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05x08 - Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan

Posted: 01/09/23 07:12
by bunniefuu
- Ladies and gentlemen...

When the Russian actress
and dancer Natalya Dolzhenko

made Salome in 1908,

she wore a necklace
made of magnificent pearls

given to her by the czar.

Last week,
at an auction in Paris,

I paid 300,000 francs
for that same pearl necklace.

My wife is going to show it
to you now.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
dear friends,

our new play premieres here
at your beautiful theater

next week, prior to
a six-month tour of America.

- Yes, Margaret is taking
the leading part,

and she will be wearing
the czar's pearls

at each and every performance.

- Mr. Opalsen,
don't the pearls get stolen

in the course of the play?

- Yes, they do.

But that's in the play.

They will be under guard
24 hours a day.

I think I can promise you
that they're not going anywhere.

- Ah.

- And again, please.

- Ah.

- Thank you.

- Well, Doctor?
Tell me.

What is your diagnosis?

- Well, essentially...
- Yes?

- You're run down.

Even those famous gray cells
of yours

need an occasional rest.

- It is true, Mr. Poirot.

You've been taking on
much too much recently.

- Two weeks' complete rest.

That's the answer.

If I were you, I'd think
of getting out of London.

- This hotel, Hastings,

it has, I hope,
the full central heating.

- Well, Miss Lemon said
it had all the comforts.

Now, where's a cab?

Well, I must say,
it's good to be out of London.

Less traffic, for a start.

- Less taxis also,
it would appear.

- Yes.

- I know you.

- It is possible, yes.

- Your face been in the paper.

- Yes, that is true,
on many occasions.

- You're Lucky Len,
and I claim my ten guineas.

I've got my paper,
I said the right words,

so where's my money?

- Please.
Do you mind?

Grand Metropolitan Hotel,

- Right-o, guv.

- It's a sort of game, Poirot.

The newspaper prints
a photograph

of this character Lucky Len,

and whoever finds him
gets ten guineas.

- This holiday, Hastings.

Already, I begin to have
the second thoughts.

- Your key, Mr. Worthing.

- Room 113?

- Yes, sir.

It's as you requested:
on the first floor.

- Good.
Thank you.

- I'll have your bags
sent up, sir.

- It is most curious, that,

Did you not remark?
- What's what?

- The gentleman that just
booked in ahead of us.

- Honestly, Poirot,
you are incorrigible.

- Mr. Poirot, isn't it?

- Yes?

- What a great privilege
to have you here

at the Grand Metropolitan.

- Thank you.

- Boy?

- You got a nice sea view here.

Bathroom through there.

Two bedrooms.

You going to the race?

- Oh, we might.

- I think not.

- Laughing Boy in the 4:00,
that's my tip.

How about the theater?

There's a new show
opening this week.

I can get you tickets.

- Hastings?

- Well, I reckon
you'd enjoy it, sir,

you being a detective and that.

They got a necklace
worth a bundle onstage.

- Yes, I read about that.

- Mr. Opalsen, the producer,
he's staying here too,

him and his wife.

Oh, thank you, sir.

- Un moment, s'il vous plait.

This Monsieur Opalsen,

would you happen to know
which is his room?

- Poirot.

- Yes, of course I do, sir.

The Imperial Suite, number 114.

Just here, sir.

- Merci.

- Ah, here we are,
Laughing Boy in the 4:00.

Seven to one.

Perhaps I will have a try.

- Mr. Poirot--

- I hope you'll forgive me,
Mr. Poirot,

but when I heard
that the famous detective

was staying at the hotel,
I just had to meet him.

- Mr. Poirot,
this is Mr. Opalsen,

the producer.

- Ah, yes, of course.

Monsieur Opalsen.

My associate, Captain Hastings,
and myself

have already heard much
about your production.

Will you join us?

- Thank you.

Yes, Pearls Before Swine.

It opens tonight.

I'd be honored
if you'd come as my guests.

And to the party afterwards?

- Oh, that's jolly decent
of you.

- And it is tonight, I think,

that your famous necklace
makes also its debut.

- Yes, the maid's just taking it
to the theater now.

Celestine, show Mr. Poirot
the pearls.

Well, get them out of the box.

- I can't, sir.

I don't have the key.

- Why not, damn it?
Where'd you put it?

- Mr. Opalsen keeps it, sir.

She insists.

- Ugh.

- You carry the necklace
on your own?

- No, sir.

- No, Saunders, my driver,
always goes with her.

As a matter of fact, he's late.

- Then perhaps you will permit
Captain Hastings and myself

to accompany la mademoiselle.

- Well, that's very kind.

- Not at all.

It is our pleasure,
is it not, Hastings?

- Oh, rather.

- Margaret?

Now, listen, dear.

You'll never guess
who I've just met.


It's Poirot, Hercule Poirot.

He's on his way over now.

I know.

That's right.

We're going to have to do

- Mademoiselle,
your name of Celestine,

it is French, n'est-ce pas?

- My mother was French, sir,

but I've always lived here.

I was hoping to be
in the theater myself one day.

- Ah.

And you have been working
with Monsieur Opalsen

for how long?

- About two years.

He's not normally so edgy, sir.

It's just
when there's a first night.

- Have you seen
Pearls Before Swine?

- Only in rehearsal,
but it's beautifully written.

I'm sure Mr. Opalsen has nothing
to worry--

- Stop!


You are Lucky Len
of the Daily Echo,

and I claim my ten guineas.

- No, madame, I am not Len.

And, therefore, for you,
I am not lucky.

Excuse me.

- Here we are.

We can go in the back way.

- All right, where is it?

- Let me go!

- The money.

- Look, you'll have it.

- When?

- Tomorrow.

- You said that yesterday.

- No!

- Tomorrow.

- I promise you.

- Andrew!

- Tomorrow, then, or else.

- Give me the bag, mademoiselle.

- Are you all right?

- Fine.

They haven't hurt me.

My God, you're Hercule Poirot,
aren't you?

- Oui.

It would appear that you are
in need of assistance, monsieur.

- Me?

No, no, those are just

what you might call
business associates.

It's nothing I can't handle.

- This is Andrew Hall,

the writer
I was telling you about.

- Ah, Monsieur Hall.

- So it's your play.

- It's Ed Opalsen's play.

He bought it, cut it,
rewrote it,

and left me with about 2% of it.

Hence my current difficulties.

- Are you sure you're all right?

- Yes.

- I have to go in.

- I'll come with you.

- Thank you, Mr. Poirot.

- Mademoiselle.

You know, Hastings,

I begin, I think,
to look forward to this play.

- Glad to hear it.

- Thank you.

- I'll go.

- Thank you, Hastings.

- Ah.

- Mr. Poirot?

- I am Poirot.

- Ah.

My name is Saunders, sir.

Mr. Opalsen's chauffeur.

- Yes?

- Mr. Opalsen has sent me
to take you to the theater, sir,

with his compliments.

- Thank you.

- Here he comes.

Mr. Poirot?
- Mr. Poirot.

Have you been challenged
to solve the play, sir?

- This I do not believe.

- Mr. Poirot, how many acts
do you think it will take?

- Excuse me!

It is an outrage, Hastings,

to use Hercule Poirot
for the publicity of this play.

- Absolutely.

It's beginning.

- Inspector Drake should be here
pretty soon.

- Oh, is Inspector Drake
really coming here?

I've read so much about him
in the newspapers.

- Oh, yes, Inspector Drake and I
have worked together

quite a lot recently.

- Good luck, my dear.

- And you're a mere
local sergeant.

Oh, here's Inspector Drake
coming now.

Good evening, sir.

My lady will be here presently.

- Good.
I must speak to her at once.

- My dear inspector.

- Forgive me, Lady Jane,

but I don't think
you should be wearing that.

- The necklace?
Whyever not?

- Because the Phantom has sworn
to have it,

and the Phantom
has never once failed.

- I think it's about time

we made an appearance
at the party.

Well, you're not going to wear
the pearls?

- I'm tired of being upstaged
by them.


- Yes, Mrs. Opalsen.

- Is it safe
just leaving them there?

- Of course.
Celestine won't leave the room.

- More champagne?
- No, thank you.

- I don't see why
you don't wear the pearls.

It's good publicity.

- That's all
you ever think about.

Now, you heard what I said,
didn't you, Celestine?

- Yes, mum.

- I'll have your supper sent up
to you.


- Come on, then.

Time to play host and hostess.

- Thank you.

- I hope you enjoy
the party, sir.

- Thank you.

Oh, pardon.
You will forgive me?

- Oh.

Thank you very much, sir.

- Not at all.

- I'll be waiting
for you here, sir.

- Thank you.

- Who is it?

- Maid, mum.
Got your supper for you.

- One moment.

That's very kind of you.

- All part of the service.

Do you want me to carry it in?

- Yes, put it over there.

- All on your own, are you?

- Yes.

- That's a shame.

All the rest of them
at the party.

Tell you what.

I'll sit with you, if you like.

- Thank you.

My name's Grace,
Grace Wilson.

So how do you like
the Grand Metropolitan?

- Let us say it was an evening
I shall not easily forget.

- Ah, Mr. Poirot.

- Excuse me.

- I'm delighted
you could make it.

- Monsieur.

Monsieur Opalsen,
at the theater this evening,

there were some journalists
awaiting me.

This was not, I think,
a coincidence.

- Uh, no.

But a man in my position needs
all the publicity he can get.

- I bet you'd guessed
who'd stolen the pearls

by the second interval,
Monsieur Poirot.

- Not at all, madame.

It was a question
that ceased to occupy my mind

long before the first.

Excuse me.

- They're not really that bad.

- Oh, you should try this job.

I could tell you a thing or two.

- Have you worked here long?

- Not here, no...

- Mr. Poirot.

Hubert Devine.

I played the detective, Drake.

- Ah, yes, of course.

I found your performance
most engaging.

- It's a jolly good play.

- Yes, I think it's going to be
a success.

And just as well.

Dear Ed needs a winner.

Well, three disasters
last season.

He only had one success,
and that was a revival.

Oh, yes.

If Pearls doesn't run,

I'd say he was finished.

- I do like these telegrams.

They're really nice.

They always send them?
- Mm.

Oh, I need some scissors.

- I can get you some,
if you like.

- No, it's all right;
I've got some somewhere.

Oh, I hate sewing.

- Good night.
Thank you.

- Did you enjoy yourself, sir?

- Yes, thank you, Saunders.

But now, you know, the fatigue.

- Well, it is after midnight.

- Yes, indeed, Hastings.

Thank you.

- We're back, Celestine.

Everything all right?

- Yes, mum.
Everything's fine.

- What a dreary party.

- Well, you weren't exactly
glittering yourself, my dear.

- And you drank too much.

- Why not?
I paid for it.

- Celestine, my jewelry box.

- Yes, mum.

- That damn writer Andrew Hall
didn't even bother to show up.

- I saw him leave the theater.

He was avoiding you.

- Are you inferring something?

- No.

Here's the key.

Are you still drinking?

- Yes.
Do you want one?

- Sir?

Mrs. Opalsen.

- What is it?

- The necklace.

I don't understand it.
It's not here.

- What do you mean,
it's not there?

It's got to be.

- Out of the way.
Let me look.

For heaven's sake.

Call the police.

Someone has stolen my pearls!

- I take it, Monsieur Opalsen,

that you have summoned
the police?

- Yes, of course.

They're sending someone down
from London.

But that's not good enough.

I want you, Mr. Poirot.

- Ah.

- I beg of you.
I've got to get them back.

- And these pearls,
they were, without doubt,


- Well, yes, but--
but that's not the point.

The play, Mr. Poirot,

all the publicity
about the pearls.

If they aren't returned,
I'll be a laughingstock.

We have an American tour.

How can we do Pearls
Before Swine with no pearls?

- Poirot?

- Excuse me.

Mon cher Hastings?

- The doctor.
- Comment?

- I just think you ought
to remember why you're here.

- Yes, that is true.

But, Hastings--

Monsieur Opalsen,

I regret that Poirot
cannot help you in this matter.

- What?

- I am here

en vacances.

- Ah, morning, Poirot.

- Bonjour, Chief Inspector Japp.

- Imperial Suite, please.

- I took the necklace off
before the party

and put it in my jewelry box.

And then I put the box
in the drawer.

- Was the drawer locked?

- No, it wasn't.

Celestine was here,
so I felt there was no need.

- How many keys are there
to this box, Mrs. Opalsen?

- Only one, and I keep it
with me all the time.

- You're sure of that?

It doesn't seem
to have been forced.

- Of course I'm sure.

There's only ever been one key.

- I'm going to offer a reward,
Chief Inspector, a big one.

You think that'll help?

- It may, sir.

So what were you doing
when all this was going on?

- I was doing the sewing, sir.

I only went
into the side room...

The first time for scissors
and later for thread.

- Look at the little boats
over there.

- Oh, cheer up, Poirot.

It is for the best.

- I have no doubt, Hastings.

- Well, you're here for a rest.

If you're going to get involved
in another case,

you might just as well
have stayed in London.

- It is true.

- I don't know why
you can't just sit back

and enjoy the sea air.

- I know you.

- No, no, no, Hastings.

It is no use.

Not to take this case is,
for Poirot,

more hard work
than to take it.

- Saunders, get the car started.

I'm in a hurry.

- Monsieur Hall.
- What?

Oh, um, Mr. Poirot.

I'm afraid I can't stop.

- You've heard, then,
about the pearls?

- Yes.

What was it
about life imitating art?

Serves Ed right.

Anyway, it's not my problem.

- Monsieur Hall?

I noticed that you were not
at the party last night.

- Well, I wasn't
in a party mood.

- May I ask where you were?

- I went for a walk.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I really will be late.

Thank you, Saunders.

- I only stayed with her
'cause I felt sorry for her.

- So you were alone in the room
with the necklace.

- Yeah, for about two seconds.

Didn't even know it was there.

Blooming cheek.

- Chief Inspector?

- Ah, hello, Poirot.

- Excuse us, mademoiselle.

- Thought you were
sitting this one out.

- Well--
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

So how goes the investigation?

- Pretty routine.

- Have you got
any more questions?

I've got a ton of work.

- Oh, no, that's all right,
Miss Wilson.

That's all for now.

Grace Wilson.

Been with the hotel
a couple of months.

Barmaid before that,
Dog and Duck in Holborn.

She took that girl Celestine
her supper.

First floor, please.

- So tell me, Chief Inspector.

What is it
that you have so far found out?

- Grace Wilson or Celestine.

The hotel maid
or the ladies' maid.

Seems to me
it's got to be one of them.

- A necklace in a box
within a chest, Chief Inspector,

and only one key?

It is as a magical trick.

The necklace,
it was in this drawer?

- That's right.

- And this door?

- Oh, that leads
to the maid's room.

That's where Celestine went
to get the scissors and thread.

- Leaving Grace alone
in the room.

- Tell me, Hastings,
how long do you think

it would have taken
Mademoiselle Celestine

to retrieve the scissors
from that room?

- Oh, I don't know.
20 seconds?

- 20 seconds.

And for how much of that time

would she have been
out of this room?

- Four or five seconds
at the most.

- Exactement.

And for
Mademoiselle Grace Wilson

to open this drawer,
remove the box,

somehow to unlock it,
open the box,

take out the necklace,
close the box,

and return it?

- Well, she couldn't possibly
have had time.

- I do not think so.

- Right.

Excuse me.

- Where are you going,
Chief Inspector?

- I think it's about time
I had Miss Celestine searched.

- Can't imagine why
they didn't lock it.

- This drawer runs easily,

But not this one.

C'est interessant.

I wonder...

- Well, that must interconnect
with the room next door.

- It is bolted.

Bolted on both sides.

But, Hastings, we know who it is
who occupies this room.

- Room 113?

- Oui.

His name, I think,
was Mr. Worthing.

- That's right, sir.

He was an American gent.

He only stayed the night.

Left this morning.

- You saw him depart?

- Oh, no, sir.

Carried his own luggage.

Must have left
at the crack of dawn.

- You did not, by chance,
see him yesterday evening?

- No, sir.

I can tell you
who I did see, though, sir.

Well, it was
just as I was leaving.

Well, I don't want to talk
out of turn, sir,

but, well, if there's a reward
and all that, well...

- Please to continue.

- Yeah.

Well, that writer, Mr. Hall,

he was hanging around
outside the hotel.

Must have been about 11:00.

- Outside?
- Yes, sir.

- Would he have been
near to the window

of Monsieur and Madame Opalsen?

- Well, yes, sir.

Right under it.

- Thank you.

- Well.

Now, here's something
that shouldn't be here.

- That's a duplicate key
to the jewel box.

We found it hidden in the hem
of Celestine's petticoat.

- Sounds pretty conclusive.

But what about the necklace?

- No sign of that yet.

- Going up,
ladies and gentlemen.

- But if you say her boyfriend
was seen

outside the hotel last night...

- Monsieur Hall?
He was here, yes.

- Yes, well, that explains it,
doesn't it?

- Explains what?

- How she got the necklace
out of the hotel.

She couldn't leave the room,

so she simply dropped it
out of the window,

and he was there to catch it.

- You have arrested
Mademoiselle Celestine?

- Yes, and the sooner we find
Andrew Hall, the better.

Ah, Mr. Saunders.

We want a word with you.

- I hear you've already solved
the case, sir.

- Never mind about that.
Have you seen Mr. Hall?

- Mr. Hall, sir?

I drove him to the race course.

Is he in some sort of trouble,

- He could be
in a lot of trouble.

Why do you ask?

- Well, he did seem
a little anxious.

- I'm not surprised.

Have you any idea
where we might find him?

- Well, he always places
his bets with the same man,

Harry Wax.

- Harry Wax?

- He's a bookie, sir.

- Just the sort of place
I'd expect him to go.

- What do you mean,
Chief Inspector?

- A race course.

This is where you'll find
every criminal element, Poirot.

And what better place
to do this kind of business

than in the middle of a crowd?

I only hope we're not too late.

We've got
all the entrances covered?

- Yes, sir.
- Right.

You lot come with me,

and keep your eyes out
for a bookie called Harry Wax.

All right, come on, lads.

- Hastings, this is wrong.

To Poirot, it makes no sense.

- 45, 50,

55, 60.

- Next race is the...

- Take six to four,
This Favorite,

and four to one Balwon.

Take six to...

Take six to four--

- You Harry Wax?
- Yeah.

- Is there a tall,
blond-haired chap

made a bet this morning?

- Poirot!

There's Mr. Worthing.
I could have sworn it.

- Oi!

There he is!


- You can't come in here.

- Stop him!
Stop him!

Get him!

- Come on.

- Right.
Get him in the car.

- All right, in the car.
Come on.

- I'm afraid we got to him
just too late.

But we found this and this.

- The pearls.

- No, just the pouch
they were kept in.


- So what's happened
to the pearls?

- You've got it all wrong,
Chief Inspector.

- Ah, so I suppose you won
this lot on a horse, did you?

- Yes.

Laughing Boy came in
at seven to one.

- Then why did you try and run
for it when you saw me?

- I owe money.

I've had a bad run

and fell in
with some pretty bad company.

Well, you saw
what they were like

outside the theater.

- Yes.

- I didn't know who you were,

- How do you explain this?

- I can't.

I've never seen it before.

- It was in your pocket.

- Then somebody must have
put it there.

- Chief Inspector?

Monsieur Hall.

Why did you not go to the party
of Monsieur Opalsen?

- I've told you.

I went for a walk.

- And your walk took you back
to the Grand Metropolitan Hotel.

- Yes.

I wanted to see Celestine.

I just needed to be with her.

But then, when I saw
she wasn't alone,

I went to bed.

- Mr. Poirot,
you've got to believe me.

I'd never seen that key before.

Someone must have
hidden it there.

- Now, now, now, now, now,
mon petit.

Tell me, about Monsieur Hall,

you know of his gambling?

- Yes.

I've tried to stop him,
but it's no good.

It's like a disease.

- And you are aware,

that for the return
of these pearls,

Monsieur Opalsen is offering
a reward most substantial?

- Yes.

But I didn't take them,
Mr. Poirot, I swear to you.

- But nobody else came into
the room while you were there.

- No,

only the hotel maid.

- Tell me,
Mademoiselle Celestine.

Monsieur Hall,
how did you first meet?

- It was at the theater.

One of Mr. Opalsen's

An Oscar Wilde.

- Lady Windermere's Fan?

- No.

It was The Importance
of Being Earnest.

- Of course.

Hastings, I must contact
the good Miss Lemon in London.

- What for?

- This case, Hastings,
I begin to see the light.

- I don't understand.

- You heard
what the young lady said.

- Oscar Wilde?

- Exactement.

Hastings, there is work
to be done.

- Left to get married
about six months ago.

- Really?

- Good sh**ting,
Chief Inspector.

- I used to go out
on Isleworth Marshes

when I was a boy.

Some things you never forget.

- Well, I must say, it's nice
to have an evening off.

- What's Poirot up to, then?

- Thinking.

- Oh.

- This was meant to be a rest,
you know.

Heaven knows what Miss Lemon's
going to say when she arrives.

- Hello, sir.

Evening, Chief Inspector.

- Hello, Miss Wilson.

- It's nice to see
the police is human too.

That for your little boy?

- Yes.

- I'm glad I ran into you.

There's something
I was wanting to tell you.

- Oh, yes?
What's that?

- Well, it may not mean nothing,
but it's that writer.

- What about him?

- Well, I saw him
in Mr. Opalsen's room

day before
that necklace got swiped.

He was there
when I did the cleaning.

Said he was looking
for something,

but I don't know.


- The day before.

- Mr. Poirot?

- Ah, Miss Lemon.

Allow me to take your case.

- Thank you.

- Good morning, Miss Lemon.

- I thought this was meant
to be a holiday,

Captain Hastings.

I'll talk to you later.

- Poirot?

What are you up to, Poirot?

- Chief Inspector, you must make
an immediate arrest.

- I've already made an arrest,
thank you very much.

- Chief Inspector,
what if this case

was not just a question of theft
but of fraud?

And what also
if the pearls of the czar

did not exist?

- There's Mr. Opalsen.

Can we have a statement,
please, sir?

Can we have a statement?

- Make a statement,
Chief Inspector.

- Mr. Opalsen?

- Poirot!

How dare you?

- But, Monsieur Opalsen,

a man in your position needs
all the publicity he can get.

- Mr. Opalsen.

- Could you tell us
what's going on, sir?

- Following our investigations,
we discovered

that the necklace
that was stolen was a fake.

There never were
any real pearls.

- You mean he did it
for the insurance,

Chief Inspector?

- We are now investigating
the possibility

of an insurance fraud.

That's all I can tell you
for the present.

Thank you.

- One more question, sir.

What made you think
the pearls were fake?

- Mr. Opalsen?
- Mr. Opalsen.

- Oh, yes, Inspector Drake
and I have worked together

quite a lot recently.

- Oh, here's Inspector Drake
coming now.

Shh! Shh!
Good evening, sir.

My lady will be here presently.

- My dear Inspector.

- Forgive me, Lady Jane,

but I don't think
you should be wearing that.

- The necklace?

Whyever not?

- Because the Phantom has sworn
he'll have it.

And the Phantom
has never once failed.

- Poirot.

Why did you want
to see the play again?

- Tomorrow the play travels
to New York, mon ami.

- Yes?

- Miss Lemon has yet
to see a performance.

- Shh!

- I mean to have him.

- Good night, sir.

- What are we doing here,

The play is finished.

- The play, it has finished,
yes, Hastings.

But there is still
one more act.

- I don't understand.

- Ah, mon cher Hastings,

the pearls so celebrated
of the czar,

where do you think a market
could be found for them?

- Well, I don't know.

Somewhere on the Continent,
I suppose.

- No, no, no, Hastings.

And that is what Miss Lemon
discovered for me in London.

- They're just too well known
over here.

No one would touch them.

- In America, then?

- Exactement.

And with everyone searching
for them,

what would be the best way
to smuggle them abroad?

- Well, of course,
in among the scenery and props

for the play.

- Oui.

- You mean they're here

- Oui.

- Well, where?

And who put them here?

- This case,
it has been most curious,

n'est-ce pas, Chief Inspector?

From the start,
there were only two people

who could possibly have stolen
those pearls

of Monsieur Opalsen:

Mademoiselle Celestine

or Mademoiselle Grace Wilson,
the hotel maid.

- Well, it must have been

She had the key.

It was sewn into her petticoat.

- It has always puzzled me,
that, Hastings.

Why keep the key?

It was so needless, so clumsy.

- Are you saying it was planted?

- Yes, of course.

- Well, if it wasn't Celestine,
it must have been Grace.

But we know that she didn't
have time to take the pearls.

You said so yourself.

- It is a riddle, is it not,

- So which of them was it?

- Let us imagine.

Mademoiselle Grace Wilson is
in the room of Monsieur Opalsen.

She is there
only to be friendly.

- I can get you some,
if you like.

- No, it's all right.

- The moment
that Mademoiselle Celestine

leaves the room
to retrieve the scissors,

as quick as a flash, she acts.

She was able to execute
the theft of the pearls

in an instant,

because she did not need
to unlock the box herself.

She had in the adjoining room
an accomplice

with a duplicate key,

and it was he who removed
the pouch and the pearls.

- Mr. Worthing.

- Exactement, Hastings.

And when Mademoiselle Celestine
leaves the room

for the second time,
this time for some thread,

the box, it is returned
in exactly the same manner.

Only now, the necklace,
it has gone.

- And I suppose it was
this mysterious Mr. Worthing

who hid the key
in Celestine's petticoat.

- He or his accomplice,
Chief Inspector, yes.

But it was definitely
Monsieur Worthing

who placed into the pocket
of Monsieur Hall

the pouch which was empty.

- Poirot!

That's right.

I saw him at the race course.

There's Mr. Worthing.
I could have sworn it.

But who is he?

Who is this Mr. Worthing?

Mr. Poirot.

- Shh.

- Shh.
Wait there.

- It is a pleasure
to meet you at last,

Mr. Worthing.

- Saunders.

- Let go!

Get off me!
I done nothing wrong!

Let go of me!

Oh, God.

You bloody fool.

I told you
we shouldn't ought to have come.

- But I think it is too late
for that, Madame Saunders.

- Madame--what, you mean
they're married?

- Yes, of course,
Chief Inspector.

It was that that Miss Lemon
discovered for me

at the Dog and the Duck
in Holborn.

- Grace Saunders.

The landlord
remembered her well.

- But why the disguise?

- Ah, Hastings.

How else could Monsieur Saunders
reserve for himself

a room next door
to Monsieur Opalsen?

He had to assume a new identity.

- How could you possibly know?

- As ever, Monsieur, it was
the little details,

the matters of no consequence

that caught the attention
of Poirot.

You will recall, Hastings,
on the night of the theft,

that I remarked
on some white powder

on the sleeve
of Monsieur Saunders.

You will forgive me?

- I thought
it was talcum powder.

- Thank you very much, sir.
- Not at all.

No, Hastings,
it was not the talcum powder.

It was the French chalk,
which cabinetmaker use

to let the drawers made of wood
run more smoothly

and with which Monsieur Worthing
prepared beforehand

the drawer
containing the pearls.

But I was suspicious
of Mr. Worthing

long before this.

- Your key, Mr. Worthing.

- When Hastings and myself,

we first came
to the Grand Metropolitan Hotel,

there was a man at the desk.

He was elderly.
He must walk with a stick.

- Thank you.

- But when he goes to his room,
which is on the first floor,

he proceeds not to the lift
that is waiting, no,

but to the staircase.

It was a performance, Monsieur,

but a performance that,
to Poirot, did not ring true.

- Damn you.

- That's enough of that.

Take him away.

- One thing, Poirot.

I know you were waiting
for them,

but why did you think
they'd come here?

- They came here, Hastings,
to retrieve the necklace.

- I see.

Where is the necklace?

- The necklace, Hastings?

It is, I think...


- Damn Poirot!

You mean that bloody little man
set me up?

- It's your own fault.

You tried to use him.

- But, Margaret,
what about the pearls?

- Don't worry.

That "bloody little man"
got them back.

- So you made up the story
about the fake pearls

to smoke out the thieves.

- Hmm.

So now you learn the plot
of your next play,

Monsieur Hall.

Yes, I told to them
that the necklace, it was false,

because I knew that they would
then have to examine it.

- We're all packed, Mr. Poirot.

- Thank you, Miss Lemon.

- The reward, Mr. Poirot.

It should be yours.

Why have you given it to me?

- Because, Mademoiselle,

it was you who told to me
the title of the play

The Importance
of Being Earnest.

And there is in that play
a character

that is very well known
who is called...

- Jack Worthing.

- C'est ca.

And it was then that I saw
the light.

So the reward, I think,
must be for you.

Miss Lemon?

- So much for your holiday,
Mr. Poirot.

- But, Miss Lemon,
I feel completely refreshed.

- Even so, this wasn't
what the doctor ordered.

- Daily Echo!
Daily Echo!

- You are Lucky Len
of the Daily Echo,

and I claim my ten guineas.

- You're right.
I was Lucky Len.

But I'm sorry;
I got fired this morning.

- Fired?

- Too many people
were recognizing me.

The paper decided
it must be my face.

It's too common.

- Common?

- That's what they said.

Bit of a cheek, if you ask me.

But there you are.

- They are wrong, mon ami.

You have a face
that is most distinguished.

You have no need
to work for this newspaper.

You have a face of a great man.

- You think so?

- Oh, yes.

I know it.