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05x19 - Lethal Combination

Posted: 05/12/10 05:24
by bunniefuu
Hey! Aiden, slow down.

Mom, I'm doing something.

It doesn't matter. Get downstairs and take off those muddy boots, right now.


Ok. Let me do this one.

Ooh. There you go.

Gross. Jacket.

Aiden, slow down.

You're always making me go slow!

Yeah. Where is your dad?

I don't know.

Well, hello.

For me?

For you.

They're beautiful.

What happened to your double shift?

Well, Ramirez is covering for me.

Ah, I knew I liked Ramirez.

Yeah. I covered for him last month when he had a hot date, so he's just returning the favor.

So you've got a hot date?

Well, I do... If you say yes.

Oh, uh...


Look, between my double shifts and your double career, you and I never get to spend the night out together, alone.

Let's just do that once, tonight. Just you and me.

I'm sorry. I think I'm going to have to take a rain check.

Not another estate sale.

No, it's not that.

It's just, Delia's on a really hot date and Eli has his evening lecture, Ned is cramming for midterms, so we don't have anybody to watch Aiden.

I lined up somebody else.

Someone else? Yeah.

It's a girl named Kelly Ferguson.

You know the Davidsons down the street?

She's their new nanny.

Yeah, I've seen her around.

Sarah Davidson says she's the best nanny they've ever had.

I don't know. I don't know.

Aiden was up all night, and he's been a crank all day.

Look, when I interviewed Kelly last week, I saw Ben have a total meltdown.

She handled him like a trouper.

You interviewed her?

And you had this planned since last week?


[Sighs] Well...

I've got a hot date, what am I going to wear?

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, Kelly.

Come on in.

Thanks. Melinda, right?

Yep, that's me.

Hey, Kelly. Hey, thanks for this.

Let me take from you. Thanks.

The last time Aiden came over to play with Ben, he fell in love with this 3d puzzle they were working on.

So I thought maybe we could do one tonight.

Oh, he's gonna love that.

Aiden, would you like to come and say hi to Kelly?

Come on, Aiden, come on, and say hi.

Hi, Aiden.

You smell bad.


Aiden! It's ok.

It's probably the garlic and onions I was cooking with earlier.

You know, they're good for you, but they're kinda stinky.

Why don't I show you where you can put your stuff?


Aiden, don't you like Kelly?

She's ok.

Ok, well, is something wrong?

I mean, does she scare you?

No, mom. She just really stinks.

Aiden, that is really not a nice thing to say!

How we doing here?

Fine, but you can talk to your son about his manners.

Yeah. Let me show you what we were thinking about for Aiden's dinner.

Kelly: Ok.

Can I be excused?

I thought fish sticks were your favorite.

Only when my mom makes them.

I totally get it.

I could only ever eat PB&J when my mom made it.

I can make you a sandwich.

I'm not hungry.


Maybe later.

You want to help me with this puzzle?

What is it?

A volcano.

My dad made me a real volcano.

Smoke and lava and everything.

That one's dumb.

Ok, how about you tell me what you want to do.

I want to play hide and seek.

That sounds great.

You're it!

Oh! Even better.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

Ready or not, here I come.

[Deadbolt locks]


Aiden: Hey, Kelly?

Help! Help!

[Banging on door]


[Tires squeal]

[Indistinct chatter]

I tried to get it open, but it was stuck!

Mom? Baby!

Are you ok?

I'm ok. Come here.

I'm ok. Hey!

I'm ok.

I am so sorry.

I didn't mean to ruin your evening.

No, it's--you did the right thing.

What happened?

I don't know.

We were playing hide and seek.

I guess he must have locked himself in the crawl space.

I was screaming really loud.

I know.

And I couldn't get you out.

The lock must have jammed, so I called 911.

How did you lock yourself in?

I don't know.

I didn't mean to.

Jim: All right, let me check you out, you ok?

[Raspy voice]
It wasn't his fault.

It was hers.

Keep her away from children.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

These boys of ours, huh?

Oh, I swear Ben's going to send me into an early grave with all of his daredevil stunts.

Did Kelly tell you what happened?

Uh, no, I went outside when I heard the sirens, and then I spoke to one of the paramedics on the way out.

Did you want to talk to Kelly?

She's not here today, it's her day off.

No, actually, I wanted to talk to you.


I just can't figure out how Aiden would have locked himself inside the crawl space, you know? It locks from the outside, and Kelly was the only one there.

Yeah, I am constantly amazed by the things that Ben manages to get into.

You really like her, don't you?

Love her. Why?

You, um, you didn't like her?

Kind of hard to tell, based on what happened.

Oh, you were just lucky that Kelly was there.

I mean, she's good in a crisis.

I have had nannies who completely lose it in an emergency.

What kind of emergencies?

You know, just the usual things.

Ok, a couple weeks ago, Molly got her hands on the matches.

And she lit a fire in the garage.

And Kelly just happened to be there for that?

Yeah, she noticed it right away, and she put it out herself.

Thank goodness Molly's fine and the house is still standing.

And then, it was Kelly who took Ben to the E.R.

When he had that asthma attack a couple of weeks ago.

I thought he used an inhaler.

He does.

And it's always right there in that drawer, but, you know, who knows where it went.

Just disappeared.


So has anything else happened, anything that you couldn't explain?

You know, trust me.

There is always an explanation, and it's called Ben and Molly.

You know, don't get me wrong, I love my kids to death, but they're a handful, and then add a baby into this mix, and it's a lot.

But Kelly can manage all 3 of them.

I knew that she was special by the way her references spoke of her.

References? Mm-Hmm.

Do you still have them?




See for yourself.

So if you could call me back at either of those numbers, I would be really grateful. Thank you.

You don't think that nanny would hurt a child, do you?

I don't think so, but the ghost seems to.

What did your neighbor say about her?

She keeps raving about her, even though, you know, the house almost burned down and one of the kids ended up in the emergency room.

Yikes. What about her references?

I haven't heard back from any of them.

I mean, the minute that I even suggested that Kelly might be a part of what happened, Sarah shut me down. Oh, well.

That doesn't really surprise me. Really?

I mean, wouldn't you want to know if your nanny was dangerous?

Yeah, some people are really defensive about their childcare situation.

Even when it's bad.

Hmm. Yeah, I guess it could be hard to hear that there's a problem.

Yeah, sure. Because admitting there's a problem means admitting there's a failure as a parent, and some people just prefer denial.

I guess I just never really thought Sarah was that kind of mom.

Well, maybe she isn't. You know, maybe Kelly really is the best thing since sliced bread.

Ghosts have been known to lie to you in the past.

True, but this time, it involves kids, and I just really don't want to wait.

Well, listen, if you really want the 411

on all of the nannies in Grandview, all you gotta do is go down to the park, schmooze all the other nannies, and I'm sure they'll dish the dirt with you.

[Indistinct talking]

My mom told me to tell you that the moms are over there, and the nannies are over there.

Aiden: See ya.



It really makes the egg salad taste like this?

Just a little paprika.


Don't mind if I do. Thank you.

You know, I've actually been interviewing nannies all week, and, uh, my current frontrunner is Kelly Ferguson.

You know her?

I've definitely heard of her.

Good things, bad things?

Look, I'm kinda new to this, and her current references don't give me much to go on.

Well, sometimes what they don't say is just as important as what they do.

Let me guess--
her references were positive but vague, not glowing, but not negative, either?


Pretty much.

The kids Kelly takes care of have a lot of accidents.

Accidents? Like what?

Like the little girl who almost drowned in the bathtub.

Kelly left her alone?

What I heard was, Kelly claimed that she'd let the water out of the tub, and didn't know the little girl went back in the bathroom.

That's the kind of story you hear a lot when Kelly's name comes up.

I also heard one of her kids actually fell out a window--

while she was supposed to be watching him.

How does that happen?

[Kids yelling]

Eww. Aiden.

Come on. Don't play with that.

That's what Kelly smelled like.

She smelled like beer?


So you think she's been drunk on the job?

It would explain how a kid could fall out a window while she was watching him.

Oh, my God. Is he ok?

I don't know.

I don't even know if it's true.

For all I know, it's just grist for the nanny rumor mill.

But if it were that, why isn't the ghost saying so?

All right. We gotta get a handle on this.

You know, I finally heard back from one of her references, this guy Gil Bradley.

He said that he could sit down and talk with me and Jim.

It's been a while since Kelly worked for us.

I'm sure she has some more recent references.

Oh, she does. Have a seat.

We're just careful when it comes to nannies.

I understand.

Um...Did you feel safe leaving your child with Kelly?

I work in an E.R., so I'm, uh, I don't know, I'm a little too sensitive about safety. You know, I've seen a lot of household accidents, stuff like that.

Are you asking if my kid was ever hurt in her care?


Oh, no, no, never. No, never.

Is that your wife?

My wife.


Her name was Laura.

She died almost
2 years ago.

I'm so sorry.

Was it sudden?

She'd been ill.

That's actually why we hired Kelly, so she could help out with Emily when Laura got sick.

Um, I hope you don't--

I hope you don't mind me prying, but did they get along, your wife and Kelly?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, I think so.

To be honest, that whole time is kind of a big blur.

But Kelly, she helped us out a lot.

But you still let her go?

Yeah, after Laura died, I got a job that allowed me to telecommute so I could just stay at home and work and be here for Emily, you know. I'm the only parent she has left, so she needs me. But my decision didn't have anything to do with Kelly.

Dad, can I sleep over at Maya's?

Hey, sweetie.

This is Melinda and Jim, right? Jim.

And they're here to ask us about Kelly.

You remember Kelly, don't you?

Did you like having Kelly as your nanny?

She was my favorite nanny ever.

Ha ha. Well, she was your only nanny ever, right?

Ok, I'll tell you what, you can spend the night at Maya's if her mom says it's ok. All right?

[Telephone rings]
That's her! She said she was going to call!

Ok, all right. Excuse me.


Oh. Oh.


Did you just see something?

A child's hand being burned on a stove.

Was it Emily's? I think so.

Did you see her reaction when we said Kelly's name?

[Sighs] How could Kelly hurt her?

Could she be that bad?

She's a monster!


Hey. How did the night shift go?

Ugh, long and dark.

How was your night? Same.

I kept thinking about that girl and her dad.

You know, if the ghost is telling the truth...

Yeah. God, I know what you mean.

Could you imagine?

Your wife is dying, and the person you bring in to help ends up hurting your kids.

It's just...

Mel, I am so sorry I brought Kelly into this house.

No. It wasn't you. I liked her, too.

I guess we have our ghost to thank for warning us about her.

Maybe that's why Laura stuck around, to protect other kids from Kelly.

You know, did you get a chance to look at her autopsy report last night? No, I didn't.

But I got a friend working in records who said that he would pull the file.

I just want to know how she died.

You know, Gil said that she was sick and that he didn't want to talk about it.

Well, I can see why.

She died of an overdose.

Alcohol and barbiturates.

Was it su1c1de?

No, it was ruled accidental.

She also had cirrhosis of the liver.

So her illness was alcoholism. Yeah.


[Baby babbling]



No! No! Ok, it's going to be ok!

No! Stop! Stop!

Stop! Stop!

Help! Ugh! Stop!

Oh, my God! Stop! Stop!

Oh, my God! No, no! Please! My baby!

No! Oh! Whoa!

[Tires squealing]

Oh! [Screams]

What was that?

[Baby crying]
Oh, my God! Kelly!

What the hell is wrong with you?!

I'm so sorry!

Why didn't you put it into park?

I did! It must have slipped out of gear!

The engine is still running!

Hey, what happened?

You all right? Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.

Are you drunk?

Is that it? No, no!

I just tried to get Maddy out of the back seat, and it started rolling! I'm--

I'm so sor--

Hey, are you ok? Shut the van off, all right?

We can get it out of the road.

Sarah, you all right? I think it's ok.

Hush. You're ok.

It's ok. You're ok. She's ok.

You were right about her. Why didn't I see it?

What do you mean?

I started worrying after you came over.

Remember, the other day?

I remember.

So I re-checked all of her references.

You know what one of them told me?

They fired her because liquor was going missing from their alcohol cabinet.

Are you sure? Mm-Hmm.

Sarah, please! I'm so sorry!

I don't know what happened.

I don't want you anywhere near my children ever again.

Get out!


Thank you for trying to warn me about her.

Something is not right about this whole thing.

It all seems a little too open and shut to me.

Right? Yeah.

I mean, the ghost was an alcoholic, and now that's what Kelly is being accused of?

Yeah, and Aiden said at the playground that he smelled beer on Kelly. But you didn't, right?

No. I didn't smell anything.

But you know what? Maybe he's picking up on what the ghost wants us to believe.

Yeah. What about your vision?

Well, I didn't actually see Kelly burn Emily's hand, but if she was a good nanny, why would the kid get all squirrelly when I mentioned her name?

Yeah, but if she was a good nanny, why is the ghost working overtime to make her look bad?

I don't know.


[Knock on door]


I know I should have called first, but I just wanted to come by and make sure you're ok.

I'm ok.

A little freaked out about what happened with Kelly at the Davidson's.

Do you--

do you know them?

Is there something that you want to tell me about Laura or Kelly?

Is...That maybe why you're here?

I just want you to know that I value what it symbolizes, and I care about you.

And I'll stand by you now no matter what.

What do you mean?

We made vows.

He said that he would stand by me no matter what.

It was so real, I thought that Gil had actually come to talk to me.

So you didn't know you were having a vision?

Not until I looked down and realized it wasn't my arm.

When you saw the tattoo.

Yeah. That's when I knew that it was a moment between the ghost and her husband.

Wow. That must have been disorienting.

I mean, you know, even more disorienting than a so-called normal vision.

Yeah. It was.

Do you think it meant something?

Ooh. So is this what the tats look like?

Yeah. Just like that. What is it?

It's an ancient symbol called a triquetra.

It symbolizes commitment and unity.

Ok, so why would I need to know that they had commitment tattoos?

I don't know, maybe it had something to do with her addiction, like their commitment to overcoming it.

Could be.

I mean, she did say that he promised to stand by her, but the way that she said it made it sound like he had broken his promise.

Well, maybe he did.

Maybe she couldn't stop drinking, and he didn't want to just watch her k*ll herself.

Ok. So you think he wanted out?


Kelly Ferguson?


I'm Kelly Ferguson.

I don't know what Melinda's told you about me, but it's probably not true.

Ok. You can calm down.

I know what happened with Aiden was scary, but it was an accident.

How could you poison Sarah Davidson against me?

Look, I don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard a lot of accusations.

What accusations?

Well, first, that a little boy fell out of a window.

How did you even know about that?

So it's true.

I don't know who opened that window.

Why weren't you watching him?

I was.

I just turned my back for a second, and I could have sworn I closed that window.

I'm really good about that kind of thing.

But Luke had climbed out onto the windowsill, and fell.

Luckily, it was a ground floor window, and he fell maybe 2 feet.

So he wasn't hurt. A scraped knee.

That's it.

Look, I know it sounds bad, and I don't know why these accidents keep happening.

But I would never, ever hurt a child.

Look, I--I know that this is going to sound strange, but I have this gift...

That I have to wrap right away, because the customer's going to be here any minute, so I'm really sorry that you're having a hard time.

Yeah, ok. I-- I'm sorry to bother you.

[Bell dings]

Now we know why the ghost wanted you to see the tattoo.


'Cause it wasn't Gil and Laura.

It was Gil and Kelly.

They were having an affair.

[Children shouting]

All right, hit it, Emily. Come on, hit it.

Why am I watching a child attack a piƱata?

That's not just any child.

That's Emily Bradley at her sixth birthday party, 3 years ago, before Kelly went to work for her.

Where'd you get it?

I got the link from Blanca from the nanny mafia.

She was the Freeman's nanny whose daughter--

yeah, ok, got it.

You notice anything unusual?

Hmm, for an alcoholic, she puts up a good front.

Mm-Hmm. Unless the drinking came later, after nanny dearest entered the picture.

See, she and hubby got a little too cozy, and the wife starts tossing back Martinis.

Ugh, I feel for her, but at some point, she's gonna have to own up to her addictions so she can cross into the light.

Amen, hallelujah.

Laura: I love you, too. Hold on.

Go back a bit.

Make it louder. Too far.

Missed it.

I love you, mommy.

I love you, too.

What do you see? It's not what I see, it's what I hear. Listen.

Muah! Happy Birthday. I can't believe you're 6!

Laura's voice. It's clear, not raspy like the ghost.

Well, she ODed, right?

I mean, maybe they pumped her stomach and stuck one of those tube thingies down her throat.

No, she was dead on arrival.

I just wonder if there's anything in her autopsy report that could explain it.

Jim: Ok. Baker, Bloom, Bohen, Bradley.

Come to papa.

[Door opens]


Jim! Ah.

Dr. Boyd. Can I help you with something?

You know, you were just the person I was looking for.

I've got this new patient that I'm having trouble getting through to, because he's a severe alcoholic, and--

you thought the sight of a diseased liver might scare him into rehab.


Treating the patient, not just the disease.

That's old school.

I like it.


Melinda: An irritated esophagus.

That definitely explains the raspy voice.

But how can an overdose cause it?

Well, she could have aspirated on her own vomit.

Uh, drowned on it.

Ugh, sorry I asked.

Yeah, well, her nasal passages were also badly inflamed, but I can't see a direct cause for it.

Well, it's a start. Now I just have to convince Aiden to get off his computer and ready for his bath.

Wish me luck.

Aiden, bath time.

I'm right here, mommy.


[Coughing continues]

[Gasping and coughing]


When chloramine gas touches the water in your eyes and nose, it burns.

The burning spreads down your throat.

Then you can't breathe.

If somebody doesn't come soon, you'll die.

Nanny says nighty night.

Sleep tight.





Is it time for my bath?

In a minute.

You gave me this vision, didn't you?

You were poisoned. Is that what happened?

She wanted my husband all to herself.

There were these really awful fumes, making it hard to breathe.

I was coughing. My eyes were watering.

Sounds like acute respiratory distress.

Well, there was definitely something distressing about it to me, and Aiden, he said something about chloramine.

Wow. That's normal for a 5-year-old.

You said you saw cleaning products where you were.

Now, if you mix ammonia and bleach, they create chlorine gas.

Ok, so what is chloramine?

Well, it's poisonous, for one thing, especially in an enclosed space.

If she breathed that in, that would explain the damage to her esophagus and nasal passages.

And what about the ghost's raspy voice?

I mean, is that what k*lled her, or was it the overdose?

It could have been both. But, I mean, if she was drunk, then breathing in the gas would have made it even worse, 'cause her central nervous system's already depressed.

Right. Before I passed out, Aiden said, "nanny says nighty night."

You think she k*lled her?

Well, the ghost seems to think so, and if Gil and Kelly were having an affair, maybe they both had a hand in it.

Well, why aren't they together now?

It's been 2 years since she died, more than enough time to keep up appearances.

So do you think there's anything in here that could prove Laura was m*rder*d?

No, I don't think so.

I mean, the painkillers and the booze are in the tox screen, you can see that, but chloramine gas is basically undetectable.

Gil: You're making a big mistake.

All I know is I can't stay in Grandview anymore.

People are talking about me, saying terrible things.


Because no one knows anything.

They don't know anything.

There's this woman, Melinda.

She's been asking around about me.


I talked to her. She came by here with her husband.

I thought they were looking to hire you.

She's not gonna stop until she gets what she's looking for.

Listen, the worst thing you can do right now is leave, ok?

It'll just raise more questions.

And think about Emily. She's got school and friends, and she's got a life here.

I don't want to uproot her.

You know, she's been through enough already.

And we've made it this far without anybody finding out about us.

Let's just keep it that way.



Melinda: [Sighs]
It's from the medical file Jim found.

Delia: I don't get it. This is the same as Kelly's tattoo.

Didn't you say in your vision that Gil had one, too?

Yeah. All 3 of them have it.

Why would they all have the same tattoo?

Were they swingers?

Not quite. But I did realize something when I looked through Laura's files.

She was from Beldon.

Why does that name sound so familiar to me?

You probably saw it on every tabloid talk show.

There have been multiple raids on polygamous sects in the region.

He was married to both of them.

Sure seems that way.

Although if they're all married to each other, then he wasn't actually cheating on Laura.

Well, no, I mean, you could be married, but there still could be some jealousy.

But if so, why was she only haunting Kelly?

Why not go after Gil as well?

They'll both pay for their betrayal.

How did they betray you?

She's gone. But she's threatening them both.

I mean, I have to warn them.

I have no idea where Kelly lives.

Maybe you could start with Gil.

Yeah, on my way.

I am getting a really bad headache.

Do you smell that?

Oh, yeah. What is that?

Is it a gas leak?

It's not the oven. Ah, here we go, we got a little spill here.

Oh. Well, I'll get some towels. Can you open the window?

Yeah, yeah.



Ugh! What the--

well, that's weird.

What's weird?

[Coughs] The more I soak it up, the more it spreads.


Why is it stuck? What the hell?

Can you get some more towels?

Did you say something?

More towels! Hey, hey, hey.

Forget it, forget it, forget it. Come on. Come on.

Let it go. We're getting out of here. Come on!


I'm gonna get the door.

What is going on?

The door's locked!

It's locked from the outside!

[Coughing continues]
Hang on.

Hang on!

I don't get it! It's like we're trapped!

[Both coughing]

Kelly. Kelly!

Hang on. Hang on, honey.

Hang on. Just breathe.

Hang on.

Kelly. Kelly. Kelly! Hey, don't close your eyes!

Kelly! [Coughing]




[Coughing continues]



[Dial tone]


Eli, on voicemail: You're reached Professor Eli James.

Please leave me a message.

Eli, it's Melinda. Listen, uh, I'm at the Bradley's. I'm by myself, and I'm starting to just get a little freaked out.

Oh, the door's open, and nobody's home.

[Sighs] I don't--

I don't have a good feeling about this one.

Can you meet me over here?


[Dials 911]

Operator: 911. Yes, hello? Hello?!

Hello, yes, I need an ambulance right away, please, at 5426 cravens. There are two people locked inside a guest house, and they are not moving! Is there an intruder?

No, not that I'm aware of, but please!

Can you send someone over here right away?



What's happening?

You're dying.

How's it feel?



Eli: Melinda, where are you?

Over here!


[Eli grunts]
She's not breathing!

The ambulance is on its way. All right. Come on, Kelly!

Come on. Kelly, you can do this!

She's not breathing! Come on! Come on!

She's not breathing!

Kelly... Kelly, fight it!

Come on, fight it, Kelly!

Fight it, fight it!
[Gil coughing]


Fight, Kelly, fight!




I saw her!

I know. It's ok. It's going to be ok.

She thinks I k*lled her.

Shh, shh.

Paramedics are on their way.

Shh. It's ok.

[Monitor beeping]

So Laura's the one who caused all those accidents with the kids I was looking after?

I don't think she meant to thr*aten any children.

She just wanted to punish you.

But then why hurt Gil? He could have died.

She saw you two together, thought you wanted her gone.

Laura died of an overdose. It was an accident.

Wasn't just dr*gs and alcohol that k*lled her.

She was poisoned, by ammonia and bleach mixed together.

I don't understand.

One of you must have been cleaning.

Oh, my God.

I remember the day she missed Emily's soccer game.

Where's mom?

She was supposed to be at my game. She was?

She promised!

And she was supposed to drive us home.

Emily, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

It's all right.

I wish you were my mother.

No, sweetheart, you don't.

Let me go tell your mom you're home.

Maybe she's feeling better today.



[Gasps] Oh!

I found her passed out upstairs in the bathroom.

It wasn't the first time she'd gotten sick and tried to cover it up.


And I helped her.

Here we go.

I put her down just outside the bathroom.

I'm gonna go check on Emily.

I didn't know I was closing her in with the fumes.

I didn't realize... I never knew.

Yeah. You played a bigger role in that family than just taking care of Emily.

What do you mean?

I saw your tattoo.

Gil and Laura have them, too.

What was going on between the 3 of you?

Gil: I'm not sure you can understand, if you didn't grow up where we did.

The way we did.

Yeah? Try me.

I knew Gil and Laura since I was a kid.

I saw them fall in love.

I--I saw them get away.

She means from the town that we grew up in, the way our families were.

Polygamy. Is that what you wanted?

Is that why Laura was so unhappy?

You mean, is that why Laura drank?

Well, I'm sorry to say this, but...

It was the other way around.

Laura nearly broke her back in a skiing accident, and she healed miraculously, but she had constant pain.

And she got hooked on the medication.

When I found out that she was still taking the pills months after the injury, she agreed to stop.

But the pain just never went away.


She couldn't stop.


Although she tried.

I can't tell you how hard she tried.

She needed help. And so did I.

And that's when Kelly came into our lives.

My mom had come to visit.

She could see what was happening.

She thought she could help us all.

And that's why she brought Kelly.

I was supposed to marry someone.

He had 2 wives already.

So when the chance to live in a normal family came up, I took it.

Yeah, but then you just became Gil's second wife, so how is that any different?

I mean, did you even love him?

I loved both of them, but not in the way you're implying.

You made a commitment to her. I saw the tattoos.

Right. Well, at first, those were just a symbol to convince Kelly's family that she hadn't turned her back on their faith.

And then, a strange thing happened.

We fell back on what we knew.

And not in any romantic sense, but...There was a union there, and we were all part of it.

They're lying.

Yes, I did drink.

And my death may have been an accident, but they both wanted me gone.

How did they lie?

Is she here?

She's angry.

I saw them.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and I heard voices, and I went downstairs.

[Gil speaking indistinctly]

And I heard you whispering.

Ok. Laura can't know.

Laura: I couldn't tell what they were saying, but they were very close.

She saw you two together one night.

She heard you whispering.

Oh. I know exactly the night she's talking about, 'cause there was only one.

It's a 3-month detox program.

The clinic said the intervention has got to really catch her off guard, you know.

I can't lose her, and I am.

I'm losing her.


Laura can't know.

I'm here for you and Laura, whatever help you need.

Melinda: So you were--

you were both just trying to help her.

Yeah. I loved Laura.

I always did.

And nothing she could do would ever change that.

Laura: I didn't know.

I didn't realize.

He never gave up on me.


And Kelly, she was just trying to help you.

But I didn't. I just made it easier for her to keep drinking.

No, that's not true.

You took care of my child and my home, and you were there for my husband when he needed you.

And for that, I tortured you.

I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you.

She's very grateful for what you did, and she wishes that there was some way she could make it up to you.


She already did.

Laura and Gil both did.

They showed me what was possible.

What do you mean?

It wasn't that I didn't question the way we were raised.

We know most people don't live like that.

But marriage, I understood how sometimes it takes more than 2 people to make a family work, to survive.

But I always wondered where the love was in that equation.

And I'd never seen it.

Never really seen love like that between 2 people, until I spent time with Gil and Laura.

So now why would I want anything less?

Even if it means turning my back on what I know, I'm not scared anymore.

Neither am I.


Tell my little girl that I love her, and that I'm sorry.

And tell her that I want Kelly to be a part of her life.

She's family.

She wants you to tell Emily that she loves her.

And she wants you to be a part of Emily's life.

I will.

I promise.


You're the only one.

I know.

She's gone.


Thank you.

Jim: I'm coming!

I'll be right there, hang on.

Hello. Ooh!

Gosh, don't you look handsome?

What, did you think I was going to forget about our rain check date night?

No. That would be me who spaced.

What do you think--
gourmet meal, first rate movie with state-of-the-art seating, and an irresistible companion tonight.

It sounds... Irresistible.

But I'm exhausted.

And I was just hoping to do something low-key, you know, where we didn't have to leave the house.

Well, who said anything about leaving the house?

[Rings bell]

Dinner is served.


Come on, buddy.

Your first course--
salad and a jell-o cup.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, hey! Whoa.

Let me get that for you there.

Thank you, cowboy.

Madame. Thank you.

Ranch or bleu cheese?

Daddy likes bleu cheese, but it's stinky.

Well, thank you for the recommendation.

I'm going to take ranch.


Daddy washed the lettuce, and I spun it dry, and I added the goldfish.

Well, it's the best salad I've ever seen.

You're just saying that. No!

I'm not. I'm not.

The salad and the two of you, it's...

The best ever.

Come on. Ladies first.

Ok, let's try the salad.

I like the goldfish! The goldfish!

