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02x01 - The Door To Freedom

Posted: 12/18/13 13:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

There have been rumors that Mr. Reycraft is having an inappropriate relationship with one of the employees.

Are you gonna lose your job?

I already quit.

Why would you quit?

I want him more than I want the job!

I care about you.

That means...

(Voice breaking) "I don't love you back."

Bay: What are you doing here?

Travis, are you sleeping here?

We have been cutting you slack ever since we found out about the switch!

And we're done.

Yeah, I got it.

I can't believe you came out all this way just to find me.


Have you reached a verdict in each of these two cases?

We find in favor of the plaintiffs, John Kennish and Kathryn Kennish... in the amount of $1.

In the matter of Angelo Sorrento versus children's hospital of Kansas City, we find in favor of the plaintiff... in the amount of five million dollars.

(All gasp)




I'm looking for Angelo Sorrento.

Do you know where he is?

Well well well!

Hmm, good morning.

Good morning.


You know, I gotta admit, I saw that your bed was made, and I thought maybe...

I never slept in it, and you were going to catch me trying to sneak back in?


That was the old Bay Kennish.

The new Bay Kennish woke up at 6:45 A.M., made you a pot of freshly-brewed coffee, ran out and picked up some salted caramel sticky buns...


... From La Crèmerie.

And just finished 48 pages of "Eyes on the prize."

That's what I'm talking about.

Mm-hmm, I like this new Bay Kennish.

I may not make valedictorian...

Never say never.

... But I'm determined
not to be in the bottom 10 either.

(Panting) Hey.

(Door closes) You're up already?

Six miles, 100 sit-ups and 10 push-ups.

Are we in training for something?


I'm just trying to get in shape.

Are you waiting to hear back from someone?

(Car approaching, horn honking)

Toby: Dude!

This is awesome.

Completely restored.

John: No kidding.

At this rate, he'll blow through it in six months.

Adrianna: Looks like the check just cleared.

You like it?

It is so pretty!

I love old cars.

But you're not painting this one, no.

Could I please take it for a spin?




Remember the car we used to have?

(Scoffs) 1979 silver convertible Bug.

I think we paid 600 for it.

We've come a long way.




Open the trunk. Check it out.

(Daphne giggles)

John: Oh, no, I don't need to...

Angelo: No, really. Go ahead.


Angelo: Whoa!

What's all this?!


And this is for you.


This is for you.

Oh, my God! Is this real?

Totally real.

It's a letter
from Frida Kahlo to Diego.

Regina: What?! Let me see that.

No, you're not serious.

Three hours of studio time.

I hope it's enough.

Dude, this guy recorded the Flaming Lips!

This is amazing!

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

No, I can't accept...


With all the hospitality in letting me stay here.

Thank you so much. And this is...

for you.

Kathryn: A cappuccino maker.

I have been dying to get one of these!

You mentioned that once.

Oh! Thank you!

I'm glad you like it.

Um, did you get Daphne anything?

Oh, no.

No no no no, it's okay.

I don't... I don't need anything.

Angelo: Actually...

I got a little something for you.

Come on!

That looks like a food truck!


It is a food truck!

Regina: You got my daughter
a food truck?

She can take it on the weekend.

She can take it after school.

She can cook whatever she wants.

Vegetarian food...

-John: Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on one second!

She's in high school.

I got this, I got...

She won't have to deal with bosses or... or kitchen politics.

Bay: Uh, this is pretty rocking.


What do you think?

(Exhales) It's...

How is she supposed to drive this thing?

She will learn.

Angelo, I know that you meant well...

Trust me.

This is what she needs.

Hello, sir. May I take your order?

Uh, we gotta take this thing to Buckner.

And I could help! I can help!

I'm just not sure...

Keep it for one week, okay?

Just one week.

Promise me.


You're gonna love it!

(Exhales deeply)

Look at you.

All you need is a red suit and a sleigh, huh?

Yup! (Exhales)

Merry Christmas.



Uh, yeah!

What should we ask for next? A pony?

Okay, so is he...

richer than your parents?

Or is it all sort of at the same level?

Yeah, it's definitely not the same.

And there are levels of richness.

And rich people love to compare themselves to extra-rich people and claim poverty.


He just looks so natural being rich.

Doesn't he? Like it... it just fits him.

Not like me or my mom.

Do you think she's regretting not taking the money?

No way.

Do you actually see my mom living off of Angelo's millions?

She would cut off her right arm before she'd be some kept woman.

First he punches out your boyfriend, then he just gives you a food truck.

He definitely swings big.

Well, I appreciate all the effort, but I am not driving around town selling corn dogs.


You know, I don't think Merkie and Ivan Ronan have even spoken

10 words to us over the years.

Why would they invite us to golf?

They must want something.

When are we getting rid of that food truck?

Next week?

Oh! She's on the board of that spinal cord charity.

That must be it.

I can't believe how you fawned over that coffee machine.

Yeah, well you say that, but then * try this. *

And then you encourage her to actually use the truck?

The dumbest gift in the world?

I was just trying to be supportive.

She's been so down lately.

How about that car?

Is that a cliché?

Win a bunch of money, buy a sports car.

Do you want me to put the clubs in your Porsche?

I earned my money.

(Sighs) He's just never been able to give her a present.

He was just trying to...

He's showing us up, Kathryn, that's what he's doing.

He rubbing our face in the dollar... excuse me.

The 66 cents that we actually won.






Have a nice day.

John: Yeah, have a...

(Clears throat) (Door opens)

(Door closes)








Uh, hey hey. Hey, uh...

Me need... find, uh, the... the... what do you call it?

It's the place, uh... the office... (Stammering)

The place where you sign up for classes.

Okay, I gotta go over there somewhere.

Eh, it's okay. You can come with me.

(Exhaling) Okay.

Great, you talk.

Uh, you're in the pilot program too?

No no no, I'm deaf. But oral.

Come on.




I'm Teo.


Bay: So when do I get the "thank you"?

Toby: For what?

Uh, for being switched at birth.

I lead a life of confusion and turmoil, and you get a private studio session with The Flaming Lips.

Okay, it's not The Flaming Lips; it's their producer.

But thank you.

Actually, it's not so bad for me.

So what's your angle these days?

All nose to the grindstone.

I guess it's kinda like when all else fails, read the directions.

When all else fails, try to make it work.

Wow, after 11 years, you finally decided to stop fighting it here.


Excuse me? Hello?

You're not allowed to park here.

Mario, what's... what do you mean?

It's us... Toby and Bay.

But I was told the car can't be here anymore.

As long as it's painted like that.

(School bell rings)

What's wrong with how it's painted?

Some kind of anti-graffiti mandate.

Doesn't fit the Buckner image.

So 16-year-olds driving

$60,000 cars is fine, but a couple of sea creatures are offensive?

(Muttering) Just move it.

Park it around back please.

Regina: You're building a house here?

On a golf course?


Isn't this John and Kathryn golf course?


I had no idea.


And we are building here, not just me.

Any style you want... modern, victorian...

Angelo, I'm not leaving Daphne, and she's not leaving the Kennishes.

And a year and a half from now when she leaves the house?

Come on, dream a little!

We can have a pool. We can have a tennis court.

We can make a space for your mom if you want.

Okay. But, Gina, this is your money.

No, it's not.

We're married! Your name is on the deed to the land.

That is for immigration reasons only.

(Sighs deeply)

This is crazy.

Here you are, stressing, juggling bills.

I'm doing fine!

If the switch hadn't happened, we would still be together.

All these things... car, house... they don't make up for the time we lost.

But if we get back together, and enjoy them together... then the money is doing something good.

I did always want a greenhouse.

Then I will build the finest greenhouse in Kansas.


(School bell rings)

I was just coming into your homeroom to find you.

Mr. Reynolds wants to see you.

But I moved it already.

He's expecting you.

This is Teo Hanahan.

He's here for the pilot program.

He was wandering around lost.

She'll take care of you.


Hi! Sorry.

I moved it, everything's okay.

Hi, Mr. Feldman.

Bay. Sit down.

We wanna talk to you.

Is everything okay?

You got a 94 on your French exam.

I did?!

That's high for you, isn't it?

Uh, I... I guess.

But I've been studying really hard, obviously.

The thing is Bonnie Saterfield got a 97.


Which is actually not that unusual.


And Mr. Feldman has made me aware that she was sitting right in front of you.

You think I cheated?

We're just trying to figure out what's what here.

I... I didn't cheat.

My biological father is French, which Monsieur Feldman knows.

We have a student Honor Board as, of course, you know.

You've been encouraging me to study more all semester, and when I do, you wanna put me in front of an Honor Board?

The Honor Board is made up of your peers.

You'll be treated fairly.

Thank you.

If I was being treated fairly, I wouldn't have to go in front of an Honor Board.


I was so impressed with your book.

Well, thank you.

And your testimony in that case against the hospital?

You kept your cool.

But you were so articulate and powerful in damning them.

Oh, I don't know.

It didn't seem to convince the jury.

Oh, those things can be funny.

Ivan's done enough of those cases to know you can't always tell which way the wind's gonna blow.

You've handled this whole thing with such grace under fire.

We've all been talking about it.


That's nice.


Merkie: Nice shot.

John: I don't know.

It must have been some kind of chronic depression.

Who are you talking about, honey?

Frank Slade.

Oh, that's so sad.

We didn't even know he was sick.

Neither did we.

You must be scrambling to find someone to fill his seat.

Funny you should say that.

John: You're gonna have a special election, right?

Three months from now.

People seem pretty rocked by his death.

We need somebody... that everybody's familiar with, you know?

Like a brand.

Merkie: Instant name recognition, warmth, likability.

What do you think of Nick Miner?

Ivan: I mean, I know you played with him a couple years back, back in the day.

I talk to Nick from time to time.

Shauna's in my book club.

Would you feel comfortable reaching out to him?

Encouraging him to step up for us?

I talk to him all the time, but he only knows me as the local party representative.


Sure. Yeah. Happy to help.















(Cellphone vibrates)





(Kathryn laughs)

John: All right, bye.

Nick Miner...

That guy's as dumb as a box of rocks.

Ah, you know what? I'm sorry.

That's insulting to rocks.


I think I'm more qualified to run for State Senate than he is.

No kidding.

You know, it's funny.

When Merkie was going on and on about my book and my testimony, I kinda thought that maybe she was...

(Laughing) uh, anyway, um...

So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna be a good Republican soldier?

'Cause Ivan's not a bad guy to have on our side.

Yeah, I know. I'll convince Nick to run.

But you know what? I ain't votin' for him.


Lana: I wasn't even gonna tell you!

I was just gonna deal with this myself until I read your testimony in the paper about being cheated out of raising your kid!

So crazy me, I thought maybe you wanted to know that you had another one out there.


Um, I just wanted to come and say thank you again for the producer.

This is a bad time, so, uh, I'm gonna go.

No no.


We're done here.

I'll go.

Angelo: We met on a plane back to Italy and then we bumped into a each other in a cafe in Rome.

Honestly, I don't even need the details.

Adrianna had just called the cops on me for God's sake!

I didn't even know if I'd ever get back to this country.

I'm so above my pay grade here.

I really am the worst possible person to be talking to.

She shows up at the courthouse the day I win five million dollars, claiming to have my baby after one night together?!

I mean, what would you have thought?

Uh, a situation I haven't even been close to encountering.

So I ask her to... to take a D.N.A. test.

Does that make me a bad guy?

(Sighs) I guess not.

One time... one time...

How could this happen?

Now of all times.

What does she want?

I don't know.

I don't think she knows.

But is she gonna, like, tell people or anything?

I don't know.

I don't know anything except that I'm screwed.

Just give me some time.

I need to try to deal with this.


Can you keep it to yourself?

John: Son of a bitch.

Kathryn: After all the money we pay them?

And all the money I've raised for them?

You know what? I always hated that Monsieur Feldman.

It's actually pronounced...

(With French accent) Feldman.

Who's on this Honor Board anyway, huh?

A bunch of brown nosers passing judgment on their peers.

How are they supposed to decide if you cheated or not?

Kathryn: Yeah.

I have to present a case, Monsieur Feldman has to present a case.

And then the board votes.

And then they decide if you're suspended?

Or expelled.



They can't expel you for a test you didn't cheat on! That's crazy!

Because crazy and unfair things never happen to me?

I am calling that Ned Reynolds again.


Don't. There's no point.

I have an idea.

I asked Angelo to come to the Honor Board.

What's Angelo gonna do?

Give everybody presents?

He's gonna speak in French and prove that he's real, and that's why I improved so much.

Well, that's a great idea.

I am so proud of you!

You're gonna do fine.

Sweetie, I'm not so sure
it's a great idea to have Angelo as your backup in front of an Honor Board.

Are you kidding me?

Angelo and a jury? He'll probably walk out of there with another million bucks.

Good point.
(Regina sighs and groans)

Hey, can you give me a hand?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Thank you. Whoo.

It's for Angelo's condo.

I have to keep a bunch of things there in case immigration stops by.


I actually wanted to talk to you about something else too.

Oh, yeah?


Angelo's asked me to help design this house he's building.

He wants a music room, and I was looking into soundproof walls.

Wait. You're moving in with Angelo?

Uh... not today.

But, um, down the line.

I mean, I don't really see what would be stopping me.

I'm certainly not gonna camp out in your parents' backyard for the rest of my life.

(Weak chuckle) Right.

I hear that.

And, um, I've kinda felt guilty that they've even had to deal with Angelo and all the drama.

But, you know, it sorta feels like all that's finally behind us.

And maybe we can all get a fresh start, you know?

Yeah, well, I'll send you that info on the soundproofing walls.

Oh, okay. Thanks!

(Grunts) Okay.

(Slow piano melody playing)

* Where did I begin? *

(Jeff breathes deeply)

* turning through the pages *
* but I don't know *
* what I've read... *



How are you?

I'm okay.

I saw your review in the "Penny."

"The blue corn muffins are like little clouds of heaven."

Not bad.

Yeah, thanks.

You still doing the almond butter with those?

Look, I... I wanted to, uh... talk to you about what you asked... about putting me as a reference.

Is that a problem?

Kind of.

Yeah. Uh, look, I'm...

(Sighs) I'm on probation... after the whole thing, and... (Sighing) plus, this is... this is a small town, and a lot of chefs know what happened between us.

So when they call and ask why you left...

I'm gonna have to be honest.

And I... I don't think that's helping anyone.


But it's... it's your call.

I'll do whatever you prefer.

You can put me down, you don't have to put me down.

It's fine.

But whatever you decide... you don't have to text me... every time that you do.

You and me, we... we can't be friends.

Got it.

I'm sorry.













Hey. It talks.

Can you believe that?

Who needs a talking telescope?

Here's the thing: the book's done, I recorded the audio version last week...

Which is very cool, by the way.


I've been trying to figure out what's next for me.

I've been fundraising for years... pretty successfully, I think.

Very successfully.

And I have a name in this town, thanks to you and my book.

I know a ton of people.

And I actually think I'm... sort of... a brand.

(Chuckling) You wanna run for Frank Slade's seat?

Think about it.

If I had been in office when they cut the basketball program at Carlton, maybe I could have done something.

And there are environmental issues I'm passionate about.

And all those things I raise money for, I might actually be able to follow through on.

(Chuckling) Wow, this is not what I expected.

Well, vets run all the time with no experience other than that.

And did you know that

46 women have succeeded their late husbands in Congress?

Plus, three more that succeeded them, but didn't follow directly...

I see we've done some research.

I think this is it, John.

I think this is my next step.

Run for office?

I know this family has been through a lot, but I sort of think that that's a good thing.

I mean, we've been vetted backwards and forwards by lawyers, we're used to being in the public eye and we don't have to bet the whole farm on my campaign.

Hold on, hold on.

If you do this, we do this.

We will support you in every way, whatever that means.

So you see it? You kinda see it now?

(Chuckling) Well, I'm starting to.

Okay, so, I'll go back to Ivan and I'll tell him that I'm not supporting Nick Miner, and I'm throwing your hat in the ring instead.

Actually, don't do that.

I'll talk to him.



Glad you're here actually.

Tell me, is this relatively even?

Yeah, looks good.

Shouldn't you be preparing for your Honor Board thing tomorrow?

What's to prepare? I didn't cheat.

I'm gonna tell them that.

Do you know how hard this must have been to find?

An actual handwritten letter of hers?

I've looked online. They don't even sell these anymore.

Most of them are in museums.

Are you sure it's real?

Of course it's real. He said it was real. (Scoffs)

Are you sure everything he says is true?

You taking lessons now from dad?

How to dump on Angelo.

I found out something.

Whatever, Toby.

I probably shouldn't say anything, but...

I feel like I need to tell you.

Okay, he's my family.

And you don't have to like him, but I won't have you talking crap about him either.

Bay, he got some chick pregnant.

African-American and gorgeous?

You know?


She was at the trial.

He said she was a reporter from "People" magazine and that she was looking for a statement.

It made sense at the time. A lot of people were calling and asking for statements.

Do you think Regina and Daphne know?

I think you and I are the only people who know.

It sucks.

I'm sorry.

Angelo: This is a great school.


You are so lucky to go here.

Sure am.

You know what that means, right?

"In unity, happiness."

Very true. I agree.

So that "People" magazine article, I never saw that.

Did it ever come out?

You can come in now.

Uh, I don't know. I will find out.

Come on.

Angelo: We... we go for walks.

We, uh, watch movies.

All in pure français.

You see, Bay doesn't only learn from books.

She needs to do, not just study.

We're the same like that.

Actually, we're the same in a lot of ways.

You have one more minute.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Yes, on a personal note, I know my daughter.

She's not a liar or a cheater.

If she says something is true...

it's true.

Mr. Reynolds: Thank you.

I think it went well.


You're welcome.

Thank you.

(Exhales) Bay, what's going on?

You told me she was a reporter.

You looked me in the eye and you... lied to me.

Is that who you are? A liar and a cheater? How could you do that...

Hold on a second! Regina and I were not married back then.

But you were with her.

And how could you be so careless?

They hammer into our heads to use protection, and my own father doesn't... on a one night stand?!

I am not talking about this with you, okay?

You really don't have a choice.

Because she exists now, and we all have to deal with it.

No. This is my problem.

And I'm taking care of it.

What does that mean?

I will give her whatever she wants to help raise...

The baby.


I don't think she wants anything to do with me.

So don't worry. Nothing will change with us.

Nothing will change?

No. That's right.

This is such déjà vu, you have no idea.

Bay, don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you.

You're just gonna walk out on another kid.

This is not the same!

It is to the kid!

You're gonna leave her or him to... to never know her father or the truth about who she is.

Don't you see that?

You're repeating history.

It is the same thing all over again.







(Door opens)



How'd it go?


Well, did he agree with you that Kennish is a brand?

Oh, yeah. He agreed.


He just thinks a different Kennish should run.

Oh, no...

Oh, yeah.

He pointed out that you have five successful businesses that show that you know how to manage money.

Plus, name recognition, of course.

And voting for you reminds people of rooting for you and the Royals.

Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna give him a call.

No no, please.

Don't. You're not gonna say anything to him that I didn't already say.

He wasn't convinced.

It'd just make me feel bad being rejected twice in one day. (Chuckles)



Okay. Onward, right?

I'll find something else important and interesting to do, and all will be well... and good. (Sighs)

See you at home.

A phony and a liar!

Just handing out all these gifts, acting like it is no big deal!


I wish that he hadn't.

Actually, I wish that I hadn't even done the Honor Board. You know what?

I should have said, "if that's what you think of me, then I'll just leave."


I don't even care! (Sighs)

I hate that place so much.

I hate the stupid uniforms and I hate the stupid school mottos.

And I hate these stupid assemblies where we all get together and we act like these mini versions of our rich parents. And I was not even supposed to go there!

You know that, right? If I hadn't been switched, then I never would've even gone to Buckner!

(Screams, exhales sharply)






I wish that you went to Buckner, then at least I'd have you.



Yeah. I know.





































I don't wanna run for office and I have a full-time job.

When was the last time you were excited about going to work?

I remember what you were like when you were playing baseball and when you started the business... you were exhilarated every day!

The businesses are my responsibility, whether they light my fire or not.

Honey, those car washes practically run themselves.

Now that's not necessarily true...

And if they don't, you can find people who will step up.


You know, watching you with the book this summer, I admit I realized I didn't have the same passion for what I do, but running for office is not...

You're always yelling at the newspaper.

You could finally do something about it and stop yelling. And I'll help you.

I'll get experience, find out if this is what I really wanna do.

And maybe next time, I'll run.

We could do a Bill and Hillary kinda thing.

(Chuckles) Bite your tongue.

I'm serious.

I can see that.

John, you're a leader.

You deserve a third act.

We both do.

Think about it.

(Keys jingle)






























(Slow melody playing)

* We're eyes like smoke *
* to the sky *
* our hearts beat like wings *



* all the little lights... *




What is going on?

We're celebrating.

I've decided to keep the truck!

Wait, you're... you're keeping it?


Yeah! (Laughing)

You guys are on some sort of crazy sugar high.

Isn't it funny that everyone thought Angelo was nuts for giving me this?

Yeah, 'cause is nuts.

Yeah, well, here's to being switched at birth, and getting a food truck to compensate for the damages.

(Bay and Daphne chuckle)


Bay: Wow!

You are in a really good mood.

Which is good for me, because I actually wanna talk to you... about something.

What's going on?


No no no, don't.

What is it?

Uh... how weird would it be for you if I went to... Carlton?

Are you serious?


No, you dodo.

There's this pilot program for hearing kids.

Emmett told me about it.

Oh, my God. She's serious.

Well, I figure that me going to Carlton makes more sense than me going to Buckner.


Bay: No. No! I do not.

(Daphne laughs)

Bay: Actually, I think that this could be a great idea.

* In slow motion we rise *
* like smoke *
* till we are free. *

Can't wait for more "Switched at Birth"?

My hearing daughter at a deaf school?

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You and me, we have everything.

And yet you still threw it all away.

And now the winter premiere of "Bunheads," only on ABC Family.