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01x34 - At the End of the Darkness

Posted: 01/09/23 10:28
by bunniefuu
He's been released from the hospital?

Yes, Johan Liebert was released this morning.

Oh, I see.

I heard that he just collapsed all of a sudden, but I guess it was nothing serious.

You come to the library often.

You're the librarian from the college library.

I see, he was released from the hospital.

Thank goodness.

I didn't know what would happen to him.

He collapsed right in front of you?


He was looking for a book.

And then all of a sudden, he fainted?


He started screaming.


He picked up this picture book.

Then he turned the pages like this.

At the Edge of Darkness Shouldn't you rest for a while?

There's nothing wrong with your brain or your brain waves.

Physically, you're completely healthy.

The doctor said it must have been anemia or stress from too much work that made you pass out like that.

If it wasn't that, then you must have had quite a shock.

Or that was just what he said.

I never knew you had surgical scars on your head.

Either way, you should take a break from your work and studies and relax.

Oh, yeah.

While you were in the hospital, you got a letter.

There's no return address written on it.

I don't think it's a letter b*mb though.

What is it?

What's so funny?

Who is it from?

It's from the Red Hindenburg.

I see we got a pretty boy who wandered in.

Are you lost?

Or are you looking for a good time?

I'll show you everything you need to know, from start to finish.

Come with me.

Do you know of the Red Hindenburg?

In this letter it says it's around this area, The Red Hindenburg.

You, at your age?

! You've got some pretty screwed up tastes! It's down there.

dr*gs Give me some dr*gs.

Is the Red Hindenburg up here?

Thanks for coming.

Have a seat.

What a face! You have such a beautiful face.

I saw you on the news.

So, you used the name "Margot Langer" and now you're using the name "The Red Hindenburg?

" Before then I was "Blue Sophie.

" Names aren't important.

It's that right, Johan Liebert?

Anyways, that's what my boyfriend calls me.

The boyfriend that's right behind this door, at least.

Isn't that right, dear?

So don't try anything funny.

He's got a big g*n cocked and ready behind there.

He's got it big where it counts too, If you know what I mean.

You found me.

What a carefully laid plan to get back at that millionaire, Schubert.

It was pretty impressive.

You brought that Farhen kid to him before didn't you?

I never would have thought that Schubert's real son would show up right afterwards.

The one I feel bad for is Farhen.

You made him commit su1c1de after you were done with him.

It took you two years.

Just like two years ago the real Margot Langer died.

When she died, I really reaped the benefits.

It's not that I was close to her.

She wasn't a streetwalker anymore.

She had already washed her hands of this business.

We only had two or three drinks together.

She hadn't had someone to talk to for a long time.

After she weakened, I told her to tell me everything.

She told me about the love affair with Schubert and the son she put up for adoption.

And then she got k*lled.

And then I took her name, Margot Langer, and got all the money I wanted from Schubert.

The police said her m*rder was committed by some phantom k*ller.

The police never thought this plan was going to happen.

Oh, yeah.

That's right.

That detective, Richard or whatever, I feel sorry for him, too.

If he hadn't gotten involved, he wouldn't have committed su1c1de either! So how many people have you k*lled?

Well, let's end the small talk here and get down to business.

You can't escape it anymore and you're giving up.

Isn't that right, dear?

Tell me.

How much will you give me?

Are you listening?

What do you think true fear is?

I thought I had been to the darkest place in the universe.

It's no use trying to change the subject.

But beyond that I saw even blacker darkness.

Hold it right there! Do you think I'd let you just leave like this?

I've stopped.

I don't have any interest in Schubert anymore.

Don't mess with me.

It's useless.

I am a non-existent person.

Don't underestimate me.

Honey, come out here! Honey, what are you?

Roberto! Could I have a balloon?

Buy your dr*gs with this.

Carstensen St.

(Munich) Are you still not ready, Doctor?

He's bleeding from the head! What are you talking about?

We were here first! Shut up, kid! That's nothing to be screaming about! Just sit and wait your turn! No matter how much noise you make, there's only one doctor here.

What's that long stick thing you got there?

Well, it's just a Is the doctor here really that good?


If this doctor wasn't here, then the Asians in the neighborhood, especially the Vietnamese, would die.

Oh, really?

You're not Vietnamese, are you?


Wait for your turn.

You don't look so good, but the injured come before you.

You need to take care of your health.

I'm not a patient.

Sit and wait with us.

Hurry up and look at this, will ya Doc?

! We were here first! Excuse me.

What the hell?

Wait your turn! Doctor, I have something I need to ask you.

Do you understand what they're saying?

! Wait outside.

I don't have time for this.

A woman?

On top of that Didn't you hear me?

Please get out.

How old is this doctor?

I'm in the middle of finishing a suture.

It's your fault if something happens to this patient.

A s*ab wound in the thigh?

Caused by a knife.

The stitches are pretty clean.

But You should have inserted a drainage tube.

Don't complain to me about things.

If you're not going to do it properly, you should send him to a hospital as soon as possible.

I am doing it properly.

This is not a hospital.

You aren't a real doctor.

If I could take him to a real hospital, I would have already.

The people here are illegal residents and illegal immigrants.

If they went to a real hospital, they'd be arrested immediately and deported back to their home country.

Do you know how many of these people have died because they couldn't go to the hospital?

Don't say such arrogant things, when you don't know the circumstances.

Insert a drainage tube.

There's a good possibility that he was stabbed with a dirty knife.

If you don't insert the tube, you'll cause an abscess formation.


Take out one or two stitches.


Put the drainage tube in about 5 cm deep.

You did a great job.

Okay, who's the next patient?

Are you awake?

I heard from your patients.

You've been up for 48 hours working.

I looked at the patients you treated.

You're pretty good for an unlicensed doctor.

How old are you?


What a surprise.

You're so young.

You're as good as a real doctor.

The doctor who's licensed to practice here mysteriously disappeared, just leaving his equipment here.

Just because you have equipment doesn't make you a doctor.

Where did you learn medicine from?

My dad was a doctor.

My dad was a Vietnamese doctor.

He brought me to East Germany to study.

We stayed here and opened this small clinic for business.

But when the wall was destroyed, Even with his limited training, he tried to save the Asian immigrants here.

This group of punks calling themselves Neo-Nazis k*lled him.

He was k*lled just because the color of his skin was different.

I was all alone, so I was sent to an orphanage.

Then I was adopted by some German people.

But they only adopted me out of their sense of civic duty, as I was just a poor yellow-skinned girl.

So I ran away from them.

I always helped my dad when I was younger.

I read all the books my dad left behind.

I decided to continue in my dad's footsteps.


I'll finish up.

That should do it.

Take it easy until it heals, okay?

Well, let in the next patient.

That was the last one.

You should go home and study.

This country gives people who study a chance.

It seems like you're a real doctor.

You're saying that amateurs should just back off, right?

I'm not telling you that.

I'm just What would happen to these people, if I was gone?

Who's going to look after the people here?

I'm just saying Mom! My pimp went crazy all of a sudden.

Then he pulled a g*n on me.

Mom! She walked all this way after getting shot?

! My mom said you could save her.

But Save her.

I'm begging you.

Save my mom! I got it.

Don't worry.

Leave her to me.

Please, Doctor! She's a hooker.

The only people who suffer like this are people like them.

I want to do something for her, but I can't do anything about this.

I'll put her on the operating table.

Take her legs.

It's useless.

We have to take her to a real hospital.

If we take her now, it will be too late.

I know my limits! This is beyond me! Don't give up until the end! As long as your patient is breathing, don't give up your hopes until the very end! Don't give up your hopes! If the artery to her inner stomach is damaged, her blood pressure will suddenly drop, and she'll eventually go into shock.

But, since she was able to walk all the way here, that means that her blood pressure has been decreasing steadily and she's in pre-shock.

Looking at this g*nsh*t wound, there's a good possibility that it damaged part of the spleen.

In other words, if we preform emergency surgery on her abdomen while transfusing blood and remove it, then there's still hope.

Let's start.

It looks like he calmed down and was able to fall fast asleep.

Miraculously, there was no damage to the bones, the small intestine, the large intestine, or any of the organs of the digestive system.

We were able to limit the damage to the spleen.

We were lucky.

It was a spectacular operation.

It's because you were there.

Mommy Dr.


Stay here.

There's something I need to ask you.

This newspaper article "Blue Sophie" a.



"Red Hindenburg.

" The first person on the scene of this prost*tute's m*rder was you.


Could I ask you What the place looked like?

That night, someone called me over there.

She was shot through the head.

It was a quick death.

I've seen many other crime scenes just like that.

But this was the first time When I went into the room, I could feel it.

It wasn't a robbery.

It wasn't to settle a grudge.

She was just k*lled.

Johan! If you're in the middle of the darkness, you'll be completely enveloped by darkness.

Shine light on it.

Got it?

Study hard! You can definitely do it.

You can become a great doctor.

Wait! Where are you going, Dr.


It looks like you're the one sinking into a deeper darkness.

You'll be back, won't you Dr.


Yes Gazing at what is known now in this world Yes Your eyes believe in kindness Make it home to your land of harmony Make it home to your land of purity My Nameless Hero