nikki something?

Nikki doesn't have dad's temper.

Oh, so it's gonna make dad mad?

Oh yeah.

Is getting mad gonna help him any way or just make things worse?

Make things worse, yes.

Well then, that's easy. Don't tell him.

That's what I thought.

Done. You're welcome.

So what does an esteemed boss like yourself do in his spare time?

Let's see.

I breed tarantulas, I write some Sci-Fi, do a little cooking.


So is there a Mrs. Mac or a Mr. Mac?

There is not, but it would be a missus if there were, for the record.

Perfect. Well, Mary Beth, Ty and I are going miniature golfing tomorrow and I think you should totally come with us.

Bay, I'm very flattered, but let me explain something to you, okay?

You have work and then you have play.

But when work is so much like play, it can be hard to maintain authority. If I let any more play seep into my work, I run the risk of anarchy.

(Chuckles) Okay?

How about if I promise this won't be any fun at all?

All right.


(Door closes)



Hi. Welcome.

I got this.

Oh, that'd be great. I can finish.

She's gonna help you.


No, that's was already invoiced.

What are you doing here?

I wanna talk about Bay.

I'm still on probation. Let's make it fast.

I went to see her at that park. Guess who was there. Ty.


That place closes at, what, like midnight?

Does she have curfew?

I keep in touch with her.

I'm just gonna run upstairs for a second. I'll be right back.


What does that mean, you keep in touch with her?

What are you getting at? I have things under control.

Are you sure about that? 'Cause I wanna know if my daughter is out gallivanting with some 20-something vet.

Ty has been through a difficult experience. Bay is being a friend to him.

Does he have, like, P.T.S.D. or something?


You know what? Unless you're gonna buy a few yards of something, you should probably go, because I have a job to do.

I am not dropping this.

(Breathes deeply)

(Rock music playing)

* Let's say I want it *
* let's say I want what's over there... *

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Uh, no no, it isn't.

* Just like heaven told me, baby... *

Are you Barbara Salz?

Do we know each other?

No no, I saw your profile in the club newsletter yesterday when I joined.


Angelo Sorrento.

Oh, you're new. Well, welcome.

* You're so pony, so very very pony pony *
* you're so pony *
* so very, so very pony... *

Am I remembering correctly?

Della Porta is your restaurant, right?


I ate there a few weeks ago.

You did? What did you think?

I had the duck rillettes and the cuttlefish.


Are you Italian?

Je suis français.

Oh, a Frenchman... très chic.

I also read that you're opening a new place?

Yes, I have this other property over in the power & light district.

It's a real teardown, but great spot.

I'm actually in some talks myself about opening a new place in that area.

You're kidding.


You and I could be competitors.

Unless we team up.
* Pony pony, you so pony... *


* So very, so very pony. *

I heard Senator Singer cleaned up at the poker game the other night.

Did anything else interesting happen?

Okay, I'll see you later.



What's up?

I didn't expect to see you here.

Parker mentioned something.

Hey. (Chuckles)

I'm glad to have you.

Come on. You hungry?

(Humphs) Well, now I wish I had worn my pirate hat.

You and Mac are so perfect for each other. I can't stand it.

You think?


All right, we're set.

Who do I owe money to?

I got the tickets, but I am happy to pay.

No no, I insist.

Oh, I'd like to.

Absolutely not.


All right, ye mateys. (Laughs)

Why don't we do teams?

Me and Ty against you and Mary Beth?

Yeah, sure.

Okay by me.

You don't want me on your team. I'll just bring you down.

I think I'll fly solo.

All right then. No problem.

M.B., you're up.


Here we go.

I think you want to aim for that middle hole.

I think if I just get it up the hill I'll be happy.


(Girls laugh)

Hey, nice shot.

See? Now you wish you had her on your team.

Beginner's luck. It'll all fall apart after that.

You don't know that. For all you know, your mini golf karma could be turning around.

Mary Beth: I... I am very...

* Let's make our own sunshine *
* together, we could make it better... *


(Ball rattles)


Well, why don't you two go off and we'll meet you down there?


(Mary Beth chuckles, breathes deeply)

I really want this to work.

(Breathes deeply) Well, maybe if you stopped trying to hard.

You're right.

(Rock music playing)

(People chatting)


You know, you would really love England.

So tell me...

(Speaks softly)

(Excitedly) All right, whose turn is it?

(Breathes deeply)

M.B.! M.B. in the house.

I think I'll pass.

Bay: What? (Chuckles)

(Pirate voice) Come on, ye matey, don't make me beg you.


You know what? I think we could all use some food, right?

Like something sweet. Ty, why don't we go get a smorgasbord of snack-type items?

That's okay. I'll go. You stay.

Okay, but I...


Let him go.

Can we just go now? Please.

This is humiliating.

What are you talking about?

He doesn't like me, obviously.

That's not true. He's just...


I'm not an idiot.

Hey, if he doesn't like you, then he's the idiot, okay?

Then I guess every guy I've ever liked is an idiot, because none of them have liked me back.

Yeah, that's right. They were all idiots.

Mary Beth, you are one of the coolest girls I've ever met.


You are. Look, those videos you sent Justin, the finger puppets having the pillow fight and a girl meeting the African tribe?


I can't believe he showed you those.

Well, it was hilarious.

I'm telling you, he bragged about you all the time.

(Crying) I just miss him so much.

I know.

I miss him too.


I'm... I'm sorry.

I got chips... oh.

Oh God.

Bay: Thanks.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's fine.

We're probably...

Oh no.

What's wrong?

My... my brother's tags.

I don't have his tags.

Well, we'll find 'em.

Bay: We'll just retrace our steps.

We'll find 'em.

I can't lose those.

Look, we're not gonna leave here until we find 'em, got it?


We'll find 'em.



It's pretty obvious why you didn't want me to come to this party.

Because I wanted to be free to focus on talking to other girls. No, but it's not what you think.

Chip Coto is cheating on his wife.

Okay, that's not really my business... or yours.

He's the guy behind the abstinence-only bill.

He's keeping kids from getting condoms.

Meanwhile he's married and bonking anything that moves.

He's a complete hypocrite.

Why are we talking about Chip Coto?

I heard that he's sleeping with an intern and I'm trying to find out who.


"The Kansas Squealer."

I've heard of it. It's a blog.

So you're sending the info about Coto to some political blog?

Don't have to send it.

It's your blog.

I can't believe that you're publishing gossip.

Not gossip. News.

I get confirmation for everything I publish, which is what I'm trying to do now.

So where do you draw the line?

Getting girls drunk? Making out with them and more?

Did you play by the rules when you took over that school?

Of course you didn't. Because making change doesn't happen by collecting signatures.

Why didn't you just tell me about all this?

Because I'm throwing a party to get people drunk enough to tell me their secrets.

Didn't seem like a great thing to learn about me before our first date.


Well, I don't think that first date is gonna happen.


It's not in the moat or the swamp.

Mac and I checked the arcade and the snack area.

The manager and the janitors and the lost-and-found people know.

Everybody knows.

And I'm gonna make some fliers and I'll post them in the morning.

Thanks, guys.

Look, we're not done. There's still the go-carts.

We didn't do the go-carts.

Yeah, but I'm still gonna check there.

Just I wanna keep looking for them.

We're not gonna find them.

I just... I wanna go home.

Can someone please take me home?

Yeah, I'll take you.


Yeah, sure, I'll... I'll get a ride with Mac.


Thanks. I'll see you guys tomorrow.


(Sighs) Told you this'd be no fun at all.

John: Hey hey.


The chicken is marinated and ready to go on the grill.

Great. I'm starving.

Toby is with Nikki and Daphne went with Emmett to some party so it looks like it's just gonna be you and me...

(Grunts) for the fireworks this year.

Great. (Groans)

I cannot believe that you went into the office on a holiday.

(Chuckles) Well, apparently, the committee seat is down to me and two other guys, so the audition for chip continues.

(Contented sigh)

You sore?

Oh, and tired.

And old.


So I've invited Chip and Diana up to the lake house for the weekend.



Kathryn, what?

I just don't feel like going up there.

But you go. Just leave me out of it, okay?

Kathryn, I'm trying to create some kind of relationship with this guy.

What's the big deal?


He made a pass at me.

Excuse me?

Yesterday at lunch.

Made a pass?

What did he say?

John, trust me.

(Forcefully) What did he say?

He said he'd been having dreams about me.

It's stupid.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

John, he's your boss.

Yeah, I got that.

Why didn't you tell me this before?!

Because I knew you'd react like this!

Well, that's great!

Everybody's telling me what I do and don't need to know in my own house! Great!

(Exhales sharply)

Off to work already?

Yeah, I'm not taking any chances.

Half hour early every day.

Are you staying late too?

I thought we could have dinner tonight at the club.

Maybe some lobster ravioli.

Is everything okay with your...

Financial situation?

What do you mean?

(Sighs) You paid for my rehab, which I really appreciate, and I know that wasn't cheap.

Plus I'm sure it's costing you a lot to find the baby, with travel and the P.I. and...

It's worth it.

It is, but then there's the club membership and...

I saw an invoice from the builder.

You left it out on the counter.

Do you really need a $700 toilet?

It has a warming seat.

(Sighs) You're right.

It's your money, it's your business.

It's our money.

You've been so generous.

I just would hate to see you blow through it all and end up with...

Gina, it's all under control, okay?

I know what I have spent. I know what's left.

I have a plan.

I should get going.

(Door opens)


(Bell rings)

(Tools clanging)


Oh, hey.

Another one. (Chuckles)

When are the guys in the mailroom gonna figure it out?

(Both laugh)


I was actually going to come by anyway. I... wanted to tell you that I'm leaving.

What do you mean?

I'm being transferred to Senator Shershow's office.


Did something happen?

(Breathing shakily)

Parker, what's wrong?

Did Coto tell you why?

(Whispering) He told me that his wife is beginning to suspect.

I know. Um... I'm sleeping with my boss.

It's horrible. Please don't judge me.

I couldn't possibly, believe me.

Chip's not a bad guy. He just... he has a lot to lose.

Parker, if he slept with you and then he's trying to get rid of you, he's a bad guy.

You should say something to somebody.

And be blackballed for the rest of my life in this town?

Be labeled as a slut? (Breathes shakily)

Everything okay?

Yeah, we're great.

(Cellphone buzzes, clicks)

Hi. I was hoping you'd call me.

Yeah, I'm about to have the money transferred.

I'm looking forward to it, partner.

I'm looking forward to it too.

John! Hey, buddy, this isn't the best time, all right?

I need to talk to you.

I don't want you anywhere near my wife.

Got it?

I'm sorry. I'm not following.

You hit on my wife.

Told her you were having dreams about her with me two feet away.

John, I think Kathryn got the wrong idea.

I mean, I might have mentioned how nice she looked, but come on, I'm not an idiot.

You calling Kathryn a liar?


No. Look, I don't know why she would say something like that. To hurt you?

Piss you off? Hey, I'm not in your marriage.

My wife did not misunderstand.

Maybe she's lonely, needs more attention.

I get you now.

I know who you are.

You lucked into this seat because Sawyer's daughter went nuts.

Charm and likeability are the only things that you've got going for you.

Don't lose those now.

You stay the hell away from my wife.


You were right about Coto.

How do you know?

Parker told me.

It's her.

But you can't run the story.

If you do, you'll take her down with him and I'm not gonna do that to her.

Daphne, he's married.

She made her own bed on this one.

She made a mistake.

Oh my God. We all make mistakes.

I wanna get this guy.

And without Parker I have no story.

I'll help you find something you can use.

But not this.


It better be good.

It will be.



(Dishes rattle)


Wh... whoa. Wait a sec.

What do you think you're doing?

Bay asked me to stop by and pick up some brushes.

Oh really? Well, I don't think that's necessary, because Bay is coming back home tonight.

Do you really think that's what Bay wants?

(Sighs) You see, Regina, this is where you and I differ.

I believe that parenting is not about providing what the child wants but what the child needs.

Except when what that child needs is space from you.

(Chuckles) You've lived with Bay for, what, a couple of weeks and now you know what she needs? A couple of weeks, by the way, where she's barely been home 'cause she's out all night with some marine.

He's army.

I want her back.

I am her legal guardian, I will use whatever means necessary.

Lawyers. Of course.

Because that's your answer to everything.

You tell Bay if she wants more of her art supplies, she comes home and uses them here.

You have always had it in for me.

What is it, huh?

What is it?

You kept my daughter from me...

(Shouts) for 13 years!

I will never forgive you for that.


And the more that I know you, the more I realize I was right to keep it a secret.

You would've taken both girls away from me.

You are damn right I would've.

(Knocks on door)


You weren't answering any of my texts and I just wanna say I'm sorry about what happened yesterday.


It wasn't your fault.

I set up that stupid date like attention from some guy she likes is gonna make her feel better.

It might have. I thought it was nice of you.

I have no idea what's going on with us.

(Inhales sharply)

When we ran into each other at the park...

I was so excited. I thought that maybe this could be our second chance.

And then we hang out... and you completely shut down

and I don't know how to get back in.

Do you even like me anymore?

(Scoffs) Bay.

I am totally into you.

You are?

Are you kidding me?

When I get to see you, it's the best part of my day.

It reminds me of what life was like before all of this.

I know this thing with us has been hard, and that's my fault.

No, it's not.

Yeah, it is.

Okay, I... I know I've been moody and I'm all over the place.

And I'm sorry.

I don't want to jerk you around and maybe we should just stop until I'm, like, fixed or something.

Ty, I am not gonna stop hanging out with you just because you're going through a hard time right now.

I wanna be close to you.

I do.

Then... let yourself... and we can figure the rest out as we go.

(Crickets chirping)

(Dishes rattle)




(Running footsteps)

(Loudly) John, can you hear me?


(Grunts, breathing heavily)

(Softly) Oh my God.

(Grunts) Okay.


Kathryn?! Toby?!

(Line clicks)

Man: 911, what's your emergency?

Um, it's... my neighbor.

I... I can't get a pulse.

What's your address?

Regina Vasquez,

424 Glenwood Lane, Mission Hills.

Please, come as fast as you can.

Do you know CPR?

I... I think so.

Start compressions.


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54...