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01x36 - A Monster of Chaos

Posted: 01/09/23 10:29
by bunniefuu
Is there a change in his condition?

Well but What about his blood pressure and pulse rate?

Excuse me, Dr.


What about Mayor Rodecker's operation?

I am starting the operation.

Yes Oh yeah, what's the patient's name?

What's this young boy's name?

Um well We don't know his name do we?

You'll be fine.

I'll save you.

k*ll him k*ll him k*ll him Those kids Those twins are nowhere to be found.

Did you look everywhere?

Of course I did.

I looked everywhere.

Perhaps they're playing hide-and-seek or something.

"Perhaps they're playing hide-and-seek or something," eh?

Scaredy cat Tenma Scaredy Cat Tenma YAY! It won't help you to hide, scaredy cat Tenma! If you try to hide, you'll just wet your pants again! Hey guys! It's getting late, just how much longer are you guys going to play?

Okay! See ya! What about me?

Hey everyone I'm right here.

Find me! I'm right here! Find me! "Scaredy Cat Tenma," eh?

The Monster of Chaos What should we do?

The guy who came earlier this evening is still in front of the house.

Who is he?

He's Richard Brown's psychiatrist, the detective that we've previously hired.

I'll chase him away immediately.

Karl, I can't see well.

What does he look like?

Yes, he's an old man.

What do you think of him?

He doesn't seem like a bad man and it seems like he's in a real pinch.

I see.

Thank you for seeing me, Herr Schubert Let us skip the useless pleasantries.

It's getting late.

Let me hear what you have to say.

I don't have much time myself.

However, it's up to you as to how long this will take.

You didn't come here to ask about him, did you?

About Johan.

It seems like I am right.

I thought that someone like you would come to me some day in order to solve the mystery.


He's just too perfect.

People who can see may not know it, but I can feel it Standing in front of someone who comes off as being perfectly at peace.

Isn't that like he doesn't really exist?

He exists, I can assure you.

It's all here, the fragments of his past, that is.

I'll read it to you now, you'll see that he is not an illusion.

The story begins when a young boy, who was fatally wounded, was taken to a hospital in 1986.

And then, he showed up in front of you.

According to the dead no, m*rder*d, Richard, Johan was controlling Farhen, the student who pretended to be your son.

But, when your real son, Karl, showed up, he changed his tactics and got close to him.

And then, he made Farhen commit su1c1de.

Why did you reunite with your son, who was away from you for so long?

And in these last few years, how many people have died around you?

The chauffer who served you for all those years.

The maid who read you books.

The accountant who was your bird-watching partner.

Every one of them died.

Everything happened because Johan wanted to isolate you he wanted to get close to you.

I beg you, please help me.

Everything must be brought to daylight.

If you don't, that Japanese doctor, Dr.

Tenma will You told me that Johan played with people like he played with an ant line, right?

An ant line, eh?

Do you know what people call me?

That's right, the Vampire of Bayern.

I took that name with such pride.

When I took that role to its logical conclusion, I don't know how, but it became bigger and bigger The monster inside me, that is.

But what about now?

The nickname is imposing, but I'm so weak.

Come to think of it, I also wanted to play with the ant line in this manner He's going to become what I wanted to be.

Who can become like that monster?

" Who can challenge and fight that monster?

Is that Johan's silent power?

The only thing that can defeat this monster, is another bigger monster.

Father What was that about?

It's morning already.

By the way, where is Johan?

He seems to be heading straight from the East Hohen office to the ceremony hall.

More importantly, you look very tired.

Should I cancel today's ceremony?

No Get me ready to go out.

k*ll him Dr.

Tenma, it wasn't your fault.

You only did your duty as a doctor.

It wasn't your fault.

Please stay alive.

And then save as many people as you can.

That's really a shame.

Are you really going to quit?

And you just got used to the job too.

Thank you for taking care of me.

If you are ever around these parts again, give me a call.


Then I'll Man, and she was a good girl too Hello?

Is Lotte Frank there?

Lotte is not in right now.


Then can you tell her that I'll be taking the 3:00 train out of Munich?

Okay, sure thing.

Oh yeah, may I have your name again?

It's Nina.

Nina Fortner.

He's here.

His car just pulled up at the back entrance.

The Vampire of Bayern has finally arrived.

Shh He'll hear you.

Did you see the guests out there?

Oh, yes.

Not only from Bayern, but industry representatives from Europe, Japan and lots of ambassadors and politicians It's hard to believe this is just a book donation ceremony.

Well, they do say that Mr.

Schubert's every movement affects Europe's economy.

He rarely appears in public, so lots of people came for this.

But his sudden donation of books it's like he's giving away his keepsakes.

Hey, hey.

Don't even mention that.

He's an important piece of the European economy.

We need him alive for a bit longer.



Can you get me a document that I forgot?

Which document?

Don't worry about it, just go back to the estate and get it.

It's on top of my desk in the study.

Johan will arrive shortly.

Leave everything here to him.


Everything is going smoothly.

Going smoothly?

I thought you would help us out.

That's why I told you Tenma was in Munich.

But what are you doing?

Did you investigate Schubert's secretary, Johan Liebert?

There's no doubt that he's the real serial k*ller.

Are you listening?

If you don't hurry up and arrest him, Tenma is going to Tenma is going to try and end this by himself! Please don't worry.

The investigation is going smoothly.

Excuse me.

Johan is right in front of our eyes.

Hurry and As expected from a criminal psychiatrist.

That is a good description.

Johan does exist, undoubtedly.

Johan does exist inside Tenma's head.

Were you able to get any new information from it?

He's been saying the same thing over and over again.

The g*n model was a Mauser SR-93.

The buyer was a Japanese person.

Should we grill him some more?

No, that's probably all he knows.

The Mauser SR-93 is a sn*per r*fle, right?

Yeah, and it's quite a good one too.

I wonder who his target is.

I am Tenma.

I am Tenma.

I just got an excellent sn*per r*fle.

I am Tenma.

And I I am Johan.

Who would I sh**t with these hands?

I k*lled the hospital directors.

I k*lled numerous middle-aged couples.

And now who am I going to k*ll?

I Chaos I love chaos.

You should have something to eat.


Thanks, Dieter.

I'm fine.

Don't worry.

I'm not going to quit this easily.

It may not seem like it, but when I was a doctor for the National Border Patrol, I trained my body and mind.

I will save your friend, no matter what.

Don't underestimate a doctor who was an ex-cop.

Now, since you cooked me such a nice meal, I'm going to dig in, because you can't fight on an empty stomach, right?

This is it! Did you figure something out?

Schubert's book donation ceremony! Is Tenma there?

Dieter, you wait here! Don't follow me! It's Schubert! I want to see Hans Georg Schubert.

Contact him.

Yes, sir.

If I'm not mistaken, he's at the University of Munich for a book donation ceremony today.

We're heading there immediately.


Tenma is going after Schubert.

Now, please welcome Hans Georg Schubert, who donated his huge collection of books.

Is my secretary here?

Oh yes, he's right over there.

He came, eh?

I was the one who saved his life.

I was the one who saved that monster Nina! Lotte! Thanks for coming.

I'm sorry.

I looked all over for him, but he doesn't seem to be here.

You and I just got to be good friends, too.

It's such a shame.

You guys aren't twins are you?

I'm right, aren't I?

! What is this picture book?

He saw this and suddenly fainted.

Picture book?

k*ll him Yes Gazing at what is known now in this world Yes Your eyes believe in kindness Make it home to your land of harmony Make it home to your land of purity A Nameless Monster