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02x02 - The Awakening Conscience

Posted: 12/18/13 13:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I got a little something for you.


You think I cheated?

You'll be treated fairly.

If I was being treated fairly, I wouldn't have to go in front of an Honor Board.

John, you're a leader.

You deserve a third act.

Think about it.

You're moving in with Angelo?

I don't really see what would be stopping me.

I thought maybe you wanted to know that you had another one on the way.

How weird would it be for you if I went to Carlton?

Good luck convincing "J" and "K" of that.

Mm, that's where you come in.

But going to Carlton doesn't make any sense.

A ton of hearing kids go there.

Well, not a ton. But they do have this new pilot program for kids with deaf parents or deaf siblings.

Which I am.

Look, honey, if you wanna go somewhere else we can talk about it.

Why would I go to some random school where I don't know anybody?

Daphne can help me out.

She can introduce me to people.

We can carpool.

Save the planet. You love saving the planet.

John: Sweetie, it is our responsibility to make sure that you get a good education.

Daphne takes calculus and physics, just like me.

Yeah, but... ( stammering )

We might not have an olympic swimming pool or sushi in the cafeteria, but our teachers are really good.

I... we know that.

That's not what I meant.

Bay, look, your plate is pretty full.

Yeah, I... I know.

But I'm gonna still work a lot of hours at the car wash to pay you back and you guys are the ones who keep saying that I need to distinguish myself on college applications.

Honey, you were switched at birth.

But going to Carlton is very unique.

We are not sending her to a deaf school for her college essay.

I love signing.

And I'm good at it.

And I never felt... at home at Buckner.

Please, just let me try it.

I'll give you guys some time to process.

I barely wanted Daphne to go.

Now Bay too?

Can we just take a second to marvel in the fact that Bay was actually arguing for school?

My hearing daughter at a deaf school?

You dared me to dream big.

Yes, I did.

And I never thought I was interested in swimming pools, but then I found these.

It's a new kind of ecological pool where you have all these native plants that filter the water.

There are zero chemicals.

The plants do all the work, just like a real pond.

Only, you know, not disgusting.

They're beautiful.

(Sighs) You hate it.


But I got some news.

Um, it seems like I'm gonna be a father again.


(Theme music playing)

(Weak chuckle) Is this a joke?

You really got some girl pregnant?

We had one night together. Just one night.

It's just my stupid luck.

Oh oh, it was luck.

It was just bad luck that made this happen.

Or was it you choosing to have sex with some girl you just met?!

I know, I know it's my responsibility.

And I accept that. And I'm gonna do everything possible to make this right.

(Huffs) Do you have any idea how big of an idiot I feel like right now? Do you?

We are in the middle of building our dream house together.

Okay, but nothing has to change.

What's her name?


How old?

I don't know.

20? 22?

I will do anything to make this right with you.

Sure. Sure.

We'll just pretend it never happened, and go back to planning our marble shower.

This girl and I, we have nothing between us.

You and me, we have everything.

And yet... you threw it all away.


(Door opens and closes)


(Door closes)

I was just getting used to the sea creatures.

Ah well, you know, new school, new look.

Thank you so much for convincing dad, by the way.

I know he's nervous, but trust me, you guys are not going to regret this.

Hon, this whole Carlton thing is not just about Emmett, is it?

Uh, no. Of course not.

I mean, yeah, it'll be nice to have another friend there, but this decision was entirely Emmett-free.

I swear, we're not back together.

Oh oh!

Can you come inside? Your dad and I want to talk all of you about something.

Something wrong?

No no no no, nothing bad.

Just come on.


Please tell me he hasn't also knocked somebody up.

Daphne: All right, focus group.

Kathryn: Oh!

Time for tasting.

Toby: Tacos!


Uh, hey, dude.

When do I get to paint the truck for you?

I could come up with a pretty sweet logo.

Kathryn: Mm.

As soon as I settle on a name.

Oh sweetie, these are fantastic!


So good.

So there's this big metal show tomorrow night at Dogville that lets out at 11, and I was thinking zveryone's gonna be really hungry and really drun...

Mm, really happy!

Yeah, and um, that would be a good place for the taco truck's maiden voyage.

Honey, are you sure this is a good idea?

Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?


Wait, have you thought about permits?


Um... I think it might be a better idea to park the truck over at the car wash, and sort of ease into things, right?

It gives me a chance to call my friend at the precinct office and ask about the permits.

That's really nice, but I wanted to...

Bay can help with the artwork.

And I'll help with the truck.

Except I have to write that press release.

Uh, Toby can help.

Yeah yeah yeah, it'll be a family affair.

If I were you,

I would just wave the white flag.

Mom, what's the press release for?

Um... well, uh, you know, I...

Your father... is gonna run for State Sen...



That's the plan.



That's fantastic!

Yeah! And I'm gonna help with the fundraising and writing the press materials.

Do we get bodyguards?

It's State Senate.

I don't think any level of Senators' kids gets bodyguards.

Aw, man.

So, uh, if we're all done here, I'm just gonna go get ready for rehearsal.

You're rehearsing again?

Guess when your girlfriend's in the band you "rehearse"

a whole lot more.


Wait. Girlfriend?

Gotta go.

Wait wait wait wait wait!

We wanted to make sure that you guys are okay with this.

Yeah. Congrats.

Sounds great.


Good luck.


So that's all I get?

Are we going to rehearse?

Or should I put my guitar down?

Oh, right.

I was gonna get microphones.

Right. Well, hang on.

This is good too.

You know, lately...

I just feel like I've been getting some mixed signals.

I'm sorry.

I... I really want to, but...

You took that pledge.

(Quietly) Yeah.

I just don't understand when you really care about somebody and they really care about you, why sex has to be a bad thing.

It's not a bad thing.

It's just...

I kind of want the next time I do it to be with the person that I'm going to be with forever.

(Knocks on door)

(Door opens)

Hi. I'm sorry.

Am I interrupting you?

Both: No, not at all.

Well, I made these biscotti.

And it's my first attempt, so I thought you might wanna try them.

That looks amazing.


So what are you working on?

Oh, just some new material.

Trying to figure out what we're gonna play for that recording session.

Oh, you mean with that producer from the Frozen Lips.

Flaming Lips, mom.


Which is just as arbitrary.

Well, can I hear something?

You know, mom, um, these are delicious, but making me pretty thirsty.

I know, it's kinda dry. Maybe you should make us some tea.

You want some tea?



I'll be right back.

So can I hear it?

Yeah. Sure.

(Slow Melody playing)

Kathryn and Nikki: * when you changed my mind *

Kathryn: * I found my place *

♪ when you cleared my eyes ♪
♪ I saw the way ♪

Both: * now the sun comes shining through *

* and I can walk with you *

♪ in the daylight. ♪

(Chuckles) That's so nice.


Your mom has got a great voice.

Oh, it's just such a beautiful song.

Nikki: You know, we should put her on the recording.


(Scoffs) No.

Nikki: Yes. No, really.

Don't you think she would sound great?

Yeah, why not?



That sounds like fun.

Hey. Uh...

I haven't had to pick out what to wear to school since I was four.


You don't think that it's too fancy?

I mean, I don't see a lot of girls in dresses.

Oh, believe it, buddy.

And I have the crappy student I.D. to prove it.


If that was serial k*ller, then you nailed it.

She took the picture on one and a half.

It was definitely not three.

What did you just do?

Um, have you met the office lady?

There is no way that she's buying that.

I will.

Hey, you one of the newbies?

And you just answered my question.

Hello, fellow hearing person.

Are you headed to basic ASL?


Care for an escort?


I'm Teo.

Oh, wait. Um... (Clears throat)

Your name is Bat?

Like Batgirl? Ugh, I wish.

No. (Laughs) It's Bay.

As in "large body of water."

Okay. Cool.

Um, I think it's this way.


Kathryn: I just don't understand.

First it's that nurse from the hospital he had a fling with, and now this girl on a plane?

Is he...

Completely weak and narcissistic?


I was gonna say

(whispers) A sex addict.

I'm sorry.

I feel like I've been apologizing for Angelo for a long time and I'm kinda getting tired of it.

You don't have to apologize for him.

Thank you.

If you don't mind, I'd like to tell Bay.

Oh, God, Bay.


It just keeps getting better.

(Whispers) Help.

Got the letter "A." That's about it.

Uh... every tenth word or so.

Got it. Thanks.

We're just gonna, um... contemplate that.

She said book. Something about the book.

Well, that narrows it down.

Heading to lunch?

No, I have to run a food truck errand.

But I'll see you later.

Bay: It's no problem.

I can sit with Emmett or Teo...

Or anyone.

What was that?


No, what?

Uh, we didn't get through all the material, so there's extra homework for tonight.


I mean, we didn't mean to slow things down.

It's good to see you, mi amor.

How are your mama and grandma?

They're good. I'll have to tell them Felicia's place closed down. They won't believe it.

Just last month.

So many places going under.

But not you.

Not yet. Gracias a dios.

So what do you need 500 tortillas for?

I'm starting a taco truck, and I had to have the best tortillas in K.C.


Sorry, mija.

Do you have cash?

Uh, yeah. I think so.

No no, Javy.

Nada sin dinero en efectivo.

Come on, Lupe. Give us a break.

No, you give me a break. I told him no more credit.

Cash up front.

Sorry, I only have $23.

That's fine. You pay me later.

What was that?

She's starting her own business.

I am an investor.

Oh, yeah? What business is that?

Taco truck.

Tacos la guera?


Me llamo Daphne Vasquez.

And I may be a white girl, but I knew enough to get Lupe's tortillas.

Come on, are you gonna make me go back and tell Ramon

that we got no bread for the dinner rush?

Tell him to call me.

Gracias, Lupe.

Nice to meet you, Daphne Vasquez.

Igualmente, Javy.

I think his Uncle's place is about to go under too.

Oh, no.

You're lucky you got out.


Have fun on that truck of yours.


What's up?

Is that a chocolate milk?

I love chocolate milk.

And I love the sign for milk, you know?

It's so, uh, instinctive.

I mean, I love signs like that.

You know? Signs like, uh, "pirate" or "broken."

But then you get signs like "bathroom" or... or "ugly."

And I'm like, "whoo, did someone drunk come up with that?"

(Weak laughter)

Let's just say if I hadn't already read "the Scarlet Letter"...

I'd be dead right now.

Uh... oh, no no.

It's okay. You... you can go.

(Nervous laughter)

Why didn't you tell me I'm such a bad signer?

Emmett, I'm pretty bad.

Can I ask you something?

What does this mean?

Yeah yeah, I got it, I got it.

Ladies. How are you?

I urge you to try my daughter's tacos.

Oh, perfect! In the fridge.

Well, looks like we're ready to roll without actually rolling anywhere.

Do you think that people are gonna wanna eat at the car wash?

With "JK" on the job? I wouldn't worry about it.

(Daphne and Toby laugh)
John: Hi.

I would like two of your outstanding shrimp tacos

por favor.

Coming right up. That'll be four bucks.

$4? For shrimp?

Is that too much?

Sweetie, are you kidding?

That's barely enough to cover your overhead.

Well, I don't have to pay rent on anything.

Wait, what about your time and your expertise?

You have to get paid for that, right?

Where's your price list? Oh, here. Marker.

All right, so this should be...

Three. And shrimp, come on.

It's gotta be like six, right?


But it's street food.

It's supposed to be cheap.

Let's do a little experiment.

That's what today's all about, right?

Two shrimp tacos with extra guac for the boss.

Look at that.

Definitely worth 12 bucks, right?

In fact... keep the change.


Toby, tip jar.


Good news is now that he's running for office, it'll slow him down.

You can feed all of the hungry, drunk people that you want to.

Toby: Oh, hi.

Can we help you?

Daphne is a culinary genius.

And she did not get it from me.

It's pretty good, right?

So, uh, how's it going at Carlton?


Not fine.

But please don't tell my parents.

I really can't deal with an "I told you so" right now.

What's going on?

It's just kind of a rough start.

You know how many deaf parties I went to with Melody where I just nodded and smiled?

Just give it time.


There's, um, something else that I needed to talk to you about.

Sure. What's up?

So it turns out that, um...

Angelo has another...

I know.

You already knew?

Yeah. (Sighs)

When did he tell you?

Well, Toby found out first and then Angelo and I got into this big fight outside of my school.

And I haven't spoken to him since.


Well, now I know why he told me.

He was caught.

I should have told you.

No no no.

This is not your problem.

It's mine.

(Quietly) It's mine.

One, two, three.

$253 on your first day.

And I wasted all my time on fake IDs.

Are you sure? That's crazy.

You mind if I clear out? Uh, I told Nikki that I would meet her early for rehearsal.


"Rehearsal" again, huh?

I'm in a Christian rock band with my mom.

Rehearsal is not a euphemism.

Wait. Kathryn's in your band?

For one song.

Flaming Lips would not approve.


You can go ahead.

I'll take care of all this.

All right.

Hey, wait.

Half's yours.


All you, taco girl.

(Rock music playing)

That rocked, you guys.

Yes, a gig would be good.

Just as long as we keep my mom off the stage.

You just watch. Your mom is going to be our secret w*apon.

Well, do we really need a secret w*apon?

I mean, we already have a deaf drummer.

(All chuckle)


I gotta go. I'm gonna be late for youth group.

I'll just come get that later.




Yeah, what's up?

Wait wait wait. Uh, slow down just a little bit.


Okay. What picture?

Nah, man. It's not her.

Maybe somebody who looks like her?

No, man.

You did the right thing.

Can we just talk?

You know what I mean.

Okay, fine.

It is so weird being the outsider.

I mean, especially for me, being a white boy.

I mean, I have absolutely no outsider status.

Well, it's good for you.

Oh, absolutely.

But have you noticed how we're sort of

persona non grata? Or personae non grata?

Or whatever. It means they don't really dig us being here.

I guess they just don't want us around.

But whatever, you know?

We'll just stay out of their way.

Passive resistance.

Mm, that's very zen of you.

All right, guys. No serves in front of the line.

And you're both on that team.

(Rock music playing)

* Get in close, then pull on back *


* Sucker punches need a one, two *


Same team.

* When you're talking *
* on the telephone, you don't *
* mu-mu-mu-mu-mu-mu-mum... *

Passive resistance, huh?

Might wanna try the active kind.

Your serve.

* Yeah! *
* mama tell me, mama tell me *
* mama tell me, mama tell me *

(Whispers) Teo. Duck.

Out of my class.

I'm sorry. My hand slipped.

Get out.

Apparently, I can actually throw a volleyball with incredible accuracy.

Natalie was being a volley-bitch, so I "eye-for-an-eye"d her.

She hates me for no reason other than the fact that I'm hearing.

Hey. Can I help?


(Groans) So...

I was thinking if we're gonna make this like a regular thing, I can get some tables and build an awning and put them right over there...

This isn't for the car wash.

I'm taking the truck to East Riverside.

Oh, we should, uh... we should talk about that.

There's nothing to talk about. I'll be fine.

W... wait, sweetie, we agreed on the car wash.

Not East Riverside.

Why? Because it's poor?

Because I lived there for 15 years, and nothing bad ever happened to... damn it!

Oh, here.

(Exhales) Stop helping me!

If I make a mess, I'll clean it up myself.

(Quietly) I'm sorry.

No, sweetie, I'm sorry if...

I said or did anything.


I have a food truck that sells $6 tacos.

And people in East Riverside can barely hold their lives together.

A year ago that was me.

Look, I...

I think taking the truck to your old neighborhood is a good idea, but...

Then let me do it.

My way.

Let me charge what I wanna charge.

Or not charge anything at all.

What, you're gonna go out there and just give it away for free?

Look, I know that I let you down a lot lately, and I made some stupid decisions and I ruined a great opportunity.

I just wanna do something that actually makes sense.

Well, if you're gonna do this... then I'm coming with you.

It's non-negotiable.

Now, may I... may I help?




No problem.

How far along are you?

Oh, six and a half months.

Ah, the rose period.

I loved being pregnant.

How many kids do you have?

Two, but just one pregnancy.

It's complicated.

Girl or boy?

A girl.



What do you do?

I'm in med school.

(Exhales) Wow.


You're busy.


I'll say.


Oh, there she goes.

It's the craziest thing.

(Exhales) It really is.

(Elevator dings)Yeah.

Are you getting off?

Oh, no.

I just forgot to hit the button.

I'm going up.


Well, good night.

Good night.

So you wanna plug into the amp or straight into the board?

You're really, uh, getting down to business this time, huh?

Is that cool?



Um, I'll just plug into the amp.

There you go.

Is this because I was so nice to your mom?

Is that what's going on?

There's nothing going on.


Sorry, it's just, um...

Emmett was updating our website, and I guess some idiot posted a picture of you.

What picture?

You were at some party.

You had purple in your hair.




It was freshman year.

You don't need to explain.

Well, obviously I do.

It was after my dad died.

And things were out of control, and I got really drunk and some idiot had a camera...

And who was that? Jed?

Is he pissed at you for breaking up with him and this is his revenge?

Jed didn't post it.

Well then, who did?

What does it matter?

It's just some stupid picture.


Well, that's very admirable of you, but...

But what, Toby? If you wanna break up with me because I took my shirt off at a party two years ago...

I don't wanna break up with you.

It's just a little confusing.

Why? Because I'm Christian or because I won't sleep with you?

Nikki, come on.

I'm not going to apologize to you!

Or anyone else for who I was.

I was going through a hard time.

And that's how I dealt with it.

I'm different now.

If that's not enough for you...

I don't know what to tell you.

Come on.

* Building an empire *
* staying on top of my game... *

(John sighs)

Do you have a marker?

Um, yeah.

Here you go.

* 'cause I got something to say *
* under these bright lights *
* I feel the pressure *
* but I don't shake *
* 'cause I know where I'm going *
* and I'm gonna do my thing... *

Hi, how can I help you?

Two shrimp? Okay.

Thank you.

Hey hey, * 10 bucks *

Hey! Two, yeah.

Two veggie please.

Need some hot sauce, sir?

Thank you so much.

Who's next?

Hi, one shrimp please.

One shrimp coming up.

* I'm gonna do it my way. *

Hey! Javy, right?


What can I get for you?

You can get your toy truck out of my neighborhood.

Is there a problem?


You wanna be a taco fairy?

Go do it in your own neighborhood.


(John sighs)

Hey, can I help you?


She already got my order.

Sweetie, come here.

We're almost out of the shrimp.

I think we should wrap it up here.

Do you mind?

There's that fish place two blocks over.

He stays open late.

I'm not gonna take whatever little money you've made tonight and go buy more stuff for you to give away for free.

That doesn't make any sense.

Even Karl Marx would find that boneheaded.

All these people are waiting.

You said we would do this my way.



I will pay for the shrimp.

You gonna be okay?



Who's next?


(Cheering on TV)

Hey, honey.

How was the rest of your rehearsal?


That Nikki is great.

I am so happy to see you with someone like her.

She's so sweet. No guile.

And I love singing with you guys.

I know we're not gonna take the show on the road, but if you need any help...

Mom, it's a one-time thing.

You're not in the band.

Okay, what's going on with you?

Somebody posted a picture of Nikki on the band website.

She's at a party and she's, you know...

Posting those kinds of pictures of kids is illegal. People go to jail for that.

That's not the point. The point is it's my girlfriend in not a lot of clothing on the Internet.


So I guess you're lucky that there was no one around with a camera when you were selling stolen tests, making fake I.Ds with Wilke or when you were selling your equipment to pay for your gambling debts.

Okay, yeah. Point made.

Look, honey, I know trust is hard.

But you can either trust your own sense of who Nikki is or some creep who posted pictures of her on the Internet.

It's your choice.

And... (Scoffs)

I know I'm not in the band.

I just like singing with you.

(Indistinct chatter)

(Switches clicking)



What did you do to my truck?

I told you to go home.

Seriously? I'm giving away free food and you're gonna mess with me?

You come over here handing out dinner, and guess what?

My Uncle's place don't do any business and we all go home early with nothing. You think of that?

Of course not.

I am not the bad guy here! I'm trying to help!

Then don't come around here throwing scraps, 'cause you feel guilty.

That's not helping us.

That's just helping you.

Lupe told me your Uncle's place was about to go under.

So don't go blaming my little taco truck for your bad business.

You're just lying to yourself.

Thank you for your astute business assessment after exactly three hours back here.

Damn it!


Look, there's always gonna be some kind of jerk who wants to punish you for doing the right thing.

Sweetie, none of those people went home hungry tonight.

That is what you wanted to do, and you did it.

What did either of us do to deserve all of this?

Well, I...

I worked hard for this.

No, you were just lucky.

Talented and smart and determined... but also just lucky.

To be born in this country, to have parents who were educated and not have to worry about anything but what you wanted to be when you grew up.

That's true.

It's all just luck.

Whether you're deaf or hearing, tall or short... if you could sh**t hoops or create art, so much of what defines us is just dumb luck.

And don't say it's what you do with the dumb luck that counts.

But it is.

I wanna do more with my dumb luck and I don't know how.

You really are your mother's daughter.

So I am gonna make you something to eat, or maybe better... heat up something your mother already made.


(Whispers) I can't talk.

Toby: I know.

I just wanted to say that, uh, I don't care if you've dyed your hair purple or went to some stupid party, 'cause I've done a lot of things that I regret.

But I'm sorry, I just can't get behind emoticons.

(Nikki chuckles)

How intolerant of you.

You should see the moon.

Looks really good from the parking lot.


Wait, are you... ?

There you are.

(Clicks tongue) Here I am.

John: Are you kidding me with this guy?

It took us four years to get pregnant with Toby.

This guy knocks up everything he looks at just like that.

Welcome to the next installment of "as the Kennish world turns."

Oh, in other news...

(Clears throat) Boom.

(Clicks tongue)




Ha ha!

Yeah, no turning back now.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

I don't want it to be because I made you.

Oh, come on. It's not.

Look, I have no idea how this is all gonna turn out, but, you know, we're so lucky.

I mean, we have so much and...


I don't know.

I agree.

I gotta go to bed.

I'll clean this up.

Oh, you're a gem.

Good night, Hillary.

Good night, Bill.


Whoa, there.

Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.

But you have to agree, you were asking for it.

Are you okay?

Okay. Great.

(Chuckling) Because I, uh, wouldn't want "almost k*lled somebody" on my record.

Colleges hate that.


Okay. All right, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Bad joke. Okay.

Do you think that maybe we could just start over?

All right, look, I don't know what your deal is.

If this is something about Emmett or...

I'm sorry. I don't want that. I'm just...