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02x12 - Distorted House

Posted: 12/18/13 13:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Bay: I found another job working at that amusement park, Maui, Kansas.

I'm on games.

Where's Lana?

She took the baby and left.

The nurse just told me she had a plane to catch.

We're engaged... to be married.

I wanted you to have this.

You can hang it up in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or wherever "istan" you end up.


Oh my God, you're back.

Don't ever disrespect a girl like that again, do you hear me? Ever!

Ty, don't!

I'm sorry.

Where are you going?

I talked to Angelo... he said I could stay over there.

I don't understand.

Why'd she go to Angelo's?

I guess she needed some alone time.

Can I stay the night?

You can stay as long as you want.

(Sighs) Morning.


I wasn't sure if I should wake you.

Oh, I don't have to be at the park till 10:00.

Is that pizza?

Uh, you want some eggs or something?

No, I'm good.

Well, at least let me heat it up for you.

I did manage to figure out the toaster oven.

No, it's better this way.

I'm savoring my last few hours of freedom.

Right. Because it's such a prison where you live.


Can I have some coffee?

Sure. Knock yourself out.



So when is Angelo coming back?

Well, he's about to meet this family in Atlanta.

So I guess however long it takes to convince someone that they accidentally adopted his baby.

So you're staying until he gets back?

Just until I find a job, I think.

You are welcome to stay.

Are you sure?

Of course.

Because I don't want to be crowding you.


You are not crowding me.

You can't move out!

I'm not moving out.

I'm just gonna keep Regina company while Angelo's gone.

You know, I think Regina went over there to get some space.

Regina's cool with it.

Honey, you were in the Galapagos last summer.

Mom, Angelo's place is in the same zip code.

You're still gonna see me. You won't even know I'm gone.

Daphne: Morning.

And you'll have another daughter around.

I hope you guys are hungry, I'm making Belgian waffles with fresh berries.

Oh, thanks, but I already had pizza.

For breakfast?

And I should probably go pack.

We need to discuss this with your father first.

Why? We already know what he's gonna say.

Hey, what's going on?


Thanks, mom.

Did she just say "pack"? Where's she going?

She's going to stay with Regina for a little while.




I didn't mean to crowd you out.

Oh, it's okay.

I mean, things have been weird lately.

I'll just move back into the guest house and you don't have to leave.

No. Stay.

J and K love having you here.

And besides, it's better than you being by yourself over there.

Okay, then I'll talk to my mom and tell her to move back in and that way nobody has to go anywhere.

Daphne, it's okay.

You don't have to fix this.

It's just until Angelo gets back.

I'm starting my new job at Maui, Kansas.

You should totally check it out.

I've been there.

My mom used to take me.

Oh, cool. Isn't it awesome?

All right.

I think that's it.

House is all yours.

(Theme music playing)

Hey, I just landed.


I thought they were sure they had her?

So I'm in Atlanta for nothing?

Well, I guess I'm going to Virginia.

I want to be there when we find out if they have my daughter.

Why don't you tell me what I'm supposed to do with 5,000 misprinted coupons?

Look, if you guys can't fix it, I'm gonna have to use another print shop, okay?

Yeah. Get back to me.

All right.


Why isn't the line moving?

I don't know.

The Ellsworth dealership hasn't been billed since March, dad.

That's why they haven't paid.

Oh. Okay.

Hey, Glen. Where's Travis?

Why is the line not moving?

The foamer's broken?


Now I gotta close till I get that guy to come fix it.

Are you... hand?

These guys? Hand wash?


You can try, all right? Good luck.

Senator Kennish?


Oh, Senator Coto.


Here for the best car wash in town?

Got her done yesterday.

Good thing too. Jeez, look at this line.

Yeah, I know. My manager quit all of a sudden, I got equipment problems, blah blah blah.

Is that why we didn't see you at the Caucus breakfast this morning?

Oh, you know, with my manager quitting...

I get it.

Look, we all have a day job, right?

But the business of the state can't wait.

Sure, of course.

Be great to have your voice, John.

Yeah yeah.

All right.

Next breakfast is Tuesday.

Tuesday. All right.

Yeah. I'll see you there?

Yes, sir.

Be well.


Very good. Return. Good.

Good. Good good good.

Here we go. Out in front.

Watch it all the way to the rack.

Very nice. Good. Here we go.

That was yours.

I thought it was yours.


You gotta know your partner's moves.




All right. Here we go.

On your toes.

Now get out in front. Very good.

Way to attack. Strong. Here we go.

You're almost in the alley. Move in.

Good. All right. Here we go.

Watch it. Good.

Very nice.


You're supposed to duck, remember?

Well, I didn't think you were gonna try to take my head off.

You guys are really off today.

Our time is up. But for next time, work on court communication.

Partners who are in sync are partners who win.


What's going on?

You've been off in space all morning.


Hey, Shauna. Hey, Lisa.

Hi, Mrs. Kennish.

Oh, you guys, this is my daughter, Daphne.

Oh right. Hi.

Daphne, this is Shauna.

And this is Lisa.

Nice to meet you guys.

You two should play the mother-daughter tournament.

I don't know. I think that it's a bit much for us right now.

I'm ready, ladies.

Both: Coming.

Nice to see you two.

Hi, Gustavo.

Hey. How are you?

Great. Okay. Here we go. Ready position.

Now get out in front.

Okay, good.

Uh-Huh. I'm ready. Very nice.

Nice, honey.

Very nice.

Watch the ball all the way to the racket.

That's it. Yeah!

(Ska music playing)

* thought we'd settle down *
* take everything head on. *

And as you can see, even the most skilled players don't always win.

You should have had that last one.

So the question, Bay, is really this.

Who here woke up this morning and thought "I'm gonna go to Maui, Kansas and play some skee ball"?

No one. They come, they get fluorescent braids in their hair, eat a pineapple freezee and scream their heads off on the rip curl.

But do you want to know my favorite part of this job?

The games?


And why are the games my favorite?

Because they make money?

Nope. It's not about the money.

It is about something better.


Do you know what we call this?

Something tells me I shouldn't say "microphone."


This would be the talking stick.

Whoever holds the talking stick wields the power to overcome one of the greatest obstacles known to man.


Not where I was going.

They don't care.

You will make them care.

But how, Mac? How do I do that?

By offering something far greater than any mere prize.

We are offering an experience.

Primal fear. Ecstatic victory.

The ancient chariot races of Rome!


You're seriously good with the talking stick.

You will be too.

Okay, I gotta get to the penny drop.

Mary Beth can take it from here.

Got it, chief. Aloha.


That dude's intense.


You're gonna have a lot of fun.

Games are the best.

Here you go.



Great. I was just finishing up this budget.

I hadn't saved that yet.

Close your eyes.


All right.

Open your mouth.



That's really good.

It's devil's food with raspberry filling.

Devil's food.


What would Reverend Steve say?

You are just never gonna get sick of those jokes, are you?


All right. So... budget?


Flowers, photographers, very expensive.

How do we not have enough?

Nope. No no.

Do not touch the laptop of doom.

I will take care of it myself.

This doesn't have to be just your problem, you know.

I'll figure it out.

You and I, we will talk about cake, and about decorations, and all the fun stuff.

* to the sky *
* we can fly together *
* past the moon *
* almost there. *

You, sir! With the sandals and the socks.

You have inner frustrations. You should get up here and un-frustrate them.

Okay, I'm gonna be honest. This is my first day.

I just need a customer.

Seriously. One person.


How about a little more enthusiasm?

Oh, you should have been here two hours ago.

I was very committed.

I'll play.

You know, that's okay.

My shift's almost over anyway.

I'm sorry about the other day.

The text thing.

Don't worry about it.

Those guys were idiots.

But I shouldn't have let them get to me.

Yeah, you did kind of go Jekyll and Hyde there for a second.


I'm almost done.

Do you mind taking this to the office for me?

Yeah, sure.


Mary Beth, this is Bay.

We already met.

Mary Beth's been initiating me into the rites and rituals of Maui, Kansas.

You're off to a great start.

Tomorrow it's gonna go even better.


So that's your friend who works here.

Yeah. She's cool.

So how about you and I hang out again sometime like out in the real world?

I'd love to.

Maybe like get some tacos or something.

We can go ogle the poor people of East Riverside.

You are never gonna let me live that down, are you?


What time are you off tomorrow?


All right. Well, then I'll see you then.

And I promise no Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde this time.

All right.

I didn't know you knew Ty.

Well, we almost kind of grew up together.

It's a long story.

Did I hear you guys saying you were gonna do something tomorrow?


I'm sorry. It's none of my business.

It's just... that's good.

That's a good sign.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Wait a minute, you said "yes" without talking to me first?

And what would you have said?

"I'm sorry, Bay, you can't spend time with your biological mother"?

You can't go live with a fresh out of rehab alcoholic basket case.

And she would have done it anyway.

And given you the cold shoulder for like a year.

Besides, Regina is not a basket case.

Honey, it's only fair.

We had Daphne for weeks.

She's still here and Regina's back.

What if Bay decides she wants to move in with Regina for good?

She won't.

Don't be so sure.

We are talking about the girl who enrolled in a school for the deaf and stayed there.

What happened to your rule about not bringing work to bed?

That died the minute I took on two full-time jobs.

You need a new manager.



I'm so happy to see you.

Come on in.

Come come.

When does Angelo...

Is it muggy out?

Is Bay at...

I don't know yet.

I'm sorry.


You go.

Do you have lunch plans?


With a can of tuna.

Want to make me a better offer?

Well, I was thinking...

I accept.

(Both chuckle)

Sit down and I'll go change my clothes.

Oh. Sorry.

Without you or grandma, I go back to my native ways.

(Chuckles) I'll help you clean up.

Oh no no no no no.

You are a guest.

Give me five minutes and we'll go.


(Car door opens, closes)


Looks like things are back to normal.

That guy, he came this morning?

What do you mean you fixed it? How?

(Chuckles) That's fantastic.

You saved me a chunk of change.

Thank you.


I'm happy that you showed me this

'cause I wanna talk...

(Cellphone dings)

I... I have to call the office, but I want to talk to you about that.


All right. Thank you.

Hi. I'm looking at her.

They have my baby.

No. I haven't said a word.

But I'm telling you, it's her.

Please do whatever you need to do so I can take her home.



I'm over at Loco Nuts today.

How'd the morning go?

I think I'm getting the hang of it.

You wouldn't happen to have any napkins or something?


You should get some of these.

And some rubber gloves.

Pretty much what you imagine.


So how do you know Ty?

He and my brother were stationed in the same unit in Kabul.


What was it like over there? I keep trying to ask Ty, but I'm never sure if it's okay.

Yeah, they don't talk much about it.

I could never get much out of Justin.

That's your brother?


Is he still over there?

No no. He came home last spring.

But he had a hard time and he didn't make it.

What do you mean?

He k*lled himself.

Oh my God.


I go to this support group with my mom.

I guess a lot of guys have a hard time coming back.

I'm so sorry.


But that's why Ty kind of looks out for me.

He's a really good guy.

You guys have fun tonight.

Oh, hey.

I thought we were gonna go swimming.

Oh, I stopped by Angelo's and had lunch with my mom.

That's nice.



What are you doing?

Oh! I'm just looking at these catering menus.

What do you think?

Bacon wrapped asparagus too fancy for a barbeque side dish?

I'd probably just stick to the classics.

Corn on the cob, baked beans.

Yeah. You're right.

Then you can go...

Both: Fancy for dessert.


Oh! Oh.

What do you think about this?

That's cute.


So you wouldn't mind if I got you one?

Oh no. I'm fine in shorts.

Well, this is for something special.

I signed us up for the mother-daughter tournament at the club.

We're not ready for that.

We just had a bad day.

Our first match is with Lisa and Shauna.

They're really good.

Lisa's good. Shauna chokes.

We can beat them.


We just have to communicate better.

We can work on that.

It'll be fun.

Honey, don't worry.

And we're gonna look great.

Okay, so we have a misogynistic horror film, some rom com that's gonna make hate ourselves, or a brain-dead comedy.

I'm up for the comedy.


Oh man.

Been a while?


I've just had way too much mac and cheese lately.

What's that like living on an army base?

I just picture it's like summer camp but everybody's yelling at you all the time.

It's not that bad.

Fort Powell's pretty nice, actually.

But it's kind of like living at work, you know?

Which for me would be sleeping in a gigantic tiki head.


It's just until they move me somewhere else anyway.

So who knows what's next?

Uh, so Mary Beth was filling me in a little bit on your whole overseas thing.


Yeah, I mean, what she knew.

Which isn't much.

She told me about Justin.

Do you know what happened?

I mean, he made it home and then...

I don't know.

Um, he just couldn't deal I guess, you know?

I'm gonna get some more napkins.

We should pick a movie, okay?
Hey, dad. You have a second?


You sure about that?


Yeah, you know, I'm just trying to make sense of this homestead tax relief bill.


Well, I can't help you with that, but I can make your life easier in another way.

And how much is that gonna cost me?

You mean, how much is it going to save you?

You need a new manager for the car wash.

I need a higher paying job.

Hire me as your manager.

We solve both of our problems.

Are you serious?

Check this out.

Now if you cut certain fixed costs and raise your marketing budget by just five percent, you could increase your bottom line revenue anywhere from like...

Whoa whoa whoa.

So are you telling me you put all this together yourself?


It's just dollars and cents. It's not particle physics.

Toby, you understand manager is a full-time job.

I'm getting married now.

Ah. Well, you know, your mother and I are more than happy to pitch in and help pay for this thing.

I know. And I appreciate that.

But Nikki is not wild about taking money from you guys, and honestly, neither am I.

Not if I can work for it.

You don't have to say yes tonight.

But let me at least show you some of my ideas, and you can think about it.

Bay: Is it possible to get herpes from a movie?

'Cause they should have been giving out brain condoms in the lobby.

Stop sign's not gonna turn green.

Are you okay?



'Cause you haven't really said much.

Um, I just...

I don't really feel like talking right now.

Is that okay?


Yeah. Of course.

Hey, you're cold.


I'm fine.

No, it's okay.

What's this?

Yeah, that.

When did you get this?

There was a... this tattoo guy in Kabul and a lot of the guys went, so.

It's not what it looks like.

Looks a lot like my poster.

I'm not freaking out or anything.

I'm just... surprised.

So when exactly did...

(Car horn honks)

Yes. Okay.

I'm going.

On the one hand there's Travis who I have to say has really stepped up and proven himself.

And on the other hand, there's Toby.

Who's your son.

I'm well aware of that fact.

You know, I'm just thinking will Travis ever have another opportunity like this?

Are you gonna hire an interpreter?

I mean, I hate to bring it up, but it is a real question.

You think I have to?

He's not as oral as Daphne.

I mean, how is he gonna interact with the dealership reps, the vendors, the crew.

He's done pretty good so far.

Honey, he still has one more year of school left.

I mean, what, is he gonna quit school come fall just to keep this job?

Sounds to me like you think Toby's the man for the job.

I don't know. I'm just weighing the pros and cons of each young man.

I mean, obviously Toby could handle it.

Is this really what we want for Toby?

To manage a car wash?

It's not forever.

Famous last words.

You know what I'm thinking?

If I give Travis the job, I might be doing Toby a favor.

Isn't that what your father tried to do to you?

Impose his will on you for your own good?

I am not my father.

And job or no job, I will always be in Toby's corner.

What about Travis?

Who does he have in his corner?

(sighs) Looks like I'm getting over the whole early morning thing.

I heard you coming late last night?

Uh yeah, I went out after work.

Yeah, I got the text. Work friends?

No, uh... Ty, actually.

Ty... Mendoza?

Wait, he's back?


Is he okay? Is he in one piece?


But... ?

I found out he had this friend who made it back with him, and then he k*lled himself.

Which is awful, and I can't stop thinking about it.

And how's Ty?

I don't know.

He kind of overreacted to this thing that happened the other day and every time I try to talk to him about anything beyond "what movie do you want to see?"

He just shuts down.

Maybe he doesn't want to lay it on you.

He got this tattoo.

It's of my artwork.



So now I'm like half worried about him and then I'm half freaked out that he's like obsessed with me.

Does he seem obsessed?


But I broke up with him on the phone in the middle of whatever he was going through.

(Cellphone rings)

It's Angelo.

Go ahead. Take it.

One second.

(Ringing continues)


How's Atlanta?

Angelo: Virginia, actually.

I thought the baby was in Atlanta?

Wasn't her.

She's with a different family.

I saw her yesterday.

How did it go?

I was not allowed to talk to them.

I have to wait for all these lawyers and adoption agencies.

And um... how did you do it?

Do what?

That day when you saw Bay.

How did you keep yourself from grabbing her right then and there and take her home?

Sometimes I wish I had.


Want to tell me why you're following my family?

(Pop music playing)

* we be shutting down these cats *
* every time we get a chance *
* we do this so easy *
* y'all sit there looking cheesy *
* and every time we come around *
* y'all wonder who I be *
* ooh * (Groans)

* we're unstoppable *


Match point.

* we're unstoppable. *



First set miner and miner. Six games to one.

Thanks, baby.


Good one.

Good shot.

I told you she was going down the middle.

Did you not see the sign?

I thought she was going wide.

You should have had that one.

Look, I know it's hard without Regina.

But I'd appreciate it if you didn't take it out on me.

She left because of you.

Regina left on her own.

I can't make that woman do anything.


Can we just have one minute?

Yeah. Come on.


I miss Bay.

But I don't blame you.

You shouldn't have signed us up for a tournament that we're not ready for.

Well, at least I'm trying.

Which is more than you.

A week ago, you'd have been diving to return those sh*ts instead of standing there yelling at me.

Take some responsibility.

I'm here to see Tyler Mendoza.

Private, maybe?


Thank you.

Ty, hey.


What are you doing here?

I thought I'd come by.

Welcome you back.

Hiding out here without telling anybody.

Yeah, I was...

I was gonna get around to that.

So I looked up online what to bring you.

It says the number one thing you guys like are those awful protein bars.

(Chuckles) Thank you.

This is really nice.

You're welcome.

So, this is where you do your whole army thing.

Whatever that is.

Well, they've got me on motor pool.

So if you ever need somebody who can fix a Humvee, I'm your guy.


You look good.

Yep. There it is.

You heard about that, huh?

I heard a lot of stuff.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Really. Everybody can just relax.

Well, you got some Vasquez women concerned.

You want us to relax, don't shut us out.


Yeah, okay. You're right.

I got it.

But... you know, not everybody comes back damaged.


But I bet all of you come back changed.

You heard I went to rehab, right?

Bay mentioned something, yeah.

You know how that happened?

Thinking I could handle everything all by myself.

And I am a lot tougher than you are.

Uh, guys, can we gather around please?

Okay, I got a few things to say.

First of all, I'm really sorry that I've been away so much.

I know that it's been hard since we lost Frank.

But... as of today, we have a new Frank.

Okay, he's young.

He understands the business.

So I expect each and every one of you to show him a lot of respect.


Toby, congratulations.


Thanks, guys.


Well, let's get back to work.

You heard the man. Back to work.

Hey hey.

Um... look, I'm really sorry.

It was a tough decision for me.

But with you going back to school...


How were the games?

Well, I managed successfully to part some people away from their money.

So yay for me.

Glazed almond?

Oh, no thanks.

Err... okay.

You don't have to look at me like that.

Like what?

Like I'm gonna go off or something.

Well, you have been kind of unpredictable lately.

I know.

I'm working on it.

Well, I'm gonna stop asking prying questions if that helps.

You can ask.

I may not always have an answer for you.

Why did Justin k*ll himself?

I don't know.

Do you ever feel the same way?


I mean... we saw some stuff, okay?

But I think it bothered him more than me.

I sometimes think about random things.

Just like... dead dogs that we would see lying in the road or some kid's stuffed rabbit in the street, you know?

This one time when we were driving the t*nk back to base, we were handing stuff out to the kids.

They would come up to us and we were just giving them like soap bubbles or gum. Stuff like that.

And that day I had this soccer ball.

So I'm looking around for who to give it to, and all these boys are running up and they're reaching out for it saying "me me. Give it to me."

But I see this girl standing there.

And she's just looking at the t*nk.

It was the one with your poster on it.

And... (Chuckles) she just, uh... she does the pose.


Total badass, right?

So I said "hey."

And I tossed the ball to her.


Yeah. And all the boys, they were trying to take it away from her, but she hangs onto it.

And the next day there's this field by the base where all the kids play, and she shows up with the soccer ball.

But none of the boys are letting her play.

And we're yelling to them, "guys, let her play. You gotta let her play."

Finally they back down and she starts to play, and she's amazing.

I mean, you should have seen it.

A real hammer girl.


And then... this guy shows up and... when he sees her playing, he like flips out.

And, uh... he starts screaming at the boys and he's screaming at us, and he grabs her, drags her off the field.

What did you do?

We couldn't do anything.

The interpreter said it was her Uncle.

And that makes it okay?

That's just how it is.

What happened to her?

I don't know.

We never saw her again.

I asked around.

This one guy told me I didn't want to know.

Bad stuff happens to girls over there.

Like really bad.

That's when I got the tattoo.

I don't know, I just thought it would keep her spirit alive or something.

You're back already?

Sorry I didn't call.

Well, I would have picked you up at the airport.

I'm guessing things didn't go well?

It wasn't her.

I was so sure when I saw her.


Where's Bay?

She's out.

You know obviously we will go back to the house tonight.

No no no no.

Please stay.

I'd like my family with me.


It smells good.

It's your recipe.

Can I help?



Our tennis needs work, but we're gonna rule at doubles lasagna.


We'll get them next time.


How come there's so much stuff left over?

Oh, the recipe makes two pans.


We're gonna be eating lasagna for a week.


I wonder what Bay and Regina are eating tonight.


Do you think that they're ready for some real food?

I'll get the other pan.



(Brazilian music plays)

(Singing in Spanish)

Regina: As hard as I can.


What is this thing you guys are doing?

It's called bachata. It's from Dominican Republic.

And you have to do it.

I did not inherit the dance gene.

We're all just going to have to accept that and move on.

You're doing great.

Okay, it's all in the hips.

Angelo: Forget about your feet.

What are you talking about? You're moving your feet.

That's good.

Which way are we going?

This way.

Bay: I'm not doing this correctly.

Regina: Just spin.


Oh, hi.

Sorry, we didn't hear you guys.

Angelo: Look who is here.

Hey, Angelo.

You're back.

Come on in.

We're doing bachata.

Angelo doesn't know that I can't dance.

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.

I guess we should have called.

Oh no no no. It's fine.

I made some homemade pizza. I'm sure there's some left. Have some.

Kathryn: Oh, you ate.

We were making lasagna.

We had some leftover, so we just...

Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

(Music continues)

Come on in, guys. Let's dance.

Oh, just be careful. He's serious.


That's okay. We need to get back.

Maybe next time.

Oh, okay. But thank you for the lasagna.


Well, keep dancing. Don't lose any momentum.



I'll see you tomorrow.


It was good to see you guys.


Bay: All right, let's try this again.

I'm dreading this already.

One, two pop.


One, two, three, pop.

There you go. You're doing great.


Angelo: You're doing fantastic.

One more time, one more time.

(Music continues)