01x02 - Exodus from Genesis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Farscape". Aired: 19 March 1999 –; 21 March 2003.*
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American astronaut John Crichton finds himself thrown across the universe when an experimental mission goes bad.
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01x02 - Exodus from Genesis

Post by bunniefuu »

Where the Hezmana is that
siren coming from?

Sounds like from the
inside of my head.

What the Hezmana is it?

It's definitely Peacekeeper.

And don't do that at me.


That... that...

I can't help it.

The sound frequency's doing
something to my eye.

Feels like it's melting
my brain.

It couldn't actually be doing
something to my brain, could it?

DRDs have located the siren's
point of origin.

Tier seven, rear storage

We're there, Pilot.

The DRDs are removing
the cover now.

Can't you stop that noise?

Let me see.

Pilot, good work.

You've stopped it.

I have only neutralized
the internal sound.

The device itself is still broadcasting
some kind of signal into deep space

using Moya's hull
as a maximizer.

It's using my skull
as a maximizer.

Why am I still twitching?

It's a Paddac Beacon.

It starts broadcasting unless it gets a
regular signal from the Control Collar.

Which we removed.

And why didn't you tell
us about this?

Well, not all Leviathan
transports have them.

I had no way of knowing.

Look, I'm new to all this
escaped prisoner crap, all right?

Oh, no...

It won't let DRDs near it.

The external broadcast
is increasing exponentially.

If there's a Peacekeeper patrol
within a quarter light cycle

they'll know exactly
where we are.

Aeryn, can the device
be removed?

I'll get it out.

Pilot, can the device be removed?

I'm running diagnostics now.

Even if it can be removed,
it will take time.

Meanwhile, we're broadcasting our position
like a two-headed Tronkan shrill singer.

Look, if we can't remove it,
can't we at least muffle it somehow

lessen the signal strength?

It is using all of Moya's hull.

John, there is no way to
insulate Moya's entire outer skin.

Pilot, shut down power
to this section.

That is Moya's primary
neural nexus.

I cannot shut that down.


Wa... Pilot, this system we're
passing through, the middle planet.

It's got water, right?

30% surface moisture.

Not so much water as... bog.

Fine, fine. Bog.

We'll use the bog as insulation.

What, and take Moya down on
to the planet's surface?

She can do that, right?



When Leviathans are young

they often play with a
planet's gravity.

See how close they can come.

There's a tale told about
an adult male

who once touched down on
a planet's surface...

though, no one knows if
it's true or not.

Well, if she can't, she can't.

We can stick our heads between our
legs and kiss our asses good-bye.

It's a saying.

Wait! Wait! I'm not ready! Oh!

Somebody help tie me down.

Pilot, how is Moya doing?

Atmospheric friction within
tolerable limits

but she's starting to
feel the gravity.

Definitely feeling the
increased weight.

Just put it down in that
swamp we targeted.

It's probably
not going to matter much.

But you'd better get yourself
in position for "landing."

That looks like Earth.

Brace yourselves.

We're down.

Moya has... landed.

Am I the only one seeing this?

We're sinking!

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut...

...a radiation wave hit and I
got shot through a wormhole...

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe

On a ship- a living ship

Full of strange alien

Help me...

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

I'm being hunted by an insane
military commander...

...doing everything I can...

I'm just looking for
a way home.

Pilot, does that mean we've...?

...stopped sinking?

Yes. We're almost
completely submerged.

You okay?

Okay? No, I'm not okay.

We're in the mud...
under the mud.

You're Hynerian.

You're aquatic.
What's your problem?

Aquatic- that's water, not mud.

Mud is mud.

You can't breathe in it.

You can't move in it.

It holds you.

It grabs you.

It sucks you down.

You want to know about mud?

I know about mud.

Guy knows mud.

And the beacon?


The mud's insulating the

And how's Moya?

Very scared.

This beacon was hastily installed.

So, we just cut it out of there and
we can fly off this blasted planet.

I told you, it won't let
DRDs near it.

Well, somebody's
got to go in there.

Oh, no. You covered me in mud
because I have no say

but in this, I have a say,
and I say no.

Get someone else to do
your dirty work.

He'll do it.

With apologies but that is
Moya's primary neural nexus.

It is an intensely
sensitive area.

Well, how sensitive
is sensitive?

Look, she's just going to
have to endure it.

Could you be a little sensitive?

Can we cut this thing out?

The level of pain will
be intolerable.

She may die.

Pilot, is there any kind
of anesthetic.

Something we could use to apply
to ease Moya's pain?

An anesthetic?

For a Leviathan?

There is without question
no such...




It's an element.

It is one of the six
forbidden cargoes.

Leviathans cannot transport it
because it numbs them.

Is there any on board?


It's a very common element.

It's found in many forms.

It's an atmospherically
induced isotope of twinium.

Is there any out there?

Yo, Aeryn, let's go.

Hey, come on. This is your
chance to flex those big,

Peacekeeper commando muscles
out in the field.

"Peacekeeper commando."

Yeah, really.

Is there a problem?

Oh, I find and explain

our top-secret tracking device
to a bunch of escaped prisoners

and then lead a mission
to destroy it.

Number one, you're not
leading the mission;

Number two, those Peacekeepers
you're so concerned about

they'd k*ll you right now.
It was the Peacekeepers...

...turned on me for speaking
up for you.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

Well, back home we call it
being stand-up.

Well, I stood up and I no
longer have a home.

Well, join the club.

Hey, does this bother you?

Because it bugs the crap
out of me.

So can we go, before we become a
permanent tourist attraction in this bog?

And my eye falls out? Jeez!

It's kind of like Louisiana.

Or Dagobah.

Dagobah- where Yoda lives.

Who's Yoda?

Just a little green guy.

Trains warriors.


This particle analyzer
is defective.

It's Peacekeeper technology-
you use it.

Techs use them, not infantry.

Pilot said you press this,
this and... this.

Well, it's just like a VCR...
except easier.

Whoa. Whoa. We got something.

That's a weak reading.

At that level we'll have to
bring back half the planet.

We need to find a
concentrated source.

What's that?

What the hell is that?

Vehicle! Take cover!

Can we get some light here?

I swear I saw it.

Nile Yunn said he saw it, too-
him and his wife.

Big as two mallac fields.

Came in low over the banja trees like
they was no bigger than jaw picks.

There's hascann and his sons
and the bosk twins!

Let's see what's what.

We need to draw them
away from the ship.

We need clorium.

Aeryn and I will distract them.

You find the clorium

and we'll all meet back
at the ship.

Hey, over here.

Over there!

There he is!

I think I got him!

Pilot, did you send for me?

I have completed tracing
the connection points

between the Peacekeeper beacon
and Moya's neural system.


The interlacing is
extremely intricate.

Pilot, how did the Peacekeepers
ever get such a device aboard

without you or Moya knowing
about it?

Eh... hmm...

When Peacekeepers capture a

they immediately administer a
sleep agent- very potent.

The weak, the old do not survive which,
I suppose, is part of its purpose.

While the Leviathan sleeps the
Control Collar is set in place

and modifications are made in
propulsion and guidance.

I... thought I had discovered
all they had done to Moya.

Obviously, I had not.

Pilot, don't blame yourself.

I'm afraid even with the clorium

there will not be enough time
to complete the separation

before Moya succumbs to her
own intense weight.

Okay, clorium...


This stuff could have been made
on Earth.

Okay, maybe not.


Shh! yeah, I'm here.

Where are you?

Where are you guys?
I'm in some kind of barn.

- I'm with D'argo.
- Fine. You go.

We're half a metra from the ship
- still drawing fire from the locals.

Have you got the clorium yet?

No, not yet.

I'd feel a whole lot better if
we could hook up again.

Where are you guys?

Who's there?

Who are you?

What are you doing around
my mom's stuff?

Don't be afraid.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Where are you from?

Um, I'm from a long...
long way away.

You're from space?

Yeah. I guess I am.

So what's your name?


Well Fostro, my name is John.

Fostro, wait! wait!

Mom! Mom!

It's not a w*apon.

I'm putting it down. Just...

putting it down.


Is that your mom?

- Mom!
- No! Fostro, no!

I can't move.

Fostro... I am in the middle of what

could be a very real
extraterrestrial event.

This is not the moment
for you to...

Why can't I move?

I can't feel my body!

Oh, my Gods.

All my bones are...

I'm going to recover
from this, right?

Completely, right?

Fostro, get back.

Not another...


Please, I already told your boy

I'm not here to harm you.

Where are you from?

He's from space.

He must have come down in that
thing you were tracking last night.

My name is John Crichton

and I'm from...

I'm talking to an alien?

You're an alien, and I'm
talking to you?

In my kitchen?

You got to call somebody, Mom.

Go outside. Get in the wheeler.

Get in the wheeler now.

Outside. Now.

Hey, wait, you don't think
we came alone, do you?

If we wanted to contact some
government, some agency we would have.

We chose you.

If this is about me climbing
around in the ship's entrails

then you can simply turn 'round
and go back the way you came.

With permission, your eminence.


Pilot's done all that he can

but the device won't allow a DRD
or anything metal near it.

We can't wait till the
others return.

We have to start the separation
procedure immediately.

And what about the
great ship's pain?

Among my sect, I am a
ninth-level Pa'u.

A priest of that level can
harbor the power to...

share another being's pain.

If you are willing to begin
the procedure

I'll do all that I can to
alleviate Moya's discomfort.

This... is an awfully big ship.

Don't I know it.

Careful, Peacekeeper.


If I were still a Peacekeeper, would I
be sitting on this planet next to you?

It's been long enough.
I say we go.

Not quite yet.

Those hounds are still
out there.

They could track us down
in a second.

Oh, fine. Let's just perch here
and do nothing then.

Listen, Aeryn, if you have a
problem with my strategy...

Oh, I should have known that
this would be Luxan strategy.

It's probably why you did so
well against the Grisoldians.


What do you know of them?

Oh, everyone knows about
that battle.

How the Luxans went screaming
into retreat so fast...

Those monsters m*rder*d thousands
of Luxan women and children.

We had no alternative
but to retreat.

We soon took our revenge.

Mmm, and m*rder*d thousands of
their women and children.

We had no alternative
to that either.

Mmm, I'm sure the Grisoldians
said the same thing.

I'm here because I need something

something for my ship.

Where is your ship?

It's not far from here.

There are others like you?

Like me?

Well, there are others, yeah.

My readings flew way
off the chart.

The whole town is buzzing
about this...

giant something that flew in
low over Kazda's Swamp.

That's where your ship is-

Kazda's Swamp.

Mom, we got to tell.


Look, I understand what a
phenomenal moment this is for you.

Do you?

Can you?

I mean, to you, space travel is
commonplace but to us here...

I mean, in one flash...

You've learned that you're not
alone in the universe.

That interstellar space
travel's possible.

That a zillion of your empirical facts
about science, religion are wrong,

or... completely suspect.

I do understand.

I'm not... exactly what you
expected, am I?

I always thought that when we
finally made contact-

first contact-

the beings we'd meet would be
so radically different.

You're so much like us.

Yeah, it's a real kick in
the pants, ain't it?

So, have you been...
searching long?

Since I was Fostro's age.

My parents bought me
a telescope.

I used to look up at the stars
at night and dream about...

this moment.

You said you chose me.

Well, we saw the radio
telescopes and...

we figured you might be somebody
who'd understand us, not hurt us.

Hoped you would be.

You have, uh, star charts...

and deep-space photographs?


There's a...

chance I might recognize

constellations, galaxies.

I might even get a fix on the
Milky Way maybe even Earth.

Don't you even know where
you are?

Are you in position?

Yes, I'm in position.

What is this thing I have
to cut with?

Well, you can't use
a metal tool.

I found that in D'argo's

I believe it's made from bone.


This is a Tokaar knife.

Do you know what ceremony
young Luxan males use this for?

On themselves?

At that... certain age?

Then I suspect that D'argo will
want it back unharmed.

Are you ready?

Yes, I'm ready.

Moya, I will take your pain.

You may begin.

Here goes.

Rygel, you must continue.

This place reminds him of home.


Crichton. He says that
this primordial rock

actually reminds him
of his Earth.

No interplanetary travel,
retrograde technology,

fossil fuel-burning
ground vehicles.

He is a savage.


Does that bother you?

No. Of course not.

Look, he's had plenty of time to
find the clorium. I'm going back.

Signal me immediately if
he's there.

And if he's not there?

I will go find him.

You think I will not?

I think I'll be searching for
both of you in less than an arne.

Fostro, it's almost ready.

But, mom, I'm not hungry.

You haven't had breakfast
and you're going to eat!

So, you, uh... work for
some kind of school?



They provide most of my funding
what's left of it.

According to them, it's highly
unlikely you even exist.

You're my biggest concern.

I'm not quite sure how they'd treat
you if they knew you were here.

Our military isn't the most
compassionate, tolerant group.

No. Militaries rarely are.

So I'd be a real coup for you?

Walking, talking evidence of
extraterrestrial life?

Yeah, I'd say my funding would
be pretty much set for life.


I made some for you.

Uh, I don't know if you eat.

Don't even know if
you're hungry.

Hell, for all I know this stuff
could be horribly toxic for you.

Aah! What was that?

Oh, no, no, no, it's
just an analyzer.

It's a science tool.

It tells me there's some of what
I need somewhere near here.

It's in the food?

How can it be in the...?

Look, I'm looking for an
element called clorium.

It's what I'm looking for

and there's got to be some
somewhere here in this...

What the hell is this?

What is this?

Gee, I'm... I'm sorry.

Look, whatever is in
this container...

this is what my ship needs.

It's the military.


Fostro, take him to your room.

- Go!
- But, mom...

- No. You don't have to do...
- Go!

Moya is in intense pain.


Zhaan! Zhaan!

Pilot, I think Zhaan is...




Wake up!

Wake up you worthless weak
shank of blue flesh!

Are you there?

Are you there?


Anyone there?

Yes, of course, we're here.

I've been screaming my
shaltan head off!

Moya is succumbing.

She's collapsing.

You know, when I was your age, I used
to dream of meeting a real, live alien.

Yeah. Me, too.

Your phone's broken?

I dropped it in all the
excitement when we thought...

"Thought" nothing.

We had confirmation this time.

Mount Versant observatory says
that something definitely

punched through the upper
atmosphere last night.

This means so little to you?

I just remember last year.

Versant declared a definite
U.E.O. sighting.

Turned out to be a
terrestrial anomaly.


That's not what you reported

I just want to be sure.

I need more time to
check my data.

There is definitely something
out there, Lyneea.

Civilians have seen it.

This is the day you prove all of
us who doubted you wrong.

I don't understand.

When you first contacted me you were
extremely excited about your readings.

I'm still excited.

No. You're nervous.

It looks like they're making
this their base of operations.

Well, it's standard procedure
during an actual event

and they know it's real
this time.

Commander Ryymax was
asking where you were.

You'd better go out there
or he'll get suspicious.

Does he have to?

You say nothing.

You understand me?

He's not going to...?

Look, there's a very good chance I'm
going to get captured here, right?

Well, before I am I at least need
to let my ship know about this.

But it's only onlux. Just onlux.

It is what they need.

Here, Aeryn! Here!

What's wrong?

We need to take off immediately.

The ship is collapsing and Pilot
is refusing to follow my commands.


We've run out of time. We need
to remove the device right now.

If you do it, you do it
without me.

You're the only one small
enough. Come on.

Wait outside.


Let me.

Your greatest fear will come
to pass, Hynerian.

Someday you will die at the
hands of a Peacekeeper.

As though you'll get the chance

before we're all crushed

or I k*ll the ship myself.

You're afraid.

You're afraid this great ship
will die.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I've always had others
to do for me.

Even in prison, I...

I don't even know how
to hold a tool.

There is great pain in this for
all of us, isn't there?


We'll face the pain together.

Will he do it?

I believe so.

I have something that'll
heal that.


We deal with the ship first.

Of course.

What's taking him so long?

Give him a moment.

It's a big responsibility riding
on those not-so-large shoulders.

Are you truly able to take
away the ship's pain?

This entire ship?

I only share the pain.

I'm afraid that Moya still
bears the larger portion.

I don't know how she's doing it.

What about how you're doing it?

Are you laughing at me?

Ah, no, no my dear.
I'm not laughing.

You just seemed very briefly
to be concerned for me.

I'm concerned only that you're able to
complete your undertaking to share Moya's pain.

Yes, of course.

We're going to need
biological containment.

No, we haven't trapped
anything yet

but I want us to be 100%
ready when we do.

Yes, I said when.

A "wormhole"?

That's what we call it.

Well, I know the phenomenon
you're talking about.

We call it a "ribbonhole."

Although, theoretically,
they don't really exist.

Well, they didn't exist for me,
either till I got sucked down one.

So, you don't even know
where your home is?

I have no idea.

You didn't really chose
me, did you?


Okay, listen, I've routed this
through the main dishes outside.

It's as strong as I can get it
and it's very broadband.

Aeryn, D'argo, are you there?

Can you guys read me, Aeryn?

Are you out there, D'argo?


Crichton, is that you?

How is your signal
getting through?

Our comms will not
penetrate the mud.

Moya is bearing up...

Is this guy more
what you were expecting?

Sir, you've got to come, quick!

Now, sir!

Crichton are you...

- Mom!
- Fostro!

Another one!
They've captured another one!

Restrain him!

Sorry, Moya, but I
have to cut fast.


Wrong move.

We found him less than a
half a milon from here.

Look at him.

He's phenomenal.

You and Fostro are going to have
to get out of the area immediately.

It's no longer safe
for you here.

Is he all right?

What kind of ship are you?

That thing on the computer in there and
now this one trying to pull down my barn?

You said you were a scientist
a science ship.

I am a scientist.

My ship is...

it's a prison transport.

Escaped prisoners.




No, it's a... galactic


Take your precious onlux
and get out of my house.

Go now!

Not without my friend.

Oh, it's too late for him.

He's going to be laid open on an
autopsy table by dawn tomorrow.

That's what I've been trying
to protect you from.

I won't go without him.

"Only if you want to go."

Get me back. Get me back.

Rygel, get it done in there.

Your encouragement is
much appreciated.

It just started coming up.

I was recalibrating, and all
of a sudden it started...

Wait till you see it, Ryymax.
It is unbelievable.

Watch. Watch this.


Crichton, is that you?

How is your signal
getting through?

Our comms will not
penetrate the mud.

Moya is bearing up.

Pa'u Zhaan is helping all she
can but we need the clorium.

Do you have a fix on the
origin of this signal?

Zeta team, move out.

Stay back, boy.

You took your time.

Hey, kid. Want to shake
his hand?

Go ahead. He doesn't bite.


Here. This is yours.

Ryymax and his men are off
searching Akon's Field.

It's in the opposite direction
of the swamp.

I wish there was more
I could do.

You've altered the perceptions
and beliefs of an entire planet.

Yeah. I guess that's enough for
one day.

Crichton, we must go.

It will be dark soon.
We may not find our way back.

Keep watching the skies.

That's how you people
say good-bye?

What? Your people don't do that?



You are the luckiest
nine-year-old around.

Someday you are going to have a
very singular story to tell.

You can't tell it for a long
time, of course, but someday.

Oh, blast.



Pierce. Pierce. Pierce.


Crichton, where are you?!

We're back! D'argo and
I are back!

Pilot, prepare for liftoff!

I can't.

What do you mean you can't?!

The pain along the neural
nexus is too great.

I can't get control of Moya's
propulsion systems.

Just hold on. We're coming down.

Hurry, will you?!


It's done.

It's done.

The beacon is no longer broadcasting.

I did it.

I did it.

I did it!

Yo Rygel-

start spreading this around,
everywhere you can.

Your attention.

Prepare to liftoff.

As Moya has never done this
before I don't know what to expect.







It's done.


Aeryn, let's go.

Oh, oh. Oh, never, ever again.

We're free!

We're going to make it.

Don't tell me you're going
to miss that rock.

No, not that rock.
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