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01x50 - The Rose Mansion

Posted: 01/09/23 10:59
by bunniefuu
Ahh if you're looking for that mansion just keep going up this hill.

I see.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Roses This almost seems like Sleeping Beauty's castle.

My name is Anna Anna Liebert.

Good luck, Mr.


If something were to happen to you.

When I think of that I I feel the same way your mother did, so Anna Were you dreaming Detective Suk?

Yeah You're Lunge.

An inspector from the German BKA.



You don't have to sit up.

I didn't come here to arrest you or anything.

This is a pretty nice hospital room.

The old Czechoslovakian secret police I traced all the hospitals they were connected to and finally ended up here.

To think you're receiving such treatment from the old Czechoslovakian secret police You must be important to them.

No, I'm just I already know what happened.

I know about Inspector Zeman's connection to the secret police and his brutal death.

Prague's police chief and two officers were poisoned to death.

The two agents who were sent to tail you were found shot to death.

And you're the chief suspect in all the incidents that have taken place.

Considering all the evidence stacked against you you're the culprit.

I'm not! I didn't do anything! Then could it be Grimmer, the tall, thin man who was talking with Inspector Zeman the day before he was k*lled?

It's not Mr.

Grimmer, either! He wouldn't do something like that.

In that case, who is the k*ller?

You know, don't you?

You know who the k*ller is right?

W-What are you talking about?

If I knew, I wouldn't be in this state.

Deceived by so many people set up to take the fall even being on the run from the police I've had enough of this! I don't want to be betrayed anymore! You're a detective, aren't you?

If you're a detective then you have to calmly dissect the situation.

Even if it's painful you must calmly uncover the truth.

If you don't want to be betrayed anymore then start doubting the person you want to doubt the least.

Who gave you permission to see him?

I want to see your boss.

Tell him I want to speak with him about the Rose Mansion.

He'll want to meet with me.

The Rose Mansion Inspector Lunge from the German BKA.

I'm familiar with your background and personal history.

I've also heard rumors about you since the old regime Colonel Ranke.

And now you're practically the head of the old Czechoslovakian secret police.

it must be quite difficult to control such a large organization these days.

Thank you for your concern.

I'm envious that you're able to take such an extended vacation.

Two years ago, the secretary for Senator Borzmann, the German Democratic Party candidate committed su1c1de due to your thorough investigation.

You've got to be a little smarter in what you do.

You're the fool here.

As long as you seemed legitimate on the surface you could have secretly run this country and acted as the president from the shadows.

But now, the frightened citizens see you as you really are.

I see.

You're a smart one.

So, what does a smart man like you want from me?

Well, as you know, I'm not simply on this extended vacation for leisure I've been searching for the existence of true terror.

There's a possibility that the illusion you created may have given birth to the devil itself.

So this is about the Red Rose Mansion?

I had to investigate quite a bit before I found the mansion because the author has so many pen names.

"The Monster Without a Name.

" By Emil Scherbe.

Address, an office in an old building in Prague.

Right now, another company is leasing the place.

Klaus Poppe's address was listed as an old farmhouse outside the city.

It was demolished.

Jakov Vyrobek's was just a rented office, too.

And did you find him?

Franz Bonaparta?

What is that mansion?

And who is Franz Bonaparta?

Every search I run on him comes up with nothing.

That means he must be under your protection.

An old Czechoslovakian secret police officer.

What do you want?

I want to know what you know.

I don't know anything.

Just that Just that?

I've been consciously trying to forget that the mansion ever existed.

That's why I never did anything about it and it's still there, untouched.

In that mansion all the political prisoners and researchers held there vanished one day.

That's the story.

What is that wall for?


I was inside the mansion a few days ago.

There was no sign that anyone else had recently been in there.

It was completely abandoned.

But the north wall on the second floor was built rather hastily, as if to hide something.

May I break down that wall?

What are you afraid of, Colonel Ranke?

You may die.

If we come any closer we may come face to face with true terror! Franz Bonaparta?

That's a nostalgic name.

You want cream and sugar in your coffee?

No, black is fine.

What is it?

Nothing It's just surprising to have a fan of Franz Bonaparta come here I got your address from Moravia Publishing Mr.

Sovak, you were Bonaparta's editor when he was still writing, right?


But I was only his editor when he was going by the pen name Klaus Poppe.

Would you mind telling me what he was like?

Franz Bonaparta?

He used to have his work-related meetings here in this house.

Yes he used to sit in that chair, just like that.

He would often play with my daughter in the yard.

Back then, my daughter said something rather strange "That man is scary.

" My daughter was still little at the time, so she probably doesn't remember anything now.

Was he working with the government back then?


I associated with him assuming that he was.

However, his mannerisms, his way of speaking the clothes he wore, were all unlike other government VIPs under the old regime.

And he had a gentleness and elegance about him Bonaparta had a master's in psychology and was a practicing psychologist.

He was also a medical doctor.

His specialty was brain surgery.

I I see The last time I saw him was let's see I think it was the summer of '81 or '82.

Yes, he just suddenly showed up at my house one day with a new story He looked somewhat refreshed.

A new story What kind of story was it?

A story about a monster falling in love.

But it was like a combination of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Sleeping Beauty.

" I rejected it.

Then, in the doorway just before he left he turned around and said, "How about this one?

" "The Door That Must Never Be Opened.

" And I asked him "So, on the other side of the door do you find paradise" "or a monster biding its time?

" And he said "Since the door must never be opened, there's no story" He laughed, and left.

That was the last time I saw him.

So, did you learn anything about Bonaparta?

No, not really Mr.

Grimmer, why are you here?

I was just thinking what a fine day it is.


I knew it! Ah, is this the police?

This is Sovak, I live on Svejk Court.

The guy that just visited me I think he's wanted for a series of murders in Germany.

Yeah, he's Japanese a brain surgeon named Dr.


Ethanol This room reeks of antiseptics.

Dead How many How many people died here?

Ten Twenty No, more than that That woman The woman from the sketchbook.

Is she the mother of the twins?

If we don't hurry, the older kids will take the soccer field.

Hurry up, Milos! Y-Yeah.

Go! Counterattack! Crap! Fall back! The goal is wide open! No he's gonna score! Hey, Milos! Are you okay, Milos?

! Hang in there, Milos.

Nice defense, Milos! Nice clear! You saved a goal! From the way he's laughing he should be all right now Right, Dr.




Grimmer aren't you going to see Milos and the other boys?

I understand now why I'm bad at soccer.

It's about teamwork.

What's going to happen to Detective Jan Suk now?

He's the prime suspect in this case.

It's the same thing as being socially blacklisted.

Even if he turns himself in how can we prove his innocence?

How can we show that the blonde girl left the crime scene?

Suk must be in the same predicament you're in.

However, there is one thing Goodbye, Dr.



Regarding this case there's only one person who knows all the details.

It's me.

What do you think?

If I hand this over to the police This is?

! A letter from the serial k*ller.

Details that only the k*ller would know would make a convincing confession, don't you think?

But if you send this to the police, you'll be Grimmer returned to Germany before you even knew it.

Even though the police will try to catch him, Grimmer is capable of staying out of their reach.

Because he used to be an elite spy.

But you'll be a suspect for the rest of your life, and will always be on the run That's fine.

Because the man named Grimmer never existed in the first place.

Someone gave him that name out of convenience.

Even if Grimmer is a suspect for the rest of his life it'd be fine.

Something like that Dr.

Tenma, what do you think of the decision I made?

Ahh never mind.

Forget it.

You're heading to the Rose Mansion now, right?


You may finally be getting close to your goal, huh?

I I don't know Even if I tell you not to be reckless, it won't change anything, will it?

Just don't die.


Grimmer The promise we made when we crossed the Czech border That if we met again, we'd have another picnic.

Fishing for rainbow trout, surrounded by beautiful scenery having good wine with good cheese I'll always be living in fear of that sound from here on out.

Give it back! Ouch! It hurts! It hurts! What happened?

Let me take a look at it.

Ouch! It's just a scratch.

I'll put some antiseptic on it.

O-Ouch! You're a boy, bear with it.

You're a strong kid.

kenzo Tenma, I presume?

We're the police.

We'd like you to come with us Yes Gazing at what is known now in this world Yes Your eyes believe in kindness Make it home to your land of harmony Make it home to your land of purity The Monster's Love Letter