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01x13 - Rhapsody in Blue

Posted: 01/09/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
Hey, hey, hey, I am doing it.

Whoa... wait...
I'm-I'm not doing it.

You're doing it barely,
but just...

Don't show me, don't show me.

Port side, port-side thrusters.

Slicker 'n snot.

My microbes had to have
translated that one wrongly.

Southern metaphors, darlin'.

You ain't heard the
half of them.

You know, you're picking this up
more slowly than the dumbest recruit.

But I am picking it up, Aeryn.

The more I modify my module
with Moya add-ons

the more I need to understand
bio-mechanoid technology.

Now, you do that one again
and I'll k*ll you.

Oh, sorry. Almost hit that
big sun out there.

There's nothing out
there, John.

Exactly, Aeryn.
That's why we picked this spot.

Nothing for me to hit.

Perfect for a driving lesson.

Like a big mall parking lot
on a Sunday morning.

I used to have 70,000 servants.

Rygel, why don't you get
yourself something to eat?

And during festivals,
I had 50,000 more.

Mostly females.


They would worry about my
ever nano-moment.

Make sure I was always smiling,
always entertained...


and never bored.

I'm bored.

Bored, bored, bored!

Will you stop doing that?!

Look, whatever you're doing
there, it can't be important.

You're just scared I'll win.

Come on, let's play.

I can't take Moya's pregnancy
much longer.

The walls on my cell are
excreting some sort of gel,

and Pilot says it's due
to Moya's condition.

The Center Chamber has a strange
odor as well. Have you noticed?

I have a Luxan's
olfactory sense.

How can I not notice?

Where the hezmana are Crichton and
Aeryn? They should be back by now.

Teaching Crichton takes
time, D'argo.

Teaching Crichton is a
waste of time.

Am I the only one here that remembers
we are being tracked by bounty hunters?

Aeryn believes that anything we can do to
make Crichton more effective, the better.

This sector is very peaceful.

It's perfect for
Crichton's trai...


If you do not stop that
this instant...

You'll what? Please do tell.

It may be preferable to this
mind-numbing tedium.

Shut up!

Aeryn, lighten up.
Have some fun.

Fun? How am I to have fun?

Oh, I don't know how you're supposed
to have fun, but this is fun.

This is Top g*n. This is
the need for speed.

You like this stuff. Admit it.

I have no need for speed.

Yes, you do. I see it in your
eye all the time.

You miss the adrenalin of
combat flying.

I miss the teamwork of
combat flying.

The reason why I agreed to
teach you to do this

is because you may become vaguely
of some use to me one day in battle.

Oh. Well, thank you for that
vote of confidence.

Well you may have noticed
we're short of hands.

I didn't exactly have
much choice.

Watch out for the starboard
thrusters. You're banking too sharply.

I got it.

What exactly do you mean
by 'vaguely useful'?

Well you're hardly a quick
learner, are you?

Oh, are you trying to tell me you
weren't the least bit challenged

learning to fly one
of these things?

Not challenged the way
you seem to be.

And you have it easy here.

At Peacekeeper training,
there's no room for mistakes.

You screw up on the last day of
simulation flying, you die.

Right. The simulator kills you.

Now why does that not
surprise me?

What are you doing back there?

Getting something to eat.
I always get hungry when I...


- What was that?
- What was that?

What did you touch?

I didn't touch anything.

Aeryn, any idea what this is?

No, I don't.

There's something pulling
us in.

Still pulling us in.

I'm not getting any
pulse-back soundings.

That's impossible.

Well, you think I'm
making this up?

Look at it, there's nothing
out there.

I can't hold her!

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut...

...a radiation wave hit and I
got shot through a wormhole...

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe on a ship.

A living ship full of strange
alien life-forms...

Help me...

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

...being hunted by an insane
military commander...

...doing everything I can...

I'm just looking for
a way home.



You okay?


Damn. Don't scare me like that.

Scare you? What, you think I
had something to do with that?

No, I thought you might...
never mind.

You going to be all right?

Think so. You?

If you don't count
a broken neck.

A couple of aspirin,
I'll be fine.

We hit something.

No, we didn't.

Hey, look, I was in a head-on
when I was 19.

We hit something.

There's nothing out there.

There's no mass readings.

No mass? How can there
be no mass?

Something's blocking our view.

The sensors say there's still
nothing out there.

What the hell does that mean?!

I don't know.

Will you stop playing
with that?!

I will play this thing for
as long as I like...


So sorry.

I appear to have hit
the wrong comm.

You desired our attention,

An unidentified vessel
is approaching.

It is signaling, asking
permission to come aboard.

Is it armed?

That depends.

What do you mean, "it depends"?

Moya's scan has found traces
of w*apon pieces.


But nothing that constitutes
a whole w*apon,

and certainly nothing

It seems a most...
curious vessel.

The name's Staanz.

Oh, there's no need for
the firepower, friend.

I disagree... "friend." Move.

That pretty little female here's not
going to look at you in quite the same way

when she learns you k*lled the only
person that could have saved you.

Saved us from what?

You see how much you need me?

You're headed straight for it,
and you don't even know it's there.

Headed for what?

The Flax.

What is that?

It's a magna drift mesh,
75 million zachrons long.

I've never heard of anything
called "The Flax."

- And what species are you?
- Luxan.

Luxan? Never heard of it.
Doesn't mean you don't exist.

Our ship's sensors have not picked
up anything that size in this area.

Well, they wouldn't have picked
up much of anything.

That's The Flax. It's invisible
till you get snagged in it.

Then it's all over.

Who put it there?

Zenetan pirates.

You never heard of them?
Consider yourself lucky.

I will warn Crichton and Aeryn.

You got another ship out there?

Well warning them's probably a good idea,
you know, if you're not already too late.

What exactly are you?

My name's Staanz.

I'm a Garbologist.

I'm a, uh... connoisseur of
what other people throw away.

Define "connoisseur."

Tadek, eh?


Your set's in, um...
very nice shape.

Do you play?

Oh, I used to... dabble.

You any good?

Perhaps you could give me
a few... pointers.

Perhaps I can.


Mmm... mm-hmm.

We need to get the ship
stabilized and assess the damage.


According to this,
we're too stable.

We're not moving. There's
no drift, no spin...


I- I don't know.

It's as though we're suspended
in one place.

The sooner we get this thing fixed
and blast out of here, the better.

No comms signal.

Probably busted in the crash.

No. The equipment's working
just fine.

It's just there's no signal
out there.

Aeryn, if I'm reading this
right, calorics are flat line.

We don't have any power.

Oh, that's impossible.

I fed the batteries just
before we left Moya.

Yeah... impossible.

This isn't good.

I can't make contact with
the Transport Pod.

Aeryn and Crichton aren't

They can't be that far out.

Staanz's story about The Flax
could be true.

It could be what's affecting
the comms transmission.

If it is, if he did
come to warn us,

then the question is, what does
he want from us in return?

Anything he can get
his hands on.

I've just accessed the criminal
ident files from the Peacekeepers.

It seems our Mr. Staanz has
quite a record.

He came offering help.

Shouldn't we at least give him
the benefit of the doubt?

We don't know that The Flax
doesn't exist.

And what if it does?

He may be leading us
straight into it.

For all we know, he could one
of those bounty hunters.

No, Staanz is trouble, and we
do not need to take that risk,

especially while Moya
is pregnant.

I agree that Staanz may be the
most unusual species,

but you can't surely condemn him just because
he is an ex-prisoner of the Peacekeepers.

Are you forgetting that we
are all ex-prisoners?

How can I ever forget?

Have you ever looked at
your own records

to see what lies the Peacekeepers
have written about you?

Have you?

Not everyone imprisoned by the
Peacekeepers was innocent.


Meaning that I do not have time to
stand here and discuss this with you

while he is looting what
precious little we have.

Interesting move.

Very unconventional.

Care to raise the stakes?

Ossoh scent.

How pure?

Ninety parts.

They won't be able to
resist even you.

What are you doing?!

I was about to raise...

I had him right where
I wanted him.

You have a criminal record
with the Peacekeepers.

Do you have any idea how
difficult that is in this game?

I've got a lot of records with
a lot of people. It's who I am!

It doesn't mean his
money's no good.

...didn't deserve it and I
never robbed anybody...

well, I used to rob anybody but
now I'm an honest garbologist.

Ask anyone. I can give you a list
of names. Well, a couple of names.


I used to be a Zenetan.

One of the pirates who
run The Flax.

I alert ships that get
caught in it.

I can prove it.

If you put me down.

Thank you.


Oh, for heaven's sake.

Zenetan g*ng murals.

I spent nine cycles in a
Malsonic labor stockade.

My Zenetan "brothers"
did nothing to help me.

In fact, 'cause of what they
were doing on the outside,

I got beat close to death more
than once on the inside.

So, uh... when I got out,
I went my own way.

I work for myself now.

Part of the fun is getting to
The Flax before they do.

Also, I like warning people
like you.

Pisses the Zenetans off no end.

And I... I figured when you
send me on my way,

you might give me, I don't
know, a small reward?

Put those back on.

Where are your, uh...

your, uh... your...

My, uh...

For an anthropoid biped there
seems to be something missing.

Yeah, I know.

Well, I'm a Yenen by species.

We're not exactly, uh...

cut from the standard mold.

If you are truly interested
in helping us,

our transport pod is
still out there.

Two of our complement are
aboard, and we've lost contact.

They're not family?



There's nothing worse than
losing family.

Right, get a move on, Crichton.

The Message Buoy's almost ready
so we'll need power to launch it.

I'm working as fast as I can, Aeryn,
but these schematics are hard to read.

They're like half CAT scan,
half blueprint.

I know you don't
read 'em at all.

Don't be ridiculous.
That's Tech work.

What happens if you crash land your
Prowler and you have to repair it?

We're not trained to repair.

We're trained to find and
secure somebody else's ship.

Secure. As in take by force.

Oh, beats learning to
read those.

Not today it doesn't.

I think I've redirected the remaining
power from the auxiliary systems.

Message buoy away.

You ready to go home?




Where did you get those boots?

Let me go!

Those boots are Luxan.

A Luxan would never lose his
boots unless he were dead.

I didn't k*ll him.
He was already dead!

His ship got caught
in The Flax!

Oh, so you rob the dead?

No, no...

A Zenetan k*lled him.

He ejected...

ejected the body.

I tried to get aboard the ship,
but... look.

They blasted the crank
out of me.

You tried to loot a dead
Luxan ship.

Of course I did.
That's what I do. I loot ships.

I see a ship, I try
and loot it.

Well that ship, my friend, was
a Luxan deep-space voyager.

Now, it may have onboard some map
fibers that I desperately need.

Can you take me there?

Well, I don't know. It was,
uh... earmarked for destruction.

They might have already...

melted it down.

If you take me there,

everything on board after
I get those map fibers...

is yours.

Well, that sounds like
a deal to me.

What about The Flax?

Oh, not a problem.

If you know what you're doing.

Let's do this while we still
have power.

200 trads. Are we clear?

Not yet. I'm increasing to
eighty percent.

This is going to hurt,
isn't it?

300 trads.

Should I punch it?

Ninety percent.

Should I punch it?

Not yet.

400 trads!


It's too strong!
I can't hold her!

Now, Aeryn! Now!

500 trads clear!

- Now?!
- Wait!

Man, this is really
going to hurt!



Aeryn, where are you?

I haven't the faintest idea.

Aw, man, I knew this
was going to hurt.

I'll be all right if
I can get it out.

Can you pass me that ax?


What are you going to
do with it?

I'm going to hack my foot off.

Aw, no. Let me, then.

Oh, just give it to me.

Did we break free?

Uh, you mind if I check
in a minute?

I want to get these
flames out first.

D'argo, the distress buoy is
broadcasting full coordinates.

Aeryn's message is short,
but it's clear.

Their pod is caught in some sort
of stasis, but they see no stars.

That's The Flax, all right.

We are aboard Staanz's vessel now
and ready to launch. Wish us luck.

Rha'nalan be with you.

A triple quadra-hent.

Of course that means
nothing to you,

but I would have won all this
fair and square,

even if he hadn't left
it behind.

Luxan voyager, here we come!

When I get her really firing I
can get this baby up to Hatch 4!

It stinks in here.


It stinks!

Oh, does it? I had my
smell pods cauterized.

Helps in my line of work.

You mean you actually go out of
your way to collect all these things?

I follow space streams and I
pick up what others throw away.

That's all garbage.

Garbage? I don't touch garbage.

I'm a professional scavenger.

I only pick up the gems of
what others throw away.

I've got 9 million Onnyxi
play partners.

They particalize, they
levitate, everything.

One day, I'm going to sell
these babies and make a k*lling.

They burn good, too.

You say that you can take me
to this Luxan ship.

Unless it's already been
melted down.

You and me go onboard, get what we
need, stay no longer than an arn.

And then we go to rescue
Aeryn and Crichton.

You said they'll be safe
for a while.

They're stuck in The Flax.
They're going nowheres.

You said it was a small pod. The Zenetans
aren't going to be in a rush to get there.

Oh, we have plenty of time.

Okay. Come on, baby!

Come on!

We're not moving.

We're still stuck.

There must be some sort of
field holding us in place.

You mean like a natural

You ever hear of phenomenon
like that?


Well, whatever it is we have to
find a way to break free.

Any suggestions?

The distress buoy got away.

Well, I guess we just wait for D'argo
and the others to come rescue us.

- I'll deal with propulsion.
- I'll take environmentals.

Go on! Have a chew!
It's delicious!

No, not that bit. It's got to
rot a bit more. Here. Try this.

No. I think I'll pass.

Hang on! If I don't get to
this, she's going to blow!


Come on, baby!

Why don't you just
get it fixed?

I did fix it. That's why it
works when I whack it a few times.

Help me!



Hang on.

You see that?

That's Kcrackic's tracer beam.

Who's Kcrackic?

He's the Red Mentor to
the Zenetans.

Is that like a rank?

There's nothing military about
these guys except their firepower.

Then why are you so
afraid of him?

I'm not afraid, exactly.

It's just... maybe I
should have...

mentioned it earlier, but...

I'm kind of on Kcrackic's
hate list.

I told a few of his secrets
to get out of prison.

So you betrayed your
own leader?

Betray? Never.

The bottom line is, if he knows we're
around he's going to seal The Flax up

and we're not going to get to
the Luxan ship or your friends.

He missed us.

But he's headed straight
for your ship.

The Moya!

Warn them. They've never heard
of me, they've never seen me.

I understand, D'argo. We will strive to
keep them distracted as long as we can.


I will strive to keep
them distracted.

Greetings. I am Pa'u
Zotoh Zhaan.

You are Kcrackic?

You know me?

Your reputation is well
known in these parts.

For what?


My scan shows that your
Leviathan is pregnant.

- You're lucky.
- Why?

I once tried to commandeer
a pregnant Leviathan.

80 men died.

A mother will protect
her child.

A tracer ship was last seen
heading in this direction.

Run by a pewnkah named Staanz.

Have you seen it? Or him?

No. Perhaps I can offer you and
your men something to eat?

You offer us nothing. What we
want from your ship, we take.

I see nothing of value here.
Let's go.

Commander Kcrackic...

May I present Rygel the
Sixteenth, Dominar of...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

How do you do, pleased to meet
you and all that yotz.

Where did you get so many
Kelvic Crystals, little one?

I won them.

Playing Tadek?

No. Inter-species tugg
wrestling, idiot.

So, you believe you play well?

I know I play well, and you,
I believe, are an easy mark.

I'm still not getting
a clean reading.

More than half the pod's sensor
relays have been fried.

Do you think Moya's got
that distress buoy yet?

Don't know, but even
if she did,

if we don't buy ourselves a
couple of hours, arns,

we'll be dead by the time
anybody gets here.

The atmospherics mix line
is crushed.

Can you fix it?


Might be able to weld it, but
I need a welding torch.

There should be one in the
equipment pack.

Problem is, there's too much pure O2
in here right now to risk firing it up.

What if we depressurize,
blast it out into space?

Fix it in our suits?


Aeryn, that's a great idea.

You sound surprised.

You okay?

Yes. You?

Yeah, just... peachy.

Are you comfortable?

Can I get you a pillow?

Do you think your people have
kept Kcrackic occupied?

Well, why don't we just call
Moya and ask them?

Perhaps you can speak
to Kcrackic himself.

Let's get out of here.

Kcrackic isn't the kind of person
you give a second chance to find you.

Okay, come on. Sing for
daddy. Sing!

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing, nothing. Sometimes she
just needs a bit of a push to get going.

A push?

Yeah, you know. like a grav spin
around a planet or something?

I need you to get me to that ship
fast so I can find that map fiber.

If you want to get there,
open the furnace.


This had better work.

Come on! Burn!

Come on!

Burn, baby, burn!


Here we go.

Oh, great!

What's wrong?

We're caught in The Flax.


We'll be out of here in
a few microts.


Rygel, surely you're not
giving up so early...

Who's giving up?

I'm not giving up.

Leave me alone.

I know what I'm doing.

Ante up, Hynerian.

It's going to be like a wind
tunnel in here when we depressurize.

I'll get the release sequence started
and leave ou t the last line...

We have a problem.

What's the matter?

It's broken.

Is there another one of those?

Exactly that.


So one of us gets to die.

Torch looks like it's in
working condition.

Unfortunately, there's no way to
test it before we depressurize.

k*ll shot. We use them in battle
triage to stop brain and heart function.

And this is a nerve shot. You
use this one to bring me back.

Whoa, whoa, hold the phone.
Let's talk about this.

Nothing to talk about.

You know welding.
You should do the repairs.

Yeah, but Aeryn, that means
you've gotta...

I'm Sebacean. They are meant
to be used on my kind.

Yeah, but still...

The oxygen is rising in here
quickly so you'd better get ready.


you notice anything about that?

It's useless.

It's also mine.

Yours isn't going to fit me.

Tell me exactly what
I have to do.

We could wait. The others
may come.

No. We got to fix the line.
Otherwise, we're both dead anyway.

And if we get another
spot fire in this place,

it's going to go up like
a blast furnace.

How long do I have to
do the repairs?

I don't know. Um, without oxygen,
my brain can last maybe four minutes,

maybe five or six depending
on my body temperature.

Pick a number. Tell me how
long I have, and I'll follow it

but tell me what to do while
there's still time.


Should I tell Bacca to
fire up the engines?

Why not? I should be
there shortly.


Very unusual move.

Where did you learn it?

Uh, I made it up myself.

Did you?

I know somebody else who
makes that move.

Good for you.

Are you sure this thing's
going to work?

Mm-hmm, it should k*ll you.

Well, it's not the k*ll shot
that concerns me.

I'm sure you guys got that
one down fine.

It's the wake-up call that's
got me worried.

Well, we can't be sure it works
until you're dead.


It works perfectly well
on Sebaceans

and Sebacean and human physiology appears
to be similar enough, so I say 50-50.

You call that good odds?

No. No, no, no. I'm going
to teach you CPR.

What's that?

It's a human resuscitation
technique and very low tech.

We don't have time for this.

Aeryn, I've got time, okay?

I need a backup plan in case your
little nerve shot doesn't work, Aeryn.

What does it involve?

It involves you breathing for me,
keeping my blood flowing so I don't die.

Don't be ridiculous. It sounds
far too complicated.

Well, it's a lot less complicated
than learning to fly a Transport Pod.

Fine. Show it to me, then.

Good. Lie down.


Lie down.

No, flat out on the ground.
I can't show... lie down.


Come on!

Where are the stars?

The Flax magna absorbs the
light before it can get to us.

It's a bummer, like that.

Absorbs the light?

If it's that powerful, how come
you're not more concerned?

Because I may be able to
dissolve a small part of The Flax

unless they've already
changed the code.


Now, what I need from you is,

I need you to whack this
really hard on my signal.

Whack it really hard. Ready?




Whack it!

Come on, man! Come on!

You can do it, come on.

Just a bit. Come on. Come on!

Yes! We've done it!

We're clear of The Flax!

We're clear!

Did I say it, huh?

Hey! Stop whacking it!

We're clear! We've made it!

Oh! Go with me, brother!

We're clear.

It doesn't get better than
this, baby!

13, 14, 15.

Then two more breaths then
15 more compressions.

Right, until I start breathing
again on my own.

Or not.

Let's do it.

You've got about four minutes, 180
microts before my brain starts to go adios.

Let's do it. In the chair.

Aeryn, it's real simple what
you got to do to fix the line.

I remember what you told me.

Hey, when Sebaceans die what do
you guys believe happens?

Do you believe in an afterlife?
Heaven and Hell, all that jazz?

Humans believe, well some believe
that there's like this bright light

and you end up somewhere else
along with your friends,

family, relatives, all the
people who died before you.

Does that ring a bell?

Sebaceans believe when
you die you die.

You go nowhere; you
see nothing.

Guess I'll find out in
a minute, huh?

- Okay, 180 microts.
- Yes, I know.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

It's just, you know, I don't want
to take any chances with this, so...

I won't let you down, John.

Aw, this... this is going to
hurt like crap, isn't it?

Trust me, it's not going
to hurt a bit.

That's it?

Well, it doesn't hurt...

The engine's fired up,
ready to go.

Your wager, your Lordship.

But we have nothing
left to bet.

This ship.

I'll wager this ship.

You can't do that, Rygel.

I can beat him. I know I can.

Fear not, lovely lady.

I told you before, I've had my
experience with pregnant Leviathans.

I don't want your ship.

I reject your wager.

Quit now. You must quit.

The one you call Staanz.
I know where he is.


I wager his whereabouts.

You now have 60 microts, 59, 58

57, 56, 55

54, 53...

Hey, I'm picking up some
traces of atmosphere.


Yeah. They're drifting from
the coordinates where

your ship's pod is caught
in The Flax.

Oh, they're not just mere
traces, either.

Looks like your friends might
be out of luck.

We may have no reason to rush
aboard that Luxan ship.

14, 13, 12...

11, 10, 9...

8, 7, 6...

5, 4, 3, 2...


Time has lapsed.

Time has lapsed. Time has...

I knew it. I knew
I could do it.

Thanks for the game.

The game's not over.

Thank you for the game...

little one.

Now, for that nugget of
information you promised me.

Rygel, don't.

Oh, you will tell me

or he'll blow your brains out.

I'll count to three.



- Three.
- Okay.

Staanz was here.

One of our crew is
with him now.

You can locate him by following the
frequency of our crew member's comms unit.

What's the frequency?

It's in the ship's data store.

Access the ship's data stores
and let's go get him.


One... two...

three... four.

Come on, Crichton, wake up.

Seven, eight, nine,
ten, eleven,

twelve, thirteen, fourteen.

Aeryn and Crichton have
a second reserve t*nk.

They could still be alive.

Look, there she is.

Your Luxan beauty.

Oh, you're lucky, we're
just in time.

She's next in line for
the melt.

It's a Luxan as*ault Piercer.

I dreamt of serving on
one as a boy.

I'll bring her in
nice and easy.

Come on!

What are you looking
so down about?

You said yourself the two
aboard that pod weren't family.

Look, the maps aboard that ship
might be your only chance

to reunite with your real
family, huh?

My son.

Yeah, yeah, your son.

Thirteen, fourteen, come on!

Come on!


My God.

You did it, Aeryn. You did it.

But you lied like a dog.

God, that hurt like hell.

How'd it go?

The environmentals. They fixed?

Uh, I... I didn't finish.

You didn't what?

Your time was running out.

Wait a minute.
You stopped because...

I think we have about half an
arn of breathable atmosphere left.

I thought we'd never be
rid of them.

You wanted them to leave.

Didn't you?

Yes, but I...

You didn't expect them to
leave us unscathed

unless they thought they were leaving
with something of value, did you?

You gave them the frequency.

The wrong frequency, yes.

I told Pilot to change it the
minute Kcrackic stepped on board.

Where are they headed, Pilot?

Not exactly certain.

I could plot it for you.

No, don't bother.
As long as it's far from here.

Oh. It's certainly that.

You lost to Kcrackic
on purpose?

You think it was easy?

He's an abominable player.

A switched-off DRD would have
made a better showing for itself.

Oh, please.

Bluffing is what the
game's all about.

The message buoy got out.

They could still come for us.

Maybe they've been trying
all this time.

The phenomenon that's got hold of
us might not be letting them through.

They might have tried and
given up already.


It's really cold in here.

It's colder than a frog's ass.


We're docking.

If I get this right, we'll be nice
and snug in the aft access port.

Oh, come on, you got to
be a bit excited.

You're 15 paces away from your
own Luxan as*ault Piercer.

The maps.

You'll be able to
find your son.

You got to be looking forward
to seeing your son.



But when I do, I want to be
able to look him in the eye.


You should have kept working.
Finished the repair.

At least one of us would
have survived.

To be sitting here alone now?

I chose not to.

I thought Peacekeepers were trained
to fight alone, survive alone.

Die alone.


it appears my training is
failing me.

I don't want to die alone.

What did you see?


Y- you know, after the k*ll
shot, when you were dead.

Did you see the things that, you
know that, that humans believe?

The light? Friends?


No, I didn't.

All I saw was black.

I don't know, maybe you
Sebaceans are right.

Maybe there's nothing
after this.



I wasn't supposed to die
that time.


maybe you'll find out for
certain this time.

Somebody docking?



what took you so long?

I had to, uh...

find someone to help me.


I think it's time that we left.

It's about time!

Oh, your pals are okay!
I told you they would be!

You think maybe you could
untie me, please?

This is no fun!

Hey, welcome aboard, people!

I'd offer you something
to chew but, uh,

what can I say? My hands
are tied at the moment!

Is he dangerous?

Merely annoying.

The Flax is huge.

There's bound to be another Luxan
ship stuck in there somewhere.

I thought...

maybe we could go look
for it together?

We go together?

I'm lonely.

Everybody needs a mate,
Ka D'argo.

Even you.

A mate?

I am the female of the species.
You know that don't you?

In fact, false modesty
aside I'm, uh...

I'm considered quite the
Zenetan beauty.

You know big guy, I think
I better, uh...

give you a little time
alone here.

'Cause I know, in a universe this
vast when two hearts collide...

Shut up.

You and me?

Oh, I don't really, ah...

I love you.

Um, well you, ah...

Love you!

I love you!

We are now well out of range of
The Flax and Kcrackic's tracer.

What happened out there,


A Luxan warrior must never
be indecisive in battle.

My indecision nearly cost Aeryn
and Crichton their lives.

But you saved them.


And by saving them I may have
given up my only chance

of ever seeing my son again.

On every front,

I failed.

Heat of the moment.


Too much pure oxygen.

Affected our judgment.

If it had been you and
D'argo there,

the same thing probably
would have happened.

Or you and Zhaan.

Anyway, one thing's for sure.
It'll never...

never happen again.



One thing,

just to be absolutely certain.

You are the female of
your species?


I'll take that as a yes.