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03x02 - Yates

Posted: 01/09/23 05:44
by bunniefuu
These so-called "Travelers"
have been exposed.

Not by the mainstream media.

They've moved on to the next news cycle.

Not by our government
or its intelligence agencies.

They're already covering it up.

Vincent Ingram,

once a whistle-blower
to a bona fide invasion from the future,

is now a prisoner
accused of terrible crimes.

A madman, they insist,

who went off his meds
and now denies everything he said.

Why did it come to this?

Because among the many thousands
of Travelers,

some have taken positions of power.

Others seek it even now.

This man intends to do the same.

Daniel Sosa,

former aide to the late congressman,
Ted Bishop,

now running to replace his seat
in the house.

And we have reason to believe

that not only is Sosa
one of these Travelers,

but he's also responsible

for the assassination
of Congressman Bishop himself.

We cannot allow them
to infiltrate our politics further.

We must stop Daniel Sosa

and send a message to these interlopers
from the future

that we are in charge of our country
and of our fate.

-[man] And cut!
-[woman] Great.

[bell rings]

Is that what you were talking about?

-[woman 2] Just arrived.
-[Christopher] Nice.


Thank you.

The videos have been disappearing
from servers all over the world,

including government servers.

But my source
managed to get his hands on one.

[Christopher] Well, let's see it.

Okay. But to make sure
it doesn't disappear,

it stays on this air-gapped computer
until Thursday's special.

-[scoffs] Really? [chuckles]

Bullshit or not, they are covering it up.

Here we go.

[computer beeps]

It has all been for the greater good.

The lives lost when Van Huizen exploded
ensured the survival of millions

who would've died
just over a year from now,

millions of people who have no idea
how close they came to the end.

And they were saved by Travelers.

That's what we do.

[theme music playing]

Hey. You're up early this morning.

Grant, I can't do this.

Well, go back to bed.

I mean, pretend that everything
is all right, that we're all right.

-Because we're not.
-What? Of course we are.

You can't just say that and make it true.


come on.

Pretend with me.

Otherwise, this won't end well for you.


You okay?

Yeah. I just... I just broke a cup.

You didn't cut yourself?


Shouldn't you be at work already?

Well, I just wanted to see you
before you took off to your mom's

for how many days?

A few... at least.

[ceramic clinking]


Well, tell her I said hi. [scoffs]

Shit, I am late.

Hey, uh...

Text me when you get there.

-[door opens, closes]

[knocking on door]


What's going on?

Do you mind if we come inside?


[crows cawing]

The judge felt the parenting plan
that Mr. Conniker submitted

was the best living situation for Jeffrey.

Sole custody.

Well, you're no longer living together,
so that ruse is over with.

The man is dangerous.

He's the person with bruises
all over his face, Ms. Shannon.

He came home drunk and att*cked me.

You appeared to have fared
remarkably well.

So I lose custody of my son
because I defended myself?

Don't make this difficult.

We'll give you time to pack his bag
and say goodbye.

[David grunting]

[breathing heavily]

-Good morning.

What are you doing?

And, uh, 100.

You know... [panting] Squats.

Okay, would you stop for a second?

Well, I can talk and squat
at the same time.

Just don't ask me to chew gum.

David, stop.

Just trying to get in better shape.
What's wrong with that?

Nothing would be wrong if it wasn't
immediately following a kidnapping.

See-- No, that's-- That's the best time...

[breathing heavily]
...between kidnappings.

-You have a history of PTSD.
-Yeah, I know.

Something's gotta give,
and I do not want it to be us.

So I got to thinking,

how is it that you can go out
day and night as an FBI doctor,

and I only know a tiny fraction
of what you do,

and then have tea
and play board games with me

as if none of that ever happened.

-Training is--
-No. See, its--

Yeah, it's training.

So that's what I'm doing.

To take on whatever the world
throws at me.


-Starting now.
-[Marcy] Mm-hm. [exhales]

You're lucky that wasn't an avocado.

Mr. Sosa.

What do you think is behind
Christopher Rockwell's accusations

that you're attempting to manipulate
our political system?

Well, I guess
if I really was from the future,

I'd know the answer to that.

Look, Rockwell has zero journalistic
credentials or experience.

In other words,
he's a purveyor of fake news.

And if he doesn't stop this,
eventually, someone's gonna get hurt.

Excuse me.

[horn honks]

-Hey. Morning.

[engine starts]

[turn signal clicking]

So, how's David doing?



The kidnapping maybe.

What do you know?

-I don't know anything.
-Don't give me that.

-The timeline has changed.
-No, not everything.

-Does he have a new TELL?
-You know I couldn't tell you

even if I knew anything, which I don't.


Seems like yesterday
I was at your first game.

Now you're moving out.

-I can't believe it.
-Taking the big step.

Hell, I moved out at your age.

In fact, some of this stuff's
from my first apartment.

I saved it for you.

-Uh, never would've guessed that.
-[hatch closes]

[crow cawing]

I feel weird leaving you here,

but I gotta pick up your mom
at the hair dressers.

It's okay 'cause my friend's gonna be here
any second, so...

-You got this.
-I got this.

I know you do.

-You'll be okay, Gary.

Ah! Don't forget about Sunday.

Supper's at 6:00, golf starts at 3:00.

Can't wait.

[engine starts]

[crow cawing]

Hey, hey!

Fresh start, right, roomie?

Do you know how many hard working men
and women had to look elsewhere

for employment because of Bishop's vote
on the pipeline?

With me, you're getting a job creator.

[Katie] Honey?

Have a great day.

I'm sorry, my dear. Duty calls.

Once this is all over and you win,

promise me you'll learn
when to turn it off.

All right.

-Get down!

[Katie screams]

[car alarm blaring]

[tires screeching]

[woman] Oh, my God!

[breathing heavily]





[phone ringing]

[indistinct chattering]

-Agent MacLaren.
-Agent Yates.

-Oh, so you know that I'm your--
-My new partner.

Yes, I've been fully briefed.

Please, have a seat.

I see you gave yourself the big office.

This will only take a minute.

Special Agent Grant MacLaren,

the following is a summary
from the Department of Justice

in accordance with
the Office of Government Ethics,

federal regulations, Title Seven,
and the Conflict of Interest, Title 19,


To ensure that every designated
FBI liaison have complete confidence

in the integrity of the Traveler program,

each Traveler team
shall respect and adhere

to the fundamental principles of the FBI

as implemented in regulations 301
of this order.

Why wouldn't they?

As your designated liaison,
I, Special Agent Joanne Yates,

will act as governing party over your team

and engage with my superiors in good faith

regarding ethical, moral,
and legal matters

stemming from your team's presence
in the 21st century.

Please acknowledge that you understand
the terms of this agreement.

Sure thing.

-We done?
-Not even close.

We have a lot of ground to cover.

Such as?

I'm gonna need you to brief me
on your team,

your mandate, operations... the future.

Sorry, that is Protocol 5.

Which means
that when we're in the FBI office,

we do FBI work unless otherwise directed.

-You do know that I know?
-Oh, well, if you know...

Obviously not everything.

-Who knows everything?
-I have my orders.

I also have orders,
and one of them, Protocol 2,

is that I can't tell you anything.

The FBI is now a governing body
over the Traveler program.


The Director acknowledges
that authorities have become aware

of Traveler operations in the 21st.

That is in everybody's best interest
that those actions,

both past and future,
be kept from the general public

and that the Director itself
will inform the said authorities

of further actions
if and when it sees fit.

That's not how we see it.

-Please call me "Mac." We're partners.

You wanna look over my shoulder, fine,

just so long as it doesn't interfere
with my mission,

which I think I am allowed to tell you,
is to save the f*cking world.

Back to work?

The FB doesn't I all by itself.


Close your eyes, Philip.

How could you possibly know
that I opened my eyes?

We're almost done.

Take a deep, cleansing breath and focus.

We should be working on the device.
We're on a tight timeline.

This will help us concentrate on our work.

I don't need help concentrating.

Yeah, you do.




-[timer ticking]
-[Philip exhales]

-[timer dings]
-Back to work.


Uh, let's punt
the oligarch story to the third segment.


-[cell phone ringing, vibrating]
-One second.


[distorted voice] Open your email.

Who is this?

Do it.

How'd you get this number?

[line dropped]

Who is it?

I don't know.

This message is for Christopher Rockwell.

Your source may have provided the video,
but Katie Sosa's blood is on--

CIA analysts just flagged this.


It's a video from a hacktivist group

positioned in a few
Eastern European countries.

Seems they have a problem
with Christopher Rockwell.

[distorted voice] This message
is for Christopher Rockwell.

Your source may have provided the video,
but Katie Sosa's blood is on your hands.

It's only fair
you pay for what you've done.

I'm sure a lying, narcissistic bag of shit
like Rockwell

-gets stuff like this all the time.
-[phone rings]


Yeah, I just saw it.
Uh, he's standing right in front of me.


[telephone thuds]

-Who was that?
-SAC Nielsen.

They're taking the threat seriously.

You and I are providing protection
for Christopher Rockwell

in case of an assassination attempt.


Well, he just might need protection
from me.

[car beeps]

[man] I'm coming around.

Hey. So sorry I'm late.
That was a longer walk than I expected,

-but I got my steps in.

Is Jeff not here?


Hey, just a black coffee, please.

[touch tones beeping]

Thank you.

[line ringing]

-This is Jeff. You know what to do.
-[voicemail beeps]

Jeff. David.

Uh, it's ten after.

We're here.

We'll wait another 20 minutes
unless there's a text.

Short and sweet.

Yeah, I'm trying to break a habit.

So, how's Kathryn MacLaren?


That wasn't a full-throated "fine."

Well, really, I am.

David, my last encounter
with a psychologist

was not a pleasant one. Don't push me.

[chuckles] No.
I'm not even remotely qualified, but...

I'd be happy to be your social worker
should you become homeless.

Oh, well, pretty close to it. [chuckles]


No. I'm just staying with my mother
for a few days.

But I'm not rushing back home
to Grant anytime soon.

You don't blame him.

Ingram was obviously insane.

And I already knew Grant cheated on me,
and we dealt with that.

It... It's just that...

I've felt like this before, with him.

There's this black hole of memory
where there should be something.

-They did drug us.
-No, I know.

Because they were gonna take us somewhere
and do terrible things.

All of this is... It's hard to live with.

Look, I don't really know Agent MacLaren,
but if Marcy says he's a good guy--

Where the hell is Jeff anyway? Seriously.

What time is it?

You know, maybe, uh...

talking about this with a professional,
one who isn't under duress,

might actually help.

-What's this?
-It's a friend.

[Kathryn exhales]

So tell me what happened.

Jeff got what he wanted.

Child services took Jeffrey
away this morning.

I'm so sorry.

I've always believed in Protocol 1,

but... my heart is telling me
that a mother should put her son first,

not her mission.

Well, in the grand scheme of things,
they're both the same.

You're doing everything in your power
to give Jeffery Jr. a world to grow up in.

You just gotta keep reminding yourself
of that.

Philip, we just received the component.
We're on our way back.

-[indistinct chattering]
-[Christopher groans]

Relax. We're all brave online.

It's just kids in a basement.

Who got my contact information
in order to thr*aten your life.

Look, if it wasn't for Katie Sosa,
I might agree with you.

Do you still have the email?

-Load it up.

First segment. Follow my lead.

Chris, that's taking it too far.

-Let's go.
-[man] Roll sound.

[Christopher exhales]

[jingle playing]

This morning's assassination attempt
on Daniel Sosa

and the slaying of his wife
was not random.

Travelers have simply tried to cut ties
with a compromised operative.

We struck a nerve by exposing
their underground network,

but this is only the beginning.

Today, my team received a startling video
confirming that they are now after me.

And let--

-Hold on. Cut.
-[bell rings]

Who let them inside?

This is a closed set.

[Yates] FBI.

We need to speak with you.

I'm gonna need to see a search
warrant if you expect to take the video.

What video is that?

Mr. Rockwell,
we're not here to take anything.

We're here to protect you.

We have credible intel
that your life is in danger.

[indistinct chattering]

[dog barking in distance]

Getting hungry yet, Agent Yates?

My friends call me Jo.

Well, hopefully, we get to be friends.

What's this?

You asked me
to bring something for dinner.

This is what dinner eats.

So, what, everyone's a vegan in the future
'cause there's no animal protein?

Come on, give me something.

How bad is it?

That's just a different way
of asking the same question.

-So it's bad.
-[phone vibrating]

Then again, why would you come back
in time to change history

if everything was great.


-What is it?

Wife problems.

Same here.

So how long have you been married?

Ten years.

But it hasn't been ten years for you.

I'm told when a Traveler arrives,
their consciousness supplants the host's.

We only take hosts
who were historically about to die.

Oh. He told me something.
That is if you're telling me the truth.

That is what we do.
It's hard-wired into the Director.

Okay, but even so. I mean, you can't
have been with her for more than what,

a year?

That's enough time
to make a real connection.

I don't know how real it could be.

We're just as human as you are, Jo.

Is it painful for a host
when an incoming consciousness takes over?

Yes. But it's fairly quick.

[scoffs] You make it sound like
you're doing them a favor.

Well, my host would have bled out alone
at the bottom of an elevator shaft.

Kat would've ended up a widow.

And most of the good we've done
would never have happened.

So, yes, we are.

My mother died a couple of days ago.

She had a series of strokes,

and the last one was so massive,
she couldn't speak.

Because there was really no one inside
anymore to form words.

But she did speak.

Your Director used her to send a message.

Her last words weren't even her own,
and they ended her life.

Forgive me for not thanking you.




I think I sat up too fast.

-What are you doing on the floor?

Did some sit-ups.

But I lost count.

You know, in order for your muscles
to strengthen,

they need a lot of rest, right?

The guy in the Pilates infomercial
said that.

[Marcy chuckles]

-I think I pulled a muscle in my neck.
-All right. You know what?

-Let's get you to bed.
-What time is it?

-Oh, yeah, no, let's get me to bed.
-Come on.

-[Katie exhales]
-[David] Hmm.

-[Philip] That was easier than I expected.
-What was?

Mining Ethereum.

I used a root kit to subvert
a super computer's processing power

to unlock the next chain in the block.

I made $80,000 in 27 minutes. [chuckles]

By stealing from people's accounts?

No. Technically,
keeping the whole system afloat.

-If anything, I did a good thing.
-Well, you know what eventually happens.

-Yeah, but that doesn't happen for like--
-[alarm blaring]

What's going on?

-[man 1] FBI!
-[man 2] Freeze!

Everyone down, now!


Don't sh**t.

In what way did I give you the impression
I was about to sh**t you?

What's going on?


Oh, man.


Before you say anything,
that's a Traveler-approved drug.

It's not making me high.
It's, uh, making me better.

Yeah, I know. I can see that. What is it?

I can't tell you. Protocol 2H.

-"H" is for Historian.

I've seen this movie, Philip.
I don't like how it ends.

[baby crying]

[crying continues]

[Christopher] This morning's
assassination attempt on Daniel Sosa

and the slaying of his wife
was not a random attack.

Travelers have simply cut ties
with a compromised operative.

Clearly, we struck a nerve
by exposing their underground network,

but this is only the beginning.

Today, my team received a startling video

confirming that they're now after me.

Which only means that we are
that much closer to the truth.

So, catch me tomorrow night
on Drew Clarkson's show

for a one-hour exclusive.

And if any of you so-called Travelers
happen to be watching this right now,

there's something I'd like you to know.

We will continue to rage
against the dying of the light.

We will not go gently
into that good night.

Thank you.

[machine beeping]

Good morning.

Good morning.

-Hmm. Smells different.
-Yeah, it's a new blend.

-"Jurassic Dark".
-Huh. Yeah, it looks pretty dark.

-Yeah. I think it's the legal maximum.

Oh. Is that even coffee?

For God's sakes, Marcy,
where's your sense of adventure?


[moans] That is not good.

-[spits, groans]


Have you pulled a muscle?

Yeah, um, all of them.

Took me five minutes
to walk to the kitchen.

You know, too much exertion's
dangerous, David.

If you're in this much pain,
maybe you should take the day off work.

-Like you'd ever take a day off of work?
-I take whole days off all the time.

I know, and those are my favorite days.

But if you had to, like, I don't know,

stop an assassination or...

-or prevent a volcano from erupting--
-That's not possible.

Just for discussion purposes.

If you had to,

never in a million years
would you take a day off of work.

-Well, what I do is--

"Take the day off because you're stiff,"
that's what you suggested.

I don't even really know
what it is that you do, but I respect it.

I respect what you do.

I think that it is important
and honorable,

and I respect you.


Just you and me today.

Going for a ride, yeah.

Yay, we'll go for a ride.

-Yeah, we're going for a ride.
-[baby whines]

[grunts] Come on. All right.

That's all right. Right arm. Good job.

Okay, left arm. Good job. Good job.

There you go.

Locked in.

All safe.

-Hey, you got a sec?

What happened? You hurt yourself?


You're standing like you kinda really need
to use the bathroom.

Yeah. Well, maybe I do, Ken.

Okay, I'll be quick. I need a favor.

I need you to take my spot
at the HIV Awareness seminar on Saturday.

Ah, can't do that.

I know you hate speaking in public,

but Melissa's sick,
which means I'm on dad duty.

You'll be great.
I already put your name down.

Ken, I said no.

Don't let me keep you.
We can talk about it after.

I'm saying you can't just put my name down
like I'm some sort of

name... that you put down.

Oh. Look, I didn't mean to--

I'm just... [stammers] I'm giving notice

that I'm not gonna be
pushed around anymore.

[scoffs] Well, hey,
forget I said anything.

I'll ask Kirk. He can use the overtime.

Wait, there's overtime?

-[horn honking]
-[mouths] Hey, sorry.

[siren chirping]


-All right, all right.
-[baby crying]

[woman] Come on, throw it.

There's nothing to worry about,
little man.

[baby whining]

We got this.


Hey, brother.

-How's it goin'?
-How about you tell me?

Just going to the park with my son.

-I need you to step out of the car.
-Come on, man.

-You ain't gotta do that.
-Out of the car, Jeff.

All right.

I'm placing you under arrest for suspicion
of driving under the influence.

Are you f*cking serious?

-You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law.

What are you doin'? I'm a cop, man.
What about my kid?

Yeah, what about him, Jeff?

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one,
one will be appointed to you.

Who's Victor Sabatini?

Are we protecting the wrong person?

-Rockwell's my stage name.

Do you have a problem with me?

You've ruined two lives this week already.

Haven't you done enough?

A good story's a good story.
It's not personal.

Tell that to Daniel Sosa.


At the end of the day,
I don't really give a damn

if something is true or not true.

It's whether or not
I can convince people to believe it.

-I'm not a really a reporter.

I'm a businessman.

This is about money.
I use my celebrity to sell things.

And if I can make people believe
something that's very hard to believe,

and that only I know the truth...
[clicks tongue]

...I can sell them anything.

What if I told you it was true?

That there's a network of Travelers
trying to change history,

and I'm one of them.

-What happened to Protocol 2?

I would say you were trying
to sell me something.

No. I'm trying to warn you.

Don't do this.

Well, we all gotta do what we gotta do.

[keys jangle]

Let's go, Traveler.

[Marcy] We're arriving now.

On our way.

[Carly] I'm up in five.

Are you sure it's gonna work?

Tested it twice. We're good.

Anybody ever hear of Protocol 2H?

Trev, you know that means
I can't talk about it.

The "H" is for Historian.

-That much he told me.
-Please drop it.

But you said
that it was Traveler-approved,

so I'm curious
if these guys ever heard about it.

-Not me.
-'Cause he takes pills for it.

-So I figured you might know.
-What kind of pills?

Jesus, Trev.

Show me.

No, I don't recognize them.

-Give me one to examine.
-I can't do that.

-You don't need to tell me.

-I'll just figure it out for myself.
-Is it something you're ashamed of?

-Then give the woman a damn pill

-so we can get on with the mission.
-I can't. I-- [groans]

I'm fine. I'm not high.

You guys just have to trust me.

All right, I'm up.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[man] Your kid was in the back seat
and you blew double the limit.

I can't turn a blind eye to that.

We'll, uh, write up an administrative
charge for your license, but...

you're suspended
until your disciplinary hearing.

And I'm gonna need your badge.

Where's Jeffrey?

Washington Family Services.

He's a regular there now.


get some help.

[door opens, closes]

[keyboard clacking]

[computer beeps]


My screen's telling me
the alarm system's gone offline on 2.

[Philip] Do me a favor
and go check it out for me.

The new girl's on her way,
and I'd rather you do it.

[Trevor] Copy.

You take over.
The boss wants me to check something out.



[scanner beeps]

Any sign of the target?

[Philip] Sixty seconds.

You know, I kinda wish
you really were from the future

so you'd know exactly when this
assassination attempt was gonna happen

and you wouldn't have to follow me around.

Oh, I do know when.

Hang tight.

If this act of yours is to try and stop me
from doing this show,

I will have your job.

I have first amendment rights.

All clear.

Please, after you.

Hi. I'm Kiera.
I'll be doing your makeup today.

-Lucky me.

[Marcy] It's this way.

Hi. ID, please.

Oh, my God. You're...

I am so sorry for your loss.

-I have an interview with Drew Clarkson.

They called last minute,
so I'm not sure if they logged it in yet.

That must be why.

Uh, you know what? Go ahead.

Uh, and once again, I'm so sorry.

Studio 41, fourth floor.

Thank you.

[telephone ringing]

[scanner beeps]

He's in the building.

Stepping off the elevator
on the fourth floor.

[Trev] Got him.

Before you do your interview,
I'd like to fact-check you on something.


Daniel Sosa
didn't k*ll Congressman Bishop.

The man was shot
with a high-caliber sn*per round

fired by my team's tactician
two blocks away.

Her name is Carly,

and she's the one on the video
you intend to show tonight.

-What the hell are you doing?
-He was shot while having a heart attack,

which was confirmed by the autopsy.

If you check the tape,
you'll see me by the congressman's side

moments after it happened.

You know who else you'll find
in the crowd?

Your makeup artist.


What the f*ck is going on here?

You're being given a choice.

You son of a bitch. I knew it.

MacLaren, knock it off.

If you insist on pursuing this further,
I can't protect you.

-From who? You?
-Stop it.

If you let it go,
find some other bullshit story to sell,

-you get to walk out of here.
-[Trevor] Fifteen seconds, boss.

You've got about 12 seconds to decide.

Marcy, stand by.

[Yates] All right, enough.

-Mr. Rockwell--
-You know what, MacLaren?

Even if it's true,
especially if it's true,

f*ck you.

Everybody back!

-Stay back!
-Drop your w*apon, now.

-You did this to me.
-I don't know what you're talking about.

My wife, Katie,

they k*lled her because of what you said.

-Mr. Sosa, lower your w*apon.
-No. No.

Not until he admits the truth.

It was all lies.


Say it. Say it!

-I'm sorry about what happened--
-Everything you said about me,

-you made up, and now my wife is dead!
-Listen to me.

It's all true. I swear it.

Look, tell him what you've just told me.

Her, too.
They're both Travelers from the future.

[stammers] It's all true. Tell him!

-You lying son of a bitch.
-[g*n cocks]

-Drop your w*apon!


Get off me!


[MacLaren] I'm Traveler 3468.

Welcome to the 21st.

Thank you.

Give this to your engineer
when your team makes contact.

[knocking on door]

[door opens]

Mr. Rockwell,
they're waiting for you on set.

I'll be right there.

Yeah, we're his entourage.

Break a leg.

That's just what they say.
It's a good thing.

Okay, what just happened?

We just completed a mission.
You wanted to meet my team?

Here they are.

-We need to arrest him.

He didn't do anything.

[Marcy] I gave him a memory inhibitor.

He'll forget the last 24 hours
ever happened.

And clearly, he was about to k*ll.

You knew.

That's why we were assigned
to protect him.

[Philip] Daniel Sosa historically k*lled
Christopher Rockwell

at 3:16 p.m. this afternoon.

But instead of going to prison,

he's gonna wake up at home
with a hangover.

You left me in the dark.

We should go.
You need to get him out of here.

You set him up.

I gave him a choice.
You heard it yourself.

Not one he could make. Not a real one.

You may as well have k*lled him.

You know Sosa was about to.

Yeah, because his wife was k*lled.

Because the sh**t
thought her husband was one of you.

You could have stopped him.
It's completely circular logic.

Actions have repercussions, not just ours.

With every new change, the Director
chooses the best path forward.

Yeah, and how's that
working out for you so far?

Ah, right. Never mind.

Protocol 2.

[crowd applauding]

[Philip] It's on.

You know, I gotta confess.

I knew corn existed,
I knew popcorn existed,

never made the connection.

[man] Why now?

[Christopher] You know,
the influence that you and I have

can affect millions of lives.

The fact is, as a journalist,

as an entertainer,

I've abused that power.

Of course time travelers don't exist.
It's preposterous.

But here we are, one day
after an innocent woman was k*lled

because of lies and rhetoric
that I spread on my platform.

And I'm here to tell you
that it stops now.

[crowd cheering, applauding]

And that's why I'm donating
over five million dollars

to charities throughout the state,

and I'll begin to use my program
in positive ways.

Because it's time to be the change
that we all wanna see.

[crowd cheering, applauding]

[knocking on door]

-What are you doing here?
-Is she here? Your wife?


Fine. I'll talk to you.

Go sleep it off, Jeff.

I'm sure things will look very different
in the morning.

Oh, was that a threat?

Doesn't have to be.

You see, I remember things.

I know who you are.

I know what you are.

I wonder if Kathryn knows.

We're friends now. Maybe I'll ask her.