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01x29 - Execution

Posted: 01/09/23 10:22
by bunniefuu
Here, here! Wait! Double Ranger Kick! Hey! That's not fair You should fall down if you get kicked.

The evil emperor who plots world conquest cannot be defeated that easily! You know that at the end of those TV shows the bad guys always lose.

Is your world conquest coming along smoothly?

Johan He won't go down, no matter what! But you know, the hard part comes after you conquer the world.

What kind of world do you plan to build?

I don't know anything about that.

I guess I'll leave it messed up.

It sounds more fun if you're just going to mess it all up.

I'm quitting the Rainbow Rangers and joining the Evil Organization.

Shall we all head back?


Let's head back now.

Don't forget anything.

Okay! Just One Case It's gotten warmer lately.

You're right.

How's Rosemary?

She didn't catch a cold this winter, did she?

Yes, she did.

She was running around with her friends outside.

She always did get a bad fever every winter.

Yes, it was around this time We took her to the doctor in the middle of the night.

You carry around an album of her pictures?

Yeah She must have grown so much.

Since she's still growing, I wonder if her face has changed in the little while that I've not seen her.

But I have confidence that, no matter how old Rosemary gets, I'll be able to recognize her instantly.

Oh, yes.

When the time comes, please show this to her.

It contains copies of the report and newspaper clippings from when I shot the young boy, the perpetrator of the serial k*lling.

I'm not telling you to explain things clearly to her.

It's a fact that I k*lled a person.

I'm not trying to defend myself.

I just want her to know the truth.

I understand.

I wonder when I can see her again.

I'll ask her again whether or not she wants to see her father.


I'll be waiting for your call.

I'm home every night by nine o'clock.

Richard You've really returned to how you used to be.


Those youthful eyes that you had when you were a rookie detective Yes, much like the time when we first met.

Is that so?

So how about it?

Offenbach Hesse There are benefits if you sign up now.

The thing is, we're already signed up with another insurance company.

I'm begging you here, Mr.


The insurance we have now is enough.

We don't have the extra money to pay for more insurance.

We got our insurance right when we moved here four years ago.

Four years ago?

Where did you live before coming here?

In Bruntál, near Mannheim.


That's a nice area.

Were you born there?

Yes, we lived there up until we moved here.

By the way, ma'am, do you have any kids?


My son is currently at the University of Munich.


He's a college student?

If that's the case, then I have the perfect policy for a young man like him.

Please listen to what I'm offering.

Is this your son?

He looks like he was a cute one.

What is his name?


Would you like some tea?

Oh no, please don't bother.

Ever since he went to the University of Munich, we've only gotten a call from him once in a while.

Boys are like that.

Sad, huh?

I went there, Dr.


Yes, to Johan's family.

Well, it was a family just like any other, with absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

So what do you think, Richard?

Well, from my analysis as an ex-detective, the more ordinary something seems, the more suspect it is.

I see.

In any case, I'll continue investigating Johan's surroundings.

Something There's got to be something.

At the gymnasium that Johan attended, he had a reputation of being a good student with good grades and conduct.

But I have confidence that no matter how old Rosemary gets, I'll be able to recognize her instantly.

I can't imagine how that baby's face can become Johan's adult face.

Bruntál City Hall This is the birth certificate.

Thank you.

Johan Wilhelm Liebert.

Born on February 9th, 1976.

He was indeed born in this city.

There's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary Mr.

Hertz! How many times do I have to tell you?

There's no smoking in the City Hall! Don't be like that Go get me an ashtray.

No way! You remember that there was a fire here four years ago, right?

All the paperwork was destroyed.

It was a big mess.

Did you guys redo all the paperwork back then?

Y-Yes The paperwork was redone according to individual request, but since this is such a small city, most of the paperwork was restored.

Ah, thanks for coming, Dr.


It's been a while, Dr.



Tenma went to you and told you he was looking for a man named Johan?


There was no basis for his story.

But if this person was indeed the friend who led the serial k*ller Peter Jurgens, whom I was researching, astray, then it would be a breakthrough for all the cases.

I'm counting on you, Dr.


Yes, I'll get permission to see Jurgens as soon as possible.

Depending on how he reacts to this photo, we might be able to prove Dr.

Tenma's innocence.

He died?


The real Johan, who was born in Bruntál, died when he was two.

So you're saying that the Liebert couple used the fire as an opportunity to reissue documents that said that he was still alive?


Then the person who's called Johan Liebert is Who the hell is he?

In any case, as I told you before, I gave Johan's photo to Dr.


Hopefully an answer will come out of that.

How about some food?

Sorry, but I have to get back.


You've been running around all day and you still have work to do?

No, that's not it.

It's just that I may get a phone call.

I may be able to see my daughter.

I'll be fine.

The important thing is to move forward, right?

Excellent, you've made a full recovery.

Yes! Hello?


It's me Rosemary Yes, I'm fine.

Yes Meet?

We can meet anytime you want.



It's Johan.

It's about this young boy, Jurgens.

Do you recognize him?

Might you have met him before?

I don't know him.

You mentioned that your friend, Johan, never met you personally, but only wrote you letters.

Johan knew you pretty well, though.

Could I borrow a pen?


Sorry, but I'm not allowed to hand you anything.

A pen, please.

The park.


At the park, the day after I k*lled somebody "Let's stop this.

" "Let's stop right here.

" I thought that as I went to the park.

He had a lot of children with him.

Could you wait a minute?

I forgot to start the tape.

Can you start from the beginning again?

"You should come, too.

" Huh?

"You should come, too.

" "You should come, too.

" "You should come, too.

" "You should come, too.

" "You should" W-What is it?

We met at Mr.

Schubert's, right?

I'm Johan Liebert.

I called you many times, but you never picked up.

That's why I came to see you.




How did it go when you showed the photo to Jurgens?

He died?

Yes, he just died in the hospital.

Due to the police questioning, I can't leave the hospital either.

Because of my negligence, I gave him a pen, and an important witness has However, Dr.

Reichwein, his su1c1de was no doubt a reaction to Johan's picture.

As soon as the questioning ends, I'll head over there.


I'll contact Richard right away.

Richard A research paper for your university?

I'm researching the UN Convention of 1989 on the Rights of the Child.

Would you like a drink, Mr.


No thanks, I'm fine.

I see that you've stopped drinking.

That's right It's because you were drunk when you ex*cuted that young boy.

Am I mistaken?

N-No Although I was drunk at the time, I did something inexcusable.

That's what I'd like to ask you about The young boy you k*lled, Stephan Joss, seventeen years old What crime did he commit?

A young boy, eh?

That seventeen-year-old "young boy" committed such horrible crimes Nine r*pe-homicides and two homicides! And that's why you ex*cuted him.

It wasn't an execution! Oh, I'm sorry.

Incidentally, you know that under Article 40 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is "innocent until proven guilty," right?

Yes, I do know that.

I was once with the Juvenile Division, too.

I see.

Then you know that under Article 37, a person under eighteen cannot be ex*cuted or sentenced to life in prison for crimes that they've committed.

Most of the Convention consists of basic rights that are granted to all in this country, be it a child or an adult.

My sh**ting him was not an execution.

It was a mistake caused by alcohol.

I know I did something inexcusable.

And I'm now being sanctioned by society Okay, okay, please wait a minute.

I wanted to meet you for my paper.

If I've offended you, I apologize.

Why don't we take a walk to change the mood?

I'd like this whiskey, please.

After all, the winds at night are chilly.

Ah, Dr.


I still can't get a hold of Richard.

He told me he might be able to meet his daughter, but I don't think he's out meeting her this late at night.

In any case, please tell him to be careful when you reach him.

I'm heading over there now.

Do you know Stephan Joss's record?

If I remember correctly, when he was young, he was in an East Berlin orphanage.

You need to know more about him.


It's important if you want to know where he's coming from.

The orphanage he was in It was a horrible place.

He was truly a nice boy.

But no one knows what kinds of horrible things happened to him at that orphanage or just how badly his spirit was destroyed.

Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 6, the right to life, and guaranteed survival and development.

Article 8, the right to preserve one's identity.

Article 19, protection from child abuse.

No, those things were not provided for them in that hellish place at 511 Kinderheim.

Will you be able to meet your daughter?


How did you know about that?

Was that your daughter on the phone back at your place?

Will you be able to meet her?


What is it?

What's your purpose?

To write a paper for my university.

Not that! Your purpose for being with Schubert now! Who Who are you?

You said you shot the boy because you were drunk, right?

Before that, answer my question! It's true that on that day, you were seen drinking in a bar after sh**ting that young boy.

But something's amiss.

According to my research, there wasn't a single person who saw you drinking before you shot that young boy.

Could it be possible that you weren't drunk when you shot that young boy?

You were sober.

You were calm.

You calmly pulled the trigger because you wanted to execute him.

Am I mistaken?

Why are you trying to forget?

Or are you just lying?

Are you just lying to others or just to yourself?

Did you confirm that young boy's crimes?

Did you have the right to execute him?

Do you think that just by pretending, your sins would go away?

What a heavy sin.

How can one who has committed such a sin meet his daughter as though he's made a complete comeback?

How about it?

Will you have a drink?


Is that you, Dr.


This is the police.

Your patient, Richard Braun, is dead.
