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02x04 - Dressing for the Charade

Posted: 12/18/13 13:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

You should clean this up if you're gonna have company over.

We should have gotten our stories straight.

Regina Vasquez?


Come with me, please. Unfortunately these kinds of red flags require me to refer your case to our fraud investigation department.

This is for you.

It's a letter from Frida Kahlo to Diego.

They don't even sell these. Most of them are in museums.

Are you sure it's real?

No turning back now.

So that's how you wanna win this thing?

By saying nothing of substance?

I'm sorry, but I think Ivan is right. No more talking politics.

Then consider your wife reined in.


No problem.

Girl or boy?

A girl.

Oh, exciting.

So crazy me, I thought maybe you wanted to know that you had another one on the way.

You just gonna walk out on another kid?

This is not the same.

It is to the kid.

It is the same thing all over again.

Did he say anything to you?

I don't know.

It must be a mistake.

He didn't say anything?

No, nothing.

Hey, can I talk to you guys about something?

That's funny. We were about to ask you the same question.

What the hell is this?

It's a credit card bill.

That is correct... with a $400 prenatal ultrasound charge.

Oh, yeah.

Is there something you need to tell us?

I thought Nikki was a good Christian girl.

Not that Christian.

It's not Nikki's.

Oh, Toby.

No no no no, I didn't get anybody pregnant.

The ultrasound was for Lana.

Wait, how did you even...

Angelo's Lana.

I ran into her at the mechanic's, and I gave her a ride home and that's when I got into that fender bender.

So I took her to the E.R. to make sure she was okay.

Whoa, wait a sec. So I'm now paying for prenatal care for Angelo's floozy?

Dad, she's not a floozy.

Whatever you think about Angelo, it's not her fault.

It's half her fault.


Lana's family's in Boston. She's all alone.

She seemed like she needed some help.

What am I supposed to do? Just look the other way?

Toby, this is Angelo's problem.


Honestly, I thought you guys would be way more supportive about this.

I really think you guys should meet her.


Because she's carrying Bay's sister.

Look, we appreciate you wanting to help...

Good, because I invited her to dinner.

(Engine idles, stops)

Angelo: Bay, I'm glad you're here.

Bay, wait. Can we please talk about this?

We did and you lied.

I know. I'm sorry.

Wow, you should just get that on a t-shirt.

It would really move things along.


Why is Angelo's settlement money parked in my driveway?

I don't know. I think he's trying to patch things up with Bay.


Ooh, doesn't look like it's going very well for Angelo.

Oh, I wish Daphne were here. She could read their lips.

Kathryn: There goes a finger in the face.

Oh, boy.

He strikes out!

(Sighs) It's nice not to be at the receiving end of one of those.

So if Bay is done with Angelo, can we be, too?

(Sighs) Well, I can't exactly do pottery anymore, so I thought I would find this thing a good home.

The memory of an ugly father's day mug is flashing back.

Well, maybe it's time you graduated to lopsided pots.


Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?


Good, that means you're free.

I accidentally ran into Lana again.

And judging by your looks, I'm just gonna get right to it.

She's coming to dinner tomorrow night.

Well, thanks for letting me know so I have time to make other plans.

And I will be using an excuse to be named later.

Oh, come on, she really wants to meet her baby's big sister.

Lana wants to meet me?

Bay wants to meet me?

Of course she does.

You know, this really isn't the best time.

We can do it anytime you want.

Okay, actually, that was just my polite way of saying "no."

If nothing else, come for the food. My mom is an amazing cook.

Your mom's gonna be there?

And my dad.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I have to pass.

Aren't you even a little curious to meet Bay?

(Sighs) A little.

What's wrong?

Travis's parents are kicking him out.

And I think that we should talk to John and Kathryn, but...

But Travis doesn't want you to.

Been down that road.

But you know him better than I do.

Is this like a "don't tell your dad, but secretly I want you to tell your dad"?

Or is it just a "don't tell your dad"?

I don't know.

But they'd let him stay here, right?

Apparently, even those carrying Angelo's spawn are welcome.

Right, the dinner. I feel bad you have to go.

Bad enough to join me?

No way.

My baby back ribs always go fast.

And I'll serve salad with dinner.

That'll shave 20 minutes off the night.

How come Daphne and Regina get to boycott and we get stuck hosting?

Just be grateful Angelo's not coming.

He's the cause of all this. He gets to skip, too?

(Sighs) Toby says that Lana is still not sure how Angelo fits in.

At least we have that in common.

All right, I am off to the market.

What do you want for dinner tonight?

That reminds me... set a place for Ivan. He's popping by later to discuss internal polling data.

Oh, well, then I'll stay out of your way.

You know where the takeout menus are, right?

Excuse me.

If you have a problem with the ticket, you have to take it up with the city.

I'm Daphne. I go to school with Travis.

Oh, right. The one that can talk.


Did you know that he's been...

What's he done this time?


What's he done?

Nothing. I just want you to know how great your son is.

Oh, okay.

You know, Carlton offers free A.S.L. classes to parents on Thursday nights.

Oh, right. I'm gonna fit that in right after work... before I have to go take care of my mom, who can't even get out of bed.

And then I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna make dinner, clean up the house... none of which Travis helps me with.

And you're kicking him out of the house for that?

Is that what he told you?

It's not true?

Did he tell you about the fights he's been getting into with his brother and his dad?

Yeah, I bet he didn't.

He's the one that's threatening to move out.

And honestly... (Sighs) maybe it's just for the best.

(Knock on door)

I've been thinking about this. And that woman is coming here.

She is coming to this house.

I know.

Well, that's ridiculous. You're gonna just let that happen?

Not my house.

He makes these messes,
and then he expects all of us to clean it up.

And I am so sorry that I got you involved in any of this.

Honey, I knew him years before you were even born.

You married him for me, and I feel so terrible about that.

That is not your fault.

I have no regrets.

Okay, if I could get in a time machine and go back, I probably wouldn't marry him again.

But I did...

We should warn her.



We should tell her what she's getting into with him.

I don't think you should get involved.

I'm going to that dinner, and I'm going to tell her exactly what kind of guy Angelo is.

(Knock on door)

Come in!

Smells good. What are you making?

Old family recipe.


If you're here to talk me into coming to your party for Angelo's baby mama, the answer is "no."

No, that's not why I'm here.

But we're not happy about it, either.

John and I only said yes to this dinner 'cause we figured that you'd k*ll it.

We need to work on our good cop/bad cop.


So what's up?

I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get out of here, go have some fun.

Would this involve heels?


So you have a Frida Kahlo letter and you want to sell it?

If it's actually worth anything. My dad gave it to me.

I'm sure it's a fake.

I have a bunch of mumbo jumbo from the auction house, and it probably means more to you than it does to me.


This was one of Frida's unsent letters about Leonardo.

Uh, who's Leonardo?

Her son.

I thought that after the bus accident she couldn't have any children.

She couldn't, so she created an imaginary son she called Leonardo.

Really? I've never read anything.

Oh, yeah. She made paintings for him and wrote letters about the life she wanted them to have together.

That's so sad.

She burned all the letters, but I guess somehow this one survived.

Are you sure you want to part with this?

(Jazz music playing)


Oh. I love this place.

I used to come here all the time with Angelo, way back in the day.

Hi, ladies.


Can I get you something to drink?


Club soda with lime, please.


Make that two.


Oh, uh... Kathryn, I'm fine. Order what you want.

It is what I want.

Okay, I'll take a pink panty-dropper.

All right.


Vodka, beer, pink lemonade.

Oh. I'm guessing...


You needed to get out of the house more than I did.

Ugh! John's campaign.

What? I thought you'd be a natural.

Apparently not. I have "too many opinions."


I'm supposed to smile and be the happy homemaker.

It should be easy. I've had plenty of practice.

Oh my God.



When I used to come here, he always used to hit on me in front of Angelo.

It was kind of nice to have the shoe be on the other foot.

He's gorgeous.

He reminds me of a guy I dated in college.

He was a musician?



Why are you so surprised?

Well, I guess...

You're right. I shouldn't be.

His name was Chester. He flew airplanes.

One time he took me to D.C. for dinner in a little five-seater.


I've been in one of those. I was terrified.

Not me. Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.

Um... how did your mom take you dating Chester?

I never told her.


You should go over there and talk to him.

Oh, please. I doubt he even remembers me.


He's coming over here right now.


Regina: Hi.

Is that you?

Yeah, wow.

What's it been, 15 years?

Yeah, you don't look like it.

Kathryn, this is Zane. Zane, Kathryn.

Kathryn, very nice to meet you.

Hi, nice to meet you.

So you and Angelo still together?



I think I'm gonna go powder my nose.

Excuse me.

May I?


I thought I heard that you moved to New York.

Wait. Didn't I hear that you played Lincoln Center?

This is true.

That's incredible. What are you doing back here?

Uh, I had my time in the big leagues, lost sight of the simple things.

And plus, I like it here in Kansas City.

My mom's here. My sister's here.


I always used to talk about moving to New York, and then I realized I'm a small pond kind of gal.

I know what you mean.

(Both chuckle)

Unfortunately, I gotta be across town.

You need to come back tomorrow night.

Me and the guys are gonna be playing. It's gonna be a great set.

Maybe I will.


Announcer: Illegal immigrants are taking our jobs and draining Kansas resources.

Everyone knows it's a problem except John Kennish.

Just listen to what his wife says...

Kathryn's voice: John believes in giving everyone the opportunity to take their shot at the American dream.

Unlike John Kennish, I want to make sure Americans have a shot at the American dream.

Man: John Kennish. Wrong on immigration.

Wrong for Kansas.

I'm Patricia Sawyer, and I approve this message.

Announcer: Paid for...

Okay, she can't run that.

They already are.

It's all over their website. It'll be on TV by the weekend.

I cannot believe she would stoop this low.

This is why I didn't want Kathryn giving them any amm*nit*on with that interview.

(Sighs) So what do we do now?

Fortunately, we have a bigger bombshell than some stray comment on immigration.

Like what?

Footage of her saying we should legalize marijuana.

What, she actually said that?

When she was on her college debate team.

You don't think she really believes that.

It doesn't matter what I believe.

We show people that you're a patriot.

And we'll show Sawyer as some soft-on-crime pothead.

Voters'll make up their own mind.

So what crappy thing happened to you today?


You're sh**ting baskets at night.

It's kind of your go-to when you're upset.

I went to see Travis' mom today.

She said they're not throwing him out.

Is that not good news?

She said he's the one who doesn't want to be there.

I mean, I'm sure it's not the happiest place on earth, but it's better than being homeless.

Hmm. If only there was a place with lots of empty rooms that wouldn't charge him rent.

I tried, but for whatever reason, he won't let me help him.

(Scoffs) Because he likes you.

I know.

All right, I'm just gonna ask.

Do you like him?


Really? You're not into deaf Matt Damon?

Not even a little bit?



Because I've been hooking up with him for the last month.

What? You have?


I just wanted to see if you had a jealous reaction, which you kind of did.

Maybe you're more into him than you think.

I'm sorry they're using my interview against you, but this... this isn't right.

I didn't make her say it.

It was a college debate, John.

She didn't get to choose what side she argued.

Besides, you supported all kinds of crazy things when you were that age.

I didn't do it on tape.

Don't let Ivan drag you into the gutter.

If you don't fight back, they think you're weak, and they hit you even harder.

Okay, do what you want, John.

'Cause that's what you're gonna do anyway.
We're here!

Kathryn: Oh, hi.

John: Hello.

John Kennish. How are you?

Um, pregnant. How are you?


Kathryn Kennish. You look fantastic.

Oh, thanks.

Congratulations to you.


well, I read this morning in the paper that your book is being turned into a movie.

It is?

You didn't tell us.

That's because it was actually written by my competition Sarah Lazar.


I kind of stepped on that rake.

I'm so sorry.

No no no, it's fine, no.

Well, come on in and sit down.

Awkward family dinners are a big tradition around here.

(Bay and Toby chuckle)

I'm gonna go to the movies. You want to come?

What are you seeing?

Whatever gets me out of the house the longest.

(Laughs) This deaf studies paper is not gonna write itself.

Oh. Okay, I'm gonna go get ready.

There you go.

Thank you so much.

Please. I remember how much my back hurt when I was carrying Bay.

Technically, Daphne.

What? Just saying it wasn't my fault.

So I noticed your campaign signs in the front.

You're running for office?

I am indeed.

I'm hoping I can count on your vote.

I'm guessing you're a republican.

Why would you assume that?

Rich, white, old.

I'm not that old, sweetie.

And besides, I have some liberal views.

Like what?

Like the environment.

And, uh... yeah.

Right, Kathryn?

Oh, so now I'm allowed to have an opinion.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

Ooh, let's talk about religion next.

So... did you guys know that Lana's in medical school?

Oh, wow, that's great.

Yeah, this is not exactly how I imagined graduating med school.

Angelo has a way of doing that.

He's like a wrecking ball with a French accent.

Well, to be fair, he has offered to help out any way that he can.

If he really wanted to help, he'd stay away.

Bay, that's enough. This is Lana's decision.

I'm sure she can use the support.

I'm sorry. Are you seriously defending him?

He treated Angelo like a serial k*ller.

I wasn't even allowed to be alone with him.

Bay, come on.

You know he abandoned his first kid, right?

And as soon as things get tough with this one, he'll split on you, too.


Okay, that's enough.

Okay, actually, it is not gonna be an issue.

I am giving the baby up for adoption.

Wow, that's... great.

I'm sorry. I'm confused.

If you're giving the baby up for adoption, why did you want to meet us so badly?

I thought that_ you guys wanted to meet me.


Uh... why don't I give Lana a tour of the rest of the house before we eat?

Okay, yeah.


(John clears throat)

(Doorbell rings)

Kathryn: Oh.

I'll get it.

What just happened?

Let's just try to get through this dinner.

Hey, guys, you have a guest.

I'm Julian Spencer,

Immigrations, Customs Enforcement.

John: How can we help you, sir?

I'm just following up on Regina Vasquez and Angelo Sorrento.

Well, they don't live here anymore.

I'm aware of that. I just need to verify that they've both moved out and that they're not maintaining separate residences.

You don't mind if I take a look around, do you?

No, not at all.

I had to say, I think she moved like about two, three weeks ago, right?

Yeah, two.


Well, let me just take a quick look in the guesthouse, and I'll be out of your hair.

No problem.

Oh, I feel so rude. I didn't offer you a drink.

Would you like some hors oeuvres?

No, ma'am.

I gotta ask you something. Are you a Royals fan?


Can't stand them. No offense.

I grew up in St. Louis.

A Cards fan?

I'm sorry, Officer, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

(Men laugh)

Well, if it counts, my son's crazy about the Royals.

Well, I gotta sign a ball for him then. Come on. But you know what?

If he sells it on eBay, I get a cut.


(Whispers) Now, now.



(Cellphone buzzes)

Kathryn, someone is blocking my car in.

That would be this gentleman from immigration.

He's here for an inspection.

Mrs. Vasquez, I thought you moved out.

That's right.

I was just here visiting my daughter. (Clears throat)

Both of them, actually. You remember the whole switched at birth thing.

Pretty hard to forget.

Kathryn: Mm-hmm.

Uh, don't you need to inspect my current residence?

I'm on my way over there now, if you want to follow me.

That'd be great... after I've verified you've vacated these premises.

You see, a lot of sham couples say that they've moved in together.

They put up a few photos and toiletries in the new place.

They make it look real good, but we catch them when we visit the old place and find one of them still living there.

Now, which way to the guesthouse?

You know what? I better show you.


Well, it looks like you're in luck.

I managed to scrounge one up. Now whom do I make this out to?

Dad, Ivan is on the phone for you.

Okay, tell him I'll call him right back.

No, he really needs to talk to you, like now.

Okay, can you hold on to that for me for one second?

I'll be right back.

Give me that. Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, I'll talk to you later.

I'll be right back.


That was Ivan. Apparently, someone is tweeting about immigration raiding our house.

How? This guy just got here a few minutes ago.

Ivan thinks this surprise inspection was orchestrated by someone in the Sawyer campaign... apparently in retaliation for us releasing the debate video.

(Doorbell rings)

See? These things just escalate.

Sweetie, can we fight about this later, please?

If immigration busts us, your campaign is over.

I am fully aware of that. I am going to k*ll Angelo.

Well, now's your chance.

I came as soon as I got Kathryn's text.

I brought Gina's wedding ring.

Well, that's not gonna matter if that guy figures out Regina's living here.



This man needs to look around Regina's old bedroom.

I don't understand.

My sign language isn't very good.

Just a sec, huh?

This man needs to look at Regina's old bedroom.

Is there a problem?

No no, she's just embarrassed 'cause it's kind of messy.

Where's her bedroom, please?

Okay, it's... it's down here.

What the hell?

Are you actually living here now?

"No, I just like to walk around in a towel in other people's houses.

What do you think?"

He moved in after my mom moved out.

Yep, they're friends. She lives over there.

Daphne: "So if you don't mind, I'd like to go back to my shower.

Unless you want to do my back." (Chuckles)

Right. No.

Sorry to have bothered you.

So you're not hungry?




It just never ends, does it?

(Kathryn clears throat)

Kathryn: Well...

Mr. Sorrento, what are you doing here?

Oh, he's here for dinner, too.

Fashionably late like usual.

I know.

Well, I will let you get to your dinner.

I've seen everything I need to see here.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

No problem at all.

Hey, guys.

What's going on?



Have we met?

I don't think so.

No, we have. I met you on the elevator when I was visiting Angelo.

You two know each other?

(Sighs) I'm his wife.

Julian: Wait, wait, wait.

You're friends with Mr. Sorrento, but you didn't know that this is his wife?

I'm sorry, who are you?

I'm with Immigration Customs Enforcement.

Exactly how good of friends are you with Mr. Sorrento?

We aren't really friends.

Then what is the relationship?



(Sighs) I'm carrying his baby.

Sir, it's not what it looks like.

There's really a very simple explanation.

All this happened in Italy before we were married.

They're together. It's just complicated.

This seems like a private matter. I'm just gonna go.

Okay, enough.

I can explain everything.


Can we talk in private?

Nobody go anywhere.

Ah, I come bearing ribs.

Actually, there's a little bit of everything, you know, since we missed the dinner portion of the awkward dinner.

Right, thank you.

It was really sweet of you.

Your dad told me how good of an artist you are.

He wasn't kidding.

Thank you.

I could barely draw stick figures.

Hopefully she doesn't inherit my artistic abilities.

Sorry you got caught up in all this.

I didn't know what to say to that guy.

I hope I didn't get anybody in trouble.

Please. You have enough to worry about.

How's the baby? When's the next checkup?

You can stop competing for the father of the year award.

She's giving the kid up for adoption.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

Don't you think that's a decision we both should make?

Why? You weren't a father to Daphne.

You've barely been a father to me.

Why start now?


This hasn't been easy for us.

Me and Angelo. I mean, we had... we had really just started to put the pieces back together after the whole switched at birth thing came out.

And then I found out that Angelo... my husband had an affair.

When did that happen?

A few months before we were married.

He promised me that it was a one-time thing... not that it made it hurt any less.

You're aware that if any of what you're telling me is false, you could go to jail.

Yes, but I'm telling you the truth.

I just want you to know that if any immigration fraud is happening here, and you tell me about it right now, I'll make sure no criminal charges are brought against you.


Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?

I'm sorry about what happened with Lana.

I'm not proud of it.

But that has nothing to do with you and me.

Everything everyone has ever told me about you is true.

What do you want from me?

I wanted an amazing dad, like the one that Daphne got when we first found out about the switch.

And what did I get?

I got a mom who wouldn't even tell me your name.

That's how badly she wanted to keep you from me.

But I went looking for you anyway because I thought that you would be this... missing piece that made everything make sense.

But you are just this huge disappointment.

I gave up my life in Chicago to come here.

And then I spent four months in detention.

You have no idea what that was like.

I could've gotten out any time I wanted.

All I had to do was to agree to go back to Italy.

But I stayed so I could be with you.

So if you want to shut me out, it's fine.

But you can never say that I haven't tried.

Based on what Ms. Vasquez just told me, this marriage has so many problems, it has to be real.


We're trying to work through this.

If you can find a way to forgive Mr. Sorrento his indiscretions, I guess I can, too.

Thank you.

Well, thank you very much.

Don't forget your baseball. (Chuckles)

Listen, I remember you two from your interview.

I really hope you can work through this. You seem like a good couple.

We used to be.


(Door closes)

It was nice meeting you again.

(Car door opens)

That's it?

(Car door closes)

Why didn't you tell me who you were on the elevator?

(Engine starts)

What were you doing, stalking me?

No, that was an accident.

I just was so...


I'm sorry. I should've told you.

I just didn't know what to say.

I didn't know about you in Rome.

I don't care.

In fact, I should be thanking you.

It was never gonna work between me and Angelo.


I don't know what I was thinking.

I just thought... I don't know... when I ran into Lana for the second time totally out of the blue, I thought it was for a reason.

We had this great connection. I thought everybody else would, too.

But I don't know.

That's the last time I try to pull a "Kathryn Kennish."

Lesson learned. Total disaster.

No, honey. I don't think it was.

If you're thinking about adoption because things are tough, I can help.

You don't have to do this alone.

I will do whatever you want.

Honestly, all I want right now is just to go home.

Please let me drive you.

Say it.

Say what?

Say it.

Okay, I admit it.

Releasing the tape was wrong.


And... you were right.

Thank you.


You don't need to play dirty.

You never used pine tar or corked your bat.

I know. It just pissed me off... those guys thinking they could get away with attacking you.

Well, if attacking me is all they got, then they got nothing.


It just shows how scared they are of you.

Sounds like Ivan is the one who needs to be reined in, right?



(Smooth jazz music begins)

(Cheering, applause)

Thank you, everybody. We're gonna take a five-minute break.


Actually, make that 10.

(Regina sighs)



I was wondering if you were gonna show.

So was I.


(Soft pop music playing)

* I need an answer
* breathe again
* wanna stop running
* don't let go
* I feel the wind picking up
* stay by my side
* until the storm passes by *
* empty-handed
* losing the fight
* reassure me
* I'll be all right
* drifting
* slowly
* currents taking hold
* hold me
* steady
* don't let go
* until the storm
* passes by.