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02x07 - Drive in the Knife

Posted: 12/18/13 13:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...


Anything in the house is yours.

We have a full bar and...

I'm sober, Kathryn.

I've been sober for 11 and a half years.

Those tacos were good.


(Both grunt)

C'mon, man! Let's go!


What are you saying?

It's just gonna hurt us even more if we don't end it now.

Okay, Miss Vasquez.

Daphne: when my friend was taking the trash out,
the guy who first came up to the counter came back.

So he was about six feet, dark brown hair?


Patricia Sawyer: Unlike John Kennish, I want to make sure

Americans have a shot at the American dream.

I'm Patricia Sawyer, and I approve this message.

I could say that you sound like a freaking seal when you talk.

(Women gasp)

Who's in? Regina?

Noah: Psst!


Did you just "psst!" Me?

That's my first official "psst!"

Mine too.

What are you doing?

We're gonna be late for history.

I know, 'cause that's the whole problem...

I'm gonna be sitting next to you for 50 minutes and I won't be able to concentrate, because the only thing I'm gonna be thinking of doing is this.

(Chuckles) Well, now I'm not gonna be able to concentrate.

Mission accomplished.

Mmm. How's the shiner?

Oh, I iced it with frozen quiche, frozen pork, frozen peas, so I think it's pretty happy.

Okay, well, maybe we could take it out for ice cream later.

I do hear mint chocolate chip works best.

(Both humph)



(Whisk scraping)


You making muffins?


Oh, I love popovers.

Don't you just wanna climb inside of them?


What's up?


I only have one more role to cast in "Romeo and Juliet"... the nurse.

Are you interested in auditioning?


Oh, come on.

I've never acted before.

Who cares?

I mean, that's what school is all about... learning new things.

And Bay is gonna be doing the sets.

Did I put salt in this already?

I'm sorry. I didn't see.

(Both sigh)

Honey, are you okay?

I broke up with Travis.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I didn't even know you were dating.

It was stupid of me to do it today.

I should've waited until things turned around for him.

But if you didn't even wanna date, I mean...

No, it's... he doesn't really have anyone but me.

Wait. I like Travis, but he is not your responsibility.

Do you understand?

Yeah. Thanks.

You know, the play might just be what you need to get your mind off of things.

Do you know what? You're right. Why not?

Good. (Chuckles)



(Soft jazz music playing)

So... what's your trumpet's name?

What makes you think she has a name?

Oh, it's a she.

I should've figured.

So what's her name?



Oh. Was Sabrina a dancer?

No, she was my daughter's imaginary friend.


She wanted to name my trumpet after her, so we did.

Now I feel like an idiot.

Hey, Sabrina could've been a stripper for all I know.

I never saw her.

(Both laugh)

Ooh! I should go. I've got work tomorrow.

(Sighs) It feels so good to be able to say that again...

"I have someplace I need to be."

Uh, what is this again?

Design center.


Well, they are lucky to have you.

Oh, no no no. I won the lottery on this job.

Well, let's drink to that. What are you having?

You know what? I'm gonna pass.

I need my beauty sleep and, you know, picking a first-day-of-work wardrobe takes time.


I'll see ya.

All right.


John: Oh, come on.

No, I'm not writing a song for your campaign.

Why not?

You try rhyming something with "marginal tax rate."

Okay, how about then helping me with the canvassing?

I... I don't know. Door to door, all those people... that makes me feel uncomfortable.

But you've performed in front of huge crowds before.


Okay, what is it?

I'm sorry, dad. I just... we don't exactly see eye to eye on all of the issues.

We have to agree on something.

Dad, I'm just not the best poster child for John Kennish.


I'll be your poster child, dad.

Better yet, I'll be your child who makes you a poster.

You know, like the "Hope" poster that Shepard Fairey did for Obama.

How about bigger than a poster?

How about a billboard?




Oh, you came to the right person.

Well, technically, the right person came to you, but who cares? I'm doing a billboard.

I'm not talking about one billboard, okay?

Ivan is contemplating a massive ad buy.

They're going up all over town.

I'm gonna make you the best billboard ever.

I think that's a very nice show of support, Bay.

Okay, fine. I will come up with some way to help out the campaign.

Thank you. (Spoon clatters)


Whoa! Hey.


Well, what do you think?

I love it... the boots, the color, the whole thing.

Thank you. (Chuckles)

Break a leg, but try not to hurt those boots while doing it.

Okay. Bye. Hey, Toby.


So what's it like using your powers of vandalism for the anti-graffiti candidate?

Worst-case scenario: he's a benevolent dictator.

And if not, hey, he's family.

So if he wasn't our dad, would you still vote for him?

Hmm. I'm not old enough, so pass.

I do have a question for you. I need a guy's opinion.

Let's say I started dating someone new and my old boyfriend just happened to go to the same school?

And theoretical new boy...


You're dating somebody?

His name's Noah and it's easy... there's just no baggage.

Well, do I tell Emmett or do I just let him find out on his own?

I think you know the answer to that.

Mmm. (Engine starts)

Let him find out on his own.

Hey. You're auditioning?


Um, look, I'm really sorry about what I said at Bay's party.

You mean that we sounded like seals?

Yeah, it was a horrible thing for me to say.

I deserved to get hit for it.

I really am sorry.

I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.

I know. I apologized to Travis, but he wouldn't look at me.

He's... going through a hard time right now.

Kathryn: Are you ready?

Hey, Noah.


You're gonna be great.

Is this the scene with the nurse and Juliet or Romeo?

With Juliet, telling her that Romeo has been banished.

Oh, good one.

So you A.S.L., and the coach will read along.



Lubin: "Romeo is banished; and all the world to nothing, that he dares ne'er come back to challenge you; or, if he do, it needs must be by stealth.

Then, since the case so stands as now it doth... "

Okay. That's great. Okay.

(Breathes deeply)

Let's think about this.

You've been taking care of Juliet since she was a little girl.

And now you have the worst possible news to tell her... the love of her life is gone forever, maybe if you say it the right way, she'll get through it.

So look at her and think of the hardest thing you've ever had to say to anyone...

(Whispers) and say it.

(Daphne sighs)

Lubin: "Romeo is banished; and all the world to nothing, that he dares ne'er come back to challenge you; or, if he do, it needs must be by stealth.

Then, since the case so stands as now it doth, I think it best you married... the county."

Hey. That was really good.




And I hear you have some pull with the director.

Well, I don't wanna feel like I got it because of that.

No no no no, seriously.

That was... that was really good.

And the other girl, she sucked.


Are you in trouble?


This is more of ca commission piece.


There's something I need to tell you.

I know I said that I wasn't ready to start seeing anybody right now...

(Sighs) And I meant it... I really did... but...



I'm sorry. I didn't plan on this.

It just kind of happened, and if you want to yell at me, go right ahead.

I just think that you and I should try to move on.

What was that?

Design tables are back there and the catalogs are over there, although we tend to go with our gut over the catalogs.

Oh, I love that.

And these are the sample look books, which you're welcome to use on any of your own projects.


Yeah. Working here has some pretty sweet perks.

Hey, but whatever you do, don't use anyone else's scissors.

You might want to bring your own.

I used to cut hair.

I know all about "scissor insanity."

(Both laugh)

That's right.

So you're good with customers.

Are you kidding?

Cutting hair... 98% of the job is managing the client.

That's good. There's a lot of potential for growth here, too, and it all starts with the client.

If they like you, they remember you.

Next thing you know, you're doing the living room and the master bedroom.

I'm just really glad to be here. You have no idea.

Well, we're happy to have you.

Let me show you your work station.


Kathryn: Hey, everybody. Hey.

Um, gather around.

You have all been working so hard, so I wanted to do something to show you how much I appreciate it.

So I sprung for some costumes.


I think part of my costume is missing.

You're complaining?


Mmm. If I have to wear this, the play's gonna end with me k*lling myself.

(Laughs) Don't worry.

We're doing kind of a combo thing... modern mixed with traditional.


You won't be miserable.

(Cellphone ringing)

I promise.


Shut up.

How's it going?


Fun. Do you know who's really good?


Hmm. Multi-talented, apparently.

Stick around, you might get to see him in tights.

Oh, not sure that's a good idea. (Laughs)

So what's the deal with you and Noah?

Are you guys going out?

Uh, well, kissing has occurred, plans for future kissing have been made, so yes, I guess we are going out.

Does Emmett know?

Yeah. He seems to be handling it surprisingly well.

I just got off the phone with the police.

They couldn't reach Regina.

They need you to come down to the station to I.D. someone.

They think they might've caught the guy who att*cked you.


(Frustrated sigh)

What are you doing?

That was good.

No, it was terrible.

I thought you said your dad liked the design.

He was just trying to be supportive.

Well, that looks like him.

It's not just about that.

Okay, trust me... my dad hates this kind of stuff.

He still went out on a limb for me.

I have to get this right.

You're putting a little too much pressure on yourself.

When people see this, they have to think, "John Kennish is the guy I should vote for."

I have to tell a story with this piece.

It's just one image. You can't tell a story that way.

Of course you can.

If you see a girl with an axe, then you know that there's an angry girl out there somewhere.


I'm sorry. You're trying to be helpful, and I appreciate it.

I just... (Inhales deeply)

I need someone with an artistic eye that's not my own.

Like Emmett.

No, I mean, you're right.

I'm not an artist.

And I'm just slowing you down, I guess.

I'm gonna go, okay?


It's cool.

Well, I'll call you when I'm done!


I'm gonna need you to stick around.

Miss Vasquez, thanks for coming down.

We have a suspect in custody that fits the description you gave us.

He's a delivery kid at a pizza place near the park where you were assaulted, and he has a record of petty theft.

I'm gonna need you to look at some suspects and tell me if you see the man that att*cked you.


Good. Why don't you follow me?

They won't be able to see you through the glass, so take your time, tell me if you see him.

All right, let's bring 'em in.

You see him?

It's the... the guy in the red flannel.

You're sure?


Okay. Would you mind taking a seat over there?

Now you weren't there when she was att*cked, correct?

But she says the same guy came by earlier to buy tacos from you guys, and you got a good look at him. Is that right?

Okay. Take your time and tell me if you recognize anyone.

Translator: "No, I don't see him."

You're sure?

"Yeah, he's not there."



(Jazz music playing)

(Chatting, laughing)

Hey. Hey!


Nice first-day-of-work outfit.

So how'd it go?


Samada Fox came in.

She designed the lobby for the "Q" downtown.

Anyway, she said I have a great eye.

That deserves a toast.


Two glasses of bubbly, please.

Yeah? What are we celebrating?

Uh, Regina's eye.

Oh! Well, if we are toasting body parts, then that calls for the French stuff.

I probably shouldn't.


Oops, it opened.

(Regina sighs)

(Champagne pouring)

You deserve it.

(Clicks tongue) I kinda do, don't I?

To Regina, her eye and a great first day.

(Both laugh)


Thank you. (Laughs)



(Softly moaning)




(Clock clatters)

Oh! Crap!

Campaign signs cannot be put on private property without the owner's permission.

Campaign signs cannot be put on government property, ever.

So where can you put campaign signs?

Great question.

What you're looking for is mixed-use public land...
Sorry, is this where we volunteer to put up the signs?

Yeah, we started 20 minutes ago, so someone will have to fill you in on what you missed.

Sign. Mallet. Hit sign with mallet.

Repeat. That pretty much the idea?

(People chuckle)

Just remember... everything you do while working on the campaign reflects on the candidate.

You can grab your signs on the way out.


Well, I'm making friends already.

Actually I think you saved us about 20 minutes of campaign sign manifesto, so thanks.


Hey, where can I get one of those t-shirts?

Oh, in that box right there.

Thank you.


Man: Uh, excuse me. Excuse me.

You can't just go rummaging through the boxes.

Don't you think campaign workers should wear campaign shirts?

Don't you think you should ask first?

I did.

Uh, yeah, sorry.

I told her she could. My bad.

Oh, Toby. I'm sorry. I didn't know she was with you.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

(Clears throat)

Wow. He's clearly afraid of you.


Oh, nah, just... my dad.

Um, I'm John Kennish's son.

The... wow.


Oh. Elisa.


And this is Emmett.


(Softly) Hi.

Now that I'm in with the boss's kid, I'm gonna take two. Is that cool?


(Both chuckle)

Go ahead.

So we were gonna go put up some signs in Mission Hills, if you wanted to join us.

Um, sure.

(Phone ringing)

I am... I am so sorry I'm late.

You're an hour and a half late.

It was literally the worst morning of my life.

My car died right as I got on 35.

And then I had to wait a half hour for AAA when my phone died.

I... I ended up just leaving the car.

The car and the phone?

I know, it was nuts, but I can work late tonight... whatever you need.

(Breathing deeply)

You know, I went through this with my sister, and I don't need this kind of drama.

The car towed, the wallet stolen, a chipped tooth... I could give you a list.

It was one bad morning.

I swear I will not be late again.

I had a stack of resumes this high.

I have too many needy clients and too many flaky suppliers to worry about whether or not my sales clerks have their act together.

I am not a flake.

It was nice meeting you, Regina.

Wha... (Exhales sharply)

Okay, so I'm gonna be here with Mercutio.

You're gonna be over there with Peter.

And you're gonna come out, and you're gonna say your line.

"Out upon you! What a man are you!"

No no, that... that's later.

First there's that whole business with the fan.

(Sighs) Right. Sorry again.

No, it's okay.

Um, is everything okay?

Yeah, it's... just stuff with Travis.


(Sighs) I don't know.

Sometimes I just think he's looking for a fight.


What is it?

I gotta go.

Wait. What?

(Crickets chirping)


(Tires screech)

(Car door closes)

(Engine revs)

(Tires screech)

(Car door opens)

(Car door closes)

(Engine starts)







I've noticed.

Hi. (Chuckles)

Okay. Bye.

What did he say?

Oh, he's just gonna get some more signs.

Oh. Man, I wish I spoke another language.

I just don't really have the brain for it.

Sometimes I wish that I was raised bilingual or something.

Or at least in Spain, right?


(Both laugh)

Hey, so on behalf of my dad, thanks.

Yeah. Yeah. No, he seems like a good person.

I can't really... I can't really say the same thing about... her. (Chuckles)

Toby: Oh, my dad's opponent?

She awful or something?

You haven't read about her?

She's such a hypocrite.

She wraps herself in the whole women's rights banner and then she votes the same as every other clueless old white guy.

It's pathetic.

Sounds like you know your stuff.

You should see my web browser.

I obsessively follow all D.C. gossip, who voted on what, who moved to what office.

It's... a little scary.

(Both laugh)

So I guess I'm talking to a future Senator here.

Ha. No. Well, I don't know. You never know.

It only took Obama four years to move from obscure Senator to President.

It's the first year I can vote, but it kinda feels like this stuff really matters now.

Obviously you feel the same way.

You know?

Eh, not really.

I'm kind of here under duress.


(Laughing) Nice.

(People chattering)

(Deep exhale)

This is just a draft.

I was going for something a little...

Uh, I don't know. (Laughs)


Yeah, I want people to look at it and think "what is that?"

Before they even realize that it's a campaign ad. (Chuckles)

You hate it.

No, sweetie, no.

No, it's just, uh... it's not what I expected, but I think it could work.

Ivan, what do you think?

I... I think it's interesting.

I'm a little concerned that people may be turned off.

They may think it's graffiti.

(John chuckles)

Yeah, I mean, it's definitely gonna get their attention.

It's exactly what I was going for.

John: Oh.

This is gonna be all over the city...
billboards, busses.

This is a big piece of business for us.

And the printer's already working on the design we sent them.

Last-minute changes are gonna be expensive.

(Breathes deeply)

I say we go with this.


I'll need the camera-ready artwork A.S.A.P.

It's gonna be great. I promise.

(Inhales sharply)


By tomorrow? Okay.

Yeah, great. Thank you so much.

Bye. Hi, can I help you?

I'm looking for my mom, Regina Vasquez.

Oh. She didn't... (Exhales sharply) she doesn't work here anymore.

No, she's the one who just started.

No, I know who she is. It jus... it didn't work out.

I'm sorry.

(Cellphone rings)

Yeah, hi, this is Whitney.

Uh-huh. No, you have a P.O. number on that.

No, you do.


(Sighs) I'm not really looking to get into another relationship right now.

Hey. Um, do you guys wanna come over to my house?

Hang out for a bit?

You... you're leaving?

Oh, okay. Bye. See you later.

You in?


What did you have in mind?


Hey, so, umm... (Chuckles) what's up with you and the deaf guy?

He's my sister's friend.

It's a... it's a long story.

Oh. How'd you learn sign language?

Uh, my sister's deaf.

Oh, right! No, the baby-switch thing.

I read about that. I research my candidates.

I bet.

So how long did it take you to get fluent?


Actually, I'm not 100% fluent.

Well, you must be pretty good.

You two were carrying on the whole conversation.

You want me to text him, maybe?

See if he can come here, take my place?

I mean, you seem pretty interested in him, so...

No, I just find you intriguing.

Well, I am. I'm very intriguing.




Hi. Wow.


I'm... uh, hi.

Get dressed, both of you.

I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was home.

You don't need to apologize to her.


Are we in your house?

(Exhales sharply)

Uh, mom, Toby Kennish.

Toby, my mom.

(Door bangs)

Your mom is Patricia Sawyer.

Sorry. (Chuckles weakly)

Yeah. Uh...

(Door closes)

I heard that you wanna beat up the guy who att*cked Daphne.

I get it. That's what I wanna do.

(Inhales) Now that guy deserves it, you know?

There's nothing like hitting somebody so hard it feels like you broke your hand, knowing that his face feels a lot worse.

(Inhales sharply) But you know, he's gonna press charges against you.

And you're 18. That's the big time.

How much money you got for a lawyer?

Yeah. (Inhales sharply)

Well, you'd probably get a public defender... and maybe they'll be good.

But either way, you are looking at real time in county lockup with guys that are a lot worse than that one guy that att*cked Daphne.

I know... that you feel bad, that you couldn't protect her.

But I promise you... this will not make you feel better.

(Door closes)

Toby: You wanna tell me what the hell that was all about?

Patricia Sawyer is my mom.

Yeah, I know.

I got that. Thank you for telling me.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I should've mentioned it before and I realize that now.

You hook up with me just to piss off your mom?

No. No. No.

You know, I don't believe in a lot of the things that my dad believes in...


... Or any of them, really.

But I would not humiliate him like that.

This is not to get back at my mom, Toby.



Okay, fine.

Was it fun to see the look on her face when she saw you? Yes.

But I volunteered for your dad because my mom should not win this thing.

And if you heard the things that I hear at home, the things that she says when the cameras aren't around... it makes me sick.

And besides, you invited me to go put up the signs and we hit it off. It was fun.

And you set me up.

I'm really sorry that it came out like this.

And it was... it was dumb.

It was really dumb of me to bring you here.

But... I really do like you.

And... and...

I mean, I had a good time.

It was fun. And you had fun.

I...I... I gotta get out of here.

No. Come on!

(Sighs) Oh my God. I'm so stupid.



Are you who I talk to about petty cash?

Yeah, what's it for?

Billboard design. My dad.

You're a Kennish.

(Boastfully) I am of the royal family, yes.


A...and I have that authorization thingy, so...

All right.

Pleasure doing business with you.

And you.

Ivan: No no no no no.

I'm telling you, Eli.

This campaign is D.O.A.

I'd prefer you give the money to somebody else.

(Scoffs) Yeah, I mean here I am, trying to pull a hail mary, and he's got his teenage daughter designing the billboards.

Yeah, no kidding.

Should've gone with Nick Miner.


(Regina breathing heavily)



What smells so good?

Vegetarian chili.


I pulled out the crockpot.

I'm starving.

Did you get my texts?

Oh, sorry. I couldn't find my phone all day.

(Chuckles) I need a lojack for that thing.

Where were you?

At work. What did you need?

I was trying to text you that I was going to see you... at work.

So they told you.

What happened?


Look, I can put up with a lot for a job...

I mean, look at my time with Geraldo... but this place?

(Exasperated sigh)

They just don't understand a person with family obligations.

It wasn't right for me... for us.

Well, good for you.

I'm glad you stuck up for yourself.


And I spent half the day at the library looking up new jobs.


There's some interesting things out there.

You deserve better.

(Sighs) I'm sorry...

I lied to you. I was just so embarrassed.

I understand.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

I promise you this will never happen again.

(Clears throat)

(Silverware clinks)


Psst psst psst!

What are you doing?

I was trying to "psst!" you.

And I wanted to give you this.

It's proof that an image can tell a story.

Well, I don't get it.


It's a girl telling a guy she really likes that she's sorry.

I know.

I just wanted to hear you say it.


Hey! Why am I everybody's punching bag?

Oh, like that hurt.

I actually feel a bruise coming on.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream?

You're buying.

Couldn't you draw me with bigger muscles?


So this is what is going up all over town because, as Ivan explained to me, you could not get the billboard art in on time.


"Right"? Bay, when you make a commitment, you have to follow through with it, okay?

That is how things are done in the real world.

You know, this could've been amazing exposure for you.

I know. I'm sorry.

What is this? Some kind of a Toby thing?

Like you don't believe in my policies either?

No, dad.

You don't have to agree with me, but I'll tell you one thing.

Dad, that's not it, all right?

I am extremely disappointed with you.

Ivan thinks you're gonna lose!

I overheard him at the campaign office, and...

(Clears throat)

I didn't want my billboard making things worse, and so I thought if you used his, it would give you a better chance and...


I know Ivan thinks I can't win.

You do?


But Ivan doesn't know everything.

And I always play better when I'm down, which is why I wanted your artwork and not this.

'Cause if I go down, I wanna go down fighting with something I believe in.

So you genuinely liked it.

(Laughs) Are you kidding me?


I wish was old enough to vote for you.

(Chuckles) Me too.


Me too.



Hey, Regina. Is Zane on tonight?

Um, no, I just came by.

Did I leave my phone here?

Oh! That was you. Yeah.

Mario found it in one of the booths.

Thank you.

Start that new job?


You got that look about you like you're out of practice.

How'd it go?

Uhm, it didn't work out.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, me too. It was a good opportunity.

I just screwed it up.

Now don't be hard on yourself.

(Exhales sharply)

You guys hiring?

Rick comes in at 10:00.

I'll put in a good word for ya if you're serious.

It's not bad work... part server, part shrink.

(Chuckles) You make it look so easy.

Hey, you should stick around for the band.

The violinist is sick.

Maybe. I mean, just for a set.



Hey. Where's your car?

(Sighs) More car trouble.

I took a cab. They dropped me out front.

Well, if it's any consolation, I had a really crappy day, too.


I would really love to hear about it, but... I'm not feeling very well.

I just need to crawl into bed.

Okay. I hope you feel better.


(Clears throat)


(Door opens)

(Door closes)