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08x14 - Full Alert

Posted: 01/09/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

So, you guys are ex-NID.

Calling yourselves "the Trust" now.

You tried to shut down the SGC.

You make this big speech
about hating secret organisations,

then jump in bed with the NID?

- Consider your resignation accepted.
- You can't do that.

Oh, please.
I got enough on you to have you shot.

We got all the exits covered.
There's no way they could have got out.

How is that possible?

- This is the ship Osiris left behind.
- You gave us this opportunity.

- They're trying to run, sir.
- Damn it.

Bad news. You're out of Scotch.

Well, if I'd known you were coming,

I'd have hidden the good stuff.

If you'd known I was coming,
I doubt I'd made it through the door.

- Who are you calling?
- Local sheriff's a friend of mine.

I may be disgraced,
but I'm not wanted for any crimes.

Breaking and entering?

- Jack.
- Shh.

It's ringing.

Now you can listen to what I have to say.

For God's sake.

You need to start trusting me, Jack.

- No, I really don't.
- Yes, you really do.

The fate of the planet depends on it.


Andy, it's Jack.

Hey. What's up?



I was checking on Friday,
making sure we're on for poker.

- Yeah, you bet.
- I'll bring the beer.

See you then.

Wise decision.

You've got three minutes...

before I sh**t you
as an intruder in my home.

Same old Jack O'Neill.
Although I hear you're a general now.


All right, then. Straight to the point.

You wanna take down the Trust.
I can help you.

I'm sorry. I must have missed an episode.
I thought you were working together.

After I was forced to resign,
my relationship with them changed.

Meaning you were no longer useful,
so they kicked you out on your ass.

That's a rather crude way
of putting it, but...


- Why didn't they sh**t you?
- Believe me, that was a consideration,

which is why, when they
requested a meeting a few days ago,

I suggested a nice public venue.

They made me a very interesting offer.

In exchange for a large cash payment,

the Trust wants me to arrange a meeting
with General Miroslav Kiselev,

the Russian defence minister.

I thought they had connections
with the Russian military.

This isn't just a connection.

Kiselev exercises operational authority
over all of Russia's armed forces,

including their nuclear arsenal.

And he just happens
to be a good friend of yours.

After the fall of Communism,
he was one of a number of officers

assigned to pursue secret talks with
the West, aimed at military cooperation.

He was a hardliner, even then.
His country was falling apart,

but he came at us as though
we were the ones at a disadvantage.

He and I developed a mutual respect.

- Why does the Trust want him?
- They wouldn't give specifics,

but they know we entered into a deal
for control of the gate.

They know there's a sentiment in Moscow
that we've not kept our end of the bargain.

You think they're trying
to turn the Russians against us?

It's ambitious, I know, even for the Trust,

but from what I hear,
after you put a crimp in their little plan

to use symbiote poison to wipe out the
Goa'uld, there's been a change of attitude.

They're no longer willing to stay
in the shadows and bide their time.

They want to make
a direct grab for power.

That's why I came to you.

Yes, you've always
struck me as the hero type.

You may question my methods,

but everything I did
was for God and country.

For the Trust to ally themselves
with a foreign power against the USA,

- that's just something I can't condone.
- Kinsey, please.

Spare me the diatribe.

They kicked you when you were down
and you want revenge. Simple as that.

The truth is, my motives are irrelevant.

The Trust has become an imminent threat
to the sovereignty of this nation.


what are you going to do about it?

(Carter) What if the Trust
convinced the Russians to back out?

It would be a problem.
The gate's only here on loan.

If they want it back,
things could get sticky.

- Is it possible Kinsey is simply lying?
- That is always possible.

Has he asked for anything
in return for the information?


Makes sense. If he doesn't cooperate,
the Trust will k*ll him.

Maybe he should. This could be our
chance to get somebody on the inside.

Infiltrate the organisation.

You want me to wear a wire?

That's the deal.

I am not a spy.

Think of it this way.

If you don't do what they want,
they'll k*ll you.

If you don't do what we want,

we'll let 'em.

That's as good as you pulling the trigger. I
thought Stargate Command didn't do that.

We're under new management.

All right, let's test it.

- How's it looking?
- We've got picture.

- Let's have your belt.
- Why?

Because you'll be
wearing this one instead.

The buckle contains a GPS receiver unit
that'll allow us to track you.

When we're done, I want that back.

They've arranged to meet you at a remote
location. My guess is you'll leave your car

and they'll drive you
to a second location for the meeting.

We're gonna have to keep back
so as not to arouse suspicion.

We will be monitoring your conversations

by means of this listening device
that we've fitted into your shirt collar.

We've got a strike team. They'll be ready
to move in at the first sign of trouble.

In the event that something goes wrong,
I suggest we come up with a signal.

Preferably a codeword
that'll let us know you're in trouble.

How about something simple like "help"?

How about something
a little less obvious like "red"?

- Whatever.
- Don't be too direct fishing for info.

- Let them do the talking.
- Get out of my way.

I know what to do.

You're late.

- You're kidding, right?
- Afraid not.

- (Carter) He's on the move.
- Understood.

(Kinsey) So how long
is this sightseeing trip gonna last?

We'll let you know.

They've turned off the main road.

They've stopped.

This way.

Bob. Good to see you again.

Sorry about the blindfold.

What can we get you to drink?

- What are you having?
- Vodka tonic.

In that case, I'll have a Scotch. No ice.

We're glad you finally agreed
to a private meeting.

We were afraid you might be
holding a grudge against us.

You mean because you abandoned me
at the moment I needed you the most?

You were a liability, Bob.

An embarrassment.

I think you've got that backwards.

I was only forced to resign because they
found out about my relationship with you.

Either way,
you were no longer useful to us.

You would have done the same.


But when I cut someone loose, I don't
go back to them grovelling for favours.

You say what's on your mind,
I'll give you that.

Under other circumstances,
I might be worried about

winding up like
one of your trophies on the wall.

But you've made it clear you need me, so
I don't have anything to worry about, do I?

- We're losing video.
- We need you, but not for what you think.

- They jamming us?
- I don't know.

- What are you talking about?
- Show him.

This... is why we need you, Bob.

What the hell is going on here?


They are definitely jamming us.
Teal'c, we've lost audio. Move in.

- Can you get the signal back?
- I can't get past the interference.


Clear over here, sir.

They beamed out.

This is starting to become a habit.

If the Alkesh is in orbit, they've fixed
the cloak - SSN hasn't picked them up.

What about the locator beacons?

We're searching through
the NSA satellite system.

But all they'd have to do to avoid
detection is change the frequency.

Odds are we're not gonna find anything.

The Pentagon's been apprised
of the situation.

They're launching Prometheus
in about four hours.

I want you on board.
There's a C-17 waiting for you at Peterson.


I've gone over sensor logs from the last
meeting Prometheus had with the Alkesh.

There were anomalies emanating from
the ship's position before it decloaked,

not registered
because we didn't look for them.

I could create a program that
would key the sensors to those readings.

I was just going to suggest that.

So we'd be able to detect a cloaked ship?

It's not that simple. These anomalies
are very difficult to detect.

It might have been a fluke
we picked them up the first time.

The effect is also mimicked
by types of cosmic radiation.

But I still think it might improve our odds.

So instead of a million to one...

Maybe 10,000 to one.

- Improvement.
- Yeah.

I'll need a few hours
to create the program.

- I have to pick up my dry-cleaning.
- You're flying to Moscow in half an hour.

- I am?
- Yes, you are.

Colonel Chekov's people
will meet you there.

Will you please try to find out
what the hell's going on?

And if you get a chance,
hook up with this General Kiselev.

They know we're on to them.
They may just abort the mission.

No, the way Kinsey was talking, it sounds
like they're looking for a big score here.

And what if he won't
cooperate with them?

Kinsey will do what's best for Kinsey.


Download is complete. Colonel Carter's
sensor program is online and operational.

- All right. Begin search pattern Alpha.
- Yes, sir.

Hi. I'm here to see Captain Voronkov.

There is no Captain Voronkov here.

- That's strange. The guy in the hall said...
- I am Captain Voronkova.

Daria Voronkova.
You must be Daniel Jackson.

I'm sorry. I was told I'd be meeting
Colonel Chekov's right-hand man, so I...

For my part, I expected a drab,
pasty-faced, middle-aged academic.

I, too, am pleasantly surprised.


Your English is excellent.

How is your Russian?

OK, we stick to English, then.

I will be your guide. Whatever
you wish to do while you are in Moscow,

you will ask me first, I will take care of it.

If you desire to meet with anyone,
I will arrange it for you.

If you go out on your own,
I cannot protect you.

Lie to me, or attempt to mislead me,
and I will not protect you.


- Have you eaten a proper lunch?
- I had something on the plane.

Then the answer is no. Good.

I know a restaurant
that serves the best salo in Moscow.

- I'm not a big fan of salo.
- Don't worry. You will acquire a taste.

- Sir, what's going on?
- The Russians went into a state of alert.

- Why?
- We're trying to find out.

The president's called a meeting
for the Joint Chiefs.

We're at DEFCON three.

So where exactly are we going?

You wish to meet with General Kiselev?
That is where we are going.

You must be pretty well connected
to get me to see him this quickly.

- What do you know about him?
- General Miroslav Kiselev.

Graduated with a gold medal
from Malinovskiy t*nk Academy.

Received the Hero of Russia
for his leadership in Chechnya.

Commanded the Carpathian District's
Iron Division.

Then the 14th Army
in the Transcaucasus Military District.

Head of the General Staff Academy
for five years before his present position.

So you've heard of him.

He's suspicious
of American global influence,

and highly critical
of what he calls "NATO expansion plans".

You may not receive
a very warm welcome.

(speaks Russian)

- What's going on?
- I don't know.


Don't worry, Daniel.
I'll find out what's happening.

All right.

OK, get back to me
when you know something.

- Colonel Chekov's here to see you.
- Send him in.

- General.
- Colonel.

I was hoping you could shed some light
on the situation here.

We can't seem to get a straight answer
from your government.

The information coming out of Moscow
is guarded at best.

But my sources in the Kremlin tell me the
Russian military is increasing alert status

because they think the American
administration has been compromised.

- Dr Jackson. Sorry to keep you waiting.
- No problem.

- You wanna tell me what's going on?
- All in good time. Roll up your sleeve.

We need a sample of your blood.

- You're kidding.
- Cooperate, or we will take it by force.

- This a normal part of your interrogation?
- Depends what you wish to know.

In this case,
it will answer a very specific question.

What question?


- What's going on?
- Why do you wish to see the general?

- It's complicated.
- Surely you can explain it to me.

- I'd rather explain it to General Kiselev.
- That's not going to happen.

Earlier today, we managed to uncover
a plot against the general's life.

Luckily we captured the assassin
before he could make his move.

I believe you know him.

- Kinsey?
- Robert Kinsey.

Former vice president of the USA.

That's insane.
Why would Kinsey wanna k*ll Kiselev?

I'm afraid Mr Kinsey
isn't exactly himself these days.

(distorted) By stopping me,
you have only delayed the inevitable.

Your world is doomed.

Now you begin to appreciate
the gravity of the situation.

(Chekov) How could Kinsey
become a Goa'uld?

Five bucks says Carter has a theory.

As a matter of fact, I do.

According to Tok'ra intelligence,
the Trust launched at least two att*cks

against Goa'uld-occupied worlds
after we took the gate.

That means they had to leave
the safe confines of the solar system

and head out into the galaxy, where they
ran the risk of being k*lled or captured.

- What are you suggesting?
- Any Goa'uld who caught them

would have discovered they belong
to a top-secret organisation

with high-level connections to the most
powerful governments and institutions,

including the SGC, Area 51, and maybe
even the Ancient outpost in the Antarctic.

My God. You think they have been
taken as hosts and sent back to Earth.

It's possible. They could have brought
dozens of symbiotes back with them.

The entire Trust
could have been taken over.

But why would the Goa'uld
want to assassinate General Kiselev?

We don't know for sure that was the plan,
but if Carter's right,

Kinsey may have been trying
to get a snake into Kiselev's head.

It makes sense. From Kiselev,
it's one step up to the president of Russia.

- How do we know he didn't succeed?
- He never met the general.

He was arrested
before he had the chance.

My government feels
that it is the American administration

that has been infiltrated by the Goa'uld,
and they are insisting

that everyone in key positions, including
the president, must submit for testing.

Not gonna happen.

Then we have a problem.

- Thank you for getting me out of there.
- It wasn't easy.

Even after your blood test came back
negative, they still wanted to hold you.

Yeah, not a lot of trust and good will
to spare right now, I guess.

Listen, I need to talk to the Goa'uld.
You have to get me in to see Kinsey.

- Impossible.
- We have to question him.

- He is being questioned by intelligence.
- And he's feeding them a pack of lies.

He says the US administration has been
infiltrated cos he wants a confrontation.

- To what end?
- I don't know. That's why we need to talk.

- (speaks Russian)
- Language.

Daria, please.

I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, stay here.

Sir, just received another report.

As of 0912, the Chinese military have
joined Russia in an elevated state of alert.


General, I have been talking
to my contacts in the Kremlin.

They tell me the president
is not happy with the situation,

but is under considerable pressure
from his military advisers.

In other words,
Kiselev is running the show.

Any idea how to keep this
from going to total forces?

Yes, I have many friends
in the general staff.

If I can convince enough of them
to take a united stand against escalation,

it could give our presidents
leverage to consider other options.

And if Kiselev finds out you're going
around him, it could make things worse.

At this point,
I don't believe we have much choice.


- So what should I call you?
- You are unworthy to speak my name.


So I'm guessing you work
for the System Lords. Am I right?

It's not Baal. He's too busy conquering
the galaxy to bother with Earth.

Gotta hand it to you. Your territories
are falling, troops are in retreat,

and you still find the time
to try and destroy little old us.

The question is, why?

Captain Voronkova thinks
it's revenge for the trouble we caused,

an attempt to take us with you
before Baal finishes you off.

- But System Lords aren't that pathetic.
- You are the one who is pathetic.

You will die
never knowing our true purpose.

So there is a hidden agenda.

Making progress now, aren't we?


All right. Keep me posted.

Well, the Chinese refuse to back down,
and gosh and golly, go figure,

we're picking up
increased chatter from Russia.

- I'm waiting to hear from my contacts.
- And I just talked to the Joint Chiefs.

We're going to DEFCON two.

If we put our heads together, we'd find
reasons why you'd wanna wipe us out.

Most important being the Ancient w*apon
that you know we possess.

The System Lords think if they get us
to wipe ourselves out, they can take it.

But what I don't understand is you.

- Why sacrifice yourself?
- I assure you,

I have no intention of dying
on this miserable planet.

You're in Russian defence headquarters.
Primary target.

If you do succeed in starting a nuclear
w*r, you're gonna die with the rest of us.

- Unless there's something I'm missing.
- Return home, say farewell to loved ones.

Your gods have
deemed you to be unworthy,

and the hour of reckoning is at hand.

Air Force Space Command
has its m*ssile wings on alert.

The first B-2 left Whiteman at 0940.

FLSATCOM sent out
an emergency action message.

Nine of our m*ssile submarines are at sea
and the rest are preparing for sortie.

The president is on the way to Andrews

where the National Airborne Command
Post is awaiting his arrival.

General Kiselev found out we were
trying to rally support against him.

He's already arrested several officers
on trumped-up charges.

I'm afraid Dr Jackson may be in danger.

Come on.

Next to slaughtering innocents,
gloating is what you guys are about.

Must be k*lling you, just sitting there
not bragging about your brilliant plan.


- We have to get out. They're coming.
- Who?

You are too late.

(speaks Russian)

Sorry, guys. Gotta go.

(speaks Russian)

- What is the meaning of this?
- Welcome aboard the Prometheus.

- Any luck finding the Alkesh?
- None.

Maybe he can help us.

- I think not.
- If you do not cooperate, I will k*ll you.

Don't you realise what you have done?

The Russians already suspect that you
have been compromised by the Goa'uld.

As far as they know,
you helped me to escape.

You've done more to convince them
than I ever could.

Listen up, people.

I just got word. The Russians have gone
into a state of full military preparedness.

As of this moment, we're at DEFCON one.

The Russians will view my abduction
as an attempt to hide evidence

that your government
has been infiltrated by the Goa'uld.

You have no choice
but to return me immediately.

Yeah, that's the part I don't understand.
You were trying to start a nuclear w*r,

even though you were right in
the line of fire. Now you wanna go back?

He has a way out.

He knows someone on the inside
who can protect him.

- Who is it?
- I have nothing more to say to you.

We can start this again
when he's had some time to think about it.

Take him to the brig.

All our naval forces have been deployed,
and we've got some big birds in the air.

Radio chatter suggests
that both your people and the Chinese

- have alerted their m*ssile regiments.
- They're posturing.

Kiselev knows that even if he launches
a strike against your land-based forces,

your sea-based missiles are
in a position to exact extreme retribution.

That's only if he doesn't completely lose
his mind. And I'm not discounting that.

As acting commander in chief
of Russian forces,

President Mikhailov is our only hope.

We can't get through to him. He's not
even taking calls from the White House.

He is convinced the Goa'uld
now control the American administration.

I know a few people on his personal staff.
I may be able to get the direct line.

But if we do make contact, we will only
have a few minutes to convince him

that General Kiselev
has been misled by the Goa'uld.

Right now, I don't see
how we're going to do that.

(distorted) We are in position.

- Have they detected our presence?
- No.

- Very well. Destroy the ship.
- They have superior shields.

If the first salvo does not succeed,
we'll be disadvantaged.

So long as he is in their hands,
he remains a liability. We have no choice.


What the hell was that?

- We're under attack.
- Shields up.

Shields are 40 per cent.
Lost starboard engines.

Transfer to port engines. Evasive
manoeuvres. w*apon batteries online.

- Bridge, this is Sergeant Larson.
- Go ahead.

- Sorry, sir. The prisoner escaped.
- The ring room.

Please tell me you have something.

Yes, sir. I think I do.

I've been going over everything we have
on General Kiselev, and I found this.

Colonel Ruslan Chernovshev.

He was Kiselev's chief of staff,
his right-hand man.

Three years ago, he was involved
in a plot to sell a symbiote

to elements of the Trust,
then operating within the NID.

That means the Trust
had a direct connection to Kiselev.

They didn't need Kinsey. He was just
a pretext to justify this confrontation

by making them think
we'd been compromised.

So if the Trust had access to Kiselev,
he could have been compromised as well.


This is a file photo
of General Kiselev taken three years ago.

This was less than a week ago during
his speech at the General Staff Academy.

Notice the difference?


May I see that?

We know that symbiotes
have healing power.

They can cure a host body of physical
shortcomings, including bad eyesight.

That's it? Did it occur to you
that he might be wearing contacts?

Sir, I realise it's not a lot to go on.

- Have you heard of laser surgery?
- Sir...

Colonel Carter is right. Kiselev suffered
from glaucoma. His vision was poor.

There is no possibility he could have read
a prepared statement without his glasses.

Sir, I think Kiselev's a Goa'uld.

I think he has been all along.


We've almost got it, sir. Stand by.


How do we know Mikhailov
hasn't been infected too?

We don't. But at this point,
we hardly have anything to lose.

- Good point.
- We got it, sir. You're on.

- Mr President, can you hear me?
- Colonel Chekov, this is highly irregular.

Yes, sir, but these
are highly unusual circumstances.

Agreed. Is General O'Neill there with you?

- I'm here.
- It's good to speak with you again.

Although you understand, at the moment,
I cannot trust anything you say.

Yeah. About that.

It's true,
there has been a Goa'uld infiltration.

But it's not on our side, it's on yours.

What is it exactly that you are saying?

Let me put it this way, sir.

The last time you saw General Kiselev,

did you happen to notice
if he was wearing his glasses?

Shields are holding.
40 per cent and steady.

Then we got him.
Prepare to fire on my signal.

I'm pleased you used my diversion
to free yourself.

Do you think I'm a fool?

You tried to destroy the ship because you
thought I'd reveal information about you.

Of course not. We were merely...

- Open fire. All batteries.
- Yes, sir.

We're sending you the relevant
documents now, Mr President.

Proof of Colonel Chernovshev's
prior relationship with the Trust.

Plus a list of generals who are willing to
support you if you move against Kiselev.

I must say,
I'm not sure what to make of all of this.

Well, you could start by trusting us.

If you have been
compromised by the Goa'uld,

I'd be standing down my forces with the
Americans in position to launch an attack.

Sir, we both know neither side
can win outright with a first strike.

That's the whole point.
The Goa'uld don't want a winner.

- They want us to destroy each other.
- Why?

We believe their goal is to get their hands
on the Ancient w*apon in Antarctica.

Sir, NPIC is reporting visuals
from Russian m*ssile site 537.

Silo doors are open.
Evidence of a fire fight.

Oh, my God. Kiselev is trying
to launch without authorisation.

Mr President, you are about
to lose control of your own forces.

- You have to do something right now.
- I am...


- What happened?
- We lost the connection. The line is down.

The Alkesh is no longer
making evasive manoeuvres or firing.

We have a clear shot.

Stand by.

Why are we not returning fire?

They're powering weapons.

Take 'em out.

Target destroyed.

- Get me Washington.
- General, wait.

We're out of time, Colonel.


Sir, NPIC is reporting new visuals at 537.

- Silo doors are closing.
- Russian bombers are returning to base.

They're standing down.