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02x05 - The Acquired Inability to Escape

Posted: 12/18/13 13:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Regina, um,
anything in the house is yours. We have a full bar...

I'm sober, Kathryn.

I've been sober for 11 and a half years.

What are you doing?

Trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I'm no longer a hairdresser.


Hi! What's it been, 15 years?


Kathryn, this is Zane.

Zane, Kathryn.

Why don't we call a truce?

(Sighs) Hi! Shouldn't you still be at school?

My last class was study hall.

Hey, do you have any of those sea-salt pita chip thingies?

Yeah. Wait wait wait!

Wash your hands.

Oh, sorry.

I'm doing pottery with Regina... throwing clay.

It's super wet and shapey.

She can do that with her hands?

That's the cool part.

She just tells me what to do and I do it.

It's like I'm her hands. Total vulcan mind meld.

Well, I'm gonna be making Turkey meatballs later.

Maybe you can come and be my hands.

That's hilarious. You know what...

I think I'm just gonna have dinner over there 'cause we still might be, like, in the zone.

Once more into the clay!





"And how do you propose paying for this new resources board?"

Uh, well...


Through the closing of loopholes...

Closing of tax loopholes in the state tax code will generate the necessary revenues.

Okay. Okay.

Hey, can I interrupt for a second?

Absolutely you may.

So I'm thinking about applying to Washington University.


Wash U.

But it's competitive, so a family connection would really help out.


Grandpa Bill went to Wash U, didn't he?

Toby, you get good grades, you're going to a good school. You're gonna be fine.

Honey, he's not wrong. These days you have to press every advantage.

A recommendation from someone who hasn't been there in 40 years?

What good is that gonna do?

Can I at least ask, though?

I mean, what's the harm?

Well, it's your application.

Do what you want.

I need a bathroom break. Be right back.

Well, I know Grandpa Bill isn't coming over for Sunday dinners, but I can't even ask for a favor?

He said yes. I'd just run with that.

Two vodka rocks, one with a twist. Hang on.

Excuse me. You're with Zane, right?


Oh, sorry.

Not asking for a status update.

It's just could you take this tray up to the guys?

I'm a little slammed here.


You are over 21, right?

(Chuckles) Nice try.

A little flattery to grease the wheels. You know what? Here.

For you.

I call it a "headless horseman."

Let me know what you think.


Zane: No, man, it's not like that. I told you.

Hey, if I'm gonna sell my soul, I at least want to ride in a limo.

Who is selling their soul?

Zane's trying to book us into some corporate death march.

It's event, Stan. It's an event.

You call it what you want, I don't do background music.

Try being unemployed. That'll get you over your integrity.

Please. He's a drummer. They're never unemployed.

Here is to working for an honest living.

Regina: Hear hear.


Is that yours?

Oh, um...

I'm on a cleanse.

I gotta hit the little drummer's room.

I liked your set.

I liked having you here.

You are not gonna call me a "muse" at any point, are you?

Not out loud, no.


I'm gonna have to go pretty soon.

No no... you gotta stay for my next set.

Zane, I have to make breakfast at 7:00 A.M.

Okay, I turn on a coffee pot, but still.

Look, Reggie, you're here.

The night's young. The music's good.

I will have you home by midnight.

I promise.


Can I get a club soda?

And, here, you can take this.


"Graves"? Uh, no.

I... throwing clay.


My mom is teaching me.

Uh, painting mostly.

But, yeah. You?


Yeah, I'll check it out.


Hey there.

I, uh... I heard that you play. And I started a little pickup game at lunch. So you should join.

I really haven't played much since they cut our basketball team.

You know what? If you can dribble or you can sh**t you're gonna be the M.V.P. of this team. I promise you.


So it looks like you're starting to feel at home here?

Yeah, you know, when life gives you lemons...

Wait... hey! We're not lemons.

Bad choice of words.

Bad A.S.L.!


Stupid expression anyway because I don't even like lemonade or lemons.

Oh, that's too bad.

Because my lemon meringue is awesome!

Mmm! Hey man.

(Both chuckle)

So no lunchtime hoops.

What about a little one-on-one after school maybe?


Actually I have plans after school with Travis.

Do you know Travis? He's deaf?

We're gonna take out my food truck.

All right.


So that's it.

Does the play take place in...

I don't know the sign for "dungeon"...

Like a castle basement?


You know what you could do? Projections.

Maybe some Soviet photos or artwork or something.

Oh! You could hang fabric in like strips, yeah, something sheer, that way it has all these layers.

Students? Students, can we gather together please?

I'm sorry to inform you that your director will not be able to continue with this production.

As you know, Carlton has brought in some new programs, and we've had to eliminate others.

And in spite of these changes, we are still struggling financially.

And, as difficult as it is for me to tell you this, we will not be able to do the spring production this year.

No, no one has been fired.

We cannot pay the director's salary and he had to move on.

I thank you all for your energy and your passion and your understanding.

We'll try again next year.

I'm really sorry.

And just like that, the entire drama program gets cut?

It wasn't ally a whole program.

It was more of an after-school thing.

You know, sweetie, if you want to paint sets, there's this really great program at Buckner.

Well-funded in part by us, I might add.

Dad, I am not going back to Buckner.

That's the bummer about this whole thing.

I was finally starting to fit in at Carlton and now this is yet another thing that was k*lled off by the hearing kids.

That's what they said? They cut the play because of the hearing program?

They might as well have.

You know what? I'm just... I'll be...

Back for dinner.

I'm gonna make a couple of calls about this.

Oh, mom, no. I wouldn't.

Honestly, it's a done deal.

Have you not seen your mother in action? Nothing is a done deal.

Fighting for arts in public education?

They better watch out.

Hey! Can I talk to you guys?

Changing of the guards.

No, stay.

I want to take the food truck out again tomorrow after school.

Sweetie, we talked about this, okay?

You are too young to be setting up shop by yourself.

My mom said it was okay. And I won't be alone. I'm going with Travis.

Regina says it's okay...

Okay, but I want you back here by 9:00.

Okay, of course.

All right.

Yes. Thank you!

Hey hey!

Why all the secret signing?


So why Wash U, huh?

Well, you went there.


I kind of like the idea of keeping up a family tradition.

Well, your father didn't go there.

He didn't go anywhere.

I guess sometimes family traditions skip generations.

So what else do you have?

What do you mean?

Well, you did two years of lacrosse and quit.

You have any other extracurriculars?

Are you fluent in any languages?

A.S.L... sign language.

Ever since Daphne... my sister...

Yeah, I know who you mean.

Well, music really takes up most of my time.

I have a band...

A rock and roll band, I bet.

Yeah! Well, alternative rock, but yeah.

You know, the kids you're competing against...

They've been doing solos with the St. Louis symphony.

Well, that's...

And I just read about a kid whspent his summer excavating Mayan ruins in Guatemala and then got the findings published in an archeology journal.

So from where I sit, there's just not much here to distinguish you from hundreds of other kids who are applying.

Well, that's why I wanted to ask for your help.

Can I have some ketchup?

Do you have any use for this?

Kathryn: No.

I use an electric.

Oh, um, sorry. Anyway, this meeting?

Yeah, it's this afternoon. And I plan on going into that principal's office with a battering ram. And I would love to have more parents with me.

I am so with you on saving arts programs.

But I can't this afternoon. I have a job interview.

That's terrific. Where?

Answering phones at a spa.

That could be fun... discounted massages?

At this point, I'll take anything.

Because clearly I need to get out of the house.

So are your arms hurting?


Not if I don't use them.

And don't worry, I'm not depressed.

I'm just in my robe because I was out late.

Really?! Is this with... ?

Zane. I saw his band last night.

I knew it. Did I call it or what?

You did. I'm just not sure it's the right call for me.

Why not?

Look at my life.

This isn't exactly the time for me to be hanging out and listening to jazz, and arguing about art and politics and then going out for pancakes.

Why not?

Because I'm not in my 20s.

I need a job, a place of my own and a husband who isn't out getting other people pregnant.


I know you're going through a lot right now, but that's exactly why you need to go out.

See, this is my point. When times are tough that's when you need creativity the most.

Stimulation, inspiration, expression... these are the things that renew us and keep us growing so we can fight through another day.

You are ready to talk to that principal, aren't you?


I appreciate the value of arts in education, Kathryn, I do.

I know you do...

But that doesn't balance my budget.

And if I don't balance my budget, then there is no more Carlton.

Then give it to us. Let the parents take over the play and you just worry about saving the school.

Please! It would mean so much to them.

We just lost the director.

I don't have a salary or a production budget.

I think the ship has sailed on this one.

Daphne: Thank you.

* I turned the corner

* and I saw your smile

* it takes me back, takes me back for a while *



Hi, how can I help you?

Uh, two of the specials.

Okay, spicy or regular?




Is he throwing g*ng signs at you?

No no, it's sign language. We're deaf.

For real?

But you heard what I said.

I read your lips.


Who do you work for? I've never seen this truck before.

Oh, it's mine.




I can hear and see perfect... all I got is an old bike.


Hey, you know what you should do? Put your picture on the side of the truck, call it "deaf hot tacos."

With a face like yours, guys will be lining up around the block.

Thanks. Enjoy.

Ooh, scary.

I'm sorry about the mess.

I promise I'm going to clean it up.

No, it's fine. It's nice having you work here.

I hate to bother you while you're in "the zone," but I just wanted to tell you that some wonderfully committed Carlton parent spoke to principal rose this afternoon and it looks like the play is back on.

Seriously? Who did that?


That's amazing! Thank you.

Rehearsals start tomorrow after school, and I am so excited!

Why are you so excited?

Well, as you know, they had to cut the salary of the director because of the budget, so it became a volunteer position.

You volunteered.


It's just a stopgap measure.

Are you really qualified to do something like this?

I've been in a lot of plays and I directed the holiday pageant at the church...

Right, uh... yeah, I know.

I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

Hey, how did it go with your grandfather?

Uh, actually not so good.

What do you mean? Is he going to make the call or what?

I don't know. He didn't say.

Huh. So what did he say?

That I am not Wash U material.

He said that?

Well yeah, that I'm...

Like everybody else that's applying.

Did you tell him about your music?

I tried, but he just kept calling it a hobby.

Honestly, I don't even care.

Okay, you know what? Listen to me.

Your music, your band... these are things that are going to set your application apart.

And your grandfather... (Clears throat) he's not the kind of man to offer a lot of approval.

He's got his own ideas about how things should go.

And if you want to go your own way... like, let's say, turn down a football scholarship to the University of Iowa to play baseball in the major leagues... no amount of success will make him come around.

All he sees is that you didn't do it his way.

Well, if I did it his way, I'd better start high school again.

Now you listen to me.

This afternoon, you put it out of your head.

You finish those applications. He does not get to derail you.

But, dad, I...

No buts, Toby.

You get those applications in.

So, what was the theory again?

Family connections are gonna help Toby get into college?

Did he talk to your dad?

Oh yeah.

Just long enough to start thinking he doesn't have a shot at getting in.

How did he do that?

I know exactly how he did it.

Peering over his glasses like you both know it's the truth, and if you can't admit it, you're a coward.

Okay, we know Toby.

He may get pushed off his axis for a day or two, but he'll think about it and he'll come back stronger than ever.

You sure about that?

He's not like you, John.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means he didn't grow up having to defend himself all the time.

He has a loving father who supports him. He'll take it in and then remember who is.

Reggie, come on, it's not even midnight yet.

What, is your car gonna turn into a pumpkin?

Have you seen my car? Because that would be an improvement.

Okay, have you had the Martinis at the green mill?

Because if you haven't...

Zane, I gotta get home.

Do you understand? Responsibility, daughter, crappy jobs to apply for.

All of which will still be there after the Martini.


Have you even had a day job?

Uh, hell yes. Reupholstering furniture in my Uncle's shop. I was miserable.

By the way, it's not like I'm living a life of leisure here. But it's a hell of a lot more fun.

You know what?

Maybe I'm just not in a fun place in my life right now.


You live in Oz, and I am in Kansas in, like, the middle of a tornado.

Hold on...

And honestly? I don't even like jazz all that much.


There she is.

There's the girl I remember.

I think she is long gone.

You don't think I haven't changed either?

I have two grown girls. I have an ex-wife.

I'm putting together gigs week to week.

I know.

And I really like hanging out with you.


I gotta deal with the tornado.


Take care of yourself.


Hey there.

Damn, those tacos were good.


What do you put in them?

My secret ingredient.

Hey, how do you say "taco" in sign language?

Just how it looks... like this.

That's cool.

What's your name?


So, Daphne, you wanna go out sometime?

(Faint rattling)



No, don't! No!


Guy: Let go!


C'mon, man! Let's go!

(Sobs, gasping)


How did it go the park? Did you have enough shrimp?

Yeah, we had enough.

Are you okay?

Yeah, um, I'm just tired. I'm going to go to bed.



Looks like it.

Hello, everybody! Hello!

Um, gather around, please.

Come on, don't be shy.

My name is Kathryn.

And let's put on a play!


I know that you already started rehearsals...

Um, uh, this is so exciting.

I have my own interpreter.

We're all storytellers, right?

So please, join me for the story of Romeo and Juliet.


This is the story ball.

When you hold it, you have the power over the story.

Okay? Oh wait, I see...

You have to sign and hold the ball... that's not gonna work.

So okay.

Let's make it an imaginary ball. Yeah?


All right, here, Bay, catch!

Okay, uh... once there was a girl named Juliet and she did not want to marry the guy she was supposed to marry...

Interpreter: "So she got into a spaceship and starts heading off into space."

"We're not talking about going off into space!

That's stupid."

"The Soviet Union? That wasn't stupid?"

Wait, hold it, hold it.

We don't use the word "stupid"! All ideas are welcome!

Come on, everybody. Okay... excuse me?

Everyone, come back, please.

You... in the blue? Can someone get her attention?

Please. Okay, now who has the ball?

Who has the imaginary ball?

You stay here, okay?



You and Toby in the same week.

It must be my birthday.

Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that.

You know, I don't even hear from you people for six years, and the day you show up, you ask me for a favor?

Calling you wasn't my idea.

I tried to talk him out of it.

I thought we had a nice meeting.

Oh yeah?

Is that what you think? You think it was nice?

He asked you to make one call.

I know what he asked me.

Then why couldn't you do it without all the little digs?

I told him I'd make the call

after he beefed up his resume.

You weren't supposed to critique him.

He wasn't asking for your opinion.

Maybe, just maybe, he wanted a little support.

He's got some stiff competition. If he can't take that...

Oh yeah... yeah right. Yeah.

The Bill Kennish no-bull straight talk.

Well, thank you for being the only person to tell it to him like it really is.

You turned out all right.

You can't take credit for me.

What I've done, I've done in spite of you.


You came all the way out here to pick that same old fight with me?

Some things just never change, do they?

You know, every once in a while I ask myself if I did the right thing keeping you out of my kids' lives.

And I just want to thank you for removing any of that doubt once and for all.

Yes. Hello. I was hoping to speak with Cindy.

Hi, Cindy, this is Regina Vasquez.

We met yesterday about the receptionist position?

Oh, you filled it.

Uh-huh, right.

Well, I mean, I don't have specific receptionist experience but I ran my own business for

12 years, which I thought...

Well, if you have any other openings...


Well, I will think about that.

Thanks so much.


Kathryn wanted you to have this.

They are the outlines to the stage.

She's looking for new set-design ideas.

"But Bay already had a great idea."

It was just some projections.

Oh, that sounds great!

Why didn't you tell me?

It just hadn't come up yet.

Oh. We'll talk about it at home.

But I want you to know that I am open to all ideas.

Yeah. That's my mom.

She just wanted to.


That's my other mom. This mom doesn't really have a life of her own, so she's always putting herself into mine.



Is that what you think of me?

That I don't have a life?

That I'm someone you need to apologize for?


And to who?

That mean girl? Her opinion means that much to you?

I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking.

I have feelings, Bay.

I am not just a robot who just provides for you and then disappears until you need me again.

Mom... mom!

That's not what I think.

You think that because I am not artistic or independent enough for you, you don't have to be kind to me or supportive?

Bay, I did this for you.

No, you didn't.

I'm sorry, mom, but you did this for you.

You asked me to save your drama club!

I didn't ask you to join it! It was my thing.

In two years you're going to be out of the house forever.

And this that we have together right now?

It's going to be gone.

I just wanted to make it last a little longer.


(Exhales sharply)

(Kathryn sighs)


You'd think I'd have learned to label these buttons.

It's so hard to find a match.

I'm sorry about what I said to Natalie.

I know that you have a life.

You know you weren't wrong about me barging in on your drama club.

You didn't ask for that.

And as soon as I can find a replacement, I'll step down.

That's not what I want.

Sometimes it's not just about what you want.

I know.

I'm sorry. I feel so bad.

Honey, come here.

You are not the first daughter to torment her mother.

(Both laugh)

I'll get over it.


But I'm not sure I really like this Natalie.


I didn't either... at first, but she'll come around.


I can't wait. (Laughs)

Hey, I got your text.

Hey. So, I have been in touch with Darryl, my old batting coach with the Royals. He's a Wash U alum.

Turns out his brother is a Dean over there.

He wants to sit down with you and call his brother who's got a little pull.


C'mon! This is great news.

Yeah, it's just...

I don't know. I've been thinking.

I only applied to Wash U because my counselor said I should.

If you don't want to go there...

Any college really.

I mean I only applied because that's what you're supposed to do...

Ah, no no. It's about growing up and starting life as an adult.

But college isn't the only way to do that.

You said you never grew up faster than that summer you played baseball for that Cape COD league when you were 17.

I was on a different path.

I don't even know if I have a path.

See that right there?

That is exactly what your grandfather wanted: get under your skin and make you doubt yourself.

Dad, this isn't about you and grandpa and who's right.

It's about me and what I want.

You know what, it's okay to be nervous or even have doubts.

College is a big change, but you have the entire summer ahead of you.

Do what you want... travel, play music, loaf around.

No pressure.

You do not have to make up your mind right now.

Well, I have made up my mind.

I'm not going to college next year.

Hey. So did you do a set design idea?


No, I get it.

We have a pretty serious situation here.

The school has no money for any of this... nothing.

Not for sets, not for costumes, not for interpreters and definitely not for drama teachers.

So we need to be doing this, all of us, solely out of love.

Love for the theater, and love for working together as a team... each of us with different talents and different ideas, coming together to create something that just might be... great.

So if you're ready to do this with me, then stay. And if you're not, then it's time to go.

Good. Then let's get started.

I've made some copies of the opening scene... and here you go.

Zane: Hey.

Did I miss your whole set?

Perfect timing actually.

We were just about to go get something to eat.

You guys go. I'm not that hungry.

Bartender: Aw man, jackpot!

Somebody left like half a Bordeaux.

It's a $300 bottle, people.

Who's in?

Can't pass that up.


You know, you look fantastic tonight.

Where are you guys headed?

Uh, Emerald City.

* it's just a vacation... * bartender: Nice, right?


Guess you're done with that cleanse.

All done.

So, Regina, what do you do?

Cosmetology for a lot of years, but I'm open to something new right now.

Regina came here ever since T.J. was running it.


(Regina chuckles)

You're the one that can dance, right?

Oh, she can?

I've heard of her!

(Conversation fades)