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02x08 - Traveler 0027

Posted: 01/09/23 05:38
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Travelers...

Where's the quantum frame?

When you reset the Director,
we lost the ability

to access the 21st.

We should be working together!

I don't think so.

The Director had its chance!

The Director's
back up and running.

How many Faction
are still here?

It's impossible to know
how many were sent

into the quantum frame.

Grace Day died today.

You jumped
into the 21st illegally.

You took a host
that wasn't meant for you.

I had evidence that an attack
on the Director was imminent!

I had no choice but to act!

When you reset me,

you left out some things.

What'd you
leave out, Grace?

Targeting far left.

T.E.L.L. established.
Stand by. Target two.

T.E.L.L. established.

Traveler incoming
on target one.

Take him out.



Yeah, he's dead.

We needed three
to make it even.

- He was gonna k*ll both of you.
- Stay calm.

Stick to the plan.
I'll be right behind you.

What are you doing?

What do you mean?
It's lunchtime.

You're supposed to be
on sentry duty.

Oh, Jasper's still out there.
It's fine.

No, it's not fine.

There could be
Travelers out there.

They're in here now.

- Don't.
- Hands in the air.

Your protocols
won't let you take a life.

Protocol three's

been suspended
for members of the Faction.

I wouldn't risk it.

Weapons down, hands up.

Where's the quantum frame?

Not here.

Secure them.

What're you going
to do with us?

That'll be up
to the Director.

So death
by overwrite.

You mean like
you did to your hosts?

Our plan might have
saved the future.

You people are pathetic.

Meaning we're capable
of pity, sympathy,

or compassion
for others?

I've really been enjoying
English class this year.

Yeah. I can see that.

Let's get moving.


Stay still.

Okay, let's see what
we can pull from this.

You won't
find anything.

I don't know.

My people are
pretty good at this.

Thanks, boss.

- Be good at this.
- Mm-hmm.

We can always
try t*rture.

No, we couldn't.

They've been in hiding so long,

I doubt they know
where the frame is anyway.

Even if we knew,
we wouldn't tell you.

So someone point
a camera this way

and end this.

I'm good with that.

The Director
has plans for them.

This is the first
I'm hearing about it.

Because you are
a part of those plans.

A hearing has
been ordered.

Your presence,

along with 3569

and 0115,
is required.


You'll receive
the coordinates tomorrow.

To selling
our house.

To selling our house
over asking.


We're officially

Well, I am.

Not till
you finish packing.

I don't know
how you can drink that stuff.

Because I'm not allowed
to drink that stuff

and the calcium is good
for the development of bones.

You haven't touched
the almond milk I bought.

Grant, if
there was ever

a time you were gonna lose
this vegan battle with me,

it's when
I am pregnant.


You know, I was thinking,

we should put
some of the house money

into a trust fund,

for college tuition.


That's years
from now.

You need to learn
to think of the future.

Oh, I've... uh,
I have given that some thought.

And I think...

I'm gonna buy a boat
with my half.

Given your history
with the water,

I'd better take
a life-insurance policy

out on you instead.

Ow. Break one arm one time...

Were you planning on going
back to the house tonight?

It's early.

Are you kicking me out already?


I'm asking you to stay.

You haven't changed position
since I left last night.

Oh. No,
I guess I haven't.

Find anything
on their coms?

They've been
all over the place.

This data
is pretty much useless.

What about these points?

Looks like they frequented
these locations multiple times.

Maybe the frame's there.

Where the frame
might have been,

not where it is now.

Well, there's
gotta be CCTV

or traffic cams

in those areas.

Maybe you can pull the footage,

see if any of them
picked anything up.

If the Faction left
anything on those cameras...

and hey, I wouldn't...

then the Director would've
already found it by now.


Something's bothering you.

Timeline has changed a lot.

My knowledge
of the future

is becoming obsolete.

It's going to be
hard to stay relevant.

You're more than just
the team's encyclopedia, Philip.

Who else am I gonna call

when I can't get
Jeffrey's cartoons

to play
on my phone?

So flattering.

Or make me music playlists.

Teach me about turtles.

The self-worth is just
coursing through my veins.

You're like
the rest of us now.

Just a human being.

And that's okay.

I gotta go to work,
but I'll com in.

Have a nice day.

Go for a walk!

Oh! My... God.

I guess we were
making up for lost time.

Lost time?

I don't even know
what day it is.

I know.

I'm gonna be in
court all day, so...

I'll be hard to reach.

But I'll see you tonight?

How's that
for an answer?


I love you.

I love you, too.


Coordinates are as follows...

47.6050 degrees North,

by 122.3344 degrees West.

Why am I in the hallway?

Is it time for school?

Not yet.

Are you our new neighbor?

I guess I am.

Have a nice day, neighbor.

What are you
doing here?

What are you doing here?

He asked first.

A messenger gave me

the coordinates for a hearing.

Scared me half to death.

it's their trial.

take long then.

All rise for the arrival
of the Tribunal Committee.

I'm Traveler 009.

You may refer to me
as the Speaker.

I'm joined by Travelers 0017
and 0029.


What the hell
are all of you doing here?

Who's maintaining the Director?


We came to the 21st
as instructed by the Director.

Unlike yourself.

So that's
what this is about?


you are charged with conspiracy
against the Director

and the high crime
of interrupting the Grand Plan.

I liked that one.

Can you add it to my playlist?

And just like that, I am
reduced to being Carly's DJ.

Something upbeat, please.

Any luck with the footage?

They wiped everything,
just like we thought.

I'm running serial numbers

of the weapons
they were carrying.

Grasping at straws here.

They're bound to slip up,

and when they do,
we'll be ready for 'em.

Dropping by Ops
after work?

No, I gotta pick up Jeffrey from
the sitter,

get some groceries...

...bring my van
to the mechanic.

I've been having trouble
starting it in the mornings.

Maybe I could be a mechanic.

I do live in a garage.

Stop it.

You are a valuable member
of the team...

and a great DJ.

Next song, please.

3468, please take the stand.

Recount to us

how you first made contact
with 0027.

I met Grace
several months ago,

when my team
was given a mission

to greet
Traveler 0014,


Grace arrived

at the same time

and said her mission
was to help Marcy.

But that was a lie, wasn't it?

No, it wasn't.
I saved her life.

The defendant will
refrain from interjection.

If you refrain
from leading questions!

Go ahead.
He interrupted you.

Later, we learned
she was actually here

to reset the Director

by taking advantage
of Marcy's new T.E.L.L.

And you were unaware
of this secondary objective?

She eventually told us.
Prior to that,

we believed that
she was only here to save Marcy.

Which I did.

And for which
I am deeply grateful.

You're welcome.

At any point,

did you suspect that she was
a member of the Faction?

In the future we left,

there was no Faction.

Protocol two has kept us
in the dark.

We had no idea.

And who wrote protocol two?

Oh, come on!
You know I did.

0027, please.

Teams in the 21st
shouldn't be

made aware of
every change in the future

because completion rates
of our missions

would drop exponentially.

You have been asked by
the tribunal not to interject.

Operatives would
be paralyzed with the fear

of how their actions
could negatively affect

the people
they left behind.


I agree!

If I hadn't reset the Director,

the Faction
would have corrupted it,

which means the Faction would
have control of the past.

What I did

was the only way
to save Marcy and the Director.

It was the Director
who ordered this hearing,

not any one of us.


It knows what really happened.

It knows what I sacrificed.

This... This makes no sense.

And yet here we are.

We will take a brief recess

to allow that fact
to sink in.

Blair, hi, it's David. I...

Hi! You're still at home.

Yeah, I was just calling

to leave a message
to wish you a happy birthday,

so, uh, happy birthday.


Anyhoo, that's the one
and only reason I was calling,

so have a great...

A rave?



No, no, I don't, um...

I don't do raves.

It's just not my...

Tell you what,
I'll say maybe.

And, uh...

Yeah. I'll try.

Yeah, I'll-I'll try
to maybe see you later.

Okay. Yeah, bye.


were you responsible

for interrupting Grace Day's
original T.E.L.L.?

I was.

Whose orders
were you acting on?

No one's.

Then why'd you do it?

I didn't
want her to die.

That simple.

As a Traveler,

you don't just
inherit the host body,

you inherit the lives
they've touched...

family, friends...

Grace Day was merely
a guidance counselor

at your host's
high school.

That doesn't do her justice.

See, my host was a bully.


She tried to help him anyway.
She was there for him.

For me.

And historically,
she was supposed to die.

I rationalized
that one person wouldn't matter

to the Grand Plan,

but I was lying to myself.

I broke protocol
because she did matter to me...

and I'm willing
to accept the consequences.

Because of your actions,

00:15:56,055 --> 00:15:58,656
locked out
all transfers to the 21st

until she could send herself
into the host Grace Day,

halting the Traveler program
for four hours.

I couldn't
just go into anyone.

Dozens of missions
were canceled.

A Traveler was supposed
to arrive in Germany

and prevent
an impending train derailment.

All the passengers died.

A team meant
to arrive in England

and stop a t*rror1st attack

was unable to transit.

I assumed
the Director would choose

a new host
for the next scheduled Traveler.

The Grand Plan is fluid.
It's constantly shifting.

The Director is
constantly analyzing

a myriad of outcomes

and course-correcting

to the fraction
of a second.

Are you trying to school me
in the matrix of algorithms

the Director uses
to oversee the Traveler program?

For the last time, 0027.

If the crime is
disruption of the Grand Plan,

then I'm the one
who allowed that to happen.

I'm the one
that should be punished.

The Director will
no doubt take it into account.

You may step down.


will you please
take the stand?

Oh, seriously?
That guy hates me.

Philip, I have a situation.

Hey, what's the good news?

Definitely not my paycheck.

How the hell do they expect
people to live on this?

And the capitalist-socialist
debate strikes again.

Well, this isn't enough for me
to cover my expenses this week.

Can you top me up?

Sure, let me see
what I can move around for you.

This can't be right.

What? What is it?

Something happened
to the market this morning

when I was out for a walk.

Our investments are down.

I'm scared to tell you how much.

How did that happen?

Most of our
higher-risk investments

just crashed and burned.

We're in
serious financial trouble.

This was a meeting Ken had
been preparing for a month.

I mean, he had... he had
note cards and everything.

And, uh...

Even had
his hair slicked back,

which is a clear sign that,
you know, it's important.

You gonna get that?

Uh, no. No, I'm not.

Anyway, ahem.

So we're all
sitting there,

and he stands up
to do his presentation,

and his fly,
it's wide open.

Oh, no.

Was his penis exposed?

Uh, no...

no, I mean, that would...
that would be...

But, anyway.

There's a window
in his office,

and I think,
midway through,

he must have caught
his reflection...

...Because he just...

he just knew,

and there was nothing
he could do about it,

but you could see him
debate it in his head, like...

"Do I do up my fly
while I'm still talking?"

Have I met Ken?

That's the funny thing...
you actually have.

You've actually
asked that question before.


This looks good.

Blair! You're not allowed
to do this on your birthday.

He's so not worth it.

Hold onto me!

What's happening?

But, then, why did, um...

why did Ken
change his mind?

I don't know.

I just, I came in
ready to pack up all my things,

and he told me
I still had a job.

It's a mystery.

Do you want
some more wine?

Um, maybe
in a minute.

I'm just gonna
use the bathroom.

Excuse me.

David, please!

Help me!
Please, I need your help!

I'm locked in a stall!

They're trying to come in.

Please! Please, help me!

Uh... um.

are you going?


listen to this...

David, please! Help me!
Please, I need your help!

Wait! I'm coming with you.


And by a nose,

"Saladin's Vigil"
crosses the finish line.

And by a nose,

"Nemesis Star"
crosses the finish line!

That was down to the wire.

"Outbreak Prime"
is well ahead in the lead

to win first place.

"Outbreak Prime"
is well ahead...

but, now, pulling up
from the middle of the pack

is "Gjallahorn"!


So what is a rave?

An illegal dance party
with loud music, dr*gs, alcohol.

Not that I've ever been to one.

I don't dance
so much as I rhythmically stand.


if there's supposed
to be loud music,

shouldn't we be
hearing it by now?

Uh... yeah.

What, you just
carry that around?




What happened? Hey?

She's overdosing.

We need to get her
to a hospital and administer...

You just
carry that around?

A lot of my clients
have addiction problems.



What happened?

We were in the bathroom...

People started screaming.

When I came out,

they all turned on me.

Give me your phone.

Okay, we're gonna
get you to a hospital,

and you're gonna be okay,
all right?


I'm at a building at the corner
of 50th and Baker.

I don't know how
they moved it so fast,

but the frame was here
less than an hour ago.

Who're you talking to?

Pull up the camera feeds.
I'll be right over.

Camera feeds?

You need to get her
to a hospital.

I need to go.

Okay. Marcy!

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

They wiped all the footage
before they left again,

but we know for certain
that the frame was there.

Well, thank God
for the selfie generation.

Can you zoom in there?

Faction took
everyone at the rave

except three women who were
apparently in the bathroom.

We found them overdosed,

probably a way of
eliminating them as witnesses.

And they survived?

David and I managed
to save one of them,

but she didn't see anything.

But it's a safe bet
everyone else in the photo's

a Faction.

It makes sense, but I don't
know how you prove it.

Locate them, if you can.

We have to get back
to the hearing marathon.

How's that going?
Can you say?

Not looking good
for Grace.


how and why

did 0027 "repackage"
your consciousness?

Well, obviously,
I don't actually remember,

but from
what I was briefed on,

she showed me a code.

Something that Ellis created...

a backdoor hack,

which, during
the repackaging process,

somehow managed
to reset the Director.

a brilliant piece of work.

Thank you.

And how has that
worked out for you, Marcy,

this "reset"
of your consciousness?

Uh, how is
this relevant?

I restored her.

Do you feel
restored, Marcy?

I no longer have seizures.

But do you feel
as you did before?


But that's partly
because I have no memory

of my time spent
in the 21st prior.

There are...
missing pieces, then?



I've studied your M.R.I.s.

She had to have taken out

more than just
a few months of memories.

What else did you take out?

I told you.

useless things.

Such as what?

Emotions you lack?

Oh, shut up, 29.

You're practically a sociopath

How could you
do that to me?

You would have died!

Yeah, but that would've been
my choice to make.

You used me.

Yes, I did!

I prevented
your su1c1de.

Life is precious,

and so are skilled
operatives in the field.

I was just a means to an end.

you're still you.

I swear to you.

I didn't
take your soul.

How would you even know?

Carly, I think I found one
of the people in the picture.

Forget the first three.

What do you think
of four and five?

Not a big fan of "Mason."

But it's so masculine.
Like a "stone mason."

It's also a jar

you keep pickles in.

What about your father's name?

Oh, Wilbur's the pig
in Charlotte's Web.

And a Wright brother.

Watch out.
I might be contagious.

I've built up
an immunity.

How're you feeling?

Didn't you hear?
I don't have feelings.

Yeah, you do.

I got you these.

What are they?

Try one.
They're French.

At least if they
throw the book at me,

I can say I've had
21st-century French cuisine.

Why are you
being nice to me?

Do you know

No. No, it's because
we wouldn't even be here

if you hadn't
reset the Director.

You gotta understand

that they'll come
to the same conclusion.

Trust the judgment
of those mouth-breathers?



You need to take that?

Ah, it can wait.

I gotta do this.

Do what?

Bring it in, Grace!
You need this.

I don't!
Can we not...

Oh, it's happening.

Come on, there you go.

Okay. Thanks.

You can let go now.

Wasn't so bad, was it?

I do feel a slight
release of endorphins.

You see?

Do you have
a regular sex partner?

You can't hate
every one I come up with.

we don't even know

if we're going
to have a boy or girl!

You think
I'm getting too excited.

You know what?
You're right.


No, I love to hear
the excitement in your voice...

when you're talking about
new life.

Kat, I gotta get
back into court.

Just... Just narrow it down
to the top 100 or so,

and we'll go through it tonight,


0027, you have heard
the charges against you.

What do you have to say
in your defense?

I've given it
a great deal of thought,

run the events over and over
in my mind a thousand times,

and to be honest...

You should all be thanking me.

Like my very dear friend
just pointed out...


If I hadn't have
reset the Director,

none of you would
be here right now.

The Director would be gone,
the Faction would have won,

and billions of people would
be dead from a horrible plague,


You're welcome!


the members of the Tribunal
will now deliberate.

We will announce
your final verdict tomorrow.

We are adjourned.

May I help you?

Stacey Collins,
we have a few questions.

How do you
know my name?

You were at
a rave last night.

Do you recognize this?

the quantum frame?

You're standing right
beside it in the picture.

We know
you're Faction.

What are
you talking about?

We know
you just arrived.

Maybe if
you cooperate...

Who are you people?

Get away from me.
I'm calling the police.

Whoa! Carly.

She's Faction.

How do
we prove it?

Who do we
prove it to?

This is what happens
when you improvise.

We can't just walk away.

That's exactly
what we have to do.

But maybe we can
follow her or something.

Jesus! She actually
called the cops!

Take care of yourself, okay?
I'll check in with you tomorrow.

Okay? Bye.

Yes, bye.

B... Bye-b...


You do know

Chinese food
is my kryptonite.

Oh, I just...

I know you've been
going back and forth

to the hospital all day,

so I wanted to bring you
some dinner.

Yeah! Thank you.

I am starving.

How's Blair doing?


Well, we got there
just in time.

It was a lethal
dose of fentanyl.

On her birthday.

So they're gonna keep her
for the next couple days.


You're looking at me funny.

I'm just trying
to figure something out.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't 100%
finished chewing.

Marcy, stop.

Why? What is it?

Let's, um...

let's not, okay?

You don't want to.

Oh, no, I do. I mean...

I really... but...

Not like this.


Not like an experiment

to see how
it makes you feel.

Because I-I know...

I know how it made me feel
when we made love.

And it's as close as you can get
to another person

for 10 minutes.

I mean, an hour.

I want to feel that.

But you can't
make yourself

feel something.

I mean, you either do
or you... you don't,

and I want you

to want to.

I know that sounds
like a bad song title

from the '80s, but...

Should I just go?

No! No, stay.

Share this with me,

and we'll make
some tea

and-and we'll talk,
like we do on Tuesdays.

What should
we talk about?

With you, Marcy,
I could talk about anything.

0027, you've been charged

with conspiracy
against the Director

and interruption
of the Grand Plan.

You took a host
that wasn't intended for you,

and you halted
the Traveler program for...

You've already said all that!
Cut to the chase.

You've repeatedly stated

that your actions
reset the Director

and freed it
from corruption.

Because they did.

Then who corrupted
the Director in the first place?

The most powerful
A.I. in history,

orders of magnitude
more powerful

than the human brain?

Who would have
that capability?

Obviously, a quantum programmer
of the highest caliber.

So only
the best among us.


And who
might that be?

- Don't say it.
- Obviously me!

But I didn't
corrupt the Director!

I was the one waving a red flag

while you three were
lining up at the yeast vats,

filling your bellies!

Traveler 0027,

your peers have reached
a unanimous verdict.

We find you guilty.


Escort her
to the sentencing room.

Wait! W-W-W-Wait. Wait, wait.
No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no!
MacLaren, do something!

I'm sorry, Grace.

Trevor, don't
let them do this!

You can't
help her, Trev!

- But she's innocent!
- Trevor! Help me!

She doesn't
deserve this!

She didn't do much
to help her case.

It's in the hands
of the Director now.

Be seated.

Your sentencing
will begin shortly.

What do you think
will happen to her?

If the Director agrees
with the Tribunal,

she'll probably
be overwritten.

Can I give you
a ride home?

Oh, it's not that far.

I think I'll walk.

I need to clear
my head.

You okay?

I'm fine.


May I speak with you?

Yes, of course,

You may never get
an apology from 0027,

but as a programmer,

I want you to know
how sorry I am

for what happened to you.

Thank you,
but that's not necessary.

Well, I think
it is.

What 0027 did to you
was criminal.

That sense of emptiness
that you must feel,

of not being whole...

It's offensive to me

that someone
would do that to you

for their own agenda.

Well, I guess
she'll face the consequences.

But you
shouldn't have to.

I think I can offer you

the missing pieces
that you've been looking for.

This is my field
of expertise.

I don't understand.

My new team has
been doing research

on preserving
host memory.

In your case, that would
be your first iteration.

I thought those memories
were lost forever.

Perhaps not all.

Perhaps even the most
powerful memories,

the most defining...

are still there,

and I can get them back for you.


Well, as soon
as you like.

Of course, if you need time
to think about it.

No, there's nothing
to think about.


what must happen to Grace.

Is it?

In that
it's a waste of intellect.

to OPS now.

Marcy with me.

Half-hour out.

I'll be ready.

Are you here?

I am here, 0027.

Call me Grace.

I didn't betray you.

I would never betray you.

You, of anyone,
should know that.

You are one

of four candidates,

the probability of guilt



Then why are you
going to overwrite me?

Be patient.

I have not yet determined

who amongst you
is the traitor.



Who did this?

I don't know.

Was this your team?

Well, the frame is powered,
it can still function.

I can still help you, Marcy.

We both know you're not
trying to help me.

You won't sh**t.

You want Ellis's

backdoor code
to take over the Director,

and you think
it's still inside my head.

Listen to me, Marcy.

The future is at stake.

Drop your w*apon!

What the hell happened?


I don't even think
that he knows.

The situation

is now resolved.

0029 will be charged

with the crime of Treason

and sentenced immediately.

You used my trial

as an excuse to get
everyone here in the 21st,

to flush the traitor out?

The frame...

has also been neutralized.

You humiliated me.

I sacrificed everything
for you,

I-I left everything
I knew behind,

just to save you.

I'm sorry.

I hoped you would understand
it was necessary.

You're still gonna
punish me, aren't you?

I know I took the life
of this host after the fact,

I know I interrupted
the Grand Plan.

Ellis is dead because of me.

But I can never go back.

Isn't that punishment enough?

More than enough...

I owe you my life.

Thank you for
saving me, Grace.

I shall miss you.

Traveler 0029,
you have been

charged with
the crime of treason.

You're on the wrong side
of history, MacLaren.

And you have been
found guilty.

And the Director
will sentence you now.


Welcome to the 21st.


Make every fragment of it

It's over then?

I'm not so sure.

Who k*lled
all of them?