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02x03 - Duel of Two Women

Posted: 12/18/13 13:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I never felt at home at Buckner.

Going to Carlton doesn't make any sense.

They do have this new pilot program for kids with deaf parents or deaf siblings.

We need somebody that everybody's familiar with.

Like a brand.

John, you're a leader. You deserve a third act.

Think about it.

No turning back now.

I thought maybe you wanted to know that you had another one on the way.

She hates me for no reason, other than the fact that I'm hearing.

Look, I don't know what your deal is.

If this is something about Emmett or...

So I re-read "The Scarlet Letter" and I learned all of the relevant signs.

"Adultery, "hypocrisy,"

"who thought it was a good idea to cast Demi Moore as Hester Prynne?" And I have not slowed down the class once in the last week.

(Sighs) Well, uh, next up, Shakespeare.

I may have to use up my sick days.

Yeah. Hey, um, maybe we can even sit with your old crew.

Or not.

Nice work.

Noah. Pilot program.

We have like every class together.

Noah, I know who you are.

There's only like seven of us.

I'm sorry. Look, I'm distracted right now.

Trying to fix this. Someone wrote something really nasty on my locker.

Oh, yeah.

They shoved a note in mine too.

There's Ms. Bledsoe.

Maybe we should tell her.

Uh, yeah. And add "rat" to my list of crimes against deaf humanity?

No, thank you.

Uhh... just personalizing my locker.

Uh, "let" may be too strong of a word.

Where's a volleyball when you need one, huh?

You heard about that?


Daphne: Something happened. But Bay won't say what.

Some of the deaf kids don't like the pilot program.

You'd think that people who had been bullied themselves would be the last ones to do it to someone else.

But Bay's all right?

She seems to be.

Can you finish up?

My telenovela is on.

Mom, wait. I need to talk to you.

Both of you.

I know that tone.



It's Angelo.

He's gonna be a father again.


You're pregnant?!

No. Not me.

He got someone else pregnant?


Of course he did.

Do we know who she is?

Her name is Lana.

And she's a medical student at U.M.K.C.

Young. Of course.

They met on the plane going back to Italy.

(Chuckling) Oh, that's just perfect.

Mom! Please. Can I get through this?

Is she African-American?



You know her?

She came to the court looking for Angelo, and both Bay and Daphne met her.

They just didn't know who she was.

Bay knows?

Everyone knows.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I found out.

But I knew what you would say.

And it seemed as if you and Angelo had finally buried the hatchet.

I know where I'd like to bury a hatchet.

Isn't your novela starting?

Yes, but they're bound to be a letdown.

Nothing they write in the telenovelas can hold a candle to Angelo's real life.

(Door closes)

I'm sorry, honey.

Honestly, it really doesn't affect me.

Are you okay?

I really thought he had changed.

Hey, do you remember that day spa that you and I went to when I hurt my shoulder playing basketball?


Let's go there again. This weekend.

Just you and me.

It'll be a "suck it, Angelo" spa party.

And he can pay for it.

I'll use the money from the food truck.

That sounds fantastic.


Ivan: For the first few events, you'll be preaching totally to the choir.

John: Uh-huh.

Give you a chance to work out your stump speech.


Oh, and Kathryn, we've got you booked on Dara Walker's radio show.

So you can share your favorite recipe with all of her listeners.


Sorry to interrupt. Uh, mom, can I borrow your car again?

I gotta go to rehearsal.

Oh, sure, honey. When is yours gonna be fixed?

Not till Saturday.

Thanks, though.

Okay, see you.

Mm. Ivan, here's the thing.

I'm not interested in memorizing talking points.

It's one of the things that drives me crazy when I watch these national guys campaign.

It's just the same canned crap...

(Ivan chuckles) over and over and over.

And John's great at speaking off-the-cuff.

We've been getting very familiar with the issues.

I'd like to focus on education and immigration.

And you will.

When you get elected.

During the campaign, the trick is to keep it general.

Pro-middle class, anti-big government.

But I think what

John has to say on

education and immigration will really resonate with people in our district.

You're running in a conservative district in a solidly G.O.P. state. People love you.

All you have to do to get elected is to be yourself, talk about your business successes and tell that great story about the home run you hit in the '92 all-star game.

You can't lose.

Hey, this is the recipe you should share.

These are delicious.

I bought 'em.


I am gonna make stickers.

If Natalie wants to fight it out with graffiti, she picked the wrong girl.

She is the one who is throwing gasoline.

And I've tried to make peace.

And I'm trying to keep up, but she just keeps hating me because I can hear.

And that's like hating me because I have brown hair or brown eyes.

There's nothing that I can do about it.

Wow, that sucks.

But we didn't ask for any cuts.

And if Natalie and her posse keep taking it out on the hearing kids, we're just gonna fight back.

Hi. Uh, Noah.

Bay: Very funny.


Are you ready for the A.S.L. test?

Uh, yes. You?

I think I understand everything.

Mm, except for "understand."

This is "understand."

You signed "horny."

Mm. Crap.

I haven't gotten one full sentence right.

Great, what do you think they've cut now?

Hey, what's going on?

"Student tolerance retreat this weekend.

Attendance mandatory."

(Bay sighs)

I'm guessing I'm on the list.

Bet I am too.

I'm guessing so is she.



So it's all of the pilot program kids and some of the deaf kids?


At a tolerance retreat?


But there isn't a problem?

Okay, maybe there were a few misunderstandings.

But that's just because the whole thing is new to everyone.

Bay, I know you feel like you have to make it sound like everything is fine because you pushed so hard, but...

Mom, everything is fine.

And I promise if I need you guys, I will tell you, okay?



Have fun.

(Door opens and closes)

I knew this school wasn't a good idea.

At Buckner, when there were problems with groups of kids, we would have assemblies... we'd do trust falls in the gym or pass around like a talking stick.

We were not sent into the woods to reenact "The Hunger Games."

Maybe you should have thought about that before you hit Natalie with a volleyball.

(Scoffs) I apologized for that.

And then she was the one who bombed my locker.

Oh, so you're just an innocent victim in all of this.

I told I was sorry you and the leadership kids got dragged into this, but maybe if you weren't such an upstanding student...

Wait, now it's my fault that I have to spend my weekend doing this?

No, I'm just saying it's not my fault.

Okay, I was supposed to bring my mom to the spa this weekend, because she was feeling so bad about Angelo and his new baby.

Something that you didn't bother telling me about.

Why didn't you tell me?

I should have, I know.

But when I found out, Regina didn't know.

And then Angelo and I got into this big fight.

I'm sorry.

I have to go get the rest of my stuff.


Okay, I guess I'm ready to go.

Try not to be too mad at Bay.

I'm sure she feels bad about all of this too.

I know. I just...

I was really looking forward to spending time with you.

Me too.

(Sighs) But we can just do next weekend.

And while you're gone I can catch up on "Breaking Bad" and count the amount of times grandma says "I told you so."


Why don't you come with us?

On the retreat?


Why not?

You can hang out with Melody, eat s'mores, avoid grandma.

I do make a mean s'more.

You really do.

You know what? I think that's a great idea.

I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon, but I can meet you up there.

Are you having more problems with your hands?

Actually, no.

Um, this is somebody new and she's run lots of tests and seems optimistic. I'm hoping for good news.

That's so great!

I know.

Come as soon as you can.


Lana: And you didn't know two weeks ago that the parts needed to come from Germany?

We hoped we could get them locally.

Well, my insurance won't cover any more rental car days.

I'm really sorry.

I am a pregnant woman walking eight blocks to and from the bus stop every day.

My wife has had four kids.

She says exercise is good for you and the baby.

Helps with the delivery.

Oh, really? Dr. Larry.

Is there any other medical advice you would like to give me or my unborn child?


We are not done here.

No, sorry. Um...

Don't know if you remember me, but...


From Angelo's place.

Right. Yeah. Can I help?

I swear her car will be ready tomorrow.

Well, mine's done now. I could give you a ride home today and bring you back tomorrow, if that would help.


As God as my witness.

Um, okay, I... I really don't wanna put you out.

You're not.

Okay. Thanks.


Noah, right?

No, Jeremy.


There better not be contraband in there, camper.

And if there is? But I'm willing to share.

Ah, I really don't see a problem then.


Whoa, how much contraband have you consumed?


Noah, whoa! Are you okay?

(Exhales deeply)

I just need a minute.

(Clears throat)

What's going on?


I have this thing called Meniere's disease.


It messes with my... my balance and my hearing and stuff.

What do you mean "messes with"?

Uh, I just get dizzy spells.

They last for a few minutes or all day.

I've lost 60% of the hearing in my right ear.

And eventually...

I could lose it all.

When we went around in the circle that first day,

I thought you said you were at Carlton because you had deaf relatives.

Yeah, my Uncle.

He's got Meniere's too.



My parents figured that it'd be good to get a head start on the whole hand thing.

It's incredible, you know?

One day you're fine, and the next... whole life changes.


It's crazy how that can happen.

Why didn't you just tell everybody that you have Meniere's?

I don't really like to talk about it.

Well... you wanna hear my "your whole life changes in a day" story?

(Chuckling) You've got one too?

Get comfortable.

(Noah chuckles)

Bay: Um, so we took this blood test in bio class and, well...

Jane: Welcome. I can see you're all very excited to be here.

Well, you have been selected to participate in this team-building weekend because...

you are either a role model at Carlton, a troublemaker... or a target.

Your first assignment
will be to replicate

the object that's under this tarp.

You will be split up into groups of five... one looker, two runners and two builders.

You'll get the hang of it.

Now before you start out, please remember: You must always sign.


First group: Daphne.


Jane: Bay.


And Emmett.

Second group: Jennifer.




And Liz.

So Kathryn, what do you call this dish?

Just what it is... pork chops, black beans and salsa.

That is so good!

Now I taste the cinnamon. But what else?

Cumin, a little chili powder, ginger.

It's a rub.

And can you tell our listeners how you came up with this delectable combination?

Actually, um...

I got this recipe a long time ago from this guy who works for John at the car wash... Hector Gonzales.

I believe it's a variation on a Guatemalan dish.



Hector started out on the line at John's first car wash.

And when he opened two more, he promoted him to manager.

He did a great job.

Is that when he gave you this recipe?

I... I...

I don't quite remember.

But it's so great because John never forgets that we are a nation of immigrants.

And he believes that we should be finding legal ways to welcome people who want to be part of this great American dream.

Not putting up barriers to push them out.

That is very admirable.

Does your family eat a lot of Latin-inspired dishes?

We're very inclusive.

We eat all kinds of food.


So can I burn this thing now?

I'm afraid the news isn't good.

But I'm feeling better.

That's because you haven't been doing anything to irritate the problem.

Cutting hair, signing, painting.

The M.R.I. shows the beginnings of osteonecrosis in your wrists.

And that's bad?

It can be.

If you don't make some changes soon, it'll be hard to turn a doorknob, hold a hairbrush, drive a car.

Okay, so what do I need to do to make it better?

At this point, it's about not making it worse.


I'll just find someone else.


You've seen over a dozen specialists.

At some point it's not about giving up.

It's just simply about accepting your new reality.

(Pop music playing)

* I waited for your call

* and for the moon

* to release me from the longest afternoon... *

All right, an art project. We are so gonna win this.

Okay, I didn't get all of that, but I'm pretty sure it was insulting.


What's Noah doing?

Hey, are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Um, I just wanted to ask, um...

Daphne, uh, for more... uh... (Exhales)

Uh, paper, pen?

Your palm's itchy?

No no no, um...

How do you sign "information"?

Oh, uh, "information."

Information. Okay, sorry.

Ms. Bledsoe

said that, uh, the, um...

Uhh, Daphne?

Oh, uh, the lookers!

The lookers, yes.

The can come to the, uh...

Uh, the fence!

Thank you.

Um, so we don't have to run so far if we need information.


Yes, I knew them all. Knew all those signs.

Ha ha! First sentence!


(Wood rattles)

And I'm back to being completely in the dark again.

Okay, now, she's asking what we are supposed to do with all this stuff.

Okay okay.

You and me?

Okay. Um, maybe.

Because he's my friend.

And he's not feeling well.

No no, it's not like that.

Look, it's hard to explain.

Noah: I think we know what to do now.

Lana: Does everybody know?

In your family?

Uh, about you and Angelo?

Yeah, kinda.

Ah, but don't worry, we've all been fooled by Angelo at some time or another.

He's a charming guy.

I wouldn't really know.

I barely know him.

I don't normally meet somebody and then...

I mean, I... I... I'm saying I... I'm not some kind of...

Oh, yeah. I'm sure you're not.

So you're not like ready to have the baby, are you?

I don't think so.

Good. I didn't pay attention to those birthing videos in health class, so I wouldn't be much help.

Well, you don't have to worry.

I'm a medical student.

They teach you how to...
deliver your own baby in medical school?

(Inhaling and exhaling deeply)

Are you okay?

Look out!


(Tires screech)

(Car crashes)
(Both panting)

Thanks, man. Sorry.


Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine. I just...

I feel terrible about your car.

I mean, if you weren't taking me home...

I could be in a worse accident on the freeway.

(Moaning) Oh.

(Inhales deeply and exhales)

Ooh, okay.

Okay, we're going to the hospital.

No, it's just Braxton-Hicks.

It's... they're practice contractions.

They're perfectly harmless...


I think.

Yep, definitely going to the hospital.

Here we go.


Jane: So how do you all think that went?


How'd it go for you and your group?

Maybe you should try talking and see how good you are at that?


Whoa whoa!

That's not okay!

(Overlapping arguing)

Daphne: You should not be here!

Noah: Calm down! Hey!

(Indistinct shouting)

Jane: Enough! Enough.

That's what I thought.

I want you to make a list of all the things that you think you know about your partner.

And when you're done, you'll share your insights with the group.

Sign only. No interpreter.

And remember:

You can't say anything related to being hearing or deaf.

All right.

Now I'm gonna break you into pairs.

Bay and Natalie.

Noah and Matthew.

I do have insurance, I promise.

It's just in my other purse, which is moronic of me.

Don't worry, we'll figure it out later.

You don't have to stay.

How else are you gonna get home?

I'll figure something out.

Are you sure you don't want me to call somebody?

Angelo, maybe?

Okay, not Angelo.

Um... someone from your family? Anybody?

My family lives in Boston.

And they don't even know I'm pregnant.

Nurse: Dr. Kornreich thinks everything is fine.

But she wanted us to get an ultrasound just to be sure.

Are you the dad?

Me? No. God, no.

I mean... well, not because she's... we've never...

I mean, we're not, you know...

You know, we're just... we're friends.

Yes. (Exhales)

Um, I... I'll give you a minute.

You can stay.

You know, if you want to.

Okay. Sure.

There she is.

Toby: Wow.

That's incredible.

Yeah. It's pretty amazing.

I try not to look.

It just makes it harder.

Makes what harder?

Giving her up for adoption.



Jane: All right, enough.

Bay and Natalie, you're up.

Look, if I have to...

Okay. Fine, I'll start.

Um, Natalie Pierce is a bully.

(Pen and paper clatter)

You don't know anything about me, but you hate me anyway, which makes you a bigot and a bully.

Because every hearing person in the world is the same, right?

We're all out to get you.

Jane: All right, settle down.

Now that you've let off some steam,
try again.

But this time, say something positive about the other.


(Sighs and smacks lips)



Jane: Excellent!

And not so hard, right?

I think we've all earned our s'mores.

Well, you missed all the fireworks.

I caught a few.

I'm gonna go get some s'mores.


You're not wearing your brace.

That means good news, right?

Not exactly.



Yeah, did the doctor say when you'd get better?

She said the same thing that all the rest of them have said.

That with the combination of learning to sign as an adult, the amount of signing that I've done and the painting and the years of cutting hair, the damage is irreparable.

And if I go back to doing what I was, it'll get worse.

Chronic numbness, pain, severe arthritis.

What about sign language?

I can't.


You can still sign to me.

And I can understand it.

You never know with medicine.

New things are happening all the time.

I... I need to go check on my group.




You think I'm faking this?

If I could, why wouldn't I?

You are not in my body.

You do not know how I feel.

And if you really think that I am not trying hard enough, you are most certainly not my friend.

(Exhales and chuckles)

I'm sorry.

I, uh... I haven't figured out how to do that without, uh, scaring someone who can't hear me coming.

It's okay.

Are you okay?

Can I help?

Not unless you're a wizard or a magician.

I don't think so.

But, um, Harry Potter didn't find out that he was a wizard until he was like...


So... there's always a chance.



Harry Potter was 11 when he found out he was a wizard.

Oh, right.

My bad.

I just found out that my mom can't sign to me ever again.

She has some weird physical thing messing up her hands.

I'm sorry.

You're not deaf. You don't get it.

You have no idea how exhausting it is to have to read lips all the time.

Imagine you found out that your parents could never talk to you with their voice ever again.

You had to sign with them for the rest of your life.

I'm imagining.

If it you makes you, um, feel any better... she's probably a million times madder than you are.

It sucks to feel like your body's betraying you.

I'll see you back at camp.

(Soft pop music playing)

* thinking nothing is right

* baby, come on

* ooh

* baby, come on.



I just got off the phone with Ivan who told me that I need to reign in my wife.

Excuse me?


Guy's really got a way with words, but the radio show...
you were just supposed to talk about recipes.

The only non-food thing I said was that you believe that new immigrants should get a shot at the American dream.

Is that so bad?

Apparently Sawyer is already spinning it... saying that I encourage illegal immigration.

But that's absurd. Hector's legal.

All your guys are legal.

But you didn't say that.


Fine, we'll go the press tomorrow with the facts.

No, the point is that it is easy to make mistakes.

That is why Ivan wants to keep the message general.

You know, we don't want to waste time going on the defensive, doing damage control.

So that's how you wanna win this thing?

By saying nothing of substance?

I have spent a lot of my life thinking I was just a dumb jock.

That is your father talking.

But if I am elected, I can really do something meaningful.

I can make a difference in how our kids are educated, in whether or not people get jobs, can own their own homes. But I can't do that if I don't win.

Then tell people your ideas.

Let them vote for something.

I'm sorry, but I think Ivan is right.

If you're in the stronger position, you don't get aggressive, you hold steady and you let the other team make the mistakes.

No more talking politics.


Then consider your wife reigned in.

Noah: (Off-key) * as the sun shines on

♪ my face

♪ it's true...

Whoa! (Chuckles)

Wow, payback's a bitch.


Yeah, I snuck up on somebody earlier.

(Chuckling) Never mind.

How'd you find me here?

Used my superpowers.

I heard the singing. Don't tell anyone.


Well, with my A.S.L. skills, I don't think you have to worry about me telling anybody anything.


I just wanted some space.

And I think your boyfriend wanted to see a little less of me too.

Come on.

He was giving me the stink eye all day.

I kind of put it together.

Emmett's not my boyfriend.

He was.

What are you listening to anyway?


Nice playlist.


I'm trying to commit them all to memory.

You know, for when the...

(Sighs) yeah, it sucks 'cause I really love music.

So do Emmett and Daphne.

Emmett's even in my brother's band.



Am I an idiot?

'Cause I don't really get that.

I'm just saying going deaf may not be what you think it is.

I hope not.

You wanna listen to something?

Ooh, no signing and listening to music?

Dangerous stuff.

Living on the wild side here at

the Carlton deaf school retreat.

(Music playing)

* I'm feeling your heart in mine *
* ooh, yeah.

Poison Ivy.

Yeah, uh, I got it too.


This stuff is like magic.

Look, um, I really don't wanna go on another retreat.


So why don't we call a truce?

The other kids can follow our example.

No more retreats.

No problem.

Okay, the car's coming around, so, uh... thanks for the ride.

No problem.

Hey, I can't stop thinking about what you said last night at the hospital.

About putting the baby up for adoption and not having the family around.

I shouldn't have even mentioned that.

It's really not your problem.

Oh, I know. It's just... the baby does have a family around.

Other than Angelo.

My sister.

Her sister.




I just thought maybe you might wanna meet her and our family before you make any final decisions.

But that's it. That's all I had to say.


I'll see you around.


(Door closes)

What are you doing?

Checking out the city college class catalog.

Trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I'm no longer a hairdresser.

Maybe you should run for office like John.

Don't think diplomacy is my strong suit.

You think his is?

(Light chuckle)


Well, I don't love needles or blood, but...

I can learn. I'm tough.

You are.

I've been doing hair since I was 19 years old.

I was just a little older than you.

I don't know what's next for me.

I... I really don't.

I do know what it means not to be able to sign.

You know I do.

I... (Sighs)

I have to figure out a whole new life for myself.

Everything I thought I had I... you never know how much you depend on these things, huh?

(Quietly) I'm sorry.

I really am.

I know.

Hey. Okay, so, Natalie and I have called a truce which means no more retreats.

What's wrong?

Noah and I are just friends.


Well, I know it must seem like that, but I really didn't.

Emmett, my head is spinning.

I... (Sighs)

I just started this new school.

I'm barely keeping up in classes.

I mean, half the kids here hate me.

I'm... I'm under water.

Well, then help me.

(Piano music playing)

As my friend.

But that's all that I can handle right now.

I'm sorry.

* I knew exactly what this
* would feel like
* I knew this day was coming
* I knew it right from the start... *


* To hear the same voice

* that said "hello"
* say "good-bye."